Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product XR 12410 van de fabrikant Cisco Systems
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Americas Headquarters Cisco Systems, Inc. 170 West Tasman Drive San Jose, CA 95134-1706 USA Tel: 408 526-4000 800 553-NETS (6387) Fax: 408 527-0883 Cisco XR 1 241 0 Router Install.
Any Internet Prot ocol (IP) addre sses used in t his document are not intend ed to be actu al addresses. Any examples, command displ ay output, and figures included in the document are shown for illustrati ve purposes only . Any use of actual IP ad dresses in illustrat ive co nte nt is unintentional and coincidental.
v Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CONTENTS About This Guide xi Audience xi Purpose xi Document Organization xii Document Conventions xii Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support.
Contents vi Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Auxiliary and Console Ports 1-18 PRP Reset Switch 1-18 PRP Alphanumeric Message Displays 1-19 PRP Memory Components 1-20 PRP SDRAM .
vii Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Contents AC-Powered Rout ers 2-14 DC-Powered Rout ers 2-15 NEBS Supplemental Unit Bonding and Gro unding Guidelin es 2-18 Site Wiring Guideline.
Contents viii Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Installing the Chassis in the Rack 3-23 Supplemental Bonding and Grounding Connections 3-26 Reinstalling Components Afte r Installing.
ix Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Contents Additional Power Subsystem Troubleshooting Informatio n 4-12 Troubleshooting the Power Distribution System 4-14 Troubleshooting the Pro.
Contents x Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter 5-5 Cleaning or Replacing a Chassis Air Filter 5-6 Removing and Replacing the Blower Mo dul.
xi Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 About This Guide Audience The Cisco XR 12410 Router I nstallation Guide i s written for hardware instal lers and system administrators of Cisco routers. This publication assumes that th e user has a substantial background in instal ling and configuring router and switch-based hardwa re.
About This Guide Document Organization xii Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Document Organization This installation and co nfiguratio n guide is org anized into the follo wing chap.
xiii Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 About This Guide Document Conven tions – The route r# prompt indicates that you should b e at the privileged le vel. Access to the pri vileged le v el usually requires a password. Refer to the related software conf iguration and reference documentation for additional information.
About This Guide Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security Guidelines xiv Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Obtaining Documentation, Obtaining Support, and Security G.
1-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CH A P T E R 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview This chapter pro vides an o vervie w of the Cisco XR 12 410 router. It contains physical descriptions of the ro uter hardware and major component s, and functional descriptions o f th e hardware-related features.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Physical and Func tional Description of Ro uter 1-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 • Switch fabric an d alarm card cage—Located behind the air f ilter door , th is card cage contains 7 slots for the sw itch fabric card set, and two slots for alarm cards.
1-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Physical and Functional Desc ription of Router Figur e 1 -1 Cisco XR 1241 0 Rout er Components—F ront V iew Figure 1-2 sho ws the slot numbering layout of the router with the location of t he major components.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Physical and Func tional Description of Ro uter 1-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 1 -2 Router Components a nd Slot-Numbering L .
1-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Physical and Functional Desc ription of Router AC and DC Power Subsystems A router ships as either an A C or DC powered system.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Physical and Func tional Description of Ro uter 1-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Each A C PEM con v erts 200 to 240 V A C into -48 VDC, which is d istributed through the chassis backpl ane to all cards, RPs, and the blower module.
1-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Physical and Functional Desc ription of Router DC Power Supplies A DC po wered router consists of tw o DC PDUs and DC PEMs.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Physical and Func tional Description of Ro uter 1-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figure 1-6 identifi es the components of a DC power supply .
1-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Ove rview Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Overview The switch fabric provides synchronized gigabit-speed connections between line cards and the route processor .
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Over view 1-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Switch Fabric Card Functionality Routers ship from the f actory with 2 CSCs and 5 SF Cs installed in the 7 slots in the switch fabric and alarm card cage (see Figure 1-2 ).
1-11 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Ove rview Switch Fabric Card The switch fabric cards au gment the traff ic capacity of the router .
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Over view 1-12 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 1 -7 Alar m Displa y Location A C T IV E 0 C A R R IE.
1-13 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview The follo wing connectors and LEDs are on the front panel of .
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Line Card and Route Processor Over view 1-14 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Line Cards Ports and connectors on the line card front panels provide interfaces for external connections.
