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Pr estige 792H G.SHDSL Router with four-port switch User's Guide Version 3.40 June 20 0 4.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router ii Copyright Copyright Copyright © 2 003 by ZyXEL Comm unications Corporation. The contents of this publicat ion may not be reproduced in any part or a s a whole, t ransc.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router FCC Statement iii Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interference S t atement This device complies with Part 15 of FCC rules. Operation is subject to the following two cond itions: • This device m ay not cause harmful interference.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router iv Information for Canadian Users Information for Canadian Users The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipmen t. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network pr otective, op eration, and safety requ irements.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router ZyXEL Limited Warranty v ZyXEL Limited W arranty ZyXEL warrants to the original end us er (purchaser) that this product is free from any defects in materials or workm anship for a period of up to two y ears from the date of purchase.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router vi C ustomer Suppor t Customer Support Please have th e following i nformation re ady when you cont act customer support. • Product model and serial num ber. • Warranty Information. • Date that you received your device.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Table of Contents vii T able of Content s Copyright ...................................................................................................................... ................................... ii Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Interfer en ce S tatemen t .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router viii Table of Content s 3.7 IP Address and Subnet Mask ..................................................................................................... 3-6 3.8 IP Address Assignm ent ..................................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Table of Contents ix 5.12 Response Strings ............................................................................................................... .......5-18 5.13 Configuring A dvanced Mode m Setup ...............
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router x Ta ble of Contents 8.7.2 Firewall ....................................................................................................................... ............. 8-13 Chapter 9 Fir ewall Configu ration ............
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Table of Contents xi 13.2 IPSec Architec ture ............................................................................................................. ......13-3 13.2.1 IPSec Al gorithms ..............................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xii Table of Contents 15.2 Telnet ....................................................................................................................................... 15-2 15.3 FTP ......................................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Table of Contents xiii 21.1.1 Configuring Dial Back up i n Menu 2 ........................................................................................21-1 21.1.2 Advanced WAN Set up ....................................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xiv Table of Contents 27.4.3 Example 3: Multiple Public IP Addr esses With Inside Servers ............................................. 27-14 27.4.4 Example 4: N AT Unfriendly Application Pr ogram s........................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Table of Contents xv 31.3 Restore Conf igura tion .......................................................................................................... ....31-7 31.3.1 Restore Us ing FTP ..............................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xvi Table of Contents 35.3 Remote Managem e nt and NAT ............................................................................................... 35-3 35.4 System Tim eout .............................................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Figures xvii List of Figures Figure 1-1 Internet Access App lication ......................................................................................... ................. 1-5 Figure 1-2 LAN-to-L AN Application .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xviii List of Figures Figure 6-3 Mul tiple Serv ers Behind NA T Example ................................................................................. ....... 6-7 Figure 6-4 NA T Mode....................................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Figures xix Figure 1 1-7 Rule Summary Exam ple ............................................................................................... ............. 1 1-6 Figure 12-1 Conten t Filter: Keyword ..............
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xx List of Figures Figure 17-5 Diagnostic General ................................................................................................. ................... 17-8 Figure 17-6 Diag nostic DSL Line.................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Figures xxi Figure 24-2 Remo te Node Profile ................................................................................................ ................ 24-3 Figure 24-3 Rem ote Node Network Layer O ptions ..
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxii List of Figures Figure 27-14 NA T Exam ple 2 - Menu 15.2. 1 ....................................................................................... ...... 27-14 Figure 27-15 NA T Example 3 ............................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Figures xxiii Figure 28-19 Filtering Ethernet T raffic ...................................................................................................... 28-21 Figure 28-20 Filtering Re mote Node T raffic .....
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxiv List of Figures Figure 31-15 FTP Session Example of Firmware F ile Uplo ad ................................................................... 31-1 2 Figure 31-16 Menu 24.7.1 as seen using the Console Port ...........
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Figures xxv Figure 36-3 Menu 27. 1 IPSec Summ ary ............................................................................................ .......... 36-2 Figure 36-4 Menu 27 .1.1 IP Sec Setup .................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxvi List of Tables List of T ables T able 2-1 Password ............................................................................................................. ............................ 2-4 T able 3-1 W izard Sc reen: W AN Setup .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Tables xxvii T able 9-2 Alert ............................................................................................................................................... 9-6 T able 10-1 Fi rewall Logs .........
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxviii List of Tables T able 14-14 Sam ple IPSec Logs Du ring Packet T r ansmission ................................................................... 14-2 9 T able 14-15 RFC-2408 IS AK MP Payload T ypes .................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router List of Tables xxix T able 25-1 Edi t IP S tatic Route ................................................................................................ .................... 25-3 T able 26-1 Remote N ode B ridging Options .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxx List of Tables T able 36-1 Menu 27 .1 IPSec Summ ary ............................................................................................. ........... 36-2 T able 36-2 Menu 27 .1.1 IPSe c Setup ................
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Preface xxxi Preface Congratulations on your purchase of the Prestige 792H G.SH DSL Router. Use the web configurator , System Management T erminal (SMT) or command interpreter interface to c onfigure your Prestige. Not all features can be configured through all interfaces.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router xxxii Preface • The Prestige 792H ma y be referred to as the Prestige in this user’s guide. • Images of Prestige 792H ar e used throughou t this docum ent unless otherwise specified. The following section offers some background information on DSL.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Introduction to DSL xxxiii Introduction to DSL DSL (Digital Subscriber Line) technology enh ances the data capacity of the ex isting twisted-pair wire that runs between t he local tele phone company switching of fices and m ost homes and offices.
Getting Started I P P a a r r t t I I : : GETTING STARTED This part covers Getting to Know Y our Prestige, Hardware Installation, In itial Setup, W AN, LAN and Internet Access.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router 1-1 Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router This chapter covers the key features and main applications of your Prestige. The Prestige 792H is hi gh-performan ce G.SHD SL Router with four p ort switch for Internet/LAN acce ss via a telephone line.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 1-2 Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router SUPPORTED TRANSMISSION SPEEDS Min (Kbps) Max (Kbps) SDSL 72 136 G.HDSL (G.991.2) 2 0 0 2 31 2 IPSec VPN Cap ability Establish a Vi .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router 1-3 IP Alias IP Alias allows you to partition a phys ical network into logical n etworks over the same Ethernet interface. The Prestige supports t hree logical LAN interfaces vi a its single physical Ethernet interface with the Prestige itself as the gateway for eac h LAN network.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 1-4 Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router IRC, ICQ, RealAudio, VDOLive, Qua ke and PPTP. No extra confi guration is needed to support these applications. SUA address m apping can al so be used f or other LA N-to-LAN con nections.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Getting to Know Your G.SHDSL Router 1-6 1.2 Application Scenar ios for the Prestige This section pr ovides exam ples on how yo ur Prestige can b e used.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Initial Setup 2-1 Chapter 2 Introducing the Web Configurator This chapter describes how to access and navigate the web configurator.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 2-2 Initial Setup Figure 2-1 Password Screen Step 6. You should now see the Site Map screen. The Prestige automatically times out after fiv e minutes of inactivity . Simply log back into the Prestige if this happen s to you.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Initial Setup 2-3 Figure 2-2 Web Configurator SITE MAP Screen Click the HELP icon (located in the top right corner of most scre ens) to vie w embedded help. 2.4 Configuring Password It is highly recommended tha t you change the password for accessing the Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 2-4 Initial Setup Figure 2-3 Password The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 2-1 Password LABEL DESCRIPTION Old Password Type the default password or the ex isting p assword you use to access the system in this field.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Initial Setup 2-5 of 9600bps with 8 data bit, no parity, one stop bit and flow control set to none. The password will be reset to “1234”, also. 2.5.1 Using The Reset Button Step 1. Make sure the SYS LED is on (not bli nking).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-1 Chapter 3 Wizard Setup This chapter provides information on the Wiza rd Setup screens in the web configurator. 3.1 Wizard Setup Introduction Use the Wizard Setup s.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-2 WAN 3.2.3 T ransfer Rates The Prestige supports the following symmetrical multi-rate data tran smission speeds: 72, 136, 200, 264, 392, 5 20, 776, 1032, 1160, 1544, 1736, 2 056 and 2312Kbps.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-3 ATM PVC (Pe rmanent Virt ual Circuit) which connects t o ADSL Access C oncentrator whe re the PPP session term inates. One PVC can support any num ber of PPP sessi ons from your LAN. For more information on PPPoE, see the appendix.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-4 WAN is not practical to have a separate VC for eac h carried protocol, for example, if charging heavily depends on the number of simul taneous VCs. 3.5 VPI and VCI Be sure to use the correct Virtual Path Identifier (VPI) and Virtual C hannel Identifier (VCI) numbers assigned to y ou.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-5 Table 3-1 Wizard Screen: WAN Setup LA BE L DESCRIPTION Service Type Select Client if your Prestige will act as a client device or Server if your Prestige will act as a server (see Service Type) .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-6 WAN Figure 3-2 Wizard Screen: Internet Access The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 3-2 Wizard Screen: Interne t Access LA BE L DESCRIPTION Mode From the Mode drop-down list box, sel ect Routing (default) if your ISP allows multiple computers to share an Internet account.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-7 Where you obtain your n etwork number depends on your particular situation. If the ISP or you r network administrat or assigns you a block of regi stered IP ad dr esses, follow their instructions in selecting the IP addresses and the subnet m ask.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-8 WAN 3.8.2 IP Assignment with RFC 1483 Encap sulation In this case the IP Address Assignment mu st be static with the same requirements for the IP Address and ENET ENCAP Gateway fields as stated above. 3.8.3 IP Assignment with ENET ENCAP Encap sulation In this case you can have either a static or dynamic IP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-9 Regardless of your p articular situation, do not create an arbitrary IP address; always follow the guidelines above. For more information on address assig nment, please refer to RFC 1597, Address Allocation for Private Internets and RFC 1466, Guidelines for Management of IP Address Space.