Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product OL-4387-02 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Corporate He adquarters Cisc o Syst ems , Inc . 170 West Ta sman Drive San Jos e, CA 95 134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553- NETS (638 7) Fax: 408 526-4100 C i s c o 1 0000 S .
iii Cisco 10000 Seri es Router Service Selection Gateway Configurat ion Guide OL-4387-02 CONTEN TS About Th is Guide ix Audienc e ix Document Organi zation ix Document Convent ions x Relat ed D ocum ent atio n xi Obtain ing Docu mentati on xi Cisco.
Cont ent s iv Cisco 10000 Ser ies Router Ser vice Selecti on Gateway Confi guration Guid e OL-4387-02 Config uratio n of SSG Auto logoff 3-2 Config uratio n Exampl e for SSG Autol ogoff 3-3 SSG Prepai.
Content s v Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Restri ctions for SSG Open Gard en 6-6 Config uration of SSG Open Ga rden 6-6 Config uration Exampl .
Cont ent s vi Cisco 10000 Ser ies Router Ser vice Selecti on Gateway Confi guration Guid e OL-4387-02 CHAPTER 9 Interf ace Configur ation 9-1 Transp arent Passth rough 9-1 Access Si de Inter faces 9-2.
Content s vii Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Config urati on of Pack et Filte ring 11-5 Config urati on Exampl e for Pac ket Filt ering 11 -5 S.
Cont ent s viii Cisco 10000 Ser ies Router Ser vice Selecti on Gateway Confi guration Guid e OL-4387-02.
ix Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 About This Guide This gu ide pr ovides in forma tion abo ut th e Ser vice Sel ection Gateway (SSG) f eat ures of the C isco 10 000 Series Rou ter . The SSG feature s are sup ported in Cis co IOS Relea se 12.
x Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 About Thi s Guide Document Conventi ons Note Th is guide also incl udes a gl ossary of t erms use d in the doc ument a nd an ind ex to help you loc ate topi cs.
xi Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 About Thi s Guide Relat ed Docume ntation Cautio n Means re a d e r b e c a re f ul . In this situation, you might do somethin g that could result in equipment dam age or loss of dat a.
xii Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 About Thi s Guide Docum entation Fe edback Documenta tion CD-ROM Cisco documentati on and additio nal literature are a v ailable in a Cisco Documentation CD-R OM packag e, w hich ma y have shipped with your produ ct.
xiii Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 About Thi s Guide Obtaining Technical Assistance Cisco TAC W ebsite The Cisco T A C website provides onl ine docume nts and to ols for troub leshoot ing and re solving technical issues wi th Ci sco pr oducts and te chnolo gies .
xiv Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 About Thi s Guide Obtainin g Addi tional Pub lications and Informat ion Obtaining Ad ditional Publication s and Informatio n Informa tion ab out Cisco pro ducts, t echnologi es, and ne twork soluti ons is av ailable from various online and printe d source s.
C HAPTER 1-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 1 Service Selection Gateway Overview The Service Selec tion Gate way feature, a v ailable in Cisco IOS Release 12.2(16)BX or later , o f fers a switching solu tion to service pro vider s.
1-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 S ervice Selection Gateway Overview Service Selec tion Gateway Figur e 1 -1 SSG T opology Ex ample Note Th e Cisco 1000 0 series rou ter does not supp ort tunnel ing of SSG user s.
1-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 Service Sele ction Ga teway O verview Service Selection Gateway Default Network The defau lt network is a loca tion that SSG allo ws u nauthentic ated users to acc ess.
1-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 S ervice Selection Gateway Overview Supported SSG Feature s Supported SSG Features The C isco 10 0.
1-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 Service Sele ction Ga teway O verview SSG Re stric tions • The Cisco 100 00 router’ s SSG soft.
1-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 S ervice Selection Gateway Overview SSG Prerequisi tes SSG Prerequisites The SSG featur e has the follo wing prereq uisites : • The Cisco 1000 0 series rou ter mu st be running Cisc o IOS Release 1 2.
