Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DPC3827 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Cisco Model DPC3827 and EPC3827 DOCSIS 3.0 8x4 Wireless Residential Gateway User Guide In This Document IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTR UCTIONS ............................................................... ii Introduction ...........................
IMPORTANT SAFETY I NSTRUCTIONS ii 4025083 Rev A IMPORTANT S AFETY INSTRUCTIONS Notice to Installers The servicing instructions in this notice are for use by qualified service personnel only. To reduce the risk of electric shock, do not perform any servicing other than that contained in the operating instructions, unless you are qualified to do so.
4025083 Rev A iii M i t t e i l un g f ü r C A TV - T e c hn i ke r Die in dieser Mitteilung aufgeführten Wartungsanweisungen sind ausschließlich für qualifi ziertes Fachpersonal bestimmt.
iv 4025083 Rev A 4) Follow all instructions. 5) Do not use this apparatus near water. 6) Clean only with dry cloth. 7) Do not block any ventilation openings.
4025083 Rev A v E l i m i n at e A C Po we r / M a i n s O v e r l o a d s WARNING: Avoid electric shock and fire hazard! Do not overload AC power/mains, outlets, extension cords, or integral convenience receptacles.
vi 4025083 Rev A P r o t e ct t h e P r o d u c t W h en M o v i n g I t Always disconnect the power source when moving the apparatus or connecting or disconnect ing cables.
4025083 Rev A vii United States F CC Compliance This device has bee n tested and found to comp ly with the limits for a Class B digita l device, pursuant to part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. These li mits are d esigned to provide reaso nable protection against suc h interference in a residential installation.
viii 4025083 Rev A US This system has be en evaluated for RF exposure for hu mans in reference to ANSI C 95.1 (American National S tandards Institute) li mits. The evaluation was based in accor dance with FCC OET Bulletin 65C rev 01.0 1 in compliance with Part 2 .
4025083 Rev A ix CE Compliance D e c l ar a t i o n o f C o n f o r m i t y w i t h R e g a r d t o t h e E U D i r e ct i ve 1 9 9 9 / 5 / EC ( R & T TE Di r ec t i v e ) This declaration is onl y valid for configurati ons (combi nations of softwa re, firmwa re and hardware) supported or pr ovided by Cisc o Systems for use within the EU.
x 4025083 Rev A The following standard s were a pplied during the assessme nt of the product aga inst the requirements of the Direc tive 1 999 /5/EC: Radio: EN 300 3 28 EMC: EN 301 4 89-1 and EN 3 01 489- 17 Safety: EN 6095 0 and EN 50385 The CE mark and class -2 identifier a re affixed to the pr oduct and its packaging.
4025083 Rev A xi A n t e nn a s Use only the antenna supp lied with t he product. 20110311_CE_Gate way.
12 4025083 Rev A Introduction Introduction Welcome to the exc iting world of high-speed Inte rnet service. Your new C isco ® Model DPC3827 DOCS IS ® 8x4 3.
4025083 Rev A 13 Introduction Design and Func tion Simplified self-inst all using intuitiv e webpage design for user-friendly s etup and management DOCSIS-5 compliant LE D labeling and behavio.
14 4025083 Rev A What's In the Carton? What's In the Carton? When you receive your wireless r esidential gate way, you should ch eck the equipment and acce ssories to verify that eac h item is in the carto n and that eac h item is undamaged.
4025083 Rev A 15 Front Panel Description Front Panel Descriptio n The front panel of you r resident ial gateway prov ides LED status i n dicator s that indicate how wel l and at what state yo ur reside ntial gateway is operat ing.
16 4025083 Rev A Back Panel Description Back Panel Descri ption The following illustrations s how the descriptio n and functio n of the back p anel components on the C isc o DPC3827 r esidential gat eway.
4025083 Rev A 17 Back Panel Description 8 RESET — A momentary pressing (1-2 seconds) of this switch reboo ts the EMTA. Pressing the switc h for more tha n ten seconds first cau ses a reset- to -facto ry default of all setti n gs and the n reboots the gateway CAUTION: The Reset bu tton is for maintena nce purposes only.
18 4025083 Rev A What Are the System Require ments for In ternet Service? What Are the S ystem Requirements for I nt ernet Service? To ensure that yo ur residential gate way operates efficie n tly for.
