Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product KTRA22EMBL02 van de fabrikant Whirlpool
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SIDE BY SIDE REFRIGERATOR Use & Care Guide For quest ions about features, ope ration/pe rformanc e parts , accessorie s or ser vice, call: 1-800-2 53-1301 . In Canada, call for assist ance 1-80 0-46 1-5681 , for installatio n and service, call: 1-800- 807- 6777 or visit ou r website at.
2 T ABLE OF C ONTENTS REFRIGERATOR SAFETY ...... ............................ ........................... 3 Proper Disposal of Your Old Refrigerator ....................... ............. 3 INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS ....................... ............
3 REFRI GER AT OR SAF ETY Proper Disposal of Y our Old Refrigerator IMPORT ANT : Ch ild entrapment a nd suffocation are not problems of the past. Junk ed or abandoned refrigerators are still dangerous – even i f they will s it for “ jus t a few days .
4 INSTALLATI ON INSTRUCT IONS Unpacking Removin g packagin g materials ■ Remove tape and gl ue residue from surfaces before turn ing on the refrigerator . Rub a small amount of liquid dish soap over the adhesi ve with your fingers. Wi pe with warm water and dry .
5 Electrical Require ments Before you move your r efrigerator into its final l ocation, it is important to m ake sure you have the proper electri cal connection : Recommended gr ounding method A 115 V olt , 60 H z., A C onl y 15 or 20 am pere f used, groun ded electrica l supply i s required.
6 Door Removal TOOLS NEED ED: ¹⁄₄ in. hex-head socket wr ench, ⁵⁄₁₆ in . hex-head socket wrench and a fla t-blade sc rewdriver . IMPORT ANT : Before you begin, turn the refrigerator contr ol OFF . Unplug refrigerator or disconnect power .
7 Handle Removal (optional) Style 1 1. Apply f irm pr essur e with your han d on the face of t rim. Slide top tri m up and botto m trim down aw ay fr om hand le. Lift trim pieces off shoulder s crews (see Graphic 1 ). NOTE : Some models i nclude accen t pieces bet ween the hand le and the handl e trim.
8 4. Align and r eplace the top l eft hinge as shown (s ee Graphic 4). Tighten screws. Style 1 ■ Reconnect bot h ground wires. ■ Reco nnect wi ri ng plug . Style 2 ■ Reco nnect wi ri ng plug . 5. Repl ace l eft hing e cover a nd scr ews. 6. Replace the refrigerator door by carefully lifting the door onto the bottom right hinge.
9 4. Determi ne the l ength of c opper tu bing yo u need. M easure from the connection on the lower left rear of r efrigerator to the wate r pipe. Ad d 7 ft. (2.1 m) to all ow for cle anin g. Use ¹⁄₄ in. (6.35 mm ) O.D. (ou tside di ameter) c opper tu bing.
10 Nor ma l Sou nds Y our new r efrigerator m ay make sound s that your old one didn ’ t make. Becau se the sounds ar e new to you, you might be concer ned about th em. Most of the new s ounds are normal. Hard surfaces, su ch as the floor , walls, and cabi nets, can make the sounds seem loud er .
11 Style 2 1. Push in on the contro l and release it. 2. The c ontrol wi ll p op out . T ur n t he cont rol to t he des ired setti ng. 3. Push the cont rol in to lock it in place.
12 To d i s p e n s e w a t e r : 1. Press a glass aga inst the w ater disp enser le ver . 2. Remove th e glass to stop d ispen sing. NOTE : W ater may have an off-flavor if you do not use the dispen ser period ically . Dispen se enough wate r every week to maint ain a f resh supp ly .
13 Non-indica tor water filt er (on som e models) If you r r efrig erat or does n ot hav e the wat er filt er sta tus lig ht, you should change t he water filter cartridge every 6 to 9 months depen ding upon your usage.
14 2. T o manually turn the ice maker of f, lift the wir e shutoff a rm to the OF F (arm up) positio n and listen f or the clic k to make sur e the ice maker wil l not conti nue to operate.
