Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product XJ-A256* van de fabrikant Casio
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DATA PROJECTOR XJ-A141/XJ-A146 * XJ-A241/XJ-A246 * XJ-A251/XJ-A256 * User’s Guide z Be sure to read the pr ecaution s in the separate Setup Guide. z Be sure to keep all user do cumentation handy for future reference.
2 z DLP is a regist ered trademark of Texas Instrume nts of the United States. z Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Vi sta are registered tr ademarks or trademarks o f Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other co untries.
3 Contents About this manual... .................... .......................................... .................5 Projector Overview ... .............................. ........................ 6 Projector Features and Ma in Functions ................
4 Presentation Timer ................................................................ ...............21 Eco Mode (Power Saving, Low Noise) .................................................23 To select the Eco Mode ............... .............. ......
5 Projector Troubleshooting ....................................................................47 Appendix ........................................................ ................ 49 Remote Controller Signal Range ................................ ..
6 Projector Overview This section describes the f eatures of the projec tor, and explains the function s of the projector and remote controller keys. XJ-A141/XJ-A146/XJ-A241 /XJ-A246/XJ-A251/XJ -A256 z Mercury-free Hybrid Light Source: A CASIO-origin al laser and LE D hybrid light so urce delivers high luminance from 2,500 to 3,000 lumens.
7 XJ-A241/XJ-A246/XJ-A251 /XJ-A256 z WXGA Resolution: The XJ-A241/XJ-A246/XJ-A251/XJ-A256 models support WXGA (1280 × 800) resolution for optimal viewing of content forma tted for today’s widescr een displays. This makes it pe rfect for projec ting images from wides creen notebook PCs and HD video input sources.
8 Operations in this manual ar e presented based on th e re mote controller that comes with the pr ojector. Major operation ke ys are also provi ded on the projecto r unit, so the most of the sam e procedures can also be perfor med directly on the projector.
9 Depending on your pro jector, the orientation of the ports and te rmin als may be opposi te from those shown in the illustr ation below. Functio ns and use of the po rts and terminal s are the same a s described in this ma nual, regardless o f their orientation.
10 Locate the pr ojector on a desk, tabl e, or stand that is f irm and level. Make sur e that you allow sufficient spac e around the sides and ba ck of the projector for proper ventilation. T he following illustrations show how the proje ctor should be orient ed for optimum projection relative to the screen.
11 Connecting to an Image Output Device Connect the projector’s COMPUTE R terminal to the RGB terminal of a computer as shown in the illustration below. Important! z Always turn off the pro jector and the computer before connecti ng them. z Take care so the volume le vel of the computer is not set too high.
12 The projector supports proj ection and output of HDMI video an d audio output from a computer or video device. Important! Turn off the proj ector and the computer or video devi ce before connecting them.
13 The projector i s able to proj ect images f rom the co mposit e video output or component video output of a connected video device . Important! Always turn off the projector and the vi deo device before connecting them.
14 Operation During Projection Turning on the projector initially causes the sam e in put source that was select ed the last time it was turned off to be selected. To select a different input source 1. Press the [INPUT] key. z This displays the input sour ce selection screen.
15 You can perform th e following op erations while projecting an image. z Image brightness adjus tment z Manual keystone corr ection z Color mode sel ection z Image zooming z Momentarily blanking the.
16 Selecting the Color Mode You can select fr om among various different color mo de settings in acc ordance with ima ge contents and projection conditions. Important! The color mo de cannot be select ed in the follow ing cases. z When “Off” is selecte d for the Eco Mode se tting (page 23) To change the color mode 1.
17 Momentarily Blanking the Im age and Muting the Audio 1. Press the [BLANK] key. z This temporar ily blanks the i mage (proje cting a black screen) and mutes the audio. 2. To resume normal image and sound, press the [BLANK] key (or [ESC] key). Note You can specify projec tion of a black screen o r blue screen, or a l ogo.
18 Displaying a Pointer in the Projected Image You can select from among different po inter styles, including var ious arrow styles, f or display in the projected imag e. Pointers can be u sed during a presentati on to indicate or hig hlight a specific pa rt of the image.
19 Changing the Aspect Rati o of the Projected Image Press the [AS PECT] key to cycl e through the aspect ratio se ttings for the projected image. Available s ettings depend on your projector model as shown below. For details about the meaning of each setting, see “Aspec t Ratio” (page 36) under “Screen Settings Main Menu”.
