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The Ultimate Driving Mac hine Owner 's Hand book for Vehicle Contents A to Z Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
523i 525i 530i 540i 550i 525xi 530xi 530xd 520d 525d 530d 535d Owner's Handbook Congratulations on your choice o f a BMW. The better you are ac quainted with y our car, t he easier yo u will find it is to handle.
© 2005 Bayerische Motoren W erke Aktiengesellschaft Munich, Ge rmany Not to be repr oduced, wholly or in part, without wri tten permi ssio n f rom B MW AG, Muni ch. Order No. 01 41 0 159 725 English VIII/05, 05 09 510 Printed in Ge rmany Printed on enviro nmental ly frien dly pap er, bleached with out chlorine, suit able for recycling.
Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Contents The quickest access to a particular topic or item is by consulting the detailed alphabetical i ndex, see page 228 .
Notes 4 Notes About this Owner's Handbook We have tried to make all the information in this Owner's Handbook easy to find. The quicke st access to a specific topic or item i s by consult- ing the deta iled alpha betical inde x at the end. Consult the first chapter for an overview of your car.
5 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Your car When you ordere d your BMW, yo u chose vari - ous items of equipment .This Owner's Hand- book describes all models and equipment specifi cations whi ch BMW offers within this par ticul ar mo del line.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Overview This summary of but tons, switc hes and displays s erves as an in itial gui de. In addition, it gi ves you an insight into the principles behind the various ways in which functions can be per formed.
Driving area 8 Driving ar ea Around the steering wheel: controls and displays 1 Sa loon: r olle r sun blind * for rear window 110 2 Safety switch for rear window s 38 3 Op enin g and clos ing w indo w.
9 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 7 Buttons o n the stee ring wheel 8 Instrument cl uster 10 11 Ignition lock 56 12 Horn, ent ire surfa ce 15 Releasi.
Driving area 10 Instrument cluster 1 Flashing turn indicators 2 Speedometer 3 Indicator and wa rning la mps 11 4 Display for Active Cruise Con trol * 68 5 Revolution counter 71 6 Energy control 72 7 D.
11 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Indicator and warning lamps Princi ple Ind icato r and warn ing lamps may light up in a var iety of co lour s and com bin atio ns bo th in the panel 1 and in the display 2 .
Driving area 12 Around the centre conso le: controls and di splays Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
13 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 1 Microphone for hands -fr ee opera tion of the telephone * and for the voice inpu t sy stem * 20 2 Rea ding ligh .
iDrive 14 iDrive iDrive integrates the functions of a large number of swi tches. Thes e function s can now be controlled fr om one central point. The basic menu-guided operati ng principle is explaine d below. Detai ls of how to cont rol indi vidual func- tions are provided under the descriptions of the items of equi pment concerned.
15 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Menu summary Com mun icat ion > Telephone * , see separ ate Op erat ing Instructions > BMW Assis t * , BMW O.
iDrive 16 Comfo rt me nu ite m sel ect ion The comfort selection feature enables you to: > Call up a menu item in the start menu in the last configur ation us ed > Toggle directly between Commun.
17 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Operating pr inciple at a gla nce Thi s illus trati on sh ows how t he car can be op er- ated via iDrive. The individua l steps are explained under Set- tings on the control display, Setting time, see page 79 .
iDrive 18 Status information 1 Display for: > Entertainment: Radio, CD, T V * > Telephone * : Name of network operator, no netwo rk, or name of mobile phone registered with the car > "Ca.
19 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Selecting disp lay 1. Move the controller to the r ight to switch to the assista nce windo w and pres s the con - troller. 2. Select a menu item. 3. Press th e controll er.
Voice inpu t system 20 Voice inpu t system Principle The voice input s ystem enable s you to oper ate various items of equipment on your car without having to take your hands off the steer ing wheel. Individual menu i tems on the contr ol display can be selected by means of short commands.
21 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce This sy mbol appear s on th e control d ispl ay if further commands can be gi ven. If no fur ther c omm and s are pos sib le, co nt inue by operating t he item of equipment via iDrive.
Voice inpu t system 22 5. Press the butto n on the s teering wh eel or in the centre console. Notes Mo re inf orma tion abou t voi ce co ntro l of the telephone appears in the separate Oper ati ng I nstr uct ions .
23 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Controls This chap ter enab les yo u to o pera te yo ur ca r with gre ater ease. All equi pment items t hat ar e of re leva nce fo r dri ving and m ake y our j ourn ey saf er an d mo re com fo rtabl e are d escr ibed here . Controls Online Edition for Part-No.
Opening and closing 26 Opening and closing Key/Remote control 1 Remote control with integrated key 2 Spare key 3 Adapter for s pare key, i n glove box Remote control w ith integrated key Every remote control contains a r echargeable battery that is automatically recharged when it is in the i gnitio n lock while t he car i s being driven.
27 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Remove the adapter from the holder in the glove box and insert the spare key into the adapter. Personal Profile Princi ple You can set m any of your BMW's functions to suit y our persona l needs and pre ferenc es.
Opening and closing 28 Operating from out side > via the remote control > via the door lock > with comfort access * via the door handles The alarm sys tem is also oper ated at t he same time. This prevents the doors being unlocked either at the safety lock buttons or door han- dles.
29 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Locking Press the button. Do not lock the car from the outside when the re is so meon e ins ide it , as it c ann ot then be unlocked from the inside in some national-market ve rsions.
Opening and closing 30 Malf unctio ns The remote c ontrol may malfuncti on as a r esult of i nter fe ren ce f rom l oc ali sed rad io s ign als. If this occurs , unlock and l ock the car by i nsert- ing the key into the door lock. If the car can no longer be locked with a remote control, the battery in the remote control is flat.
31 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 5. Select "Centr al lockin g" and press the con- troller. 6. Select "Lock if no door opened" or "Lock after moving off". 7. Press th e controll er.
Opening and closing 32 All keys, see page 26 , fit the lock on the luggage compartment lid. Locking sepa rately Turn a key in the luggage compartment lid beyond a pressure point clockwise and remove in the horizontal position. This locks the luggage compar tment lid and disconnects it f rom the central locking syste m.