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-10 WAN Figure 3-3 Internet Connection with PPPoA The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 3-3 Internet Connection with PPPoA LA BE L DESCRIPTION User Name Enter the user name exactly as your ISP assigned.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-11 Table 3-3 Internet Connection with PPPoA LA BE L DESCRIPTION IP Address This option is availa ble if you select Routing in the Mode field. A static IP address is a fixed IP that your IS P gives you. A dynamic IP address is not fixed; the ISP assigns you a different one each time you connect to the Internet.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-12 WAN 3.11.2 RFC 1483 Select RFC 1483 from the Encapsulati on drop-down list box in the first wizard screen to display the screen as shown. Figure 3-4 Internet Connection w ith RFC 1483 The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-13 Figure 3-5 Internet Connection w ith ENET ENCAP The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 3-5 Internet Connection with ENET ENCAP LA BE L DESCRIPTION IP Address A static IP address is a fixed IP that your ISP gives you.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-14 WAN Table 3-5 Internet Connection with ENET ENCAP LA BE L DESCRIPTION Network Address Translation Select None , SUA Only or Full Fea ture from the drop-sown list box. Refer to the NAT chapter for more details. Back Click Back to go back to the first wizard screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-15 Table 3-6 Internet Connection with PPPoE LA BE L DESCRIPTION Service Name Type the name of your PPPoE service here. User Name Configure User Name and Password fields for PPPoA and PPPoE encapsulation only. Enter the user name exactly as your ISP assigned.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-16 WAN disab le it. When configur ed as a s erver, the Pre stige pr ovides th e TCP/IP configuration for the clients. If you turn D HCP service off, y ou must have another D HCP serve r on your LA N, or else t he computer m ust be manually configured.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-17 Figure 3-7 Wizard Screen: LAN COnfi guration If you want to change your Prestige LAN settings, click Change L AN Configurati on to display the screen as shown next. Figure 3-8 Wizard: LAN Configuration The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 3-18 WAN Table 3-7 Wizard: LAN Configuration LA BE L DESCRIPTION DHCP Server From the DHCP Server drop-down list box, select On to allow your Prestige to assign IP addresses, an IP default gate way and DNS servers to computer systems that support the DHCP client.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 3-19 Figure 3-9 Wizard Screen: Connection Tests 3.15 T est Y our Internet Connection Launch your web browser and navigate to www. . Internet access is just the beginning. Refer to the rest of this User’s Guide for more detailed information on the complete ra nge of Prestige features.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN Setup 4-1 Chapter 4 LAN Setup This chapter describes how to configure LAN settings. 4.1 LAN Overview A Local Area Network (LAN) is a sh ared communication system to whic h m any computers are attached. A LAN is a computer network limited to the immed iate ar ea, usually the same building or floor of a building.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 4-2 LAN Setup before you can access it. The DNS se rv er addresses that you e nter in the DHCP setup ar e passed to the client machines along with the assigne d IP addre ss and subnet mask. There are two ways that an ISP disseminates the DNS se rver addresses.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN Setup 4-3 4.4.1 Factory LAN Default s The LAN parameters of the Prestige are preset in the factory with the following values: IP addr ess of with subnet mask of 255.2 55.255.0 (24 bits) DHCP server enable d with 32 client IP add resses starting from 192.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 4-4 LAN Setup RFC 2236. The class D IP address is used to identify host groups an d can be in the range to 239.255.25 5.255. The ad dress 224.0. 0.0 is not assig ned to any gr oup and i s used by IP multicast com puters.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN Setup 4-5 The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 4-1 LAN LA BE L DESCRIPTION DHCP DHCP If set to Server , your Prestige can assign IP addresses, an IP default gateway and DNS servers to Windows 95, Windo ws NT and other systems that support the DHCP client.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 4-6 LAN Setup Table 4-1 LAN LA BE L DESCRIPTION Apply Click this button to save these settings back to the Prestige. Cancel Click this button to reset the fields in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-1 Chapter 5 WAN Setup This chapter describes how to configure WAN settings. 5.1 W AN Overview A WAN (Wi de Area Networ k) is an out side connectio n to anot her network or t he Internet. See the Wizard Setup chapter for more inform ation on the fields in the WAN screens.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-2 WAN If you want the dial-backup route to take first priority over the traffic-redirect route or even the norm al route, all you need to do is set th e dial-backup route’s m etric to "1" and the others t o "2" (or greater).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-3 5.4 T r affic Shaping Traffic Shaping is an agreem ent between the carrier an d the subscriber to regulate the average rate and fluctuations of data transmission over an ATM netw ork.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-4 WAN Figure 5-1 Example of Traffic Shaping 5.5 Configuring W AN Setup To change your Prestige’s WAN remote node settings, click WAN , WAN Setup .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-5 Figure 5-2 WAN Setup The following table describes the labels in this screen..
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-6 WAN Table 5-1 WAN Setup LABEL DESCRIPTION Name Enter the name of your Internet Service Prov ider, e.g., MyISP. This information is for identification purposes only. Mode Select Routing (default) from the drop-down list bo x if your ISP allo ws multiple computers to share an Internet account.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-7 Table 5-1 WAN Setup LABEL DESCRIPTION Maximum Burst Size Maximum Burst Size (MBS) refe rs to the maximum number of cells that can be sent at the peak rate.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-8 WAN Table 5-1 WAN Setup LABEL DESCRIPTION Subnet Mask (ENET ENCAP encapsulation only) Enter a subnet mask in dotted decimal notatio n. Refer to the Subnetting appendix in the to cal culate a subnet mask If you are implementing subn etting.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-9 The followin g network t opology all ows you to a voi d triangl e route security issues when the backup gateway is connected to the LAN or DMZ. Use IP a lias to configure the LAN into two or three logical networks with the Prestige itself as the gateway for each LAN networ k.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-10 WAN To change your Pr estige’s WAN backup settings, click WAN , then WAN Backup . The screen app ears as shown. Figure 5-5 WAN Backup The following table describes the fields in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-11 Table 5-2 WAN Backup LABEL DESCRIPTION Backup Type Select the method that the Pres tige us es to check the DSL connection.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-12 WAN Table 5-2 WAN Backup LABEL DESCRIPTION Backup Gateway Type the IP address of your b ackup gateway in dotted decimal notation. The Prestige automatically for wards traffic to this IP address if the Prestige's Internet connection terminates.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-13 peer disconnects right after a success ful authenti cation, make sure that you specify the c orrect authenticati on protocol when connect ing to such an impl ementation.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-14 WAN Figure 5-6 Advanced WAN Backup.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-15 The following table describes the fields in this screen. Table 5-3 Advanced WAN Backup LABEL DESCRIPTION Basic Login Name T ype the login name assign ed by your ISP. Password Type the password ass igned by your ISP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-16 WAN Table 5-3 Advanced WAN Backup LABEL DESCRIPTION Enable SUA Net work Address Translation (NAT) allows the translation of an Internet p rotocol address used within one net work to a different IP address kno wn within another network.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-17 Table 5-3 Advanced WAN Backup LABEL DESCRIPTION PPP Options Encapsulation Select CISCO PPP from the drop-do wn list box if your backup WAN device uses Cisco PPP encapsulation; other wise select Standard PPP . Compression Select this check box to enable stac compres sion.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-18 WAN For ISDN lines , there are m any more prot ocols and operational m odes. Please cons ult the docum entation o f your TA.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 5-19 Figure 5-7 Advanced Modem Setup The following table describes the fields in this screen. Table 5-4 Advanced Modem Setup LABEL DESCRIPTION AT Command Strings Dial Type the AT Command string to make a call. Example: atdt Drop Type the AT Command string to drop a call.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 5-20 WAN Table 5-4 Advanced Modem Setup LABEL DESCRIPTION Drop DTR When Hang Up Select this check box to have the Pres tige drop the DT R (Data Terminal Read y) signal after the "AT Command String: Drop" is sent out.
NAT and Dynamic DNS II Part II: NAT and Dynamic DNS This part covers NA T (Network Address T ranslation) and dynami c DNS (Domain Name Sever).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-1 Chapter 6 Network Address Translation (NAT) This chapter discusses how to configure NAT on the Prestige . 6.1 NA T Overview NAT (Network Address Tran slation - NAT.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-2 NAT local address before forwarding it to the original insid e host. Note that the IP address (either local or global ) of an outside host is never c hanged. The global IP a ddresses for the inside hosts can be ei ther static or dynamicall y assigned by the ISP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-3 Figure 6-2 NAT Application With IP Alias 6.1.5 NA T Mapping T ypes NAT supports five types o f IP/port m apping. They are: 1. One to One : In One -to-One m ode, the Presti ge maps one local I P address to one global I P address.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-4 NAT 5. Server : This type allows you to specify inside ser vers of different serv ices behind the NAT to be accessible to the outside world. Port numbers do not change for One-to-One and Many-to-Many No Overload NA T mapping types.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-5 1. Choose SUA Only if you have just one public W AN IP address for y our Prestige. 2. Choose Full Feature if you have multiple public W AN IP addresses for y our Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-6 NAT Many residential broadband ISP account s do not allow you to run any serv er processes (such as a W eb or FTP server) from y our location. Y our ISP may periodically check for servers and may suspend your account if it discov ers any active services at your location.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-7 Figure 6-3 Multiple Servers Behind NAT Example 6.4 Selecting the NA T Mode Click NAT to open the follo wing screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-8 NAT Table 6-4 NAT Mode LABEL DESCRIPTION None Select this radio button to disabl e NAT. SUA Only Select this radio button if you have just one p ublic WAN IP address for your Prestige. The Prestige uses Address Mapping Set 1 in the N AT - Edit SUA /NAT Server Set screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-9 Figure 6-5 Edit SUA/NAT Server Set The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 6-5 Edit SUA/NAT Server Set LABEL DESCRIPTION Start Port No. Enter a port number in this field. To forward only one port, enter the port num ber again in the End Port No.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-10 NAT Table 6-5 Edit SUA/NAT Server Set LABEL DESCRIPTION End Port No. Enter a port number in this field. To forward only one port, enter the port num ber again in the Start Port No. field above and then enter it again in this field.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-11 Figure 6-6 Address Mapping Rules The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 6-6 Address Mapping Rules LABEL DESCRIPTION Local Start IP This is the starting Inside Local IP A ddress (ILA). Local IP address es are N/A for Serv er port mapping.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 6-12 NAT Table 6-6 Address Mapping Rules LABEL DESCRIPTION Type 1-1 : One-to-one mode maps one local IP address to one globa l IP address. Note that port numbers do not change for t he One-to-one NAT mappi ng type. M-1 : Many-to-One mode maps multiple local IP addresses to one globa l IP address.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router NAT 6-13 The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 6-7 Address Mapping Rule Edit LABEL DESCRIPTION Type Choose the port mapping t ype from one of the following. 1. One-to-One : One-to-One mode maps one local IP address to one global IP address.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dynamic DNS Setup 7-1 Chapter 7 Dynamic DNS Setup This chapter discusses how to configure your Prestige to use Dynamic DNS. 7.1 Dynamic DNS Dynamic DNS allows you to update your curr ent dynamic IP address with one or many dynamic DNS services so that anyone can c ontact you (in NetMee ting, CU-SeeMe, etc.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 7-2 Dynamic DNS Setup Figure 7-1 DDNS The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 7-1 DDNS LABEL DESCRIPTION Active Select this che ck box to use dynamic DNS. Service Provider Select the name of your Dynamic DNS service provider.
