Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product OL-7822-06 van de fabrikant Cisco
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Americas Hea dquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Driv e San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco S ervice Contr ol Engine 1 0 0 0 2xGBE Quic k Star t Guide R ele ase 3 .
iii Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 CONTENTS CHAPTER 1 Prepare fo r Inst allation 1-1 Infor matio n About Pr eparing for In stal lation 1-1 Site Pr eparat i on a.
Cont ent s iv Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 EXAM PL E: 4-8 Step 4 : Co nfiguri ng T ime Set tings 4-8 EXAM PL E: 4-10 Step 5 : Co nfiguri ng t he DNS S etti ng.
Content s v Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 EXAM P L E 2: 6-4 CHAPTER 7 Instal ling a Servic e Control Appl icati on 7-1 Advanced Conf igur ation of t he S CE Pl.
Cont ent s vi Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06.
CH A P T E R 1-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 1 Prepare for Installation This se cti on cont ains warn ings, in for matio n abo ut to ol s and pa rts, site pr ep arat ion inf orm a tion, an d inform ati on for work ben ch o r ta ble top in stal latio n a nd rac k-m ou nt i nsta llat ion.
1-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 1 Prepare for Installation Workbench or Tabletop I nstalla tion Tools and Parts Use the fol lowin g list of tools and.
1-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 1 Prepare for In stallatio n Workbench or Tablet op Insta llat ion • An adequ ate ch assis g rou nd (ear th) c onnec tio n exists for the SC E 1000 p lat fo rm.
1-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 1 Prepare for Installation Workbench or Tabletop I nstalla tion.
CH A P T E R 2-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 2 Rack-Mount the SCE 1000 This se ction pr ovides infor ma tion for r ack- mount ing the SCE 1 000 pla tfor m.
2-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 2 Ra ck-Mou nt th e SCE 100 0 Attach t he B rackets t o the SCE 100 0 Figur e 2-2 Mo unting Br ac k et f or 4-post R.
2-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt the SCE 1000 Install ing th e Cros srail Su pports (F our-po st rack o nly) Figur e 2-4 At tac hing the .
2-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 2 Ra ck-Mou nt th e SCE 100 0 Mount the Syst em to t he Rack Figu re 2- 5 Assemb l ing the S l id er Brackets Step 2 Make sure that they are orie nted so that both cro ssr ails will support the SCE 1000 when they are attached to the rack.
2-5 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 2 Rack-Mou nt the SCE 1000 Mount the System to the Rack SUMMARY ST EPS 1.
2-6 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 2 Ra ck-Mou nt th e SCE 100 0 Mount the Syst em to t he Rack A rack with both front and bac k posts will have the crossrail suppor ts instal led. Slide the SCE 10 00 onto these cro ssrails and push it all t he way back.
CH A P T E R 3-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 3 Connect th e Power Supply Units This se cti on provide s infor mat ion for g roundi ng the SC E 1000 p l atfo rm and co nnec tin g th e AC or DC power supply units.
3-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 3 Connect the P ow er Su pply Un its Connectin g th e Pow er Figur e 3-2 Gr ounding th e Unit (DC) A Gro undin g k it i s p rovided with eac h SCE 10 00. Use th is Grou nding k it t o p roper l y grou nd the SCE 1000 chassis.
3-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 3 Connect the Pow er Supply Un its Conn ecting t he Po wer Connect th e DC-Input Pow er Supply Un it Figur e 3-3 Conne.
3-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 3 Connect the P ow er Su pply Un its Connectin g th e Pow er Step 7 Look at t he IN an d OK LEDs on t he p ower su pply un it an d th e co rrespo ndin g Power LE D o n t he fro nt panel.
CH A P T E R 4-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 4 Connect the Management Interfaces an d Perform Initial System Configuration This sectio n explai ns ho w to connect the SCE 1000 platform to a local co nsole and perf orm the initial system conf iguratio n via the setup wizard that run s automatically .
4-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration The ab ove SCE 1 000 po rt p ar amete rs are fixed and are no t c onfigurab le.
4-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Config.
4-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration Setup Command Parameters T able 4-1 Set up Command P aramet ers Parameter Definition IP address IP addr ess of t he SCE 1000 .
4-5 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration Following are some gene ral instru cti on s regar ding the set up di al og: • All default va lues ap pear in square brac kets [defa ul t] .
4-6 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration • T o accept the d efault v alue, press Enter .
4-7 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration • T o change the v alue, type the desi red va lue in the fo rmat “x.
4-8 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration • May conta in only printa ble chara cters Note Passwords are case sensitiv e.
4-9 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration Y o u must ente r the time sett ing menu to configure SNTP s ettings.
4-10 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration If you do not wish to configure the SN TP , skip the rest of this sect ion and go to .
4-11 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration 3. T ype th e default do mai n na me to be u sed , an d p ress p re ss Ent er .
4-12 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con .
4-13 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Confi.
