Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product UT-300R2 van de fabrikant UTStarcom
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UT-300R2 A DSL2/2+ Modem USER GUIDE UTStarc om, Inc..
Copyright © 2004 U TStarcom, Inc . All ri ghts res erved. No part of this document ation ma y be reproduced in any form or by a ny m eans or used to make any derivati ve work (suc h as tr anslation, t ransf ormatio n, or adaptation) wit hout prior, expres s a nd written perm ission from UTSt arcom , Inc.
Contents 1 Ov er view .............................. .................................. ......................... 1 De vic e In trod uc tion .......... ............ ........... ............ ............ ........... ............ ...... 1 Fea tur es ...
ii Static IP Addre ss for WAN .... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... .... ... ... ..... ... ... ..... ... ... .... .. 30 DH CP C onfi gu ratio n . ........... ............ ........... ............ ............ ........... ............ . 32 DHCP Server Settings for t he L A N.
iii Traf fic Sta tis tics .... ........... ............ ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ .... 76 Dia gno st ics ..... ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ ........... ............ .......... 7 7 8 A ttachments .
1 Overview The UT-300R2 provides i ntegrated voice and data services ov e r ADSL (Asymmetrical Digital S u bscriber Loop) W AN ( W ide Area Network) con nection.
2 Chapter 1 Overvie w Figure 1 Device Appearance Features • Data ra tes up to 26 Mbps downstream • Bridging and routing capa bilities • PPP and tunn eling features • Firewall w ith Dynam ic Ho.
Chapter 1 Overvie w 3 • Suppo rts up to eight simultane ous vir tual conn ections for a sin gle ADSL account • Suppo rts T1.413 issue 2, G.dmt and G.
2 Installat ion Plan ning Before installing the UT-300R2, y o u should ga ther information and e q uipment n ee ded to install the device, t hen Install t he hardware as i nstructed, c onnect the cables to the device and power on the UT - 300R2.
6 Chapter 2 Installation P lanning Interfaces Introduction Front Panel Figure 2 Front Panel P o we r S t e a dy g r e e n l i g h t i n d ic a t e s th e u n i t is p o we re d o n . W he n th e d e v i c e i s po w e r e d o f f t h i s r em ai n s d a rk .
Chapt e r 2 I ns tallation Planning 7 Rear Panel Figure 3 Rear P anel ADSL port - Conne ct to the ADSL line Ethernet port - to your PC’s Ethernet po r t Factory R es et Button Pow er input - Connect.
8 Chapter 2 Installation P lanning Connecting the UT-30 0R2 to the Ethernet L AN The UT-300R2 may be connected to a single c omputer or Etherne t device through the 10BASE-TX Ether net po rt on the rear p anel. Any con nection to an Eth ernet concentrating de vice such as a switch or hub must operate at a speed o f 10/100 Mbps only.
Chapt e r 2 I ns tallation Planning 9 Comput er to UT-300 R2 Co nnection Figure 4 Com puter to UT-300R2 Connection You ca n connect the UT-300R2 directly to a 10/100BASE-T X Etherne t adapter card (NIC) ins talled on a PC u sing the Etherne t cable provided as sh own in this diagram.
10 Chapter 2 Installation P lanning Figure 5 Hub/Switch to UT-300R2 Connection If y o u w i sh to reserve the u plink p ort on the s witch or hu b for another devic e, c onnect to a ny o n the other MDI-X po rts (1x, 2x, etc.
Chapt e r 2 I ns tallation Planning 11 3 You s hould s ee the Po w e r L ED indicator l ight up a nd rema in l i t. The Status LED should light solid gre en and beg in to blink after a few secon d s.
3 Before Conf iguri ng UT-300R2 The fac tory d efault settings o f UT -300 R2 o ptimized all functions so as t o e nable it to operate on most ne twork c onditions. Usually, for the users with simple network topology, the default settings can mee t the b asic req uirements a nd d on’t need t o change .