Firewall and Content Filters III Part III: Firewall and Content Filter This part introduces fire walls in general and the Prestige firewall. It also explains customized services and logs and gives example firewall ru les and an overvie w of content filtering.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-1 Chapter 8 Firewalls This chapter gives som e background inform ation on firewalls and introdu ces the Prestige firewall. 8.1 Firewall Overview Originally, the term firewall referred to a construction techn ique designed to preven t the spread of fire from one room to another.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-2 Firewalls i. Informat ion hiding pre vents the nam es of internal systems from being m ade known via D NS to outside system s, since the app lication gatewa y is the only host whose name must be m ade known to outside systems.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-3 Figure 8-1 Prestige Firewall Application 8.4 Denial of Service Denials of Service (DoS) attacks are aim ed at devices an d networks wi th a connection to the Internet. Their goal is not to steal information, but to disable a devi ce or network so users no longer have access to net work resources.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-4 Firewalls Table 8-1 Common IP Ports 21 FTP 53 DNS 23 Telnet 80 HTTP 25 SMTP 110 POP3 8.4.2 T ypes of DoS Att acks There are four types of DoS a ttacks: 1. Those that e xploit bu gs in a T CP/IP im plementat ion. 2. Those that exploit weaknesse s in the TCP/IP specification.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-5 Figure 8-2 Three-Way Handshake Under normal circumstances, the application that initiate s a session sends a SYN (synchronize) packet to the receiving server. The receiver sends back an ACK (ack nowledgment) packet and its own SYN, and then the initiator responds with an ACK (acknowledgment).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-6 Firewalls 2-b In a LAND Atta ck , hackers flood S YN packets i nto th e network with a spoofed source IP address of the targeted system. Th is makes it appear as if the host computer sent t he packets to itself, making the system unavailable while the target system tries to respond to itself.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-7 The only legal NetBIOS commands are the fo llowing - all others are illegal. Table 8-3 Legal NetBIOS Commands MESSAGE: REQUEST: POSITIVE: NEGATIVE: RETARGET: KEEPALIVE: All SMTP commands are illegal excep t for th ose displayed in the following tables.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-8 Firewalls Allows all sessions originating from the LA N (local network) to th e WAN (Internet). Denies all sessions originatin g from the WAN to the LAN.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-9 4. Based on the obtained state in form ation, a firewall rule crea tes a temporary access list entry that is inserted at the beginni ng of the WAN interfa ce's inbound extended access list.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-10 Firewalls Below is a brief technical description of how these connections a re tracked. C onnections m ay either be defined by t he upper pr otocols (for i nstance, TCP), or by the Prestige itself (as wit h the "virt ual connecti ons" created for UDP and ICMP).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-11 8.5.5 Upper Layer Protocols Some higher layer protocols (such as FTP and RealAudio) utilize multiple network connections simultaneously .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-12 Firewalls 1. Encourag e your company or or ganization to dev elop a compreh ensive security plan . Good network administrat ion takes into acc ount what hac kers can do an d prepares against attacks. The b est defense against hackers and cracke rs is information.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewalls 8-13 Packet filtering only checks the header portion of an IP packet. When T o Use Filtering 1. To block/allow LAN packets by their MAC addresses. 2. To block/allow special IP packets which are neit her TCP nor UDP, nor ICM P packets.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 8-14 Firewalls 6. The firewall can bloc k specific URL traffic that m ight occur in the fu ture. The UR L can be save d in an Access Control List (ACL) database.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewall Configuration 9-1 Chapter 9 Firewall Configuration This chapter show s you how to enable and co nfigure the Prestige firewall.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 9-2 Firewall Configuration 9.3 Configuring E-mail Alerts To change your Prestige’s E-mail log settings, click Advanced Setup , Firewall , and then E-mail . The screen appe ars as sh own. This screen is not available on all models.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewall Configuration 9-3 Table 9-1 E-mail LABEL DESCRIPTION E-mail Alerts To Alerts are sent to the e-mail address specified in this field. If this field is left blank, alerts will not be sent via e-mail. Return Address Type an E-mail address to id entify the Presti ge as the sender of the e-mail messages i.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 9-4 Firewall Configuration 9.4.1 Alert s Alerts are reports on ev ents, such as attacks, that you may wa nt to know about right aw ay.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewall Configuration 9-5 delete half-open sessions as necessary, until the rate of new connection attempts drops below another threshold ( one-minute low ). The rate is the number of new attempts detected in the last one-minute sample period.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 9-6 Firewall Configuration Figure 9-3 Alert The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 9-2 Alert LABEL DESCRIPTION Generate alert when attack detected Select this check box to generate an alert whenever an attack is detected.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firewall Configuration 9-7 Table 9-2 Alert LABEL DESCRIPTION One Minute High This is the rate of ne w half-open se ssions that causes the firewall to start deleting half-open sessions.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-1 Chapter 10 Creating Custom Rules This chapter contains in structions for defining both Local Netwo rk and Internet rules. 10.1 Rules Overview Firewall rules are subdivided into “Local Network” and “I nternet”.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-2 Creating Custom Rules 3. What is the direction c onnection: fr om the LAN t o the Internet, or from the Internet to the LAN ? 4. What IP services will be affected? 5. What com puters on t he LAN are to be affected (if any)? 6.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-3 Source Address What is the connection’s source addres s; is it on the LAN or WAN? Is it a single IP, a range of IPs or a subnet? Destination Address What is the connection’s destination add ress; is it on the LAN or WAN? Is it a single IP, a range of IPs or a subnet? 10.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-4 Creating Custom Rules 10.3.2 W AN to LAN Rules The default rule for WAN to LAN traffic blocks all in coming conn ections (WAN to LAN) . If you wish to allow certain WAN users to have access to your LAN, you will need to create custom rules to allow it.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-5 Figure 10-3 Fire w all Logs The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 10-1 Firewall Logs LABEL DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE No. This is the index number of the fire wall log. 128 entries are available numbered from 0 to 127.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-6 Creating Custom Rules Table 10-1 Firewall Logs LABEL DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Reason This field states the reason for the log; i.e., was the rule matched, not matched, or was there an attack. The set and rule coordinates (<X, Y> where X=1,2; Y=00~10) follow with a simple explanation.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-7 Click on Firewall , then Rule Sum mary to bring up the follo wing screen. This screen is a summary of the existing rules. Note the order in which the rules are listed. The ordering of your rules is very import ant as rules are applied in turn.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-8 Creating Custom Rules Table 10-2 Firewall Rules Summary: First Scre en LABEL DESCRIPTION The default action for packets not matching following rules Use the drop-down list box to select whether to Block (silently discard) or Forward (allow the passage of) packets that do not match the follo wing rules.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-9 defines the servi ce. (Note that there may be m ore than one IP protocol t ype. For exam ple, look at the default configuration labeled “( DNS )”. (UDP/TCP:53) means UDP port 53 and TCP port 53.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-10 Creating Custom Rules Table 10-3 Predefined Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION NEWS(TCP:144) A protocol for news groups. NFS(UDP:2049) Network File System - NFS is a client/server distribut ed file service that provides transparent file-sharing for net work environments.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-11 Table 10-3 Predefined Services SERVICE DESCRIPTION SSDP(UDP:1900) Simple Service Discovery Protocol (SSDP) is a discovery service searching for Universal Plug and Pla y devices on your hom e network or upstream Internet gateways using UDP port 1900.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-12 Creating Custom Rules Figure 10-5 Creating/Editing A Fire wall Rule The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 10-4 Creating/Editing A Fire wall Rule LABEL DESCRIPTION Source Address Click SrcAdd to add a new address, SrcEdit to edit an existing one or SrcDelete to delete one.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-13 Table 10-4 Creating/Editing A Fire wall Rule LABEL DESCRIPTION Destination Address Click Dest Add to add a new address, DestEd it to edit an existing one or DestDelete to delete one. Services Select a service in the Available Services box on the left, then click >> to select.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-14 Creating Custom Rules Figure 10-6 Adding/Editing Source a nd Destination Addresses The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Creating Custom Rules 10-15 10.8.1 Factors Influencing Choices for Timeout V alues The factors infl uencing choic es for timeout values ar e the s ame as the factors influencing choices for threshold value s – see section 9.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 10-16 Creating Custom Rules Table 10-6 Timeout LABEL DESCRIPTION Back Click Back to return to the previous screen. Apply Click Apply to save your customized settings and exit this screen. Cancel Click Cancel to return to the previous config uration.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Customized Services 11-1 Chapter 11 Customized Services This chapter cove rs creating, viewing and editing custom services. 11.1 Introduction to Customized Services Configure cust omized servic es and port numbers n ot predefined by the Pres tige (see Figure 10-5) .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 11-2 Customized Services Table 11-1 Customized Services LABEL DESCRIPTION Customized Services No. This is the number of your customized p o rt. Click a rule’s number of a service to go to the Firewall Customized Services Config screen to configure or edit a customized service.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Customized Services 11-3 Table 11-2 Creating/Editing A Custo mized Service LABEL DESCRIPTION Service Name Type a unique name for your custom port. Service Type Choose the IP port ( TCP , UDP or TCP/UDP ) that defines your customized port from the drop down list box.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 11-4 Customized Services Step 1. Click ScrAdd to open th e Rule IP Config screen. Configure it as follows and click Apply . Figure 11-4 Configure Source IP Exa mple Step 5. Click Edit Ava ilable Service in the Edit rule screen and then click a ru le number to bring up the Firewall Customized Services Config scre en.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Customized Services 11-5 Step 4. Follow th e procedures outlined earlier in this ch apter to co nfigure all your rules. Configure the rule configuration screen lik e the one below and apply it. Figure 11-6 Syslog Rule Con figuration Example This is your My Service custom port.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 11-6 Customized Services Step 6. On completing the co nfiguration procedure fo r these Internet firewall rules, the Rule Summary screen should look lik e the following. Don ’t forget to click Apply whe n you ha ve finishe d configuring your rule(s) to sav e your settings back to the Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Content Filtering 12-1 Chapter 12 Content Filtering This chapter cove rs how to configure content filtering . 12.1 Content Filtering Overview Internet content filtering allows you to c reate and enforce Internet access policie s tailored to your needs.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 12-2 Content Filtering Figure 12-1 Content Filte r: Key word The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 12-1 Content Filter: Key word LABEL DESCRIPTION Enable Keyword Blocking Select this check box to enable this feature.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Content Filtering 12-3 Table 12-1 Content Filter: Key word LABEL DESCRIPTION Add Keyword Click Add Keyword after y ou have typed a keyword.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 12-4 Content Filtering Table 12-2 Content Filter: Schedule LA BE L DESCRIPTION Days to Block: Select a check box to configur e which days of the week (or everyd ay) you want the content filtering to be active.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Content Filtering 12-5 Table 12-3 Content Filter: Trusted LABEL DESCRIPTION To Type the ending IP address of a specif ic rang e of users on your LAN that you want to exclude from content filtering. Leave this field blank if you want to exclude an individu al computer.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 12-6 Content Filtering The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 12-4 Content Filter Logs LABEL DESCRIPTION Page Choose a page of logs from the drop-do wn list box to display. No. This is the index number of the content filter log.
VPN/IPSec IV Part IV: VPN/IPSec This part provides informati on about conf iguring VPN/IPSec for secure communications..
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router Introduction to IPSec 13-1 Chapter 13 Introduction to IPSec This chapter introduces the basics of IPSec VPNs. 13.1 VPN Overview A VPN (Virt ual Private Net work) provi des secure com munications between sites without the expe nse of leased site-to-site lines.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 13-2 Introduction to IPSec Figure 13-1 Encryption and Dec ryption Data Confidentiality The IPSec sender can enc rypt packets befo re transm itting them across a network.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router Introduction to IPSec 13-3 Figure 13-2 VPN Application 13.2 IPSec Architecture The overall IPSec architect ure is shown as follows.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 13-4 Introduction to IPSec Figure 13-3 IPSec Architecture 13.2.1 IPSec Algorithms The ESP (Encapsulat ing Securit y Payload) Protocol (R FC 2406) an d AH (Aut hentication Heade r) protocol (RFC 2402) describe the packet formats and the default stand ards for packet structure (includ ing implementation algorithms).
