Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product PHASER 3635 van de fabrikant Xerox
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Xerox PHASER 3635 User Guide.
Prepared and translated by: Xerox GKLS European Operations Bessemer Road Welwyn Garden City Hertfordshire AL7 1BU ENGLAND Copyright © 2008 Xerox Corporation.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide i Table of Contents 1 W elcome ......................... ............................................................................................. ......... 1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents ii Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 7 Store F ile ........................ ........................................................................................... ...... 121 Advanced Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide iii 13 Specifications ............. ...................................................... ........................................... 205 Machine Spec ifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Table of Contents iv Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 1 1 We l c o m e Thank you for choosing a Xerox Phaser 3635 ma chine. This product has been designed for ease of use. To use your machin e to its fullest potential, take some time to read this User Guide.
1W e l c o m e 2 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Intr oduction The Xerox Phaser 3635MFP is a digital devi ce capable of being use d for copying, printing, faxing, and scanning. T he feat ures and functio ns available on your machine de pend on the model pur chased: Xerox Phaser 3635MFP/S This model provides digital copying, prin ting and scanning.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 3 About This Guide Throughout this User Guide some terms ar e used: • Paper is the s ame as media. • Document is the same as original. • XeroxPhaser 3635 is the same as the machine / device. The following table offers further inform ation abou t the conven tions used within this Guide.
1W e l c o m e 4 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Re l a t e d I n fo r m a t i o n S o u r c e s Information on this family of products can be found in: 1. This User Guide 2. The Quick Use Guide 3. The Sys t e m A d mi ni s t ra t i o n C D 4. The X erox w ebsite http://ww w.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 5 Customer Sup port If you need assistance during or af ter product installation, please visit the Xerox website for online solutions and support: http://www.xer If you require further a ssistance, call our expe rts at the Xerox Welcome Center, or contact your local representative.
1W e l c o m e 6 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Saf ety Read these safety notes carefully before using this product to ensure you operate the equipment safely. Your Xerox product and supplies have been designed and tested to mee t strict safety requirements.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 7 4. Do not remove cov e rs or guards that are f astened with screws. The re are no parts behind these covers that you can maintain or service. Oper ational Saf ety Info rmation Your Xerox equipm ent and supplies have be en designed and tested to meet strict safety requirement s.
1W e l c o m e 8 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide • Never remove covers or guards that are f astened with screws. There are no operator serviceable areas within these cover s. • Never locate the machine near a radi ator or any other heat source. • Never push objects of any kind into the ventilation openings.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 9 will only fit into an earthed electrical ou tlet. This is a safety feature. If you are unable to insert the plug into the ou tlet, contact a licensed electrician to replace the outlet. 2. Always connect equipment to a correctly grounded power outlet.
1W e l c o m e 10 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Standard: UL60950-1, 2003 Edition. Certification is based on reciprocity agreements, which include requirements for Canada. Laser Saf ety Inf ormation CAUTION: Use of controls, adjustments or performance of procedure other than those specified herein may result in hazardous light exposure.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 11 This product has been manufac tured under a registere d ISO9001 Quality system. CE Mark The CE mark applied to this product, symbolizes XEROX's decl.
1W e l c o m e 12 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide NOTE: Changes or modifications to this equi pment not specifically ap prov ed by the Xerox C orporation may v oid the user’s authority to operat e this equipment. WA R N I N G : Shielded cables must be used with this equipment to maintain compliance with FCC regulations.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 13 point (e.g., 03 is a REN of 0.3). For ear lie r products, the REN is separately shown on the label. If this Xerox equipment ca uses harm to the telephon e network, the Telephone Company will notify yo u in advance that temporary discontinuan ce of servic e may be required.
1W e l c o m e 14 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide present, are conn ected together. This prec aution may be particularly important in rural areas. CAUTION: Users should not attempt t o make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric in spection au thority, or electrician, as appropriate.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 15 Illegal C opying Congress, by statute, has forbidden the copying of the following subjects under certain circumstances. Penalties of fine or imprisonment may be imposed on those guilty of making such copies.
1W e l c o m e 16 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide • Certificates of Citizenship or Naturalization (foreign naturaliza tion certificates may be photographed). • Passports (forei gn passports may be photographed). • Immigration papers. • Draft Registration cards.
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 17 Envir onmenta l C ompliance USA Energy Star As an ENERGY STAR partner, Xerox Corp or ation has determined that (the basic configuration of) this product meets the ENERGY STAR guidelines for energy efficiency.
1W e l c o m e 18 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide P roduct R ecycling and Disposal Eur opean Union Inf ormation for users on coll ection and disposal of old equipment and used batteries These symbols on .
1W e l c o m e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 19 North America Xerox operates a w orldwide equipment tak e back and reuse/recycle progra m. Contact your Xerox sales representative (1-800-ASK-XEROX) to determine whether this Xerox product is part of the prog ram.
1W e l c o m e 20 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 21 2 Getting St arted Before you use your machine, take some time to familiariz e yourself with the various features and options.
2 Getting Started 22 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Machine Ov erview Component Loc ation Document Feeder, Trays 1, 2, High Capacity Feeder and Finishe r Document Glass, User Interface and Control Pa ne.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 23 Models and C omponents Phaser 3635MFP/S Phaser 3635MFP/X 50-sheet D ADF Standar d Standard P aper T r ay 1 & B ypass Tr a y Stand ard Standard Dig.
2 Getting Started 24 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Contr ol Panel Ov ervie w Services Job Status Machine Status Display and T ouch Scr een Log In/ Out Help Can c e l Entry Numeric Ke y p a d Stop Start.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 25 P ow ering on the Machine The On/Off switch and the power outl et are at the rear of the machine. 1. Connect the AC P ower C ord to th e machine and a pow er outlet. The power cord must be plugge d into a grounded power sock et.