1-7 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 Service Sele ction Ga teway O verview SSG Archit ecture Mo del In Figure 1-2 , subs cribers access the SESM web po rtal appl ication u sing an y web b row ser on a v ariety of devices (su ch as a desk top co mputer over DSL).
1-8 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 S ervice Selection Gateway Overview SSG Ar chitecture M odel.
C HAPTER 2-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 2 Scalability and Performance The inf rastructure of the serv ice prov ider mu st be capable of support ing the se rvices the enterprise custom er or Intern et service p rovid er (ISP) want s to of fer its subs cribers.
2-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 2 Scala bility and Performance Limitati ons and Rest riction s No w , consider th e follo wing re vised service defin itions in which two dif f erent servic es are def ined.
C HAPTER 3-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 3 SSG Logon and Logoff The Ci sco 1000 0 se ries rou ter sup ports the foll owing SSG featu res for.
3-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 3 S SG Logon and L ogoff SSG Auto log off SSG Autologoff The SS G Auto log off feature en ab les S SG to verif y conne ctivity w ith eac h host. SSG che cks the st atus of the connec tion with e ach hos t at configured inte rvals.
3-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 3 SSG Logon and Logoff SSG Prep aid Idl e Timeout Configuration Example for SSG Autologoff Exam ple 3-1 shows ho w to enable autologo ff with ARP ping.
3-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 3 S SG Logon and L ogoff SSG Prepaid Idle Ti meout Service Authorization SSG sends a service aut horization req uest to the billing serv er upon initial servic e authorizatio n.
3-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 3 SSG Logon and Logoff SSG Prep aid Idl e Timeout Restrictions for SSG Prepa id Idle Timeout The SSG.
3-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 3 S SG Logon and L ogoff SSG Session an d Idle Timeout Exam ple 3-5 sho ws ho w to conf igure the SSG TCP Redir ect fea ture f or a sp ecif ic serv ice.
C HAPTER 4-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 4 Authentic ation and Accou nting The C isco 10 000 seri es r outer supp orts th e follo wing SSG f.
4-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 4 A uthentication and Accounting RADIUS Ac counting Records RADIUS Accounting Records SSG sends acc .
4-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 4 Authenticati on and Acco unting RADIUS Accounting Re cords Service C onnectio n and Termi nation SSG also s ends a RADI US accoun ting-req uest reco rd to t he local RAD IUS serv er w hen a use r access es or te rminates a servic e.
4-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 4 A uthentication and Accounting RADIUS Ac counting Records Exam ple 4-6 shows the informat ion conta ined in an accounti ng-stop re cord for ser vic e termina tion.
C HAPTER 5-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 5 Service Selection Methods The Cisco 100 00 series ro uter supports the follo wing se rvice selec .
5-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 5 Service Sele ction Met hods Web Service Sel ection Restrictions for PTA-MD A user cannot co nnect to multiple service s that are simultaneo usly in differ ent VRFs.
5-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 5 Serv ice Selection Methods Web Service Selection SESM and SSG Performa nce Packets sent betwe en t.
5-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 5 Service Sele ction Met hods Web Service Sel ection.
C HAPTER 6-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 6 Service Connection The Ci sco 10 000 seri es ro uter s upport s the follo wing SSG feat ures for .
6-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Service C onnect ion SSG Auto Dom ain Y ou c an con figure SSG Au toDoma in in basic or extend ed mode . In basic mode, the AutoDoma in pro file do wnloaded from the AAA ser ver is a se rvice prof ile.
6-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Serv ice Connect ion SSG AutoDomain Example 6 -1 SSG A utoDomain ssg auto-domain mode extended sel.
6-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Service C onnect ion SSG Prepaid SSG Prepaid The SSG Pr epaid feat ure a llo ws a use r to conn ect to a ser vice if the use r has pr epaid f or the service.
6-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Serv ice Connect ion SSG Open Garden Configuration Example for SSG Prepaid Exam ple 6-4 configure s a global p repa id server group named ssg_prepaid and attach es the server gr oup to the SSG.
