Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 4016 van de fabrikant Brocade Communications Systems
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Public ation Numb er: 53-100 0175-01 Publica tion Da te: 1/30 /2006 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Supporting Fabr ic OS v5.0.4.
Copyright © 2005 , Brocade Communica tions System s, Incorporated. ALL RIGHTS RESER VED. Publica tion Num ber: 53- 1000175 -01 Brocade, the Broc ade B weave logo, Secure F abric OS, and S ilkW orm are re gistered trad emarks of Brocade Commun icati ons Syste ms, Inc.
Document History The following table lists all versions of the Si lkWorm 401 6 Hardwar e Reference M anual . Document Title Publication Numb er Summary of Changes Publication Date SilkW orm 40 16 Ha r dwar e Refe r ence Manu al 53-1 000175-0 1 New doc ument.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual iii Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Contents About This Do cument How This Document Is Organized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v Supported Hardware and Software . . . . . .
iv SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Chapter 2 Installing the Brocade SilkWorm 4016 Unpacking the SilkW orm 4016 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 Preparing the Blade Server for the SilkW orm 4016 .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual v Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Fibre Channel St andards Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-3 Regulatory Compliance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vi SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual v Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 About This Document This document is a h ardware reference manual, written for SAN administrators wh o are using any blade server t hat supports the Brocade S ilkW orm 4016.
vi SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Supported Hard ware and Software This document has bee n created to include inf orm ation specific to the SilkW orm 4016 switch module running B rocade Fabri c OS version 5.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual vii Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 For defin itions of S AN-specific te rms, visi t the S torage Ne tworking In dustry Ass ociation onl ine dic tiona ry a t http ://www.
viii SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 For additional Brocade documentatio n, visit the Brocade SAN Info Center and click the Resource Library locati on: http:/ /www .br ocade. com Release notes are available on the Brocade Connect W e b site and are also bundled with the Fabric OS firmware.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual ix Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Getting Technical Help Contact y our swit ch suppor t suppl ier for hardware, fi rmware, an d software suppo rt, includ ing pro duct repairs and part ordering. T o expedite your call, have the following inform ation available: 1.
x SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Document Feed back Because quality is our first concern at Brocade, we hav e made every ef fort to ensure the accuracy an d complete ness of th is document .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 1-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Chapter 1 Introducing the SilkWorm 4016 The Silk W orm 4016 is a 12 -port Fi bre Channel switch mod ule (upgr adable to 16 por ts) that su pports link speeds up to 4Gbit/sec.
1-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 SilkW orm 4016 Feature s 1 • One 10/1 00 Mbit/sec auto sensing Et hernet po rt with an RJ -45 connect or with manu al o.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 1-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Switch Ch aracteristics 1 Switch Char acterist ics This chapter describe the p hysical characteristics of the SilkW orm 4016. Weight and Physical Dimensio ns Ta b l e 1 - 1 lists the we ight and p hysical di mensions of the S ilkW orm 4016.
1-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Switch Ch aracteristics 1 Port Side Externally accessible ports and LEDs are on the port side o f the switch. The port side faces ou t when the switch is inserted into a . Figure 1-1 details the switch’ s port side.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 1-5 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Switch Ch aracteristics 1 Nonpor t Side The nonpo rt side of the Si lkW orm 4016 (sh own in Figure 1- 3 ) is seated into the . Y ou do not need to do anything special to line up the SilkW orm 4016: it will seat correctly wh en the insertion arm is closed.
1-6 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Switch Ch aracteristics 1 Figure 1-4 Insertion A rm Label Figure 1-5 Detail, Label ing 1 Supplier serial label (und er in.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 1-7 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 ISL Trunk ing Groups 1 ISL Trunking Groups Brocade ISL T runking is optional software that allo ws you to create tru nking grou ps of I SLs between adjacent switches.
1-8 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Brocad e Optional F eatures 1.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 2-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Chapter 2 Instal ling the Brocade SilkWorm 40 16 This chapter provides the following information: • “Unpacking the S.
2-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Prepar ing the Bl ade Ser ver for the SilkW orm 4016 2 Preparing the Blade Server for the SilkWorm 4016 Before you insert the Silk W orm 4016 into the blad e server chassis, make sure that the following conditions are met: • The blade ser ver chassis is powered up.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 2-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Insertin g a Silk Worm 40 16 into the Chassis 2 4. Swing the insertion arm out to open the arm completely . This positions the insertio n arm, allowing the SilkW orm 4016 to seat properly in the blade server chassis.
2-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Inserti ng a SilkW orm 4016 into the Chassis 2 Refer to the SFP manu facturer ’ s documentatio n for details about SFP modu les. After it is activated, the switch runs self-diag nostic tests such as POST .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 3-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Chapter 3 Configuring the Broca de SilkWorm 401 6 The SilkW orm 4016 must b e conf igured cor rectly be fore it can op erate within a netwo rk and f abric.
3-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Conf ig urin g th e Sil kWorm 401 6 3 Creating a Serial Connection T o create a serial con nection to the SilkW orm 4016 you need to connect to the serial port of the b lade server chas sis’ management mod ule.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 3-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Configur ing the Sil kWorm 401 6 3 Connecting to the Switch To log i n to t he switch t hrough the serial c onnection: 1.