4025083 Rev A 19 How Do I Subscribe to High -Spee d Internet Service? How Do I Subscri be to High-Speed Interne t Service? Before you can use you r residential gate way, you need to have a hig h-speed Internet access account . If you do not have a high-speed Internet access accou nt, you need to set up an account with you r local service provide r.
20 4025083 Rev A Where Is the Best Locat ion for My DOCSIS Residentia l Gateway? Where Is the B est Location for My DOCSIS Residential Gateway? The ideal location for your residential gateway is where it has access to o utlets and other devices.
4025083 Rev A 21 How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optiona l) How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wal l? (Optional) You can mount t he residentia l gateway on a wall using two wall anchors, t wo screws, and the mou nting slots located o n the unit. T he modem can be mo unted vertically or horizo ntally.
22 4025083 Rev A How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optiona l) Mount the modem as shown in one of the following illustr ations. L o c a t i o n a n d D i m e n s i on s o f t h e W a l l - M o u nt i ng S l o t s The following illustration s hows the locatio n and dimensions o f the wall-mounting slots on the bottom o f the modem .
4025083 Rev A 23 How Do I Mount the Modem on a Wall? (Optiona l) M o un t i n g t h e R e s i d e n t i a l G a t e wa y o n a W a l l 1 Using a drill with a 3/16-inch bit, dri ll two holes at the s ame height and 4 inches apart.
24 4025083 Rev A How Do I Connect My Gateway f or Inter net Service? How Do I Connec t My Gateway for Interne t Service? You can use your residential gate way to provide Interne t access, and you can share that Internet co nnection wit h other Internet dev ices in your home or office.
4025083 Rev A 25 How Do I Connect M y Gateway for In ternet Service? 3 Connect the act ive RF coaxial cable from your ser vice provider to the co ax connector labeled C ABLE on t he back of the residentia l gateway.
26 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? How Do I Configure My D OCSIS Residen tial Gateway? To configure yo ur residential gate way, you must first access the WebWi zard configuration pages.
4025083 Rev A 27 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? 2 In the address field, enter the fo llowing IP addres s: . A Status DOCS IS WAN login page similar to the following page op en s. 3 On the Status DOCS IS WAN page, lea ve the User Name and Passwor d field blank and click Log In .
28 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Important: We hig hly recommend t hat you set up a new password to saf eguard against the possib ility of Interne t attacks that look for devices oper ating with well-known or fac tory default user n ames and/or passwords.
4025083 Rev A 29 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Select the Lan Se tup tab to open the Setu p Lan Setup p age. Configuring Your Network Settings Use the description s and instruct ions in the follo wing table to configur e the network settings for your residential gate way.
30 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Network Address Server Settings (DHCP) DHCP Server Allows you to enable or disable the DHCP ser ver in the residential gateway. The DHCP server is u sed to automatically allocate IP addresses to dev ices as they are attached to your h ome network.
4025083 Rev A 31 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Starting IP Add ress Displays the start ing address u sed by the built-in DHCP server to distribute Private LAN IP add resses. Bec ause the device default I P address of the gatew ay is 192.
32 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? D i s a bl i n g D DN S ( Fa c t or y D ef a u l t S e t t i ng s) To disable DDNS, se lec t Disabled from the drop-do wn list and click Save Settings .
4025083 Rev A 33 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? S e t u p > W i r e l e s s Q o S The following illustration is a n example of the W ireless QoS (Quality of Service) page.
34 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Use the following table to conf igure the adva nced routing setti ngs for the resident ial gateway. After yo u make your selectio ns, click Save Settings to ap ply your changes or Cancel Changes to ca n cel.
4025083 Rev A 35 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? 2 From the Select Set Number drop-do wn list, select the set number (rou ting table entry number) t hat you wish to vie w or configure. 3 Complete the fie lds on the page. 4 Click Delete Th is Entry to delete (clear ) th e entry if desired.
36 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Select the Firewall tab to open the Security Firew all page. Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to configure t he firewall for your residenti al gateway.
4025083 Rev A 37 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Block Java and ActiveX Scripts Enables/disables java a pplets and A ctiveX scripts.
38 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? S e c u r i t y > VP N P a s st h r ou gh Use this page to co n figure Virtu al Private Network (VPN) support. Enabli ng the settings on this page al lows VPN tunnels usi ng IPsec or P PTP protocols to pass through the gate way's firewall .