1-15 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview The PRP-2 pe rforms th e following primary fu nctions: • Ex.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Line Card and Route Processor Over view 1-16 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 The Secure Domain Router (SDR) controls domain securit y features independent of any other SDRs on the network.
1-17 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview PRP Ethernet Ports and Status LEDs The PRP has two 8-pin media-depend ent interface (MDI) RJ-45 p orts for either IEEE 802.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Line Card and Route Processor Over view 1-18 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Auxiliary and Console Ports The auxiliary and consol e ports on the PRP are EIA/TIA-232 (also k nown as RS-232) asynchronous serial ports.
1-19 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview PRP Alphanumeric Message Displays The alphanumeric message displays are or ganized in two ro ws of four LED characters each ( Figure 1-11 ).
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Line Card and Route Processor Over view 1-20 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Memory Components This section describes v arious types of memory used on the PRP to support router functions.
1-21 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview Figur e 1 -12 PRP Memory Lo cations EJEC T RX TX P R IM A R Y.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Line Card and Route Processor Over view 1-22 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP SDRAM The PRP uses Error Checking and Correction (ECC) Synchronized Dynamic Random Access Memory (SDRAM) to store routi ng tables, protocols, network accounting applicat ions, and to run Cisco IOS software.
1-23 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Line Card and Route Proc essor Overview PRP NVRAM Non-v olatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) pro vides 2 MB of memory for system conf iguration f iles, software re gister settings, and en vironmental monitoring logs.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Upgrading a Cisco 12000 Se ries Router to a Cisco XR 12000 Series Router 1-24 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Upper and Lower Cable Manag.
1-25 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Horizontal Cable Mana gement Bracket Ports and connectors on the line card front panels provide interfaces for external connections. Line cards communicate with the RP and exchange packet data with each other through t he switch fabric cards.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Horizontal Ca ble Management Bracket 1-26 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 1 -13 Horiz ont al Cable Management Br a ck et A C T IV.
1-27 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Horizontal Cable Mana gement Bracket Blower Module The blo wer module contains three variable speed fans and a controller card.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Horizontal Ca ble Management Bracket 1-28 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 The blo wer module maintains acceptable operat ing temperatures.
1-29 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Overview Horizontal Cable Mana gement Bracket T wo temperature sensors on each line card mo nitor the internal.
Chapter 1 Cisco XR 12410 Rou ter Overview Horizontal Ca ble Management Bracket 1-30 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01.
2-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CH A P T E R 2 Preparing for Installation Before installing your router , you must consider po wer and cabling req uirements that must be in pl.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety Guidelines 2-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Safety Guidelines Before you perform an y procedure in this publi cation, you must revie w the safety guidelines in this secti on to av oid injuring yourself or damaging the equipment .
2-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety Guidelines Compliance and Safety Information The Cisco XR 12410 router are designed to meet the regulatory co mpliance and safety approv al requirements.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety Guidelines 2-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 2-1 Connecting an ESD-Pr eventive W r ist Strap to the Chassis A C T IV E 0 C AR.
2-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Safety Guidelines Lifting Guidelines A fully conf igured router can weigh as much as 275 pounds (lb) (124.74 kilogra ms (kg)), while an empty chassis w eighs 125 lb (56.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Site Requirement Guidelines The follo wing sections contain the site requireme.
2-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines Figur e 2-2 Equipm ent Rack T ypes Enclosed Rack Figure 2-2 a sho ws a free-standing, enclosed rack with tw o mounting posts in the front.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Telco Rack Figure 2-2 c sho w s a telco-type rack. The telco-type rack is an open frame consisting of tw o posts tied together by a cross-bar at the top and a floor stan d at the botto m.
2-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines In the center -mounted position, you secure a set of optional center -mount brackets to the rack posts. The ch assis rack-mounting flanges are then secured to the center-mou nt brackets ( Figure 2-4 ).
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Site Layout and Equipment Dimensions T o help maintain trouble-free operation.
2-11 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines • T o av oid noise interference in netwo rk interface cables, do not route them directly across or alo ng power cables. Figure 2-5 sho w s the footprint and o uter dimensions of the of the router chassis.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-12 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Air Flow Guidelines Cool air is circulated through the router by the blo wer module located at the t op of the chassis.