15 Refrigerator Shelves Y our model may have glass or wire shelves. Store similar foods together an d adjust the sh elves to fi t different heights. T his reduces the time the refrigerator door i s open and saves en er gy . Sli de-ou t Shelve s (on some m odels ) T o remove and replace a sh elf in a metal frame: 1.
16 Convertib le V eget able/Mea t Draw er , Crisp er and Covers (on some m odels) Crisper and Convert ible V egetable Me at Drawers T o remove an d replace drawers: 1.
17 Utility Bin (on some models - Acc essory) NOTE : For long-term storage, p lace eggs in a covered container or in their original carton on an interior shel f. F REEZER FEATURES Y our model may have some or all of thes e features. Features that can be purchased s eparate ly as product ac cessorie s are labeled with the wor d “ Access ory .
18 Chilled Door Bin C ontrol The chilled door bin control is located on the left-hand side of the refrigerator compartment. ■ T urn the control clockwise (right) to reduce the flow of cold air to the bin an d make it less cold.
19 NOTE : T o keep y our Stainless Ste el refrigerator looking like new and to remove mino r scuffs or marks, it is su ggested that you use the ma nufacturer ’ s approved Stain less St eel Clean er & Polis h.
20 Style 2 ■ Remove the lig ht shield by grasping t he sides and sq ueezing in towar d the center and while pul ling forwa rd the shie ld. ■ Repl ace the light sh ield by fittin g the tabs into the slot ted holes i n the fr eezer line r . Push i n the shie ld unti l it snap s into place.
21 T ROUBLESHOOTING T ry the solutions suggested here fir st in order to avoid the cost of an unnecessary service c all. Y our refrigerator will not operate ■ Is the power supply cord unplugged? Plug i nto a gr ounded 3p r o n go u t l e t . ■ Has a household fuse or cir cuit breaker tripped? Replace the fuse or reset th e circuit breaker .
22 ■ Has food in the fr eezer or refrigerator been wrapped pr operly? Use airti ght, moistu re-proof packaging to help prevent odor transfer to stored food. ■ Does the water contain min erals (such as sulfur )? Af i l t e r may need to be installed to r emove the minerals.
23 T emp erature is too warm ■ Are the air vents blocked in either compartment? This prevents the movement of cold air from the freezer to the refrigerator . Remove any obj ects from in front of the air vents. See “ Ensuring Pr oper Air Cir culati on ” for the location of air vents.
24 In Canad a Call the Whi rlpool Cana da Inc. Cu stomer Intera ction Center toll free: 1-800- 461-5681 M onday to Friday 8:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. (EST). Satur day 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. (EST). Our consu ltant s provide assi stance w ith: ■ Features and spec ificati ons on our ful l line of a pplian ces.
25 PRODUCT DATA SHEETS Base Grille W ater F iltration System Model WF-NL240/NL240 Capacity 240 Gallons (908 Liters) Model WF-L400/L400 Ca pacity 400 Gallons ( 1514 Liters ) This system has been teste d according to ANSI/NSF 42/53 for the reduction of the substances listed below .
26 Base Grille W ater F iltration System This system has been teste d according to ANSI/NSF 42/53 for the reduction of the substances listed below . The concentration of the indi cated su bstanc es in.
27 WHIRLPOOL ® REFRIGERATOR W ARRANTY ONE -YEAR FU LL WA RRAN TY For one year from the date of purchase, when this refrigerator (exclu ding the water fi lter) is operated and main tained according to.
28 S É CURIT É DU R É FRI G É RA TEUR Mise au rebut de votre vieu x r é frig é rateur IMPORT ANT :L ’ empriso nnement et l ’é touf fement de s enfants n e sont p as un p robl è me du pas s é .
29 INSTRUCT IONS D ’ INSTALLA TION D é ballage Enl è vement des mat é riaux d ’ e mballa ge ■ Enleve r le ru ban adh é sif et tout r é sidu de col le du r é frig é rateur avant d e le mettre en marche. Frotter une petite quanti t é de savo n liqu ide à vais sell e sur l ’ adh é si f avec les doigts .