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router Introduction to IPSec 13-5 13.3 Encap sulation The two modes of ope ration for IPSec VPNs are Tr ansport m ode and Tunnel m ode. Figure 13-4 Transport and Tunnel Mo de IPSec Encapsulation 13.3.1 T ransport Mode Transport m ode is used t o protect u pper layer protocols a nd only a ffects the data i n the IP pac ket.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 13-6 Introduction to IPSec A NAT device in between the IPSec endpoints will rewrite either the source or des tination address with one of its own choosing.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-1 Chapter 14 VPN Screens This chapter introduces the VPN screens. See the L ogs chapter for information on viewing logs and the Reference Guide for IPSec log description 14.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-2 VPN Screens Table 14-1 AH and ESP ESP AH DES (default) Data Encryption Standard (D ES) is a widely used method of data encryption using a pr ivate (secret) key. DES applies a 56-bit key to each 64-bit block of dat a.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-3 The Secure Gateway IP Address may be configured as only when using IKE key management and not Manual key management. 14.5 VPN Summary Screen The following figure helps explain the main fields in th e web configurator.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-4 VPN Screens Figure 14-2 VPN Summary The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 14-2 VPN Summary LA BE L DESCRIPTION No. This is the VPN policy i ndex number. Click a number to edit VPN polic ies. Name This field displays the identi fication name for this VPN policy.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-5 Table 14-2 VPN Summary LA BE L DESCRIPTION IPSec Algorithm T his field displays the security protocols us ed for an SA. Both AH and ESP increase Prestige processing req uirements and communi cations latency (delay).
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-6 VPN Screens Wi th mai n mo d e (s ee section 14.10.1 ), the ID type and content are en cr ypted to provide iden tity protection. In this case the Prestige can only d istinguish between up to eight different incoming SAs that conne ct from remote IPSec r outers that ha ve dynami c WAN IP ad dresses.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-7 Table 14-5 Matching ID Ty pe and Content Configuration Exam ple PRESTIGE A PRESTIGE B Local ID type: E-mail Local ID type: IP Local ID content: Local ID content: Peer ID type: IP Peer ID type: E-mail Peer ID content: 1.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-8 VPN Screens Figure 14-3 VPN IKE.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-9 The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 14-7 VPN IKE LABEL DESCRIPTION IPSec Setup Active Select this check box to activate this VPN policy. Keep Alive Select either Yes or No from the drop-down list box.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-10 VPN Screens Table 14-7 VPN IKE LABEL DESCRIPTION Local Address Type Use the drop-do wn menu to choose Single , Range , or Subnet . Select Single for a single IP address. Select Range for a specific range of IP address es.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-1 1 Table 14-7 VPN IKE LABEL DESCRIPTION End / Subnet Mask When the Remote Address Type field is configured to Single , enter the IP address in the IP Address Start field again here.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-12 VPN Screens Table 14-7 VPN IKE LABEL DESCRIPTION Content When you select IP in the Peer ID Type field, type the IP address of the computer with which you will mak e the VPN connection or leave the fiel d blank to have the Prestige automatically use the address in the Secure Gatew ay Address field.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-13 Table 14-7 VPN IKE LABEL DESCRIPTION Authentication Algorithm Select SHA1 or MD5 from the drop-down list box. MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash al gorithms used to authenticate packet data.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-14 VPN Screens Choose a D iffie-Hellman public-key cryp tography key group ( DH1 or DH2 ) . Set the IKE SA lifetime. This field allows you to determine how long an IKE SA should stay up before it tim es out. An IK E SA tim es out when the I KE SA lifetim e period expires.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-15 14.10.3 Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) Enabling PFS means that th e key is transient. The key is thrown away and replaced by a brand new key using a new Diffie -Hellma n exchange for eac h new IPSec SA setup.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-16 VPN Screens Figure 14-5 VPN IKE: Adv anced The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 14-8 VPN IKE: Advanced LABEL DESCRIPTION VPN - IKE Protocol Enter 1 for ICMP, 6 for TCP, 17 fo r UDP, etc. 0 is the default and signifies any protocol.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-17 Table 14-8 VPN IKE: Advanced LABEL DESCRIPTION Enable Replay Protection As a VPN setup is processing intensive, the system is vulnerable to De nial of Service (DoS) attacks The IPSec receiver can detect and reject old or dupl icate packets to protect against replay attacks.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-18 VPN Screens Table 14-8 VPN IKE: Advanced LABEL DESCRIPTION Encryption Algorithm Select DES or 3DES from the drop-do wn list box.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-19 Table 14-8 VPN IKE: Advanced LABEL DESCRIPTION Authentication Algorithm Select SH A1 or MD5 from the drop-down list box. MD5 (Message Digest 5) and SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) are hash al gorithms used to authenticate packet data.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-20 VPN Screens Current ZyXEL implement ation assumes identical outgoing and incoming SPIs. 14.13 Configuring Manual Key You only configu re VPN Manual Key when you select Manual in the Key Management field on the VPN IKE screen.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-21 The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 14-9 VPN Manual Key LABEL DESCRIPTION IPSec Setup Active Select this check box to activate this VPN policy. Name Type up to 32 characters to identify this VPN policy.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-22 VPN Screens Table 14-9 VPN Manual Key LABEL DESCRIPTION IP Address Start When the Local A ddress Type field is configured to Single , enter a (static) IP address on the LAN behind your Prestige.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-23 Table 14-9 VPN Manual Key LABEL DESCRIPTION My IP Address Enter the W AN IP address of your Prestige. The Prestige uses its current WAN IP address (static or dynamic) in setting up th e VPN tunnel if you leave this field as 0.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-24 VPN Screens Table 14-9 VPN Manual Key LABEL DESCRIPTION Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Prestige. Cancel Click Cancel to begin configu ring this screen afresh. Delete Click Delete to remove the current rule.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-25 Figure 14-7 SA Monitor The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 14-10 SA Monitor LABEL DESCRIPTION No This is the securit y association index number. Name This field displays the identi fication name for this VPN policy.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-26 VPN Screens Table 14-10 SA Monitor LABEL DESCRIPTION Back Click Back to return to the previous screen. Apply Click Apply to save your changes back to the Prestige. Refresh Click Refresh to disp lay the current active VPN connectio n(s).
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-27 14.16 Configuring IPSec Logs To view IPSec logs in t his screen, click Advanced Setup , VPN , and then Log s to open the screen shown next. Figure 14-9 VPN Logs The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-28 VPN Screens Double exclamation marks (!!) d enote an error or warning message. The following table sh ows sample log messages during IKE key exchange.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-29 Table 14-13 Sample IKE Key Exchange Logs LOG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION !! Local / remote IPs of incoming request conflict with rule <#d> If the security gateway is “”, the Prestige will use the peer’s “Local Addr” as its “Remote Addr”.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-30 VPN Screens Table 14-14 Sample IPSec Logs During Packet Tra nsmission LOG MESSAGE DESCRIPTION !! Inbound packet authentication failed The authentication configur ation settings are incorrect. Please check them. !! Inbound packet decryption failed The decryption configuratio n settings are incorrect.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-31 14.17 T elecommuter VPN/IPSec Examples The following examples show how multiple telecommuters can make VPN connections to a single Prestige at headquarters. The telecommu ters use IPSec routers with dynamic WAN IP addresses.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 14-32 VPN Screens 14.17.2 T elecommuters Using Unique VPN Rules Example In this example the telecommuters (A, B and C in the figure) use IPSec routers with domain names that are mapped to thei r dynam ic WAN IP addresses (use Dynami c DNS to do this).
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN Screens 14-33 Table 14-17 Telecommuters Using Unique VPN Rules Example HEADQUARTERS TELECOMMUTERS Local ID Content: bob@bigcompan Peer ID T ype: E-mail Peer ID Content: bob@bigcompan Headquarters Prestige Rule 1 : Telecommuter A (telecommute ra.
Remote Management and UPnP V Part V: Remote Management and UPnP This part cont ains Remote Management and UPnP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 15-1 Chapter 15 Remote Management Configuration This chapter provides information on configuring remote management 15.1 Remote Management Overview Remote management allows you to determine which services/protocols can acces s which Prestige interface (if any) fr om which c omputers .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 15-2 Use the Prestige’s WAN IP address wh e n configu ring from the WAN. Use the Prestige’s LAN IP address when configuring from the LAN. 15.1.3 System T imeout There is a syst em tim eout of five m inutes (three hundred seconds) for eith er the console p ort or telnet/web/FTP connections.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 15-3 15.5 Configuring Remote Management Click Remote Management t o open the following screen. Figure 15-2 Remote Management The following table describes the labels in this screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 16-1 Chapter 16 Universal Plug-and-Play (UPnP) This chapter introduces the UPnP feature in the web configurator.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 16-2 All UPnP-enabled devices may communicate freely with ea ch other without add itional configur ation. Disable UPnP if this is not your intention. 16.1.4 UPnP and ZyXEL ZyXEL has achieved UPnP c ertification fro m th e Universal Plug and Pl ay Forum Creates UPnP™ Implem enters Corp.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 16-3 Figure 16-1 Configuring UPnP Table 16-1 Configuring UPnP FIELD DESCRIPTION Enable the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) Service Select this checkbox to activate UPnP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 16-4 Installing UPnP in Windows Me Follow the steps below to install the UPn P in Windows Me. Step 1. Click Start and Control Panel . Double-click Add/Remove Programs . Step 2. Click on the Windows Setup tab and select Communication in the Components selection box.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router UPnP 16-5 Installing UPnP in Windows XP Follow the steps below to install the UPn P in Windows XP. Step 1. Click start an d Control Pa nel. Step 2. Double-click Network Connections . Step 3. In the Networ k Connections window, click Advanced in the main menu and select Optional Networkin g Components … .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router UPnP 16-6 16.4 Using UPnP in Windows XP Example This section sh ows you how t o use the UP nP feature in Windows XP. You must al ready have UPnP i nstalled in Windows XP and UPnP ac tivated on the Prestige. Make sure the com puter is connected to a LAN port of the Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router UPnP 16-7 Step 3. In the Internet Connection P roperties window, click Settings to see the port mappings there were a utomatically created. Step 4. You may edit or delete the port mappings or cli ck Add to manually add port m appings.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router UPnP 16-8 Step 6. Double-click on the icon to display your current Internet connection status. Web Configurator Easy Access Example With UPnP, you can access the web-base d configurator on the Prestige without finding out the IP address of the Prestige first.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router UPnP 16-9 Step 4. An icon with the description for each UPnP-enabl ed device displa ys under Local Network . Step 5. Right-click on the icon for your Prestige and select Invoke . The web configurator login screen displ ays.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Troubleshooting 17-1 Part VI: Maintenance This part covers the maint enance screens..
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-1 Chapter 17 Maintenance This chapter displays system information such as ZyNOS firmware, port IP addresses and port traffic statistics. 17.1 Maintenance Overview Use the maintenance screens to view system informa tion, upload new firmware, m anage configuratio n and restart your Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 17-2 Maintenance Figure 17-1 System Status The following table describes the labels in this screen..
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-3 Table 17-1 System Status LA BE L DESCRIPTION System Status Syst em Name This is the name of your Prestige. It is for identification purposes. ZyNOS F/W Version This is the ZyNOS firmware version and the date created.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 17-4 Maintenance 17.2.1 System St atistics Click Show Statistics in the System Status screen to op en the following screen. Read-only information here includes port status and pac ket specific stat istics. Also p rovided are "system up t ime" and "poll i nterval(s)".
