Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Revision 5 van de fabrikant Watlow Electric
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WATLOW ANAFAZE SYST EM 32 HARDWARE Installation And Operation Manua Revision 5 December 21, 1988 Watlow Anafaze 344 Westridge DR Watsonville, CA 95076 Phone: 831-724-3800 Fax: 831-724-0320 Copy right (c) 1987-1988.
STATEMENT OF WARRANTY ANAFAZE, Incorporated warrants that the Products furnished under this Agree ment will be free f rom material def ects in material a nd workmanship for a period of 90 day s from the date of shipment.
TABLE OF C ONTENTS 1.0 INTRODUCTION _____________________________________________ 1 1.1 SYSTEM FEATURES _________________________________________1 1.2 PLUG IN SYSTEM 32 MODULES_______________________________ 2 1.3 ANASOFT 32 - - PO WERFUL OP ERATING SOFTWARE __________ 4 2.
7.0 DETAILED MODULE DESCRIPTIONS ________________________ 38 7.1 PROCESSOR I/O MODULE -- A32-PIOM _______________________ 38 7.2 REED RELAY ANALOG INPUT MO DULE -- A32-RRAIM ________ 39 7.3 SOLID STATE ANALOG INPUT MO DULE -- A32-SSAIM ________ 41 7.4 ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE - - A32-AOM _____________________ 41 7.
1 1.0 INTRODUCTION The ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 is the key element used to form an innovative measurement and control system. I t combines it s power with an IB M P C or similar c omputer to deliver a n extremely efficie nt data acquisition and pr ocess control sy stem.
2 1.1.3 PROCESS INTEG RITY: The ANAFAZE approach delivers hig h integrity because the SYSTEM 32 independently control s and checks each loop for alarms while it is in turn checked by the computer. Thus a computer failure will not affec t the process and a c ontroller problem will be detected by the computer.
3 Configurations can start with only the PR OCESSOR I/O MODUL E to provide 32 time proportioning or on/off open loop control outputs. For closed loop control, simply add an ANALOG I NPUT MODULE, either reed relay for 16 inputs, or solid state for 32 inputs.
4 1.2.2 ANALOG INPU T MODULES: Two optically -isolated analog input modules are available for the SYSTEM 32. A 16 channel reed relay switching module and a 32 channel solid state switching module. The reed relay module provides the highest level of input noise protection and the solid state module is more economical.
5 line, real-time data for each input can be graphically plotted on the screen. Data is continuously stored for every input to provide a history over user selected time intervals. These on line plots e nable quick analy sis of process conditions for optimizing performance, tuning control loops, determining reasons for alarms, and other situations.
6 2.0 SPECIF ICATIONS 2.1 ANALOG INPU TS Number of cha nnels: 32 for PI D control, 48 total with reed multiplexer, 96 total with solid state. Multiplexing: three wire reed relay , guarded inputs. two wire solid state. A/D converter: integrating voltag e to frequency .
7 2.2 OPERATING P ARAMETERS I ndependently set for each loop through serial interface. I nput ty pe: any standard type (see above), any mix . Gain: 0 to 255 proportional; 0 to 510 on/off. Proportional Band: Direct reading in eng ineering units of the loop range.
8 2.5 CONTROL AND ALARM OUTPUTS 32 I ndividually selectable control outputs: Digital Outputs: Time proportioning, On/Off, Alarms: voltage output: 5VDC at 6ma maximum for solid state or other relay s. Analog: voltage or current: selectable (4 to 20ma, or 0 to 5 volts).
9 2.9 SUBASSEMBLY IDENTIFICATION A32-PIOM: PROCESSOR I/O MODULE includes factory selectable communication interface [RS-232 or current loop], 32 control outputs, 24 digital outputs, and 16 digital inputs.
10 3.0 INSTALLATION There are some precautions that must be observed when installing SYSTEM 32: WARNING: ELECTRICAL SHOCK DANG ER It is very im portant that all system power including the power input be disconnected before servicing the ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32.
14 3.1.3 DETACHABLE TERMINAL BLOCKS WARNING - ALWAYS CHECK TERMINAL LO CATION AND ORIENTATION All connections, except the Ac power supply , are made on removable terminal strips. Terminal strip removal is achieved by removing the retaining screws and pulling them directly away from the front panel.
15 3.2.2 COMMUNICATIONS WATCHDOG TIMER The communications timer provides a method of turning off all control outputs if there i s a problem in th e host computer that effect s communication. I t operates by monitoring activity on the communication line.
