Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product MA-600-1 van de fabrikant Toshiba
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TEC Electronic Cash Register MA-600-1 SERIES Ow ner's Manual.
Copyright © 2006 by TOSHIBA T EC CORPORATI O N All Rights Reserved 570 Ohito, Izunokuni-shi , Shizuoka-ken, J APAN FCC Notice This equipm ent has been test ed and f ound to com ply with the limits f or a Class B dig ital device, pursuant to Par t 15 of t he FCC Rules.
Safet y Summ a r y EO1-11155 (i) Safety Summary Personal safety in handling or maintaining the equipm ent is extrem ely im portant. Warnings and Cautions necessary for safe handling are included in this manual. All warnings and cautions contained in this m anual should be read and understood before handling or m aintaining the equipm ent.
Safet y Summ a r y EO1-11155 (ii) If foreign objects (metal fra gments , water, liquids ) enter the m achines, fi rst turn off the powe r switc hes and disc onnect the pow er cord plugs from the outlet, and then c ontact y our autho rized TOSHIBA TEC representat ive for assistance.
EO1-11155 MA-600-1 SERIE S TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. TO OUR CUS TOMERS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1- 1 2. A CCESSORI ES ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1- 1 3.
EO1-11155 MA-600-1 SERIE S Page 11.16 Fina lizi ng a Sale-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11-17 11.17 Multi-T endering --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11- 18 11.
1. TO OUR CUST OMERS EO1-11155 1. TO OUR CUST O MERS 1- 1 1. TO OUR CUSTOMERS Thank you for choosing the T EC electronic cash regis ter MA-600 series . This instruct ion manual pr ovides a description of the func tions and handling of this ECR and should be read c arefully to ensure optim um perfor manc e.
3. AP P E AR AN C E AN D N O M E N C L AT U R E E O1-11155 3. APPEARANC E AND NOM ENCLATU RE 3- 1 3. A PPEA RA NCE A ND NOMENCLA TURE Receipt Cov er and Journal Cov er The Rec eipt Cover is provided f or the rec eipt paper holder and the rec eipt printer.
4. MO DE LOCK AND MODE SELECTOR KEYS EO1-11155 4.1 Mode Lock 4- 1 4. MODE LOCK A ND MODE SELECTOR KEYS 4.1 Mode Lock 4.2 M ode Selector Key s REG Key: The REG ke y is use d b y the cash ier or cler k who o perates the ECR. This key can access the positions of LOCK and REG of the Mode Lock .
5. DISPL AY EO1-11155 5. DISPLAY 5- 1 5. DISPLA Y The operator display is located at the top of the ECR jus t above the keyboard. OPERATOR DISPLAY (Front Display) LCD display 10-digit 7-segm ent Numeric di splay The c ustomer display ca n be moved hor izonta ll y, and thus is full y adjustabl e acc ording to the p osition of the customer.
5. DISPL AY EO1-11155 5.1 LCD Disp l ay 5- 2 5.1 LCD Display The LCD disp la y a dopts 192 x 64 dot LCD d isplay tub es and disp lays de partment nam e, PLU nam e, item count, transactio n name, error m essage, and so on . Numbers of digits and lines to be requ ired var y dependi ng on the status of the mode loc k.
5. DISPL AY EO1-11155 5.1 LCD Disp l ay 5- 3 ERROR MESSAG E TABLE Error Message (Standard Setti ng) Cause of the Error Canceling the Error CASHING PROHI B IT Check c as hing prohibiti on error The depressed k ey has been programm ed with the status of no-purchas e c ashing prohibi t ion.
5. DISPL AY EO1-11155 5.2 10-digit 7-s egment Num eric Di s play 5- 4 ERROR MESSAG E TABLE ( continued ) Error Message (Standard Setti ng) Cause of the Error Canceling the Error SH_TEND PROHI B I T The depres sed key has been program m ed with the stat us of s hort -tendering prohibit ion.
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6. OUTL INE OF PREPARATION PROCE DURE BEFORE OPE RATING T HE E CR 6- 1 6. OUTLINE OF PREP ARATION PROCEDURE BEFORE OPERA TING THE ECR This chapter shows the outline of set-up proc edure of the ECR bef ore actually starting the register operation.
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 2 6.1 Installing/Re placing the Receipt/Journal Roll WARNING ! 1. Never touch the print head and around it just after printing.
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 3 Installing/Replacing the Receipt Roll 1. Push the r elease button and open the receipt c over. 2. Remove th e rem aining pap er rol l or p aper core f rom the receipt pa per holder.
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 4 5. Fully close the rece ipt cover until it clic ks . 6. Pr ess and hold t he [RF] key for a few seconds and mak e sure that the receip t paper is f ed correc tly.
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 5 W hen the journal r oll is install ed for the f irst tim .
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 6 4. W hen insta lling the j ournal r oll for the f irst t ime, go to Step 5. W hen replacing the journa l roll, rem ove the paper core f rom the journal paper holder .
6. OUT LINE OF PREP ARATION PROC EDUR E BEF ORE O PER ATING T HE EC R EO1-11155 6.1 Inst alling/ Repl ac ing the Rec ei pt / Journal Roll 6- 7 8. Inser t t he pa per end into t h e s l it of th e t ak e-up r ee l and wind it around the reel twice or three tim es.
7. KE YBOARD LA YOUT EO1-11155 7. KEYBOARD LAYOUT 7- 1 7. KEYBOA RD LA YOUT The f ollowing are ty pical k eyboard lay outs for the MA-600-US ser ies. Since this s eries is des igned to be capable of progr amm ing m ost of the keys to be placed in the desir ed place on the k ey board, these ar e m erely examples.
