Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Corporate Headquarters Cisco S yste ms, Inc . 170 W est Tasma n Drive San Jose , CA 95134 -1706 USA http://ww com Tel: 408 526-400 0 800 55 3-N ETS ( 6 387 ) Fax: 408 526- 4100 Installation and Configuration Guide f or the CiscoW o rks Wireless LAN S olution Engine Softwa re Re le as e 2 .
iii Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 CONTENTS Cisco 90- Day Limited Har dware Warranty Terms vii Preface xi Audienc e xii Convent ions xii Produ ct D ocum enta tion xviii Obtain ing Documentati on xx Cisco.
Contents iv Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Back P anel Feat ures 1-5 Serial Port 1-6 Ethern et Connector s 1-7 Network Ca ble .
v Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Conte nts Connect ing the WLSE to th e AC Powe r Source 3-9 Connect ing Cables 3-9 Powe ring O n t h.
Contents vi Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Ente r HTT P Port Settings for IOS Ac cess Po ints 4-26 Enter W LCCP Cre denti al s.
vii Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Cisco 90-Day Li mited Hardware Warranty Terms There are special te r ms applicable to you r hardware warranty an d v arious services that you c a n u se du ring th e wa rran ty pe rio d.
Cisco 90-Da y Limited Ha rdware Warr anty Term s viii Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 d. Read t he docum en t onl ine , o r cl ick the PDF icon to downlo ad an d pr int the docum ent in Ado be Portab le Docume nt Fo rmat (PDF).
ix Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Cisco 90-Da y Limited Hardwa re Warran ty Terms Complete t he inf ormation b elo w , and keep.
Cisco 90-Da y Limited Ha rdware Warr anty Term s x Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01.
xi Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface This guide describes ho w to install the CiscoW orks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine (WLSE ).
Preface Audienc e xii Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Audience This guide i s intended primarily f or system adm inistrators wh o are responsible f or installing and conf iguring internetw orking eq uipment, a nd are fa m iliar wi th Cisco IOS s oft ware .
xiii Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Conv enti ons Note The English warnings in this document are follo wed by a stateme nt number .
Preface Conve ntions xiv Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Va r o i t u s TÄRKEITÄ TURV A LLISUUSOHJEIT A Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa. T ilanne voi aiheuttaa ruumiillisia vammoja.
xv Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Conv enti ons Avvertenza IMPOR T ANTI ISTRUZIO NI SULLA SI CUREZ ZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un peri colo. La s ituazione potrebbe causare infortuni alle persone.
Preface Conve ntions xvi Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 ¡Adve rtenc ia! INSTRU CCIONES IMP ORT ANTES DE SEGURI DAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro. Existe riesgo para su integridad física.
xvii Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Conv enti ons.
Preface Product Documen tatio n xviii Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Product Docume ntation Note W e sometimes update the printed and electr onic document ation after original publica tio n.
xix Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Product Documen tation Support ed D evice T a ble f or the W ireless LAN Solution Engine Lists d evices su pport ed a t t he t ime th e produ ct wa s re lea sed.
Preface Obtaining Documentation xx Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Obtaining Documentation Cisco p rovides sev eral ways to obt ain d oc ument at ion, techn ica l a ssist ance , and other techni cal reso urces .
xxi Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Obta ining T echni cal As sistan ce Ordering Docume ntation Y ou can find ins truc tio ns for or de ring do cu ment atio n a t t his U RL: http://www .
Preface Obtainin g Techn ical Assist ance xxi i Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Cisco TAC W ebsite The Cisco T A C w ebsite ( h ttp: //www .
xxii i Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Preface Obtai ning Additi ona l Publicati ons and Inform a tion Priority 1 (P1 ) — Y our networ k is “ down ” or there is a critic al impact to your business operation s.
Preface Obtaining Additional Publications and Information xxiv Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 configurati on examples , custome r case studies, tutoria ls and trainin g, certif ication information , and lin ks to n umerous in -depth onlin e reso urces.
xxv Install ation and Confi gurat ion Guid e for the C iscoW orks Wireless LAN Sol ution Engine 78-15903-01 Supplemental License Agreement SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE AGREEMENT FOR CISCO SYSTEMS N E TWORK MA.