2-13 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines • Unrestricted air fl ow—All ow suf ficient air fl ow b y maintaining a minimum of 6 inches (15.24 cm) of clearance at both th e inlet and e xhaust openings on the chassis and the pow er modules.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-14 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 AC-Powered Routers A C PEMs operate in the nominal ra nge of 200 VA C t o 2 4.
2-15 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines Ta b l e 2-1 lists power co rd options. All A C-input po wer supply po wer cords measure 14 feet (4.3 m). DC-Powered Routers Connections to DC PEMs are r ated at 60 A maximum.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-16 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Y ou must terminate DC power cables us ing c able lugs at the power shelf end.Ensure the lugs are du al-hole and that they f it over M6 termin al studs at 0.
2-17 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines Figure 2-9 sho w s a typical source DC po wer distribution sch eme for a 2800 W DC PDU.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-18 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 The color coding of source DC power cable leads depend s on th e color coding of the site DC power source.
2-19 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines Figur e 2-1 0 NEBS Bonding and Gr ounding Studs 53287 NEBS bonding and groun.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Guidelines 2-20 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 T o ensure a satisfactory supplemental ground connection to the rout er , use the follo wing parts: Note These parts are not av ailable from Cisc o, but are av ailable from commercial vendo rs.
2-21 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Site Requirement Gu idelines Giv e spec ial consideration to the effect of a lightning strike in yo ur vicinity , especially if the wiring exceeds the r ecommended distances, or if it passes between b uildings.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connection Guidelines 2-22 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Port Connection Guidelines This section contains detailed cabling an d signal information for all interface and port connections to the PRP .
2-23 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connectio n Guidelines Figure 2-11 sho ws the auxiliary and console port connections from the PRP to the associated devices.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connection Guidelines 2-24 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Auxiliary Port Signals The PRP auxiliary port is a DTE, RJ-45 int erface for connecting a modem or other DCE de vice (such as a CSU/DSU or anot her router) to the PRP .
2-25 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connectio n Guidelines PRP Console Port Signals The PRP console port is a DCE RJ-45 interf ace for connecting a termina l to the router .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connection Guidelines 2-26 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Ethernet Connections The PRP has two RJ-45 MDI Ethe rnet ports; ETH0 and ETH1 ( Figure 2-12 ). Figur e 2-12 PRP Ether net Connections These connections support IEEE 802.
2-27 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connectio n Guidelines Figure 2-13 sho ws: • Y ou cannot access Netw ork from Ethernet po rt (E0) on the PRP in Router A. Y ou can only access Host A, Host B, and Router C, whi ch are in Network 1.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connection Guidelines 2-28 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP RJ-45 Ethernet Connections The RJ-45 Ethernet connecti on does not require an e xternal transcei ver . Figure 2-14 show s the pin orientation of the RJ-45 Eth ernet port and the modular cable plug it accepts.
2-29 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connectio n Guidelines When connecting the RJ-45 por t to a hub or repeater , use the straight-through cable pinout sho w n in Figure 2-15 .
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation PRP Port Connection Guidelines 2-30 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Ta b l e 2-5 lists the cabling specificat ions for 100-Mbps transmissio n over unshielded twisted-pair (UTP) cables. Note The transmission speed of the Ethernet ports i s autosensing by default and is user-conf igurable.
2-31 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Alarm Display Conne ction Guidelines Alarm Display Connection Guidelines The router alarm system cons ists of the follo wing cards: • T wo alarm cards—Installed in the switch fabric and alarm card cage.
Chapter 2 Preparing for Installation Alarm Display Conne ction Guidelines 2-32 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Ta b l e 2-7 lists the pin-to-signal corr espondence between the cable con nector pins and the alarm card relay contacts.
3-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CH A P T E R 3 Installing the Cis co XR 12410 Router This chapter contains the proc edures to install the ro uter in a rack.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Pre-Installation Considerations and Requir ements 3-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Pre-Installation Considerations and Requirements Before you perform an y procedures in this chapter , re view th e follo wing sections in Chapter 2, “Preparing for Installation.
3-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Overview Installation Overview The router is shipped strapped to a shipping pallet as sho wn in Figure 3-1 .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Chass is 3-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Required Tools and Equipment Before you be gi.