6-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Service C onnect ion SSG Port-Bund le Host Key Restrictions for SSG Open Garden The SSG Open Gar den featur e has the follo wing res trictio ns: • RADIUS acc ounting records are no t created for Open Gard en service s.
6-7 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Serv ice Connect ion SSG Po rt-Bun dle Ho st Ke y For each T CP session betw een a subs criber and t he SESM server , SSG use s one port fr om t he port bundle as the port map.
6-8 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Service C onnect ion Exclude N etworks Prerequisites for SSG Port-Bundle Host Key The SSG Port-Bun.
6-9 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Serv ice Connect ion Mutually Exclusive Service Selection A SESM configurat ion op tion c ontrol s.
6-10 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 6 Service C onnect ion Mutually Exclusive Ser vice Selecti on.
C HAPTER 7-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 7 Service Profiles and Cached Service Profiles The RA DIUS se rver or the SESM downloa ds servi ce pro files to the Ci sco 1000 0 ser ies rou ter ( SSG node) as needed .
7-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 7 Service Profiles and C ached Service Profiles Service Profi les Upstream Acce ss Con trol List Specif ies ei ther an IOS standard acc ess contro l list or a n exte nded acc ess control li st to be applied to upstrea m traffic coming from the user .
7-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 7 Serv ice Profiles and Cached Serv ice Profiles Service Profiles Service-Defined Cookie Enabl es you to includ e user -def ined inf ormati on in RADIUS aut henticati on and acco unting reque sts.
7-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 7 Service Profiles and C ached Service Profiles Cached S ervice Profiles If the SESM web applica tio.
7-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 7 Serv ice Profiles and Cached Serv ice Profiles Cached Service Profiles • If the servi ce prof ile e xists and it is ac ti ve, SSG us es the service p rofi le to process th e logon request.
7-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 7 Service Profiles and C ached Service Profiles Cached S ervice Profiles.
C HAPTER 8-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 8 SSG Hierarchical Policing The SSG Hierarchical Po licing feature ensure s that a subscriber does .
8-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 8 SSG Hierar chical P olicing Restrictions for SSG Hie rarchical Policing Restrictions for SSG Hiera.
8-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 8 SSG Hierarc hical Policing Configuration Examples for SSG Hierarchical Policing Configuration E xa.
8-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 8 SSG Hierar chical P olicing Configur ation Examp les for SSG Hierar chical Pol icing.
C HAPTER 9-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 9 Interface Configuration When an inter face i s conf igured as a n SSG uplink or d own link interf ace, non-SSG traff ic is not allo wed to pass through th e interf ace.
9-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 9 Interface Co nfiguration Transpar ent Passt hrough Access S ide Interfa ces For access side int erfaces, t he interf ace t ype determines t he method used to indicate an interfa ce as SSG or transparent passthroug h.
9-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 9 Interface Configurat ion Multicast Protocols on SSG Interfaces Network Side Interfaces For network side inte rfaces, SSG up link interfa ces can ac cept and for ward both SSG traff ic and transp arent passth rough tr af fic .
9-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 9 Interface Co nfiguration Multicas t Protocols on SSG Interfa ces Configuration of Multicast Pr oto.
C HAPTER 10-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 10 SSG TCP Redirect The SSG TCP Red irect feature r edirect s cert ain user pack ets to an a lternati v e loca tion th at can handle the pack ets in a suita ble manner .
10-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TC P Redi rect The SSG T CP Redire ct feat ure always send s redire cted packets to a capt i ve portal group tha t consist s of one or more servers.
10-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TCP Redirect Figur e 1 0-1 Restr icting Access t o Networ ks w ithin A uthor ized Services T.
10-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TC P Redi rect T ypically , if a serv ice is con nected, SSG fo rwar ds pack ets to a user and pa cke ts from a user e ve n if the packets do not mat ch the pro tocol and TC P ports speci fied for redirect ion.
10-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TCP Redirect The foll owin g sections describe the se tasks in more deta il: • Configurati.
10-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TC P Redi rect Configuring SSG TC P Redirect T o c onfigure SSG TCP R edire ct, use the f ol.
