Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Pro9000 van de fabrikant Canon
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Q T5-0115- V02 XXXXXXXX ©CANON INC. 2006 PRINTED IN JAP AN Quic k St ar t Guide Series Photo Printer Quic k St ar t Guide The following ink tanks are compatible with this printer. For details on ink tan k replacement, refer to “Repl acing an Ink T ank” in this guide.
Getting Help fr om C anon Help Us Help Y ou Bett er Befo re y o u c ontact C anon, please r ecor d the foll owin g inform ation. Se ri al Nu mb er (l oca te d o n t he ins id e o f t he pro du ct ): M.
Photo Printer Quic k Start Guide.
Canon PIXMA Pro9 000 Photo Printer Quic k Start Guide. Co pyr i gh t This m anual is c opyrigh ted by C anon U.S.A., Inc. with al l rights reserved . Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be reproduc ed in any form, in whole or in p art , without the prior written consent of Canon U.
Contents 1 Co n t e n t s Basic Printing Turning on the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Turning off the Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Basic Printing 2 Basi c P r in t in g This Quick St art Guide describes som e of the featur es of your printer and how to use them. For more info rmation, view the Pro9000 User’s Guide , Printer Dri.
Basic Printing 3 T urning off the Printer 1 T o turn off the printer, pres s the POWER button. When the POWER lamp stops bli nking, the p rinter is tu rned off. About the Power Plug When removi ng the power plug after turing off the printer , be sure to ch ec k that the POWER lamp is not lit.
Basic Printing 4 Loadi ng Paper This section desc ribes how to load paper in the Auto Sheet Feeder and the Front T ray . Us ing the Auto Sheet F e eder and the Front T ray Y ou can load paper in both the Auto Sheet Feeder and the Front T ray .
Basic Printing 5 Loadin g P aper in the Auto Sheet F eeder For detail ed information on the C anon genuine media for use with its vario us printers , refer to “ Usi ng Specialty Media ” on page 15, or “Printing Medi a” in the User’s Guide .
Basic Printing 6 3 Load the paper. z The follow ing paper c an be used in the Auto Sheet Feeder . Pap er Si ze Standar d paper: From 4 " x 6" / 101.6 x 152.4 mm t o A3+ (13" x 19") size (329.0 x 483.0 mm / 13 x 19 inc hes) Non-stand ard paper: From 89.
Basic Printing 7 temperature / low humidity). If this happens, reduc e the number of sheets of paper by about h alf (approx imately 5 mm / 0.2 inc hes). z When printing on art paper that i s not produced by C an on that i s up to 200 gsm / 53 lb, loa d one sheet at a time.
Basic Printing 8 Lo ading Envelope s in the Auto Sheet F eeder Use either Europe an DL or US C omm. Env. #10 s ize envelopes. The address i s rotated automatic ally to mat c h the direction of the envelope when printing. z Do not use envelopes with embos sed or treated surfac es, a double flap, pressure seals or stick er flaps.
Basic Printing 9 Lo ading 4" x 6" or 5" x 7"- Siz ed Pa per in the Auto Sheet F eeder Cutti ng plain paper to 4" x 6" / 101.6 mm x 152.4 mm or 5" x 7" / 127.0 x 177.8 mm size for a trial printing c an cause paper jams.
Basic Printing 10 Loadin g P aper in the Fr ont T ray FRONT FEED Button Y ou can c heck the printer stat us by FRONT FEED button indication. The FRONT FEED button flashes quic kly (two flashes at a time) when preparation s for loading the paper in the Fron t T ray are finished.
Basic Printing 11 2 Set the Front T ray . T o set the Front T ray in the Front Paper Feeding Pos ition, follow the procedure below . Side view of the print er (3) Til t the Front T ray forw ard t o set it in the Front Paper Feeding P osition. The FRONT FEED button lights.
Basic Printing 12 3 Prepare to load paper . Do not load paper when the POWER lamp is flashing. O therwis e, the paper or the printer may be damag ed. 4 Load the paper. If the printer is not used for 5 minutes or more while it is as described in (1) above, then the FRONT FEED button stops fla shing and stays lit and you cannot set the paper .
Basic Printing 13 z When paper is curled, g ently bend it in t he oppos ite dir ection of the curl (without curling the r everse side) and then load the paper .
Basic Printing 14 Ret urning the Fr ont T ray to Its Norm al Printing Po sition When usin g the Auto Sheet Feeder , set the Fr ont T ray to its normal printing position. z Be sure to fo llow the proc edure below when returning the Front T ray to its norm al printing po siti on.