7. KE YBOARD LA YOUT EO1-11155 7. KEYBOARD LAYOUT 7- 2 -- Flat T ype Key board ( US Standard) -- 1 8 15 22 29 36 43 50 1 8 LOG RECEIPT VOID ITEM CORR ALL VOID RF JF EX RTN MDSE R/A PO 2 9 16 23 30 37 44 51 2 9 RECEIPT ISSUE TX/M ↑ ↓ ← → Chg NS 3 10 17 24 31 38 45 52 3 10 %- C @/FOR Rtn Enter 4 11 18 25 32 39 46 53 4 11 # 7 8 9 $5.
8. FUNCTIONS OF E ACH KEY EO1-11155 8. FUNCTI ONS OF EACH KEY 8- 1 8. FUNCTIONS OF EA CH KEY This section br iefl y describes functions of e ach k ey for your quick ref erence pur poses. See t he ref erence p ages in Section 11. REGIST ERING PROCEDURE AND PRINT FORMAT for detail operation sequenc es.
8. FUNCTIONS OF E ACH KEY EO1-11155 8. FUNCTI ONS OF EACH KEY 8- 2 Key Functions Reference page Amount Key Used to enter a m anual am ount of PLU item . And also us ed to enter an am ount or price f or an open departm ent when the departm ent is acc essed by the [DP #] key .
8. FUNCTIONS OF E ACH KEY EO1-11155 8. FUNCTI ONS OF EACH KEY 8- 3 Key Functions Reference page Subtotal Key Used to obtain subtotal of the current trans action. 11-16 Cash Amount Tendered/Ca sh Total Key Used to recor d all cash paid tr ansactions, and will be able to f inalize a sale operation.
8. FUNCTIONS OF E ACH KEY EO1-11155 8. FUNCTI ONS OF EACH KEY 8- 4 Key Functions Reference page to Foreign Curren cy Keys Used in tendering or ex change with foreign cur rencies. 11-26, 11-27 to Cashier 1 t o Cashier 8 Keys Used to declare s tart or end of norm al operation by cashier (instead of using [LOG/RECEIPT] (or [LOG] ) k ey ).
9. CA SHIER SI GNING OR CA SHIER KEY OPE RATIONS EO1-11155 9.1 Cashier Code E ntry 9- 1 9. CA SHIER SIGNING OR CA SHIER KEY OPERA TIONS 9.1 Cashier Code Entry Each cas hier will sign-ON or sign-OFF through the [LOG/RECEIPT] (or [LOG] ) key .
9. CA SHIER SI GNING OR CA SHIER KEY OPE RATIONS EO1-11155 9.3 Training Mode Start and End 9- 2 9.3 Tr ai ning M ode Start and End W hen you have n ewly em plo yed cashiers , you may prov ide som e tim e for them to train t heir s kills of operatin g the ECR.
9. CA SHIER SI GNING OR CA SHIER KEY OPE RATIONS EO1-11155 9.3 Training Mode Start and End 9- 3 NOTES: 1. In the tr aining mode, a cashier who has been programmed with training s tatus in the cas hier code and name programming is allowed to per form the operation.
10. D AILY OPER A T ION F LOW EO1-11155 10. DAIL Y OPERATION FLOW 10- 1 10. DA ILY OPERA TION FLOW The f ollowing shows a ty pical daily operation flow on the ECR. Before Opening the Store ... • Ensure that the ECR is firm ly plugged in the wall outlet.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11. REGIS TERING P ROCE DURE AND PRI NT F O RMAT 11- 1 11. REGISTERING PROCEDURE A ND PRINT FORMA T WARNING ! When opening the cash dr aw er, be care f ul not t o let the draw er hit any person.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.1 No-Sale 11- 2 CO N DI TI O N S ETTI NG TO S TART SA LE ENTR IE S Mode Lock: Insert the REG k ey and set it to the REG position. Cashier Sign-O N or Cashier Key to ON stat us: If the [LOG/RECEIPT] (or [LOG] ) k ey is ins talled, y ou m ust s ign-ON.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.2 Receipt -Iss ue/ Non-Iss ue S elect i on 11- 3 11.2 Receipt-Issue/N on-Issue Selection Receipts are is sued or not iss ued accor ding to the “R OFF ” lam p illum inated/extinguished status on the Operator Display panel.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.3 Receipt Post -I ssue 11- 4 11.3 Receipt Post-Issue After f inalizing a sale, the [RECEIPT ISSUE] k ey depression leads to an iss uance of an item ized receipt f or previous entry. Post-issue r eceipt is is sued only once.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.4 Departm ent Ent ry 11- 5 11.4 Department Entry Each departm ent is pre- program m ed as the “PRESET ” type (with a price program m ed) or “O PEN” type (with no price progr amm ed) .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.5 PLU En t ry 11- 6 11.5 PLU Entry Each PLU is prepr ogram m ed as the “PRESET ” type (with a price preset) or “O PEN” type (with no price preset). Perfor m oper ation depending on the ty pe selec ted.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.6 Quantit y E xtension (Multipl i c ation ) fo r DE P TS/P LUs 11- 7 11.6 Quantity Extension (M ulti plication ) for DEPTS/PLUs (1) Depart.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.6 Quantit y E xtension (Multipl i c ation ) fo r DE P TS/P LUs 11- 8 (2) PLU Multiplic ation Open PLU Type -- Receipt Pr int Form at -- .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.7 Repeat Ent ry 11- 9 11.7 Repeat Entry To repeat the s am e item of the last entry, simply depress the last k ey of the departm ent or PLU entry sequence or depress the [RPT] key .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.7 Repeat Ent ry 11-10 (2) PLU Repeat Open PLU Type -- Receipt Pr int Form at -- • |Open-PLU Code | [PLU] |Pr i ce | [A MT ] [A MT ] (or .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.8 Singl e-I t em Depart ment or S ingle-It em P LU E ntry 11-11 11.8 Single-Item Department or Single-Item PLU Entry If a departm ent (or .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.10 Split Pack age P ricing 11-12 11.10 Split Package Pricing (“Q’ty” = Quantity ... in the patterns lis ted below) This operation is used f or entering individual item of whole package.