Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Strata CS van de fabrikant Toshiba
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Telecommunication Systems Division June 2001 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Releas e 4.0 Client User Guid e.
Publication Information T oshiba Americ a Informa ti on Syst ems, Inc., T elecommunica tion Systems Divisi on, reserves th e ri g ht , without pri or notice, to rev ise this informa tion publica tion .
C ONTENT S BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Chapter 1. Introducing Stra ta CS ............. ......... .............. .............. ... 1-1 About Strata CS ..............................................................................
S TRATA CS C LIEN T U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Chapter 4. Answering and Handling Cal ls on the Phone ........ ...... 4-1 About answering and handling calls on the phone ............................... 4-2 Using the F lash butto n on your p hone .
C ONTENTS BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Accessing t he Web Client ... ............... .......... ........... .......... .......... ...... 6-5 Using the Strata CS Client remotely .....................................................
S TRATA CS C LIEN T U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Creating a custom personal status ....................................................... 8-7 Personal status and your active settings ................................
C ONTENTS BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Enabling and di sabling h ands-free answering i n the Cli ent ... ....... 10- 16 Using the Call Monitor view with voice-first answering ..................... 10-16 Enabling and di sabling voi ce-firs t answering in the Cl ient .
S TRATA CS C LIEN T U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Adding notes to a voice mes sage .......... ............... .......... ........... ... 12-14 Organizing voice messages in folders .....................................
C ONTENTS BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Private and p ublic con tacts . .......... .......... ................ .......... .......... .... 15-3 Changing do uble-click b ehavior ......... ............... ........... .......... ......
S TRATA CS C LIEN T U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Using the Cal l Monito r tabs .......... .......... .......... .......... ................ ..... 17-5 Wrap-up time . ................ .......... .......... .......... .
C ONTENTS BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Appendix B. Logging on to the Client Using Command-Line Switches ........ .............. ......... .............. .............. .......... ...... B-1 Appendix C. Reporting Problems .........
C HAPTER 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 1 I NTRODUCING S TRAT A CS C HAPTER C ONTENTS About Strata CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Accessing Strata CS . . . . . . . . .
1-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About S trat a CS __________ ______________ _____________ __ Toshiba ’ s award-w i nnin g S tr a t a CS ph on e syst em i nte gr a te s y our tel e ph on e an d comp uter to mak e yo ur te leph one a much m ore po werfu l too l.
C HA PTE R 1. I NT RODU CIN G S TR ATA CS 1-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL For details about how to use the Client, see Ch apter 7 through Chapter 18.
1-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Feature c omp arison t able _________ ______ ______ _________ _ The following table shows the major Strata CS featu res that are available.
C HA PTE R 1. I NT RODU CIN G S TR ATA CS 1-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n S tr ata CS Client User Guide — T his ma nual descri b es ho w to us e S trata CS ’ s Client Web C lient, Contact Manager Assistant, TAPI Service Provi der fe atures, a nd the telepho ne comm ands.
1-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Notes: n The online books are available in HTML-b ased form at. To access an onlin e bo ok, click Help > Online Books fr om any Strata CS application. n The PDF-formatted books are availabl e on the Strata CS CD, in the Manuals directory.
C HAPTER 2 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 2 R ECORDI NG Y OUR V OICE T ITLE AND V OICE - MAIL G REETING C HAPTER C ONTENTS About recording your voice title and v oice-mail greeting . . . . . . . . 2-2 Recording your voice title .
2-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About rec ording your voice title and voice-mail greeting _____ This chapter explains how to create your voice title, create your voice-mail greet ing, an d manag e your greet ings u sing th e phone.
C HA PTE R 2. R ECO RDI NG Y OUR V OICE T ITLE AND V OICE - MAIL G REETI NG 2-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Recordin g your voice-m ail greetin g __ _________ ______ ______ Your voice-mail greeting is a recording that caller s hear wh en they rea ch your voice mail.
2-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 3. Press 4 to rerecord th at greeting or 6 to reco rd a new gree ting. Sa y your greeting, and then press # . The greeting you just recorded is played back. 4. Follow the prompts to accept, rerecord , or dele te the greeting.
C HA PTE R 2. R ECO RDI NG Y OUR V OICE T ITLE AND V OICE - MAIL G REETI NG 2-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL A vailable space for greetings Your Strata CS system administrator has allocated a limited amount of disk space on the Strata CS server for y our greet ings an d all of your v oice fi les.
C HAPTER 3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 3 P LACING C ALLS ON THE P HONE C HAPTER C ONTENTS About placing calls on the phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Dialing internal and external numbers . .
3-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About plac ing calls on the phone ___________ ______________ You can pick up a Strata CS phone and place a call in the same way that you p lace calls with other phones.
C HA PTE R 3. P LA CING C ALLS ON THE P HONE 3-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Note: See “ Plac in g ca lls t o an I P add ress ” on pa ge 3-6 for inf or m at i on on enter ing t he I P add ress.
3-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Enteri ng an ac count code wi th *1 1 During a call you can enter an account code or revise the account code entered. To enter an account co de 1. Press Flash *11 .
C HA PTE R 3. P LA CING C ALLS ON THE P HONE 3-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Ending a call with out losing calls on h old You ca n hang up the phone to end a call without losing your c alls on hold. 1. Hang u p the ph one t o end th e curr ent call .
3-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Note: You can ent er *70 as p art of yo ur fax d ial str ing. Fo r exam ple, your fax di al str ing migh t be *70 9 1 617 55 5 7744 .