Basic Printing 15 Us ing S peci alty Media Canon rec ommends that you use Canon g enuine media to ensure optimal print quality. Photo Quality Medi a • High Resolution Paper • Glossy Photo P ap.
Basic Printing 16 C anon Genuine Media Media T ype Pap er S upp or t Lo ad L imi t Printer Driver Setting for Med ia T yp e Auto Sheet Feeder Front T ray High Resolution Pape r 13" x 19".
Basic Printing 17 *1 When loading a stack of paper, the printed side may be ma rked when it is fed in. If this ha ppens, load paper one sheet at a t ime. *2 Y ou can sp ecify the print settin g eas ily by usin g the Eas y-Phot oPrint pro vided w ith the Setup CD-ROM .
Basic Printing 18 Printing with W indows z Menu and command n ames may differ between software application s, and more steps m ay be required. F or details, r efer to the documentation for eac h software application you use.
Basic Printing 19 4 Open the printer properties dialog box. (1) Select Print from the ap plication so ftware’s File menu. The Print dialog box opens. 5 Specify the required settings. (2) Ensure that y our printer is s ele cte d. (3) Clic k Preferenc es or Properties.
Basic Printing 20 z From the Page Se tup tab, select the correct doc ument size to be printed. If the size i s different from that set in the application, then y ou need to set it to the same siz e or use Sc aled Printing or Fi t-to-P age Printing . Refer to the Printer Driver Guide .
Basic Printing 21 Printing with Mac intosh z Menu and command n ames may differ between software application s, and more steps m ay be required. F or details, r efer to the documentation for eac h software application you use. z The step s described in thi s section are for printing in Mac ® OS X v .
Basic Printing 22 4 Select Paper Size . (1) Select Page Setu p from the applic ation software’s Fil e menu. The Page Setup dial og bo x opens. 5 Specify the required settings. (1) Select Print from the ap plication so ftware’s File menu. The Print dialog box opens.
Basic Printing 23 When you select the print mode ap propriate to y our document from Print Mode , the document wil l be printed in color and at a print quality suited to the c har acteristics of the Media Type yo u have selected.
Basic Printing 24 6 Print the document. (1) Clic k Print . Do not open the T op C over whil e printing. Y ou can c ancel a print job while printing. See “ Ca ncelin g Printing ” on pag e 25.
Basic Printing 25 C anceling Printing Y ou can c ancel a print job while printing, with the RESUME/CANC EL button on the pri nter . 1 Press the RESUME/CANC EL button while printing. Printing i s canc eled and paper is fed out. Y o u ca n al so cance l a pr int job by c licki ng Canc el Pri nting on the Can on IJ Statu s Monitor .
Advanced Printing 26 Adv anc ed Printing Printing Photographs Dir ectly from a PictBridg e C o mpli ant Devic e C onnecting a Pi ctBridge compliant devic e such a s a digital camer a, camc order or mobile phone to the printer allows you to print recorded imag es directly without using a comput er.
Advanced Printing 27 C onnecting to a PictBridg e C ompliant Dev ic e T o connect a PictBridg e compliant devic e to this printer, use the USB c able sup plied with the dev ic e. Do not c onnect any equipment other th an PictBridg e c ompliant d evic es to the Direct Print Port of the printer.
Advanced Printing 28 4 C onnect the PictBridge compliant devic e to the printer. Depending on the model or brand of your PictBridg e compliant devic e, you may h ave to select a print mode of producing photos before connecti ng the devi c e.
Advanced Printing 29 (3) Set up the devic e for Direct Printing. When the connection between the devic e and printer has been esta blished, the POWER lamp on the printer fl ashes twic e. * The power-on sequenc e may differ dependin g on the model or brand of the devic e.
Advanced Printing 30 The foll owin g size s and types of paper c an be loa ded in the printer b y selecting option s from Pape r size and Paper type . *1 This paper is exclusively used to print photo stickers. When printing on stick er paper, select 4" x 6" in Pap er size .
Advanced Printing 31 About “Layout” and “T rimming” By def ault, Borderles s is selected for Layout and Off (No trimming) is sel ected for T rimming for this printer . When printing onto Photo Stic kers (P S-101) (16-up), Select N-up for Lay out , then select 16 .
Advanced Printing 32 z When Wa rm t o ne i s selected, the phot o is printed in a w arm bl ack and white tone. z If the printing troub les hav e occu rred on the top and/or bottom edges of the paper s.
