Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product VX-HDMI-IP-MRX van de fabrikant Black Box
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B L A C K B O X ® Extend audio and video signals via an existing LAN. Di str ibu te HDM I v ide o to an un lim ite d n umb er o f d isp lay s u sin g IP multicast or make eye-catching video walls of up to 8 x 8 displays.
724-746-5500 | Page 2 T rade mark s U se d i n t his Manu al T rad em ark s U se d in th is M anua l Black Box and the Double Diamond logo are registered trademarks, and Medi aCen to i s a tr adema rk, of BB T ech nologies , Inc. Bonj our a nd Appl e a re re gist ered tradem arks o f Apple , Inc .
724-746-5500 | Page 3 FCC RFI St ate m en t FEDER AL CO MM UN I C A T I ON S COM MI SS IO N AN D I NDU S TRY C A NA DA R A DI O FREQU ENC Y IN T ERFE REN CE S T ATEMEN T S This equipment .
724-746-5500 | Page 4 NOM Stat ement 4. T oda s las i nst ruc cio nes d e op er aci ón y us o de be n ser s eg uid as. 5. El apara to eléctrico no deberá ser usado cer c a del agua — por ejemplo, cerca de la t ina d e bañ o, lava bo, só ta no mo jad o o cerc a de u na alb er ca, e tc.
724-746-5500 | Page 5 NOM Stat ement 1 6 . El cable d e corrien te deberá ser de sconect ado del cuando el equ ip o no sea usa do p or un l arg o pe rio do d e ti emp o. 1 7 . Cu idado debe ser t omado de tal manera que objectos liq uidos no sean der ram ado s so bre l a cub ier t a u or ifi cio s de v enti lac ión .
724-746-5500 | Page 6 T able of Content s T abl e of Co nte nt s 1 . Specifications .................................................................................................. 8 2. Over v ie w ......................................
724-746-5500 | Page 7 T able of Content s 6. 2 Acce ss ing th e We b I nte r face for a Transmit te r or Re cei ver wi th an IP Ad dre ss ............................................................. 33 7 . Video W all F eatur es ........
724-746-5500 | Page 8 Chap ter 1: S pe cific ation s 1. Spe cifi ca tion s Compliance — FC C, TU V , C E, UL ® , CSA , Ro HS , W EEE De fau lt IP Ad dr e ss — 1 69.2 54.x.x (w ith no DHCP addre ss) NOTE : To find th e I P add res s of a ny r ece ive r, simp ly con nec t to mo nito r a nd pow er up to g et IP a ddr ess .
724-746-5500 | Page 9 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2. Overview 2. 1 In tro du c tio n The HDM I over LA N Ex tender is a perfec t solution for audio and video signal exten sion v ia an existi ng Loca l Area Network ( L AN ) syst em. Wi th mu lticast technology, one local unit can drive multiple remote units with no ex tra network load.
724-746-5500 | Page 10 Chap ter 2 : O ver view • H DT V co mpa tib le ; s upp or t 108 0 p, 10 80 i, 720 p, 720 i. • Compati ble with popular screen resolutions: XGA, SXGA, U XGA, WSXGA.
724-746-5500 | Page 11 Chap ter 2 : O ver view VX-HDMI- IP-VT X also has: • ( 1) MediaC ent o IPX Vi deo W all T rans mitter • (1 ) DB9 F to R J - 1 1 adapter • (1 ) R J - 1 1 to RJ -1 1 cabl e VX-HDMI- IP-VRX also h as: • ( 1) MediaC ent o IPX Vi deo W all R eceive r 2.
724-746-5500 | Page 12 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 6 7 8 9 Fig ure 2-2. T ra nsm it ter ba ck pan el. 10 Fig ure 2-3. Transmit te r t op pan el.
724-746-5500 | Page 13 Chap ter 2 : O ver view T able 2- 1 . Components of the T ransmitters. Number Component De scriptio n 1 Barrel con ne ctor for power Lin ks to po wer su ppl y 2 Res.
724-746-5500 | Page 14 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2.6 . 2 Re ce ive rs 1 2 3 4 5 Fig ure 2- 4. Re cei ver fro nt pan el. 6 7 8 9 Fig ure 2-5.