2 Getting Started 26 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Loading P aper Addi tional pa per tra ys are a vailable as an option. The instructions for loading all paper trays are the same. 1. Caref ully pull open the paper tra y. NOTE: T ak e care not to let the tray f all when removing it from the device.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 27 4. Mov e the guides so they just touch th e paper stack. The guides must lightly touch the edge of the st ack, neither too tight nor too loose. 5. Close the tr ay . NOTE: F ollow the instructions on the T ouch Sc reen to confirm th e stock size, type and color.
2 Getting Started 28 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Logging On / Logging Off The System Administrator may choose to enable certain local and network authentication and accounting features which require the user s to authenticate themselves before using the devi ce.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 29 Machine St atus The Machine Status feature displays the following: • Machine Information •F a u l t s •S e r v i c e I n f o r m a t i o n Press the Machine Status button to the left of th e User Interface.
2 Getting Started 30 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Paper Tray Status Displays the following information about each paper tray: • Status • Size, e.g.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 31 Information Pages Allows the user to prin t the following reports: Re p o r t Description Call F or Assistance Displays the error and f ault log f or the machine. Help List Displays a list of control pa nel buttons, f a ctory def aults and av ailable options.
2 Getting Started 32 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Fa u l t s The Faults tab displays informatio n on machine errors and faults. All Faults Displays the fault description and in st ructions on h ow to resolve the fault . Active Messages Displays the list of active error mes sages.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 33 Service Inf ormation The Services Information tab displays the current status of customer replaceable and engineer replaceable con sumables. Print Cartridge Displa ys the remaining n umber of im ages made with the current toner.
2 Getting Started 34 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Customizing Y our Machine Your machine can be customiz ed to sui t yo ur w or king environment and practices. The System Management Tools enable your System or Machine Administrator to set-up, customize and maintain the machine.
2 Getting Started Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 35 F or F urther Assist ance Access the Online Help: Press Help at any time to acce ss the online help screens.
2 Getting Started 36 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 37 3 Co p y This chapter contains informat ion on the copy scre en and the copy features ava ilable..
3C o p y 38 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide C opy P r ocedur e This section describes the basic proced ure for making copies. Follow the steps below. Load the Documents – page 38 Select the F eatures �.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 39 Document Glass: The following steps explain how to load documents us ing the document glass: 1. Raise the document f eeder. 2. Place the docume nt f ace down on the do cument glass, aligned wit h the tip of the registr ation arrow near the top left of the document glass.
3C o p y 40 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2. Select Cop y on the touch screen. Ensure that the Cop y screen is displayed. 3. Pre s s t h e Clear All button on the control panel to cancel any previous selections. The control panel r etu rns to the def ault entry screen.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 41 NOTE: T o cancel an incorr ect entry, pres s the Can c e l E n t ry button and enter the correct quantity. 4 Start the C opy Job Press the Start button. Each document is scanned only once. The number of copies requested is displayed in the upper right-hand corner of the screen.
3C o p y 42 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2. Select f rom one of the f ollo wing options: 3. Select the required job to view the Pr ogress of Y our Job screen. The Prog re s s o f Y our Job sc reen displays the number of or iginals scanned and the number o f images complet ed so f ar.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 43 The Details button displays information such as owner, status, job type, time submitted, etc. 4. Select Close to return to the P rogress of Y our Job screen. 5. Select Close to return to the Jo b Sta tus screen.
3C o p y 44 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4) Select Delete f rom the Job C ommands list. 5) Select Con fi r m to delete the job or Ca n c e l to return to previous screen.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 45 Co p y The tabs availa ble for selecting the various Copy features are: 1) Copy 2) Image Quality 3) Layout Adjustment 4) Output F ormat Depending on the options enabled and how your mach ine has been configured, you may have to press the Services Home button and select Copy to display the Copy feature tabs.
3C o p y 46 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Select the More... button to display all the Reduce/E nlarge options. Select a custom percentage of reduction or enlargement requi red. Use the up/down scroll buttons to adjust the reduce/enla rge percentage, in 1% in crements.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 47 2-Sided Copying Double-sided copies can be made automatically f rom one or two-sided originals. 1 1 Sided: Use this option for 1 sided original s when 1 sided copies are required. 12 S i d e d : Use this option for 1 sided original s when 2 sided copies are required.
3C o p y 48 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Image Quality The Image Quality tab provides copy features used for adjusting the appearance of the copy output. Select any of the top level buttons to select a feature. To view all the options for a feature, select the option required.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 49 Backgr ound Suppr ession Use to automatically reduce or eliminate the dark background resulting from copying colored paper or newspaper originals.
3C o p y 50 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide La y out Adjustment The Layout Adjustment tab provides copy features used for adjusting the layout of the copy output. Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 51 Presets: Use this option to specify the di mensions of the document scanning region when scanning from the document glass. There ar e several standard size dimensions that correspond to commo n document sizes and orientations.
3C o p y 52 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Image Shift This feature enables the posi tion of th e image on the page to be adjusted. Off: The image position is not adjusted. Auto Center: Automatically centres the scan ned image on the output paper. Margin Shift: Creates a binding edge for th e document.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 53 All Edges (minimum): Erases equal amounts on all edges of the copies (minimum 0.04"). All Edges (maximum): Erases equa l amounts on all ed ges of the co pies (maximum 0.24"). Small Origin al Erase: Use to erase 0.
3C o p y 54 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Output F ormat The Output Format tab is used to produce differen t options for the finished output. Booklet Creation Use this feature to create booklets from a sequential set of either single-sided or double-sided originals.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 55 Off: The feature is switched off. On: Use this option to enable the Boo klet Creation feature. There are two further options available, when Booklet Creation is enabled. Covers Use this feature to automati cally add covers to your co pied set using stock taken from a different tray than the copies.