Advanced Printing 33 Chec king or Changin g PictBridg e Print Settings Fr om the Printer Y ou can c hang e the printer’s default PictBridge print settings, suc h as paper siz e and type. T o do this, instal l the Canon Set up Utility from the included CD-ROM and connect the printer to a computer .
Advanced Printing 34 3 Open the File menu and select Printing Preferences (or Properties ). The printer properties dialog box opens. When opening the printer properties dialog box from Properties , the tab s related to the Windows function (e.g., the Por ts ta b, or t he Detail s tab) are displa yed.
Advanced Printing 35 Us ing the B undled Softw are The Setup CD-ROM includes phot o application s designed to edit the phot ographs tak en by a digital c amera and print them as photo-lab qu ality prints without standard white borders. Please use the applic ation(s) suitable for y our print purposes.
Printing Maintenance 36 Printing Mainten anc e Rep lac ing an Ink T ank Repl ace ink t ank(s) if they are out of ink. When replac ing them, c heck the model number s and their inst allation pos itions. Wi th this print er, the f ollo wing ink t anks are u sed.
Printing Maintenance 37 Getting the Ink L evel Information Ink Level Indic ation on the Printer Y ou can c onfirm the ink level in eac h ink t ank through the ink lamps. Open the T op C over of the printer to see how the ink l amps light or fl ash.
Printing Maintenance 38 Open the Canon IJ Printer U tility to chec k the ink level information. 1. Select Application s from the Go menu, and then double-clic k the Util ities folder. 2. Double-clic k the Pr inter Setup Utility icon. When us ing Mac O S X v .
Printing Maintenance 39 Knowing When t o Replac e Ink T anks The ALA RM l amp on the printer fla shes orang e four times onc e any one of the ink tanks is out of ink. If ink is out during printing, a messag e wil l be displa yed on your PC. Check to see whic h ink tank is out of ink, and replac e it with a new one.
Printing Maintenance 40 z If printing ha s not finished , you can continue printin g for a while by pr ess ing the RESUME/CANCEL b utton on the printe r with the empty ink t ank ins tall ed. However , you wil l need to replac e it with a new one a s soon as printing fini shes.
Printing Maintenance 41 Repla cing In k T anks When an ink tank run s out of ink, replac e it using the follo wing step s. 1 Ensure that the printer i s on, and then open the Front T ray . Gently press the mark on the Front T ray. 2 Open the T op Cover .
Printing Maintenance 42 4 Prepare a replac ement tank. (1) Unpac k the new ink t ank and completely pu ll off the orang e tape. Then, remove the film complet ely . (2) Remov e the orang e protectiv e cap from the bottom of the ink tank and di scard it.
Printing Maintenance 43 5 Insert the ink tank. (1) Insert the ink tank into the Print Head. (2) Press on the mark on the ink tank until the ink tank sn aps firmly int o plac e. (3) Ensure that the ink l amp lights red. Ensure th at all the ink tank s are ins tall ed in the order directed by the label.
Printing Maintenance 44 6 C lose the T op C over. The ink tank ins tall ation proc ess i s now c omplete. z The ALARM lamp still fl ashes or ange after the T op Co ver is closed if an ink tank is not in stalled pr operly . Open the T op Co ver and mak e sure that all the ink t anks are inst alled in the correct or der directed on the labe l.
Printing Maintenance 45 When Printing Bec omes Faint or C olors ar e Inc orr ect Wh en pri nt ing be com es fa in t o r col ors are in cor r ect, even if ink remains in the ink t anks, the Print Head nozzles are probably clogged. Foll ow the proc edures below to clean the nozzles.
Printing Maintenance 46 Printing the Nozz le Chec k Patt ern Print the nozzle c heck pattern t o determine whether the ink ejects properly from the Print Head nozz les. Use thi s function when printed results are b lurred or the color is inc orrect . z Nozzle c h ec k pattern cannot be prin ted from the Front T ray.
Printing Maintenance 47 3 Print the Nozzle Chec k Pattern. (3) Read the me ssag e and clic k Print Chec k Pattern . The nozzle c heck pattern wil l be printed. Do not open the T op Cover while printing. Cl ick in g Initia l Chec k Items di splay s the items to be c hec k ed before printing the pattern.
Printing Maintenance 48 2 Open the Canon IJ Printer Utility dialog bo x. (1) Select App lications from the Go menu, and t hen double-clic k the Utilitie s folder . (2) Double-cl ic k the Printer Setup Util ity icon. When using Mac OS X v.10.2.8, double-click the Print C enter icon.
