Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ACX160-PS van de fabrikant Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® P r o v id es fl e x i b le an d s up er - f a s t c ro ss po i nt swit ching of Fu ll HD video in K VM enter prises. ServSwitch ™ DKM FX Or der to ll-fr ee in th e U.
Page 2 724-746-5500 | T rademark s Us ed in this Manual T rademar ks Use d in th is Ma n ual Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are register ed tradema rk s, and Ser vSwitch is a trademark, of BB T echnologies, Inc. Mac is a regi stered tr ademark o f Apple C omputer , Inc.
Page 4 724-746-5500 | NOM S tatement 4. T odas las instrucciones de operación y uso deben ser seguidas. 5. El aparato eléctrico no deberá ser usado cer ca del agua—por ejemplo, cer ca de la tina de baño, lavabo, sótano mojado o cerca de una alber ca, etc.
Page 5 724-746-5500 | NOM S tatement 17. Cuidado debe ser tomado de tal manera que objectos liquidos no sean derramados sobr e la cubierta u orificios de ventilación.
Page 6 724-746-5500 | Safety Ins t ructions Safety I nstruc t ions For reliable and safe long-term operation of your ServSwitch DKM FX, follow these guidelines: In st allati on • Only use in dry , indoor environments. • The ServSwitch DKM FX and the power supply units can get warm.
Page 7 724-746-5500 | T ab le of Content s Chapter Page 1 . Specific a tions ......................................................................................... 10 1 .1 I n t e r f a c e s ...........................................
Page 8 724-746-5500 | T ab le of Content s Chapter Page 2 .6 Diagnostics and Status .................................................................... 24 2.6. 1 Statu s LEDs ..............................................................
Page 9 724-746-5500 | T ab le of Content s Chapter Page 4 . 9.2 S a ving o f C onfigurations ( Intern al) ........................................ 91 4.9 .3 Loadi ng o f C onfigura tions (Internal) ...................................... 93 4.
Page 10 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications 1 . Spe cifications 1 . 1 Inte rface s 1 . 1 . 1 D VI - D Single Link The vide o in te rfa ce su pports t he D VI- D p ro to co l. All s ig na ls tha t c omp ly wi th D VI -D s in gle-l in k sta nd ar d can be tr an sm itt ed .
Page 11 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications 1 . 1 .4 R S-232 ( Serial) The com mu n ica tio n ta k es pl ac e wi th a t r an sm iss io n spee d of up t o 1 1 5.2 kbps , re ga rd les s of the f ile fo rm at . The t r an sm iss io n tak es pl ac e wi th ei gh t dat a bits and a stop bit, but without a parit y bit.
Page 12 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications T able 1 - 1 . CA T x int erconnect cable . Ca ble Type Descri ptio n CAT x s olid -cor e 24 AWG c able This S/ UT P ( CA T5e ) c ab le confoms to EIA / TIA - 568 -B. Uses four pairs of 24 AWG wires.
Page 13 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications T able 1 - 4. Maximum acceptable fi ber cable length . Ca ble Type Dist ance Single- mode 9 -µm 32,8 00 ft. ( 10,0 00 m ) Mult imod e 50 -µ m ( OM3 ) 3280 ft. (1 0 00 m ) Multimode 50 -µm 1 30 0 f t.
Page 14 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications 1 .3 Su ppor ted Periphe r als Y ou can use the KVM ext en ders desc rib ed i n T ab les 1 - 7 an d 1 -8 wit h th e Ser vSwitch DKM FX : T able 1 - 7 . KV M ex tender with CA T x c onnec tion .
Page 15 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications T able 1 -9 . D VI- D s i ng le-li nk con ne ctor pin ou t. Pin Signal Pin Signal Pin Signal 1 T .M .D.S. d ata 2- 9 T .M .D.S. d ata 1- 17 T .M .D.S. d ata 0 - 2 T .M .D.S. d ata 2+ 10 T .
Page 16 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications T able 1 - 1 2. RJ - 4 5 con nec tor . Pic ture Pin Signal Color Signal 1 D1+ 5 N ot connec ted 2 D1- 6 D2- 3 D2+ 7 N ot connec ted 4 Not connected 8 N ot connec ted 1 .4 .2 I / O Boa rd CA T x T able 1 - 1 3.