4-14 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration The follo wing list will den y acce ss to IP address 10.
4-15 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration Step 6 If yo u ente re d a spe cific I P a ddress, e nte r t he wi ldca rd bits t o d efine a r ange o f I P a ddre sses and pre ss Enter .
4-16 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration • For T elnet — permit access to the specif ied IP address, and den y to all others.
4-17 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration 7. T o add more entries, do not accept the default:: 8.
4-18 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration b. Assign an a ccess l ist to r estrict the SNMP ma nage ment stat ions tha t ma y use t his G ET co mm unity .
4-19 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration Note that there is no def ault for this parameter .
4-20 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con .
4-21 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration Step 3 Specif y the On-fai lure link be havior .
4-22 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con .
4-23 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Perform the Initial System Configuration DETAILED STEP S Step 1 Revie w the new configuration.
4-24 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Perform the I nitia l System Con figuration Backing-up general configuration file...
4-25 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Managem ent Interfac es and Per for m Initial Sys te m Configurat io n Connect the Man age me nt Interface Data collection for the system configuration is completed.
4-26 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 4 Connect the Management Interfac es an d P erform In itial System C o nfiguration Connect the Man agement Interfac .
CH A P T E R 5-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 5 Cable the Line Ports This m odul e p rovid es i nstru ct ions fo r cabl ing th e G igab it Eth er net por ts a nd fo r co nfigurin g G iga bit Ether net (GBE ) interfac e paramet ers.
5-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 5 Cable the Line P orts Info rmation About C abling Figur e 5-1 Bump-in-th e-Wir e Install ation Single Link : Receiv.
5-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 5 Cable the Li ne Po rts Cabli ng the Line Interfa ces Figur e 5-2 Ext er nal Sp lit ting T opo logy Cabling the Line .
5-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 5 Cable the Line P orts Cabling the Li ne Interf aces Return s to Global Con figuration Mo de, from w hich you ca n enter t he Gigabi tEtherne t Inte rface conf iguratio n mode for the remaining GBE port.
5-5 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 5 Cable the Li ne Po rts Cabli ng the Line Interfa ces If the link LED does not light , try remov ing the network cable plug and reinsert ing it f irmly into the module so cket.
5-6 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 5 Cable the Line P orts Cabling the Li ne Interf aces.
CH A P T E R 6-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 6 Completing the Insta llation This m odule d iscu sses how to verif y li nk conn ec tivity and how to inst all a Ser vice C ont r ol a pplic ati on .
6-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 6 Completing the Installation View in g Con fi gura ti on Step 1 T o display the operat ion status of the system, at the SCE 1000# prompt, type show system operation -status and pr ess press Ent er .
6-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 6 Completi ng the Installa tion Saving the Con figurat ion Sett ings After c on figuring the SC E plat form , you m ay qu er y for t he run ni ng co nfigur atio n usi n g the comma nd show runn ing-con fig .
6-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 6 Completing the Installation Saving the Conf iguratio n Set tings The conf igu ration f ile h olds al l inform ation that is dif fer ent from the system defau lt in a fil e call ed conf ig.
CH A P T E R 7-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 7 Installing a Service Control Application • Advanced Configuration of the SCE Platform, page 7-1 • Loading a.
7-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapter 7 Installing a Service Control Application Loading an d Activ ati ng a Service Cont rol Appli ca tion.
CH A P T E R 8-1 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 8 Troubleshoot Star tup Problems • SCE 1000 Ope rat ional Sta tus, page 8-1 • Identi fying St artup Pro blem .
8-2 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 8 Troubleshoot Start up Prob lems SCE 1000 Oper ational Stat us W arnin g SCE 1000 is fully opera tional (a s above).
8-3 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 8 Troublesh oot Startup Probl ems Identifying Startup Problems Identifying Startup Problems Startup pro blem s a re co mmo nly due t o the so urce p ower or to a po or c able c on nect ion .
8-4 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 8 Troubleshoot Start up Prob lems CLI Comman ds for Troub lesh ooting – sho w in terfac e Mng — Displays IP address and auto -negoti ation informatio n for the manage ment in ter faces.
8-5 Cisco Service Control Engine 1000 2xGBE Quick Sta rt Guide OL-7822-06 Chapter 8 Troublesh oot Startup Probl ems CLI Comm ands for Tr oublesh ooti ng Out unicast packets: 0 Out non unicast packets: 0 Out packets discarded: 0 Refer to T he Us er Lo g f or an expl ana t ion of co mman ds r e lated t o t he us er l og .
8-6 Cisco Service Control Engin e 1000 2xGBE Quick Start Gui de OL-7822-06 Chapt er 8 Troubleshoot Start up Prob lems CLI Comman ds for Troub lesh ooting.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco OL-7822-06 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco OL-7822-06 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco OL-7822-06 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco OL-7822-06 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco OL-7822-06 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco OL-7822-06 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco OL-7822-06 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco OL-7822-06 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.