Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DCP-7020 van de fabrikant Brother
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If y ou n eed to call Cu stome r Serv ice Please complete the following inform ation for f uture re fe re nce : Model Number: DCP-7020 Se ria l Num ber :* Date of Purchase: Plac e of Pu rc has e: * The serial n umbe r c an be displayed on the LCD s c r e en (M enu, 3, 1) .
i Brother nu mbers Reg i s ter your produc t By re gistering you r pr oduct with Br other Inter national Corporat ion, you will be r ecorded as the ori ginal own er of the product.
ii Brot her f ax back syst em (USA only) Brot h er h as installed an easy-t o-use fax ba ck syste m, so you ca n get inst a nt answers t o common technic al questions and product inform ation for all B rother pro ducts. This syst em is available 24 hours a day , 7 days a week.
iv Brother ® O ne Y ear Li mite d War ranty and Repl acem ent S erv ic e (USA only) Who is covered : • This limited war ranty ("war ranty") is giv en only to the ori ginal end-use/r etail.
v Brother ® O ne Year Limi ted W arran ty a nd R eplac em ent S ervic e (USA only) Brot her re serves the righ t to supply a ref urbishe d or remanuf actured r eplacemen t Machin e and/or accompan yi.
vi BROTHER MULTIFUNCTION CENTER/FACSIMILE MACHINE LIMITED WARRAN T Y ( Canada on ly) Purs uant to this lim ited warrant y of 1 year f r o m the date of p urchas e for labour and parts, Broth er Internat ional Corpor ation (Cana da) Ltd.
vii Safety prec autions We use the fol lowing icon s throughout thi s User’s Guide. To use t he D CP s afely Ple ase keep these instruc tions for lat er r eference and r ead them before attem pting any main tenance. War nings te ll y ou what to do to pre vent pos sible pe rsonal injury.
viii The f user un it is mar ked with a caution labe l. Please d o not remov e or da mage t he label . To p re vent i nju rie s, be c are ful not to put yo ur hands on the edge of the DCP under the document cover or s canner cover . To p re vent i nju rie s, be c are ful not t o put your fingers in the ar ea shade d in t he ill ustratios n.
ix Table o f C o n te nts 1 In tr oduc tion Usi ng thi s G uide .... ..... ..... .. ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. 1-1 Ch oosin g a locat ion .... ..... .... ... .... ..... ..... ...
x 5 Importa nt in f o r m at ion Federal Com municati ons Comm ission (FCC) Declar ation of Conform ity (US A only) .. ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .....5 -1 Industr y Canada Compli ance S tatemen t (Canada only) .
xi S Specif ications Produc t de s cr iption . ....... ....... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .... S- 1 Gen eral .... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .....
1 - 1 1 Using this Guide Throughou t this Guide you will see spec ial symbols aler ting you t o important warnin gs, notes and acti ons. Spec ial f onts id entify keys you should press , messa ges that appear o n the LCD, an d import ant point s or r e lated topi cs.
Intr oducti on 1 - 2 1 Choosi ng a location Pla ce your DCP on a fl at, stable s urface t hat is free of vi bration and shocks, s uch as a desk. Put the DCP ne ar a standard, groun ded A C powe r outlet . Choo s e a location where the tem perature remain s between 50° to 90.
Chap t er 1 1 - 3 How to access th e complete User’s Guide This User’ s Guide does not contain all t he inform ation about the DCP suc h as h ow to use the adv anced featu res of the Print er and Scanner .
Intr oducti on 1 - 4 1 To vi ew Docu ment atio n ( For Maci nt osh ® ) 1 Turn on your Macin tosh ® . In se rt the Brothe r CD-ROM labeled Macin tosh ® into your CD-RO M drive. The following window wi ll appear. 2 Double- click t he Docu mentation icon .