Supplem e n tal Lice nse Ag reem e nt xxvi Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 • Software Upgrades, Major and Minor Releases Cisco may pr ovide CiscoW o rks W ireless LAN Sol ution Engine Software upda tes and new version relea ses for the 11 XX Ha rdware Pl atfor m.
C HAPTER 1-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 1 Product Overview TheWireless LA N Sol uti on Engi ne (W LS E) i s a rack -m ounta bl e a ppli anc e fo r configuring an d managi ng Cisco wire less devices.
Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overvie w Hardw are F eatures— CiscoWork s 1130 Wire less LAN Sol ut ion Engine 1-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 7.
1-3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Hardware Fea tures—Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine Figur e 1 -1 Bez el Fe atur es Front Panel F eatures Figure 1-2 shows the fr ont- panel f eatur es.
Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overvie w Hardw are F eatures— CiscoWork s 1130 Wire less LAN Sol ut ion Engine 1-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 7.
1-5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Hardware Fea tures—Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine B.
Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overvie w Hardw are F eatures— CiscoWork s 1130 Wire less LAN Sol ut ion Engine 1-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 7.
1-7 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Hardware Fea tures—Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine If you reco nfigure your h ardware, you may nee d the seri al port pin num ber and signal informat ion.
Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overvie w Equipmen t Include d in the Package 1-8 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 War ni ng T o avoid electric shock, do not connect safety extra-low voltage (SEL V) circuits to telephone-network voltage (TNV) circuits.
1-9 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 1 Product Overv i ew Equipmen t Included in th e Pack age • 10 baseT ethe rnet cable (y .
Chapt er 1 Produ ct Overvie w Equipmen t Include d in the Package 1-10 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01.
C HAPTER 2-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 2 Preparing to Install the Cisc oWorks 1130 Wireless LAN Solution Engi ne This chap ter describes the safety i nstructions an d site req uirements fo r installing the Cisco W orks W ireless LAN Solution en gine.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Safety 2-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 .
2-3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Safety Va r o i t u s TÄRKEITÄ TURV A LLISUUSOHJEIT A Tämä varoitusmerkki merkitsee vaaraa.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Safety 2-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Avvertenza IMPOR T ANTI ISTRUZIO NI SULLA SI CUREZ ZA Questo simbolo di avvertenza indica un peri colo.
2-5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Safety ¡Adve rtenc ia! INSTRU CCIONES IMP ORT ANTES DE SEGURI DAD Este símbolo de aviso indica peligro.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Safety 2-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 .
2-7 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Safety Main.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Safety 2-8 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Protecting Against Electrostatic Discharge Static electr icity can harm delica te components inside you r computer .
2-9 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Preparing Y.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Preparing Your Site for Installation 2-10 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 • Choose a site with a dry , clean, well-v entilate d and air -conditi oned area.
2-11 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Precaution.
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Precauti ons for Product s with Modem s , Teleco m m un ications , or L ocal Area N etwork O pti on s 2-12 Install a.
2-13 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 2 Preparing to Inst al l the CiscoWork s 1130 Wireles s L A N Solution Engi ne Tools and .
Chapter 2 Preparing to Install th e CiscoWor ks 1130 Wireless LAN S olution Eng ine Tools an d Equipm ent Required fo r Installatio n 2-14 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks .
C HAPTER 3-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 3 Installing the CiscoWorks 1130 Wireless LAN Solution Engine This c hapter desc rib es how to inst all the CiscoW orks 1130 Wireless LAN Solution E ngine (WL SE).
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Installing the CiscoWo rks 1130 Wir eless LAN Solution En gin e 3-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks.
3-3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci scoWor ks 1 130 Wire le ss LAN Solut ion Engine Installing the Cisco .
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Installing the CiscoWo rks 1130 Wir eless LAN Solution En gin e 3-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Note In the followi ng illustrations, scre ws are shown for racks with threa ded holes.
3-5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci scoWor ks 1 130 Wire le ss LAN Solut ion Engine Installing the Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine Step 3 Attach o ne or tw o rear adapters to the r ails of th e rack as s hown in the fo llo wing examples .