3C o p y 56 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Transparency jobs will be delivere d single-s ided, a nd collated with no fi nishing. The quantity can only be set to 1 for this feature. Select Blank to have the system insert a blank page between each transparency, or select Printed to insert a printed page between each transp arency.
3C o p y Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 57 NOTE: Originals must be loaded in the document f eeder when using this f eature. 1 Page Up: Copies an original onto one sheet of pape r. 2 Pages Up: Copies two separate origin als onto one sheet of paper. 4 Pages Up: Copies f our separate origin als onto one sheet of paper.
3C o p y 58 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide ID C ar d C opy Us e t h is f ea t u re t o c o py b o th s i de s o f a n I D do c u m en t , e. g . a dr i v er ’ s li c e ns e , o nt o one side of paper. 1. Select Services Home to display the Services Home screen.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 59 4 Fa x The Fax feature may not be available on your machine, depending on your configuration. The optional Embedded Fax and Server Fax services can be installed, but only one f ax service can be enab led at a time. NOTE: Embedded F ax is the def ault service wh en both f ax service s are installed.
4F a x 60 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide User Interf ace F ax T ab Fe a t u r e Sub-F eatures/ Options Embedded Fa x Serv er F ax Ta b 1 : F ax (Embedded F ax) B a s i c Fa x ( S e r v e r Fa x ) For more information see page 59 (Embedded Fax) or page 59 (Server Fax).
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 61 Ta b 4 : Fa x O p t i o n s For more information see page 75 (Embedded Fax) or page 85 (Server Fax). Store f or P o lling Off On Ye s R emote P oll ing Po l l a .
4F a x 62 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide F ax Pr ocedure This section describes the basic procedure for sending faxes. Follow the steps below. Embedded F ax and Server F ax Procedur e – page 62 Load t.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 63 Up to 100 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m² ) bond paper can be loaded. Weight r anges f rom 12.5 lb to 28 lb (50 - 120 g/m² ) - ref er to Machine Specific ations in the Specific ations chapt er on page 206. f or full Document F eeder Sp ecifications.
4F a x 64 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 1. P ress the Services Home button on the control panel. 2. Select Fa x on the touch screen. Ensure that the Fa x screen is displayed NOTE: The image below shows the Embe dded F a x screen. 3. Pre s s t h e Clear All button once on the control panel to cancel any previous selections, if needed .
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 65 If necessary, select one of the tabs and configure the fax settings. For information on the individual tabs, refer to the following: • Fax on page 69 . • Image Quality on page 73 . • Layout Adjustm ent on page 74 .
4F a x 66 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4 Dial the Number Select a dialing option to enter the fax number. Embedded Fax Server Fax For more information on dialing opti ons for: • Embedded Fax Dialing Options: on See “Dialing Options” on page 69. • Server Fax Dialing Options on Se e “Dialing Options” on page 80.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 67 6 Job Status Scr een To follow the progress of your fax job, press the Job Status button on the control panel to display the Job Status screen. The default Job Status screen displays all in complete jobs, including the queued fax job.
4F a x 68 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 1. Click Pr in t in your application. 2. Click on your machine to choose it a s the printer. 3. Click on the Pr operties or Pr efer ences button. 4. Click on Fa x fro m t h e Job T ype dropdown menu. 5. Click on the Add Re c i p i en t or the Add F rom Phonebook button to add a recipient.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 69 Fa x Use the options available on the Fax tab to enter the recipien t telephone number and to select the standard features for your fax job. Dialing Options Use the Dialing Options to enter the destin ation fax number or numbers for the fax job.
4F a x 70 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Speed Dial Speed Dial numbers are automa tically created when a fax number is stored i n the Address Book. Using the Spee d Dial number saves time typing the complete fax destination number. To use Speed Dial, enter the 3 digit Speed Dial number required.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 71 3. Select the Add Char acter button. 4. R epeat as necessary and select the Sa ve button when complet e. 5. Pr ess the Start button to send the f ax. Address Book The Address Book cont ains a list of ad dresses, numbers and details that are relevant to your c ompany and/or you.
4F a x 72 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4. To u c h t h e Group Name field and enter a unique Gr oup number (maximum 20 charact ers). 5. Select the Sav e button to confirm entry. 6. Select the Add Recipients button. 7. Select the required entry f rom Address Book to add to your Group.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 73 Standard 200 x 100 dpi - Recommended for text documents. It requires less communication time, but does not prod uc e the best image quality for graphics and photos. Fine 200 x 200 dpi - Recommended for line art and photos.
4F a x 74 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide NOTE: The receiving device must support color f a xing f or incoming jobs to receive f ax jobs in color. Lay out Adjustment Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 75 Fa x O p t i o n s The Fax Options tab ava ilable with Embedded Fa x provides further fa x features which can be used when transmitting faxes. To view all the options for a feature, select the feature required. Multiple opti ons can be selected f or each fax job if required.
4F a x 76 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Re m o t e P o l l i ng Poll a Remote Fax This option allows users to contact a re mote fax machine to locate and receive faxes stored by the remote mac hine. More than one remote machine can be polled at a time.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 77 Select Off to send the fax immediately. Select Specific Time to enter the time you wish the fax to be sent. Enter the hours and minutes separately and select AM or PM to denote if you want the fax to be sent in the morning or the evening.
4F a x 78 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Delete Mailbox Documents Allows you to delete all the documents stored within a mailbox. NOTE: If the Delete Mailbox Documents or P rint Mailbox Docume nts button is selected then both receiv ed and stored documents within the selected mailbox will be printed o r deleted.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 79 F orwar d to F ax/E-mail F eatures The Forward to Fax / E-mail feature allows incoming or outgoing faxes to be automatically forwarded to either anothe r fax number or e-mail address. The System Administ rator configures the fe ature via the Web UI.