Printing Maintenance 49 Examining the Nozz le Chec k Pattern The nozzl e chec k pattern should appe ar as fo llows when ink is di scharg ed properly . Examine the nozzle chec k pattern output by the printer, and clean the Print Head wh en neces sary .
Printing Maintenance 50 2 When cleaning i s nec ess ary, c lick C leaning on the Pattern Chec k dialog box. If you want to c ontinue to clean the Print Head from here, go to (3) in step 3 of the Windows or Macintosh Print Hea d C lean ing proc edures as appropriate.
Printing Maintenance 51 Print Head C leaning Cl ean the Print Head if white stripes appear in the nozzle chec k pattern. Note t h at cleaning the Print Head cau ses ink used for cleanin g to be absorbed in the ink absorber . Cleaning the Print Head c ons umes ink, so perform Print He ad C leanin g only when nece ss ary.
Printing Maintenance 52 3 Start Print Head C leanin g. Print Hea d Cl eanin g starts when the POWER lamp starts blinkin g green. Do not perform any other operations until the Print Head Cle aning finishes. This t ak es about 90 sec onds. (5) Read the me ss age and clic k Print Check Patt ern to print the nozzle chec k pattern.
Printing Maintenance 53 4 Chec k the Print Head c ondition with the printed nozz le c hec k pattern. See “ Examining the Nozzle Chec k Pattern ” on pag e 49. If the prob lem rem ains afte r performing Print Head C leaning tw ic e, try Print Head Deep C leaning .
Printing Maintenance 54 Print Hea d Cl eanin g starts when the POWER lamp starts blinkin g green. Do not perform any other operations until the Print Hea d C leaning finishes. This t ak es about 90 sec onds. (5) Read the me ss age and clic k Print Check Patt ern to print the nozzle chec k pattern.
Printing Maintenance 55 Print Head D eep C leaning If print quality does not im pro ve by s tan dard Print Head C l eaning , try Print Head D eep Cle an in g , whic h is a more powerful proc ess. Not e that cle aning the Print Head c auses ink used for cleaning to be absorbed in the ink absorber.
Printing Maintenance 56 (5) When the confirmation mess age is di splayed, clic k OK . Print Head Deep Cleaning st arts when the POWER lamp starts blinking green. Do not perform any other operat ion until t he Print Hea d Deep Cl eaning finishes. Thi s tak es about 120 sec onds.
Printing Maintenance 57 3 Start Print Head Deep C leaning. Print He ad De ep C lea ning st arts when th e PO WER lamp starts blink ing green. Do not perform any other operation until the Print Hea d Deep C leanin g finishes. This t ak es about 120 seconds.
Printing Maintenance 58 Aligning the Print Head Aligning the Print Head positions allows you to print without shifts in the color registration. Print head alignment is performed either automatically or manually . This section deals with automatic Print Head alignment only .
Printing Maintenance 59 3 Print the pattern. T wo pattern sheets are printed. It tak es about four minutes to complete printing. Do not open the T op C over whil e printing. Print he ad alignment i s autom atical l y a djust ed by printing the patt erns.
Printing Maintenance 60 z If the patterns are not printed succ essfully , refer to “Eleven fla shes” in “ Handling Error Mess ages ” on page 73. z If results of Automatic Print H ead Alignment ar e not sati sfact ory , refer to “Routine Maintenanc e” of the User’s Guide and align the Print Head manu ally.
Printing Maintenance 61 T wo pattern sheets are printed. It tak es about four minutes to complete printing. Do not open the T op C over whil e printing. Print he ad alignment i s autom atical l y a djust ed by printing the patt erns. The printer is n ow r eady to us e.
Troubleshooting 62 T rouble s hooting This section prov ides troubleshooting tip s for the mo st c ommon printin g prob lems. T roubleshootin g usually f all s into one of the fol lowing c ateg ories.
Troubleshooting 63 C annot Inst al l the Print er Driver or an Ap plic ation Pr ogram Prob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h is Cannot Install the Printer Driver Installation procedur e not followed c orrectl y Follow the Easy Setup Instruc tions pack aged with your printer for proper print er driver installa tion.
Troubleshooting 64 C an not C onnect to PC Pr operly Prob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h is Printing Speed Is Slow / USB 2. 0 Hi- Speed Connection Does Not Work Yo u r e n v i r o n m e n t i s not fu lly compat ible with USB 2. 0. If your environment is not fully compatible with US B 2.