3-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Cha ssis Use the follo wing procedure to rem o ve the front cover from t he router . Step 1 Open the front do or by pressing th e right latch b utton ( Figure 3-2 ).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Chass is 3-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 2 Remov e the front door b y lifting the (top and bottom) hinge pins to free the door from the chassis ( Fig ure 3-3 ).
3-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Cha ssis Removing Power Supplies Remov e both po wer supplies to reduce the top-end weight of t he router by approximately 28 poun ds (12.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Chass is 3-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Removing DC PEMs Use the follo wing procedure to rem o ve the DC PEMs from the chassis. Step 1 Remov e the PEM from the chassis ( Figure 3-5 ): a.
3-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Cha ssis Removing the Blower Module By removing t he blower module from the chassis, you can reduce the t op-end weight of the chassis b y approximately 20.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Components Before Installing the Chass is 3-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-6 Rem oving th e Blo wer Mod ule 5.
3-11 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Cards from the Cha ssis Removing Cards from the Chassis T o reduce additional wei ght from the chassis, you can remo ve all line cards, RPs, switch fabrics, and alarm card s.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Cards from the Chassis 3-12 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-7 Cisco XR 1241 0 router Co mponents and Sl ot-Numbe .
3-13 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Cards from the Cha ssis Step 2 Starting at slot 0 : a. Loosen the captiv e scre ws at the top an d bottom of the front pane l ( Figure 3-8 a).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Removing Cards from the Chassis 3-14 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Removing Cards from the Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Cage The switch fabric and alarm card cage is located behind th e air f ilter door on the front of the chassis.
3-15 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis Step 2 Starting at slot CSC 0: a. Pi vot the ej ector lev ers to unseat th e card from the backplane connector ( Figure 3-10 ).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Router Chassis 3-16 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-1 1 Front-Mount and Center -Mount Rack P ositions In a front-mount ed position, the chassis rack -mounting flanges are secured directly to the rack post s.
3-17 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis In a center-mounted position, an optional set of center -mount brackets are secured to the rack posts and the chassis rack-mounting flange s are then sec ured to the center-mou nt brackets.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Router Chassis 3-18 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-12 V er ifying Equi pment Rack Dimensions Installing.
3-19 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis Step 2 Install the right rack-mount bracket ( Figure 3-13 ). a. Align the bottom scre w hole of the bracket with the mark ed screw hole at t he bottom of the rack and f inger tighten a scre w in that hole.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Router Chassis 3-20 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Installing Center-Mount Brackets—Optional If you plan to install the router in the center -mount position, you must install the center-mou nt brackets to the rack rai ls first.
3-21 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis Step 2 Identify t he orientation of the left and ri ght center- mount brackets ( Figure 3-1 4 ). Figur e 3-14 Center -Mount Brack ets Step 3 Install the right cent er-mount bracket ( Figure 3-15 ).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Router Chassis 3-22 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-15 Installing a Cent er -Mount Rack-Mou nting Br ack.
3-23 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis Installing the Chassis in the Rack T wo people can lift an empty rou ter chassis using the handles on the sides.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Router Chassis 3-24 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Use the follo wing procedure to instal l the chassis in th e e.
3-25 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Rack-Mounting the Ro uter Chassis Figur e 3-18 Incor rect Lif ting Handholds Step 2 Position t he chassis until the rack-mou nting flanges are flush against the mounting rails on the rack (or t he optional center -mount brackets, if installed) .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Supplemental Bond ing and Grounding Con nections 3-26 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Supplemental Bonding and Grounding Connections.
3-27 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Components After Installing th e Chassis Step 2 Prepare the other end of the grounding wi re and connect it to the appropriate grounding point at y our site to ensure an adequate earth ground.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Components Afte r Installing the Chassis 3-28 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Reinstalling AC PEMs Use the follo wing procedure to reinstal l the A C PEMs back into the chassis.
3-29 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Components After Installing th e Chassis Reinstalling DC PEMs Use the follo wing procedure to reinst al l the DC PEMs back into the chassis.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Components Afte r Installing the Chassis 3-30 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Reinstalling the Blower Module Use the follo wing procedure to reinst all the blo w er module in the ch assis.
3-31 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Cards in the Chassis Step 2 Go to the “Reinstalling Cards in the Switch F abric and Alarm Card Cage” section on page 3-31 to reinstall S FCS cards.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Cards in the Chassis 3-32 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 2 Starting at slot CSC 0: d. Slide the card into the sl ot ( Figure 3-24 ). a. Pi vot the ej ector lev ers to seat th e card to the backplane connector .