Page 17 724-746-5500 | Chapter 1: S pecifications 1 .5 Po wer Su pply Power — Al l m od e ls : V ol ta g e: 1 00 – 2 40 V A C , 50– 6 0 H z; A CX 2 8 8, ACX 2 88 - PS: 2 02 W max. without I / O boards; A CX 1 6 0 , A CX 1 6 0- PS : 1 88 W ma x.
Page 18 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 2. Over view 2. 1 Des cription 2 .1 .1 A p p l i c a t i o n The Ser vSwit ch DKM F X is used t o establish connec tion s fr om con sole s (m on itor , k ey boa rd , mo use , an d ot her per iph er al devi c es) t o va ri ous sou rc es (com pu te r , C PU ).
Page 19 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 2. 2 System O verview A Se r vS wit ch DKM FX syst em c on si sts of a ServSw it ch DKM FX an d, for K VM ap pl ica tio ns , on e or mo re C PU un its /C ON un its.
Page 20 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view See Sec tion 3.2 f or in st al lation e xamples. 2. 3 A vailable Produc ts T able 2 -3 . Av ailable produc ts.
Page 21 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view • ( 1) cross- wir ed CA T x n e t work cable 2.5 Devi c e View s In Se ctio ns 2 .5 . 1 thr ou gh 2. 5. 5, Fig ur es 2 - 2 th ro ugh 2 -5 il lu str at e the S ervSw it ch DKM FX chassi s models.
Page 22 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view T able 2 - 4. A CX 288 components . Number Component 1 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 1 2 Slot for Fan T ray 1 3 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 2 4 Slot for Fan T ray 2 5 Slot for I / O Board s 1–36 6 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 3 7 Slot for CP U boa rd 8 Grounding 2.
Page 23 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view T able 2 -5. A CX 1 60 components. Number Component 1 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 1 2 Slot for Fan T ray 1 3 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 2 4 Slot for Fan T ray 2 5 Slot for I / O Board s 1–20 6 Slot for P ower S upply Unit 3 7 Slot for CP U boa rd 8 Grounding 2.
Page 24 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 2.5. 4 Ser vSwitch DKM F X 48 - Por t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Figure 2 -5. Front vi ew , A CX04 8. T able 2 - 7 .
Page 25 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 1 2 Figure 2 - 6. C P U board, front v iew ..
Page 26 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view T able 2 - 8. S tatus LEDs on the C PU board. Number LED St atus Descri ption 1 Status 1 White CP U boa rd is in reg istrati on pr ocess Blue.
Page 27 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 1 2 1 1 2 2 CA T x SFP fiber SFP coax Figure 2 - 7 . LEDs on the I / O boards..
Page 28 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view T able 2 -9. Status L E Ds on the I / O boards. Number LED St atus Descri ption 1 Status 1 Light blue I / O b oard i n bo ot pro cess Red f l.
Page 29 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view 1 2 3 Figure 2 -9. Status LEDs on the fa n tra y . T able 2 - 1 1 . S t at us LEDs on the fan tr ay .
Page 30 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view T able 2 - 1 2. S tat us LED s on th e po wer su ppl y un it (A CX2 88 -PS or AC X 1 60 -PS).
Page 31 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view OSD An on- scr ee n di spl a y (ab br evi at ed OSD) is an im age sup eri mp osed on a sc ree n pi ctu re , com mo nly use d by m ode rn t ele vi si on se ts, V C R s , an d D VD pl ay ers to displa y in formation such as volume , ch annel, and time .
Page 32 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view The symbo l in T abl e 2 - 1 5 in di cat es the exte nde r th at is r eco gn iz ed an d def in ed at a c ert a i n p o rt: T able 2 - 1 5. E xtender r ecognized. Symb ol Descr ipt ion Por t co nnec ted to a CPU unit Por t co nnec ted to a CON u nit Por t co nnec ted to a US B 2.
Page 33 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view The con text functions i n T able 2- 1 7 are av ailable: T able 2 - 1 7 . C ontext functions.
Page 34 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view Figure 2 - 1 5. S tatus— N etwo rk scre en . The f ollowing i nformat ion is shown in the Net work Stat us menu: T able 2 - 1 7 . Net work s tat us. Field Descript ion DH CP Infor mation if t he ne twor k set tings are a pplie d dy namica lly .
Page 35 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view J a v a To o l 1 . Selec t Stat us > Matrix View in the task area. Figure 2 - 16. M enu status — matrix view . 2 . Us e the left mo us e bu tton to cli ck on th e netw ork port of the CP U boa rd .