4F a x 80 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Serv er F ax This section provides more detail on the Server Fax features. • Basic Fax on page 80 . • Image Quality on page 83 . • Layout Adjustment on page 84 . • Fax Options on page 85 . NOTE: F or Embe dded F ax i nf ormation ref er to Embedded F ax on page 68 .
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 81 Keypad Dial Use this option to ente r the number using the numeric keypad. The number entered appears in the fax window. If an incorrect entry is made, use the C button to delete the numb er and then enter the correct number.
4F a x 82 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Fax Directory Setup From the Fax tab, select the Fax Directory button to create a new Fax Directory entry: 1. Select an empty row in the Phone Number list. 2. Select Edit . 3. Use the ke ypad on the User Interf ace or the ke ypad on the Control P anel to enter the f ax number.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 83 Standard 200 x 100 dpi - Recommended for text documents. It requires less communication time, but does not prod uc e the best image quality for graphics and photos. Fine 200 x 200 dpi - Recommended for line art and photos.
4F a x 84 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Lay out Adjustment Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document. Auto Detect Use this option to allow the machine to automatically recognize the size of the originals being fed through the document feeder.
4F a x Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 85 Fa x O p t i o n s The Fax Options tab available with Server Fax provides further fax features which can be used when transmitting fa xes. Delay Send Enables you to specify the time of a fax tr ansmission or poll.
4F a x 86 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 87 5 Netw ork Sc anning This chapter contains information about the options available within Network Scanning. Network Scanning enables the creati on of an electronic image file. If Network Scanning has been enabled, an elec tronic file can be crea ted from a hard copy original.
5 Network Scanning 88 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Sc an Pr ocedur e This section describes the basic proced ure for scanning. Follow the s teps below.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 89 Document Glass: The following steps explain how to load documents us ing the document glass: 1. Raise the document f eeder. 2. Place the docume nt f ace down on the do cument glass, aligned wit h the tip of the registr ation arrow near the top left of the document glass.
5 Network Scanning 90 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2. Select Network Scanning on the touch screen. Ensure that the Network Scanning screen is displa yed. NOTE: If an authentication f eature is enabled, you may need an account bef ore using the machine.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 91 If necessary, select one of the tabs an d configure the network scan settings. For information on the individual tabs, refer to the foll owing: Network Scanning on p age 94. Advanced Settings on page 98.
5 Network Scanning 92 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 6 Stop the Network Sc anning Job Follow the steps below to manually cancel an activated scanning job. 1. P ress the Stop button on the control panel to cancel the current sc anning job. 2. T o cancel a queued job press the Job Status button on the control panel to display the Active Jobs screen.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 93 Network Sc anning R esources Additional scanning software can be added to the machine’s scanning capabilities: FreeFlow™ SMARTsend™ Server based scanning and routing so ftware that supports multiple Xerox multifunction devices.
5 Network Scanning 94 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Network Sc anning There are two important areas of inf ormation under the Network Scanning tab: Template List and Template Detail s. For more information on templates, refer to Template Overview on page 95 and Repositories on page 95 .
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 95 Details The Details section on the right side of the screen displays information about the selected template. Each time you select an other template file, th is area will update to display information associated with the selected template.
5 Network Scanning 96 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2 Sided Network Sc anning This is used to specify whether the originals are single-sid ed or double-sided. Original T ype Use this feature to select the type of original being scanned. Re s o l u t i o n Resolution affects the appe aran ce of the scanned image.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 97 If Color mode is selected, the maximum resolution is 300 x 300 dpi. 300 x 300 dpi R ecommended f or high quality text documents and line art. C an also be used f or medium quality p hotos and gr aphics.
5 Network Scanning 98 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Adv anced Settings The Advanced Settings tab allows you to update recently created network templates or to temporarily manipulate the scan template to enhance the appearance and style of your scanned image.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 99 NOTE: Large files are not ideal f o r sharing an d transmitting ov er the network due to the high processing demands the y place on system re sources. Update T emplat es Use this feature if you want to refresh the Network templates and cannot wait until the system automatically updates the system.
5 Network Scanning 100 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide La y out Adjustment Use this feature to temporar ily change the information relating to your original. Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 101 When Scan to Edge is set to On , the device will scan the imag e to the edges of the original. When Scan to Edge is set to Off , a small blank border will be added around the scan edges to prevent une ven lines a round the ed ges.
5 Network Scanning 102 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Fil in g Op t io ns Use this feature to manage the file destin ations, formats and metadata. Fil e N a me Use this option to change th e File Name from the template default. Type your file name using the soft touch screen keypad, then select the Save button.
5 Network Scanni ng Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 103 File F or mat Use the File For mat option when the j ob is to be sent with a different file format than that set as the template default. Document Manag ement F ields Document Management Fields provide information which is filed with your scanned documents in the Job Log.
5 Network Scanning 104 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 105 6 E-mail This chapter contains information about the options availab le within E-mail. When enabled, scanned images can be sent as an e-mail attachment to a specified e-mail recipient or recipients. Access to the E-mail features is gained using the Services Home button on the control panel.
6E - m a i l 106 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide E-mail P rocedur e This section describes the basic procedur e for sending e-mails from the machine. Follow the steps below: Load the Documents – page 106 Select the F eatures – page 107 Enter the Address Det ails on page 109.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 107 Up to 100 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m² ) bond paper can be loaded. Weight r anges f rom 12.5 lb to 28 lb (50 - 120 g/m² ) - ref er to Machine Specific ations in the Specific ations chapt er on page 206. f or full Document F eeder Sp ecifications.
6E - m a i l 108 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2. Select E-mail on the touch screen . Ensure that the E-mail screen is display ed. NOTE: If an authentication f eature is enabled, you may need an account bef ore using the machine. T o get an account, or f or more inf ormation, contact the Sys t e m A d m i ni s t ra t o r .
