Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product RAM 4500 van de fabrikant Chrysler
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■ RAM 1500/2500/3500 ■ RA M 35 00 / 4 5 00 /5 50 0 C H A S SI S C A B ■ DAK O T A ■ DURANGO ■ NITRO T railer T owing ■ Choosin g the Right V ehicle ■ Axle Ratios ■ Hitc hes ■ V ehicl.
2 The purpose of this guide is to a ss is t you in selecting the ex act Dodge T ruc k you need for y our par ticul ar applic ation, and to help you m ak e the best pos sib le use of its cap abilities.
3 HOW T O C HOO SE THE RIGHT VEHICLE FOR T O WING Ram and Dak ota Pick ups and D urang o and Nitro SUV s all offer an extr emely diver se rang e of tr ailer to win g cap abilitie s. A wide variety of po wertrain/axle r atio c ombination s and optional trail ering pac kag es as sure the perfect vehicle for y our trai ler to wing need s.
4 A B AXLE RA TIOS MADE SIMPLE Definition: The ax le ratio i s the relationship between drivesh aft rev olutions and axle revolution s. It’s usually e xpres sed as a numerical ratio, suc h as 3.00:1. The higher the axle ratio, the more engine rev olutions are applied to move the load.
5 HI TC H S ELE CTION Hit ch T erminolog y Hi tch: Us ua lly c usto m-desi gned for a sp eci c mod el of to win g vehi cle . Rat ed for Loaded T rai ler W eight and T ongue W ei ght. Coupler : Par t of th e trail er . The sock et must matc h the ba ll siz e.
6 0 9 D ODG E RAM.
7 IN TE RIO R D IM ENSIONS (1) 150 0 REG UL AR C A B 2500/3500 REG UL AR C A B Front Front A Headroo m 1 036 (40. 8) 1 036 (40.8) B Hip Ro om 16 15 ( 63.6) 1 652 (6 5.0) C Sho ulder Ro om 16 76 (66.0) 170 2 (6 7 .0) D Leg room 1 041 ( 4 1.0) 1 041 (4 1.
8 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Re gular Cab Job Ratin g C hart s (1) R AM REGUL AR C AB SHORT BOX 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR (4) Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4) (5)(6) 15 0 0 3.7L V6 A4 3.
9 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Re gular Cab Job Ratin g C hart s (1) (c ont.) R AM REGUL AR C AB LONG BO X 4x4 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR (4) Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4) (5)(6) 15 0 0 4.
10 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Quad C ab ® Exterior/In terior Dimens ions QUA D C AB 4x 2/ 4x4 150 0 25 00 350 0 E X TE RIO R DIM ENS IONS (1) Shor t B ox S hor t Box Powe r Wago n ® Shor t B ox 4x4 Lo ng Box Shor t B ox (SR W ) Lo ng Box (DRW ) Lo ng Box (SR W ) Wheel base 3569 ( 140.
11 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Quad C ab ® Job Rating C harts (1) R AM QUAD C AB SHORT BOX 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Pay load (2)( 3) Bas e Curb We igh t Ma xi mum GC WR (4) Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4) (5)(6) 15 0 0 3.7L V6 A4 3.
12 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Quad C ab ® Job Ratin g C hart s (1) (c ont.) R AM QUAD C AB POWER WA GON ® SHORT BO X 4x4 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Pay load (2)( 3) Bas e Curb We igh t M ax imum GC WR Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (5 )(6) 250 0 5.
13 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Cr ew C ab 1500 Exterior/In ter ior Dimens ions IN TE RIO R D IM ENSIONS (1) Cre w Cab 1500 Front Front A Headroo m 1 0 4 1 (41.0) 1 013 (39 .9) B Hip Ro om 16 15 ( 63.6) 1605 (6 3. 2) C Sho ulder Ro om 16 76 (66.0) 1669 (65.7) D Leg room 1 041 ( 4 1.
14 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Cr ew C ab 1500 Job Rating C hart s (1) R AM CRE W C AB 1 500 SHORT BO X 4x 2 En gine & Tran smissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb Weig ht Ma x imu m GC WR (4) Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4) (5)(6) 15 0 0 4.
15 Dodge Ram Pic kup – M ega C ab ® Exterio r/In terio r Dimens ions IN TE RIO R DIME NSI ONS (1) MEG A C AB Front Rear A Headroo m 1 036 (40. 8) 1 029 (40.5) B Hip Ro om 1648 (64 .9) 1 636 (64 .4) C Sho ulder Ro om 1702 ( 67 .0) 1689 (66 .5 ) D Leg room 1 041 ( 4 1.