C HAPTER 4 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 4 A NSWERING AND H ANDLING C ALLS ON THE P HONE C HAPTER C ONTENTS About answering and handling call s on the phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Answering Strata CS calls . . . . .
4-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About ans wering and handling c alls on the phone _ _________ This chapter explains how to answer Strata CS calls at your own phone.
C HA PTE R 4. A NSWERING AN D H AN DLI NG C ALLS ON THE P HONE 4-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL pres sin g 2 . If yo u ha ve cus tomi zed you r rout ing l ist, howe ver, the nex t step might be something different. See “ Using routing lists ” on page 14-7.
4-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Turning c all waiting off n Disabling the call waiting beep when you are using the Client For more i nfo rmat ion, s ee “ C ustomizing or turning off call waiting ” on page 18 -5.
C HA PTE R 4. A NSWERING AN D H AN DLI NG C ALLS ON THE P HONE 4-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Getting a dial tone to start another call n Entering an account co de for a call .
4-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The remainder of this chapter explains these call-handling co mman ds in detail. Tra nsferring a call You can transfer a call to another Strata CS extension in one of the following ways: n Blind transf er.
C HA PTE R 4. A NSWERING AN D H AN DLI NG C ALLS ON THE P HONE 4-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 3. Enter the extension to which you want to transfer th e call. If you do not know the ext ens ion , pre ss 411 and select th e user b y name.
4-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 5. Press Flash # for a dial tone to start another call. The conference is put on hold, and the parties already in it can continue to talk to each other. 6. Dial another party and wait for an a nswer.
C HA PTE R 4. A NSWERING AN D H AN DLI NG C ALLS ON THE P HONE 4-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Getting a dial t one to start another call To put your c urrent c all o n hold and get a dial to ne, pr ess Flash # . In this way y ou can p lace new calls with out disconnecting from your current call.
4-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Creating an ov erhea d p aging sy stem with h ands-free answer ing You can use han ds-free answering to connect an exten sion to an overh ead speaker to create a paging system.
C HA PTE R 4. A NSWERING AN D H AN DLI NG C ALLS ON THE P HONE 4-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Forwarding your calls _______ _________ ______ ______ ______ You can use the telephone co mmands to forward your calls, so that your incoming calls ring another phone.
C HAPTER 5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 5 W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGE S ON THE P HONE C HAPTER C ONTENTS About working with voice messages on th e phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Using message indicators . . . . . .
5-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About work ing with voice mes sages on th e phone __________ This ch apt er descr ibes how to w ork with yo ur vo ice mes sage s by u sing th e Stra ta CS te l eph one c omm a nd s .
C HA PTE R 5. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGE S ON THE P HONE 5-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Listening to your voice messag es _________ ______ ______ ___ To listen to your voice messages, you must log in to your Strata CS account.
5-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Deleting a nd undeleting messages Afte r you pre ss 3 to delete a message, you can u ndelete the message only if you remai n i n the c urren t voi c e mess age s sessi on.
C HA PTE R 5. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGE S ON THE P HONE 5-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL introd uce the forwa rded mess age to u sers . For examp le, your mess age m igh t say , “ I just received this message ab out our new pr oduct, and I thought the three of you ought to hear it.
5-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 3. Record your m essage a nd pr ess # when yo u are done. 4. Press 1 to accept the recorded message. See the table on page 5-3 for other opti ons. 5. Enter the extension to which you want to send the message and then pres s # .
C HA PTE R 5. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGE S ON THE P HONE 5-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Selecting a personal st at us on the phone ______________ ____ Strat a CS make s it e asy to sel ect a p erson al stat us by usi ng on ly the t elephone commands.
C HAPTER 6 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 6 U SING S TRAT A CS AT A R EMOTE P HONE C HAPTER C ONTENTS About using Strata CS at a remote phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Using the Web Client . . . . . . . . . .
6-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About using Stra t a CS at a remo te phone _______ ___________ You can access Strata CS at a remote phone (an external, non-Strata CS phone) by calling your office and logging in.
C HA PTE R 6. U SING S TRATA CS AT A R EMOT E P HONE 6-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Your calls are added to your Strata CS Client ’ s Call Log view, so th at you have a record of the number o f calls you place and the dura tion of each one.
6-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL If you do not log out in this manner, your Strata CS session continues for a short period of time.
C HA PTE R 6. U SING S TRATA CS AT A R EMOT E P HONE 6-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Using th e Web Client __ _________ ______ ______ ______ ______ The Web Client is a versio n of the Strata CS Client that is accessible thro ugh your Web b rowse r, de pend ing on yo ur sy stem .
C HAPTER 7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 7 U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT C HAPTER C ONTENTS About the Strata CS Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7-2 Logging on . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About the Strat a CS Client __________ __________________ __ The Strata CS Client application offers access to all Strata CS commands in an easy-to-use, graphical Windows interface.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Logging on __________ ______ ______ ______ ______ _________ You can log on to the Strata CS Client in.
7-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To reset Strata CS so that a passwor d is required 1. Choose Tools > Options . The Options dialog box ope ns. 2. On the General tab, uncheck Log on auto m atically .
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Logging on at ano ther workstation You can log on to the Client at a workstation other than your own and hav e full access to your own Strata CS account.
7-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Exiting the C lient _ ______ _________ ______ ______ ______ ____ To exit the Client, choose Fi le > E xit . If yo u have se veral Client window s ope n, you can close them all at the same time by choosing File > Exit and LogOff .