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 109 If necessary, select one of the tabs and configure the e-mail settings. For information on the individual tabs, refer to the foll owing: E-mail on page 113. Advanced Settings on page 116. Layout Adjustment on page 118.
6E - m a i l 110 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4. T o enter recipient address(es) as C opy (Cc:) or Blind C opy (Bcc:) addresses, select the To : button. Select either Cc: or Bcc: f rom the drop-down menu options. 5. When all recipient addr esses hav e been added, select the Close button.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 111 2) Use the up/down scroll buttons to locate the recipient. 3) Select the recipient in the list and select the Add button. 4) R epeat the abov e procedure to add more recipient addresses. 5) When all recip ient addresses hav e been added, select the Close button.
6E - m a i l 112 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Active Jobs” is displayed. For more information on the Job Status screen, refer to Job Status Screen in the Copy chapter on page 41. 6 Stop the E-mail Job Follow the steps below to manually cancel an activated e-mail job: 1.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 113 E-mail The E-mail screen contains the basic informatio n needed to se nd a docum ent as an e-mail attachment. The E-mail screen allows you to temporarily change the information relating to your original. Changing these settings al lows you to achieve optimum scanning quality for each E-mail original.
6E - m a i l 114 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Details Use this option to view the details of the selected recipien t. The info rmation displayed is determined by how the addr ess was originally added to the Address List, either from the Internal or Publ ic Address Book, or entered manually.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 115 Original T ype Use this feature to select the style of original being scanned . Re s ol u t i o n Resolution affects the appe arance of th e scanned image. The higher the scanning resolution (dpi - dots per inch) the better the im age quality.
6E - m a i l 116 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Adv anced Settings The Advanced Setting s tab allows you to tempor arily manipulate the scan template to enhance the appe arance and style of your scanned e -mail image. Lighten/Dark en Adjusts the lightness or darkness of the output.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 117 NOTE: If Colo r mode is selected, the maximum resolution is 300 x 300. Quality / File Size The Quality / File Size set tings allow yo u to choose betwee n scan image quali ty and file size.
6E - m a i l 118 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide La y out Adjustment The Layout Adjustment tab allows you to tempor arily manipulate the scan template to enhance the layout and style of your scanned e-mail image. Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document.
6E - m a i l Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 119 E-mail Options Use this feature to change the Reply To e-mail addr ess and to identify the file format required for the e-mail scanned image. File F or mat Use to set the file format of the scanned image. Re p ly T o Use the Reply To feature to alter the default e-mail reply address.
6E - m a i l 120 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Message Use this option to add new body text . The body text can contain up to 80 characters and displays on the touch screen under the Message field.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 121 7 Stor e F ile The Store Files feature allows you to scan hardcopy documents as an elec tronic file and place them into a folder located on a USB thumb drive. The stored job can then be retrieved at a later date for printing and sharing from the USB thumb drive.
7S t o r e F i l e 122 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Adv anced Settings The Advanced Settings tab allows you to enhance the appearan ce and style of your stored file.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 123 NOTE: If Colo r mode is selected, the maximum resolution is 300 x 300 dpi. Quality / File Size The Quality / File Size set tings allow yo u to choose betwee n scan image quali ty and file size.
7S t o r e F i l e 124 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide La y out Adjustment Use this tab to change the inform ation relating to your original. Original Size Select this feature to specify how the device determines the si ze of the original document.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 125 When Scan to Edge is set to On , the device will scan the imag e to the edges of the original. When Scan to Edge is set to Off , a small blank border will be added around the scan edges to prevent une ven lines a round the ed ges.
7S t o r e F i l e 126 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Fil e/ F o ld e r M an a ge me nt Use this tab to manage the files and folders stored on the USB th umb drive. Choose one of the following options: Option Description Open Use this option to open a selected file or folder.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 127 Stor e File P rocedur e 1 Load the Documents You can load the documents to be scan ne d either on the Do cument Glass or through the Document Feeder. Document Feeder: The following steps explain how to load documents using the document feeder: 1.
7S t o r e F i l e 128 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 2 Select the Store F iles F eature Using a USB driv e 1. Insert the USB driv e into the fr ont of the machine. 2. P ress the Services Home button on the C ontrol P anel. 3. Select the Store to USB button.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 129 NOTE: If file name matches another file in the select ed f older, the sy stem will automatically ap pend info rmation to the file name to pr ev ent having two files with the same name or overwriting the existing file.
7S t o r e F i l e 130 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide NOTE: Use this f eature to select the type of original being scanned. 12. Select the Re s o l ut i on button to access the options: NOTE: R esolution aff ects the appear ance of the scanned image. The higher the scanning resolution (dpi - do ts per inch ) the better the image quality.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 131 Using the Copy Service This feature stores copies of the original documents on the device and stores them in a device-specific format. 1. Press the Services Home button and select Copy on the touch s creen.
7S t o r e F i l e 132 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4. Select an option: • Copy and Store - save your job into a folder and pr int your job • Store Only - store your jo b into a folder for printing later 5. Select the Untitled box to enter a specific file name.
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 133 4 Job Status Scr een To follow the progress of yo ur scanning job, press the Job Status button on the control panel to display the Job Status screen. The default Job Status screen displays all incomplete jobs.
7S t o r e F i l e 134 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 5. Select Con f ir m to delete the job or Ca n c e l to return to previous screen..
7S t o r e F i l e Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 135 Stor e Files f rom the W orkst ation This feature stor es print jobs on t he Inte rn al Drive of the device. Print jobs are stored in a print- ready format. Using the P rint Driv er to Store F iles 1.
7S t o r e F i l e 136 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 137 8 Pr i n t Fi l e s The Print Files feature allows you to select and output pre-stored jobs as many times as you need.
