Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 581A van de fabrikant Bryant
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Cancels : II 581A-2 10-1 II 581 A-210-2 10/1/05 installation , star t-up and service instructio ns SINGLE P A CKA GE R OOFT OP ELEC TRIC COOLING/ GAS HEA TING UNITS 581A Dura Pa c Plus Series Siz es 210 -300 18 to 25 T ons CONTENTS Pag e SAFETY CONSIDERA TIONS .
— 2 — IMPORT ANT: The ga sket ing of th e unit t o th e roo f cur b is critical for a watertight seal. In stall gaske t with the roof curb as shown in Fig . 1. Improperly applied gasket can also result in air lea ks and poor unit pe rformance. Do not slide unit to positi on on roof curb.
— 3 — Fig. 1 — Ro of Curb Details.
— 4 — SHIPPING RAILS Fig. 2 — Shi pping Rail Remov al Fig. 3 — R igg ing D eta ils UNIT SIZE 581A MAX WEIGHT (lb) CENT ER OF GRA VITY (in .) XYZ 210 33 58 63.
— 5 — Fig. 4 — Ba se Unit Dimens ions NO TES: 1. For out door use o nly . 2. Weights shown are f or 581A (low heat) unit with manual 25% o utdoor ai r option , alum inum coils, an d stand ard drive. For weights of o ptional equi pment co nsult produ ct data boo k.
— 6 — T able 1 — Physi cal Data LEGE ND *Aluminum e vapor ator coil and aluminum condenser coil. UNIT 581A 210 240 300 NOMINAL CAP ACI TY (tons) 18 20 25 OPERA TING WEI GHT (lb) Al/ Al * 2224 2272 2526 COMPRESSOR Quantity 332 Number of Refrigerant Circuits 332 Oil (ounces) Ckt A.
— 7 — T able 2 — Fan Motor an d Drive Data — V ertical Supply/Re turn LEGEN D 581A 210 240 300 208/230 and 460 v 575 v 208/2 30 and 460 v 575 v 208/230 and 460 v 575 v LO W RANGE Motor Hp 3.7 3 5 5 7.5 7.5 Motor Nominal Rpm 1725 1725 1745 1745 1745 1745 Maximum Continuous Bhp 4.
— 8 — T abl e 3 — Fan M oto r an d Dri ve Da ta — H ori zont al Su pply/R etu rn LEGEN D 581A 210 240 300 208/230 and 460 v 575 v 208/230 and 460 v 575 v 208/230 and 460 v 575 v LO W RANGE Motor Hp 3.7 3 5 5 7.5 7.5 Motor Nominal Rpm 1725 1725 1745 1745 1745 1745 Maximum Continuous Bhp 4.
— 9 — IV . STEP 4 — FIELD F ABRICA TE DUCTWORK On v erti cal u nits , secu re al l du cts t o roof curb and b uil ding structure. Do not connect duc twork t o unit. Fo r h o r i z o n t a l applications , field-supplied flange s should be attached to horizontal dis charge openings and all ductwork s ecured to the flanges.
— 10 — VI. STEP 6 — INST ALL FLUE HOOD AND INLET HOOD Flue hood (smalle r hood), inlet hood (larger hood), and screens are sh ipped inside the unit i n the fan section.
— 11 — IMPORT ANT: Na tural gas pre ssure at unit gas conne ction must no t be less than 5.5 in. wg or greate r than 13.0 in. w g . Size gas-supply piping for 0.5-in. wg maximum pressure drop. Do not use supply pipe smaller than unit gas connecti on.
— 12 — Set heat anticipator settings a s follows: Setting s may be c hanged slig htly to provide a greater degre e of com fort for a particu lar instal lation .