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Some vi ew s c o ntai n too lbar but t ons th at ar e n ot fo und in oth e r view s. In any view, clicking the left-most toolbar button creates a new item for that view.
7-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Clie nt views ___________ ____ _______ ____ _______ ____ _______ ____ _______ ____ __ The Strata CS Client contains views , which appear in the main part of the Clien t window and give you access to sp ecific Strata CS functions.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Adding the Calls pane to any open view The Calls pane contains the same information that appears in the Call Monitor view. You can display the Calls pane in any Client view and see and act on your incoming calls.
7-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 1. Open the view to which you want to add the Calls pane. 2. Choose View > Calls Pane . 3. Select a location from the menu to place the Calls p ane. To re move the Call Moni tor p ane fr om a vie w, choo se View > Calls Pane > None.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Commands always affect only th e item or items selected. Right-clicking an item selects it and opens a sho rtcut menu that contains commands, so it is often the fastest way to perform an action.
7-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To permanently delete a vo ice message from your Inbox 1. Select the voice message. To select more than one voice message, press CTRL and select them. 2. Press SH IFT+D EL.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To create a new item based on an exist ing item and delete th e existing item 1. Select the item th at you wan t to delete and on which you want to base a new item, such as a contact in the Contacts view.
7-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The following table lists th e drag-and-drop actio ns you can perform in the Strata CS Client. The From column shows the items you can click and drag. The To column shows the destination items.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Printing items in views To print the contents of a view, choose File > Pri nt . When you print a view that contains several colu mns, you may need to change th e orientation of the page to so that all columns that appear in the view are printed.
7-16 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Organizing the con tent s of a view in fold ers _________ ______ _ A folder is a subdiv ision of a view that lets y ou organize the contents of that v iew.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-17 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Note: The fo lder for the Exte nsi on s view appe ar s under Pub lic Folders in the folder lis t. Viewing th e folder list temporarily You can display the f older list temporarily by click ing the folder title at the top of the view.
7-18 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Adding folder s to the view bar You can add a folder to the view bar for easier acce ss. 1. In the folder list, click the folder that you want to add to the view bar.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-19 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To empty t he Deleted folder autom atically 1. Choose Tools > Options .
7-20 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To share a view or folder 1. In the folder list, click the view or folder that you want to share. In the remai nder of this pr ocedur e, “ folder ” refers to both views a nd folders.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-21 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 6. Click Apply to s av e yo ur c hang es and c onti n ue to work on t he S h a rin g tab. When you are done, click OK . The folder is now shared with the users in the Share wi th th ese user s list.
7-22 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Using th e audio controls ____ _________ ______ ______ ______ _ Strata CS ’ s audio controls make it e asy to create an d listen to recording s by using the following audio controls.
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-23 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Importi ng a nd expo rting vo ice fi les To import or export a voice file, use the buttons on the recording control: Importing and Exp orting Strat a CS items ______ ______ ______ You can import contacts into Strata CS from a .
7-24 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To import contact s from a .CSV file 1. Choose File > Import and Export . The Import and Export Wizard open s. 2. Select Import Contacts , and th en click Nex t .
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-25 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Do not import duplicate items. If Strata CS finds duplicate contacts in the .
7-26 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To export contacts to a .CSV file 1. Choose File > Import and Export . The Import and Export Wizard open s. 2. Under Choose an action to p erform, select Export Contacts , and then click Next .
C HA PTE R 7. U SING THE S TRAT A CS C LIENT 7-27 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 1. Click File > I mport and Export . The Import and Export Wizard opens. 2. Under Choos e an action to pe rform , select Expor t Exten sions and click Next .
7-28 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 1. Choose File > Import and Export . The Import and Export Wizard open s. 2. Click Export Call Log , and then click Next . 3. Click Br ows e and then specify a file name and destination for the Call Log file.
C HAPTER 8 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 8 U SING P ERSONAL S TA T U S C HAPTER C ONTENTS About personal status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8-2 The Personal Status view . . . . . .
8-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About pe rsonal st atus _________________ ____________ _____ Your personal status tells Strata CS how to handle your calls an d it lets your colleagues know where you are an d what you are doing.
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Person al St atus view __________ ______ _________ ______ The Pe rson al Stat us vie w disp lays a ll yo ur per son al statu ses . Cl ick Adv anc ed in the view bar to find the Personal Status view.
8-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Personal statuses for all users The following table lists the predefined personal statuses available to all users. Icon Stat us De scription Available Lets people k now that you are available to take calls .
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Additional p ersonal statuses for ca ll center agen t s In addition to the personal statuses shown in the previous table, the predefined personal statuses shown in the following table are available to agents in a call center queue.
8-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Selecting a personal status _____ _________ ______ ______ ____ This section explains how to select a personal st.
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Modifying a person al st atus ___________ ______ ______ ______ You can modify pr edefined and custom personal status es to reflect your chang ing availability and location.
8-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Custom personal statuses are identif ied in the Extensio ns pane or folder by . To create a custom personal st atus 1. Choose File > New > Perso nal S tatus .
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL For more inform ation about g reetings, see “ Man agin g gre etings ” on page 12 -15. n If this is a call center p ersonal status, the Queue C a lls field cannot be modified.
8-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Personal s t atus and your act ive setting s_________ ______ ____ When you select a personal status, its preferences are copied to your active settings.
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n See at a glan ce all your curren t active s ettings , so that you know how your incom ing call s a r e bei ng h andl e d. n Set an aspect of a personal status differently whenever you select that status.