10-7 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TCP Redirect Configuration Example s for SSG TCP R edirect This sec tion pro vides the follo.
10-8 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 10 SSG TC P Redi rect Configuration Example for Po rt Lists Exam ple 10 -5 sh o ws how to configure.
C HAPTER 11-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 11 Miscellaneous SSG Fe atures This chapte r describes the follo wing SSG feature s: • VPI/VCI S.
11-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures RADIUS Virtua l Circuit Logging RADIUS Virtual Circuit Logging RADIUS V irtual Circuit ( VC) Logging extends and modifies the RADIUS network access server (NAS) port field to ca rry V PI/VCI in format ion.
11-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 1 Miscellaneo us SSG Feat ures Packet Fil tering Configuration of AAA Server Gr oup Support for Proxy Services T o configure AAA Serv er Group Supp ort for Proxy Services, use the RADIUS Server attribute .
11-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures Packet Fi ltering Downstrea m Access Control List—o utacl Specif ies either a Cisco I OS standa rd A CL or an e xtended A CL to be appl ied to d o wnstre am traf fic goin g to the user .
11-5 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 1 Miscellaneo us SSG Feat ures SSG Unco nfig Configuration of Packet Filt ering T o conf igur e S.
11-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures SSG Uncon fig Prerequisites for SSG Unconfig Y ou must en able SSG be fore you con f igure SSG Unconfig.
11-7 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 1 Miscellaneo us SSG Feat ures SSG Enh ancements for Overla pping S ervices SSG Enhancemen ts for.
11-8 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures SSG Enhanc ements for Overlapping Services Because network se ts for services m ust be uniqu e, the f ollow ing netwo rk sets are d efi ned internally: Set1 0.
11-9 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 1 Miscellaneo us SSG Feat ures SSG Enh ancements for Overla pping S ervices The serv ice translat.
11-10 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures SSG Enhanc ements for Overlapping Services Configuration of Servi.
11-11 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 1 1 Miscellaneo us SSG Feat ures SSG Enh ancements for Overla pping S ervices Service B_512 Set2, .
11-12 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapte r 11 Miscellane ous SSG F eatures SSG Enhanc ements for Overlapping Services Netw ork Set s: Set1 /0.0.0. 0 Set2 10.58.25 2.0/ 255.25 5.255. 0 Set3 10.
C HAPTER 12-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 12 Monitoring and Maintaining SSG T o monitor and maintain SSG, use the follow ing commands in pr .
12-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 12 Monitoring and Maintaining SSG Troubles hooting RA DIUS Troubleshooting RADIUS T o troubleshoot communic ation between the RADIUS server and SSG, enter the deb ug radius comm and in privileged EXEC mode.
12-3 Cisco 10000 S eries Router S ervice Selecti on Gateway Conf iguration Gui de OL-4387-02 Chapter 12 Moni toring and Mai ntaining SSG Monitoring the Parallel Express Forwarding Engine Monitoring th.
12-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Chapter 12 Monitoring and Maintaining SSG Monito ring the Para llel Expre ss Forw arding Engi ne.
A- 1 Cisco 10000 S eries Rout er Service Sel ection Gateway C onfigur ation Guide OL-4387-02 APPEND IX A SSG Configuration Example Exam ple A-1 is a sa mple SSG c onfiguration for the C isco 100 00 series router ba sed on t he topol ogy in Figure A-1 .
A- 2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Appendix A SSG Con figurati on Example Example A -1 Cis co 1 00 0 0 Rout er SSG Configur ation ! version 12.
A-3 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 Append ix A SSG Configuratio n Exampl e ssg accounting interval 300 ssg profile-cache ssg default-network 192.
A- 4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Appendix A SSG Con figurati on Example interface FastEthernet0/0/0 description Connected to LAB Backbone ip address 192.
A-5 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 Append ix A SSG Configuratio n Exampl e interface ATM8/0/1 no ip address shutdown no atm ilmi-keepalive ! in.