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Installing the CiscoWo rks 1130 Wir eless LAN Solution En gin e 3-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 4 Attach a sl ide assemb ly to the ad apters on each side of the rack: a.
3-7 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci scoWor ks 1 130 Wire le ss LAN Solut ion Engine Installing the Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine Step 5 Install the WLSE in the slide assembly .
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Installing the CiscoWo rks 1130 Wir eless LAN Solution En gin e 3-8 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 g. Reinstall the front bezel.
3-9 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci scoWor ks 1 130 Wire le ss LAN Solut ion Engine Installing the Cisco Works 1130 Wireless LAN Solution En gine Connectin g the WLSE to the AC Pow er Source War ni ng This equipment must be grounded.
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Powe rin g On th e WLSE 3-10 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 2 Connec t a c onsole to the serial port: a.
3-11 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 3 Installing t he Ci scoWor ks 1 130 Wire le ss LAN Solut ion Engine Next Steps—Configuration Next Steps—Con figuration Configure the WLSE and the devices to be mana ged.
Chapter 3 Installing th e CiscoWorks 1130 W ireless LAN Solution Engine Next Step s— Configur ation 3-12 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine .
C HAPTER 4-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 4 Configuring the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE This c hapter d escrib es how to c onfigure t he C is coW orks 110 5 and Cisc oW orks 1130 WLSEs and how to set up devices for manag ement.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Configurat ion Quick Referenc e 4-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Configure t he W eb browser on the client. 1. V erify th at cli ent sys tem i s usin g a suppo rte d browser .
4-3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Configuring the WLSE’s Network Infor.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Con fi gur in g the WLSE ’s Netw ork In for m ation 4-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 3 At th e logi n pro mpt, enter setup .
4-5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Configuring the WLSE’s Network Information Step 5 Answe r the ne xt set of pro mpts to cr ea te a s elf - si gned cer tif icate.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Con fi gurin g Nam e Res o lu tion 4-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 .
4-7 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Verifying the Configuration • Discov e ry will be slow . • Connecting to the WLSE via T elnet will be slo w .
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Verifying the Co nfiguration 4-8 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Note For security r ea son s, T elne t i s disab led on the W LSE by defau lt.
4-9 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Confi guring t he Web Browser Configuring the Web Browse r Normally , all WLSE tasks are perfo rmed in the W eb interfa ce.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Configurin g the Web B rowser 4-10 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Configuring Internet Explorer T o conf igure Intern et Expl orer 6.
4-11 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Confi guring t he Web Browser Note Windo ws XP do es not co me wi th the Java Plugin ins ta lled on I nter net Explor er 6.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Next Step s— Finish Initial Config uration 4-12 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Next Steps—Finish Initial Configuration For the re mai nder of the co nfigurat ion, you use the WLSE ’ s W eb i n terfa ce.
4-13 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Logging into the Web Interfa ce and V.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-14 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Setting Up Devices Y ou must set up network devices so the WLSE can discover and manag e them.
4-15 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t 2 . Enab le SN MP . (Optional) Set th e location. (Optional) Set th e system nam e and syste m contact.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-16 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Set.
4-17 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t • Log in to each de vice ’ s W eb inter face. See Set Up IOS Access Points b y Using th e W eb In terface, page 4-19 .
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-18 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 5 T o set up SN MP comm unity strin gs, en ter t he follo wing command s in t he sequence shown.
4-19 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t The fo.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-20 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 5 T o enable and co nf igure T elne t: a. Select SER VICES > T elnet/SSH .
4-21 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Step 9 The comm unity stri ngs create d in Steps 7 and 8 must be ente red on the WLSE before the d evice can be di scovered a nd mana ge d.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-22 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Set.
4-23 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Note W.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-24 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Add.
4-25 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Enter SNMP Community Strings for Al l Managed Devices SNMP comm unity stri ngs are used for discovering an d commu nicati ng with network devices.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-26 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Ent.
4-27 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Step 2 T o add a por t: a. Enter the IP addr es s or r ange of I P a ddres ses t hat use t his po rt n umb er .