8P r i n t F i l e s 138 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Pr i n t Fi l e s 1 Select the F eatures 1. P ress the Services Home button and select Pri nt F i l es to display the Print Files f eature. 2. Select the f older or file that you wish to print. If you ha ve touched a f older, it will open to allow you to se lect your file(s) to print.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 139 3. Select the sav ed job title to add the document to the print list. A pop-up menu is display ed: 4. Select Add to add the job to the print list. 5. R epeat the above steps to add more jobs. 6. Select Done when the r equired jobs ha ve been added to the print list.
8P r i n t F i l e s 140 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide P rint f rom USB 1 Insert the USB driv e 1. Insert the USB drive into the USB port on the f ront of the device.
8P r i n t F i l e s Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 141 3. Select the f older or file that you wish to print. If you hav e touched a f older, it will open to allow you to se lect your file(s) to print. 4. Select the sav ed job title to add the document to the print list.
8P r i n t F i l e s 142 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 1 P rint the Job(s) Press the Start button. NOTE: Do not remove the USB drive f rom the device until printi ng has completed. 2 Job Status Scr een To follow the progress of your scan ning job, press the Job Status button on the control panel to display the Job Status screen.
8P r i n t F i l e s Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 143 2. T o cancel a queued job press t he Job Status button on the control panel to display the Activ e Jobs screen. 3. Select the appropriate job f rom the queue to vi ew the Pr ogress of yo ur Job screen.
8P r i n t F i l e s 144 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 145 9 Pr i n t The XeroxPhaser 3635 produces high quality pr ints from electronic docum ents. You can access the printer from your PC by inst alling the appropriate printer driver. A printer driver converts the co de within the electronic docume nt into a language that the printer can understand.
9P r i n t 146 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide P rint P rocedur e This section describes the b a sic procedure for printing. NOTE: If an authentication f eature is enabled, you may need an account bef ore using the machine. T o get an account, or f or more inf ormation, contact the Sys t e m A d m i ni s t ra t o r .
9P r i n t Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 147 2. Click OK to confirm your selections. 3. Click OK to print your document..
9P r i n t 148 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Custom Size P rinting This section describ es the procedure for printing on custom size media. 1 Load Custom Size Media 1. Load custom size medi a in to your machine. 2. F oll ow the touchscreen p rompts to confirm pa per size an d type.
9P r i n t Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 149 P rint Y our Document 1. Click OK to confirm your selections. 2. Click OK to print your document..
9P r i n t 150 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide P rinter Driv ers The following provides an overview of the features available on the Windows printer driver - the appearance of other printer drivers may vary. For more information about a specific feature, plea se refer to the online Help facility provided as part of the printer driver softwa re.
9P r i n t Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 151 Pa p e r / O u t p u t Used to select options such as the job type and the media requirements. The choices available are ba sed on the options enabled on your machine. Click on the arrow scroll button for the option or click on the Option icon to change any of the choices displayed.
9P r i n t 152 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Delay P r int Prints the job at the time y ou specify. When you choose this job type, the Delay Pr int dialog box appears so you can specify the time to print.
9P r i n t Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 153 La y out / W a termark Used to change the layout of a document and add watermarks. Multiple documents can be prin ted on one page from 2-Up to 16-Up. Booklets can also be crea ted. Use the Watermark option to display, for examp le, the word DRAFT or CONFIDENTIAL across ea ch page.
9P r i n t 154 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Image Options Use the options available in this tab to modify the appearance of your print job. This feature can also b e used to pr int draft versions by choosing the Toner Saver option.
9P r i n t Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 155 Adv anced Click this tab to access the options compatible with Adobe ® PostScript ® 3 TM and advanced programming fe atures for your print job . Use the scroll arro ws to move through the options. Clicking o n a plus symb ol will display further choices.
9P r i n t 156 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 157 10 P aper and other Media This chapter contains information about the diff erent types of stock and stock sizes that can be used on your machine, available paper tr ays and the types of stock and sizes supported by each tray.
10 Paper and o ther Media 158 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Loading P aper P r eparing P aper f or Loading Before loading pap er into the pap er trays, fan the ed ges. This procedur e separates any sheets of pap er that are stuck to geth er and reduces the possibility of paper jams.
10 Paper and other Media Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 159 The paper tra ys can hold a maximum of 520 sheets of 20 lb (80 g/m²) bond paper. 3. If necessary, open the back of the pape r tra y to allow f or paper si zes such as Legal, Oficio and F olio.
10 Paper and o ther Media 160 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Please ref er to Setting the P aper Size in the P a per and other Media chapter on page 163. Using the B ypass T r a y The bypass tray is located on the front of your ma chine. It can be closed when not in use, making the product more compact.
10 Paper and other Media Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 161 4. Adjust the paper guide t o the width of the stack of print material. Ensure y ou hav e not loaded too much print media. The stack should be under the Max Fill Line . 5. The UI screen shows the current paper supply settings f or the B ypass T ray on the left hand side.
10 Paper and o ther Media 162 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 4. Adjust the paper guide to the width of the stack of print material. Ensure you hav e not loaded too much print media. The stack should be under the Max. Fill Line. The UI screen shows the cu rrent paper supp ly settings for the Bypass Tray on the right hand side.
10 Paper and other Media Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 163 Setting the P a per Size Each time you open and close a paper tray , the machine will prompt you to identify the paper stock being used. NOTE: The paper tra y inf ormation screen for each tr ay can be switched off using the T ools settings.
10 Paper and o ther Media 164 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Media Specific ations Media Guidelines When selecting or loading paper, envelopes or other special media pl ease adhere to these guidelines: • Attempting to print on damp, curled, wrinkled or torn pa per can cause paper jams and poor print quality.
10 Paper and other Media Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 165 CAUTION: Exposed areas can cause labels to peel off during printing, which can cause paper jams. Exposed adhesive can also cause damage to machine components. • Do not feed a sheet of labels t hro ugh the machine more than once.