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-5 Table 17-2 System Status: Sho w Statistics LA BE L DESCRIPTION WAN Port Statistics This is the WAN port. Link Status This is the status of your WAN link. Transfer Rate T his is the transfer rate in kbps. Upstream Speed This is the upstream speed of your Prestig e.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 17-6 Maintenance Table 17-2 System Status: Sho w Statistics LA BE L DESCRIPTION above. Stop Click this button to halt the refres hing of the s ystem statistics.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-7 Table 17-3 DHCP Table LA BE L DESCRIPTION MAC Address This field displays the MAC (Media Access Contro l) addr ess of the comput er with the displaye d host name. Every Ethernet device has a unique MAC ad dress.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 17-8 Maintenance Figure 17-5 Diagnostic General The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 17-4 Diagnostic General LA BE L DESCRIPTION TCP/ IP Address Type the IP address of a computer that you wa nt to ping in order to test a connection.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-9 Table 17-4 Diagnostic General LA BE L DESCRIPTION Back Click this button to go back to the main Diagnostic screen. 17.4.2 Diagnostic DSL Line Screen Click Diagnostic and then DSL Line to open the screen sh own next.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 17-10 Maintenance Table 17-5 Diagnostic DSL Line “Start to reset xDSL... Reset xDSL Line Successfully!” Back Click this button to go back to the main Diagnostic screen. 17.5 Firmware Screen Find firmware at in a file that (usually) uses the system mode l name with a "*.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Maintenance 17-11 The following table describes the labels in this screen. Table 17-6 Firmware Upgrade LA BE L DESCRIPTION File Path Type in the location of the file you want to upload in this field or click Browse ... to find it.
SMT General Configuration VII P P a a r r t t V V I I I I : : SMT General Configuration This part covers System Manageme nt T erminal configuration for genera l setup, LAN setup, wireless LAN setup, Internet acce ss, remote nodes, remote node TCP/IP , static routing and NA T .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Introducing the SMT 19-1 Chapter 18 Introducing the SMT This chapter explains how to access and navigate the System Management Terminal and gives an overview of its menus.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 19-2 Introducing the SMT Please note that if there is no activity for longer than five minutes after you log in, your Prestige will automatically log you out. Figure 18-1 Login Screen 18.1.4 Prestige SM T Menu Overview The following fig ure gives you an overvi ew of the various SMT m enu screens of your Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Introducing the SMT 19-3 Menu 3 LAN Set up Menu 4 Internet Acces s Setu p Menu 1 2 S tatic Routi ng Setup Menu 1 1 .5 Remote Node Filter Menu 1 1 Remote Node Setup Menu 1 1.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 19-4 Introducing the SMT 18.2 Navigating the SMT Interface The SMT (System Management Terminal) is the inte rface that you use t o co nfigure your Pr estige. Several operations that you should be familiar with before you attempt to modify the configuration are listed in the table below.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Introducing the SMT 19-5 Figure 18-3 SMT Main Menu 18.2.1 System Management T erminal Interface Summar y Table 18-2 Main Menu Summary # MENU TITLE DESCRIPTION 1 Genera l Setup Use this menu to set up your general information.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 19-6 Introducing the SMT Table 18-2 Main Menu Summary # MENU TITLE DESCRIPTION 26 Schedule Setup Use this menu to schedule o utgoing calls. 27 VPN/IPSec Setup Use this menu to configur e VPN connectio ns on the Prestige 650H/HW.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 19-1 Chapter 19 General Setup Menu 1 - General Setup contains administrative and system-related information. 19.1 General Setup Menu 1 — General Se tup contains a dministrat ive and system -related in formation ( shown next ).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 19-2 WAN Figure 19-1 Menu 1 General Setup Fill in the required fields. Refer to the table shown nex t for more information about these fields. Table 19-1 Menu 1 General Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE System Name Enter a descriptive name for identification pu rposes.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 19-3 19.2.1 Configuring Dynamic DNS If you have a private W AN IP address , then you cannot use Dynamic DNS. To configure Dynamic DNS, g o to Menu 1 — Ge neral Setup and select Yes in the Edit Dynamic DNS field. Press [ ENT ER ] to d isplay Menu 1.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 20-4 WAN Chapter 20 WAN Setup This chapter shows you how to configu re the WAN settings of your Prestige . 20.1 W AN Setup Use Menu 2 – WAN Setup to configure G.SHDSL settings for yo ur WAN line. Different telephone companies dep loy different types of G.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router WAN 20-5 Rate Adaption Press [SPACE BAR] to select Enable (activate) or Disable (deactivate). Transfer Max Rate (2312 Kbps) Press [SPACE BAR] to select a Transfer Max Rate greater than or equal to the Transfer Min Rate and press [ENTER] to continue.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dial Backup 21-1 Chapter 21 Dial Backup This chapter shows you how to config ure Dial Backup for your Prestige . 21.1 Dial Backup Overview To set up the auxiliary port (Di.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 21-2 Dial Backup Table 21-1 Menu 2: Dial Backup Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Dial-Backup: Active Use this field to turn the dial-backu p feature on ( Yes ) or off ( No ). No Port Speed Press [SPACE BAR] and then press [ENTER] to select the speed of the connection between the Dial Backup p ort and the external device.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dial Backup 21-3 Figure 21-2 Advanced WAN Se tup Table 21-2 Advanced WAN Port Setup: AT Commands Fields FIELD DESCRIPTION DEF AULT AT Command Strings: Dial Enter the AT Command string to make a call. atdt Drop Enter the AT Command string to drop a call.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 21-4 Dial Backup Table 21-2 Advanced WAN Port Setup: AT Commands Fields FIELD DESCRIPTION DEF AULT Speed Enter the keyword precedi ng the connecti on speed.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dial Backup 21-5 Figure 21-3 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP) Table 21-4 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP) FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Rem Node Name Enter a descriptive name for the remote node. This field can be up to eight characters.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 21-6 Dial Backup Table 21-4 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP) FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Pri Phone # Sec Phone # Enter the first (primary) phone number from the ISP for this remote node. If the Primary Phone number is busy o r does not answer, your Prestige dials the Secondar y Phone number if availa ble.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dial Backup 21-7 Table 21-4 Remote Node Profile (Backup ISP) FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Once you have configured this menu, press [ENTER] at the message “Pres s EN TER to Confirm...” to save your configuration, or pre ss [ESC] at any time to cancel.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 21-8 Dial Backup Move the cur sor to the Edit IP fiel d in menu 11.1, then p ress [SPACE BAR] to select Yes . Press [ENTER] to open Menu 11.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Dial Backup 21-9 Table 21-5 Remote Node Net work Layer Options FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Private T his parameter dete rmines if the Prestige will include the route to this remote node in its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes , this route is kept private and not included in RIP broadcasts.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 21-10 Dial Backup Figure 21-7 Menu 11.5: Remote Nod e Filter (Ethernet) Menu 11.5 - Remote Node Filter Input Filter Sets: protocol filters= device filters= Output Filter S.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN 22-1 Chapter 22 LAN Setup This chapter shows you how to configu re the LAN settings for your Prestige . 22.1 Ethernet Setup This section describes how to configure the Ethern et using Menu 3 – Ethernet Setup . From the main menu, enter 3 to open t he menu as follows.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 22-2 LAN If you need to define filters, please read the Filter Configuration chap ter first, then return to this menu. 22.1.2 IP Alias Setup Use Menu 3.2 to configure the first network. To edit Menu 3.2 , enter 3 from the main menu to display Menu 3 — Ethernet Setup .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN 22-3 Figure 22-4 IP Alias Setup Follow the instructions in the following table to co nfigure IP Alias parameters. Table 22-1 IP Alias Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE IP Alias Choose Yes to configure the LAN network for the Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 22-4 LAN Figure 22-5 General Setup 22.1.4 TCP/IP Ethernet Setup and DHCP Use menu 3.2 to configure your Prestige for TCP/IP. To edit Menu 3.2 , enter 3 from the main menu to display Menu 3 — Ethernet Setup . When m enu 3 appears, pr ess 2 and press [ENTER] to d isplay Menu 3.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router LAN 22-5 Table 22-2 TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE DHCP Setup DHCP If set to Server , your Prestige can assign IP addr esses, an IP default gateway and DNS servers to Windows 95, Windo ws NT and other systems that support the DHCP client.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 22-6 LAN Table 22-2 TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Multicast IGMP (Internet Group Multic ast Protocol) is a net work-layer protocol used to establish membership in a Multicast gro up. The Prestige supports both IGMP version 1 ( IGMP-v1 ) and version 2 ( IGMP-v2 ).
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Internet Access 23-1 Chapter 23 Internet Access This chapter shows you how to configu re your Prestige for Internet Access . 23.1 Internet Access Overview This section provides inform ation on configuring your Prestig e for Internet access.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 23-2 Internet Access Table 23-1 Internet Access Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE ISP’s Name Enter the nam e of your Internet Service Provider. T his information is for identi fication purposes only. ChangeMe Encapsulation Press [ SPACE BAR ] to select the method of encaps ulation used by your ISP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Internet Access 23-3 Table 23-1 Internet Access Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Idle Timeout This value spe cifies the number of idle seconds that elapse before the Prestige automatic ally disconnects the PPPoE session. 0 IP Address Assignment Press [ SPACE BAR ] to select Static or Dynamic address assignment.