4025083 Rev A 39 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? S e c u r i t y > VP N A Virtual Private Net work (VPN) is a connection between two endpo in ts in differe n t networks that allo ws private data to be sent secur ely over public networks or other private networks.
40 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion VPN Tunnel Select Tunnel En try Allows you to display a list of created VPN tunne ls Create Button Click.
4025083 Rev A 41 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Remote Secu re Gateway Select the desired opti on, IP A ddr. , Any , or FQDN . If the remote gateway has a dynam ic IP add ress, select Any or FQDN . If Any is selected, then the Gatewa y will accept req uests from any IP add ress.
42 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Select one of the followi ng options for the key e xchange method: Auto (IKE) – Encryption: The Encryption method dete rmines the le ngth of the key used to encryp t/decrypt ES P packets.
4025083 Rev A 43 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Manual – Encryption: The Encryption method dete rmines the le ngth of the key used to encr ypt/decrypt E SP packets. Not e that both sides must use the same method.
44 4025083 Rev A How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Section Field Descript ion Buttons Connect Click this button to establ ish a connectio n for the current VPN tunnel. If you have made any changes, click Save Se ttings to first apply your changes.
4025083 Rev A 45 How Do I Configure M y DOCSIS Residential Gate way? Number of event s that have occurred Last occurrence of an event Target and source add resses You can view t he following logs from this page: Access log Firewall log VPN log Parental Control log Click Clear to clear t h e log data.
46 4025083 Rev A Control Access to the Gate way Control Access to the Gateway A c c e s s Re s t r i c t i o ns > B as i c R u l e s Access restrictions all ow you to block or allow spe cific kinds of Inter net usage and traffic, such as I nternet access, des ignated applications, websites, a n d inbou nd traffic during specific day s and times.
4025083 Rev A 47 Control Access to the G ateway Section Field Descript ion Parental Cont rol Basic Setup Parental Cont rol Activation Allows you to enable or disable pa rental controls. To e nable parental controls, select t he Enable Parental Control check box and click Apply .
48 4025083 Rev A Control Access to the Gate way Section Field Descript ion Override the Pa ssword Password Allows you to create a password to temporaril y override user access restrictions to a blocke.
4025083 Rev A 49 Control Access to the G ateway If the applicatio n you want to block is n ot listed, s elect User -Defined. Th en, enter the port range and protoco l for the service you wish to block. To remove a block, select None from the B locked Services drop-down men u.
50 4025083 Rev A Control Access to the Gate way Access Restrictions Time of Day Rules Page D escription Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to configure t he time of day rules for you r residential gate way. After you make your selections, click Save Settings to apply yo ur changes or Cance l Changes to ca ncel.
4025083 Rev A 51 Control Access to the G ateway Select the User S etup tab to open t h e Access Restr ictions User Setup page. Access Restrictions Us er Setup Page D escription Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to co n figure the user setup for your residential gateway.
52 4025083 Rev A Control Access to the Gate way Section Field Descript ion Trusted User Check this box if the cur rently selected user is to be designated a trusted user. Trusted users are not subject to Inter net access rules. Content Rule Select the Content Rule for the current u ser profile.
4025083 Rev A 53 Control Access to the G ateway Select the IP Addre ss Filtering tab to ope n the Ac cess Restrictions IP F iltering page. After you make your selections, cl ic k Save Settin gs to apply your changes or Cancel Changes to cance l.
54 4025083 Rev A Control Access to the Gate way The Block/Pass dr op down me nu allows you to block or pass Inter n et access to the MAC addresses of t h e devices you l ist in the MA C Address Filters tab le. The following table descri bes the function of the Block /Pass drop-down me nu.
4025083 Rev A 55 Control Access to the G ateway Section Field Descri ption Local Log Parental Cont rol - Event Log Last Occurence Displays the time of t he most recent attempt t o access a restricted .
56 4025083 Rev A Manage the Gateway Manage the Gateway A d m i n i s t r a t i o n > Ma n a g e m e n t The Administratio n Management page all ows the network’s adm inistra tor to manage specific gat eway functions for access and security. Select the Mana gement tab to open the Administr ation Management pag e.
4025083 Rev A 57 Manage the Gateway Field Description Internet Connection Type DHCP (factory defa ult) Allows the gateway to o btain a public IP addre ss automatica lly Static IP Allows you to spec if.