Chap t er 1 1 - 5 Control panel overview Stack Copies:01 100% Auto 1 Copy keys (Temp o ra ry setti n g s ) : Options You can quick l y and ea sily se l ec t temporary setting s for c opying. Enlarge/Reduc e Lets you enlar ge or re duce copies depending on the ratio you sele ct .
Intr oducti on 1 - 6 1 Load documen t You can make co pies and scan from the A DF (au tomatic do cument feeder) and f rom the scanne r glass. Us ing th e a utom atic docum ent fe ede r (ADF) The AD F can hold up t o 35 pa ges and feeds each sheet indivi dually.
Chap t er 1 1 - 7 Us ing t he sc an ner glass You can use the scanner g lass t o cop y or scan pages of a book or one page at a t ime. Document s can be up to Letter /A 4 size (8.5 t o 11 in. (215.9 to 2 97.4 mm)). Note To use the scann er glass, the ADF must be empt y.
Intr oducti on 1 - 8 1 About paper Recomme nded Pap er To get the best print quali ty, we s uggest using the fo llowing paper. ■ Use pap er that is made for plai n-paper cop ying. ■ Use pap er that is 20 to 24 lb (75 to 90 g /m 2 ). ■ Use neu tral paper.
Chap t er 1 1 - 9 Paper capacity of the paper trays CAUTION Do n ot use t he fol lowing t ypes o f paper or en velopes, they may c ause a pa per j am and damage your machine.
Intr oducti on 1 - 10 1 How to lo ad p aper To load paper or other media in t he paper tray 1 Pull the pap er tray c ompletely out of the DCP. 2 While pr essin g the pa per guide r elease lever, sl ide the adjus ters t o fit the paper size. Check that the gui des are firml y in t he slots .
Chap t er 1 1 - 11 To load pape r or other media i n the manual feed s l ot You can load envelop es and specia l print media one at a t ime i nto this slot. Use t he manual feed slot t o pr int or copy on labels , envel opes or thick er paper . 1 Slide the paper gu ides to fit the paper si ze .
2 - 1 2 2 Initial Setu p Sett ing th e Paper Ty pe To get the bes t print qualit y, set the DCP for the type of paper you are us ing. 1 Pres s Menu and o r to select 1.General Setup . Pres s Set . 2 Pres s or t o sel ect 1.Paper Type . Pres s Set . 3 Pres s or t o sel ect Plain , Thin , Thick , Thicker , Transparency or Recycled Paper .
Chap t er 2 2 - 2 Se tti ng the Be eper Volum e You can cha nge the beeper volume . The defaul t setting is Med . W hen the beeper is on , the DCP will beep when y ou p ress a key or make a mist ake. 1 Pre ss Me n u and or to sele c t 1.General Setup .
Getti ng start ed 2 - 3 2 Slee p Time Setti ng the Sleep Ti m e reduces power consum ption by turni ng o ff the fuse r ins ide the DCP while it is idle. You can c hoose how long the DCP is id le ( f rom 0 0 to 99 min utes) before it g oes i nto sleep mode.
3 - 1 3 Us in g th e D CP as a cop ier You can use your DCP as a copier , making up t o 99 c opies at a t ime. The pri ntable area of your DCP begi ns at appro ximately 0.12 in. (3 mm) from both sides and 0.12 in. (3 mm) from t he top or bott om of t he paper.
Making cop ies 3 - 2 3 Using the Tempora ry Copy keys When you wa nt t o quickl y chang e the c opy setti ngs tem porarily for the next copy, us e th e Tem porary Copy keys. Y ou can us e differ ent combin ations. Note ■ These s ettings are tempor ary, and the DCP returns to i ts def ault set tings 60 secon ds afte r copy ing.
Chap t er 3 3 - 3 3 Press or to select t he enlargement or reduct ion ratio y ou want. Pre ss Se t . — OR — You ca n sele ct Custom(25-400%) and press Set . Press or to enter an enlargement or reduct ion ratio fro m 25% to 400% . Pre ss Se t . Note Enlarge ment or reduc tion ratio can also be increa sed or de crease d by holding down or .