724-746-5500 | Page 15 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 10 Fig ure 2- 6. Re cei ver top pa ne l..
724-746-5500 | Page 16 Chap ter 2 : O ver view T able 2- 2. Components of the Receivers. Number Component De scriptio n 1 Barrel con ne ctor for power Lin ks to po wer su ppl y 2 Reset bu.
724-746-5500 | Page 17 Chap ter 2 : O ver view source, cable, and display device used. Low-qualit y cables degrade output signals, causing elevated noise levels. Use the proper cable and make sur e the display device can handle the resolution and refresh rate selected.
724-746-5500 | Page 18 Chap ter 2 : O ver view 2.6 . 5 EDI D Co py Copying the EDID will enable the receiver to send correct resolutions to your output. Al tho ugh th e d efau lt EDI D wi ll wor k i n m os t c as es , s om e m oni tor s wil l n ot wor k with it.
724-746-5500 | Page 19 Chap ter 3 : I ns t allation 3. In s t allati on WA R N I N GS : Make sure that al l d evi ces are p owe re d of f b efor e co nne c tin g t o t he unit. Make sure all d evi ces you wi ll conn ec t are pr op erl y g ro unde d.
724-746-5500 | Page 20 Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. Configurat ion 4. 1 B asi c Co nfig urati on Th e ro ta r y s w itch on ea ch de vic e d ec ide s the cha nne l o f t he dev ice w hen b oot ing. For a receiver or receivers to connect to a transmi tter , they must be on the s ame chan nel.
724-746-5500 | Page 21 Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. 2 . 1 Acc es sin g thr oug h Se rial 1. Using th e clie nt, s ele c t “se ria l” an d e nter “1 15200” fo r the sp ee d (b aud rat e) . Fig ure 4 -1 . P uTT Y conf igu rati on sc ree n u sing s eri al.
724-746-5500 | Page 22 Chapter 4 : Configuration 4. 2 . 2 Acc es si ng th rou gh T e lne t 1. Using th e clie nt, ent er in the I P a dd res s o f t he de vic e. 2. Chan ge the p or t to 24 . Fig ure 4 -2. PuT T Y co nfi gurat io n s cre en usi ng Telnet.
724-746-5500 | Page 23 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s 5. Ad van ced C om man d s These are advanced configuration s and require knowledge of IP net working proto co ls a nd mul tic as tin g. D o not at te mpt to run any com man ds, mo di f y f ile s, or change any other settings apart from the specific configurations noted here.
724-746-5500 | Page 24 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s Fig ure 5 -2. Curre nt c onfi gur ed para me ter s l is t. To res et to fa c tor y de faul t, se tt ing th e I P mo de to auto ip and re mov ing any overrides, ty pe in: reset _to _d efault.
724-746-5500 | Page 25 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s 5. 1 Ad van ced I P Co mm and s Each device has three possible modes of establishing an IP address: autoip, dhcp , and static. 1 . AutoIP is the default mode and it will always automatically assign available IP add res se s in the pr iva te I P do mai n 169.
724-746-5500 | Page 26 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s 5. 2 Ad van ce d Mul tic as t I P Conf igu ratio n Pre de fin ed mul tic as t a ddr es se s c an be s ele c te d by us ing th e ro ta r y s w itch bu tt ons on the devices (recommended ).
724-746-5500 | Page 27 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s To over rid e t he DI P rot ar y s wi tch, use th e comm and s s how n o n the ne x t p ag e fo r each device: NOTE : B0, B1 , B2, and B3 refe r to the va lues in Table 5 -1 . 5. 2 .
724-746-5500 | Page 28 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s Flow cont rol: None NOTE : This is a t wo - way comm unic atio n. T he tr ansm it te r w ill re ce ive any data se nt fro m t he ser ial de vice s c onne c te d t o t he re cei ver s .
724-746-5500 | Page 29 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s For both transmitter and receiver units, the added R J - 1 1 to DB9 serial cable needs to be con nec t ed to the se co nd ser ial po r t on the d evi ces .