33 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Opening from ou tside Press the button on the tailgate or press the button on the remote control for approx. 1 second: the tailgate opens a short way. It can now be swung upwards.
Opening and closing 34 Opening tailgate The tailgate opens automatically if you: > Press the button on the outside of the tail- gate when the ca r is unl ocked. > Press the button in the driver's side footwell. > Press the button on the remote control for approx.
35 Ent er tai nme nt Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Arming and disarming Whenever the c ar is locked o r unlocked, either with the remote control or at the door lock, the alarm system is armed or disarmed at the same time.
Opening and closing 36 Com fort access su pports the following fu nc- tions: > Unlocking/lo cking the car > Starting the engine > Comfort closing Operating requirement s > The car can only be locked once it has ascertained that the remote control on your per son is not in side the ca r.
37 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Before driv ing a ca r with automatic transmission into a car wash 1. Insert the remote control in the ignition lock. 2. Depress t he brake. 3. Engage selector lever position N.
Opening and closing 38 not taken, the risk remains that thin objects, for instance, could fail to interrupt the closing movement. To restrict the trap protection function, pull the switch be yond its press ure point and hold i t in position.
39 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Automatic open ing and cl osing Press the swi tch beyond t he pressur e point. Further to this, the following movements are automated: > When the roof is open, press t he switch in the direc tion for rais ing : the roof m ove s to the fully raised position.
Opening and closing 40 Raising, opening, closi ng Press th e swi tch or pu sh it in th e requ ired d irec- tion as far as the pressure point. The sliding trim is opened: > In unison with the roof &.
41 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 2. Take the Allen key from the holder ne xt to the toolkit and insert it into the designated aperture. Turn the roof in the de sired direc- tion. To close, turn in the direction indicated by the arrow.
Adjusting 42 Adjusting Safe seated position A seated posi tion that suitably reflects your req uir emen ts i s a vita l co ndit ion of r elax ed d riv- ing with a mi nimum of fati gue. In conjunct ion with the seat belts, the head restraints and the airbags, th e seated po sition has a m ajor influ- ence on your safety in the event of an accident.
43 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Seats Note before adjusting Do not reposition the driver's seat whi le the car is in motion. The seat could move unexpectedly, leading t o the driver losing co n- trol of the car, so that an accident could be caused.
Adjusting 44 4 Backrest * Additional, dependi ng on seat: 1 Backrest wi dth * 2 Shoulder support * 3 Thigh support * 4 Lumbar support * , see further below Shoulder support: the adjustable upper section of the se at back supp orts the sh oulder ar ea of the occu pant 's bod y.
45 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Seat, mirror and steering wheel position memor y* Yo u c an memor ise a nd ca ll u p two di ff eren t positions for the driver's and fro nt passenger's seat * , the outside mirrors and the steering wheel.
Adjusting 46 7. Select "After unl ocking" or "After door opens". 8. Press the c ontroll er. To switch off the calling-up procedure: Select "Auto matic of f" and pre ss the co ntroller . If this function is used, first make sure that the footwel l behind th e driver's s eat is uno bstru cte d.
47 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Adjusting side sections o n Comfort seat Fold the side sections forward to provide greater lateral support in the rest position. Front head restraint, acti ve* The Comfort seats ar e equipped with an active hea d res train t.
Adjusting 48 Open in g 1. Hold onto the belt. 2. Press the red button on the belt buckle. 3. Guide the belt back up to the reel . The upper belt anchorage is suitable for adults of any stature as long as they are sitting cor- rectly, see page 43 .
49 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce To switch off: press and hold down the button. The highest stage with three LEDs lit is for a rapid cooling effect, e.g. if the car's interior has become very hot.
Adjusting 50 Passenger-side mirror tilt-down – Automatic parkin g function* Activating 1. Push the switch to the position for the driver-sid e mirror, arrow 1 . 2. Engage reverse gear or move the selector lever to position R. The glass in the mirror on the pas senger side til ts slight ly down.
51 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Easy entry/exit* To facil itate ent ry and exi t, the steer ing wheel temporarily moves to its highest position. Heated steering wheel* Press the button with the ignition sw itched on.
Adjusting 52 The chosen func tion can be opera ted with the appropriate key. The setting is saved for the remote control cur- ren tly in use. Operating a funct ion Press the appro priate butt on on the s teering wheel. If you have programmed "Voice output of nav.
53 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Child safety Important considerations Do not leave children unattended in the car, as t hey could oth erwise enda nger themselves and/or other persons by opening the doors, for exa mple.
Child safety 54 Functional state of f ront passenger airbag The layout of the switc hes and indicator l amps may vary depending on the car's equipment. > The indicator lamp remains on if the front passenger's airbags have be en deactivated.
55 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Saloon: rear seats with throu gh loading system* The brackets for the ISOFIX child seat mount- ings are located behind the caps as shown. Before fitting the ISOFIX child seat, remove the caps and pull the belt away from the are a around the child seat mou ntings.
Driving 56 Driving Ignition lock Insert the remote control fully into the ignition lock. > Radio readines s swit ches on . Individual electr ical consu mers can oper ate.
57 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Starting the engine Never run the engine in encl osed spaces, as inhali ng the harmful exhaust gas ca n lead to los s of consciousness with fatal conse- quences.
Driving 58 Stopping engine Do not remove the remo te control from the ignition lock whilst the car is moving in order to a void the s teering lo ck engaging dur ing steeri ng. Always take the remote control with you when you lea ve the car. W hen par king o n an incl ine, apply the ha ndbrake, othe rwise the ca r could roll away.
59 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Reverse Engage this gear only when the car is standing stil l. Wh en the gea rshift lev er is pr ess ed to t he left, a slight resi stance has to be ove rcome. The reversing lights come on automatically when the i gnition is switched on .
Driving 60 It is also possible to move off in second gear, e.g. on slippery roads. In the fo llowing situatio ns, SMG will ta ke contro l on your behalf: > Upshifts and downshifts are performed only at a suitable engine or road speed ; for example, the gearbox cannot shift do wn if the resulti ng engine speed w o uld be t oo high.