16 Dodge Ram Pic kup – M ega C ab ® Job Rating C har ts (1) R AM MEGA C AB SHORT B OX 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Max imum GC WR Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4 )(5) 250 0 5.7L V8 V V T A 5 3.
17 Dodge Ram Pic kup – Bo x Dimens ions 2500/3500 BOX DI MEN SIO NS (1) S hor t Box L ong Box Box L eng th – m ( f t in.) 1.9 (6’ 4”) 2. 4 (8’ 0” ) Numb er of St ake Po cket s (p er side) 2 3 A Ma xi mum Le ng th at F loo r 1938 (7 6 .3) 2497 (98.
18 Dodge Ram 3500 Chas s is C ab – Regular C ab Exterio r/In ter ior Dimens ions E X TE RIO R DIM ENS IONS (1) 3500 CH AS SIS C AB R EGUL A R C AB 4x2/ 4x4 Wh eel base/Rea r A xle 3652 ( 143.8)/ S RW 3652 ( 1 43.8)/ DR W 4254 (1 67 .5) /DR W Cab t o Rear A x le (C A) 15 32 ( 60.
19 Dodge Ram 3500 Chas s is C ab – Regular C ab Job Rating Charts (1) R AM REGUL AR C AB 36 5 2 mm ( 143.8 in. ) WB CH ASSI S C AB 4x2 Engine & T ransmissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma ximu m GC WR Maximum T r ai ler Weig ht (4) (5) 3500 DR W 5.
20 Dodge Ram 3500 Chas s is C ab – Quad C ab ® Exterio r/In ter ior Dimens ions IN TE RIO R DIME NSI ONS (1) QUA D C AB Front Rear A Headroo m 1 0 4 1 (41.0) 101 6 (40.0) B Hip Ro om 16 52 (65.0) 1658 (6 5.3) C Sho ulder Ro om 1 702 ( 67 .0) 1689 (6 6.
21 Dodge Ram 3500 C hassis C ab – Quad C ab ® Job Rating C har ts (1) Pr ope rl y sec ure al l car go. R AM QUAD C AB 4 1 5 2 mm ( 1 63.5 i n. ) W B CHASSIS CAB 4x 2 Engine & T ransmissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma ximu m GC WR Maximum T r ai ler Weig ht (4) (5) 3500 DR W 5.
22 Dodge Ram 4500/5500 Chas s is C ab – Regular C ab Exterio r/In ter ior Dimens ions E X TE RIO R DIM ENS IONS (1) 4500/ 5500 CH AS SIS C AB R EGUL A R C AB 4x2/ 4x4 Wh eel base/Rea r A xle 3670 ( 144 .5) 4279 ( 168 .5 ) 48 89 (1 92.5) 5 194 (204.5) Cab t o Rear A x le (C A) 15 30 (60.
23 Dodge Ram 4500 Chas s is C ab – Regular C ab Job Rating C hart s (1) (c ont.) R AM REGU LAR C A B 48 89 mm ( 1 92.5 in.) WB CHA S SIS C AB 4x2 Engine & T ransmissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xi mum GC WR Maximum T rail er Weig ht (4 )(5) 4500 D RW 6.
24 Dodge Ram 5500 Chas s is C ab – Regular C ab Job Rating Charts (1) R AM REGUL AR C AB 36 70 m m ( 1 44.5 in. ) WB CHA S SIS C AB 4x 2 Engine & T ransmissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xi mum GC WR Maximum T rail er Weig ht (4 )(5) 5500 DR W 6.
25 Dodge Ram 4500/5500 Chas s is C ab – Quad C ab ® Exterio r/In ter ior Dimens ions IN TE RIO R DIME NSI ONS (1) QUA D C AB Front Rear A Headroo m 1 0 4 1 (41.0) 101 6 (40.0) B Hip Ro om 16 52 (65.0) 1 658 (6 5.3) C Sho ulder Ro om 1 702 ( 67 .0) 1689 (6 6.
26 Dodge Ram 4500 Chas s is C ab – Quad C ab ® Job Rating C har ts (1) R AM QUAD C AB 4 1 78 mm ( 1 6 4.5 in . ) WB CHA S SIS CAB 4x 2 Engine & T ransmissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR Max imum T r ailer Weig ht (4 )(5) 4500 DR W 6 .
27 Dodge Ram 5500 Chas s is C ab – Quad C ab ® Job Rating C har ts (1) R AM QUAD C AB 4 1 78 mm ( 1 6 4.5 in . ) WB CHA S SIS CAB 4x 2 Eng ine & T ran smissio n A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR Ma xim um T r aile r Weig ht (4 )(5) 5500 DR W 6.