16 1. All control output ty pes are set to MANUAL 2. All output values for control outputs are set to 0%. 3. Digital output 72 is set ON. This output is available at TB2, pin 30. 4. The internal c ontroller reset f lag is set TRUE. (Hence the host will receive a RESET status code upon re-establishing communication).
17 3.3.2 POWER F USE The SYSTEM 32 power supply is not fused. An external 1/2 AMP fuse in the AC input line is recommended. 4.0 COMMUNICATIONS SET-UP AND CONNECTIONS The ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 is designed for three ty pes of serial communications: RS-232, RS-485, and 20ma current loop.
18 4.1.1 Other RS-232 Lines Some host computers or other RS-232 devices use additional communication lines that are not required by the SYSTEM 32. These include: RTS - Ready to Send DSR - Data Set Rea.
19 Multiple SYSTEM 32 units are connected in series. R+ is connected to the first unit TX+ and TX- from the first unit is connec ted to TX+ of the next unit. These serial connections are continued until the last unit is reached. The last unit TX- is connected to the com puter R-.
20 Distance Wire Gauge Recomm ended Cable 1500 ft. 28 AWG Alpha 3492 4000 ft. 24 AWG Beldon 9729 6000 ft. 22 AWG Beldon 9184 The use of a shield depends on the noise environment and grounding considerations [4.3.3]. The above cables are shielded. 4.3.
21 ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 connections for a sing le unit are as follows: Black Box COMPUTER L D485A SYSTEM 32 +485 Output (Start bit +5v) TXA RX+ #3 -485 Output (Start bit 0v) TXB RX- #4 +485 I nput RXA TX.
22 5.0 ANALOG INPU TS Connecting analog sig nals to the ANAFAZE SYSTEM 32 is normally straightforward. Most signals, including thermocouples can be directly connected and mixed in any order. However, some problems may occur that could reduce accuracy and possibly damag e the unit.
23 5.5 ANALOG INPU T MODULES Two ty pes of analog input modules are available for the SYSTEM 32. The A32- RRIAM -- REED REL AY ANALOG I NPUT MODULE provides 16 analog inputs with reed relay switching. The A32-SSAIM -- SOL ID STATE ANAL OG I NPUT MODULE provides 32 inputs with solid state switching.
24 capacitors can be installed for signal conditioning. Please consult ANAFAZE. The PC board silk screen shows the resistor locations. 5.6.2 USE OF THE SHIELD CONNECTION The shield connection provides a third input which is switched as each channel is measured.
25 5.6.4 DC CURRENT INPUTS Current inputs from transmitters are accommodated by placing resistors in the input section to convert the current input into a voltage . Different current input ranges are accommodated by selecting the proper resistor values.
26 5.6.7 INFRARED NON-CONTACT TEMP ERATURE SENSORS The ANAFAZE I RSM infrared sensing module is ideally suited for many infrared non-contact temperature applications.
27 5.8 SCALING AND CALIBRATION Since a computer is used to display the reading and load the setpoints, a mathematical step can be used to convert measurements and setpoints to engineering units and correct for known sensor calibration errors.
28 5.9 DIAGRAMS OF TYP ICAL INPUTS SEE SECTI ON 5.6 FOR DETAI LED I NFORMATION. Typical Thermocouple AUX O HIGH O-- + White ------------------------- Ty pe J T/C LOW O-- - Red ---------------------------- SHL D O Shielded Ther mocouple : To use shield remove jumper RD.
29 5.10 ANALOG INPU T CONNECTIONS 5.10.1 A32-RRAIM Analog Input Connections Terminal 1 [Upper] | Terminal 2 [Lower] | Pin Channel Assignment | Pin Channel Assignment | 1 REF GND | 1 + REF 2 REF GND | .
30 5.10.2 A32-SSAIM Analog Input Connections UPPER TERMINAL BLOCK Pin Channel Assignment | Pin Channel Assignment 1 1 HI | 2 17 HI 3 LO | 4 LO 5 2 HI | 6 18 HI 7 LO | 8 LO 9 3 HI | 10 19 HI 11 LO | 12.
31 6.0 CONTROL OUTPUTS Control outputs are provided from the A32-PI OM -- P ROCESSOR I/O MODULE for digital outputs and the A32-AOM -- ANAL OG OUTPUT MODULE for analog outputs.
