Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Protect C.1000 VA van de fabrikant AEG
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2 Thank you for purchasin g the AE G UPS PROTECT C. from AEG Power Solution s. Safety information an d operating inst ructions are included in this manual. To ensure correct use of the UPS, please read thi s manual thoroughly before operating it. Save t his ma nual properl y.
3 1 Notes on these Operating Instructions Duty to Provide Information These operating instructions will help you to ins tall and operate the U ninterrupt ible P ower S upply (UPS) P R O TE C T C . 1 0 0 0 ( S ) , P RO TEC T C. 20 00 (S ) or PROTECT C.
4 The warrant y do es not a pply to dam age caused by non- compliance with these instructions (su ch da mage al so in clud es dama ging the warranty seal). AEG will acc ept no liability for consequential d amage. AEG reserves the right to rescind all obligations suc h as warranty agreem ents, service contracts, etc.
5 Table of Contents 1 Notes on these Opera ting Instr uctions ............................. 3 2 General Inform ation.............................................. ............ 7 2.1 Technolog y................................................... ......
6 6 Signalling and Error C orrection ...................................... 35 6.1 Signalling ...................................................... ........... 35 6.2 Fault Diagnosis / Fau lt Rectification ........................ 37 6.2.1 Error Messages .
7 2 General Informa tion 2.1 Technology i PROTECT C. is an U ninter ruptible P o wer S upply (UPS) for ess ential loads s uch as PCs, works tations, servers, n etwork c omponents, telecomm unication equipm ent and sim ilar de vices.
8 2.2 System Description The UPS is connected to a shock proof socket between th e public utilit y's mains and th e loads to be protect ed. The power section of the r ectifier conver ts the mains vo ltage to DC voltage for supplying the inverter.
9 3 Safety 3.1 General Safety Instructions Read thes e o perating instructions prior to start-u p of the PROTECT C. UPS an d its external batter y m odules (s pecial accessories), and observe the saf .
10 The UPS car ries high voltage. Danger! The u nit may only be op ened b y t rained and qualified personnel. R epairs m ay onl y be carr ied out b y qualified custom er service staff! The output ma y.
11 ♦ The unit is des igned to be instal led inside in hea ted rooms . Never install the housing in the vicinit y of water or in an excessivel y damp environm ent! ♦ Condensation m ay occur if the U PS is brough t from a cold environm ent into the room where it is to be installed.
12 W hen replacing the batteri es, the f ollowing m ust be obs erved: Only ever use identical m aintenance-f ree sealed lead batteries with the sam e data as th e original batteri es. Danger! Explosive ! Never throw batteries into open fire. Never open or dam age batteries.
13 3.3 CE-Certificate.
14 3.4 Technical Data Type pow er PROTECT C. 1000 (S) 1000 VA (cos ϕ = 0.7 lag.) 700 W PROTECT C. 2000 (S) 2000 VA (cos ϕ = 0.7 lag.) 1400 W PROTECT C.
15 Connection Non-heating app liance connectors Current Crest Rat io 3:1 Overload behavio ur up to 105 % ± 5 % continuous; in battery m ode > 105 % ± 5 % – < 150 % ± 5 % fo r 25 s; 150 % ±.
16 Battery charging cur rent (m ax.) PROTECT C. 1000 1 A PROTECT C. 1000 S 7 A PROTECT C. 2000 1 A PROTECT C. 2000 S 9. 6 A PROTECT C. 3000 1 A PROTECT C.
17 General data Classification V FI SS 21 1 a c c. to I E C 6 20 4 0 –3 Do ubl e c onv e rs i on te chno log y Overall efficienc y AC-AC (full lo ad) PROTECT C. 1000 (S) 85 % PROTECT C. 2000 (S) 85 % PROTECT C. 3000 (S) 88 % Noise level (1m distance) PROTECT C.
18 W eight s: PROTECT C. 1000 15 kg PROTECT C. 1000 S 8 kg PROTECT C. 1000 BP 19 kg PROTECT C. 2000 34 kg PROTECT C. 2000 S 15 kg PROTECT C. 3000 35 kg PROTECT C. 3000 S 16 kg PROTECT C. 2030 BP 52 kg Dimensions W x H x D: PROTECT C. 1000 (S) 145 mm x 220 mm x 400 mm PROTECT C.
19 4 Set-Up and Ope ration 4.1 Unpacking and Inspection The device has been fully tested and inspected. Although the device has been packed and shipp ed with t he usu al de gree of care, dam age during trans port cannot be ru led out completely.
20 Handle the com ponents with care. Please t ake into accoun t the weight. It ma y be n ecessar y to engage th e he lp of a second person, particularl y in th e case of the 2 and 3 k VA m odels and if there are external battery u nits. 4.2 Point of Installation PROTECT C.
21 4.3 Overview: Connections, Operating / Display Elements 4.3.1 Front view PROTECT C.1000 ( S ) PROTECT C. 2000 (S) PROTECT C. 3000 (S) PROTECT C.1000 BP PROTECT C.
22 4.3.2 Display Explanations: 1. OFF-Pushbutton (O FF) 2. ON-Pushbutton (ON) / Alarm off 3. Orange LED bypass (B ypass) 4. Green LED inverter (Invert er) 5.
23 4.3.3 Rear view (conn ections): PROTECT C. 100 0 (S) PROTECT C. 2000 (S) PROTECT C. 300 0 (S).
24 Comments: 1. Mains connection (UPS input) 2. Mains input circuit break er 3. Load connections (UP S outputs) PROTECT C. 3000 (S) with additional load connection (IEC 3 20-16A) 4. Connection for externa l batter y module 5. Data interface for telephone, m odem fax ( RJ11) or 10/100 MBit/s n etwork ( RJ 45) 6.