8-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 3. To make sure that all incoming callers hear the greeting specified here when they reach your voice mail, check Ignore call rules and use Standard r outing list .
C HA PTE R 8. U SING P ERSON AL S TAT U S 8-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL You can change which greeting and which routing list are your personal status defaults at any time. See “ Setting personal status de faults ” on pa ge 8-13 .
8-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Changi ng the pe rsona l st atus of ano ther user ____ ______ ____ You can change the personal status of another Strata CS user if you know that user ’ s password.
C HAPTER 9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 9 U SING THE E XTENSIONS V IEW C HAPTER C ONTENTS The Extensions view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9-2 Placing calls to an extension . . .
9-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Exte nsions view _ ______ ______ _________ ______ ______ _ The Extensions view lists each Strata CS user and all other Strata CS extensions, with information about the current status of that extension.
C HA PTE R 9. U SING THE E XTENSIONS V IE W 9-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Workgroup tabs. If you be long to work groups , the Extensi ons vi ew contains a tab for each workgroup. Click the tab to see the extensions within that workgroup.
9-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Placing ca lls to an ext ension ______ ______ ______ ______ ____ To place a call to an extension, double-click the extension. If y our phone is on hook, it rings to connect you to the call being placed.
C HAPTER 10 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 10 R ECEI VING AND H ANDLING C ALLS IN TH E C LIENT About receiving and handling call s in the Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-2 Displaying the Call Monitor view automatically .
10-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About rec eiving and handlin g calls in th e Client ________ _____ In the Strata CS Client, the Call Monitor view is the visual counterpart to your telephone.
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Call Monitor view For an explanation of Call Monitor view columns, press F1 for online Help. For information about changing Call Monitor view columns, see “ Customizing columns ” on pag e 18-1 1.
10-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Call Monitor view tabs The Call Monitor view contains tabs that display call activity. Click each tab to view the related call activity at your phone. n My Phone t ab .
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n The Ex tensions p ane, which sho ws use rs ’ availability ( personal status) and enables drag-and-drop call handling .
10-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL difficult to do so during times wh en phone traffic is heavy. This is due to the fact that calls change position in the Call Monitor view as n ew calls arrive and transferred calls leave the Call Monitor vie w.
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Note: Call c ente r agen ts cann ot perform this c omman d on an incom ing qu eue call. You can listen to a voice message as the caller is leaving it and pick up the call if neede d.
10-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL T ran sferring a ca ll without talking to the caller firs t See “ Transferring a call ” o n pa ge 10-9 . Comman ds after you ans wer a call _ ______ ______ _________ _ After you answer a call, you can perform actions on that call, including the following.
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Callback is not available when working at a remote phone. Tra nsferring a call The Call Monitor view allows you to easily transfer a call to any party, either another Strata CS us er or someone a t an extern al phone numb er.
10-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 5. If you are transferring the call to a user or a cont act, c hoose a blind or supervised transfer. (See “ Blind vs . supervised transfers ” on page 1 0-9 and in the next step).
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10 -1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Recording a call If you r Strata CS system a dministr ator ha s given y ou the re quire d permis sion, you can record your Strata CS conversations, inc luding conference calls.
10-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Parking a call Parking a call puts a call on hold and lets any Strata CS user retrieve it from any Strata C S tel ephon e or Cl ien t prog ra m in yo ur off ice.
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10 -13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Muting a call With Strata CS you can mute a call even if your phone does not have a mute button. When muted, you can hear the caller, but the caller cannot hear you.
10-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL If the call is tran sferred to someone else, notes that y ou created about the call ar e sent with the call (f.
C HA PTE R 10. R ECEI VING AN D H AND LING C ALL S IN THE C LIENT 10 -15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Sharing y our Call Mon itor view ______________ ______ ______ You ca n share your c alls wit h othe r Strat a CS us ers. T hose user s see your ca lls when they click on a tab with your name o n it in their Call Monitors.
10-16 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Enabling and disab ling hands-free answerin g in the Client 1. On the main menu, click Tools > Options . T he Opt ions d ial og bo x open s. 2. Click the Phone tab.
C HAPTER 11 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 11 P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT C HAPTER C ONTENTS Placing a call . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11-2 Using dialing services . . .
11 - 2 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About Placing Ca lls in the Client _________________ ________ You can place calls in any Client view. Yo u can place calls with the phone either on-hook or off-hook.
C HA PTE R 1 1. P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT 11 - 3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Click Contacts and select a contact on the list.
11 - 4 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 1. Type either of the following in the Dial field: n The number to dial. If it is an external numb er, type the fu ll number that you would dial on the phone, including the access code.
C HA PTE R 1 1. P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT 11 - 5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Entering a phone n umber by using a dialin g service Whenev er the Clien t opens the Phone Numb e r dia l og box a nd pr om pts yo u to enter a phone number, yo u must fir st select the dialing service to use.
11 - 6 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Dial (DID) digits, if they exist. Separate the address from the DID digits by a slash , for e xample, 123.4 5.67.89/2 717. n You ca n appen d only D ID dig its to a n IP addr ess, not a user ’ s extension.
C HA PTE R 1 1. P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT 11 - 7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL long-distance call. Uncheck it to have Strata CS dial the number exactly as ent ere d, as if you h ad dia led i t on t he pho ne. 2. Click OK to close the Check Phone Number dialog box.
11 - 8 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 1. Choose Tools > Speed Dial Shortcuts . The Speed Dial Sh ortcuts dial og bo x ope n s. 2. Enter a phone number for the sho rtcu t or click Cont acts , Extension s , Workgroup s , or My Numb ers and choose the appropriate number from the list.