— 13 — T able 4A — Electri cal Data — Units Without C on ven ience Outlet LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit breaker . NOTES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combination load equip- ment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protectiv e device f or the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
— 14 — T able 4B — Electrical Data — Units With Optiona l Con venience Outlet LEGEND *Fuse or HACR circuit breaker . NOTES: 1. In compliance with NEC requirements for multimotor and combination load equip- ment (refer to NEC Articles 430 and 440), the overcurrent protectiv e device f or the unit shall be fuse or HACR breaker .
— 16 — XI. STEP 11 — POSITION OPTIONAL PO WER EXHA UST OR B AR OMETRIC RELIEF D AMPER HO OD The op ti onal p o we r ex ha ust or ba ro me t r ic re li ef d a mp e rs ar e shipped assembled and tilted back into the unit for shipping. Brac kets and extr a screws are shippe d in shrink w rap around the dampers .
— 17 — PRE-ST AR T -UP Procee d as follows to in spect and pr epare the unit for initial start -up : 1. Remo ve all access panels . 2. Read a nd follo w in structi ons on all W ARNING , CA U- TION , and INFORMATION labe ls attached to , or shipped with, the unit.
— 18 — VIII. CONDENSER F ANS AND MO T ORS Condenser fans and motors are factory s et. Refer to Condenser -F an Adjustme nt section (pa ge 39) as r equired. IX. RETURN-AIR FIL TERS Chec k that co rrect filter s are inst alled in filter t racks (see T able 1).
— 19 — T able 6 — Fan P erf ormance — 581A210 M edium Heat V e rtical Dischar ge Un its* LEGE ND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 647-886 (20 8/230 and 460- v), 810-107 2 (575-v) High Ran ge: 897 -1139 (2 08/230 and 460- v), 873- 1108 (5 75-v) All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e.
— 20 — T able 7 — Fan P erf ormance — 581A21 0 High Hea t V ertical Discha rge Units * LEGE ND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 647-886 (20 8/230 and 460- v), 810-107 2 (575-v) High Ran ge: 897 -1139 (2 08/230 and 460- v), 873- 1108 (57 5-v) All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e.
— 21 — T able 9 — Fan P erf ormance — 581A240 M edium Heat V e rtical Dischar ge Un its* LEGEND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 949-1206 High Range: 941-1 176 All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e. Ref er to page 23 f or general F an P erf ormance Data not es.
— 22 — T able 1 1 — Fan P erf ormance — 5 81A300 L ow H eat V er tical Disc har ge Units* LEGEND *Motor d rive range s: Low Range : 941- 1176 High Ran ge: 10 14-12 97 All other r pms requi re field- supplied dr ive. Refer to pag e 23 for general F an Perf orm ance Da ta not es.
— 23 — T able 13 — Fan P erf ormance — 581A300 H igh Hea t V ertical Dischar ge Units * LEGEND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014 -1297 All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e. Ref er to thi s page fo r genera l F an P er formance Data notes.
— 24 — T able 1 4 — Fa n P erf ormance — 581A210 Low He at Horizonta l Disc harge Uni ts * LE GEND *Motor d rive range s: Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 863-1141 (575-v) High Range: 1113-1414 (208/230 and 460-v), 1042-1285 (57 5-v) All other r pms requi re field- supplied dr ive.
— 25 — T able 16 — Fan P erf ormance — 58 1A210 Hig h Heat H orizontal D ischar ge Units* LE GEND *Motor d rive range s: Low Range: 896-1227 (208/230 and 460-v), 863-1141 (575-v) High Range: 1113-1414 (208/230 and 460-v), 1042-1285 (57 5-v) All other r pms requi re field- supplied dr ive.
— 26 — T able 1 8 — Fan P erf ormance — 581A240 M edium H eat Horizo ntal Disc har ge Units* LEGEND *Motor d rive range s: Low Range : 1113 -1414 High Ran ge: 10 96-13 39 All other r pms requi re field- supplied dr ive. Refer to pag e 23 for general F an Perf orm ance Da ta not es.