3-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Conf ig urin g th e Sil kWorm 401 6 3 Completing the Sw itch Configuration To complete the switch configurat ion: 1. Log on to the switch by telnet, using th e admin account.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 3-5 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Configur ing the Sil kWorm 401 6 3 4. Connect the cables to the transceivers. The transceivers ar e keyed to ensure co rrect orientation. If a tr ansceiver does not in stall easily , ensure that it is correctly orient ed and that the end caps have b een removed.
3-6 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Activatin g Ports on Demand ( POD) 3 Activat ing Ports on Demand (POD) The Silk W orm 4016 is sh ipped wi th 12 li censed port s .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 3-7 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Conne cting to t he Swi tch Using Web Too ls 3 Removing POD-licensed Ports Y ou can return the switch module to the default number of ports by removing the POD license. The license can be rem oved regardles s of wh ether the switch is active or disab led.
3-8 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Connectin g to the Swi tch Using W eb Tools 3.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 4-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Chapter 4 Operati ng the Brocade Si lkWorm 4016 This chapter describes t he operation and int eroperabi lity of the SilkW orm 4016.
4-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Acces sing the S ilkWo rm 4016 4 Port Negotiation The SilkW or m 4016 has been designed to be highly interoperable. It supports 1 Gbit/sec, 2 Gbit /sec, and 4 Gbit/sec tran smit and receive rates with autonego tiation.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 4-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Interpretin g POST Re sults 4 Secure telnet access is available using Secure Shel l (SSH), a networ k security pro tocol for secure remote log in and other secure net work servi ces over an i nsecure net work.
4-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Interpretin g LED Ac tivity 4 Interp retin g LED Activi ty Each SilkW orm 4016 uses LEDs to indicate status. These LEDs ar e shown in Figur e 4-1 . N ot shown are the two LEDs adjacent to each SFP , with one LED to indicate port speed and one LED to ind icate activity .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 4-5 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Removing and Replaci ng the SilkW orm 401 6 4 Removing and Repla cing the SilkWorm 4016 To remove a failed or replaced SilkWorm 4016: 1. Back up the switch config uration to an FTP server by typing the co nfigUpload command and followi ng the pro mpts.
4-6 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Removing and Replaci ng the SilkW orm 401 6 4 The follow ing figure detai ls the generi c process for rem oving an SFP from a port. 5. Squeeze the release lever latch to release the SilkW orm 4016.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual 4-7 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Removing and Replaci ng the SilkW orm 401 6 4 6. Gently pull the handle of the Si lkW orm 4016 inser tion arm out and toward you to release the switch. . 7. Slide the switch out o f the chassis I/O bay .
4-8 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Removing and Replaci ng the SilkW orm 401 6 4.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual A-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Appendix A Brocade Silk Worm 4016 Specif ications This appendix p rovides product s pecifications as a han dy reference.
A-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Archit ectu ral Spec ific ation A Architec tural Sp ecif ication The SilkW orm 4016 meets the specif ications shown in Ta b l e A - 3 . Supported HBAs A complete list of interoperable hardwar e, visit the Brocade Connect W eb site at: http://www .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual A-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Fibre Ch annel Stan dards Co mpliance A Fibre Ch annel Standa rds Compliance The SilkW orm 4016 switch me ets or exceeds the Fibr e Channel st andards compliance, p erformance, and feature capabilities as defin ed in the Brocade standard s compliance list.
A-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Regulatory Complianc e A VCCI Statement This is a C lass A produ ct based on the standard o f the V oluntary Control Council for Interference by Informat ion T echnology Equip ment (VCCI ).
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual A-5 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Regulato ry Complianc e A CE Statement The standards compliance label on the SilkW orm 4016 contains the CE mar k wh ich.
A-6 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Regulatory Complianc e A Electr ical Safety Regulatory Certification s Ta b l e 4 - 3 lists the safety and EMC (electromagnetic compatib ility) specifications for which the SilkW orm 4016 is certified.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual A-7 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Regulato ry Complianc e A Japan IEC 60950 +A1+A2+A3+A4 +A1 1 EN55022 Class A EN 61000-3 -2 Har monics (JEIDA Li mits) In.
A-8 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 Regulatory Complianc e A.
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual Index-1 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 Index A accessing 4-2 activating ports 3-6 air flow A-1 B base port s 1-3, 3-6 beacon 4-3 boot f lash 1-3 Brocade ap.
Index-2 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01 insertion arm 1-5, 2-2 insertion arm latch 2-2 installation 2-2 interfaces 1-1 Internet Ex plorer 3-7 interoperabili .
SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference M anual Index-3 Publication Number: 53-1 000175-01 remo ving and re placi ng 4-5 removin g POD licen se 3-7 replacement 2-2, 4-2 RJ-45 conn ector 1-1 RTC batt ery A-5 .
Index-4 SilkWorm 4016 Hardware Reference Manual Publication Number: 53-1000 175-01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Brocade Communications Systems 4016 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Brocade Communications Systems 4016 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Brocade Communications Systems 4016 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Brocade Communications Systems 4016 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Brocade Communications Systems 4016 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Brocade Communications Systems 4016 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Brocade Communications Systems 4016 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Brocade Communications Systems 4016 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.