Page 36 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view Figure 2- 1 8 . Menu sta tus—f irmware. T able 2 - 1 8. Menu status—firmware . Field Descript ion Name D escrip tion of the modu les T yp.
Page 37 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view J a v a To o l 1 . Selec t Stat us > Slot T able in the task ar ea. Figure 2 - 1 9. Menu S tatus—Slot T able. 2 . T o r ead out the f irm war e sta tu s an d st or e it lo cal ly (fi le ext en si on .
Page 38 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 2 : Over view Y ou can request various trace view s in the menu: Figure 2 -2 0. OSD icon. The f ollowing i nformat ion is shown in this men u : T able 2 -2 0.
Page 39 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 3. Ins tallation 3. 1 Syste m Setup NO TE: If you a re a first -t im e us er , w e rec omm end tha t you se t up t he sys tem in the same roo m as a t est set up .
Page 40 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 7 . If yo u ha ve a vide o ma tr ix, c on nect t he vi deo s ou rc e di rectl y to the ServSwi t ch DKM F X by u si ng the i nt er con nect cabl es (c oax, fibe r ). 8. C onnec t the 5 - V DC power s upply units t o the CPU units.
Page 41 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 1 2 3 4 3 5 6 Figure 3- 1 . KV M using S erv S witch DK M F X application. T able 3- 1 . Single-head K VM m atrix c omponent s.
Page 42 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 1 2 3 2 4 Figure 3-2 . Video us ing Serv S witch DK M F X application. T able 3- 2. Vide o matrix c omponents. Number Descri ption 1 Vi deo s ources , for examp le, an SDI c amera 2 Inte rcon nect cable 3 Ser v Switch D KM F X 4 Vi deo s inks, for e xampl e, a m onitor 3.
Page 43 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 1 2 3 4 6 3 7 8 Figure 3-3. Parallel operation (stacking) application . T able 3- 3. P arallel operation (st ac king) componen ts.
Page 44 724-746-5500 | Chapter 3 : Installat ion 1 2 3 4 3 5 3 6 7 Figure 3- 4. Cascadin g application . T able 3- 4. Cascading c omponents.
Page 45 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. Configu r ation 4. 1 Comm and Mode The ServSw it ch DKM FX ha s a C omm an d Mode tha t en ab les sev er al fun ctio ns via keyboard command dur i ng normal use. T o en ter C om ma nd Mod e , use a ho tk ey seq ue nc e an d to exit C om ma nd M ode , pr ess < Esc> .
Page 46 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-2 . C ommand mo de components. Ho tkey cod e Hotkey 1 < Lef t-Ctrl > + <L eft-Shif t> + < i> 2 2x < Scroll &.
Page 47 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can enter the OSD of the Ser vSwitch DKM F X: • via ke ybo ar d con nec ted to the C PU board • via ke ybo ar d con nec ted to a C O N unit o f an ex tender Entering OSD 1 . S tart C om ma nd Mode wi th t he ho tk ey (see Sect ion 5.
Page 48 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration • Low er status area (lowest two text l ines) Ke yb oard control Y ou can selec t between the following keyboard commands: T able 4-3 .
Page 49 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 4. Sorting fu nc tions. Func tion Keyboard command Sort I D numbers in a descending order or in an ascendin g order by pres sing.
Page 50 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-5. Menu login par ameters. Field Inpu t User admin Pass word admin NO TE: For sec ur ity rea so ns, cha ng e th e ad mi ni str a to r pass wor d as soon as pos sible. 4. 2. 2 Control via Ja va T ool Figure 4 - 4.
Page 51 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration C onn ect th e netw ork cabl e t o the R J- 4 5 ports of the c om put er an d C PU b oar d o f the Serv S witch DK M F X. Star t of the Ja va T o ol Ope n the Ja va tool by a do ub le c li ck on the pro gr am ico n or u se the < E nt er> ke y on the ke yb oar d.
Page 52 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Menu s truc ture Figure 4 - 6. E xample menu view (s ystem-s wit ch) . The menu struc tur e of the Ja va t ools is subdivided int o va rio.
Page 53 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can ac tiva te or deac tivat e the integr ated hel p text s in the working area of the Java tool by checking the box in the upper right corner . Mou se Control Y ou can selec t between the following mouse comm ands: T able 4- 6.