Making cop ies 3 - 4 3 Cha nging the t emporar y copy s ett i n gs Use the Opt ions key to quickly set t he f ollowing copy s e ttings tempor arily f or t he next copy. Note The factor y setti ngs are shown in Bold. After you choose your set tings by pressing Se t , the LCD shows S et temporarily .
Chap t er 3 3 - 5 Qua lity You can selec t the copy quality. T he default setting is Auto . 1 Load your doc um e nt. 2 Pre ss Opti ons and or t o select Quality . Pre ss Se t . 3 Pre ss or to s e le ct the co p y quality yo u wan t ( Auto , Text or Photo ).
Making cop ies 3 - 6 3 If you ar e using the scanner glas s: 6 After the DCP scans the pag e, the LC D shows: Press to scan the next page . 7 Put the next docum ent on the scanner glass. Pres s Set . Repeat Steps 6 and 7 for each pa ge of the l ayout.
Chap t er 3 3 - 7 Making a poster (Page Layout) You can creat e a poster. When you use the Poste r feature your DCP div ides your document int o sect ions, t hen enla rges t he secti ons so you c an assemble them into a poster . If you want to print a poster, u se the scanner glass.
Making cop ies 3 - 8 3 Adju stin g contra st You can chang e the contr ast to help an image look sharpe r and more v i vid. 1 Pres s Menu and or to sele ct 2.Copy . Pres s Set . 2 Pres s or to select 2.Contrast . Pres s Set . 3 Press to incr ease the contr ast.
4 - 1 4 The User’ s G u ide on the CD-ROM includ es the Software User’ s G u ide for features av ailable when conne cted to a computer (fo r ex ample, Pri nting and Scanning) . The availabi lity of the features listed belo w varies by model: ■ Using the machine as a Print er (See C hapter 1 in the S oftwar e User’ s Guide on t he CD-RO M.
5 - 1 5 5 Fede ral Comm unic ation s Commi ssion (FCC) Dec larat ion of C onfor mity (USA only ) Respon sible Par ty: Brother I nternational Corporation 100 S omerset Cor porate Bou l ev ard Bridgewa .
Chap t er 5 5 - 2 Indu stry Canada Complia nce Sta teme nt ( Can ada on ly) This Class B digit al app ar a t us co m p l ies w it h Canad i an ICES-003.
Important info r mat i o n 5 - 3 5 I mport ant saf ety in stru ctio ns 1 Read all o f t h ese in st ruct ions. 2 Sav e them fo r later refere nce. 3 Follow all wa rnings and inst r u ctions mark ed on t he product . 4 Unplug this p r odu ct from the wall outlet befor e cleaning inside o f the DC P.
Chap t er 5 5 - 4 F Un pl u g t his pr oduct f r om the AC power outl et and refer se r vicing t o Au t hori zed Service Pe r so nnel under the fo l lowi ng conditio ns: • When th e pow er cord is dama ged or frayed. • If liquid has been spilled into the product .
6 - 1 6 6 Troubleshoo ting Error me ssages As with any s ophisticat ed office produc t, errors may occur. If this happens, your DCP i dentifi es the p roblem and displays an err or message. The most c ommon err or messages are shown below. You can corr ect mos t problems by you r s elf.
Chap t er 6 6 - 2 Machine too Hot The insi de of the machi ne is t oo ho t. Make su re you ca n hear the fa n in th e DCP spi nnin g and th e exha ust o utl et isn 't bl ocke d by som ethi ng. If t he fan is spinn ing, remove s ome ob stac les that su rrou nd th e exha ust outle t, an d then le ave t he DCP f or se ver al m in utes .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 3 6 Doc ument j ams If t he document is jammed, fo llow the steps below. Document is jamme d in the top of the ADF unit 1 Take out any paper fr om the ADF that is not j ammed. 2 Ope n t h e AD F co ve r. 3 Pull the jammed doc ument out to the left.