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-28 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 2 In configur e mode , en ter the f oll owing co mma nd : # wlccp wnm ip add ress x.
4-29 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t For more infor mation on AAA serv ers, see the WLSE online help.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-30 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Ste.
4-31 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Run CD.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-32 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Mod.
4-33 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Click Back to make changes bef ore submi tting, or clic k Cancel to ca ncel all chan ges.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Setting Up Device Ma nagemen t 4-34 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Step 6 Click Check Last Status to see the results o f the import.
4-35 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Setti ng Up Device Managemen t Managing Devices Afte r disco v ering or imp orti ng devi ces and v erifying the res ult s, ens ure th at all devices are in th e Manage d fold er .
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Adding Users 4-36 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Adding Users Y ou can add users and configure their ac cess to t he WLSE W eb i nterface and th eir acces s to t he CLI.
4-37 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 4 Configuring the Ci sc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Next St eps Next Steps For more infor.
Chapter 4 Configuring the CiscoWorks 1105 and 1130 WLSE Next Steps 4-38 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01.
C HAPTER 5-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 5 Installing Software on the CiscoWork s 11 05 a nd 1130 WLSE This secti on describe s the proce ss for u pdating t he system software on a CiscoW o rk s 11 05 or Ci scoW orks 1 130 Wireless LAN Solut ion Engi ne.
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Versions 5-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Upgrade Version s Y ou can upgrade directly to WL SE 2.5 as follows: • From WLSE 2.
5-3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods Note WLSE images ar e su bjec t t o impo rt/ export regula tions re spe ct ing stron g encryptio n.
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Upgrad ing by Usin g the Web In terfac e Cautio n Befo re upgrad ing, rea d the read me.
5-5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods Step 2 .
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 The I.
5-7 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods Note The virtual driv e (f: in thi s example) wi ll be removed after you rebo ot the W i ndows server .
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-8 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 • P.
5-9 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods reposit.
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-10 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Proc edure Step 1 If you are using a W indows XP or W indows NT server as the repo si tory a nd you are usi ng I nter net E xplor er 6.
5-11 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods Step 3 Define the reposi tor y .
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-12 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 Upgr.
5-13 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Chapter 5 Installing Sof t ware on the Cisc oWorks 11 05 and 11 30 WLSE Upg rade Met h ods Do you wish to continue (Yes/No)/Rescue) yes Step 6 When the WLSE ejects the re cov ery CD, remov e it.
Chapter 5 Installing Softwar e on the CiscoWork s 1105 and 1130 WLSE Upgrade Method s 5-14 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01.
A-1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 APPEND IX A Technical Specifications for the CiscoWork s 1130 WLSE Ta b l e A - 1 provides the W ireless LAN Solution Engi ne ’ s (WLSE ) specif ications.
Append ix A Technical Spec ifications fo r th e Cis coW orks 1130 WL SE A-2 Installation and Configuratio n Guide for the CiscoWorks Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Storage r elati ve humi dit y 5% to 95 % (nonc on densing ) Opera tin g max imum vibration 0.
IN- 1 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 INDEX A AAA serv ers adding to WLSE 4-28 requir emen t fo r WDS 4-27 setting up 4-22 acces s poi.
Index IN-2 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 on rout ers a nd swi tch es 4-21 config uring browser 4-9 chan ging setup in format .
IN- 3 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Index ema il server, specifyin g 4-5 Ethern et conn ector s labeling on WLSE 1130 1-5 location o.
Index IN-4 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 K keyboar d conne ctor 1-6 L LAN op tion s, pr ecau tions for 2-12 LEAP se rv er add.
IN- 5 Installation and Configuration Guide for the Cisco Works Wireless LAN Solution Engine 78-15903-01 Index S safety 2-1 elect rost atic disc harge 2-8 enviro nmenta l creat ing save envi ronmen t 2.
Index IN-6 Install ation a nd Conf igurati on Guide for the CiscoW orks Wir eless LAN S olution E ngine 78-15903-01 V video co nnector back pa ne l 1-6 front pan el 1-4 VLANs on IOS access poi nts 4-1.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems SOFTWARE RELEASE 2.5 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.