C HA PTE R 1 1. P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT 11 - 9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Adding a new party into the conference n Conferencing two separate calls together Adding a party to a conference Use this procedure to start and build a co nference call.
11 - 1 0 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To add parties to a con ference by dragging and d ropping To drag-and-drop parties into a conference, you must have either the Calls pane open in the Extensions or Contacts view, o r the Extensions pane open in the Call Monitor view .
C HA PTE R 1 1. P LACING C ALLS IN THE C LIENT 11 - 11 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Using Hold and Di sconnect on external cal lers You can put individuals in a conference call on hold, or disconnect th em, but only if they are external callers.
C HAPTER 12 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 12 W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGE S IN TH E C LIENT C HAPTER C ONTENTS About working with voice messages i n the Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-2 Knowing when you have new messages .
12-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About working with voice mess ages in the Clien t __ _________ You can manage your voice messages in the Strata CS Client in the same way that you m anage e-ma il mes sage s in y our e -mai l pro gram.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12- 3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Audio controls for playing you r voice messages appear in the audio bar above the system tray. When you play a message, the audio bar shows elapsed message playback time in minutes and seconds.
12-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL System tray button If the Client is running, the following button appears in the system tray at th e lower r ig.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12- 5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Importan t: For e-mail notific a tion to work proper ly, the Strata CS Server must be configur ed corr ectly. Se e your St rata CS s ystem adminis trator if y ou encou nter any problem s.
12-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To receive pager notif ication 1. Choose Tools > Options . The Options dialog box ope ns. 2. Click the Notifica tion tab. 3. Select one of the following notification options on the drop-down list: n Do not send pag er notificat ions.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12- 7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Scheduling e-mail and pager notifications You can schedule notifications to occur at specific times, for example, during busin ess hour s or aft er busi ness hours on work day s.
12-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 6. Select one of the following: n Always se nd a notif ication. Th e schedule (if any has been set up) is ignored, and you receive notification of new voice messages at all times.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12- 9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n On holidays . Notifications are sent on holidays. n Dur ing cust om hours . Notifications are sent during the days and hours you de fine, i ndepen dent of your o ffice ’ s busin ess h ours and holiday hours.
12-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL messag e will continu e to play. The messa ge stops play ing, howe ver, if you op en a view wit h an ot her audio con trol visibl e , for examp le, the G re et in gs vie w .
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To forward a voice message 1. In the Voice Messages view, rig ht-click a voice message that y ou want to forward and select Forward on the s hor tcut m enu.
12-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Calling back the p erson who left a voice message You can call back the person who left you a voice message by using the Strata CS Place Call or the Sp eed Di al command.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 5. Mark the message Urgent or Private as needed by checking the Mark Urgent or Ma rk Private box e s . 6. In the Notes field, t ype an y notes you wa nt to ad d to the messag e.
12-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Marking a voice mess age Heard or Unheard The en velo pe icon s indicat e wheth er or not y ou hav e liste ned to a message. To mark an old voice message as new (unheard), select the message and then choose Actions > Mark As Unheard .
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12-15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Viewing your voice mailbox size________ ______ _________ ___ Your voice mailbox has a lim ited amount of disk space ( in minutes) to store your voice messages.
12-16 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL With Strata CS you can record and store multiple greetings and specify when you want Strata CS to use each one. For example, you can have a normal greeting for everyday use, a nother gree ting for exten ded absences, and a third g reeting for vacations.
C HA PTE R 12. W ORKING WITH V OICE M ESSAGES IN THE C LIENT 12-17 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Greetings view Click Advanced on the view bar to locate the button for the Greetin gs vie w. The Greetings view c on tains three sections: n The G ree ting s lis t.
12-18 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Callers can hear greetings other than the active greeting if you have create d call rules for those callers that play other greetings (see Chapter 16). Callers who are not the subject of a call rule hear your active greeting.
C HAPTER 13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 13 U SING THE C ALL L OG V IEW C HAPTER C ONTENTS The Call Log view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13-2 Taking notes on a Call Log entry .
13-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Cal l Log view_____ _________ __________ _________ _____ The Call Log view contains a record of all incoming and outgoing phone calls associated with your extension.
C HA PTE R 13. U SING THE C AL L L OG V IEW 13- 3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL From Name of the person who originated the call. On incomi ng calls , “ Unknown ” appears unless the user identified the caller as a cont act. On outgoing calls, the user ’ s name appears.
13-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL V iewing cal l details You can view mor e information ab out your calls by double-clic king a n item in the Call Log view. The Call Details window opens. Call Det ails columns The Call Details window contains the columns shown in th e following table.
C HA PTE R 13. U SING THE C AL L L OG V IEW 13- 5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL V iewing inb ound or outbound call s only You can view inbound calls only, outbound calls only, or all calls by using the disp l ay menu on th e right s ide of t he Cal l Log to olba r.
13-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL T ak ing notes o n a Call Lo g entry ___ ______ _________ ______ _ You can take notes on a Call Log entry. Notes can help identify a call in the list or summarize important information about that call.
C HA PTE R 13. U SING THE C AL L L OG V IEW 13- 7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Rep orting on the Call Log ____ ______ ______ ______ _________ If yo u want to crea te report s ba sed on the Call Log, you ca n do ei ther of the following: n Export the Call Log and analyze the data in Microsoft Exce l.
C HAPTER 14 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 14 C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IST S C HAPTER C ONTENTS About call forwarding and routing lists . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-2 Forwarding calls . . . . . . . .