14 Chapter 3 Before Co n figuri ng UT-30 0R 2 Note: If I nternet Protocol (TCP/IP) d oes no t d isplay as a n installed component, you must i ns tall it.
Chapt er 3 Before C onfiguring U T-3 00R2 15 First Time Log on After in putting the forgoing IP address on URL a ddress bar, a new w ind ow ap pears prompting you fo r a user name and password needed to gain access the web configuration manager.
4 Web-based M ana gement Summary When you successfully login t h e Sum mary di recto ry button w i ll dis play the UT-300R2’s c urrent connection status − both for the WAN (Internet) a nd L AN (your home netwo r k) connections, as shown below.
18 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt Figure 7 W eb Manager – First Page Each tab d isplays menu buttons locat ed in the l eft hand panel of th e web in terface.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 19 Table 1 Options of Web-based page D i re c t o r y C o n f ig u r a ti o n an d R e ad - o n l y M en us H o m e C l i ck t he H o m e ta b to a c ce s s t he S umm a r y, W AN , D H C P , DNS , an d L A N C on f i gu ra t i o n me n u s.
20 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt single PVC. Select the c onnection type used for your account. The menu will display se ttin g s that are appropriate for the connection type you select. Follow the instruction below according to the type of connection you s elec t in t he WAN Settings me nu.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 21 Figure 9 W AN Setting − Add menu Note: you can configure up to se ven different connections o n your U T-300R2 ADSL Modem /UT-30 0R2 by assigning a number to ea ch configuration using the d r o p-down menu correspo nding to the PVC Number h eading.
22 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt verifying your accoun t, and then granting Internet access to the computer requesting the connectio n (that is, the software supplied by your ISP will h andl e g iving your Username a nd Password to the co m puter at your ISP that will then connect you to the Int ernet).
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 23 2 Also under the VPI/V CI , you will need to e nter two numbers , the VCI and VPI valu es. T h ese numbers are used to define a u nique p ath for you r c onnection. Your ISP should give you the specific se ttings for the VPI an d VCI numbers to enter.
24 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt Configu ring a Routed/B rid ged Conn ection for t he W AN A routed bridged connection b etween your ISP and you r LAN (the com puters in yo ur house or off ice) is .
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 25 Figure 11 WAN Settings Menu – Routed/Bridged Mode Note: Please note that th e m enu shown abo ve w i ll change depending on which WAN Type an d Connection Type you sel ect.
26 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt 3 Select t he Encapsulation type (LLC or VcMux) radio button that c o rresponds to the encapsulation i n use by your ISP 4 Enter t he IP Address, Subnet Mask, and Default Gatew a y address as supplied by your ISP.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 27 befor e yo u configure the W AN c onnection. See th e t a ble in the first sectio n of this manual for a sum m ary of the in formation you will need . 1 Select the PPP radio button to open the Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP) menu.
28 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt sites un til t he DNS settings are properly configu r e d. Be sure to confi gure this before you save the new s ettings and restart the UT-300R2. 7 When y o u are satisfie d th at all the WA N settings are configured correctly, click on the A ppl y button.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 29 Figure 12 WAN Settings - Dynamic IP Address (DHCP) 1 From the WAN Setting pa ge, s elect the PVC you want to config ure from th e seven available PVCs, us ing the d rop- down menu .
30 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt Whene ver a c omputer on your LAN attempts t o a ccess the Internet, the UT-300R2 w i ll use th is PVC to direct packets to the I nternet , and this PV C w ill become the default gateway to the Internet for y o ur LAN.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 31 Figure 13 WAN Settings - Static IP 1 From the WAN Setting pa ge, s elect the PVC you want to config ure from th e seven available PVCs, us ing the d rop- down menu .
32 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt 6 Enter the appropriate IP Address , S ubnet Mask and Default Gat eway addres s as instructed by your ISP. Your ISP shoul d have prov i ded these IP settings to you. 7 If you are in s tructed t o use e nable Default Route by your ISP, click the Enabled radio bu tton.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 33 Figure 14 Configu re DHCP server s ettings fo r the LAN The three options for DHCP serv i ce are as follows: 1 You ma y us e the UT-300R2 a s a DHCP server for your LAN. 2 You can disable DHCP service and m anually configure IP settings fo r all workstations.