Page 54 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4 - 7 ( C on ti n ued). K ey boa rd com ma nd s. Func tion Keyboard command • L eave t able s • J ump fro m ta bles into th e p.
Page 55 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Filt er Fun ct ion Li sts an d tab les in th e Ja va too l off er a fil te r f un ction th at e na ble s a f ast a nd smo oth se arch.
Page 56 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. 2.3 C ontrol via Serial Interface Figure 4 - 7 . RS - 232 icon. The ServSw it ch DKM FX ope ra ti ng syste m off ers var io us fun ctio ns for oper ati on vi a ser ia l i nt erf ac e .
Page 57 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration J a v a To o l Selec t “ A ssignment > Virtual t o Real CPU ” in the task area. F ig ur e 4- 9 . Me n u as s ig nm en t— Vi rt u a l t o R e a l C P U s c r ee n . For an assignment, proceed as follows : 1 .
Page 58 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration The sele ctio n bo xes in t he Re al C PU co lu mn con tai n a fi lt er f uncti on for an ea sy selec tion of si ngle c onsoles from a larger poo l of consoles (see Sec tion 4.
Page 59 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T o plac e an assignment, proceed as follows : 1 . Selec t the req uired real con sole in the table Real C onsole. 2 . Do ubl e- c li ck in th e Virt ua l C ons ole col um n t o get a li st of all av ai la ble virt ua l consoles.
Page 60 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 10 . S ystem data set ting s. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Dev ice Tex t Enter th e dev ice na me of the m atrix (defa ult: S.
Page 61 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration OSD Selec t Con figuration > S ystem in the mai n menu . Figure 4- 1 3. Menu C onfiguration —S ystem screen.
Page 62 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration J a v a To o l Figure 4 - 1 4. Menu System —S ystem Da ta. 4. 4.2 Au t omatic I D Fr om th is men u, you can a ut om at ica ll y cr ea te CP U an d C ON dev ic es ‘ sett in gs by connecting a new extender un it.
Page 63 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can selec t between the following set tin gs : T able 4- 1 2. Automatic I D set tin gs.
Page 64 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 1 3. C ancel and Save selec tion buttons. But ton Func tion Cance l Reject change s Save Save changes J a v a To o l Selec t “System > Aut omatic I D ” in the task ar ea. Figure 4 - 1 7 .
Page 65 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 1 4. Ac cess settings. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Enable User Login Ac tivated The user has to log in with a user name and a pass wor d code to ente r OSD . Thereafter , the user rema ins logged in unti l he explicitly logs out or an auto log out is effe cte d.
Page 66 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration OSD Selec t Con figuration > Ac cess in the ma in menu . Figure 4- 1 9. Menu Configur ation Access screen. Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4- 1 5. Cancel and Sav e selec tion buttons.
Page 67 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration J a v a To o l Selec t System > Access in the t a sk are a. Figure 4 - 20. M enu System— Access screen. 4. 4.4 Switch The con figuration of t he switchin g para meters is set in this men u.
Page 68 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can selec t between the following set tin gs : T able 4- 1 6. S witch settings. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Video Sharing Ac tiva.
Page 69 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4 - 1 6 (con tin ued). S wit ch se ttin gs . Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Release Time 0 –9 99 seconds Per iod of inac tivi ty o f a co nnec ted co nsole afte r whi ch K / M control can be r eques ted b y othe r cons oles connec ted to the CPU.
Page 70 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 1 7 . Canc el and Save selec tion buttons. But ton Func tion Cance l Reject change s Save Save changes J a v a To o l Selec t “System > S witch ” in the task a rea. Figure 4 - 23.
Page 71 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4 - 1 8 . N etwork set tings. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on DH CP Ac tivated Th e net work set tings are au tomatic ally s upplie d by a DN S ser ver (d efaul t) Deac tivated Func tion not ac tive IP addre ss By te Input of th e IP addr ess i n the form “1 92.
Page 72 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4- 1 9. Cancel and Sa ve selec tion buttons. But ton Func tion Cance l Reject change s Save Save changes J a v a To o l Selec t System > Net work in the t as k area . Figure 4-2 6.
Page 73 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-2 0. Date and time set ting s. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Mont h 1– 12 Enter m onth Date 1– 31 Enter d ate Ye a r 1–9 .
Page 74 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-2 1 . C ancel and Save selec tion buttons.