30 Sp é cif ications é le ctriq ues Avant de placer le r é frig é rateur à son e mplacement f inal, i l est impor tant d e vous a ssurer d ’ avoir la c onnexion é lectrique appropri é e: M é.
31 Enl è ve ment des portes OUTILS REQU IS : Cl é s à doui lles à t ê te hexagonale de ¹⁄₄ po et ⁵⁄₁₆ po et un to ur nevi s à lame plat e. IMPORT ANT : Avant de commencer , tour ner la comma nde du r é frig é rateur à OFF (arr ê t), d é brancher le r é fri g é rateur ou d é connecte r la source de courant é lectriq ue.
32 Enl è v ement des p oign é es (facu ltatif) Style 1 1. A p p l i q u e ru n ep r e s s i o nf o r t ea v e cv o t r em a i ns u rl as u r f a c e de la garnit ure. Glisser la garnitur e sup é rieur e vers le haut et la garnitur e inf é rieure vers le bas hors de la poign é e.
33 4. Aligner et replacer la cha rn i è re su p é ri eure g auche t el qu'indi qu é (v oir dess in 4). Ser rer les vi s. Style 1 ■ Reconnect er les de ux fils de l iaison à la terre e n utilisa nt la vis v erte de liais on à la ter re. ■ Reconnect er la fic he des fils.
34 Racco rdement à une canalisation d ’ eau 1. D é brancher le r é frig é rateur ou d é con necter la s ource de courant é lectriq ue. 2. FERMER le r obinet princ ipal d ’ arriv é ed ’ eau. OUVR IR le r obinet de puis age le plus pr oche pend ant une p é riod e suffisante p our que l a canalis ation d ’ eau se vide.
35 3. Ouvrir la po rte du cong é lateur et me ttre en marche la machine à gla ç ons. Pour le sty le 1, abai sser le b ras de commande d'arr ê te n b r o c h e .P o u r l e styl e 2 ,d é placer le commuta teur à la position ON ( à gauc he ).
36 IMPORT ANT : ■ L ’ appar eil ne ref roi dira pas lo rsque la c ommand e du R É FRIG É RA TEUR est r é gl é e à OFF (arr ê t). ■ La com man de du r é frig é rateur r è g l el at e m p é ratur e du compartiment de r é frig é ration.
37 Distribution de gla ç on s : 1. Appuyer sur l e bouton po ur le typ e de glace d é sir é . 2. A p p u y e ru n v e r r er o b u s t ec o n t r el el e v i e rd ed i s t r i b u t i o nd e gla ç ons. T enir le verre pr è sd e l ’ ouvertur e du distributeur pour que les g la ç ons ne tombent pas à c ô t é du ver re.
38 V errouillage du distributeur (sur certains mod è les) Le distr ibuteur pe ut ê tre ar r ê t é pour le nett oyage facile ou pour emp ê cher la distri bution a ccidentell e par de pe tits enfan ts et animaux de compagnie.
39 Style 2 : À travers la grille de la base 1. Rep é rer le couv erc le de la car touche de f iltr e situ é dans la grille d e la base à l ’ avant.
40 Pour r etire r et r é installer le bac à gla ç ons (Sty le 1) : 1. Tirer le panneau qui recouvre l e bac à gla ç ons en le retirant à la base et en suite e n le gliss ant vers l ’ arri è re. 2. Soulever l e bras d'arr ê te nb r o c h ej u s q u ’à ce qu ’ il s ’ enclenche à la p ositi on OFF ( é le v é e).
41 Ta b l e t t e s d u r é frig é rateur Vo t r e m o d è le peut ê tre do t é de tabl ettes en v erre ou de clayette s. Le remi sage d ’ alim ents s embla bles en sembl e et le r é glage des.
42 Ti r o i r p o u r s p é cialit é sa l i m e n t a i r e s (sur certains mod è les) Le ti roir p our s p é cialit é s alimentai res f ournit un endr oit prat ique pour garder les r aisins secs , noix, t artinade s et autres petits articles à des temp é rat ures n orma le s de r é frig é rate ur .