Advanced Applications VIII P P a a r r t t V V I I I I I I : : ADVANCED APPLICATIONS This part shows how to co nfigure Remote Nodes, S tatic Routes, Bridging a nd NA T .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24-1 Chapter 24 Remote Node Configuration This chapter covers remote node configuration. 24.1 Remote Node Overview This section de scribes the pr otocol-i ndependent parame ters for a rem ote node.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 24-2 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration Figure 24-1 Remote Node Setup 24.2.1 Encap sulation and Multiplexing Scenarios For Internet access you sho uld use the encapsulation and multiplex ing methods used by your ISP.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24-3 Figure 24-2 Remote Node Profile Table 24-1 Remote Node Profile FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Rem Node Name Type a unique, descriptive name of up to eig ht characters for this node. myISP Active Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Yes to activate or No to deactivate this node.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 24-4 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration Table 24-1 Remote Node Profile FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Rem Password Type the password us ed when this remote node calls your Prestige. Outgoing: My Login Type the login name assign ed by your ISP when the Prestige calls this remote node.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24-5 Table 24-1 Remote Node Profile FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Schedule Sets This field is onl y applicable for PPPoE and PPPoA encapsulation. You can apply up to four schedul e sets here. For more details please refer to the Call Schedule Setup chapter.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 24-6 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration Figure 24-3 Remote Node Net work Layer Options Table 24-2 Remote Node Net work Layer Options FIELD DESCRIPTION EXA MPLE IP Options IP.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24-7 Table 24-2 Remote Node Net work Layer Options FIELD DESCRIPTION EXA MPLE Private This determines if the Prestige will include th e route to this remote node in its RIP broadcasts. If set to Yes , this route is kept private and not included in RIP broadcast.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 24-8 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration Figure 24-4 Sample IP Addresses for a TCP/IP LAN-to-LAN Connection 24.4 Remote Node Filter Move the cur sor to the Edit Filter Sets fiel d in m enu 11.1, then press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24-9 Figure 24-6 Remote Node Filter (R FC1483 or ENE T ENCAP Encapsulation) 24.5 Editing A TM La yer Options Follow these steps to edit Menu 11.6 – Remote Node AT M Layer Op tions . Step 1.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 24-10 Remote Node TCP/IP Configuration 24.5.2 LLC-based Multiplexi ng or PPP Encap sulation For LLC-based multiplexin g or PPP encapsulation, one VC carries multiple protocols with protocol identifying information being con t ained in each packet hea der.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Static Route Setup 25-1 Chapter 25 Static Route Setup This chapter shows how to setup IP static routes. 25.1 S t atic Route Overview Static routes tell the Prestige routing information th at it cannot learn au tomati cally through other m eans.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 25-2 Static Route Setup Step 1. To configure an IP static route, use Menu 12 – Static Route Setup ( shown next). See the bridging chapter fo r more inform ation on B ridge Stat ic Routes. Figure 25-2 Static Route Setup Step 2.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Static Route Setup 25-3 Figure 25-4 Edit IP Static Route Table 25-1 Edit IP Static Route FIELD DESCRIPTION Route # This is the index number of the static route that y ou chose in menu 12.1. Route Name Type a descriptive name for this r oute.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Bridging Setup 26-1 Chapter 26 Bridging Setup This chapter shows you how to configure th e bridging parameters of your Prestige. 26.1 Bridging Overview Bridging ba ses the forwa rding decisi on on the MAC (M edia Access C ontrol), or hardware a ddress, while routing does it on the net work layer ( IP) address.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 26-2 Bridging Setup Figure 26-1 Remote Node Bridging O ptions Table 26-1 Remote Node Bridging Options FIELD DESCRIPTION Bridge (menu 11.1) Make sure this field is set to Yes . Edit IP/Bridge (menu 11.1) Press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and press [ENTER] to display menu 1 1.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Bridging Setup 26-3 Figure 26-2 Bridge Static Rou te Setup Choose a static route to edit in menu 12.3. You configure bridg e static routes in menu 12.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 26-4 Bridging Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION When you have compl eted this menu, press [ENTER] at the prompt “Press ENTER to confirm or ESC to cancel” to save your configuration or press [E SC] to cancel and go back to the prev ious screen.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-1 Chapter 27 Network Address Translation (NAT) This chapter discusses h ow to configure NAT on the Prestige. 27.1 SUA (Single User Account) V ersus NA T SUA (Single User Account) is a ZyNOS implementati on of a su bset of NAT that supports two types of mapping, Many-to-One and Serv er .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-2 NAT Menu 11.3 - Remote Node Network Layer Options IP Options: Bridge Options: IP Address Assignment = Dynamic Ethernet Addr Timeout(min)= N/A Rem IP Addr = 0.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-3 Menu 15 — NAT Setup 1. Address Mapping Sets 2. NAT Server Sets Enter Menu Selection Number: Table 27-1 Applying NAT to the Remote Node FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Full Feature if you have multiple public WAN IP address es for your Prestige.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-4 NAT Menu 15.1 - Address Mapping Sets 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 255. SUA (read only) Enter Menu Selection Number: Enter Menu Selection Number: Figure 27-4 Address Mapping Sets Enter 255 to display the next screen (see also section 27.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-5 Table 27-2 Address Mapping Rules - SUA FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Local Start IP Local End IP Local Start IP is the starting local IP address (ILA) Local End IP is the ending local IP address (ILA). If the rule is for all local IPs, then the Start IP is 0.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-6 NAT Figure 27-6 Address Mapping Rules If the Set Name field is left blank, the entire set will be deleted. The T ype, Local and Global S t art/End IPs are configured in menu (described later) and the v alues are displayed here.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-7 FIELD DESRIPTION EXAMPLE Set Name Enter a name for this set of rules. This is a requir ed field. If this field is left blank, the entire set will be deleted. NAT_ SET Action The default is Edit . Edit means you want to edit a selected rule (see following field).
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-8 NAT Figure 27-7 Editing/Configuring an Indiv idual Rule in a Set Table 27-4 Editing/Configuring an Individual Rule in a Set FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Type Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select from a total of five types.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-9 27.3.2 Configuring a Server behind NA T Follow these steps to c onfigure a server behind NAT: Step 1. Enter 15 in the main menu to go to Menu 15 - NAT Setup. Step 2. Enter 2 to displ ay Menu 15.2 - NAT Server Sets as s hown next.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-10 NAT Figure 27-9 NAT Server Setup Step 4. Enter a port number in an unused Start Port No field. To forw ard only one po rt, enter it again in the End Port No field. To specify a range of ports , ente r the last port to be forwa rded in the End Port No field.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-11 Figure 27-10 Multiple Servers Behind NAT Ex ample 27.4 General NA T Examples This section pr ovides som e examples with Network Addr ess Translation .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-12 NAT Figure 27-11 NAT Example 1 Figure 27-12 Internet Acc ess & NAT Example Menu 4 - Internet Access Setup ISP's Name= ChangeMe Encapsulation= RFC-1483 Multi.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-13 From m enu 4, choose t he SUA Onl y option from the Network Address Translation field. This is the Many-to-One m apping discussed in secti on 27.4. The SUA On ly read-only op tion from the Network Address Translation field in menus 4 and 11.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-14 NAT Figure 27-14 NAT Example 2 - Menu 15.2.1 27.4.3 Example 3: Multip le Public IP Addresses With Inside Servers In this exam ple, there are 3 IGAs from our ISP. T here are many departments but two ha ve their own FTP server.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-15 Figure 27-15 NAT Example 3 Step 1. In this case you need t o configure Address Mappi ng Set 1 from Menu 15.1 - Address Mapping Sets. Therefore you must choose the Full Feature option from the Network Address Translation field (in m enu 4 or m enu 11.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-16 NAT Step 5. In menu 15 .1.1.1, select Ty pe as One-to-One (direct mapping fo r pack ets going both ways) , and set the local Start IP as (the IP address of FTP Serv er 1) and the global Start IP as 10.132.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-17 Now conf igure th e IGA3 to map to our web ser ver and ma il serv er on the LA N. Step 8. Enter 15 from the mai n menu. Step 9. Enter 2 in Menu 15 - NAT Setup . Step 10. Enter 1 in Menu 15.2 - NAT Server Sets and ent er 1 again to see the followi ng menu.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-18 NAT Figure 27-19 Example 3- Menu 15.2 27.4.4 Example 4: NA T Unfr iendly Application Programs Some applications do not support NAT Mapping using TC P or UDP port address translation.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router NAT 27-19 Other applications such as some ga ming programs are NA T unfriendly because they embed addressing information in the dat a stream. These applications won’t work through NA T even when using One-to -One and Many-to-Many No Overload mapping types.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 27-20 NAT Figure 27-22 Example 4 - Menu 15.1.1 Menu 15.1.1 - Address Mapping Rules Set Name= Example4 Idx Local Start IP Local End IP Global Start IP Global End IP Type --- --------------- --------------- --------------- --------------- ------ 1.
Advanced Management IX Part IX: ADVANCED MANAGEMENT This part discusse s Filter Conf iguration, SNMP , System Maintenance and IP Policy Routing, Call Scheduling and Remote M anagement.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-1 Chapter 28 Filter Configuration This chapter shows you how to create and apply filters. 28.1 About Fil tering Your Prestige uses filters to decide whether or not to allow passage of a data packet and/or to make a call.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-2 Filter Configuration Figure 28-1 Outgoing Packet Filtering Process Two sets of factory filter rules have been configured in Menu 21 to prevent NetBIOS traffic from triggering calls. A summary of their filter rules is shown in the figures that follow.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-3 Start Fetch First Filter Set Fetch First Filter Rule Active? Execute Filter Rule Fetch Next Filter Rule Next filter Rule Available? Fetch Next Fi.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-4 Filter Configuration For incoming packets, your Prestige ap plies data filters only. Packets are p rocessed depending on whether a match is found. The following section s describe how to configure filter sets. The Filter Structur e of the Prestige A filter set consists of one or more filter rules.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-5 Filter rule set s 1 1 and 12 are used by the web configurator . Y our custom configurator may be lost if you use rule 1 1 or 12. Step 3. Type a descriptive nam e or comment in the Edit Comments field and press [ EN TER ].
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-6 Filter Configuration Figure 28-6 Telnet_WAN Filter Rules Summary Figure 28-7 PPPoE Filter Rules Summary Menu 21.3 - Filter Rules Summary # A Type Filter Rules M m n - - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - 1 Y IP Pr=6, SA=0.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-7 Figure 28-8 FTP_WAN Filter Rules Summary Figure 28-9 Web Set1 Filter Rules Su mmary Menu 21.5 - Filter Rules Summary # A Type Filter Rules M m n - - ---- -------------------------------------------------------------- - - - 1 Y IP PR=6, SA=0.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-8 Filter Configuration Figure 28-10 Web Set2 Filter Rules Summary 28.2.1 Filter Rules Summary Menus The following tables brief ly describe the abbreviations used in menus 21.1 and 21.2 . Table 28-1 Abbreviations Used in the Filter Rules Summary Menu FIELD DESCRIPTION # The filter rule number: 1 to 6.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-9 FIELD DESCRIPTION n Action Not Matched. “F” means to forward the packet immediat ely and skip checking the remain ing rules. “D” means to drop the packet. “N” means to check the next rule.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-10 Filter Configuration 28.3.1 TCP/IP Filter Rule This section shows you how to co nfigure a TCP/IP filte r rule. TCP/IP rules allow you to base the rule on the fields in t he IP and the upper layer p rotocol, fo r example, U DP and TCP hea ders.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-11 Table 28-3 TCP/IP Filter Rule FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE IP Protocol This is the upper layer protocol, for exampl e, TCP is 6, UDP is 17 and ICMP is 1. The value must be bet ween 0 and 255. A value of O matches ANY protocol.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-12 Filter Configuration Table 28-3 TCP/IP Filter Rule FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Log Select the logging option from the follo wing: None – No packets will be logged. Action Matched – Only packets that match the rule parameters will be logged.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-13 Packet into IP Filter Matched Matched Yes Action Matched Action Not Matched More? No Filter Active? Check IP Protocol Drop Drop Packet Accept Pa.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-14 Filter Configuration 28.3.2 Generic Filter Rule This section shows you how to co nfigure a generic filte r rule. The purpose of generic rules is to allow you to filter non-IP packets. For IP, it is generally easier to use the IP rules directly.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-15 Table 28-4 Generic Filter Rule Menu Fields FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Filter # This is the filter se t, filter rule coordinates, for instance, 2, 3 refers to the second filter set and the third rule of that set.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-16 Filter Configuration 28.4 Filter T ypes and NA T There are two classe s of filter rules, Generic Filter Device rules and Protocol Filter ( TCP/IP ) rules. Generic Filter rules act on the raw data from/to LAN and WAN.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-17 Figure 28-15 Sample Telnet Filter Step 1. Enter 21 from the ma in menu to o pen Menu 21 — Filter Set Configuration . Step 2. Enter the index number of the filter set you want to configure (in th is case 3) .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-18 Filter Configuration Menu 21.1 - Filter Rules Summary # A Type Filter Rules M m n - - ---- --------------------------------------------------------------- - - - 1 Y IP Pr=6, SA=0.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-19 Figure 28-17 Sample Filter Rules Summary — Menu 21.3.1 After you have created the filter set, you must apply it. Step 1. Enter 11 in the main menu to display menu 11 and type the remote node number to edit it.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 28-20 Filter Configuration Step 3. This brings you to menu 11.5. Enter the example filter set number in this menu as shown in the following figure. Figure 28-18 Sample Filter Rules Summary — Apply ing a Remote Node Filter Set 28.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Filter Configuration 28-21 filter set(s) that you want to apply as appropriate. You can choose up to four filter sets (from twelve) by typing their numbers separated by commas, for exampl e, 3, 4, 6, 11.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router SNMP Configuration 29-1 Chapter 29 SNMP Configuration This chapter explains SNMP Configuration. SNMP is only available if TCP/IP is configured. 29.1 SNMP Overview Simple Netw ork Managem ent Protoc ol is a prot ocol used for exchangi ng managem ent inform ation between network de vices.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 29-2 SNMP Configuration An SNMP m anaged network consists of t wo mai n components: a gents and a m anager. An agent is a managem ent software mod ule that resides i n a managed d evice (the Pres tige). An agent translates the local management information from the managed device into a form compatible with SNMP.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router SNMP Configuration 29-3 Figure 29-2 SNMP Configuration Table 29-1 SNMP Configuration FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE SNMP: Get Community T ype the Get Community , which is the password for the incoming Get- and GetNext requests from the management station.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 29-4 SNMP Configuration TRAP # TRAP NAME DESCRIPTION 2 warmStart ( defined in RFC-1215 ) A trap is sent after booting (soft ware reboot).