Page 75 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4 - 22 (con tin ue d). Use r da ta se ttin gs . Field S elec tion Descr ipti on TEL ac tivated Acces s pe rmiss ion v ia Telnet dea.
Page 76 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-2 3. O SD settings. But ton Func tion New Create a ne w use r Edit Edit an ex istin g use r Dele te Delete an e xisti ng us er Cance l Reject change s Save S ave changes J a v a To o l Selec t “User > User D ata” in the task ar ea.
Page 77 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T o con figure user acc ess rights f or C P U s, proceed as fol lows : 1 . Selec t a user in the User Da ta list.
Page 78 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T o acc ess the menu, u se OSD or Java: Figure 4 - 32 . OSD and Jav a icon s. T able 4-2 6. OSD settings. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on ID Te x t Num erica l value of t he ex tend er I D ( KV M ex tende rs: ID is prov ided by ex tend er uni t [s erial no.
Page 79 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration OSD Selec t “ Con figurat ion > E X T Unit s ” in the main menu. Figure 4 - 33 . Menu Con figuration— E X T Units screen. Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-2 7 .
Page 80 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration The settings for the tab OSD Data are des c ribed in Se ction 4.8.2. J a v a To o l Selec t “Definition > EX T Units ” in the task area. Figure 4 - 3 4. Menu Definit ion — EX T U nits scre en.
Page 81 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration 1 . T o cr eate a new extender unit press the button “ New . ” 2 . Sele ct whether a t emplate of an exis t ing extender u nit (“ Ch.
Page 82 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration OSD Selec t “ Con figurat ion > CPU Un it s ” in the mai n menu . Figure 4-36. Menu C onfiguration — C PU Devi c es screen. Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-30.
Page 83 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4 - 37 . Menu Definition — C PU Devices screen. Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-3 1 .
Page 84 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T o crea te a new C PU device , proceed as f ollows: 1 . Press t he “New” but t on. 2 .
Page 85 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can access t he menu via OSD or Jav a : Figure 4 - 38. OSD and Ja va ic ons. Y ou can selec t between the following set tin gs : T able 4-39 . C ON devices set tin gs. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on ID Te x t ID of th e C O N unit (se e Se cti on 4.
Page 86 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-34. C ON devices buttons. But ton Func tion Ne w R.
Page 87 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-3 5. Menu configu ration — C O N d evices but tons. But ton Func tion New O pen a new C O N d evice Dele te Delete a ne w CON d.
Page 88 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. C onfirm t he assignmen t by pressing the “ Apply” button. T o remov e an ex tender assignment, proceed as follows : 1 . Selec t the c onsole in the C ON devices t o be mo d ified list.
Page 89 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration T able 4-38. Mouse and k eyboard settings. Field S elec tion Descr ipti on Ho rizontal spe ed 1/ x 1– 9 Adjusts the horizon tal mouse sp.
Page 90 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Y ou can selec t between the following but t ons: T able 4-39 . B ut t ons. But ton Func tion Cance l Reject change s Save Save changes J a v a To o l Selec t “Definition > EX T Units ” in the task area.
Page 91 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Selec t “ Con figurat ion > S a ve ” in the ma in menu . By selecting thi s menu item, the active con figurat ion of the matrix is saved to the per ma ne nt mat ri x mem ory .
Page 92 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4 - 46. Menu C onfigur ation —Save A s screen. J a v a To o l T o save the con figuration into the i nternal matrix m emory , pr oceed as follows : 1 . Selec t “File > Upload t o… ” in the menu bar .
Page 93 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4 - 4 7 . Menu Fi le — Upload to screen. 4.9.3 Lo ading of Configurations ( Internal) Previously s a ved c onfigura tions ar e loaded in this menu. Y ou h ave the followi ng possibilit ies to load confi gurations from files : Figure 4 - 48.
Page 94 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration OSD 1 . Selec t “ C onfigur ation > Op en ” i n the main men u. 2 . Selec t the desir ed con figuration . 3. Load the c onfigur ation by pressing the < En ter> k ey . Figure 4 - 49 .
Page 95 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4-50. Menu Admini st r ation — Activate C onfiguration o n Switch screen. 4.9.4 Saving Co n figurations ( E xternal ) Y ou can sav e cr ea te d co nf ig ur a tio ns as a fi le , so th at the y wil l be in depe nde n t of the ma trix and transpor table.