58 4025083 Rev A Manage the Gateway Field Description Subnet Mask Enter the gateway’s sub net mask (as see n from the Inte rnet, including your service pr ovider) Default Gate way Enter the default gateway o f the service provider’s server Primary DNS Enter the primary domai n name server IP address(es) provided by your service provider.
4025083 Rev A 59 Manage the Gateway Field Description Remote Acce ss Remote Mana gement Allows you to enable or dis able remote manage ment. This feature allows you to access and m anage your gateway settings from the Internet when you are away from home.
60 4025083 Rev A Manage the Gateway Select the Reporting ta b to open t he Administration Re porting page. Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to co n figure the reporting feature o n the gateway. After you make yo ur selections, click Save Settings to apply yo ur changes or Cance l Changes to ca ncel.
4025083 Rev A 61 Manage the Gateway 1 Click View Log . A new window ope ns with the log data page. 2 To view a particular log, select one of the followin g options from the Typ e drop- down menu: .
62 4025083 Rev A Manage the Gateway Select the Diagnos tics tab to open the Administration Di agnostics page. Use the description s and instruct ion s in the follo wing table to configure the diagnostics featur e on the gateway. After you ma ke your selectio ns, click Save Settings to apply yo ur changes or Cance l Changes to ca ncel.
4025083 Rev A 63 Manage the Gateway Select the Back Up & Restore tab to op en the Admini stration Back Up & Restore page. CAUTION: Restoring a configurat ion fil e will destroy (overwrit e) all of the e xisting settings .
64 40250 83 Rev A Manage the Gateway R e s t or e F a ct o r y D e f a u l t s To restore factory d efaults, click Res t ore Factory Defau lts to reset all conf iguration settings to their def ault values. Any sett in gs you h ave saved will be lost when the default settings ar e restored.
4025083 Rev A 65 Monitor Gateway Status Monitor Gatew ay Status This section descri bes the options available u nder the Status ta b that you can use to monitor the status o f the r esidential gateway and to perform diagnostics on the device and the n etwork.
66 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Internet Conne ction IP Address Displays the IP address of the WAN interface. This address is assigned to the gatewa y when it goes onli ne. Subnet Mask Displays the subnet mask for your WA N port.
4025083 Rev A 67 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Local Network MAC Address A unique alphanumeric a ddress for the private LAN home network.
68 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion ARP/RARP Tabl e Click ARP/RARP Tab le to see a complete list of all de vices that are connected to your ne twork. To retrieve the most up - to -date information, click Re fresh . To e xit this page and re turn to the Local Network page, click Cl ose .
4025083 Rev A 69 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Wireless Network MAC Address Displays the MAC A ddress of your gateway 's local wir eless access point. Radio Band Displays one of the follo wing radio band fre quencies currently i n operation: 2.
70 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Select the DOCSIS WAN tab to open t he Status DOCS IS WAN page. DOCSIS WAN Page Description Use the description s in the follow ing table to review th e status of your DOCSIS WAN network. Section Field Descript ion About Model Displays the name of the re sidential gate way.
4025083 Rev A 71 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Current Software Revisi on Displays the revision ve rsion of the firmware . Firmware Name Displays the name of the f irmware . Firmware Build Time Displays the date and time the firmware was bu ilt.
72 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Power Level Select the DOCSIS S i gnal tab to ope n the Status DO CSIS Signal page. Downstream Channel s Section Example.
4025083 Rev A 73 Monitor Gateway Status Upstream Channels Secti on Example Status DOCSIS S ignal Page Description Section Field Descript ion Downstream Chann els Channel ID Displays the channel I D. Downstream Frequen cy Displays the downstrea m frequenc y in Hz.
74 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Signal to Noise Ratio Displays the signal to n oise ratio in dBmv . Upstream Ch annels Channel ID Displays the channel I D. Upstream Frequ ency Displays the upstrea m frequency in Hz .
4025083 Rev A 75 Monitor Gateway Status Select the DOCSIS S t atus tab to open t h e Status DO CSIS Status page. DOCSIS Status Pag e Description Use the description s in the follow ing table to revi ew the items shown in the DO CSIS Status page.
76 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion DOCSIS Status Cable Modem Status Displays one of the follo wing possible cur rent states o f the gateway: other notReady .