Chap t er 6 6 - 4 Pape r jams To cle ar pap er ja ms, pl ease foll ow the steps in t his sect ion. Paper is jamme d insi de the DCP 1 Pull the paper tray co mpletely out of the DCP. 2 Pull the jamme d paper up and o ut of the paper tray openi ng. 3 Open the front cover .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 5 6 6 Put the dru m unit and toner cart r i dge assembly ba ck in the DCP. 7 Clo se the front cove r. 8 Put t he paper tray in t he DCP. Paper is jamme d at back of th e DCP 1 Open the front c o ver. 2 Pull out the dr um uni t and toner cart ridge a s sembly.
Chap t er 6 6 - 6 4 Pull the tab tow ard you to open the rear chut e cover. 5 Pull the jammed paper out of the fuser unit. If the jamm ed paper cannot b e pulled out easily, push down on t he blue tab wit h one han d as you gently p ull out the paper with the other hand.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 7 6 Pap e r is ja mmed ins ide th e dru m unit and t oner cartridge assembly 1 Ope n the fr on t cove r. 2 Pull out the dr um un it and toner cart rid ge a s sembly. 3 Hold down the lock l ever o n the left and pull the ton er cartridge out of the drum unit.
Chap t er 6 6 - 8 If yo u ar e ha ving dif ficu lty wit h yo ur D CP If you thin k there is a problem with your DCP, check t he chart below and follo w the troubleshoot ing tip s. The Br other Soluti ons Cente r offers the latest FAQs an d troubl eshoot ing ti ps .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 9 6 Scannin g Difficulties TWAIN errors appea r while sc anning . Mak e sure t he Brot her TW AIN d river is sel ecte d as th e prima ry so urce. I n Pape rPor t ® , cl ick S can in th e Fil e menu and sele ct th e Brothe r TWAI N dri ver.
Chap t er 6 6 - 10 Paper H andlin g Di ffic ulties Th e DCP do es n ot loa d pape r. T he LCD s h ows No Paper Fed or Paper Jam . If ther e is no p aper , lo ad a ne w st ack of pa pe r int o th e pap er tra y. If t he re i s pa per in t he pa per tray , ma ke sure i t is str aig ht.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 11 6 I mpr ovin g t he p ri nt qu ali ty This se ction provid es information on the f ollowing topi cs: Example s of poor pr in t quali ty Recom mendation Faint Che ck the DCP ’s en viron ment. Condi tio ns such as humi dity, high te mper ature s, and so o n may ca use th is pri nt fa ult.
Chap t er 6 6 - 12 White Spo ts on bl ack text and graphics at 3.1 in . (78.5 mm ) intervals Blac k Spots at 3.1 i n. (78.5 mm ) intervals Cl eaning t he dr um unit Du st , pap er pow der, gl ue, and .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 13 6 Black toner marks a cross th e page Mak e sure t hat you use pa per th at mee ts ou r speci fica tio ns. (S ee Abo ut pa per on page 1- 8.) If yo u use la bel sh eets for la ser pr inter s, t he glue fro m the she ets ma y some times sti ck t o the OPC dr um s urfac e.
Chap t er 6 6 - 14 Cur l or wave Ch eck th e p aper ty pe and qu ality . Hig h te mpe rat ures an d h igh hu midi ty w ill c au se pape r t o c url . If yo u don ’t us e the DC P very o ften, the p aper may ha ve been in the pa per tray t o o long .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 15 6 Packing a nd shippin g the DCP When y ou tr ansport t he DCP, use the packi ng materi als that came with y our DCP. If you do not pack the DCP pro perly, y ou could voi d your warranty . The DCP s h ould be adequat ely insured wit h the carrier.