14-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About c all forwarding a nd routing list s ___________ _________ Strata CS provides two ways of receiving your calls at a pho ne other than your own, en suring that y ou do no t miss i mportant calls w hen yo u are away from y our desk : n Call forwarding.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL perso nal st atus woul d nor mally t ry you at your desk, it tries you at y our forwarding phone number instead. See “ Using routing lists ” on page 14-7 for more in fo rmation .
14-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL contact has more than one p hone number associated with it, you can select a different number o n the li st. To create a new contact, click to open a new Conta ct dialog bo x.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL your vo ice ma il b e fo re yo u f inis h lis t eni ng and r e spond ing t o the prom pts. n Prompt re cipien t for password . If checked, th e person w ho picks u p the phone hears, “ Call for <yo ur voice title >.
14-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Note: When your cal l s are fo rwar ded, appears i n the st at us bar.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Strata CS trunks. Strata CS makes the attempt only wh en the incoming call is on an analog Centrex or PBX line. It routes incoming calls on other trunk types to the external forwarding number in the usual way (using a second trunk).
14-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL You can specify whether Strata CS offers these choices for each step in the routing list.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL You cannot edit the Standard routing list. To have calls follow a different route, you must create a new routing list and make it the active routing list.
14-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL they will be completed. Each step is a phone number a t which Strata CS will try to reach you. 2. Enter a name for the routing list in the Name field . 3. Click Ad d to add a routing lis t step.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL in the same manner as the Place Call dialog box. For informatio n on how to use thi s dialog b ox, see “ Placing a call ” on page 11-2 .
14-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL “ Caller options while following a routing list ” on page 14-7). You c an also click to crea te a new greetin g. 7. Click OK to add this step to y our routing list.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Pause and re pea t. The caller holds for th e nu mb er of seconds you defi ne i n the Pause d uration field, and then begins the routing list again.
14-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Simultaneously. The p hones of al l work group m embers ring simultaneously, and the call goes to the first user who accepts it. Any contacts in the workgroup are ignored.
C HA PTE R 14. C ALL F ORWARDING AND R OUTING L IS TS 14-15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL call rule that handles specific calls. When you create a call rule, make sure that the call rule ’ s greeting matches the final action o f the call rule ’ s routing list.
C HAPTER 15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 15 M ANAGING C ONT ACT S AND W ORKGROUP S C HAPTER C ONTENTS About contact management and Strata CS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15-2 The Contacts view . . . . . . . . . . . .
15-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About cont act management and St rat a CS ___________ ______ Strat a CS pr ovides you with an online phon e boo.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Private and public contacts In Strata CS, contacts can be private or public, as follows: n Private con ta ct s are y our own personal contacts. These contacts appear only i n the C onta cts vi ew o f your Clien t on your compu ter.
15-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL those applications by usin g the Strata CS TAPI Serv ice Provider. See y our Strata CS system administrator about installing the TAPI Service Provider, and then follow your con tact m ana ger ’ s instruction s for placing calls.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL they c all you, un less you have t urned of f that pr ompt (see “ Customizing or turning off call announcing ” o n pa ge 18-3 ). Note: You hav e a limited a moun t of sp ace for all voi ce file s, incl ud ing voi ce titl es.
15-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL dialing a contact with an account code. When you hear the double beep, you can pr e ss # on your phone to accept the contact ’ s account code, instead of enterin g an acco unt code.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 7. To enter more phone numbers for this co ntact, repeat steps 1-6 for th e other categor ies in the ph one nu mber li st. 8. Click OK to close the Contact dialog box.
15-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n Using the contact ’ s name, rather than the caller ID nam e (see “ You can teach Strata CS to recognize contacts when they call.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To view a contact ’ s Incoming Caller ID list, select the contact, choose File > Open , and then click the Caller Identificatio n tab.
15-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 4. Click Delete and then cl ick OK . Associating a call or caller ID number wi th a contact If Strata CS shows a caller ’ s nam e as “ Unkn own, ” but you kno w who the ca ll e r is, you can associate the call with one of y our contacts.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 2. Click on the toolbar. The Associate dialog box opens.
15-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL select one of the following: n Number. Strata CS uses the phone number to recognize subsequent calls. n Name. Strata CS u ses the caller ID text to r ecognize subsequent calls.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Examples: n Your extens ion is 17 7, and y ou give M r. Jon es a conta ct PIN of 55 . Mr. Jones cal l s yo ur office, an d w he n prompt e d to enter you r ex tensio n, he types in 177 55.
15-14 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL department as a workgroup. Then, if you have to transfer a call to Sales, you can click the Sales tab and see all the members of Sales at a glance, along with their current personal statuses.
C HA PTE R 15. M ANAGING C ONTACT S AND W ORKGROUPS 15-15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The W orkgroups view The W orkgroup s vie w displa ys your perso nal wo rkgrou ps. Clic k Adva nc ed in the view bar to locate the button for the Workgroups view.
15-16 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 2. Choose File > New > Workgroup . The Work grou p dia l og box op en s.
C HAPTER 16 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 16 U SING C ALL R ULES C HAPTER C ONTENTS About call rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16-2 The Call Rules view . . . . . . . . . .
16-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About call rules ___ _________________________ ___________ Strata CS call rules enable you to handle specific incoming calls differently than other calls.
C HA PTE R 16. U SING C ALL R ULES 16-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Example: A call rule uses the “ Standard ” greeting. It also uses the Out of the Office personal status, which uses the “ Be back tomorr ow ” greeting. When the call rule handles a call, the “ Standard ” greeting is the one used.