61 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Deactivating the system > Press the SPO RT button again or > Engage reverse or > Switch off the engine . The LED in the button and the SPORT display in the instrument cluster go out.
Driving 62 Kick-down Kick-down enable s you to ac hieve maximum performance : press the accelera tor pedal do wn beyond the regular full-throttle position; increa sed resi stance will be felt.
63 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Indicat ing a turn briefly Press and hold the lever as far as t he press ure point for as long as you wish to indicate a turn. Tripl e turn signa l Press the lever as far as the pressure point; the flashing turn indicator flashes three times.
Driving 64 Clea ning wind screen an d h eadlig hts* Fluid from the wa sher flui d reserv oir is spr ayed on to the wi ndscreen a nd the wipers a re oper- ate d bri efly. When the ca r's light s are swi tched on, the hea d- lights ar e cleaned simul taneousl y at prac tical intervals .
65 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce material. Otherwise you could l ose contro l of the car and cause an acc ident as a result.
Driving 66 Active Cruise Control* Prin ciple Active Cruise Control enables you to select a speed which the car will then maintain automat- ically, a ssuming yo ur progr ess is not obst ructe d. Subject to reasonable limits, the sy stem auto- matically adjusts the speed of your car if you come up behind a slower vehi cle.
67 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce One leve r for all funct ion s 1 Memorising and i ncreasing the desired speed 2 Memorising and r educing the desi.
Driving 68 The se lecte d distan ce is displ ayed in the inst ru- ment cluster. Adapt the distance chosen from the ve hi- cle in front to the traffic and weather con- ditions, otherwise you may risk committing a traffic offe nce or causi ng an accident.
69 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce If --- km/h or --- mph appears briefl y on the instrument cluster, the system may not be ready f or operat ion. Callin g up Check Contro l messages, see page 76 . < Warning lamps The display 2 flashes red, a signal sounds.
Driving 70 cle u nti l it has moved ent irely into th e sam e lan e as yo ur car. If a vehicl e ahead suddenl y swerves into your lane, the sy stem may n ot always be able to maintain the selected distance automat- ically. The same applie s to high differe nces between your spee d and that of prece ding vehi- cles, e.
71 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Everyth ing unde r contro l Odometer, outside temperature display, clock 1 Time, out side temperat ure and date 2.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 72 Energy control Shows the momentary fuel consumption. Th is enables you to chec k how economical and envi- ronmentally f riendly y our curre nt driving s tyle is. Fuel gauge Fuel tank capacity: approx. 70 litres, approx. 15.
73 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Average fuel consumption The average fuel consumption is cal culated for the peri od since the engine was last sta rted.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 74 Jour ney comp uter* The journ ey c ompu ter is suita ble e .g. fo r a hol i- day trip. 1. Call up the s tart menu. 2. Cal l up "Na vigat ion" . On cars without navigation system * : call up "OBC". 3. Select "O n-boar d Info" and press the c on- troller.
75 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Further i nformation You can have furthe r informat ion on the scope of maintenance dis played on the c ontrol dis- play, see page 14 . 1. Call up the start menu. 2.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 76 9. Press the controller to adopt the setting. The year is sele cted . 10. Turn the controlle r to make the adjustment. 11. Press the controller to adopt the setting. The date input is memorised. To exit the me nu: Select the arrow and pr ess the co ntroller .
77 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce To hide thes e Check Contro l messages: Press the CHECK button on the flashing turn indicator l ever. Displaying memorised Check Control messages 1. Press and hold down the button: The first message st ored is displa yed.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 78 The sy mbols also s how the se rvice re quire- ments stat us, se e page 74 . Messages display ed at end of a journey Ma lfunc tio ns wh ich h ave bee n ind icat ed du ring a jou rney ar e di spla yed agai n wh en y ou swi tch off the ignition.
79 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce > Select "Stop" and press the controller. Timekeeping is stopped. Tak ing an inte rmed iate time readin g Select "Int erm. time" and press t he controll er.
Everyth ing under co ntrol 80 3. Turn the cont roller unt il "Set t ime" is sele cted and p ress th e con trol ler. Adjusting settings 1. Turn the controller to set the hour and press the contr oller. 2. Turn the controller to set the minutes and press the c ontroll er.
81 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Units of m easur ement You can alter the units of meas urement for fuel consumption, distance, temper ature and pres- sure. 1. Select "Un its" and pr ess th e control ler.
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 82 Technical features fo r d riving comfort and safety Park Distance Control PDC* Prin ciple PDC as sists you when m anoeuvr ing in to a parking space. Audible signals and a visual display * indicate that you are approachi ng an object in front of or behind your car.
83 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Malfunc tion The LED in the button flash es and a message appears on the control display. PD C has failed. Have the sy stem checked. As a precautionar y measure, keep the sensor s clean and f ree from i ce, so that t hey always operate r eliably .
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 84 Dyna mic Brak e Control D BC If the brake is pres sed down rapidly, thi s system automatically boosts the braking forc e to a maximum and thus helps to keep the braking distance as s hort as possible when a full brake applicati on is made.
85 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Activating DTC Press the button; the DTC indicator lamp in the instrument cluste r comes on. Deactivati ng DTC Press the button again; the DTC indicator lamp in the instrument cluster goes out.
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 86 Using HDC Manual transmiss ion: Use HDC in lo w gears and wh en reversing. Automatic tr ansmission: HDC can be use d in any t ransmissi on speed.
87 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Run Flat Indicator RPA Princi ple The Run Flat Indicator monitors the pressures in the four tyres fitted to the wheels while the car is bei ng driven.
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 88 Indication of a flat tyre The warni ng lam p sh ows red . A me s- sage appears on the control display. An acoustic signal also sounds. There is a flat tyr e or subst antial loss of tyr e pressure.
89 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Two-stage brake lights* Picture on the left: normal braking. Picture on the right: strong br aking when rear fog lights * are not switc hed on. Online Edition for Part-No.
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 90 Airbags There are the following airbags beneath the covers indicated: 1 Front airbags 2 Head-level airbag 3 Side airbags at front and rear * Prot ecti ve effect Comply with the notes on page 42 , or there may be a risk to your personal safet y.