3-33 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Reinstalling Cards in the Chassis Reinstalling Cards in the Line Card and RP Card Cage Before y.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Line Card Network Interface Cabl es 3-34 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Caution Unoccupied card slots in the line card a.
3-35 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Line Card Network Inte rface Cables Use the following procedure as an e xample to route the network interface cables through the cable-m anagement system and connect them to the line card.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Line Card Network Interface Cabl es 3-36 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-26 Connecting a Networ k Interf ace Ca.
3-37 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Line Card Network Inte rface Cables Step 6 Insert all cables into their assigned ports. Step 7 Place sev eral ev enly space d velcro straps through slots on th e cable-management bracket ( Figure 3-27 a).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Line Card Network Interface Cabl es 3-38 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-27 Cur r ent Style Cable Management Br.
3-39 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting PRP Route Processor Cables Connecting PRP Route Processor Cables This section descri bes how to connect cables to the console, aux iliary , and Ethernet ports on the PRP .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting PRP Route Processor Cables 3-40 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Note RP cables are not av ailable from Cisco, but are a vailable from an y comme rcial cable vendor .
3-41 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting PRP Route Processor Cables Connecting to the PRP Auxiliary Port The auxiliary port on the PRP is a DTE, RJ-45 receptacle for connecting a modem or other DCE device (such as a CSU/DSU or anoth er router) to the router .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting PRP Route Processor Cables 3-42 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 See the “PRP Ethernet Connections” section on page 2-2 6 for additional information abou t the Ethernet ports.
3-43 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Alarm Display Card Cables Connecting Alarm Display Card Cables The router alarm display card, which is located above the horizontal cable management tray , has two 25-pin D-subconnectors, lab eled Alarm A and Alar m B ( Figure 3-29 ).
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Power to the Router 3-44 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 The alarm subconnectors can be used to connect the router to an external site alarm maintenance system.
3-45 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Power to the Router Connecting Power to an AC-Powered Router Use the follo wing procedure to co nnect the A C power cords to th e router .
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Power to the Router 3-46 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Connecting Power to a DC-Powered Router This section contains the procedures to connect the DC source power cables to a DC-po wered route r .
3-47 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Power to the Router Use the follo wing procedure to connect the DC sourc e power cables to a 2800 W DC po wered router . Step 1 Remov e the clear plastic safe ty cov er that fits o ver the DC po wer connection terminal studs.
Chapter 3 Installing the Cisco XR 12410 Router Connecting Power to the Router 3-48 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 3-31 Connecting the DC P ow er Cables—280 0 W PDU Step 3 Replace the clear plastic safety covers o ver the PDUs.
4-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CH A P T E R 4 Troubleshooting the Installation This chapter contains g eneral troubleshootin g information to help i solate the cause of any dif ficulties you mig ht encounter during th e installation and initial startup of the system.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting Overvie w 4-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting Overview This section descri bes the methods used in troubleshooti ng the router . The troubleshooting methods are or ganized according to the major subsystems in the router .
4-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting Overview • Chassis backplane po wer distribution. –4 8 VDC power from the po wer supplies is transferred to the chassis ba ckplane and is distrib uted to all of the cards through the backplane connectors .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting Overvie w 4-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Identifying Startup Issues Ta b l e 4-1 shows the contents of the alphan.
4-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem This section contains inf o.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting the Power Subs ystem 4-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figure 4-1 identifies the compon ents of an AC PEM. Figur e 4-1 AC PEM Components Use the follo wing procedure to tro ubleshoot the A C po wer supply if it is not operating properly .
4-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Step 2 Make sure the router is powered on an d that all power cords are connected properly .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting the Power Subs ystem 4-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 • Ilim—Indicates the p ower sup ply is operating in a current-limiti ng condition. – Make sure that each power cord is connected to a dedi cated AC po wer source.
4-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem Figur e 4-2 2800 W att DC PEM Components 1 Pow er on/of f switc.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting the Power Subs ystem 4-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting a DC PEM Use the follo wing procedure to tro ubleshoot a 2800 W DC PEM if it is not operating properly .