20 You can use the re mote controller ke ys to adjust the volume level of the a udio that is output from the projector’s speaker or the AV terminal. To adjust the volume level 1. Press the [VOLUME] key. z This causes the [Vo lume] screen to appear on the projected im age.
21 The presentation ti mer shows the amount o f presen tation timing re main ing. You ca n configure the presentation time s so it is displayed in the projec ted image. To specify timer display position and countdown time settings 1. Press the [TIMER] key.
22 To start a countdown timer opera tion 1. Press the [TIMER] key to display the timer function men u. z If necessary, use the procedure under “To s pecify timer display position and countdown time settings” (page 21) to configure timer display position and start time settings.
23 The following three E co Mode settings are avail able to specify whether pr iority should be gi ven to low-power, low-noise opera tion or to projectio n brightness. Important! z While “On (Auto)” is selected a s the Eco Mode setting, make sure that the brightness sensor on the top of the projector is not blocked by anything.
24 Note z While “Off” is sele cted for the Eco Mode se tting, you also can s pecify whether brig htness or color should be given emphasis. F or details, se e “Eco Off Mod e” (page 34) under “Ima ge Adjustment 1 Main Menu”.
25 Configuring Advanced Projector Settings Your projector has a setup menu that you can use to co nfigure advanced settings. Displaying the Setup Menu Pressing the [MENU] key displays the me nu shown below in the center of the projection scr een. To exit the setup menu Press the [MENU] key.
26 Basic Setup Menu Example The procedure below shows how to con figure the followi ng three settings: z Image Adjustment 1 J Contrast z Image Adjustment 1 J Color Mode z Input Settings J Signal Name .
27 To configure the “Image Adjustme nt 1 J Color Mode” setting 5. Use the [ T ] key to select “Color Mode”. 6. Press the [ENTER] key. z This displays the colo r mode menu. 7. Use the [ T ] and [ S ] keys to select the color mode you want, and then press the [ENTER] key.
28 The password featur e lets you keep unauthorized individuals from us ing the projec tor. You can s pecify whether password input is requir ed whenever you turn on the projec tor, and you can specif y and change the password as re quired.
29 Keep a written record of your pa ssword! You will not be able to use the proj ector if you forget its password. We strongly suggest that you keep a written or other type of record of the password so you can look it up when necessary. To change the passwor d 1.
30 To turn password protection on and of f 1. Display the Power On Password set ting screen by performi ng steps 1 through 5 of the procedure under “To chan ge the pass word” on page 29. z At this time, make sure that “Power On Pass word” is selected on the Po wer On Password setting screen.
31 You can use the procedures in this section to restore all of the settings on a pa rticular main menu or all of the settings on the setup menu to their initial factory defaults. To restore all settings on a particular main menu to their initial factory defaults 1.
32 To restore all settings on the setup menu to their initial factory defaults 1. Press the [MENU] key to display the setup menu. 2. Use the [ T ] key to select “Restore All Defaul ts” and then press the [ENTER] key. 3. After confirming that “Restore All Defa ults” sub-menu is selected, press the [ENTER] key.
33 This section contains tables that provide detailed expl anations of all o f the items included on the setup menu. The foll owing describes the ty pe of information that appear s in each of the colum ns of the tables.
34 Color Mode RC VH DW U Source Specific * 1 You can select from among variou s different color mode settings in accordance with image co ntents and projection condit ions. Standard: Use this setting when you want to highlight the colors of your presentatio n.
35 Image Adjustment 2 Main Menu About the “Signal Specific” Setting Unit For the items that have “Sig nal Spec if ic” in the “Setting Unit” column of the above table, the setting is saved for the specific type of sign al (XGA/60Hz, SXGA/60Hz, etc.
36 Screen Settings Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Keystone Correction RC VH DW UN Single Use this sub-menu to perform vertical keysto ne correct ion of the projected image. Aspect Rati o RC VH D Source Specific Use this sub-menu to select an aspect ratio setting for the projected image.
37 Projection Mode RC VH DW UN Single Use this sub-menu to specify whether projection will be from the front of the screen or the back of the screen. Front * : Select this option to projec t from the front of the scree n. Rear: Select this option to project fr om the back of the screen.