16-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Creatin g a new ca ll rule _____ ______ _________ ______ ______ _ The following procedure provide s an overv iew of creating a call rule.
C HA PTE R 16. U SING C ALL R ULES 16-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Combining caller a nd schedule conditions When creating a call rule, you can specify only caller conditions, only schedule conditions, or both conditions together, with the following results: n Only caller conditions.
16-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To set a schedule cond ition 1. Check Calls at certai n dates or times . 2. Click or do uble-c lick i n the sche dule t ext bo x. The Schedul e Call Rule di alog box opens .
C HA PTE R 16. U SING C ALL R ULES 16-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To have the call rule activate on a d aily or weekly basis 1. Click Custom Hours . T he Cu st om H o urs d ial og bo x ope n s. 2. Check th e day s for whi ch you want to set cus tom hour s.
16-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL 5. If yo u selec t Partial da y , enter the Active hou rs for the day . 6. Click OK when you are finished setting the schedule. The call rule will be ac tive duri ng the spec ified hour s on t he spec ified da te.
C HA PTE R 16. U SING C ALL R ULES 16-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Choosing the priority of a call rule ______________ __________ Strata CS handles incoming calls ac cording to the priority of yo ur call rules. The call rules in the Call Rules view are ordered from the top down.
16-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL leave the personal status and phone settings blank. If Paul also belongs to the Sales workgroup for which you .
C HAPTER 17 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 17 W ORKING AS A C ALL C ENTER A GENT C HAPTER C ONTENTS Whether this chapter applies to you . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17-2 About call centers . . . . . . . . .
17-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Whethe r this chapte r ap plies to you ___ ______ _________ ____ This chapter provides instructions for working as an agent in a Strata CS call center.
C HA PTE R 17. W ORKING AS A C AL L C ENTER A GENT 17-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n On call. Whether an agent is currently active in a queue. Agents can be members of a queue but not currently on call, in which case the queue does not forward calls to them.
17-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL subsequ ent ou tbound ca lls as be ing from yoursel f. Otherwi se you r outbou nd calls will cont inue to be mark ed as com in g from the queu e, eve n th ou gh you ha ve signed o ut .
C HA PTE R 17. W ORKING AS A C AL L C ENTER A GENT 17-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n To log on using the telephone: Pick up the pho ne and dial # <your extension> # <yo ur password > # . 3. Afte r you h ave logge d on, s ign i n as desc ribed in “ Signing in ” on page 17 -3.
17-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL n The My Phone tab, which shows all the calls that are being handled by your ph one , incl u din g any q ueu e .
C HA PTE R 17. W ORKING AS A C AL L C ENTER A GENT 17-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Placing ca lls from a que ue ___ _________ ______ ______ ______ If you are a call center agent and you place a call at your desk using the telephone or the Client, by default Strata CS mark s the call as a call mad e by you.
17-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Popping up caller informa tion _____ ______ ______ _________ _ You can use the Strata CS Contact Manager Assistant to pop up informatio n about callers that you have in another contact manager application.
C HAPTER 18 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL C HAPTER 18 C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT C HAPTER C ONTENTS About customizing your Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18-2 Customizing telephone behavior . . . . . .
18-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL About custo mizing your Client ________________ ___________ You can customize the Client and your Strata CS account to suit the way you work. The customization options prese nted in this chapter are set in the Options d ialog box.
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To record a voice title in the Client 1. Choose Tools > Options . The Options dialog box ope ns. 2. On the G e neral tab, u se th e a udio co ntr ols un de r Voice T itle to record your voice title.
18-4 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To customize call announ cing or turn it o ff 1. Choose Tools > Options . The Options dialog box ope ns. 2. Click the Incoming Calls tab. 3. Under Screen a nd ann ounce t he ca ller fo r th ese types of cal l s , choose any of the following: n Inte rn al.
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL “ Call from external caller , ” or “ Call fr om contact, ” depe ndin g on the caller. n If caller ID is pr ese nt, do n ot a sk f or t h ei r nam es .
18-6 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL call waiting beep when using Client. The beep will play only when you ar e not runnin g th e Clie nt.
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL You ca n remo ve you r name from the d ial-b y-na m e dir ect or y if y ou wa nt only calle rs who know yo ur extensio n to call you. You can also spe cify wheth er or not the di a l-by- name dire c tory re ads yo ur e xtens ion to calle rs .
18-8 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Your phone rings three times in a demonstration of that ring. Because the ring pattern derives from a continuous loop, the first one might be truncated. Listen for th e subsequent rings to hear the pattern accurately.
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-9 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Cus tomizing inc oming ca ll behavio r _______ ______ ______ ___ You can customize how Strata CS handles incoming calls, as follows: 1. Choose Tools > Options .
18-10 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Custom izing the C lient for Operat ors _____ ______ ______ ____ If you are an Operator user, you can use the following option s to make transferring a call to the corre ct user easier an d f aste r: n Resize the Trans fer To dialog box .
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Customizing column s You can choose to show or hide columns in a view. You can also custo mize column s in a view by moving , resi zing, an d sortin g them.
18-12 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To move columns b y using the Show Columns dialog b ox 1. Choose View > Current View > Show Columns . You can also right-click in the view and select Show C olumns .
C HA PTE R 18. C USTOMIZING Y OUR C LIENT 18-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Other cus tomization op tions_____ ______ _________ ______ ___ The fo llowi ng table refers you t o cus tomi zation o ptions descri bed el sewher e in this manual.