25 5 Commissioning 5.1 Mechanical Set-Up Note the f ollowing points when sett ing u p the UPS s ystem and its external batt ery units (special acc essories): ♦ The contact surface m ust be s m ooth and level. It must also be s ufficientl y str ong and sturdy to avoid vibration and shock loads.
26 5.2 External Battery Expansions To achieve longer backup tim e, it is possible to connec t multi- battery pack s. Connect exclusivel y the following products together: PROTECT C. 1000 with PROTECT C. 1000 BP PROTECT C. 2000 with PROTECT C. 2030 BP PROTECT C.
27 PROTECT C. with 2 batter y expansions Fig.: PROTECT C. 1000 and two C. 1000BP 1. Check the correct fit of the UP S and the batter y unit (t he casings e.g. ha ve to have the sam e dimension). 2. No w connect the corresponding batter y connectors us ing the supp lied batter y c onnec tion cables as shown in the figure above.
28 i Default setting: No automatic supply for load over in tegrated b ypass aft er ex ecuting step 1 and 2 ( Modification of the c onfigurat ion wi th th e provided Software ” CompuW a tch“). 3. Then connect the out puts of y our UPS to your loads.
29 5.3 Operating Statuses 5.3.1 Normal Operation Once you have connect ed the U PS to a suitabl e m ains connection, you can start operation using the UPS main switch (see also "Electrical Start-Up" on page 27). Nor mally, the U PS operates continuous ly.
30 5.3.2 Battery Operation / Autonom y Operation The mains is not with in the requ ire d toleran ce range or has fai led. In thi s ca se power is su ppl ied to the inve rte r from the cha rged batt ery wi thou t inter ruptio n. The power supp ly to the loa ds is the r efo re also en sured in the eve nt of a main s fai lure.
31 W hen the v oltage and f requenc y ar e within the t olerance range once m ore, the rectifier and t he battery c harger s witch back on autom aticall y. The rectifier then co ntinues s uppl ying the inverter and th e batter y charger takes ov er char ging the battery.
32 i The LED bar graph f unctions as displa y for UPS utilisation. T he s ignal goes off during this operations status e very 2 seconds. 5.3.4 Unit Overload The load on the U PS shoul d ne ver exceed the specified rate d load of the unit.
33 5.4 Interfaces and communication 5.4.1 Data line protection R J11 and RJ4 5 The incom ing data lines are connected to the “IN” li ne at the rear of the UPS. The “OUT ” line is connected via data line with your term inal. i The data li ne protection s upports network s with transfer rates bet ween 10 a nd 100 MBit/s.
34 5.4.4 Shutdow n and UPS management sof tware The "Compu W atch" software s peciall y d eveloped for t hese purposes by AEG continu ously check s the mains supply a nd the UPS status. In conjunction with the "intelligent" UPS, this ensures that the availability of IT components and data securit y is guarantee d.
35 6 Signalling and E rror Correctio n 6.1 Signalling 1. OFF pu sh button ( OFF): Press the O FF switch for about 2 seconds t o switch on the U PS 2. ON pu sh button (O N): Press the ON switch for about 2 seconds to s witch of f the UPS.
36 6. LED Line (M ains status) : T he green LED lights up if mains volta ge is in a s pecified range of tolerance. The L ED Line fla shes when the ph ase and neutral conductor have bee n reversed at the input of the UPS s ystem . In this case turn the mains connector 18 0° in the shock proof socket.
37 6.2 Fault Diagnosis / Fault Rectification The PROTECT C. generates detailed err or m essages. Support personal c an loca lise and interpret faults quic k ly an d precisely. 6.2.1 Error Messages Problem Cause Solution UPS does not start . No indication, no au dible signal even thoug h system is connected to mains power supply.
38 Emergency supply period shorter than no m inal value Batteries not fully charged / batteries old re sp. defect Charge the batterie s for at least for the charging time acc. Chapter 3.4 , page 16 and then check capacity. I f the problem still persi sts, consult your dealer .
39 7 Maintenance The PROTECT C. consists of advanced and resistan t components. To guarantee a continuous and high availab ility it is r ecom mended to chec k the unit (especially the b atteries and the fans) in regu lar inte rvals (at least e very 6 months).
40 CAUTION: PROTECT C. m ust be disc onnected from the power su pply prior to carr ying out the following work . If large quantit ies of dust h ave accum ulated, the un it should, as a precaution, be c leaned with dr y com pressed air, in order to ensure adequate heat dis sipation.
41 8 Sto rage, Disma ntling and Di sposal 8.1 Storage Long stora ge tim es without char ging or discharging the batter y at regular intervals m a y lead to perm anent damage of the battery. If the ba ttery is stored a t room te mperature (20° C t o 30° C) it will autom atically disc harge at a rate of 3 - 6 % per month due to internal r eactions.
42 9 Glossar y 9.1 Technical terms Class D, Class III see equip m ent protection DC/DC Booster Circuit technology to boost the dir ect voltage on a higher voltage leve l Equipment protection Techno lo.
43 Guarantee certificate T y pe: …….…… ………… …................................. ..................... Serial-no.: ………… ……… …..…………… ............................... Date of purchase: … ………….. .......
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat AEG Protect C.1000 VA (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen AEG Protect C.1000 VA heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens AEG Protect C.1000 VA vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding AEG Protect C.1000 VA leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over AEG Protect C.1000 VA krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van AEG Protect C.1000 VA bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de AEG Protect C.1000 VA kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met AEG Protect C.1000 VA . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.