34 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt the IP address of the UT-300R2, you must c hange the ra n ge of IP add resses in the pool used for DHCP on the LAN. Use the UT-3 00R2 for DH CP To us e the bu ilt-in DHCP server, clic k to select the DHCP Server op tion if it is not alre ady s elected.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 35 clients o n the LAN will au tomatically get DNS s ettings relay e d from the UT-300R2 as they a re entered here. Alt ernatively , if DNS Status i s disabled , workstations must be configured to init iate DNS reque s ts for each session, and therefore you mus t configure DNS s ettings for the worksta tions.
36 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt 192.168.1. x ( where x ca n range from 2 to 254) IP address range has been dedicated for h ome and small office use. The UT-300R2 A DSL router is configured with a d efault IP address of 19, and a subnet mask of 255.
Chapt e r 4 W eb-ba s ed Ma nagement 37 Figure 16 Configu re LAN IP settings To cha nge the LAN IP Address or Subnet Mask , t ype in the desi red values a nd click th e Apply bu tton. T h e n ew IP sett ings mus t be saved and the UT - 300R2 must be restarted for the settings to go i nto e ffect.
38 Chapter 4 Web-base d Manageme nt Figure 17 Save Settings and Restart the UT -3 00R2 To sa ve t he new se ttings, click th e Save& Res tart button. It will take about two minutes for th e whole pro c ess to be c ompleted. Do not tu rn off the po wer wh ile the UT-300R2 is saving and restarting.
5 Advanced Co nf iguration / Netw ork Management This chapter introduces a nd desc r i bes the management features t hat have n ot b een presented in the previ ous chapter.
40 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment Figure 18 Advanced configuration menus D i r e c to r y C o n f i g u ra tio n and R ea d - onl y M en u s V i r t ua l se rv e r T h i s .
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 41 D i re c t o r y C o n f i g u ra tio n and R ea d - on l y M en us A p pl i ca t i o n T h i s p a g e a l l o w s y o u t o co n f i g ur .
42 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment the s erver on your LAN with the Private IP add ress you s pecify. Remember t hat the Privat e IP Address must b e within the range specified for your LA N.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 43 Figure 19 Virtual Server Menu and List To m odify virtual server settings for an y previo usly created virtual server s et l isted, click o n the not e pa d icon in th e r ight hand co lumn o f the Virtual Servers List for the s et you want t o configure.
44 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment To c onf igure a virtual server s e t, define the following settings in the Virtual Server c onfiguration me nu located in the top half of the bro wser w i ndow.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 45 D i re c t o r y C o n f i g u ra tio n and R ea d - on l y M en us P u bl i c P o rt T h e P ub l i c P or t i s t he T C P / U DP po r t o n t h e W AN i n t er f a c e.
46 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment that a p plication in the S pecial A p plications List on your UT- 300R2 A DSL router. Figure 20 Special Applications Menu To co nfig ure .
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 47 D i re c t o r y C o n f ig u r a ti o n an d R e ad - o n l y M en us T r i g ge r P o rt T h is i s t h e T CP o r U DP p or t n um b er t.
48 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment Configure a Filter Rule-IP Filters You can li mit access to the WAN from PCs o n your LAN, or limit access f rom the WAN to your LAN using fil ter rules that can be configured on your UT-300R 2 ADSL router.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 49 Figure 21 Filters Configu ration Menu − I P Fil ters The first page allows yo u to enter an IP add ress, o r range o f IP addresses to f orm the basis of a f ilter ru le for t he UT-300R2 route r.
50 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment addi tional IP f i lter r ule and c lick t he Apply bu tton, the new rule w i ll be added to this list. The fi rst step i n configuring a n IP filter rule i s to d etermine if you w a nt to Allow or Deny acc ess .