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.10 Split Pack age P ricing 11-13 NOTES: 1. Purchased Q uantity ....................... max.3 digits integral only Whole Pac kage Quantity ............... max .3 digits integral only Whole Pac kage Pric e .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.11 Item Correct 11-14 11.11 Item Correct The Item Corr ect operation is us ed for deleting an item which was jus t entered.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.12 Void 11-15 11.12 Void The Void operation is used to delete an item already entered before the last item within the curr ent sale. Such item s cannot be deleted by the [ITEM CORR] k ey any longer.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.14 Returned Merchandis e 11-16 11.14 Returned M erchandise The Returned Mer chandise operation is used f or returning an item which was once pur chased.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.16 Finalizing a S al e 11-17 11.16 Finalizing a Sale 11.16.1 Cash Tender A tendered am ount entry is perform ed here.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.17 Multi-Tendering 11-18 11.17 M ulti-Tender ing Short-tendering r epeated multiple tim es by the sam e m edia (allowed only w hen the m edia k ey is pr ogram m ed to allow short-tendering).
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.19 Sale P ai d i n Forei gn Currenc ies 11-19 11.19 Sale Paid in Foreign Currencies - - - [ST ] [CUR1] Amount T endered in ( [CUR1] ) Foreign Currency [A T/TL] NOTES: 1.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.20 Food Stam pable Total Read, Food S tam p Tenderi ng 11-20 11.20 Food Stampable Total Read, Food Stamp Tender ing - - - [FS TL TE ND] |Food Stamp T endered Am ount | [FS TL TEN D] - - - .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.22 Taxable Total (Sale Total W ith Taxes) Read 11-21 11.22 Taxable Total (Sale Total With Taxes) Read - - - [TXBL TL] - - - 11.23 Tax Exemption Selective T ax Exemption Exam ples) [TX1/M] [EX] Sale Finalization .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.26 Received-on-A c count 11-22 11.26 Received-on-A ccount A received-on- account trans action is us ed to identify money w hich is in the drawer but not relating to a sale. |Amount of Payment | [R/A ] ( [ST] ) |Cash Amount T endered | [A T/TL] Max .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.28 Dollar Dis count 11-23 11.28 Doll ar Di scount - - - Dept or PLU item entr y (f or discount f rom an individual item ) |Amount | [DOLL .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.30 Store Coupon 11-24 7. You can select the rounding proc ess of the frac tions of the product (result of % c alculation) from ROUND OFF (initial setting), RO UND UP, and ROUND DOW N. (Ask your TOSHIBA TEC representative.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.32 List ing Capacit y Open 11-25 11.32 Listing Capacity Open For Departm ents and PLUs Depress [ OPEN] (or [LC OPEN] ) prior to or any tim e during an entry of an open-departm ent, open-PLU, or preset-open depar tment or PLU sequence (inc luding REPEAT and QU ANTIT Y EXTENSION entr ies).
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.34 Check Cas hing (No-sale c ashing of a non-c ash m edia) 11-26 11.34 Check Cashing (No-sale cashing of a non-cash media) This operation is perf orm ed when a check is changed with cas h. (Must be operated outs ide a sale) |Check Am ount to be Cashed | [CHECK TEND] .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.36 No-Sale E xchange f rom Dom es tic Currenc y to Foreign Currenc y 11-27 11.36 No-Sale Exchange from Dom estic Currency to Forei gn Cur rency (Must be operated outs ide a sale) |Amount of Dom estic Currency to be exchanged | [CUR 1] [NS] .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.38 PLU Pri c e Shif t Entry ([ 1s t PRI CE], [ 2nd P RICE] , [3rd PRI CE ] Keys) 11-28 11.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.39 Charge Post ing: Previ ous Balanc e Manual E nt ry Type 11-29 11.39 Charge Posting: Previous Bal ance M anual Entr y Ty pe (1) To initiate char ge posting for a new custom er 0 [PB+ ] (or [PB-] ) Follow the line mark ed with “*” in Operation 2 below.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.39 Charge Post ing: Previ ous Balanc e Manual E nt ry Type 11-30 Charge Posting Oper ation Sam ple (Previous Balanc e Manual Entry Ty pe) OPERATION CONTENTS KEY OPERATIO N DISPLA Y ( Lower Row) To open a new custom er ac count: Sale Items : $3.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.40 Consignm ent P rint 11-31 11.40 Consignment Print Imm ediately after perf orm ing the Departm ent/PLU entry or finalizing a sale, the [CONSIGNMENT] key depression leads to an issuance of a receipt only for the entry or sale finalization just per form ed.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-32 11.42 Sale Final i zation by Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT) Sale transaction by the various cards such as credit car d is exec uted via the EFT ter minal.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-33 (2) DEBIT Authorization K ey Op erati on LCD D ispl ay Sale Entry ( [TXB.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-34 NOTES: 1. At tender ing in Foreign Curr ency, the EFT media cannot be used. 2. Rec eipt post-Is sue operation after finalizing a sale by the EF T is unavailable.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-35 (5) Of f Line Author ization W hen the EFT system is in tro uble and down, t he EF T c an be f inali zed on th e ECR .