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance 30-1 Chapter 30 System Maintenance This chapter covers the diagnostic tools that help you to maintain your Prestige. 30.1 System Maintenance Overview These tools include updates on system status, port status, log and trace capabilities and upgrades for t he system software.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 30-2 System Maintenan ce Figure 30-2 System Maintena nce — Status Table 30-1 System Maintenance — Status FIELD DESCRIPTION Node-Lnk This is the node index number and link type. Link types are: PPP, ENET, 1483. Status Shows the status of the remote node.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance 30-3 Table 30-1 System Maintenance — Status FIELD DESCRIPTION Rx Pkts T he number of received packe ts from the LAN. Collision Number of collisions. WAN Shows statistics for the WAN. Line Status Sho ws the current status of the xDSL line which can be Up or Do wn.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 30-4 System Maintenan ce Figure 30-4 System Maintena nce — Information Table 30-2 System Maintenance — Informatio n FIELD DESCRIPTION Name Displ ays the system name of your Pr estige. T his information can be changed in Menu 1 – General Setup .
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance 30-5 30.3.2 Console Port Speed You can set up differe nt port speeds for the console port throu gh Menu 24.2.2 – System Maintenance – Console Port Speed . Your Prestige suppo rts 9600 (defau lt), 19200 and 38400 bps.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 30-6 System Maintenan ce Step 3. Enter 1 from Menu 24.3 — System Maintenance — Log an d Trace to display the error log in the system. After the Prestige finishes displaying the error log, you will have the option to clear it.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance 30-7 Table 30-3 System Maintenance Men u — Syslog Parameters PARAMETER DESCRIPTION UNIX Syslog: Active Use [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to turn syslog on or off. Syslog IP Address Type the IP address of your s yslog server.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 30-8 System Maintenan ce Jul 19 11:28:56 ZYXEL: Packet Trigger: Protocol=1, Data=4500002c1b0140001f06b50ec0a86614ca849a7b0427001700195b3e00000000600220008cd40000020405b4 Jul 19 11:29:06 192.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance 30-9 The following table describes the diagn ostic tests available in menu 24.4 for and the co nnections. Table 30-4 System Maintenance Men u — Diagnostic FIELD DESCRIPTION Reset xDSL Re-initialize th e xDSL link to the telephone c ompany.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-1 Chapter 31 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance This chapter tells you how to backup and restor e your configuration file as well as upload n ew firmware and configuration files.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-2 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Table 31-1 Filename Conventions FILE TYPE INTERNAL NA ME EXTERNAL NA ME DESCRIPTION Configuration File Rom-0 This is the configurat ion filena me on the Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-3 31.2.1 Backup Configuration Follow the instructions as shown in the next screen. Figure 31-1 System Maintena nce - Backup Configuration 31.2.2 Using the FTP Command from the Command Line Step 1.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-4 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Figure 31-2 FTP Session Example 31.2.4 GUI-based FTP Client s The followin g table describes some of the c ommands that you may see in GUI-based F TP clients.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-5 4. You have a n SMT cons ole session run ning. 31.2.6 Backup Confi guration Using TFTP The Prestige supports the up/download ing of the firmware and the configuration file using TFTP (Trivial File Transfer Protoc ol) over LAN.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-6 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Table 31-3 General Commands for GUI-based TFTP Clients COMMAND DESCRIPTION Host Enter the IP ad dress of the Prestige. 19 is the Prestige’s default IP address when shipped.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-7 Step 3. Run the HyperT erminal pro gram by clicking Transfer , then Receive File as shown in the following screen. Figure 31-5 Backup Configuration Example Step 4. After a successful backup you will see the following scr een.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-8 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance WA R N I N G ! DO NOT INTERUPT THE FILE TRAN SFER PROCESS AS THIS MA Y PERMANENTL Y DAMAGE YOUR PRESTIGE. 31.3.1 Restore Using FTP For details about backup using (T)FTP please refer to ea rlier sections on FTP and TFTP file upload in this chapter.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-9 31.3.2 Restore Using FTP Session Example Figure 31-8 Restore Usi ng FTP Session Example Refer to section 31 .2.5 to read about configurations that disallow TFTP and FTP over WAN.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-10 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Figure 31-11 Restore Configuration Example Step 4. After a successful restoration you will see the fo llowing screen. Press any key to restart the Prestige and return to the SMT menu.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-11 Figure 31-13 System Mainten ance - Upload System Firm ware 31.4.2 Configuration File Upload You will see the following screen when you telnet into menu 24.7.2. Figure 31-14 Telnet Into Menu 24.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-12 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 31.4.3 FTP File Upload Command from the DOS Prompt Example Step 1. Launch the FTP client on your computer. Step 2. Enter “open”, followed by a s pace and the IP address of y our Prestige.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-13 To use TFTP, your comput er must have both telnet an d T FTP clients. To transfer t he firmware and the configuration file, fo llow the procedure show n next. Step 1. Use telnet from your computer to connect to the Prestige and log in.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-14 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance 31.4.8 Uploading Firmware File Via Console Port Step 1. Select 1 from Menu 24.7 – Syste m Maintenance – Upload Firmware to displ ay Menu 24.7.1 – System Mainten ance – Upload System Firmw are , then follow the instructions as shown in the following screen.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router Firmware and Configuration Maintenance 31-15 31.4.10 Uploading Configuration File Via Console Port Step 1. Select 2 from Menu 24.7 – Syste m Maintenance – Upload Firmware to displ ay Menu 24.7.2 – System Maintenance – Up load System Confi guration File .
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 31-16 Firmware and Configuration File Maintenance Figure 31-19 Example Xmodem Upload After the co nfiguration upload pr ocess has com pleted, resta rt the Prestige by enterin g “atgo”. Type the configuration file’s location, or click Browse to search for it.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance and Information 32-1 Chapter 32 System Maintenance and Information This chapter leads yo u through SMT menus 24.8 to 24.10. 32.1 Command Interpreter Mode The Command I nterpreter (CI) is a part o f the main system firmware.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 32-2 System Maintenance and Information Figure 32-2 Valid Commands 32.2 Call Control Support Call Control Suppo rt is only applicable when Encapsulation is set to PPPoE i n menu 4 or menu 1 1.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance and Information 32-3 Figure 32-4 Budget Managemen t The total budget is the time limit on the accum ulated time for outgoing calls to a rem ote node. When this limit is reached, the call will be dropped a nd further out going calls to that remote node will be bloc ked.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 32-4 System Maintenance and Information 32.3 T ime and Date Setting The Prestige keeps trac k of the time and date . There is also a software m echanism to set the time manually or get the current time and dat e from an external serv er when you turn on your Prestige.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router System Maintenance and Information 32-5 Table 32-2 Time and Date Setting Fields FIELD DESCRIPTION Enter the time service protocol that your time server sends when you turn on the Prestige.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router IP Policy Routing 33-1 Chapter 33 IP Policy Routing This chapter covers setting and applying policies used for IP routing. 33.1 IP Policy Routing Overview Traditionally, routing is based on the d estination ad dress only and the IAD takes the shortest path to forward a pac ket.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 33-2 IP Policy Routing IPPR follows the existing pack et filtering facility of RAS in style and in implementation. The po licies are divided into sets, where related policies are grouped to geth er. A user defines the policies befor e applying them to an interface or a remote node, in the sam e fa shion as the filters.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router IP Policy Routing 33-3 Figure 33-2 Sample IP Routing Policy Setup Table 33-1 IP Routing Policy Setup Ab breviations AB B RE V I AT I ON M E AN I N G Criterion SA Source IP.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 33-4 IP Policy Routing Type a num ber from 1 to 6 t o display Menu 25.1.1 – IP R outing Policy (see the next figure). Thi s menu allows you to configure a policy rule.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router IP Policy Routing 33-5 Table 33-2 IP Routing Policy FIELD DESCRIPTION Len Comp Press [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to choose from Equal , Not Equal , Less , Greater , Less or Equal or Greater or Equal . Source: addr start / end Source IP address range from start to end.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 33-6 IP Policy Routing Figure 33-4 TCP/IP and DHCP Ethernet Setup Go to menu 11.3 (sho wn next) a nd type the number(s) o f the IP Rout ing Policy set(s) as appro priate. You can cascade up t o four policy sets by typing t heir numbers s eparated by co mmas.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router IP Policy Routing 33-7 33.4 IP Policy Routing Example If a network has both In ternet and remote node conn ections, y ou can route Web packets to the Internet using one pol icy and r oute FTP packets t o a remot e network usi ng another pol icy.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 33-8 IP Policy Routing Figure 33-7 IP Routing Policy Example Step 3. Check Menu 25.1 — IP Routing Policy Setup to see if the rule is added correctly. Step 4. Create another policy set in menu 25. Step 5. Create a rule in menu 2 5.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router IP Policy Routing 33-9 Figure 33-8 IP Routing Policy Step 6. Check Menu 25.1 — IP Routing Policy Setup to see if the rule is added correctly. Step 7. Apply both pol icy sets in m enu 3.2 as sh own next. Figure 33-9 Apply ing IP Policies Menu 3.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Call Scheduling 34-1 Chapter 34 Call Scheduling Call scheduling (applicable for PPPoA or PPPoE encaps ulation only) allows you to dictate when a remote node should be call ed and for how long.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 34-2 Call Scheduling T o delete a schedule set, enter the set number and press [SP ACE BAR] and then [ENTER] (or delete) in the Edit Name field. To setup a schedule set, select the schedule set you want to setup from men u 26 (1-12) and pr ess [ENTER] to see Menu 26.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Call Scheduling 34-3 Table 34-1 Schedule Set Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE How Often Should this schedu le set recur weekly or be used just once o nly? Press the [SPACE BAR] and then [ENTER] to select Once or Weekly . Both these options are mutuall y exclusive.