32 Alarm outputs are also used t o activate SS R's when possible. The connections are essentially the same. Lower Terminal B lock TB2 SSR 1 SSR 2 |--------| |--------| Pin | - + | | - + | |--|--|--| |--|--|--| Low Dev. Out 1 5 O--------------| | | | | | | High Dev.
33 |--------| + 5vdc 31 O-------------------O + | | | Ready 33 O-------------------O - | | SSR | |--------| 6.1.2 OUTPUTS ENABLE: A32-P IOM ONLY The control outputs from the PI OM [TPV, ON-OFF, and DZC] for all 32 Loops are off, when Outputs ON Pin #35 of TB2 is TTL high or open.
36 6.3 ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE A32-AOM Analog control outputs are provided for the SYSTEM 32 by using the A32-AOM. Each module provides 16 analog outputs and up to two modules can be used in a single SYSTEM 32 for 32 control outputs. The AOM provides both 4 to 20ma with 400 ohms maximum load and 0- 5vdc at 5ma maximum.
37 6.3.2 A32-AOM ANALOG OUTPUT MODULE CONNECTIONS Note the outputs are designated as follows: L OOP #C Positive terminal for 4-20ma dc output. LOOP #V Positive terminal for 0-5vdc output.
38 7.0 DETAILED MODULE DESCRIPTIONS 7.1 PROCESSOR I/O MODULE -- A32-P IOM The PIOM is the main processor for the SYS TEM 32 and is required i n each sy stem. The only PIOM option available for standard sy stems is the type of communications i nterface.
39 Direct [Cool]. The outputs are 5vdc at 16ma max imum and are normally used to switch optica lly -isolated solid-state relay s (SSR's). The alarm and status outputs include a global high and low deviation and a watchdog timer which are set by the SYSTEM 32.
40 7.2.1 Automatic Calibration The RRAI M includes two additional inputs: a full scale and a z ero signal that are used by the PI OM for automatic full scale and z ero calibration. The zero input is read on one scan to calibrate the analog amplifier zero, on the next scan the full scale input is read to calibrate the amplifier gain.
41 7.2.7 Open Thermocouple Detection The RRI AM has upscale open thermocouple detection which is accomplished by placing a small current through the thermocouple leads. The input source impedance may go as high as 200 ohms before rated accuracy is effected.
42 Each AOM has an address Dip switch for address selection of the AOM in the 32 Sy stem. Up to two AOM's may be used in each SYSTEM 32. 7.5 PULSE INP UT MODULE -- A32-PIM The PI M counts up to 32 pulse inputs at maximum pulse rates of 1kHz with 50% duty cy cle pulses.
43 The OPERATOR STATI ON requires ANASOFT-32 to be running in the sy stem computer. I t obtains its readings and changes the setpoints throug h the computer. The OPERATOR STATI ON can select any PIOM and any loop in the system for display and change s.
44 8.0 PID CONTROL This section provides some common definitions of control terms and information on control loop tuning. 8.1 CONTROL LOOPS A control loop may consist of four or five elements depending upon the placement of the functions of some elements.
45 not be confused with with the ty pe of control output signal: for example pulsed DC voltage or analog output. 8.1.3 ON/OFF CONTROL The simplest way to control the PROCESS VARI ABL E (PV), for example temperature on an oven, to a desired SETPOI NT (SP), operating temperature , is to use ON/OFF contr ol.
46 Kp is the proportional gain, and FSR/Kp is referred to as the proportional band PB . The g ain can be set from 0 to 255 for the SYSTEM 32. Note that when gain is specified in the control equation the output would be different for the same error if a different full scale is used.
47 For tempe rature contro l, the most useful and ea siest to use entry is the PB in actual degr ees for the SYSTEM 32. The nominal setting of the PB can be between 5-20% of the SP. Thus, a SP of 300 o F may require a PB of 15-60 o F. To start use 10% of the SP.
48 Another way of viewing the reset action is to look at the integr al term in the control equation of section 8.1.4. The control output due to this term is the error integra ted over time. Thus a small offset ove r a long per iod of time will incre ase the inte gral sum and c onsequently the control output until the PV is equal to the SP.
49 RATE is also used to correct for rapid l oad changes, to slow large capacity processes, and to overcome the slew rates of electric motor actuators. The RATE function responds to the change in the error as a function of time. Mathematically it is the first de rivative of the e rror as a func tion of time [see equation in section 8.