Page 96 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4-52 . Menu File —Save A s screen. 4.9.5 Loading Co n figurations ( E xternal ) Ex terna lly saved configur ations are opened an d activated i n thi s menu . Y ou h ave the followi ng possibilit ies to load confi gurations from files : 1 .
Page 97 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4 -5 3. M en u File– Open s c reen. 4. 10 Expo rt and I mpor t Options The ServSw it ch DKM FX off ers the possi bil ity t o re ad o ut av ai la ble con fig ur at ion li sts (ext end er , C PUs , c ons ole s an d use rs) f or exporti ng an d im porti ng ag ai n vi a Java tool.
Page 98 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration 3. Sele ct the storage location for the exp ort file . 4. C onfirm t he expor t with the “Finish ” button. F ig ur e 4- 5 5 . M e nu Fi le– E xp ort sc r ee n . 4. 10.2 Imp or t Options C on fi gu ra ti on li sts a r e i mp ort ed i n t hi s m e n u.
Page 99 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration F ig ur e 4- 56 . M e n u F il e– I mp ort sc re en . 4. 1 1 Firmware Update The firmw are o f the matrix can be updated in th is menu . T o acc ess the menu, u se the Java ic on : Figure 4 -5 7 .
Page 100 724-746-5500 | Chapter 4 : Configuration Figure 4 -58. M enu Administratio n– Update Firmware scre en. 2 . Sel ect th e di re ctory i n the low er part of the wor ki ng a re a in whic h th e up da te files c an be fou nd.
Page 101 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation 5. Op erat ion Y ou can operate the Ser vSwitch DKM FX in three differen t wa ys : 1 . Dire ct Switching • via a keyboard connec t ed to a C ON por t and the hotk eys • b y a m a cr o k e yb oa rd c o n ne ct ed to a c on so le po rt 2.
Page 102 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation NO TE: Y ou can onl y us e th e ho tk eys t o swi tc h to u n us ed an d al lo wed C PU s. Ho tk ey s are on ly s upp orted if nei th er “E nab le User Log in ” no r “E na bl e Us er A CL ” is selecte d and the user is logged in the O SD.
Page 103 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation 2 . S witching to the C PU Port 23 of the slave matrix : <Le ft Sh if t> , < L e ft Sh ift > , <s> , <2 > , <3 &g.
Page 104 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation OSD Selec t “Swit ch ” in the main men u. Figure 5 - 2. Menu Switc h screen. The f ollowing i nformat ion is shown in this men u : T able 5- 1 Menu switch .
Page 105 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation Y ou can selec t f rom the following sw it ching functions: T able 5-2 . Swit ching func t ions.
Page 106 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation T o se t a KVM con nect ion betwe en a c on sol e an d a C PU , do ubl e- c l ick on th e corresponding selec tion box within the C P U column and select the reques t ed C PU (gr ee n).
Page 107 724-746-5500 | Chapter 5: Op er ation 5.4 Power O n and Power Down Func tions The ServSw it ch DKM FX ha s th e fo ll owi ng pow er on and pow er d own fu ncti on s: r es ta rt a n d r es e t. 5.4 . 1 Re star t T o p erf or m a r es ta rt, u se O SD .
Page 108 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control 6. Se ri al Control Us e the fo llo wi ng par am et ers to c on tr ol t he Se r vS wit ch DKM FX via its se ri al int er fa ce.
Page 109 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control ( Special ) charac ters : A C K 0x06 N A K 0 x15 ST X 0x0 2 ET X 0x03 C R 0x0 D E S C 0 x1B HT AB 0x09 LF 0x0A Seq uence of a D at a Commu n ica t ion T able 6- 1 . D ata commu nication sequence .
Page 110 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control Example: Input por t’ s request for output Por t 1 60 0x 1 B 0x5B 0x42 0x07 0x0 0 0x A0 0x0 0 T ab le 6- 3 .
Page 111 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T ab le 6-5 . R e qu est of i n pu t p ort fo r o u tp ut po rt wi th a f ix e d t o ta l po rt nu mb e r .
Page 112 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T ab le 6- 7 . C on n ect i on of i n pu t p ort wi th ou t pu t p ort wi th a fi x e d t ot a l p ort n um be r .
Page 113 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control Example: R et ur n i n p ut P ort 1 7 f or a ll ou t pu t p orts 0x 1 B 0x5D 0x46 0x0 7 0x00 0x 1 1 0x0 0 T able 6 - 1 0 .