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-36 -- Flat Keyboar d Type -- C # 7 8 9 Q W E R T Y U I O P 4 5 6 A S D F G H J K L 1 2 3 Z X C V B N M 0 (6) Store Receipt This operation is used f or m anually issuing the store re ceipt.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-37 (7) Cashing Author ization Cashing operation with a Debit card or EBT cas h card is per form ed here.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-38 • Manual Entry (only f or [EBT CASH] ke y ) [MANUA L CARD#] (| Tender ed Amount |) [EBT CA SH] |Card No. | [#] (|Expiration Date |) [#] NOTES: 1.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-39 (8) EBT CASH, EBT F/S Purc hase Purchase with an EBT cash ca rd or EBT food stam p c ard is perf orm ed here.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-40 • Manual Entry (when the [EBT CA SH] or [EBT F/S] k ey has been progr amm ed with the status “ taxable total payment”.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-41 (9) Check Authorization Sale finalization by a check via the EFT term inal is perfor med.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-42 • Manual Entry K ey Op erati on LCD D ispl ay Sale Entry ( [TXBL TL] ) [MANUA L CARD#] MA NUAL CD (Tender ed Amount) [CHECK TEND] ENT ACCT NUMBER |Account No.
11. REGISTERING PROCED URE AND PRINT FORMA T EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Finalization by El ectronic Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-43 NOTES: 1. It is possible to cancel this operation prior to the inquiry to the host (i.e. before the message “PROCESSING” is displayed).
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Final izat i on by E lectroni c Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-44 (10) Driver ’s License Author ization Sale finalization by a driver’s license via the EF T term inal is perfor m ed.
11. REGISTERING PROCED URE AND PRINT FORMA T EO1-11155 11.42 Sale Finalization by El ectronic Fund Transfer (EFT) 11-45 NOTES: 1. It is possible to cancel this operation prior to the inquiry to the host (i.e. before the message “PROCESSING” is displayed).
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.43 Rem ot e S lip Print er (hardware option) Operation 11-46 11.43 Remo te Slip Printer (h ardw are option) Oper ati on (1) The EPSO N Remote Slip Pr inter TM -U295 m ay be connected to the ECR as an optional device.
11. REGI STERING PRO CEDU RE AND PRI NT F ORM AT EO1-11155 11.44 W hen a Power Failure Oc c urs.. . 11-47 11.44 When a Pow er Failure Occu rs... If a power failur e occur s, all sales data s tored in the m em ory are automatically protected by the battery ins talled in the ECR.
12. JOURN AL AND RECEIPT PAPER-END DETECT OR EO1-11155 12. JOURNA L A ND RECEI P T PAPER-END D ETECTOR 12- 1 12. JOURNA L A ND RECEIPT PA PER-END DETECTOR (1) This detec ts when either the journal or receipt paper is com ing near the end. It is provided in or der to prom pt the operator to replac e the old paper roll with a new one.
13. PRINTER H EAD OPEN DET ECTOR EO1-11155 13. PRIN TER HEAD OPEN DETECTOR 13- 1 13. PRINTER HEA D OPEN DETECTOR (1) This detec ts the printer head open c ondition.
15. GENER A L M A INT ENANCE EO1-11155 15.1 Cleaning t he Covers 15- 1 15. GENERA L MA INTENA NCE WARNING ! 1. DO NOT POUR W ATER dir ect ly ont o the ECR, as t his m a y cause elect r ic shock or fire. 2. The Journal Take-up Motor becomes very hot w hile printing.
15. GENER A L M A INT ENANCE EO1-11155 15.5 Media Slot 15- 2 15.5 Media Slot The Media Slot provided at the f ront of the drawer is used to put non-c ash m edia such as check in the drawer without opening it. The non-cas h media put f rom this slot ar e kept under the Money Case, therefor e y ou can keep them in sec ret.
16. SPECIFICATIONS EO1-11155 16. SPECIFICATIONS 16- 1 16. SPECIFICATIONS ECR specifications Item Description Size 460 mm (width) x 437 mm (depth) x 299 mm (height) (height including rubber feet) Height when the customer display is fully raised: 359 mm Weight Approximately 14.
16. SPECIFIC ATIONS E O1-11155 16. SPECIFIC ATIONS 16- 2 Paper roll specificat ions (receipt and journal ro lls) Item Description Media Ther mal r oll paper W idth 58 +0/-1 m m Thic knes s 0.
EO1-11155 MA-600-1 SERIE S TA BLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. OPERATIONS IN “M GR” MODE ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1- 1 1.1 Items Pro grammed to R eq uir e Manager In terv entions ---------------------------------------- 1- 1 1.
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.1 Item s P rogram m ed to Require Manager Int ervent i ons 1- 1 1. OPERA TIONS IN “MGR” MODE This chapter desc ribes operatio ns to b e perf ormed in the “ MGR ” positio n of t he Mode Lock , which the manager can acc ess using the MGR or MA key .
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.1 Item s P rogram m ed to Require Manager Int ervent i ons 1- 2 The f ollowin g is the t abl e of the k eys and oper ati ons th at are pr ogr am m able wit h Mana ger Int er ve nti on.
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.2 Other Operati ons Required Manager Intervent i ons 1- 3 1.2 Other Oper ations Requir ed M anager I nter ventions Listing Capacity or Amount Lim it Release Amount Lim its m ay be progr amm ed on Departm ents/PLUs , Tender M edias, [D OLL DISC] , [V ND CPN ] , [STR CPN] .