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 51 From th e Protocol drop-down m enu, s elect the protocol that you want this ru le to apply t o .
52 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment D i r e c to r y Co n f i gu r at i o n and R ea d - on l y M en us A c t i on S e l ect A ll o w t o p e r m it pa ck et s t o p a s s t .
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 53 To remove any rule from the IP Filters List , c lick on the trashca n icon for set you w a nt to delete. To edit an y previously ent ered IP filte r rule, click o n the Note pad icon. Click th e A ppl y butto n to put t he new rul e into e ffect.
54 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment Figure 22 Filters Configuration Menu − MAC Filters Previously ente red or default M AC filter rules are listed in t he MAC Fi lters Li st a t the bottom of t he page.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 55 click Apply button. Or you ma y cli ck Clone to automaticall y add comput er's MAC address to th e MAC Address section. Click the Apply butto n to enter the rule i nto the M AC Filters List and restart the router.
56 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment save the new se ttings and r eb oot be fo re th e new rules are applied. Configuring a Filter Rule-URL Blocking You can li mit access to the WAN from PCs o n your LAN, or limit access f rom the WAN to your LAN using fil ter rules that can be configured on your UT-300R 2 ADSL router.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 57 Figure 23 Filters Configu ration Menu − URL Blocking The first page allows yo u to enter an IP add ress, o r range of IP addresses to f orm the basis of a f ilter ru le for t he UT-300R2 route r.
58 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment D i r e c to r y Co nf i g u r a t io n and R e ad - onl y M en u s IP F i lt er s T h i s r a d i o b u tt o n s el e ct s th e IP a d dr es s f i l t er ru l e e n t ry p a g e, w hi ch w i ll b e di s p l a y e d w he n y o u cl i ck o n i t .
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 59 Configuring a Filter Rule-Domain Blocking You can l imit access to the WAN from PCs o n your LAN, or limit access f rom the WAN to you r LAN using filter rules that can be configured on your UT-300R 2 ADSL router.
60 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment Figure 24 Filters Configuration Menu − Doma in Blocking The first page allows y ou to enter an IP add ress, o r range o f IP addresses to f orm the basis of a f ilter ru le for the UT-300R2 router.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 61 D i re c t o r y C o n f ig u r a ti o n an d R e ad - o n l y M e n u s IP F i lt er s T h i s ra d i o b u t t on se l e c t s t h e I P a dd re s s f il t e r r u l e e nt ry pa g e , wh i ch w i l l b e d i sp l a y e d w h e n y o u cl ic k o n it .
62 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment Inbound Fil ters List with the new setti ngs. The UT-300R2 must save the new se ttings and r eb oot be fo re th e new rules are applied.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 63 create a firewall policy t o protect your network against the foll owing attack ty p es and port scans : At t ac k s P o r t S ca n s P i n .
64 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment DMZ Click on t he DMZ me nu button t o displ ay the DMZ menu. If your computer canno t run Internet a pplications properly with the device , then you c an enable th is o ption to allo w the co mpu t er accessin g the unrest ricted I nternet.
Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat ion / Networ k Managem ent 65 DDNS The UT-300R2 supports Dynamic DNS used to share your IP address tha t is assigned b y your ISP, dynamically.
66 Chapter 5 Advanced Configurat io n / Network Ma n age ment RIP Figure 28 RIP menu RIP can be enabled on a ny ex i stin g WAN or L AN interfaces. It may b e specified to receive RIP re quests and reply to t hem, it can b e specified to s end RIP queries, or to both receive and send RIP packets.
6 Tools Click the Tools tab to reveal the menu buttons for various func tions located i n this dir ectory. These m enus a re used t o change th e system password use d to acce ss the web m anager, to .
68 Chapter 6 Tools Figure 29 Administrator Settings Menu Configure Sy s tem Time Use the Time menu to co nfigure th e UT -30 0R2’s system t ime manuall y o r from an SNTP server o r you r c omputer’s s ystem clock.