91 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Head-Up Di splay* Princi ple The Head-Up Display projects important i nfor- mation into the dri v er's fi eld of view, e.g. naviga - tion instr uction s. T his ena ble s you to regis ter this information without having to divert your eyes fro m the road.
Technical featu res for dr iving comfort and safety 92 4. Select "Bri ghtness" and press the control- ler. 5. Move the contr oller to the left if necessary , to call up "Head-Up Display Offset". 6. Turn the controller u ntil the desired setting is obtained.
93 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Lights Side lights/Low-b eam headlights 1 Automatic driving lights control * , Adaptive Head Light * and High-bea.
Lights 94 5. Select "Daytime r unning light" and pres s the contr oller. Daytime dri ving li ghts are swit ched on. Automatic dri ving lights contro l* When the switch is in position 1 , the low-beam headlights a re switched on and off automati- cally depending on ambi ent light conditions , e.
95 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Saloon The second value i n each case applies when towing a trailer.
Lights 96 The indicator lamp on the instrument cluster comes on whe n the high-beam headlights assistant is active. The lights are turned up and down automatically as the system responds to traffic travelling in fr ont and in the oncomin g direction, and also when ambient lighting i s sufficient, e.
97 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Rear fog lights* The low-beam headlights or front fog lights must be switc hed on. The yellow indi cato r lam p in the inst rume nt cl uste r comes on when th e rear fo g lights are i n use.
Climate 98 Climate Equipmen t versions There are two ve rsions of automatic air co ndi- tioning, depending on the equipment fitted to your car. 1 Automatic air conditioning 2 Automatic air conditionin.
99 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Automatic air conditioning 1 Air distribution, adjusting manually 2 AUTO program 3 Air volume, a djusting man ual.
Climate 100 Switching cool ing function on and off Air is coole d and dried when the cooling function is switched on, then reheated to suit the tempera- ture setting. Depending on weather conditions, the windscreen ma y fog o ver momentarily when the engine i s started.
101 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Draught-f ree ventilation Turn outlets so that the airflow pass es the occupants without striking their bodies directly.
Climate 102 Automatic air conditioning with extended range o f features* 1 Temperature, l e ft-hand s ide of inter ior compartment 2 Maximum cooling e ffect 3 Defrosting and demis ting windows 4 Air v.
103 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 3. Sele ct " Autom atic prog ram mes " and press the controll er. 4. Sele ct th e desi red in tens ity a nd pre ss t he controller. The selected intensity le vel of the auto- matic prog ram is swit ched on.
Climate 104 6. Turn the controller to adapt the air distr ibu- tion. Driver's side: 1 Air to winds creen and s ide windows 2 Air to the upper body area 3 Air to foo twe lls Front pass enger'.
105 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Switch ing off a utomatic air conditi oning The air volume, the heating and the cooling function are switched off. The automatic air conditi oning can be switched on again by pressing any button, except REST button.
Climate 106 Since their cur rent consumption is hi gh, you shou ld not run th em twice in successi on unless there has in the meantime bee n an opportunity to recharge the car's battery by driving the car . Both syste ms are controll ed via iD rive or using the remote control, see page 107 .
107 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 3. Select "Indepe ndent mode " and press the controller. 4. Select "Switch-on times " and press the controller. 5. Move the controller to the left or right to select "Ti mer 1" or " Timer 2".
Climate 108 The symbol on the automatic ai r conditioning display fla shes. If you switch on the inde pendent ventila- tion system or auxiliary heater with the remote control, the interior light comes on fo r a short time by way of confirmation.
109 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Practical interior equipment Integrated universa l remo te control* Princi ple The integr ated universal remote .
Practical interior equipment 110 5. To program additional original hand-held transmi tters, repe at steps 3 an d 4. The corresponding memor y button 1 is no w programmed wit h the same sign al as the o rigi- na l hand -hel d tra nsm itter . You can operat e the syste m when the engine is running or when the ignition is switched on.
111 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Glove box Opening Pull the handle. The l ight in the glove box comes on. Closing Swing the lid u p. After usi ng the glo ve box whil e the car i s moving, close its lid without delay, so that it cannot cause injur y in the event of an acci - dent.
Practical interior equipment 112 Access to lower section Press the button on the fr ont and fol d the upper section o r telephone cradle up. Ventilating the l ower sectio n* Slide the cover in t he lower section up. The temperature i nside the ventilated section may become quite high, depend- ing on the automatic air conditioning settings.
113 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Emptying Press the ashtray at the front: it pops up and can be removed. On cars with non-smoker package, the inser t is removed in the same way. Cigar ette lighter, front* With the engine running or the ignition switched on, press in the cigarette lighter.
Practical interior equipment 114 Touri ng: In the load area To ga in access to th e powe r sock et: Open the cap. Rear ce ntre co nsole * Depending on the equ ipment speci fication, th e power socket s at the r ear are fi tted with caps or a cigarette lighter.
115 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce When folding back to the s eating posi- tion, make sure that the catch engages properly, otherwise even braking or swerving, for example, could c ause items of luggage to be displaced forwards into the interior compart- ment, endangering the occu pa nts.
Practical interior equipment 116 1. Pull the handle forwards and lift out the ski bag. 2. Close the lid in t he luggage compart ment. For more info rmation on th e various fit- tings available, contact BMW Ser vice. < Touring: load area Load area cover Pull out the cover and locate it in the holders.
117 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce If you no longer re quire the partition net, take hold of the rail at both ends and remove it from the hol ders, ar row 2 . Allow the partition net to slide slowly into the casse tte.
Practical interior equipment 118 Hook Ther e are two ho oks for secu ring smal ler obj ects. Press at the base and fold out until engaged. Floor compartments Front compartment: > To open, pull up th e front floor panel flap by the handle. > To close, pr ess down th e front fl oor panel flap unti l it e ngages.
119 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Driving hints He re is a vari ety of i nfor mat ion tha t yo u m ay requ ire in par ticu lar d rivin g situ ati ons or operating modes. Driving hints Online Edition for Part-No.