A PPENDIX A BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL A PPENDIX A T ELEPHONE C OMMA NDS Q UICK R EFERENC E This appe nd i x pr ov ide s a quic k re f ere nce t o the St r ata CS te le ph one c om man ds. For more instructions on using Strata CS over the phone, see Chapter 3 through Chapter 6.
A-2 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Call hand ling comm ands _________ _________ ______ ______ _ As soon as you press Flash to put a ca ll on hold, you will hear a con text-sensitive menu of call handlin g optio ns.
A PPEND IX A. T ELEPHO NE C OMMANDS Q UICK R EFEREN CE A-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Quick commands for c all center agents The following commands are available only for agents in a call center queue. *55 Hear real-time call center st atistics for the queue of your choice.
A-4 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL V oice Mail/Acc ount me nu ___ ______ ______ _________ ______ _ The Voice Mail/Account menu lets you listen to your voice mail, send messag es to o t her us ers ’ voice mail, and change your Stra ta CS accoun t settings.
A PPEND IX A. T ELEPHO NE C OMMANDS Q UICK R EFEREN CE A-5 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Logging in To log in to the Voice Ma il/Account menu, pick up the phone and enter # <your extension> # <yo ur pa ss word> # When logging in fr om you r own S trata CS phone , you c an sk ip the e xtensi on.
A-6 S TRATA CS C LIENT U SE R G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL V oice Mail/ Account menu commands Note: Opti on 7 is a v ailable only when logg in g i n from an outside line . Note: Opti on 5 1 forwards your calls to the pho ne at which you are loca ted.
A PPEND IX A. T ELEPHO NE C OMMANDS Q UICK R EFEREN CE A-7 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Person al S t at us commands The following comm and s are ava ilable after choosing 6 1 fro.
A PPENDIX B BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL A PPENDIX B L OGGING ON TO THE C LIENT U SING C OMMA ND -L INE S WITCHES You can add various switches to the command line that the Client shortcut uses to start the Client.
A PPENDIX C BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL A PPENDIX C R EPOR TING P ROBLEMS If you experience a problem with one of the Strata CS workstation applications — Client, Administrator.
C-2 S TRAT A CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL The Wizard increments the sequence number in the file name each time it creates a new problem report package. To ru n the Problem Report Wizard 1. Choose Start > Run .
A PPEND IX C. R EPORTING P ROB LEMS C-3 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL To save the problem report package to the Strata CS Server 1. Locate the problem call (or the call that left the problem message) in the Call Log vi ew befor e you start.
I-1 BET A DOCUMENT - PRELIM INAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Symbol s # (with a call on hold to get a dial tone) , 4-9 * (bypa ss gr eeti n g and re c or d mess age ) , 5-6 * commands (table) , A-2 , A-3 ** .
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I- 2 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL righ t-click ing on view b ar bu ttons , 7- 8 Sche dule bu tton , 12-7 usin g ** ins tead of Fla sh a t remot e ph.
I-3 I NDEX BET A DOCUMENT - PRELIM INAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL Notes pane , 13-6 returning a call in , 13 -6 returning call using speed dial , 13-6 taki ng note s on an entry , 13-6 Call Monitor view ad.
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I- 4 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL redialing last incoming call with the phone , 3-5 redialing last outgo ing call with the phone , 3-5 returning cal.
I-5 I NDEX BET A DOCUMENT - PRELIM INAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL command-line switches, logging on with , 7-5 commands call a nnou ncing , A-1 call handling , A-2 logging in on the telephone , A-5 pers on.
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I- 6 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL length of voice messages , 12-15 location of recordings you create , 10-11 mailbox size in minutes , 12- 15 maximu.
I-7 I NDEX BET A DOCUMENT - PRELIM INAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL expor ting Call Log , 7-27 contacts , 7-26 extensions , 7-26 extension, dialing , 3-2 Extens ions view , 9-2 adding to Call Monitor view , .
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I- 8 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL using the Client , 10-16 hanging up, as final action of routing lists , 14-12 help, where to find , 1-4 hold at re.
I-9 I NDEX BET A DOCUMENT - PRELIM INAR Y & CONFIDENTIAL M mailb ox si ze def ault , 12-15 mana gin g co nt a ct s , 15-1 menu, Voice Mail/Account , A-4 message manag ement comma nds * (cancel) , .
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-10 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL stutter dial tone, turning on and off , 12-4 system tray button , 12-4 Notes pane hidi ng or sh owin g , 12-14 in .
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-1 1 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL editing , 15-3 permission to edit , 15-3 viewing in Folder List , 15-3 putting a call on hold using the Client , .
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-12 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL using the Client , 10-7 screening calls customizing , 18-3 scree ning cal ls by phone.
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-13 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL recording calls , 10-1 1 routing list active , 14-9 creating for individ ua l callers , 14- 8 matching active rout.
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-14 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL to voice mail on the phone , 4-7 using Call Monitor , 10-9 with the phone , 4-6 U unde leti ng vo ice mes sage s ,.
S TRATA CS C LIENT U SER G UIDE I-15 BET A DOCUMENT - PREL IMINARY & CONFIDENTIAL heard , 5-2 know ing wh en yo u have n ew me s sage s , 12-3 length, setting maximum , 12-15 listening to with the.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Toshiba Strata CS (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Toshiba Strata CS heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Toshiba Strata CS vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Toshiba Strata CS leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Toshiba Strata CS krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Toshiba Strata CS bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Toshiba Strata CS kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Toshiba Strata CS . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.