4-11 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem • RPF2 (rev erse polarity feeder 2) (flashing yello w)—The (feeder 2) PDU is mis-wired F or wiring instructions see the “Connecting Power to a DC-Powered Router” section on page 3-46 .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting the Power Subs ystem 4-12 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 • DCOK (green)—Indicates that the po wer supply is operating normally , and is within the n ominal opera ting range .
4-13 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Power Subsystem 24 PEM1 OK PEM2 OK Slot # Hot Sensor Inlet Sensor (deg C) (deg C) 29 NA 22.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troublesho oting the Power Subs ystem 4-14 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting the Power Distribution System The po wer dis.
4-15 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem The router processor subsystem consists of t he route processor , line cards, and alarm cards.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-16 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Performance Route Processor Overview The performance route pro cessor (PRP) uses a Motorola PowerPC 7450 CPU that runs at an external b us clock speed of 133 MHz and has an internal cl ock speed of 667 MHz.
4-17 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem PRP Ethernet Ports and Status LEDs The PRP has two 8-pin media-depend ent interface (MDI) RJ-45 p orts for either IEEE 802.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-18 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Auxiliary and Console Ports The auxiliary and consol e ports on the PRP are EIA/TIA-232 (also k nown as RS-232) asynchronous serial port s connect e xternal de vices to monitor and manage the system.
4-19 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem PRP Alphanumeric Message Displays The alphanumeric message displays are or ganized in two ro ws of four LED characters each ( Figure 4-5 ).
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-20 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP Memory Components This section descri bes types of memory used on the PRP to support router functions.
4-21 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem Figur e 4-6 PRP Memory Loca tions EJEC T RX TX P R IM A R .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-22 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 PRP SDRAM The PRP uses Error Checking and Correction (ECC.
4-23 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem PRP NVRAM Non-v olatile Random Access Memory (NVRAM) pro vides 2 MB of memory for system conf iguration f iles, software re gister settings, and en vironmental monitoring logs.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-24 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting the Route Processor When the router is po.
4-25 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem Troubleshooting Using the RP Alphanumeric Display Y ou can use the alphan umeric display to isolate a probl em with the RP .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-26 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Ta b l e 4-5 T roubleshoo ting Using the RP Al phanumer i.
4-27 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem Troubleshooting Line Cards When the line card is powered on, the di splay on the line card indicates the follo wing ( Figure 4-8 ): • Upper ro w—Indicates which software com ponen t is running.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-28 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting Using the Line Card Alphanumeric Display Y ou can analyze the alphanumeric displays to isolate a pro blem with th e line card.
4-29 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem RST SA VE Contents of the reset reason register are being sav ed. Line card R OM monitor IO RST Reset I/O register is being accessed.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-30 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 IOS XR FA B W 3 Cisco IOS XR software is waiting for the fa bric to be ready . RP IOS XR software IOS XR VGE T 3 Line card is obtaining the Cisco IOS XR release.
4-31 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem RSET DONE System reset c omplete. RP MBUS DNLD MBus agent is do wnloading. RP MBUS DONE MBus agent download complete.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-32 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 DIA G MODE Diagnostic mode. RP DIA G LO AD Downloading f ield diagnostics over the MBus. RP DIA G F_LD Downloading f ield diagnostics over the fabric.
4-33 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Processor Subsystem Troubleshooting Using the Alarm Display If you experience critical, major , or mi nor alarms you can use the alarm display to troubleshoot those conditions.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Proces sor Subsystem 4-34 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Monitoring Critical, Major, and Minor Alarm Status The al.
4-35 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem Y ou may need to troublesh oot the cooling subsystem if an o vertemperature condition occurs.
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem 4-36 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Blower Module Operation The blo wer module maintains accepta.
4-37 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem For additi onal po wer supply troubleshooting inform ation, .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem 4-38 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Isolating Cooling Subsystem Problems Use the following procedure to isolate a problem with the chassis cool ing system if you ha ve an o vertemperature co ndition.
4-39 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 4 Tr oubleshooting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem • If the T e mp and Fault indicators are on , an ov ertemperature condition exi sts. – V erify that the po wer supply fan is operating p roperly .
Chapter 4 Troublesho oting the Installation Troubleshooting the Cooling Subsystem 4-40 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01.