Driving precautions 122 Driving precautions Running-in Moving parts need a certain time to achieve maximum operati ng efficie ncy as a unit . Please com ply with the fol lowi ng in stru ctio ns, w hich are intended t o ensure t hat your car achieves its optimum operati ng life a nd economy.
123 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Diesel particle filt er* The diesel particle fi lter collects so ot particles and burns them periodical ly at high tempera- ture s. Thi s cle aning p roc edure takes sever al minutes.
Driving precautions 124 assistance wi ll no longer hold the car aft er about 2 seconds and it will start to roll back. < Safe bra king Your BMW is equi pped with ABS as sta ndard. Where a si tuation re quires yo u to apply the brakes hard, you ar e advised to do s o.
125 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 1. Switch off the light and re move the remote control from the igni tion lock. 2. In the engine compartment, turn the stop- pers on the headlights anti-clockwise and remove.
Driving precautions 126 Secur ing the lo ad > Sma ll an d relat ively ligh t item s can b e retained with the tensioning straps, a load- area net * or other suitable straps. > BMW Service can suppl y suitable lashi ngs * for secur ing larger o r heavier loads.
127 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Towing a trailer Info rmat ion a bou t per mis sible trail er lo ads appears on page 217 onwards. BMW Service will pro vide info rmation abo ut ways to i ncrease these load ratings.
Driving precautions 128 Electrical consumers When tow ing a caravan, try to avoid o perating electrical equipment for too long at a time, in order to limit the drain on the car's battery. Before starting a journey, check that the trailer's rear li ghts are op erating corr ectly.
129 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Navigation This chapter describes how you can enter destinations and choose your route , so that your navigation system guide s you reliably to your desti nation.
Starting navigation sy stem 132 Starting navigation system Your navigation system can determine the pre- cise p osition of your car by means of sa tellite s and guide you r eliably to any spe cified des tina- tion. Navigation DVD A special na vigation DV D is requi red for the navigation system.
133 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 2. Press th e controll er. Furt her menu it ems a re di splaye d. 3. Select the desir ed view of the route or "Ve hicle p ositi on". 4. Press th e controll er.
Destination input 134 Destination input You c an ch oose fr om th e foll owing opt ion s f or ent erin g a des tina tion : > Entering a destination manually, see below > Entering a destination v.
135 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce The system in addition supports you with the following s pecial f eatures: > If you do not enter a street name , you will be guided to the centre of the town or city.
Destination input 136 Entering dest ination via postcode 1. Select " City" or "City / Postcode" and press the contr oller. 2. Entering postcode: Select the i ndividual characte rs and press the contro ller each time. > To enter s paces, if ne cessary: Select th e symbol and press the co n- troller.
137 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 2. Turn the controller to the ri ght until a request appears to enter a street within the country, and press the controller. 3. Move the highlighted marker to the s econd field from the top a nd enter th e street.
Destination input 138 Entering a destination via voice commands* In conjunction with the Professional navigation system, you can enter a desired dest ination via the voice i nput system. To enter a des tinatio n, it is possi ble at any time to ma ke entries vi a voice command s or via iDrive.
139 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Selecting a destination from a map Professional navigation system: If you know only the pos ition of a place or street, you can enter the destination with the aid of a map.
Destination input 140 7. Press the c ontroll er. The map for destinatio n input can also be call ed up in the map vi ew: Select the symbol and press the controlle r. Selecting the destinati o n via Information You can call u p selected dest inations, e.
141 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Sele ct "N aviga tion " an d pres s the c ontr olle r. The dest inat ion last e nter ed is liste d fi rst in the desti natio ns list . This symbol i dentifies the curr ent desti na- tion.
Destination input 142 Business and Professional nav igation systems 1. Entering a destination manually, see page 134 . 2. Select "Add to address book" and press the controller. You can also sa ve a destination from the desti- nations li st in the address book, see page 141 .
143 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce principle, see Entering a destinati on manu- ally, page 134 . 4. Select "Save a ddress" and pres s the con- troller. You can transfer your current position to the address book even if you have left the area dig- itised on the navigation DVD.
Destination input 144 3. Select "Delet e" and press the controlle r. Deleting al l destinations from addre ss book 1. Call up the s tart menu. 2. Press the c ontroller t o call up the menu. 3. Selec t "Vehic le settin gs" and pr ess the controller.
145 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce To use your home addres s as the destina tion: 1. Select "Ho me address" and press t he con- troller. 2. Sele ct "St art gu idanc e" a nd pre ss the co n- troller.
Destination input 146 Wordmat ch princip le The wordmatch principle ma kes the input of place names an d streets easier . It compa res your destination i nputs continuously with the data stored on the navigation DVD, and reacts even if sl ight di screpa ncies ar e found.
147 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Route guidance Starting route guidance iDrive concept , see page 14 . 1. If necessary, move the highlighted marker to the uppermost field. Turn the controller until "Nav igation" is sel ected and press the controller.
Route guidance 148 appear at the start of the next journey: "Contin ue gui dance?". Route guidance starts automatically after a short while. To start r oute guidance immediately: Select "Y es" and pr ess the controller .
149 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Display ing ma p view Professional navigation system: You can have the car 's position shown on a map. After starting route guidance, the planned route is shown on the map.
Route guidance 150 Professional navigation system: Direction ar rows and congestion war nings are also dis played. To exit the me nu: Select the arrow and pr ess the co ntroller .
151 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Adjusting the volume of the sp oken instructio ns The volume can be adjusted only whil e a spo- ken inst ructio n is b eing issue d. 1. Have th e last spok en instruc tion rep eated if desired.
Route guidance 152 3. Turn the controller to enter the desired value, t hen press the controll er. 4. Busine ss navigation sy stem: Select "Calcul ate" and press the controller. The rou te is re cal culat ed. To exit the menu without altering the route: Select the arrow and pr ess the co ntroller .
153 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce "AUTO": automa tic selection of the TMC station with the strongest received signal.
Route guidance 154 Representation of traffic information in the map view Professional navigation system: The tra ffic info rmation symbo ls are show n in the map view up to a scale of 200 km or 100 mil es. At scales of up to 10 km or 5 miles, additional inf orma tion is disp layed .