10 Paper and o ther Media 166 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 167 11 Setups This chapter identifies some of the key settings that you can customize to meet your requirements. It is aimed primarily at th e System Administrator of the machine. Changing these settings is easy and will save you time when using the machine.
11 Setups 168 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Accessing T ools All the machine setup features are in the Tools me nu, accessed through the Log In/Out and Machine Status buttons on the control panel. 1. P ress the Log In/Out button on the control panel. 2.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 169 T ools Menu Ov erview According to your machine setup, some or all of the fo llowing options are accessible from the Tools Mode screen: : Feature Feature Opt.
11 Setups 170 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Feature Default s Set Fax Defaults Set Copy Defaults Service Enablement s E-mail Network S canning Network Accounting Embedded Fax Server Fax On Demand Overw.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 171 Loc alization Before using your new machine, the locali zation settings below will have been set using the machine installation wizard. As your requ irem ents change, you may need to reset or adjust these settings.
11 Setups 172 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Tools > Device Se ttings > General > GMT Offs et Set Measurements The measurements that are displayed on the touch screen can be set to either inches or mm. You can also set the decimal point ( Numeric Separat or ) to either a period (e.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 173 Tools > Paper Tray Management > Paper Setting > Default Paper Size Set Altitude The xerographic process used in your machine to make prints is affected by air pressure. Air pressure is determined by th e height of the machine above sea level.
11 Setups 174 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Fa x S e t u p The Fax Service Settings allow yo u to customize the fax settings. Tools > User Interface > Fax Service Settings F ax T ransmission Def aults The transmission defaults allow you to cu stomize the fax transmission settings.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 175 Select the On button to enable this feature. Select the Off button to disable the feature. If this feature is enab led, you will re ce ive a popu p while faxing a documen t, requiring you to co nfirm if you want the fax sent immediat ely.
11 Setups 176 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide If Auto Reduction is off, when receiving a document that is lon ger than the selected paper, any image at the bottom of the paper will be discarded according to the Discard Size setti ng. The Discard Size can be set between 0-30mm.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 177 The default selection for Junk Fax Prevention is Off so there is no filterin g of incoming faxes. Select the On button to switch on the feature. With the feature switched on, the machine will block ALL in coming faxes listed in the Junk Fax Numbers list.
11 Setups 178 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide A different time period may be specified for documents receiv ed in mailboxes and for documents stored for polling (whether in general memory or a private mailbox). Choose the appropriate option and select whether to Delete on Print or Keep .
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 179 Setting up P aper T r ay s P aper Settings Def ault Stock The Default Stock settings allows the programming of the default paper type and color. Typically, this is the most common st ock that will be used in the machine and is the stock that the machine will feed if a specific stock type is not selected.
11 Setups 180 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide T r ay Settings Auto T r ay When the On button is selected, the Auto Tray feature automatically selects the paper tray loaded with the p aper size closes t to the original document. This can be overridden o n the Basic Copy screen by manually selecting the required tray.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 181 Machine P resets Basic Copying P resets This feature defines the 2 default reductio n or enlargement ratios (refer to the Reduce/Enlarge Presets topic) that appear in the Reduce/Enlarge panel of the Copy screen.
11 Setups 182 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Tools > User Interface > Copy Servic e Settings > Reduce/Enlarge Preset.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 183 Change Def ault Settings Changing the user defaults to reflect th e needs of the users will make the machine more user-friendly, increasing effectiveness and productivity.
11 Setups 184 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Language Def ault Use this feature to set th e User Interfa ce language. Tools > Device Settings > Genera l >Language > Default and Priority Audio T ones Use this featur e to enable or disable one of th e following audio tones: When enabled, the tones can be set to either low, medium or high.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 185 Softwa r e Softwar e R eset This utility provides the facility to rese t the machine software without switching off and switching on the m achine. Tools > Device Sett ings > Tests & Resets > Sof tware Reset This facility a llows you to rese t the System Soft ware.
11 Setups 186 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide CRU R eplacement Def a ults Customer Replaceable Units (C RUs) are modules within the w orkings of the machine that you can replace when need ed. The machine moni tors the number of copies made for servic e informatio n pu rposes.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 187 Cou n te r Res et s Other replaceable units within the machine also tr ack the number of images made as a measure of their life expec tancy.
11 Setups 188 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Accounting Accounting allows the System Administra tor to track the use of the machine and control access to the features.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 189 X erox St andard Accounting (XS A) XSA tracks the number s of Copy, Print, Networking Scanning, E-m ail, Server Fax and Embedded Fax jobs (when these featur es are installed on the machine), for each user.
11 Setups 190 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Print Job Control enables charging for print jobs. Print jobs sent when it is enabled will be held in the job queue a nd can be manually released when credits are available at the fo reign device. The services available at the machine ca n be set using Inh ibit Services.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 191 Security Settings Tools > Security Settings Authentic ation Job Oper ation Rights Enable Job Operation Rights for All Users or Sy stem Administrator Only with this feature. This sets permissions to allow ge neral users or Systems Administra tors to delete jobs from the device print queu e.
11 Setups 192 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide The On Demand Image Overwrite feature provides a n on -demand facility for a System Administrator to erase all residu al image data from the memory of the machine. The standard over write process takes approxim ately 30 minutes.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 193 Machine T ests Should you need to report any fa ults to the machine, the Xerox Welcome Center support may talk you through the follo wing machine tests to verify the performance of the mach ine and user interface (UI) screen.
11 Setups 194 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Audio T one T est The Audio Tones Test verifies that the Audio Tone on the UI is functioning properly. 1. Select Start T est to begin the test. The Audio T one w ill activate if it is functioning pr operly. 2.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 195 Ap plication Checksum V erification The User Interface Application Checksum Ve rification checks that the UI software is up-to-date and running correctly. Select Start Test to begin the test. A message will be displayed indicating that the test in progress.