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.3 Post Authorizat i on Operat ion 1- 4 NOTES: 1. Pressing the [C] k ey at this point will res tore the ECR to condition being ready for the [POST AUTH] key entry. 2. T raining cashier s are unac ceptable to the EFT terminal.
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.4 EBT F/ S Elec t ronic Vouc her Purchas e 1- 5 1.4 EBT F/S El ectronic Voucher Purchase In this o per at ion , a s al e e nt r y with E BT c ard is p er f orm ed o n t he of f - line ECR whe n th e n et work is do wn, then the sale transac tion is authorized after the network rec overy.
1. OPERATIONS IN “MGR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.4 EBT F/S Electronic Voucher Purchase 1- 6 • With Card Number Entry [MANUAL CARD#] [VOUCHER AUTH] |Card No. | [#] (|Expiration Date |) [#] 8 to19 digits Max. 4 digits; MM/YY (Omissible) |Sale Amount | [#] |Authorization Code | [#] |Voucher No.
1. OPER ATIONS IN “M GR” M ODE EO1-11155 1.5 EBT CA SH, EB T F/ S Balanc e I nquiry 1- 7 1.5 EBT CASH, EBT F/S Balance Inqui r y This operation is used f or inquiring the balance to the hos t.
2. OPER ATIONS IN “ - ” MO DE EO1-11155 2.1 Ordinary Operati on i n “ – “ Mode 2- 1 2. OPERA TIONS IN “ - ” MODE Instead of us ing the [RT N M DSE] or [VOID] key in the “ REG ” or .
2. OPER ATIONS IN “ - ” MO DE EO1-11155 2.2 Elec t ronic Fund Transf er (EFT) Operation in “ – “ Mode 2- 2 2.2 Electr onic Fund Transfer (EFT) Oper ation In “ - “ M ode (1) Voi d Credit S ale This operation is perf orm ed for canceling cr edit sale trans actions.
2. OPER ATIONS IN “ - ” MO DE EO1-11155 2.2 Elec t ronic Fund Transf er (EFT) Operation in “ – “ Mode 2- 3 (4) EBT F/S Re turn This operation is perf orm ed fo r canceling EBT F/S tr ansaction.
2. OPER ATIONS IN “ - ” MO DE EO1-11155 2.3 Prohibit ive Operations in “ – “ Mode 2- 4 • Manual Entry (when the [EBT F/S] key has been program med with the status “food s tamp payment”.) Sales Entry ( [FS TL TE ND] ) [MANUA L CARD#] | Sale Am ount | [EBT F/S] |Card No.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3. READ ( X) AN D RESET (Z) REPORTS 3- 1 3. REA D (X) A ND RESET (Z) REPORTS WARNING! When opening the c ash drawer, be c areful not to let the drawer hit any person. This chapter desc ribes how to issue X and Z reports and how to read issued rec eipts.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.1 Enabling Read (X) or Reset (Z) Mode 3- 2 3.1 Enabling Read (X) or Reset (Z) M ode The is suance of the read (X ) repor t or reset ( Z) report is selected f rom the cor responding m enu item whic h is displayed on the LCD display with the [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ] ke y .
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.1 Enabling Read (X) or Reset (Z) Mode 3- 3 Read/Reset M enu T able Report Name X Z GTX GTZ ALL DEPART MENT + F INANCIAL R EAD/RESET O O O O FINANCIAL READ.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.1 Enabling Read (X) or Reset (Z) Mode 3- 4 TABLE O F OPERAT IONS F OR X AN D Z REPOR TS Daily Reports Report Name M ode Lock Sample Page ALL DEPART MENT A.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3- 5 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 1. Daily Financ ial + All De partm ent Read/Rese t Report can be taken b y onl y depres sing the [A T/TL ] key jus t after the Mode Loc k is turned to the “ X ” or “ Z ” position.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3- 6 Financial Read or Reset (D aily or GT) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset When t he ECR is be ing out side a sale and in X mode, depr ess the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3- 7 (Financial Read or Reset) -- Continued -- Item Correct (on positive Depts/P LUs) Count & Amount Void Count &.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3- 8 A ll Department Read or Reset (Daily or GT) Reset Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is being o utside a sale and in Z mode, de press the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3- 9 Department Gross Profit Read (Daily or GT) (Read only) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read When t he ECR is be ing out side a sale and in X mode, depr ess the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-10 Hourly Range Read or Reset (D aily) Reset Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is be ing o utside a s ale and i n Z m ode, depress the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-11 A ll Media Sales Total and Cash-in- Draw er Read (Daily ) (Read only) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read W hen the ECR is being o utside a sa le and in X m ode, depres s the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-12 A ll Cashier Read or Reset ( Daily or GT) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is being o utside a sa le and in X m ode, depres s the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-13 Individual C ashier Read or Reset (Daily or GT) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is being o utside a sa le and in X m ode, depress the [1] or [Enter] ke y .