4025083 Rev A 77 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Configuration File Displays the name of the c onfigurati on file currently in use . Cable Modem Certificate Displays whether t he cable modem certifica te is installed or not installed.
78 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway S tatus Section Field Descript ion Config Paramete rs Configuration File Shows information abou t the configura tion files of your cable modem. S t at u s > C h an n e l s S e l ec t i o n Important: This p age is only visible u ntil the gateway go es online.
4025083 Rev A 79 Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Upstream ch annel ID Displays the upstrea m channel ID. Click Submit to se t the Upstream channel ID . Frequency Start V alue This field allows you t o modify the frequency at wh ich the cable modem starts its sca n during instal lation and registration.
80 4025083 Rev A Monitor Gateway Status Section Field Descript ion Level Displays the type a nd severity of the eve nt. Description Displays a detailed description of the event . Clear Log Click to clear the entries i n the lo g. Refresh Click to refresh the l og and obtain updated informatio n.
4025083 Rev A 81 Configure Wireless Settings Configure Wirel ess Settings This section descri bes the options available from the Wireless page s that you can use to configure the para meters of the WAP to meet y our specific requireme nts and needs.
82 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Wireless Basic Settings P age Description Use the following table to conf igure the basic sett in gs for wire less communica tion for the resident ial gateway. After yo u make your selectio n s, click Save Set tings to apply your cha nges or Cancel Change s to cancel.
4025083 Rev A 83 Configure Wireless Settings Wireless Network Name (SSID) The SSID is the name of your wireless network. The S SID is used by wireless technolog y to identify your net work from other wireless networks in the area. The SSID can be up to 32 characters long.
84 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descript ion Wireless Secu rity Wireless Secu rity Mode Choose one of these options for the securit y mode: WEP Wired Equivalent Privacy ( WEP) security mode is defined i n the original IEEE 802 .
4025083 Rev A 85 Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descript ion WPA Security for Personal Ne tworks - WPA or WPA2 P erson al Modes Wi-Fi Protected Acc ess (WPA) is a more secure wireless tech nology than WEP. WPA ca n be used for both Enterpr ise (corpora te applications) and Perso nal (home netw ork) wireless network s.
86 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descript ion Security for Enterprise Networks - WPA-E nterprise Modes This option features WPA used in coordinat ion with a RADIUS se rver for client authe ntication. (This should only be used when a RADIUS server is connecte d to the device.
4025083 Rev A 87 Configure Wireless Settings Select the MAC Fi lter tab to open the W ireless MAC Filter page. Wireless MAC Filter Page Description Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to co n figure the MAC address filtering for the wireless network for you r residential gateway.
88 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descript ion Access Rest riction Access Rest riction Allows you to permit or block computers fro m accessing the wireless network. The choice that you make here af fects the addresses listed on this pa ge.
4025083 Rev A 89 Configure Wireless Settings RTS Threshold Wireless Advanced S ettings Page Description Use the description s and instru ctions in the following table to co n figure the advanced wireless se ttings for your residential ga teway.
90 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Section Field Descript ion Advanced Wire less N Transmission Rat e The rate of data transmission should be set depend ing on the speed of your Wireless -N n etworking.
4025083 Rev A 91 Configure Wireless Settings Beacon Interval The Beacon Interval value indicates the freq uency interva l of the beacon. A beacon is a pa cket broadcast by the device to synchronize the wire less network.
92 4025083 Rev A Configure Wireless Settings Select the WDS Set tings tab to open the Wireless WDS Settings page. U se this page to configure the WDS settings. Wireless WDS Settings Pag e Description Use the description s and instru ctions in the follo wing table to configure t he wireless distribution system settings for your residential g ateway.
4025083 Rev A 93 Configure Applications a nd Gaming Configure Applications a nd Gaming O v er vi e w Most well-known I nternet app lications are suppor ted by Application Laye r Gateways (ALGs). ALGs automatical ly adjust the gateway firewall to allow data to pass without maki ng any custom settings.
94 4025083 Rev A Configure Applications and Gaming Section Field Descript ion Port Filtering Start Port: This is the beginnin g of the port ra nge. Enter t he beginning of the range of port numbers (ex ternal ports) used by t he ser ver or Internet application.
4025083 Rev A 95 Configure Applications a nd Gaming Note: Port Range For warding conti nually exposes the selected ports to t h e public Internet. This mea n s that the gate way’s firewall is no longer active o n these por ts. The device with the forwarding I P address can be exposed to hacker attacks while the port range is being f orwarded.