724-746-5500 | Page 30 Chap ter 5 : Ad vance d Com mand s 2. Turn o f f li ne ech o and lo ca l l ine ed itin g. Fig ure 5 - 6 . Turnin g of f lin e ech o a nd lo ca l li ne edi tin g.
724-746-5500 | Page 31 Chap ter 6 : A cces sin g t he Web Inte r face 6. A cce ss ing th e Web I nte r face The Web interface can be used to view inf ormation about the d evice, upload a firmware file to the device, and for video wall transformers configur ation.
724-746-5500 | Page 32 Chap ter 6 : A cces sin g t he Web Inte r face T able 6 - 1. Rotary Switch position settngs. Positi on Four - digit setting Positio n Four - digit setting 0 0000 8 000 1 1 1 000 9 10 0 1 2 010 0 A 0101 3 11 0 0 B 11 0 1 4 0 010 C 0 0 11 5 1010 D 1 0 11 6 0 11 0 E 0 111 7 111 0 F 1111 Figure 6-1 .
724-746-5500 | Page 33 Chap ter 6 : A cces sin g t he Web Inte r face 6. 2 A cce ss ing t he Web I nte r fac e for a Transmi t ter o r Re cei ver wit h an IP A dd res s 1 . Configure the control PC’ s net work set ting as 1 69.254.x x x.
724-746-5500 | Page 34 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s 7 . V id eo Wall Fe atu re s Using the Video Wall features, you can send video and audio to 250 ouputs through IP . Fo rm at t he vi de o w all so th at se para te s e ct io ns of t he vi de o c an be s ent to dif fer - ent outputs.
724-746-5500 | Page 35 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s Fig ure 7-2 . B asi c S etu p s cre en..
724-746-5500 | Page 36 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s T able 7- 1 . Basic Setup screen components. Component Des cription Bezel and Gap Compen s ation Dimensions of screen (inside and outside width and height).
724-746-5500 | Page 37 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s Fig ure 7-3 sho ws th e A dva nce d S etu p s cre en. Table 7-2 de scr ib es it s comp on ent s .
724-746-5500 | Page 38 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s T able 7- 2. Advanced Setup screen components. Component Des cription Step 1: Cho os e cont rol target Clic k on the arrows and buttons to select a control target. Sho w O SD che ck box C heck this box to output each receiver’ s sp ecific numb er to the co nne c ted mo nit or.
724-746-5500 | Page 39 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s Fig ure 7-4 sh ow s t he Ad van ced Comma nds s cre en. T abl e 7-3 d es cr ibe s i t s components.
724-746-5500 | Page 40 Chap ter 7: Vid eo Wall F eature s T able 7- 3. Advanced Commands screen components. Component Des cription Screen Layout (Row x Co lum n) Selec t the number of rows and colu mns from the drop- down menu, then click on the “ Apply” button.
724-746-5500 | Page 41 Chapter 8 : T roublesho oting 8. T roubles hooting 8. 1 P rob le m / S olu tion s Problem: No vi deo on monit or at bootup . Soluti ons : 1. Check th e d ev ice po wer usi ng the L ink / P owe r L ED. 2. Che ck the ne t wor k conn ec ti on usi ng the N et wo rk L ED.
724-746-5500 | Page 42 Chapter 8 : T roublesho oting 8. 3 S hip pin g and Pa cka gin g If y ou nee d t o tra nsport o r shi p you r Media Cen to IP: • Pa cka ge it ca ref ully. We re com me nd that yo u u se the o rig inal con tai ner. • If you are return ing the unit, make sure you include everything you received with it.
724-746-5500 | Page 43 Appe ndix : Conne c tor Pinouts Ap pe nd ix . Con ne c to r Pino ut s Figure A- 1 shows the DB9 to R J-1 2 or R J - 1 1 connector pinout s.
Chapte r Page 900 724-746-5500 | B L A C K B O X ® Gr eat te ch s upp ort is ju st 30 se con ds away at 724-746-5500 or Black Box T ech Support: FREE! Live.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Black Box VX-HDMI-IP-MRX . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.