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-14 A ll PLU Read or Reset ( Daily ) Reset Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is be ing o utside a s ale and i n Z m ode, depress the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-15 Zone PLU Read or Reset (Daily ) Read Report Sample • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or read Z for reset W hen the ECR is being o utside a sa le and in X m ode, depres s the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-16 Money Declaration (to be operated when the “Cashier Key ” m ethod and the “Money Declaration” option have b.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-17 A Mone y Declaratio n recei pt is iss ued, printi ng the medi a am ounts declar ed and the tot al of all t he m edias declare d.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-18 EFT Media Log A report showing am ount and fr equency for each card is output. • Operation: Mode Lock : X f or EFT m edia log read Read Report Sample W hen the ECR is being o utside a sa le and in X m ode, depres s the [1] or [Enter] ke y.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-19 EFT Batch (1) Open Batch An open batch command is sent to the EFT termi nal to declare the use of the batch file.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-20 (2) Close Batc h A close batch c om mand is sent to the EFT term inal. Sales transac tion of the day is ended and a batch file is s ent to the host to m ak e a settlem ent.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-21 3. W hen a res ponse from the EFT terminal was not sent c orrectly (i.e. when a sales tr ansaction data was not correc t), an error message “RESPO NS NG” is shown on the LCD display.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-22 (4) Change Batch Num ber A close batch c om mand is sent to the EFT term inal. Sales transac tion of the day is ended and a batch file is s ent to the host to m ak e a settlem ent.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-23 (5) Local Batch Status A local batch status command is sent to the EFT termi nal and a response from the EFT terminal is printed out.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-24 (6) Local Transaction Inquiry A local transaction inquiry command is sent to the E FT terminal and a respo nse from the EFT terminal is printed out.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-25 (7) Local Transaction Report A local transaction report command is sent to the E FT terminal and a response from the EFT terminal is printed out.
3. READ (X) AND RESET (Z) REPORTS EO1-11155 3.2 General Notes On Report Takings 3-26 (8) Clear Current Batch A clear current batch command is sent to the EFT terminal and the data in the EFT report is cleared. This operation is performed for doing maintenance on the EFT terminal.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4. PROGR AMMIN G OPERATIONS 4- 1 4. PROGRA MMING OPERA TIONS This chapter is prov ided f or the stor e progr amm er or t he stor e m anager who ma y have to chan ge the programm ed data of the E CR on th e da il y, week ly, or m onthl y basis.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.1 Inst ructi ons for Program mi ng 4- 2 4.1 Instructions for Progr amming On the MA-600 series ad opting the LCD displa y, e ach pro gramm ing opera tion is perf orm ed by s electin g the corres ponding menu item on the LCD dis play .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.1 Inst ructi ons for Program mi ng 4- 3 (2) Key board layout for program m ing Mode Lock Position: SET • Ordinary Type Key boar d ↑ Del History RF JF A F K P U ↓ ALL VOID C B G L Q V ← Rtn 7 8 9 C H M R W → Dbl 4 5 6 D I N S X Enter A/a 1 2 3 E J O T Y PLU 0 00 .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.1 Inst ructi ons for Program mi ng 4- 4 4.1.2 SET Mode Menu W hen perform ing a progra mm ing operation , a des ired progr amm ing item is selec ted from the m enu which is shown on the LCD display. Programm ing m enu tree is as shown below.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.1 Inst ructi ons for Program mi ng 4- 5 4.1.3 Condition Required fo r Programming Operations “CONDIT IO N” is given a t th e top of eac h pro gram m ing operat ion . T he ECR m ust satisf y this cond iti on t o per f orm program m ing operations.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.1 Inst ructi ons for Program mi ng 4- 6 4.1.4 Basic Key Functions Program m ing operations in this c hapter are perf orm ed with the keyboard lay out for program m ing. 1. T he f ollowing are main k eys and their functions to be us ed in program m ing operations.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.2 Charact er E nt ries 4- 7 3. T o clarif y the operation flow, definitions of k eys of the ECR k ey board are as shown below. | | --------- Selecti ve numeric value which is entered through the Num eric keys.
4. PROGRAMMING OPERATIONS EO1-11155 4.2 Character Entries 4- 8 Row Code 4.2.1 Character Code Entry Method Character Code Table 1: Standard Characters 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 00 SP 0 @ P ` p .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.2 Charact er E nt ries 4- 9 Character Settin g Operat ions • To set a one- by te char acter, enter the COL ( colum n) code and then the RO W code, followed by the [#] key . ex.) To s et “%”, enter 205 and depr ess the [#] key .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.2 Charact er E nt ries 4-10 4.2.2 Direct Character Entry Method Using PK-2 Keyboard (PLU Key board; hardware option) The PK-2 k e y boar d is use d for enter ing a requir ed PLU c ode by sim ply depres sing the co de-preset k e y on this key boa rd in REG or MGR m ode.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.2 Charact er E nt ries 4-11 4.2.3 How to use the [Hist ory ] key The [History] key is used for perf orm ing charac ter entries with the nam e previously entered.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.3 Tim e S et ting or Adjus tm ent 4-12 4.3 Time Setti ng or A djustment Any tim e outside a sale Mode Lock : SET 1) Menu Tree 2) Operation Flowchart NOTE: If .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.4 Date Set ting or Adj us tm ent 4-13 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 1315 . The tim e “13: 15” is s et . The [End] k ey depression allows the ECR to end this setting.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.4 Date Set ting or Adj us tm ent 4-14 3) Exam ple To set Date “ Friday, October 20, 2006” Operation L CD Display Remarks W hen the ECR is being outside a sale and in SET m ode, depres s the [ ↓ ] key four tim es.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.5 Store Nam e Message P rogramm ing 4-15 4.5 Store Name M essage Programming A max im um of 128 charac ters of Store Nam e Message ( 32 character s x 4 lines) to be printed on the receipt is program m ed here.