155 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Busines s navigation syste m: Select "Dynamic route planning" and pre ss the controll er. The navigation syste m calculates a route that depends on the road type and the nature and length of the traffic congestion.
What to do if ... 156 What to do if ... What to do if ... > a navigation DVD has been ins erted but a request to in sert the DVD is displayed o n the control display? The navigation DV D is possibly not the cor- rect DVD f or the na vigation s ystem.
157 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Entertain ment This chapter tells you how to operate the radio, CD and TV and adjust the tone settings for these systems. Entertain ment Online Edition for Part-No.
On/off and settings 160 On/off and settings The follo wing audio a nd video sour ces sh are the same controls and adjustment option s: > Professional radio * or Busin ess radio > CD player > .
161 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce signa l, sto re sta tion s, ton e cont rol, s ample stations . From another menu, you can switch direct ly to the sc reen last shown, see Comfort menu i tem selectio n page 16 .
On/off and settings 162 Treble and bass 1. Selec t "Treb le / Bass " and pres s the con - troller. 2. Move the controller to the left or right to select "Tr eble" or "Bass". 3. Turn the controller u ntil the desired setting is obtained.
163 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 2. Select "Concert hall" or "Thea tre". 3. Press th e controll er. LOGIC7 room acoustics are switched on. To switch off the room ac oustics effect: Select "Off" and press t he controll er.
Radi o 164 Radio Your radio is designed for receiving the FM and AM wa veba nds: > FM: stations on the VHF waveband > AM: stat ions on the LW * , MW and SW * wavebands Listening to the radio Press th e knob if so und output is switche d off. iDrive co ncept, see page 14 .
165 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Changing selec tion criter ia 1. Move the highlighted marker to the s econd field from the top. 2. Turn the controll er until the desired selec- tion cri terion is select ed and press t he con- troller.
Radi o 166 3. Select "Au tostore" a nd press the contro ller. "Se t" is s elec ted. 4. Press the c ontroll er. Further menu items are displaye d. 5. Select "Au tostore" a nd press the contro ller. The disp lay of st ation s wit h the b est re cept ion is updated.
167 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Changing memory location 1. Select "Memor ised stat ions" and pr ess the controller. 2. Select the desir ed station. "Set" is sel ected . 3. Press th e controll er.
Radi o 168 Traffic repor ts* You can receiv e traffic i nformation announce- ments whil e you are l istenin g to a CD or w atch- ing a TV program. In t his case, the TP function, Traffic Programme, m ust be switched on.
169 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce CD player and CD changer Listening to CDs Spe cific atio n wi th tw o d isc drive s: The upper disc drive is intended for a udio CDs. Compressed audio files* CDs wi th compre ssed audi o files know n as MP3s can be played bac k on the CD player.
CD player and CD changer 170 CD changer: starting a CD 1. Load and insert the CD magazine, see page 173 . 2. Press the button. The start menu is call ed up. 3. Move the controller to the rear to call up "Enter tainment" . 4. If necessary, move the highlighted marker to the uppermost field.
171 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce To change the directory : Select a director y and press the controller.
CD player and CD changer 172 Compressed audio f iles* 1. Select current track and press the control- ler. 2. Select the desired menu item: > To sample all the tracks in the current director y, select "Scan directory" and press the controller.
173 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Random p lay The tracks on t he current CD are pla yed once each in random order. 1. Select "S et" and pres s the contr oller. Furt her menu it ems a re di splaye d.
CD player and CD changer 174 Inse rti ng th e CD mag azin e Insert th e CD magazine in fully i n the dir ection of th e arr ow. The CD changer automa tically reads in the CDs in the changer and is then operational. Notes BMW CD/D VD players and changers are officia lly designate d Class 1 lase r prod- ucts.
175 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce TV Calling up Pres s the knob if soun d out put is swit che d off. iDrive concept , see page 14 . 1. Press the button. The start menu is cal led up. 2. Move the controller to the rear to call up "Entertainment".
TV 176 You can also change the cha nnel by turning the controller while the programme i s on. You can also change the channel using the but- tons on the st eering whee l, see page 9 .
177 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 3. Select "Entertain ment settings" and press the controll er. 4. Select "Pic ture" and press the controll er. To call up t he TV sta ndard, pres s the con- tro ller t wice whil e a pr ogra mme is on.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Mobility To assi st you in p reservi ng your ca r's mob ility, this sectio n contains important i nfo rmati on on operating fluids, wheels a nd tyr es, maint enance rout ines and m ino r repa irs.
Refuelling 180 Refuelling Fuel filler flap Briefly pres s the rea r edge to open and c l ose. Manual rele ase In the event of an electrical fault, you can release t he fuel fi ller flap manuall y. Saloon 1. Lift up the floor mat and the cover beneath it in the luggage compartment.
181 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Tank cap Fastening Fit the tank cap and turn clockwise unti l it is clearly heard to click into place. Do not crush the tape attached to the cap. A message wi ll appear i f the cap is loos e or missing.
Wheels and tyres 182 Wheels and tyre s Tyre pressures Information fo r your safety The condition of the ty re s and maintenance of the correct tyre pressures not only influence tyre life but are also dec isive factors in road safety and ride quality.
183 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce In such cases, r educe speed immedia tely and have the wheels and tyres c hecked without delay. Proceed with caution to the near- est BMW Service o r specia list tyre dealer tha t operates to BMW s pecifications and has suita- bly trained personnel.
Wheels and tyres 184 Recommended makes o f tyre Certain makes of tyre are recommended by BMW for each tyre si ze. They are marked wit h a clearly vis ible BMW designation on the si de wall of the ty re. When properly used, t hese tyres meet the hi gh- est stan dards in te rms of saf ety and hand ling characte ristics.
185 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce In the engine compartment Do not work on the car unless you pos- sess th e nec essary techn ical k nowle dge.
In the e ngine co mpartment 186 Important parts of the engine compartment 1 Filler neck f or engine oil, see Adding engi ne oil 2 Reservoi r for brake flui d, under the microfil- ter housing 3 Jump-st.