Troubleshooting 65 Print Re sult s Not Satisf actor y or C ontains Err ors Pro blem Possible Cause Tr y T h is Ink does not eject properly/Printing i s Blurred/Colors are Wron g/W hit e Streaks appear Print He ad noz zles are clogged Open the T op C over and c heck if all ink l amps are lit.
Troubleshooting 66 Printed Ruled Lines are Displaced Print Hea d is misalig ned Align the Print He ad. See “ Aligning the Print Head ” on page 58. Print Qual ity not set properly Be sure t o set the Print Qu ality setting to High in Windows, or Fine in Mac intos h.
Troubleshooting 67 Printed Surface is Scratched/Bac k of Pape r is Smu dged Thick paper is used Select the Prevent p aper abrasion c heck bo x to widen the cl earanc e between the Print Hea d and the loaded paper . The set tings here are also ap plied under Direct Pr inting fr om a digita l camera.
Troubleshooting 68 T roub leshooting Print er Hardw are Printed Surface is Scratched/Bac k of Pape r is Smu dged Media is curled If the paper is curled, it may bec ome marked or not f eed properly. U se paper after correcting paper curl as follows. 1.
Troubleshooting 69 Printer Does Not Start or Prin ter Stops During Print Jobs Ink tank is not fully inserted When the ink lamp is unlit, press the mark on the ink tank until it clic ks into plac e. The ink l amp lights red when the ink t ank is full y inserted.
Troubleshooting 70 Printer Does Not Start or Printe r Stops During Print Jobs There may be problems with your operating system Rest art your c omputer . It ma y solve th e problem. Delete an undesired print j ob, if there is an y. U se Cano n IJ Stat us Monit or in Windows or click the printer’s icon in the Dock in Macintosh for the deletion.
Troubleshooting 71 P aper Does Not F eed Pr operly Prob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h is Pape r Does N ot Feed Properly Inappr opriat e paper type is used Check to see if the paper y ou are printing on is too thick, t oo heavy , or curled. See “ Print Media to Avoid ” on page 4.
Troubleshooting 72 P aper Jams Prob lem Possible Cause Tr y T h is Pape r Jams Pape r jams i n the Auto Sheet Fe eder/ Front Tr ay/Rear Supp ort Remove the p aper acc ording to the fo llowing p rocedure. 1. Slowly pull th e paper out, from th e Auto Sheet F eeder, t he Front T ray , or the back of the printer, whichever is easier.
Troubleshooting 73 Handling Err or Messag es When a printer error occurs, the ALARM la mp f la s he s or a ng e i n t he w ay as s h ow n be l o w. Th e number of flashe s (orang e) indicates the type of error th at ha s occ urred. C ount the fl ashes and tak e the appropriate action to correct the error.
Troubleshooting 74 Eight flashes Ink absorber a lmost full The printer has a built-in ink absorber for the ink used during print head cleaning, for example. Eight flashes indicates th at the ink absorber is nearly full. Press the RESUME/CANCEL button to cancel the error so you can continue printing.
Troubleshooting 75 Eleven fl ashes Automat ic print head alignment faile d/Th e Page Size setting does not match the siz e of the paper loaded in the printer When per forming Automatic P rint Head Alignment Possible causes are as follows: z Letter -siz ed paper is not loaded on the Auto Sheet F eeder .
Troubleshooting 76 An Err or Me ss age Ap pe ars on the Scr een POWER (gr een) and ALARM (orang e) lamp s fla sh alterna tely An error that requires contacting the C u stomer Care C enter may have occurred. Disconnect the printer cable from the p rinter, and then turn the printer off an d unplug the prin ter from the power supply.
Troubleshooting 77 Error Regarding the Auto Sheet Feeder or Front T ray The printer is not ready t o feed pape r from the Front T ray yet Load the pa per correctly in the Fr ont T ray accor ding to the proc edure desc ribed in “ Loading P aper in the Fron t T ray ” on page 10 and press the RESUME/CANC EL button on the pri nter.
Troubleshooting 78 Error Regarding the Widt h of Pap er The Page Siz e setting does not match the size of the paper loaded in the printer Pres s the RESUME/CANCEL button on the printer to clear the error.
Troubleshooting 79 “Error No .: 300” Printer y ou want t o use is not selected on the Pr inter pop - up menu on the Print di alog box Select P ro9000 on the Printer pop-up menu on the Print dialog box. If Pro9000 does not appe ar on the Print er pop-up menu, do the fol lowin g to confirm the printer se ttings: 1.