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.5 Store Nam e Message P rogramm ing 4-16 NOTES: 1. For each line, a max imum of 32 one-byte charac ters or 16 two- byte charac ters can be enter ed. A combination of both types is also available. 2. When blank s are entered for the whole one line, it results in one line feed.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.5 Store Nam e Message P rogramm ing 4-17 3) Exam ple To progr am the following Store Message. Operation L CD Display Remarks W hen the ECR is being outside a sale and in SET m ode, depres s the [1] or [Enter] ke y .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.5 Store Nam e Message P rogramm ing 4-18 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks The [Enter] key depression results in that the input mes sage is enter ed and displayed. W hen the [En ter] key is depres sed, t he mes s age programm ed in the 2nd l i ne i s printed.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.6 Com m ercial Mes s age Program m ing 4-19 4.6 Commercial Message Programming A max im um of 96 charac ters of Com mer cial Mess age (32 charac ters x 3 lines ) to be printed on the rec eipt is program m ed here.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.7 Footer Mess age P rogram m ing 4-20 4.7 Footer M essage Progr amming A max im um of 64 charac ters of Footer Mess age (32 charac ters x 2 lines ) to be printed on the rec eipt is program m ed here. T his program m ing is pos sible only w hen it has been selec ted by the program option.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.8 Cashier Nam e and St at us Program ming 4-21 4.8 Cashier Name a nd Status Programming Cashier Nam e and Cashier Status for eac h cashier c an be program m ed here. Any time outside a sale Mode Lock : SET 1) Menu Tree 2) Operation Flowchart OPERAT ION CONDITION [Enter] [End] “ 2 NAMES ” is selected.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.8 Cashier Nam e and St at us Program ming 4-22 NOTES: 1. Cashiers 1 to 8 ar e programmed with the names “ 1CL” to “8CL” as default setting. 2. For the name of each c ashier, a maximum of 12 one-by te or 6 two-byte c haracters can be entered.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.8 Cashier Nam e and St at us Program ming 4-23 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks The [Enter] key depression allows the ECR to enter the cashier 1 name input mode. ( The [C] k ey depression clears the name alr eady program m ed.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-24 4.9 Depart ment Tabl e Pr ogr amming For each departm ent, m em ory opening, and department var ious statuses settings are per form ed here.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-25 Input Tax Status(es) (max. 4 digits) . Tax Status Setti ng (S ee *5. ) T he Tax Status is entered and displ ayed.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-26 *1: Departm ent Group No. • Input a depar tment gr oup code (2 digits: 01 to 15) , then depress the [Enter] ke y . • T o canc el a departm ent group, input 0 then depress the [Enter] key .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-27 *5: Tax Status • Enter on e- to f our-dig it s tatus c odes for app licable tax es.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-28 3) Exam ple To progr am the f ollowing Departm ent Data Departm ent Code: 01 Departm ent Group No.: 01 Preset Pric e: Open Departm ent Status 1: Single-item receipt Departm ent Status 2: Tax symbol “F” Pr int Tax Status : Tax 1 HALO: $40.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-29 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 01 (or 1 ), then depress the [Enter] ke y . Departm ent Group No. 01 is s et . The [?] key depres sion res ul t s in t hat the following guidance m ess age appears on the LCD display.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-30 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Depress the [Enter] key . The Department Stat us 1 is set and the select ed stat us code is di s played.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.9 Departm ent Table Program m i ng 4-31 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 4000 , then depress the [Enter] key . High amount lim i t $40.00 is s et. The [?] key depres sion res ul t s in t hat the following guidance m ess age appears on the LCD display.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.10 Departm ent Nam e Program m ing 4-32 4.10 Department Name Programmi ng A max im um of 16 charac ters of departm ent nam e is program m ed here.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.11 Departm ent Group Nam e Program m ing 4-33 4.11 Department Group Name Progr amming In this operation, the nam e of eac h Departm ent Group is program m ed. W hich Departm ents are link ed to each Group has been s et in the DEPARTMENT TABLE PRO GRAMMING oper ation.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-34 4.12 PLU Table Programmi ng This programm i ng can be operat ed when new PLU it ems ar e to be added, PL U program data is to be chan ged, or PLUs are to be deleted.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-35 Input Tax Status(es) (max. 4 digits). Tax Status Setti ng (S ee *7. ) The Tax Status is ent ered and displayed. [Enter] Input a W hole Package Quantity. W hole Pac k age Quantit y S et ting (See *8.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-36 NOTES: 1. A max imum of 1,000 PLUs are progr ammable. 2 If a PLU is linked to a negative department, the PLU is automatically set as negativ e PLU. 3. The [PLU] key here indicates the k ey labeled simply as “PLU” but not any PLU preset-c ode keys.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-37 *6: PLU Status 2 • T he following shows eac h departm ent status. Selective Status Status Code Item ON (Y) OFF (N) 1 Price.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-38 3) Exam ple To progr am the following PLU data: PLU Code: 0010 Linked Depar tment: Department 1 Preset Pric e: $1.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-39 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 01 (or 1 ), then depress the [Enter] ke y . Linked Departm ent 1 is set. The [?] key depres sion res ul t s in t hat the following guidance m ess age appears on the LCD display.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-40 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Depress the [ ↓ ] k ey three times. “ 4 FOOD STA M PA BLE ” is selected . The [?] key depres sion res ul t s in t hat the following guidance m ess age appears on the LCD display.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-41 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 3 , then depress the [Enter] key . W hole Pac kage Quantit y 3 is s et . The [?] key depres sion res ul t s in t hat the following guidance m ess age appears on the LCD display.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-42 4.12.2 Deletion To delete a PLU with sales data of zero: Any time outs ide a sale T o delete a PLU with sales data of not zero: After PLU Reset Mode Lock : SET Individual PLU Deletion : The progr amm ed PLU data is deleted individually .