187 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce The quantity of oil between the mid-points of the two dipsti ck marks is a pprox. 1.5 litres, approx. 2.6 pints. Do not add oil beyond the uppe r dipstick mark, other wise the engi ne may be dam- aged by exce ss oil .
In the e ngine co mpartment 188 level is reached, a me ssage also appears on the control displa y. Top up the oil level within th e next 200 km, app rox .
189 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Brake system Malfunc tion Brake flu id If the warni ng lamp lights up red even though the handbrake is released and a message appe ars on the control dis- play: stop as soon as possi ble.
Maintenance 190 Maintenance BMW Maintenance System The BMW Maintenance System contri butes to wards upho ldin g the roa dwort hin ess an d operating reli a bilit y of your BMW. It also covers comfort and convenience aspects, such as ensuring tha t filt ers for the air i n the car 's inte- rior are renewed in good time.
191 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Socket for o n-board diagnosis OBD Components which have a decisive effe ct on exhaust emissions can be tested via the OBD socke t with a suitab le dev ice.
Replacing parts 192 Replacing parts Toolkit Saloon You will find the toolkit in the l uggage compart- ment lid. Unscrew the wing bo lt to o pen. Touri ng You will find the toolkit behind the left-hand side trim in the load area. Wiper blades, renewing Front 1.
193 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Please see the booklet Looking after your car for notes on care of the headlights. Halog en headl ight s The pictur e shows th e left si de of the engine compartment.
Replacing parts 194 formed inexpe rtly, beca use of the high ele ctri- cal voltages pr esent. < Side and parking lig hts In the event of a fault, please contact BMW Serv ic e or a wor kshop t hat op er ate s to BMW sp ecific atio ns a nd has suita bly train ed pe rso n- nel.
195 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 4 Reversing li ght 5 Reflec tor 6 Parking, stop and brake lights Centr e brake lig ht This light u ses LED technology.
Replacing parts 196 Changing a w heel Safety precautions in t he event of a punc- ture or when changing a wheel : park the car as far as possi ble from moving traffic, on a firm surf ace . Swit ch o n the haza rd w arni ng flashers. Allow the steering lock to engage with the wheels in the straight-ahead position.
197 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 4. Fold the floor panel flap forw ards to release it, then take it out. 5. Open the front floor panel flap. 6. Swing up the spar e wheel cover an d engage the hook in the upper frame of the tailgate cutout.
Replacing parts 198 3. Fit the new wheel or the com pact wheel and insert at least two d iagonally opposed whee l studs. If the car is not fitted with alloy wheels of the Genuine BMW type, note that different wheel studs may be needed.
199 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Dispos al After changing batteries, have any old batteries disposed of by BMW Service or take them to an official collecting point. Batter- ies fi lled wit h acid shou ld be trans ported and stored upright.
Mutual aid 200 Mutual aid Emergency call* In order to make an emergency call : > Business mobile phone preparation pack- age. > Radio readines s is switch ed on. > The mobile phone network mus t be receiv- able. > The em erg ency c all syste m must b e opera- tional.
201 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Touri ng Release two qu ick-release fasteners and fol d down the trim. First aid pouch* Certain items i n the first ai d pouch have a lim- ited usef ul lif e. Check the ex piry dates o f the contents re gularly a nd replace any items t hat have expired.
Mutual aid 202 Preparation s 1. Check whether t he battery of the other vehicle ha s a voltage of 12 Volt and appr ox. the same c apac ity in Am p/h . This shou ld be printed on the battery. 2. Switch off the engine of the donor veh icle. 3. Switch off all consumers in both vehicles.
203 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Touring: It is stored in the toolkit behind the left-hand side tr im in the load area, s ee page 192 . Use only the t owing eye suppli ed with t he car, and make sure that it is screwed i n fully and is tight.
Mutual aid 204 Only attach the towbar to the towing eyes. Attaching the towb ar to other parts of the car can result in dam age. < With towrop e Ensure that the towrope is taut when the towing vehicle moves off. For towing, use nylon ropes or tapes, as these will help to avoid sudden tensile loads.
205 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Reference This chapter contains the technical data, the short commands for the voice input system and the index , which will hel p you find speci fic items of information with ease.
Technical data 208 Technical data Engine data 523i 525i/ xi 530i/xi Displ ace ment cc 2497 249 7 2996 N u m b e r o f c y l i n d e r s 666 Maxim um power outp ut kW /hp 130/175 160/215 190/255 at eng.
209 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Fuel consumption, carbon d ioxide/ Θ emissions 523i/Tou ring 523i/To uring 525i /Tou rin g 525i /Tou rin g Manual Automatic Manual Automatic Urban Litres/100 km (mpg) 12.
Technical data 210 525xi/Tou ring 525x i/To uri ng 530xi/To uring 53 0xi/T our ing Manual Automatic Manual, SMG Autom atic Urban Litres/100 km (mpg) 13.7/13.7 (20.6/20.6) 14.8/14.7 (19.1/19.2) 13.6 /14 .1 (20.8/20.0 ) 14.4/14.6 (19.6/19.3) Extra-urba n Litres/100 km (mpg) 7.
211 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Fue l co nsum ptio n is det ermi ned acco rdin g to a standard test method, EU Directive 80/1268/E EC.
Technical data 212 Dimensions All dimensio ns in mm. Car height w ith xDrive: 1482 m m, approx. 4 ft 10 in Smallest tur ning circle ∆ : 11.4 m, approx.
213 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce All d ime nsio ns in m m. S mall est t urnin g cir cle ∆ : 1 1.
Technical data 214 Weigh ts Saloon 523i 525i 530i 54 0i 550i Kerb weight, r eady for road, with 75 kg (165 lb ) load, tank 90 Ξ full, without optional extras > Manual transmissi on, SMG kg (lb) 15.
215 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Saloon 520d 52 5d 530d 535d Kerb weight, ready for road, with 75 kg (165 lb) load, tank 90 Ξ full, without opti.
Technical data 216 Touring 525xi 530xi 530xd Kerb weight, r eady for road, with 75 kg (165 lb ) load, tank 90 Ξ full, without optional extras > Manual transmissi on, SMG kg (lb) 1760 (3880) 1760 (.