38 Input Settings Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description COMPUTER Terminal RC N Single Use this sub-menu to specify manually the type of signal being input from the projector’s COMPUTER terminal. Auto * : Automatically detects the signal being input fro m the COMPUTER terminal an d configures the appropri ate input protocol.
39 Option Settings 1 Main Menu Setting Name Input Setting Unit Description Auto Keystone Correction RC VH DW UN Single Use this s ub-menu to turn auto keystone correction on or off. On * : Select this option to turn on auto keystone correction. Off: Select this option to turn off auto keystone corre ction.
40 Option Settings 2 Main Menu Language RC VH DW UN Single Use this sub-menu to specify the language to use for messages, setup menus, e tc. English / French / German / Ital ian / Spanish / Swedish / .
41 Plug and Play (USB port models only) RC VH DW UN Single Use this sub-menu to turn plug-and-play * 1 on or off. On * : Select this option to turn on plug-and-play. This will allow the projector detect whe n an external USB device is connec ted and make that device the input source automatically.
42 USB Settings Main Menu (USB Port Models Only) The USB Settings main menu is availabl e only when there is an external device connected to the USB port of the projec tor.
43 Cleaning the Projector Periodically clean the projec tor exterior, le ns, intake vents , and exhaust vents on a regular basi s. Important! Before cleaning the projector, be sure to unplug it from the powe r outlet and make sure it is cooled down completely.
44 Troubleshooting Indicators keep you in formed about the current op er ational status of the pr ojector. The f ollowing shows what the indicators loo k like when operatio n is normal.
45 POWER : Amber flashing J Amber steady Power has turned off automatically due to internal overheating. Perform the following steps. 1 Check for any blocki ng of the projecto r’s intake vents and exh aust vents, and make sure that there is suf ficient space around the projector.
46 POWER : G reen steady A system problem has occurred, which may cause problems with s ome functions. Turn off the pro jector, disc onnect the pow er cord from t he projector and wait for all of the proje ctor’s indicators to go out. Next, reconnect the power cord and tur n the projector back on.
47 Check the following items whene ver you experience any problem with the projector . POWER : Amber flashing J Red steady Power has turned off automatically due to a projec tor memory error. Confirm that the POWER/STANDBY indicator is lit red (without flashing).
48 Important! z Try performing the following steps , which may or may not return the projector to normal operation. z If normal operati on does not resume after you per form the above steps, take the projector to your retailer or a uthorized CASIO service cente r.
49 Appendix When performi ng an operation on the remote controll er, point it at the rem ote control signal r eceiver on the back or f ront of the projector .
50 The following table sho ws the re lationship between the distan ce and projected image size. * h = Height from the center of the lens to the bottom edge of the projection scr een. Important! Note that the distances pro vided above are for reference only.
51 The following s hows how images ar e projected in accorda nce with the type of the input signa l and the aspect ratio setting of the projector. XJ-A241/XJ-A246/XJ-A251 /XJ-A256 Input source: RGB or.
52 XJ-A141/XJ-A146 Input source: RGB or HDMI (PC) Input source: Video, co mponent or HDMI (DTV) Input Signal Normal Full SVGA (800 × 600) XGA (1024 × 768) WXGA (1280 × 800) SXGA (1280 × 1024) Inpu.
53 Important! Even if a signa l is listed in the table be low, it does not guar antee that you will be abl e to display its images cor rectly. RGB Signal Supported Signals Signal Name Resolution Horizontal Frequency (kHz) Vertical Frequency (Hz) VESA 640 × 480/60 640 × 480 31.
54 Component Signal Video Signa l HDMI Signal Signal Name Horizon tal Frequency (kHz) Vertical Frequency (H z) HDTV 1080p/50 56.3 50 1080p/60 67.5 60 720p/50 37.5 50 720p/60 45.0 60 1080i/50 28.1 50 1080i/60 33.7 60 SDTV 576p/50 31.3 50 576i/50 16.6 50 480p/60 31.
55 * XJ-A146/XJ-A246/XJ-A256 only z CASIO COMPUTER CO., LTD. makes no gua rantees conce rning the oper ation or suitabi lity of any USB device that yo u connect to the projec tor’s USB port.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Casio XJ-A256* (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Casio XJ-A256* heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Casio XJ-A256* vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Casio XJ-A256* leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Casio XJ-A256* krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Casio XJ-A256* bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Casio XJ-A256* kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Casio XJ-A256* . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.