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.12 PLU Table P rogram m i ng 4-43 A ll PLU Deletion: The program m ed PLU data is deleted entirely. 1) Menu Tree 2) Operation Operation L CD Display Remarks W hen the ECR is being outside a sale and in SET m ode, depres s the [ ↓ ] key twice.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.13 PLU Nam e Program ming 4-44 4.13 PLU Name Programmi ng A max im um of 16 charac ters of nam e of PLU which was program m ed in the PLU T able Program m ing operation is set here.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.14 Departm ent Pres et Price S etting or Changi ng 4-45 4.14 Department Preset Pr ice Setting or Changing The pres et price of each departm ent m ay be set in the DEPARTMENT T ABLE PROGR AMMING already described.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.15 PLU Pres et Pric e Sett i ng or Changi ng 4-46 4.15 PLU Preset Price Setting or Changing The pres et price of each PLU m ay be set in the PLU TABLE PROGRAMMING already described. However, the following operation will be mor e convenient in setting or changing the price only (not other program m ed data).
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.15 PLU Pres et Pric e Sett i ng or Changi ng 4-47 NOTES: 1. W hen no pric e is input then the [Enter] key is depres sed, the PLU will be open (i.e. open-pr ice PLU). 2. If inputt ing a nonex istent PLU c ode tha t was not pr ogrammed in the PL U Table Programmi ng, this may cause an err or.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-48 4.16 Tax Tabl e Progr ammi ng A max imum of four tax tables can be progr am med ( Tax 1, Tax 2, T ax 3, T ax 4) am ong three types.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-49 Input a maximum amount for 2 ¢ tax lev ied. Max. 4 digits: 1 t o 9999 res ulting in $0. 01 to $99.99 [Enter] The amount i s entered. [Enter] “ A ” break (non - cyclic break limit) Input a maximum amount for N+1 ¢ tax lev ied.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-50 3) Exam ple Tax 1 table below is set. Amount Ran ge T ax Levied Am ount Range Tax Levied $0.00 to $0.10 0¢ $1.09 to $1. 24 7¢ $0.11 to $0.22 1¢ $1.25 to $1. 41 8¢ $0.23 to $0.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-51 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 1 , then depress the [Enter] key . Tax type A & B (Com bi nat ion of non-cyc l i c and cyclic breaks) i s selec t ed.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-52 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 124 , then depress the [Enter] key . ($1.09 to $1.24: 7¢ levied) A m axim u m am ount for 7¢ tax levied is set.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-53 Type 2: Combinat ion of Non -Cyclic Breaks and % Rate 2) Operation Flowchart “ 4 RATE, LIMIT AMOUNT ” is selected. Main M enu “ 3 TAX TA BLE ” is selected. ECR is bei ng out s ide a sal e and i n SET mode.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-54 3) Exam ple Tax 2 table below is set. Amount Ran ge T ax Levied $0.00 to $0.09 0¢ 5% is applied to any amount exceeding the “ A” break . $0.10 to $0. 29 1¢ $0.30 to $0. 59 2¢ $0.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-55 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Input 2 , then depress the [Enter] key . Tax type A & RATE (Com bination of non- cycli c breaks and % rat e) is s el ec ted.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-56 Type 3: % Rate only 2) Operation Flowchart 3) Exam ple Tax 3 table below is set. 10% is applied to any sale amount. Operation L CD Display Remarks W hen the ECR is being outside a sale and in SET m ode, depres s the [ ↓ ] key three tim es.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.16 Tax Table Programm ing 4-57 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Make s ure the curs or is shown on 03TAX 3. Input 3 , then depress the [Enter] key . Tax 3 is selected. Tax type RATE ( % rate onl y) is selecte d.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.17 %+ and %- P reset Rat e S et ting 4-58 4.17 % + and % - Preset Rate Setting A preset rate m ay be set on each of the [%+] and [%-] key s, one independent rate f or each k ey. Once a rate is preset, the % k ey w ill sim ply be depressed without a prior rate entry to activate the preset rate.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.18 Foreign Currency E xchange Rat e S etting 4-59 4.18 Foreign Curr ency Exchange Rate Setting The rate of each f oreign curr ency (corresponding to the [CUR1] to [CUR5] k eys) are set in this operation.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.18 Foreign Currency E xchange Rat e S etting 4-60 NOTE: When inputt ing 0, the r ate of the f oreign cur rency wi ll be canc eled. If do ing so , the rate of the fore ign currenc y should be s et in the registration oper ation.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.18 Foreign Currency E xchange Rat e S etting 4-61 Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Calculation 1. T he rate m us t be calcul ated in th e subs idiar y currenc y unit values for both the dom estic and the f oreig n currenc ies.
4. PROGRA M M ING OPERA TIONS EO1-11155 4.18 Foreign Currency E xchange Rat e S etting 4-62 (continued f rom the previous page) Operation L CD Display Remarks Make s ure the curs or is shown on 01CUR1. Then, input 1.20 and depress the [Enter] key . The exchange rate from $ t o € is set on th e [CUR1] key.
5. VERIFI C ATION OF PROGRA M M ED DA T A EO1-11155 5. VERIFICATIO N OF PROGR AMMED D ATA 5- 1 5. VERIFICA TION OF PROGRA MMED DA TA The progr am med data enter ed in the preceding chapter can be read f or verific ation purposes.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba MA-600-1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba MA-600-1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba MA-600-1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba MA-600-1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba MA-600-1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba MA-600-1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba MA-600-1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba MA-600-1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.