28 0 9 D ODG E DAKOTA.
29 F G L N M I A D O J K B Dodge Dak ota – Extende d C ab Exterior/In terior Dimens ions EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS (1) 4x2 4x4 A Wh eel base 333 5 (13 1.3) B Box L eng th – m ( f t in.) 2.0 (6' 6 " ) C Gro und Clea rance (emp t y) – Fron t 187 (7 .
30 Dodge Dak ota – Extende d C ab Job Ratings C har ts (1) DAK OT A E X TE NDED C AB 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR Ma xim um T rai ler Weig ht (4 )(5) 3 . 7L V6 M6 3 .21 2726 (6 01 0) 826 (18 20) 19 01 ( 4192) 3493 ( 7 700) 1520 ( 3350) 3 .
31 Dodge Dak ota – Crew Cab Exter ior/Inter ior Dimension s EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS (1) 4x2 4x4 A Wheel base 333 5 ( 13 1.3) B Box L eng th – m ( f t in.) 1.6 (5' 4 " ) C Gro und Clea rance (emp t y) – Fron t 187 (7 .4) 18 8 (7 . 4) – Rear 189 (7 .
32 Dodge Dak ota – Crew Cab Job Ratin g C hart s (1) DAK OT A CR EW C AB 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Ma xim um GC WR Ma xim um T rai ler Weig ht (4 )(5) 3 . 7L V6 A 4 3 .55 272 6 (601 0) 744 (164 0) 19 80 ( 4365 ) 4 082 ( 90 0 0) 2 041 (450 0) 3 .
33 Dodge Dak ota – Box Dimen sion s BOX DIMENSIONS (1) E xte nded C ab 2.0 m (6' 6 ") Box Cre w Cab 1.6 m (5' 4") Box A Cab t o Picku p Box 23 (0.9) B Ma xi mum Le ng th at F loo r 20 02 (78.8) 164 8 (64.9) C O vera ll Leng th of B ox 2097 (82.
35 Dodge Dura ngo – Exter ior/Inter ior Dimen sion s EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS (1) DUR ANGO A Wheel base 3028 (1 19 . 2) B Gro und Clea rance (emp t y) 181 (7 .1 ) – Fron t – Rear 201 (7 .9) C O ver all Le ng th 5 100 (20 0.8) D O ve rall H eigh t (empt y) 1867 (73.
36 INTERIOR DIMENSIONS (1) DUR ANGO A Fron t Row – Hea droom 1 036 (40. 8) B – Le gro om 1 052 ( 4 1.4) C – Sho ulder Ro om 1 5 14 (5 9 .6) D – H ip Room 1 494 (58.8) E – Fron t Seat A djus tme nt (fo re and af t ) 140 (5.5 ) A Se cond Row – Hea droom 9 96 (39 .
37 0 9 D ODG E NITRO.
38 NITRO 4x2 Eng ine & Transmi ssion A xle Ratio GV WR Paylo ad (2)(3 ) Bas e Curb We ight Maxim um T rai ler Weig ht (4 )(5) 3.7L V6 w / 1 6 in. w heel s A4 3.7 3 2540 (560 0) 431 (9 50) 18 06 (3982) 2268 (500 0) (6) 3.7L V6 w / 1 7 in. wh eel s A4 3.
39 E F E D C G A B I H NIT RO EXTERIOR DIMENSIONS (1) 4x 2 and 4x4 A Wheel base 27 63 (1 0 8. 8) B O vera ll Leng th 4 5 44 (1 78 .9) C O ver all He ight 1 77 6 (69 .9) D O vera ll Wid th 18 57 (73.1 ) E Track – Fr ont/Rear 1549 ( 6 1.0) /1549 ( 6 1.
40 Work she et Y ou will learn impor tant infor mation tha t will help yo u select t he Dodge T r uc k that best suits your needs by answering the following 1 0 qu estions.
41 N ote s __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______.
42 N ote s __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______.
43 N ote s __________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ _______.
Chrysler C anada Fleet Info Line: 1-800-463-3600 Vi sit us at our w eb sit e: www.fleet.c hrysler .ca E-m ail us at: fleetinfo@c hrycan.c om.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Chrysler RAM 4500 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Chrysler RAM 4500 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Chrysler RAM 4500 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Chrysler RAM 4500 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Chrysler RAM 4500 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Chrysler RAM 4500 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Chrysler RAM 4500 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Chrysler RAM 4500 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.