— 27 — T able 20 — F an P erf ormance — 581A30 0 Low Heat Hor izontal Disch arge Units * LEGEND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014 -1297 All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e. Ref er to page 23 f or general F an P erf ormance Data not es.
— 28 — T able 22 — Fan P erf ormance — 58 1A300 Hig h Heat H orizontal D ischar ge Units* LEGEND *Motor driv e rang es: Low Range: 941-1176 High Range: 1014 -1297 All other rpms require field-s upplied driv e. Ref er to page 2 3 f or g eneral F an P erformance Data not es.
— 29 — T able 24 — Op eration Air Q uantity Limi ts *7000 cfm minimum r ecommended above 1.0 in. wg external st atic pressure. T able 25 — Eva porator F an Motor Sp ecificati ons LEGEND 581A UNIT SIZE COOL IN G GAS H EA T HEA TING (Na t. Ga s, Vertic al) MINIMUM CFM HEA TING (Nat.
— 30 — T a ble 26 — Acce ssor y/F IOP St atic Pres sure ( in. w g)* LEGE ND *The st atic pres sure mu st be added to the ex ternal static pressure . The sum and the e va porator entering- air cfm sho uld then be used in conjun ction with the F an P erf ormance table s to determine b low er r pm and wa tts .
— 31 — Table 28 — EconoMi$er IV Sensor Usage *CRENTDIF0 04A00 and CR TEMPSN002 A00 access ories are used on many diff eren t base unit s. As such, these ki ts ma y contain parts tha t will n ot be neede d f or installation. †CGCDXSEN004 A00 is an access or y CO 2 sens or.
— 32 — Differe ntia l Dry Bulb Contro l F o r diffe rentia l dry bulb contro l the stand ard out door d ry b u l b s e n s o r i s u s e d i n c o n j u n c t i o n w i t h a n a d d i t i o n a l a c c e s - sory dry bulb sensor (part number CRTEMPSN002A00).
— 33 — CONTROL CURVE A B C D CONTROL POINT APPROX. °F (°C) A T 50% RH 73 (23) 70 (21) 67 (19) 63 (17) 1 2 1 4 1 6 1 8 2 0 2 2 2 4 26 28 30 32 3 4 3 6 3 8 40 42 4 4 46 9 0 1 0 0 80 70 60 50 4 0 3.
— 34 — Minimum P osition Control There is a min imum damp er po siti on po tent iomet er on the Econ oM i$e r IV co nt r oll er . See Fig . 2 8. T h e m ini mum dam per posit ion m ainta ins the min imum a irfl ow int o the buildi ng during the occupied period.
— 35 — The sam e equa tion can be use d to d eterm ine th e occu pied or maximum ventilation rate to the building. F or e xample, an output of 3.6 vo lts t o the ac tuat o r pro vide s a ba se ve ntil at io n rate of 5% and an output of 6.7 volts prov ides the m aximum ventilation rate of 20% (or ba se plu s 15 cfm pe r pe rson).
— 36 — B. Heating, Units Without Economizer NO TE: The 5 81A210- 300 uni ts have 2 stages of el ectric he at. When the th ermo sta t call s for hea t ing, power is sent to W on the IGC (inte grated gas unit co ntroller) board. An LED (ligh t-emi tting d io de) on th e IGC boar d will be on d urin g normal ope rat ion .
— 37 — Remove Surface Loaded Fibers Surface loaded fi bers or dirt should be remo ved with a vac - uum c leaner . If a vacuum cleaner i s not avai lable , a soft no n- metallic bristle brush may be used. In either case, the tool shou ld be appl ied in th e dire ction of the fins .
— 38 — F . Flue Gas P as sagewa ys The flue collector bo x and heat exchanger cells may be inspecte d by removi ng heat secti on access panel (Fig . 4 ), flue box c over , and m ain burner ass embl y (Fi g. 30). R efe r to Mai n Burners s ection on page 41 for burne r remo val sequ ence.