Troubleshooting 80 C annot Print Properly fr om the Digital C amera The fol lowing ar e the poss ible error s that m ay oc cur when printing directly fr om a digital still camer a or digital vi deo camco rder*, and the count ermeas ures to elimin ate them.
Troubleshooting 81 Paper Error The Pa per si ze setting does not mat ch the siz e of the paper loaded in th e printer (Print er ALARM lamp flashes orang e eleven times.
Troubleshooting 82 *1 T o resume printing, you can press the RESUME/CANCE L button on the printer instead of selecting Co nt in ue . *2 The ink absorber absorb s ink used during cleaning , for ex ample. If th is me ssage a ppea rs, yo u will nee d to ca ll fo r ser vic ing to repl ace the a bsorber and to c heck the printer for prop er operation.
Troubleshooting 83 z Pi ctB rid ge- comp ati ble d igi tal came ras ca n b e con nec ted to your pri nte r fo r Direct Printing. z This section de scribes error s that are indic a ted on C anon-brand PictBridge- compatib le camer as. The error mess ages and operations may v ary depending on the camer a you are us ing.
Appendix 84 Appendi x Spec ifications Printer Maximum reso lution (dpi): 4800 (horizon tal) x 2400 (ve rtical) Print speed * * Print spee d will v ary depending on system configuration, software, document complexity, print mode and page c overag e. Black printing (text pa ttern) Max Speed (C ustom Settin g 5): 16 ppm Standard: 4.
Appendix 85 C amera Dire ct Print (PictBridge) Paper siz e Default (P hoto Paper Plu s Glossy 10 x 15 cm/4 " x 6") 4" x 6" (Photo Paper Pl us Glossy , Pho to Paper Pro, Photo Paper.
Appendix 86 Minimum Syst em Requir ements *1 *1 C onform to the operating system’s requ irement when it is higher than this. For updated compatibility, vi sit our website. *2 Operatio n can only be guar anteed on a P C with buil t-in USB or USB 2.0 Hi- Speed port and pre-in stal led Windo ws XP , 2000, Me, 98 or Mac OS X v .
Appendix 87 Safety Pr ecautions P le as e re ad t he sa f e ty wa r n i ng s a n d ca ut i o ns pr ov i d ed i n t h is m an u al t o e n su r e t h at yo u us e your printe r safely . Do not attempt to use p rinter in any w ay not desc ribed in this manual.
Appendix 88 Y ou may c ause injury or damage the printer if y ou ignore any of these safety precautions. Choosing a location Do not i nst all the printe r in a location that is unstable or subject to exc essive vibration.
Appendix 89 Regulatory Information FC C Notic e (U.S.A. Only) For 120V , 60Hz model Model Number: K102 71 This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rul es.
Appendix 90 C anon U.S. A., INC. LIMITED WARRANT Y --- (USA Only) The limited warranty set forth below is given by Canon U.S.A. , Inc. ("Canon USA") with respec t to the new or refurbish ed Canon- brand product ("Product") pac kaged with this limited wa rr anty , when purc hased and used i n the United Stat es only .
Appendix 91 Can on US A offer s a ran ge of c usto mer tec hnical supp ort* option s: z Interactive troubleshooting , e-mail technic al support, the latest driver downloads and answers to frequently asked questions ( www .
Index 92 Index A Accessing the Printer Driver ......................................... 33 Advanced Printing ........................................................ 26 ALARM lamp ................................................. ................ 73 Aligning the Print Head.
Index 93 Photo Paper Pro ........................................................... 16 Photo Stickers ............................................................. 17 PhotoRecord ................................................................ 35 POWER button .
Copyright © 1990 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms are permitted provided that the above copyright notice and this pa.
Getting Help fr om C anon Help Us Help Y ou Bett er Befo re y o u c ontact C anon, please r ecor d the foll owin g inform ation. Se ri al Nu mb er (l oca te d o n t he ins id e o f t he pro du ct ): M.
Q T5-0115- V05 092006AB10 ©C ANON INC. 2006 PRINTED IN JAP AN Quic k St ar t Guide Series Photo Printer Quic k St ar t Guide The following ink tanks are compatible with this printer. For details on ink tan k replacement, refer to “Repl acing an Ink T ank” in this guide.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Canon Pro9000 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Canon Pro9000 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Canon Pro9000 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Canon Pro9000 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Canon Pro9000 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Canon Pro9000 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Canon Pro9000 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Canon Pro9000 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.