Chap t er 6 6 - 16 Routine ma intenance Cl eaning the outs ide o f the DCP 1 Pull the paper tray co mpletely out of the DCP. 2 Wipe the outside of the DCP wit h a so ft cloth to remove dus t. 3 Remove any thing that is stuck ins ide th e paper tray. 4 Wipe the inside of t he paper tray wit h a so ft cloth to remove d ust .
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 17 6 Cle aning t he sc anne r glass Turn off t he DCP’s power switch and lif t the docu ment cover. Clean t he scanner glas s and wh ite pl astic with i sopropyl alcohol on a soft li nt-fr ee cl oth.
Chap t er 6 6 - 18 3 Gently clean the laser scanner window by wiping it with a clean so ft, dry, lint-free clot h. Do not u se isopro pyl alcohol . 4 Put the drum unit an d toner car tridge assembl y back into the DCP.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 19 6 Cl eanin g th e cor ona wire We r ecommend placin g the drum un it and toner cartrid ge a ssembly on a cloth or large di sposable paper t o avo id spillin g an d scat tering t oner. 1 Open the fron t c o ver and pull out t he drum uni t and t oner cart ridge assembly.
Chap t er 6 6 - 20 Ho w to repl ace th e tone r cart ridge 1 Open the front cover and pull out the drum unit and t oner c a rtridge assembly . 2 Hold down the lock le ver on the left and pull the toner c artridge out of t he drum unit. 3 Unpack t he new toner cartri dge.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 21 6 4 Gently ro c k the to ner cartridge from sid e to side fiv e o r six t imes to dist ribute the toner ev enly in side the car tridge. 5 Remove the prot ective cover . CAUTION ■ Brot her strongly re c o mmends that you do not refi ll the toner cartr idge provi ded with your DCP.
Chap t er 6 6 - 22 6 Insert the new ton er cartr idge in the drum unit unti l it cl icks into pl ace. If you put it in p roperly, the l ock le ver will lift automatical ly. 7 Clean the p rimary cor ona wire ins ide t he drum unit by gentl y sliding the blu e t ab fr om righ t to lef t seve ral tim es.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 23 6 1 Open the fron t c o ver and pull out t he drum unit and tone r c artridge assembly . 2 Hold down the lock l ever on the left and pull t he tone r car tridge out of the drum unit. Note Discard the us ed drum unit acc ording t o local regu lations, k eeping it separat e from domest ic waste.
Chap t er 6 6 - 24 4 Install t he drum un it and t oner cartrid ge assembl y in t he D CP. 5 Pre ss Opt ion s . To confir m y ou are i nstal ling a new drum, pres s . 6 When the LCD shows Accepted , cl ose the front cov er. Machi ne Infor mation Ch eckin g th e Seri al Nu mb er You can vie w the DCP ’s serial nu mber on th e LCD.
Troublesho oting and routine maint enance 6 - 25 6 3 Pres s or to sel ect Total , List , Print or Copy . Pres s Set . 4 Pres s Stop/Exit . Ch ecki ng th e D rum L ife You can view t he DCP’s drum l ife on the LC D. 1 Pres s Menu and o r to select 3.
A - 1 A On-scr een programmin g Your DCP is desi gned to be easy to use with LCD on-sc reen programmi ng. User-fri endly program ming hel ps you tak e full advanta ge of all th e menu selec tions your DCP has to of fer.
Appen dix A - 2 A You can scrol l more quickly thro ugh each menu level by pr essing the arrow for the dir ection you want: or . Sel ect an option by pressing Set when that optio n appear s on t he LCD. The LCD will t hen show t he next menu level. Pres s or to sc roll to you r next menu selection.
A - 3 Mai n Menu Subm enu Me nu Se lectio ns Options D esc riptions Page 1 . General Setup 1 . Paper Type — Thin Plain Thick Thicker Transparency Recycled Paper Se ts th e t ype of pa pe r in the paper tray . 2-1 2 . Paper Size — A4 Letter Legal Executive A5 A6 B5 B6 Set s th e size of the p aper in the paper tray .