Page 114 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T able 6 - 1 2 . C onn ecti on o f C PU (i npu t) with C ON (out pu t). By tes Descr ipti on Codin g 1 Control charac ter 0 x1B 1 Ser .
Page 115 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T able 6 - 1 4. Re tu rn o f CP U (in pu t) f or C ON (outp ut ) with a fixed c onsole number .
Page 116 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T able 6- 1 6. Request of C O N ( in put) f or C PU (output). By tes Descr ipti on Codin g 1 Control charac ter 0 x1B 1 Ser ver identification 0x5B 1 Com ma nd 0 x 51 2 T ot al le ngth o f tele gram ( 7 by tes, binar y) 0x07 0x00 2 T ot al num ber of conso les (binar y, 1 …max .
Page 117 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T able 6- 1 8 . C onnec tion of C ON (input) w i th C PU (output). By tes Descr ipti on Codin g 1 Control charac ter 0 x1B 1 Ser ver i.
Page 118 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T ab le 6- 2 0. Re t u rn o f C ON (In p u t) f or C PU (Ou t pu t) wi th a fi x e d C P U n um b er .
Page 119 724-746-5500 | Chap ter 6 : Se rial Control T able 6 - 22 . C on necti on of C ON (i npu t) with C PU (ou tpu t) an d C PU (in put ) wi th C ON (ou tp ut).
Page 120 724-746-5500 | Chapter 7 : T rouble shooting 7 . T roubleshooting T able s 7 - 1 th ro ug h 7 - 7 in Sect ion s 7 . 1 th ro ug h 7 . 7 pro vide sup port f or p rob le ms wi th th e Se r vS wit ch DKM FX ma tri x. Th is hel p ass umes a fu ncti on al ext en der route .
Page 121 724-746-5500 | Chapter 7 : T rouble shooting 7 . 4 Power Supply Unit s Malfunc t ion T able 7 - 4. Pow er supply units malfu nc tion .
Page 122 724-746-5500 | Chapter 7 : T rouble shooting 7 .7 Blank Screen 1 2 3 1 2 3 3 Figure 7 - 1 . LEDs on the Serv Swit ch DKM F X. T able 7 - 7 .
Page 123 724-746-5500 | Chapter 7 : T rouble shooting Before you do , ma ke a recor d of the hist or y of the problem. W e will be able to pr ov ide mor e effi ci en t an d ac cu r at e ass is tan ce if yo u ha ve a c omp le te descr ip ti on , including : • the natur e and duration of the problem.
Page 124 724-746-5500 | Ap pendix : Gloss ar y App endix. Glo ssar y The fo llo wi ng ter ms are com mo nly use d in t hi s g ui de or i n video and K VM tec hnology: AES / EBU — Dig ita l au di o sta nd ar d offi ci al ly kno wn a s AES 3, use d fo r car ryin g digital audio sign als bet ween devices.
Page 125 724-746-5500 | Ap pendix : Gloss ar y Fib er — Single -mode or multimode fiber cable s. EGA — The En ha nc ed G ra ph ics A dap ter ( E GA) i s an o ld ana log gr aph ics st andard , introduced by I BM ® i n 1 984 . It u se s a D B 9 c on ne ct o r .
Page 126 724-746-5500 | Ap pendix : Gloss ar y USB HID — U SB HID de vi ce s (h u m an in te rf ac e d e vi c e s) a ll ow f or da ta i np ut . Y o u don’t need a sp ecia l driver during installation; “ N ew USB- HI D device f ound” is re port ed.
Page 127 724-746-5500 | Ap pendix : Gloss ar y Keyboard Connec t — Matrix func tion that allows taking over the keyboard contr ol of an in ac tive console. Macro K eys — Programmable keys th at string together c ommands to the matrix.
B L A C K B O X ® Black Box T ech Support: FREE! Live. 24/7. T ech support the way it should be. Great tech support is just 30 seconds away at 724-746-5500 or 724-746-5500 | AC X04 8, vers ion 1 Abo ut Black Bo x Black B o x provides an ex t ensive r ange of net working and infr astruc ture produc ts.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Black Box ACX160-PS (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Black Box ACX160-PS heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Black Box ACX160-PS vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Black Box ACX160-PS leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Black Box ACX160-PS krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Black Box ACX160-PS bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Black Box ACX160-PS kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Black Box ACX160-PS . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.