Chapt e r 6 T ools 69 Figure 30 Time Settings Menu If you o pt to use the Automatic option you must have an IP address of an available S NT P se rver. Date settings use t he format Y e ar/Month/Date, T i me settings use the format Hour (24 hour clock) / Minute/ Second.
70 Chapter 6 Tools this process. It shoul d take about two minutes to complete. After restarting, i t is a good id e a to back up the UT-300R2 configuration file t o your co mputer. See the in structions b elow to save configu rati o n files to y o ur PC.
Chapt e r 6 T ools 71 a lo cation on your compu ter to put th e file. The file type i s .cfg and may be named anything y o u wish. Load Sav ed C onfigur ation Files To lo ad a previously sa ved configuration file, click the B rowse button and locate t he f ile on your computer.
72 Chapter 6 Tools Restore Factory Default Settings To res et the UT - 300R2 t o its facto ry default se ttings, click the Restore button. You will be prompted to c onfirm your decision to reset the UT-300 R2. The UT-300R2 will reboot with t he factor y default setting s including IP settings.
Chapt e r 6 T ools 73 Figure 33 Firmware Upgrade To upgrade firmware, type in the name a nd path of th e file or click on th e Bro w s e button t o search for th e file. Click t he Apply button to begin copying the file. The fil e will load and restart the UT-300R2 automati c ally.
7 UT-300R2 St atus Informat ion Use the various re ad-only menus to view syst em in formation and mon itor performance. Log The l og file keeps record of the eve nts a nd a ctivities occur r ing on the d evice. It c an di splay u p to 256 events. T h e latest activi ties will overwrite the outdated ones.
76 Chapter 7 UT-300 R 2 Stat us Inf ormatio n F i r st P a g e D i s pl a y t h e f ir st p ag e of t he l og . L a s t P ag e D is pl a y t h e l a st pa g e of t h e l o g . P r e v i o u s Mo ve s ba ck o n e l o g p ag e . N e x t Mo ve s f or w a r d on e l og p ag e .
Chapt e r 7 UT -3 00 R2 Status Inf ormatio n 77 Diagnostics The UT-300R2 has a diagnostic feature that allows you to determin e the relative qu ality of the l i nk bet ween your L AN and the WA N.
8 Att achments Technical Specifications H a r dw a r e O n e A DS L po rt R J - 1 1, i nn e r pa i r (p i n 2 , 3) St a n d a r d C o m pl i a n ce A D S L S t a nd a r d s : A N S I T 1. 41 3 I s s ue 2 I T U G. 9 9 2. 1 (G . d m t ) An n ex A I T U G.
80 Chapter 8 Attachment s S a fe t y a n d E n vi ro n m en t a l C S A I n t er na t i o na l Ma rk I n cl u d i n g C S A 9 50 , UL 1 9 5 0 , I E C6 0 9 50 , E N 60 9 5 0 E M C Ce r t i f ic a t io .
Chapt e r 8 At tachments 81 AT M Ce l l f or m a t I T U -T Re c . I . 36 1 O A M s u p p o rt F 4 / F5 L o op b a c k AT M Q oS (T ra f f i c S h ap i ng ) U B R, CB R, V BR -r t , V B R -n rt P o i .
82 Chapter 8 Attachment s Glossary ADSL Asymme tric Digital Subscriber Line A P Acc ess Point ATM Asyn chronous Transfer Mode DHCP Dynami c Host Configuration Protocol DSLA M D igital Su bscriber Line.
Chapt e r 8 At tachments 83 WAN Wide Area Network WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy WLAN Wireles s Local Area Network.
UTStarcom, Inc. US A 1275 Harb or Bay Parkway Alameda, C A 945 02, US A Tel: 510-8 64-8800 F ax: 510-86 4-8802 http://www.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat UTStarcom UT-300R2 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen UTStarcom UT-300R2 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens UTStarcom UT-300R2 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding UTStarcom UT-300R2 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over UTStarcom UT-300R2 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van UTStarcom UT-300R2 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de UTStarcom UT-300R2 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met UTStarcom UT-300R2 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.