217 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Towing a trailer Saloon 523i 52 5i 530i 540i 55 0i Permitted gross weight > Manual tra nsmissi on, SMG kg (lb.
Technical data 218 Saloon 520d 525d 530d 535d Permitted gross weight > Manual transmissi on, SMG kg (lb) 2110 (4650) 2145 (4730) 2210 (4650) - > Automatic transm ission kg (lb) 2120 (4670) 2155 .
219 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Touring 525xi 530x i 530xd Permitted gross weight > Manual tra nsmissi on, SMG kg (lb) 2325 (5130) 2325 (513 .
Technical data 220 Performance 523i/Tourin g 525i/To uring 530i/T ouri ng Top speed > Manual transmissi on, SMG km/h (mph) 235/2 27 (146/141) 245/240 (152/149 ) 250/250 (155 /155 ) > Automatic t.
221 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce 525xi/ Touring 530x i/ Touring 530x d/ Touring Top speed > Manual tra nsmissi on, SMG km/h (mph) 237/232 (147.
Technical data 222 Filling capacities Litr es (I mp. uni ts) Note Fuel tank approx. 70 (15.4 gal) Fuel grade: page 181 including a reser ve of approx. 8 (1.8 gal) Wind ow washer system Further d etails: pa ge 64 > Saloon approx. 3 (5 pints) > incl.
223 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Short co mmands for the v oice input syst em Short commands ena ble you to perform certain functio ns direct ly irres pective of which menu item is select ed. Impor tant short commands for the voice i nput system a re listed be low.
Short co mmands for the v oice input s ystem 224 Navigation Displaying " Calls accepte d" { Calls accepted } Displaying " Calls not a ccepted" { Calls not accepted } Displayi ng &q.
225 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce On-board inform ation Entertainment Function Command Calling up "On-board Info" 73 { On-boar d in fo }.
Short co mmands for the v oice input s ystem 226 Climate menu Selecting a mus ic track 170 { CD track ... } Selecting CD and music tr acks 17 0 { CD 1.
227 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Calling up "Date" 80 { Date } Calling up "RPA" 87 { RPA } Calling up "HDC" 85 { HD.
From A-Z 228 From A-Z Index "..." Identifies texts on the control display for selecting functions and refers you to the page wh ere these texts are t o be f ound .
229 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Armrest, s ee Centre ar mrest – fron t 111 – rear 114 Around the centre console 12 Aro und the s teer ing w .
From A-Z 230 Brakes – Anti-lo ck Brake Sys tem ABS 83 – bra ke flu id 189 – bra ke flu id leve l 18 9 – brake pads 12 2 , 189 – Corneri ng Brake Contr ol CBC 83 – dis c brakes 124 – Dyna.
231 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Chr ome parts , care , see book le t L ooki ng aft er you r car Cigarette lighter 113 Cigarette lighter socket 1.
From A-Z 232 "Delete data" in navigation 144 Demistin g windows 100 , 103 Destinatio n address – deleti ng 143 – ente ring 13 4 , 138 Destinatio n country i n navigation 135 Destination .
233 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Emergency opera tion, see Manual operati on – door lock 30 – driver's door 30 – fuel fi ller flap 180.
From A-Z 234 Frost protectio n – coo lant 188 – washer fluid 64 Fuel 181 – additives 18 1 – consumpti on values, s ee Fuel consumption 209 – fuel g auge 72 – gra de 181 – see Aver age fu.
235 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Holder fo r teleph one or mobile phone 111 "Home address" in navigation 144 "Home li ghts" 9.
From A-Z 236 Intermittent wiper ope rat ion 63 "Interm. t ime" 79 Internet site 4 ISOFIX child seat mou nt in gs 54 J Jack 196 – mounting points 197 Jacking points 197 "Journey comp u.
237 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Luggage compartment lid 31 – deadlocking separately 32 – emergency o peratio n, see Manual operati on 32 –.
From A-Z 238 Navig atio n system 132 – address book 141 – adjus tin g volume 151 – avoiding sections of route 151 – ca lling up 134 – de stin atio n inp ut 134 – desti nations list 140 –.
239 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Petrol, s ee Fuel grade 18 1 Petrol consumption, see Fue l consumption 209 "Pictur e" 176 , 177 Pivoti.
From A-Z 240 Remote c ontrol fo r independent ventilati on system/aux iliary heater 10 7 – battery, changing 108 – new re mote control 108 Renewing tyres 18 3 "Repeat di rectory" for aud.
241 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce "Save curr ent destination" 144 "Save" for ra dio 166 Saving the car's position 142 &qu.
From A-Z 242 Socket for On-Board Diagnosi s 191 Sockets, see Co nnecting electri cal appliances 113 Song search on CD, see Sampling tracks 171 Soot parti cle fi lter, se e Diese l particle fi lter 12 .
243 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Television, see TV 175 Temperature – adjustment fo r the automatic air conditioning system 99 , 103 – adjust.
From A-Z 244 Turning circl e, see Dimensions 212 Turning up and down automatically, see High- beam he adlights assista nt 95 "TV" 160 , 175 TV 175 – ca lling up 175 – ch ang ing cha nnel.
245 Ent er tai nme n t Overview Contr ols Driving hints Navigat ion Mobility Refere nce Wheel chock 196 Wheels and tyres 182 Wheelslip c o ntrol, see Dy nami c Sta bilit y Co ntro l DSC 84 Wheel stu d.
Refuelling So that you always have a ccess to the data you need when refue lling, you are recommended to enter the relevant figures for your car in the ta- ble provided below. Use the i ndex to find the in- formation you need. Fuel Engine oil Diesel en gines: The quantity of oil between the mid-points of the two dipstick marks is approx.
01 41 0 159 725 en *BL0159725009* The Ultimate Driving Mach ine More about BMW www.b mw. com Online Edition for Part-No. 01 41 0 159 725 © 09/05 BMW AG.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat BMW 520D (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen BMW 520D heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens BMW 520D vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding BMW 520D leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over BMW 520D krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van BMW 520D bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de BMW 520D kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met BMW 520D . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.