Prestige 792H G.SHDSL Router 34-4 Call Scheduling Figure 34-3 Applying Schedule Set( s) to a Remote Node (PPPoE) You can ap ply up to f our schedule sets, separate d by comm as, for one remote node. Change the sc hedule set numbers to your pref erence(s).
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 35-1 Chapter 35 Remote Management This chapter cove rs remote management (SMT m enu 24.11). 35.1 Remote Management Overview Remote manag ement setup is for managing Telnet, FTP and Web services.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router 35-2 Remote Management 35.1.3 Remote Management and Web Services You can use the Prestige’s em bedded web confi gurator for c onfiguration a nd file m anagement.
Prestige 791R G.SHDSL Router Remote Management 35-3 Table 35-1 Remote Management Con trol FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Secured Client IP T he default allows any client to use this service to re motely manage the Prestige. Enter an IP address to restrict access to a client with a matching IP address.
SMT VPN/IPSec and Internal SPTGEN X Part X: SMT VPN/IPSec and Internal SP TGEN This part provides informati on about configuring VPN/IPSec for secure communications an d Internal SPTGEN for configuration of multiple Prestiges.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-1 Chapter 36 VPN/IPSec Setup This chapter introduces the VPN SMT menus. 36.1 VPN/IPSec Overview The VPN/IPSe c main SMT menu has these m ain submenus: 1.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-2 VPN/IPSec Setup Figure 36-2 Menu 27 VPN/IPSec Setup 36.2 IPSec Summary Screen Type 1 in m enu 27 and t hen press [ENTE R] to display Menu 27.1 IPSec Summary . This is a s ummary read-only m enu of your IPSec rules (t unnels).
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-3 Table 36-1 Menu 27.1 IPSec Summary FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Name T his field displays the unique iden tification na me for this VPN rule. The name may be up to 32 characters long but onl y 10 characters will be displayed her e.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-4 VPN/IPSec Setup Table 36-1 Menu 27.1 IPSec Summary FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Key Mgt This field displa ys the SA’s type of key management, ( IKE or Manual ). IKE Remote Addr Start When the Addr Type field in Menu 27.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-5 Table 36-1 Menu 27.1 IPSec Summary FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE Select Command Press [SPACE BAR] to choose from None , Edit , Delete , Go To Rule , Next Page or Previous Page and then press [ENTER]. You must select a rule in the next field when you choose the Edit , Delete or Go To commands.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-6 VPN/IPSec Setup Figure 36-4 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup The following table describes the fields in this menu. Table 36-2 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Index This is the VPN rule index number you selected in the pr evious menu.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-7 Table 36-2 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Content When you select IP in the Local ID Type field, type the IP address of your computer or leave the field blank to have the Prestige a utomatically use it s own IP address.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-8 VPN/IPSec Setup Table 36-2 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Secure Gateway Address Type the IP address or the domain name (up to 31 characters) of the IPSec router with which you’re making the VPN connection.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-9 Table 36-2 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE End/Subnet Mask When the Addr Type field is configured to Single , this field is N/A . When the Addr Type field is configured to Range , enter the end (static) IP address, in a range of computers on the LAN behi nd your Prestige.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-10 VPN/IPSec Setup Table 36-2 Menu 27.1.1 IPSec Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE End/Subnet Mask When the Addr Type field is configured to Single , this field is N/A .
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-1 1 36.4 IKE Setup To edit this menu, the Key Management fie ld in Menu 27.1.1 – IPSec Setu p must be set to IKE . Move the cursor to the Edit Key Management Setup field in Menu 27.1.1 – IPSec Setup ; press [SPACE BAR] to select Yes and then press [ENTER] to display Menu 27 .
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-12 VPN/IPSec Setup Table 36-3 Menu IKE Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Encryption Algorithm When DES is used for data communications, both sender and receiver mus t know the same secret key, which can be used to encrypt and decrypt the message or to generate and verif y a message authentication code.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-13 Table 36-3 Menu IKE Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) Perfect Forward Secrecy (PFS) is disabled ( None ) by default in phase 2 IPSec SA setup. This allows faster IPSe c setup, but is not so secure.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 36-14 VPN/IPSec Setup Figure 36-6 Menu Manual Setup The following table describes the fields in this menu. Table 36-5 Menu Manual Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Active Protocol Press [SPACE BAR] to choose from ESP Tunnel , ESP Transport , AH Tunnel or AH Transport and then press [ENTER].
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router VPN/IPSec Setup 36-15 Table 36-5 Menu Manual Setup FIELD DESCRIPTION EXAMPLE Authentication Algorithm Press [SPACE BAR] to choose from MD5 or SHA1 and then press [ENTER]. MD5 Key Enter the authentication ke y to be used by IPSec if applicable.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router SA Monitor 37-1 Chapter 37 SA Monitor This chapter teaches you how to manage your SA s by using the SA Monitor in SMT menu 27.2. 37.1 SA Monitor Overview A Security Association (SA) is the group of security settings related to a specific VPN tunnel.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 37-2 SA Monitor Table 37-1 Menu 27.2 SA Monitor FIELD DESCRIPTION EX AMPLE # T his is the security association inde x number. Name This field displays th e identification name for this VPN policy. This name i s unique for each connection where the secure gateway IP address is a public static IP address.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router SA Monitor 37-3 37.3 V iewing IPSec Log To view the IPSec and IKE connection log, type 3 in menu 27 and pr ess [ENT ER] to display the IPSec lo g as shown next. The following figure shows a typical log from the initiato r of a VPN connection.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router Internal SPTGEN 38-1 Chapter 38 Internal SPTGEN 38.1 Internal SPTGEN Overview Internal SPTGEN (Sy stem Parameter Table Gene rator) is a configuration text file useful for efficient configuration of multiple Prestiges.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 38-2 Internal SPTGEN Figure 38-1 Configuration Text File Format: Column Descriptions DO NOT alter or delete any field except p arameters in the Input column. For more text file examples, refer to the Exampl e Internal SPTGEN Scree ns Appendix .
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router Internal SPTGEN 38-3 Figure 38-2 Invalid Parameter Entered: Comman d Line Example The Prestige will display the following if you enter parameter(s) that are valid. Figure 38-3 Valid Parameter Entered: Command Line Example 38.
Prestige 792H G .SHDSL Router 38-4 Internal SPTGEN Y ou can rename your “rom-t” file when you save it to your computer but it must be named “rom-t” when you upload it to y our Prestige. 38.4 Internal SPTGEN FTP Upload Example Figure 38-5 Internal SPTGEN FTP Upload Example c:ftp 192.
Appendices and Index XI Part XI: Appendices and Index This part cont ains the Appendices and Index..
Appendices and Index Troubleshooting 39-1 Chapter 39 Troubleshooting This chapter covers potential problems and the corresponding remedies. 39.1 Problems S t arting Up the Prestige Table 39-1 Troubleshooti ng the Start-Up of Your Prestige PROBLEM CORRECTIVE ACTION None of the LEDs turn on when I turn on the Prestige.
Header 39-2 Trouble shooting 39.3 Problems with the W AN Interface Table 39-3 Troubleshooti ng the WAN Interface PROBLEM CORRECTIVE ACTION The WAN IP is provided when the ISP recognizes the us er as an authorized user after verifying the MAC address, Host Name or User ID.
Appendices and Index Troubleshooting 39-3 39.5 Problems with the Password Table 39-5 Troubleshooti ng the Password PROBLEM CORRECTIVE ACTION I cannot access the Prestige. The Passwo rd and Username fields are case-sens itive. Ma ke sure that you enter the correct password and usern ame using the proper cas ing.
Appendices and Index PPPoE A Appendix A PPPoE PPPoE in Action An ADSL m odem bridges a PPP session o ver Ethernet (P PP over Ethe rnet, RFC 2516) from your PC t o an ATM PVC (Permanent Virt ual Circuit) which c onnect s to a xDSL Access Concentrator where the PPP session terminates (see the ne xt figure).
Header B PPPoE The PPPoE driver m akes the Ethernet appear as a serial link to the PC and the PC runs PPP over it, while the modem bridges the Et hernet frames to the Access Conce ntr ator (AC). Between the AC and an ISP, the AC is acting as a L2TP (Layer 2 T unneling Protocol) LAC (L2T P Access Concentrator) and t unnels the PPP frames to the ISP.
Appendices and Index Virtual Circuit Topology C Appendix B V irtual Circuit T opology ATM is a connection-oriented techno logy, meaning that it sets up virtual circuits over which end syste ms communicate.
Header D Power Adapter Specifications Appendix C Power Adapter Specifications NORTH AMERICAN PLUG STANDARDS AC Power Adapter Model DV-121AACS Input Power AC120Volts/60Hz/23W max Output Power AC12Volts/1.0A Power Consumption 8 W Safety Standards UL, CUL (UL 1310, CSA C22.
Appendices and Index Product Specifications E EUROPEAN PLUG STANDARDS AC Power Adapter Model DV-121AACCP-5716 Input Power AC230Volts/50Hz/100mA Output Power AC12Volts/1.0A Power Consumption 8W Safety Standards TUV-GS, CE (EN 60950) EUROPEAN PLUG STANDARDS AC Power Adapter Model AA-121ABN Input Power AC230Volts/50Hz/140mA Output Power AC12Volts/1.
Header F Power Adapter Specifications Power Consumption 8 W Safety Standards CCEE (GB8898).
Header H TCP/IP Index 10/100 MB Aut o-negotiat ion ........................... 1- 3 Action for Matched Packets ......................... 10-13 Active.................................................... 21-5, 21-7 Address Assignment ...................
Appendices and Index Index ix DTR ...................................................... 5-18, 21-3 Dynamic DNS ......................................... 7-1, 19-2 DYNDNS Wildcar d ......................................... 7-1 ECHO....................
Header x Index HyperTerminal pr ogram ....................... 31-6, 31-9 IANA ............................................................... 3-8 ICMP echo ....................................................... 8-6 Idle Timeout ......................
Appendices and Index Index xi Metric ................................... 5-1, 21-8, 24-6, 25-3 Multicast ........................................ 4-3, 21-9, 24-7 Multiple Protocol over ATM ........................... 1-3 Multiplexing LLC-based .......
Header xii Index retry coun t ...................................................... 21-4 retry interv al .................................................. 21-4 RFC-1483 ........................................ 1-3, 1-5, 24-2 RFC-2364 ...............
Appendices and Index Index xiii TCP/IP ......8-3, 8-4, 15-2, 21-7, 28-16, 30-9, 35-1 TCP/IP Optio ns .............................................. 24-9 Teardrop ........................................................... 8-4 Telnet ..................
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat ZyXEL Communications 792H (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen ZyXEL Communications 792H heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens ZyXEL Communications 792H vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding ZyXEL Communications 792H leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over ZyXEL Communications 792H krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van ZyXEL Communications 792H bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de ZyXEL Communications 792H kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met ZyXEL Communications 792H . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.