A- 6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Appendix A SSG Con figurati on Example exec-timeout 0 0 password lab ! ntp clock-period 17181406 ntp update.
B-1 Cisco 10000 S eries Rout er Service Sel ection Gateway C onfigur ation Guide OL-4387-02 APPEND IX B SSG Implementation Notes Ta b l e B - 1 prov ides information about ho w SSG is implemented on the Cisco 10000 ser ies router.
B-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Appendix B SSG Implementation Notes Local F orw arding Cann ot be enable d or disa bled through th e CLI. Only sev en serv ices ( network sets ) can be bo und to an u plink inter face.
B-3 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 Append ix B SSG Implemen tation N otes RADI US Proxy N ot Su ppor ted. Se r v i ce P r o fi l es MTU Size Attribute—In Directory Enabled Serv ice Se lection Subscription (DESS) mode, SESM does no t support the use o f the MTU Size attribute.
B-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 Appendix B SSG Implementation Notes.
GL-1 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 GLOSSAR Y A authentication A security feat ure that allows access to informa tion to be gr anted on an individual basis. B bandwidth The range of fr equenc ies a tra nsmission line or ch annel ca n car ry .
Glos sary GL-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 E encaps ulation The techniq ue used by layered protoc ols in whic h a layer adds header in format ion to the pro tocol data unit (PDU) from t he layer abov e.
Glossary GL-3 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 P permanent virtual circui t A fix ed virtua l circuit between two users. Th e public data netwo rk equi v alent of a leased lin e. No call setup or clea ring pr ocedur es are ne eded.
Glos sary GL-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 PVP Permanent vir tual path. V irtual path that con sists of PVCs. PXF Pa ralle l Exp ress F orwar ding. Also re ferred to as fast forwar der . A pipelined, multiprocessor parallel packet engi ne, optim ized for fast packet for warding .
Glossary GL-5 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 T TCP Connec tion-oriented tr ansport lay er protocol that pro vides reliabl e full-duple x data transmission. TCP is part of the T CP/IP protocol stack.
Glos sary GL-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servic e Se lection Gate way Co nfiguration Guide OL-4387-02 X xDSL V arious t ypes o f digit al sub scrib er line s.
IN-1 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 INDEX A aaa gr oup ser ver ra dius co mmand 6-4 AAA ser vers, pr oxy serv ices 11-2, 11-3 acces s-side inte.
Index IN-2 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servi ce Selection Gate way Configuratio n Guide OL-4387-02 downl oa d exclud e-pro fil e 6-8 no ss g ena ble fo rce-clea nup 11-5 PXF 12-3 show pxf cpu ac cess-l.
Inde x IN-3 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 network-si de 9-3 transparent pa ssthrough 9-1 Intern et Protocol G-2 ISP G-2 L L2TP implemen tation.
Index IN-4 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servi ce Selection Gate way Configuratio n Guide OL-4387-02 PPPoE definition G- 3 PPPoEoA, definition G-3 PPPoE over Ethernet G-3 PPPoE over IEEE 802 .1Q VLAN definition G- 3 PPPoX G-3 PPP terminated aggregation definition G- 3 PPP terminated aggregation.
Inde x IN-5 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 Port-Bun dle Host Ke y 6-6, 6-8 Prepaid 6-4 Servic e-Defin ed Co okie at tribute 7-3 Service De scri.
Index IN-6 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servi ce Selection Gate way Configuratio n Guide OL-4387-02 interfac es 1-3, 9-1, 9-3, 9-4 logon a nd log off 3-1 network a ccess 6-8 Open Gard en 6-5, 6-6 open g.
Inde x IN-7 Cisco 10000 Series R outer Ser vice Select ion Gateway Conf igurati on Guide OL-4387-02 VPI G-5 VPI/VCI implemen tation notes B-3 service prof iles 11-1 subscr ib er 11-2 VRF G-5 VSA defin.
Index IN-8 Cisco 10000 Serie s Router Servi ce Selection Gate way Configuratio n Guide OL-4387-02.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems OL-4387-02 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.