96 4025083 Rev A Configure Applications a nd Gaming Section Field Descript ion Enable Check this box to enable port f orwarding for the specif ied ports and IP addresses.
4025083 Rev A 97 Configure Applications a nd Gaming Section Field Descript ion Forwarded Range Start Port For the Start port, selec t a port from t he recommended 49152 - 65535 range. K eep in mind that ports u sed are program specific so check which ones t he program requires t o be forward ed.
98 4025083 Rev A Configure Applications and Gaming The DMZ allows a device to be direct ly accessible to Internet traf fic, such as a web (HTTP) server, a n FTP server , an SMTP (e-mail) server , and a domain nam e system (DNS) server. Sele ct the DMZ tab to o pen the Ap plications & Gaming DM Z page.
4025083 Rev A 99 Configure Applications a nd Gaming A p p l i ca t i o n s & G a m i n g > Q o S Quality of Service (QoS ) ensures better service to h igh-priority types of network traffic, which m ay involve demanding, rea l -time app lications, such as vide o conferencing.
100 4025083 Rev A Having Difficulty? Having Difficult y? Q . Ho w D o I Co nf i gu r e T C P / I P P r o t o co l ? A. To configure TC P /IP proto col, you need to ha ve an Ethernet Networ k Interface Card (NIC) wit h TCP/IP communic ations protoc ol installed on your syste m.
4025083 Rev A 101 Having Difficulty? 5 Select both Obtain an IP address autom atically and Obtain DNS server add ress automatically in t he Internet Protoco l ( TCP/IP) Properties window, an d then click OK . 6 Click Yes to restart you r computer whe n the Local Network w indow opens.
102 4025083 Rev A Having Difficulty? Renewing the IP Addres s on Windows 95, 98, 98SE, and ME Systems 1 Click Start , and the n click Run to op en the Run window. 2 Type winipcfg in t he Open field, a nd click OK to ex ecute the winipcfg command. The I P Configuration w indow opens.
4025083 Rev A 103 Having Difficulty? Q. After my residential gate way is connected, how do I access the Internet? A. Your local ser vice provider become s your Inter n et Service Provider (IS P). They offer a wide ra nge of services includ ing e-mail, chat, news, and information servi ces.
104 4025083 Rev A Having Difficulty? The residential gatew ay does not register a c able connection The modem works with a standard 7 5-ohm RF coax ial cable. If you are u sing a different cable, your residential gate way will not function properly.
4025083 Rev A 105 Tips for Impr oved Performance Tips for Improved Per fo rmance C h e c k a n d C o r r ec t If your residential ga teway does not perform as ex pected, the followi ng tips may help. If you need further assista nce, contact your s ervice provider.
106 4025083 Rev A Front Panel LED Status Indicator Functions Front Panel LED Status In dicator Functions I n i t i a l P o w e r U p, Ca l i b r at i on , a n d R eg i s t r a t i o n ( AC P o w e r a.
4025083 Rev A 107 Front Panel LED Status Indicator Functions 4 ONLINE On 5 ETHERNET 1-4 On or Blinking 6 USB On or Blinking 7 WIRELESS LINK On or Blinking 8 WIRELE SS SETUP Off 9 Mo CA On or Blinking .
108 4025083 Rev A Front Panel LED Status Indicator Functions 9 Mo CA On - When a MoCA-enabled device is detected and the MoCA is operational Blinks - When data is being trans ferred over the M.
4025083 Rev A 109 Notices Notices T r a d e m a r k s Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registe red trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. an d other countri es. A listi ng of Cisco's trade marks can be fou nd at
110 4025083 Rev A For Information For Informati on I f Y o u H a v e Q u e st i on s If you have tec hnical questions, call Cisco Services f or assistance.
Cis co Systems, Inc. 5030 Sugarloaf Parkway, Box 46 5447 Lawrenceville, GA 30042 678 277 - 1120 800 722 - 2009 www. This document includes various t rademar ks of Cisco Systems, Inc. Please see the Notices section of this document for a list of Cisco Sy stems, Inc.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems DPC3827 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems DPC3827 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems DPC3827 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems DPC3827 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems DPC3827 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems DPC3827 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems DPC3827 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems DPC3827 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.