Appen dix A - 4 A 3 . Machine Info. 1 . Serial No. — — Le ts y ou c hec k the s er ial numb er of your DCP . 6-24 2 . Page Counter — Total Copy Print List Let s you che ck t he nu mber of pa ges t he DCP ha s pri nte d dur ing its life . 6-24 3 .
S - 1 S Product des cription Gen eral Specifi cations Memo ry Cap acity 16 MB Autom at ic D ocument Feeder (ADF) Up to 35 pages Paper Tray 250 Sheets ( 20 lb (80 g/m 2 )) Printer Typ e Laser Pri nt Me.
Specific at ion s S - 2 S Print me dia Paper Input Paper Tra y ■ Pa per type: Plain paper , Rec ycled paper or Transpar encies 2 ■ Pa per size: A4 , Letter, Legal 1 , Exe cutive, A5, A6, B5 and B6 Fo r m ore de tai ls, se e Abo ut pape r on page 1-8.
S - 3 Copy Scanner Note Mac OS ® X scanning is supported in Mac OS ® X 1 0.2. 4 or g re ater . Color/Monochr ome Monochr ome Document Si ze ADF W idth: 5.8 t o 8.5 in. (147.3 m m to 21 5. 9 mm) ADF Hei ght: 5. 8 to 14 in. (147.3 m m to 35 6 mm) Scanne r Gla ss Width: Max.
Specific at ion s S - 4 S Printer Interfa ces (Cab les a r e not include d.) Note Your DCP has a USB 2. 0 full-speed int erface . T hi s interf ace i s compatible wit h USB 2.0 Hi-Speed; howev er, th e maximum d ata t ransfer rate wil l b e 12 Mbit s/s.
S - 5 Computer requ irements Minimu m System Re quiremen t s Comput er Platfor m & Operat ing System Ver sion Processo r Minimu m Spee d Mini mum RAM Recommended RA M Av ailable Hard Disk Space for Dr ivers for Applic a t ions Windows ® 1 Operating System 98, 98S E Pentiu m ® II or equiv alent 32 MB 64 MB 90 MB 130 MB Me NT ® Workstati on 4.
Specific at ion s S - 6 S Consumable items Note Toner life expectan cy will vary dependi ng u pon the type of aver age print job. Note Ther e are m any fa ctors t hat d etermine t he actua l drum life, s uch as temper ature, humidity, type of paper, toner you us e an d number of pa ges per print job.
S - 7 Optional Exte rnal Print Serve r (N C-2100 p) NC- 2100p External Print Server (Optional ) Connec t ing the optiona l External Print Server (NC-2100 p) t o the Parallel port of your D C P will allow you to print over a wired Et her n et network .
I - 1 I A Acce ssor ies an d supp lie s ... .... ..... ..... ..... .... .. ii ADF (automat ic do c um ent feeder) . ..... .... 1-6 ADF c over .... ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ... ..... .. 6-3 Appl e ® M acintosh ® See Softw are Us er’s Guide on the CD-ROM.
I - 2 from PC See Softwar e User’s Guide on the CD-ROM. paper jams . ..... ....... ....... ....... ....... ....... .. 6-4 pri ntab le a rea ..... ..... ..... .... ..... ..... .... ..... . 3-1 quality ( improvi ng) .... ....... ....... ....... ..... 6- 11 r esolu tion .
These machines are made f or use in the USA and Canada only . We cannot recommend using them ov erseas because the power requirements of y our Digital Copier/Pr inter ma y not be compatible with the po wer av ailable in f oreign countries. Using USA or Canada models over seas is at your o wn risk and may v oid your warranty .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Brother DCP-7020 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Brother DCP-7020 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Brother DCP-7020 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Brother DCP-7020 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Brother DCP-7020 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Brother DCP-7020 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Brother DCP-7020 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Brother DCP-7020 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.