— 39 — IV . EV APORA T OR F AN PERFORMANCE ADJUSTMENT (Fig. 32 a nd 33) F an moto r pull eys ar e fact ory s et for sp eed sho wn in T able 1. To c h a n g e f a n s p e e d s : 1. Shut off unit power supply . 2. Loo sen nuts on the 4 ca rriag e bolt s in the mo unting base .
— 40 — VII. PO WER F AILURE Dampers h ave a spring return. I n event of power fail ure, dampers will return to fully closed position until power is restored. Do not ma nually operate damper motor . VIII. REFRIGERANT CHARGE Amount of refrige rant charg e is l isted on un it nam epla te and in T able 1.
— 41 — 8. Once desired pressure is established, se t unit setting for no call for hea t, turn off main gas valv e, remove pressure-measuring device , and replace 1 / 8 -in. pipe plug and screw cap . X. MAIN BURNERS F o r most appl icati ons , main bur ners are f actor y set and shou ld requir e no adj ustmen t.
— 42 — B. Hi gh-P res sure and L ow-Pr essur e Sw itche s If ei ther switch trips , or if th e comp ress or ove rtempe ratur e switch activates, that refrigerant circuit will be automati- cally lock ed out by th e CLO . T o reset, ma nually mov e the thermostat setting.
— 43 — _ _ .A — Circuit A AHA — Adjust able Heat Anticipator AL — Ambi en t Li mit AU X — Auxiliary Contact _ _ .B — Circuit B _ _ .C — Circuit C C— Compressor , Contactor CAP — Ca.
— 44 — Fig. 40 — Lo w V oltage Contr ol Sc hematic.
— 45 — Fig. 41 — P ower Schem atic.
— 46 — Fig. 42 — Com ponent Arrangement.
— 47 — TROUBLESHOO TING I. UNIT TR OUBLESHOO TI NG Refe r to T abl es 34-3 6 an d Fig. 43. T able 3 4 — Cooling Service Analys is LEGEND TXV — Thermos tatic Expansion V alv e PRO BLEM CA USE REMED Y Com press or and C on dense r Fa n Will Not Start.
— 48 — T able 3 5 — Heating Se rvice Anal ysis Table 36 — IGC Board LED Alarm Codes LEGEND NOT ES: 1. There is a 3-s econd p ause b etween ala rm co de disp lays . 2. If more t han one alar m code exists, all applicable alar m codes will be display ed in numer ical se quence.
— 49 — Fig. 43 — IG C Control (Heating a nd Cooling) LE GEND NO TE: Thermos tat F an Switch in the “A UT O” position. IDM — Induce d-Draft Motor IGC — Int egrated Gas Unit Controller.
— 50 — II. ECONOMI$ER IV TROUBLESHOO TING See T able 3 7 for E conoMi$ er IV logic . A func tional view of the EconoM i$er IV is s hown in Fig. 44.
— 51 — 4. Remove the ju mper acr oss T an d T1. The a ctuator shou ld drive fully c losed. 5. Re t u r n E co n o M i $ er IV s e tt i n g s an d wi ri ng to n or ma l after completing tro ubleshooting. G. EconoMi $er IV T roubles hooting Comple tion This p ro c edur e i s u sed t o re t ur n t h e E c o noM i$er I V t o ope ra- tion.
Copyright 2 005 Br yant He ating & C ooling Systems Printe d in U.S.A. CA T ALOG NO. 04-535 81005 -01.
Copyright 2005 Bryant Heating & Cooling Systems CL-1 Pr inted in U.S.A. CA T ALO G NO. 04-53581 005-01 CUT ALONG DO TTED LI NE CUT ALONG DO TT ED LINE ST ART -UP CHECKLIST MODEL NO.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Bryant 581A (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Bryant 581A heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Bryant 581A vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Bryant 581A leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Bryant 581A krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Bryant 581A bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Bryant 581A kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Bryant 581A . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.