50 Heating applications normally uses REVERSE ACTION and cooling applications norma lly will use DIRECT ACTI ON. The selection may also be dependent upon the application of two competing mediums of energ y such as in a HEAT/COOL or TEMPERATURE/HUMI DITY applications.
51 Time proportioning control is a method of using a digital output and an on/off device such as a relay to essentially achieve an analog control signal. When the controller calculates the required control signal, it converts the percent output into a percent duty cy cle and outputs this to the process through the relay .
52 8.1.11 DISTRIBUTED ZERO CROSSING Distributed Zero Crossing [DZC] output is the other time proportioning output available from the SYSTEM 32. This output is primarily for very fast acting electrical heating loads using SSR's. The open air heater coil is an example of a fast acting load.
53 and the full scale adjusted t o match the ex pected PV range. The graphics of the Plot will show the effe ct of the PI D tuning in rea l time. The understanding of PI D functions would be useful in tuning loops, but not essential to a successful application of PI D constants to a control loop.
54 range of the process control span. If the process elements are not correctly sized then it will be diff icult and even impossible to tune the controller . 8.2.2 TUNING PID LOOP S 1. Fir st set PB to 2% of the desired SP, Rese t to .2 R/M, Rate to 0, Filter to 0.
55 8.2.3 OUTPUT F ILTER There is no tuning step for the Output Filter. Adjusting the PI D without the Filter g ives the most accurate response of the control function of the PID modes.
56 car speed started to slowly increase. She slowly backed off the pressure t o the gas pedal, try ing to maintain the 30 mph. This is known as reset, as she was resetting the eng ine spee d to maintain 30 mph with cha nging load c onditions. This is the RESET FUNCTION.
57 9.0 SOFTWARE ANAFAZE offers turn key software for IB M PC and compatible computers. The present software includes: ANASOFT-32 Measurement and Control ANASOFT-32-RS Measurement and Control with Ramp and S oak ANASOFT-32-CP Measurement and Control with Carbon Potential 9.
58 the profile is selected the stored ramp and soak recipe for each loop is automatica lly setup. Accurate Recipe T racking : The ramp and soak software provides special alarms and warning s in addition to the standard features of ANASOFT. Tolerance levels are used for guaranteed soak, process warnings, and process alarms.
59 implement y our entire turn key hardware and software sy stem. Please contact y our local representative or ANAFAZE directly for a quotation. 10.0 SOFTWARE COMMAND STRUCTURE The SYSTEM 32 will respond to commands according to the following format. The commands generally follow the specifications of ANSI X3.
60 10.4.1 Processor Reset This Error Code is ret urned after : Power-up reset The watchdog timer resets the Master processor The Master processor resets the S lave processor 10.4.2 Comm and Error This Error Code is re turned when the A32PI D receives a command that is not a Block Read or a Block Write.
61 10.6. Input Types The following one by te codes designate the various input ty pes accepted by the SYSTEM 32: Code Input Type ------------ --------------- 00 Linear (0-60 mV) 01 J Thermocouple 02 K Thermocouple 03 T Thermocouple 04 [ Spare ] 05 [ Spare ] 06 RTD 07 Frequency (Pulse Counter) 10.
62 The following examples show the output code for specific output ty pes: Output Configuration ............................................................................ Hex Code DZC Digital Output, Automatic control ...............................
63 11.0 TROUBLE SHOOTING INFORM ATION These four items must wor k together to ope rate the SYSTEM 32: The SYSTEM 32 The computer including the RS-232 or other serial interface The communications link The computer software I f the sy stem does not work on initial start up c heck the SYSTEM 32 indicator lights, the computer, and the serial link.
64 the Edit or Run mode. Select the Run mode. If the SYSTEM 32 does not answer, a communica tions error messa ge will appea r on the display [see 11.3 and 11.4]. 11.3 Comm unications Problem s I f the computer is functioning properly [ section 11.1] then the communication interface, cables and connections must be checked.
65 I f the green light is on, then the orang e light light is a communications indicator. The ora nge light will a ppear whenever the PI OM has decoded a communication containing the address of the PI OM as set in the DIP switch. Thus the conditions for establishing the orange light in the presence of the green light are: 1) PI OM working.
66 Verify that y ou are using the COM 1 serial port on your computer. Anasoft assumes this to be the a ctive communications por t. Verify the wiring connections between y our computer and the Anafaze controller. For RS-232, only three wires are (Rx, Tx and Gnd) are necessary to communicate with the controller.
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