43 R é glage de l ’ humidi t é dans le bac à l é gumes (sur certains mod è les) Le tau x d'hum idit é du bac à l é gumes est contr ô l é par la comman de qui se t rouve sur le cou vercle du bac à l é gumes. R é gle r la com mande à n'importe q uel r é glage entre L OW (ouvert) et HIGH (ferm é ).
44 Pa n i e r o u b a c d e c o n g é lateur (bac en plastique sur certains mod è les ) Le pani er ou b ac du con g é lateur pe ut ê tre uti lis é pour garder des sacs de f ruits et d e l é gumes congel é s qui peuve nt glisser hors des tabl ettes de con g é lateur .
45 Tr i n g l e s d a n s l a p o rt e L e st r i n g l e sd a n sl ap o r t ep e u v e n t ê tre enle v é es pour faciliter le nett oyage . T ringles e nclencha bles dans la porte Pour r etire r et r é installer les tringles : 1.
46 V eille r à ce que le n ettoya nt et poli pou r acier in oxydabl e n ’ entre pas en contact av ec les pi è ces de pl asti que tel les que garnitures, couver cles de distributeur s ou joints de porte. En cas de contac t, nettoy er la pi è ce de pla stiqu e avec un e é ponge et un d é t e r g e n td o u xe td el ’ ea u ti è de.
47 Lumi è re de la partie sup é rie ure d u cong é lateur (sur certains mod è les) Style 1 ■ Enleve r le protecteur d e l ’ ampoule en saisiss ant le centre sup é rieur d u protecteur et le retirer vers l ’ avant en le tour nant l é g è rem e nt d ’ un c ô t é .
48 Entretien avant les vacances ou lors d ’ un d é m é nagement V acances Si vous choisissez de la isser le r é frig é rateur en fonctionnement pend ant votre absence : 1.
49 Le plat de d é givrage contien t de l ’ eau ■ Le r é frig é rateur est-i l en train de se d é givrer? L ’ eau s ’é vap ore ra. C ’ est n ormal pour l ’ eau de d é goutter dans le plat de d é giv rage.
50 ■ Les alim ents dan s le cong é lateur ou le r é frig é rate ur ont- ils é t é bien emball é s? Util iser un em ballag e herm é tique e t à l ’é pr euve de l ’ humid it é pou r aider à emp ê cher le t ransfe rt d ’ odeur aux alimen ts entrepos é s.
51 Le d é bit d ’ eau d u distributeur diminue beaucoup ■ Un filtre à eau est-il i nstall é sur le r é frig é rat eur? Le f iltre peut ê tre ple in ou incorr ectement ins tall é . Ô ter l a cartouc he du filt re à eau. V oir l a sect ion “ Sy st è me de filtration de l ’ eau ” .
52 ASSISTANCE OU SE RVICE Avant de demander une ass istance ou u n service, veu illez v é rifier la secti on “ D é pannage ” .C e t t ev é rification peut vous faire é conomiser le co û td ’ une v isit e de r é paration. S i vous avez encore besoin d ’ aide, suivre les instruc tions ci-des sous.
53 FEUILLES DE DONN É ES SUR LE PRODUIT Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Mod è le WF-NL240/NL240 Capacit é 24 0 gallons (908 l itres) Mod è le WF-L400/L400 Capacit é 400.
54 Syst è me de filtration d ’ eau à la grille de la base Ce produit a é t é test é s e l o nl e sn o r m e s4 2e t5 3A N S I / N S F p o u rl ar é duct ion des su bstance s é num é r é es ci-dessous.
55 GARANTIE DU R É FRI G É RA TEUR WHIRLPOOL ® GARANTIE COMPL È TE DE UN AN Pend ant un a n à c o m p t e rd el ad a t ed ’ a c h a t ,l o r s q u ec er é frig é rateur ( à l ’ ex clusion .
2255705 © 2003 Wh irlpo ol Corpo rati on. All rig hts reserv ed. Tous dr oits r é serv é s. ® Re gistered Tradem ark/TM Tradem ark of Whirlp ool, U.S .A., Wh irlpool C anada In c. Li censee in Canad a ® Marqu e d é pos é e/TM Marque de c ommerce de Whirlpool, U.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Whirlpool KTRA22EMBL02 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.