11 Setups 196 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Customer Sup port and Sup plies Numbers Customer support and supplies numbers can be set to give users access to numbers and details vital to maintain the machine uptime.
11 Setups Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 197 Optional Services Depending on your machine configuration, you may have access to the following services. This utility allows you to enab le or disable options at any time, where installed. In most cases no reboot is necessary.
11 Setups 198 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide On Demand Image Ov erwrite For information on the On Demand Image Overwrite feature, refer to On Demand Image Overwrite on page 191 .
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 199 12 Main tenance Performing routine maintenanc e tasks enables your machin e to continue running at optimum performance levels.
12 Maintenance 200 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Co n s u m a bl e s Consumables are it ems on the machine that need replenishing or replacing, such as paper, staples and customer replacea ble units.
12 Maintenance Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 201 the front door. T he instructions on th e screen will tell you how to fit a new cartridge. If you do not want t o replace the Prin t Cartridge now you can select the Abort button. The machine will continue to oper ate but will NOT make copies or prints.
12 Maintenance 202 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 1. Open the St aple C artridge co ve r at the f ront of the machine. 2. Pull on the blue handle to remove the empty St aple C artridge. 3. R emove the used Staple Cartridge f rom the cartridge holder. 4.
12 Maintenance Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 203 Cleaning the Machine WA R N I N G : When cleaning your machine DO NOT us e organic or strong chemical solvents or aeros ol cleaners. DO NOT pour fluids directly onto any area. Use supplies and cleaning mate rials only as directed in this documentation.
12 Maintenance 204 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Duplexing Automatic Documen t F eeder and Output T r a y Regular cleaning keeps the document feeder and output tray free fr om dust and dirt. 1. Use a soft, lint-f ree cloth, lightly dampened with water.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 205 13 Specific ations This chapter contains the specifi cations for the machine . Use the specifications lis ted below to identify the capabilities of the mac hine. The machine adheres to strict specifications, approvals and certifications.
13 Specifications 206 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Machine Specific ations Machine Configur ations Pa p e r S u pp l y Trays 1, & 2 Fe a t u r e Specif ication Ha rdwa re Co nf i gu rat i on Pr ocessor DA D F o r D o c u m e n t G l a s s C o v e r 1-2 P aper tr ays and B ypass tray Machine Size Base configur ation: width 18.
13 Specifications Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 207 Bypass Tray NOTE: The paper st ack height must not exceed 0.4" (1 0 mm) Document F eeder Pa p e r S i z e s Length min 8.3 - max 14" (210 - 356 mm) Width min 5.8 - max 8 .5" (148 - 216 mm) 8.
13 Specifications 208 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Output Modules Output Tray Document F e eder speed (A4) 1-1: 33 ipm 1-2: 23 ipm 2:2 collat ed: 12 ipm Fe a t u r e Specif ication Fe a t u r e Specif.
13 Specifications Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 209 Electric al Specifications Fe a t u r e Specification Fre q u e n c y 50/60 Hz Electrical V oltage 110 - 127 V AC & 220 - 240 V A C A v er age P .
13 Specifications 210 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide F eature Specific ations Fa x Fe a t u r e P rint F e ature Fe a t u r e Specif ication F ax T ransmission Spe ed 33.
13 Specifications Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 211 Scan F eatur e Fe a t u r e Specification Max scan wi dth 8.5" (216 mm) Eff ective sc an width 8.
13 Specifications 212 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 213 14 T r oubleshooting A variety of situations can affect the quality of your output. For optimal performance, ensure these guidelines are followe d: • Do not position the machine in direct sunlight or near a heat source such as a radiator.
14 Troubleshooting 214 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide F ault Clear ance When a fault occurs, th e display scre en provides recove ry instructions. Follow on-screen instructio ns to clear the fault NOTE: Any printed sheets remov ed will automa tically be re printe d once the pa per jam is cleared.
14 Troubleshooting Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 215 F ront C ov er Area Jams 1. Press on both the f ront cover latches on the sides of the m achine to open the fr o n t c o ve r . 2. R emove the print c artridge and remov e any jammed paper. 3. R eplace the print cartridge an d close the f ront cove r door.
14 Troubleshooting 216 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 3. Caref ully c lose the fuser door. Ensure ther e is an audible click as the fuser door latch slides back into position. 4. Close the rear cov er door. Document Jams 1. R emove all the documents f rom the document f eeder and document glass.
14 Troubleshooting Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 217 Err or and F ault Codes If an abnormal cond ition arises in the machin e or an incorrect operation is performed, a message indicati ng the nature of the error is displayed on the User Interface screen.
14 Troubleshooting 218 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide T oner Supplying Error T oner i s not being supplied correctly. Check the Print C artridg e is installed securely. Invalid P rint C artridge The installed Print C artridge is not a valid Xer ox cartridge.
Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 219 Numerics 2 Sided Scanning, Email 11 4 2-Sided Copyin g 47 A Accounting Foreign Device Interface 189 Network Accounting 188 Xerox Standard Accounting 189 Audio Line Mon.
Index 220 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide Resolution Capability 210 Telephone Line Type 210 Transmission Speed 210 FDI (Foreign Device Interfac e) 189 Foreign Device Interf ace 189 G Group Directory Setu.
Index Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide 221 Server Fax 59 Small Original Erase, Edge Erase 53 Software Resets 185 Staple Cartridge 201, 203 Store Files 121 Store for Polling, Faxing 75 Store Job 57 Store t.
Index 222 Xerox Phaser 3635 User Guide.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Xerox PHASER 3635 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Xerox PHASER 3635 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Xerox PHASER 3635 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Xerox PHASER 3635 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Xerox PHASER 3635 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Xerox PHASER 3635 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Xerox PHASER 3635 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Xerox PHASER 3635 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.