5-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 CH A P T E R 5 Maintaining the Router The router is equip ped as ordered and is ready for installation and start up when it is shipped. As networ k requirements chan ge, you may need to upgrade the system by adding or changing components.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Powering Off the Router 5-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Prerequisites and Preparation Before you perform an y of the procedures in th is chapter , be sure that you: • Re view the “Safety Guidelines” section on page 2-2 .
5-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Powering Off the Router Removing and Replacing the Air Filter Door Front Cover Use the follo wing procedure to remov e and replace the air filter door front cover .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Powering Off the Router 5-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 2 Remov e the (4) screws from each corner that fasten the partial front cov er to the air filter door ( Figure 5-2 ). • Set aside the scre ws; you will need them to install the replacement front cove r .
5-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter The Cisco XR 12410 router is equipped wi th a user-serviceable air filter that prev ents dust from being drawn into the router .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter 5-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Cleaning or Replacing a Chassis Air Filter Use the following procedure to clean or replace the air filter .
5-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter Step 2 Remov e the air filter b y sliding it out of the door ( Figure 5-4 ).
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Cleaning or Replacing the Chassis Air Filter 5-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 3 V isually check the condition of the air filter to deter mine whether to clean it or install a new replacement f ilter: • Dirty—Y ou can either v acuum or replace the filter .
5-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing an d Replacing the Blow er Module Removing and Replacing the Blower Module Use the follo wing procedure to remo ve and replace the blo wer module. Step 1 Remov e the blower mod ule from the chassis ( Figure 5-5 ): a.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing the Blower Modu le 5-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 2 Install the ne w blower module into the chassis ( Figure 5-6 ): a. Lift the blo wer module (with two hands) and sl ide it halfway into the module bay .
5-11 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing an d Replacing the Blow er Module Troubleshooting the Blower Module Installation Use the follo wing procedure to tro ubleshoot the blo wer module if it is not operating properly after install ation.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-12 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components This section contains remov al and repl acement procedures for the A C and DC po wer systems used with the Cisco XR 124 10 router.
5-13 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Caution Cisco XR 12410 router conf igured with non-enhanced fabric an d a single po wer supply and with more than f ive Eng ine5 line-cards may fail to boot during the start-up procedures.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-14 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Removing and Replacing an AC PEM This section contains the procedure to remov e and replace an A C PEM from the chassis.
5-15 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Use the following procedure to remo ve and replace an A C PEM. Step 1 Set the po wer switch to the off (0 ) position.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-16 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 5 Install the ne w power supply ( Figure 5-9 ): a. Slide the po wer supply into the bay until it mates with its b ackplane connector .
5-17 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Troubleshooting the AC Power Supply Installation Use the follo wing procedure to tro ubleshoot the A C po wer supply if it is not operating properly after install ation.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-18 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 • Fault (yello w)—Indicates that the syst em has detected a fault within the po wer supply . This indicator remains of f during normal operation .
5-19 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Removing and Replacing an AC PDU Use the following procedure to remo ve and replace an A C PDU. Step 1 Set the po wer switch to the off (0 ) position.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-20 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 5 Release the retention clip and disconnec t the power cable from the A C power connector on the horizonta l trough ( Figure 5-11 ).
5-21 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Step 6 Remov e the rear chassis components ( Figure 5-12 ): a. Loosen the (6) cap tiv e screws on the A C horizontal trough and remov e it.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-22 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 7 Install the rear chassis components (see Figure 5-12 ): a. Install the ne w AC PDU and ti ghten the (4) scre ws to secure it to the chassis.
5-23 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Step 12 Set the po wer switch to the on (1) positi on. The (green) Pwr OK indicator on the front of the po wer supply should light.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-24 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Use the following procedure to remo ve and replace a DC PEM. Step 1 Set the po wer switch to the off (0 ) position.
5-25 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Step 4 Install the ne w DC PEM into the chassis ( Figure 5-16 ): a. Slo wly push the po wer supply into the chassis unt il it mates with the backplane connector at the back of the bay .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-26 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Troubleshooting a 2800 W DC PEM Installation Use the follo wing procedure to tro ubleshoot the DC PEM if it is not operating properly af ter instal lation.
5-27 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components • RPF1 (Re verse Polarity Feeder 1) (flashing yello w)—The PDU (Feeder 1) is miswired. See Step 8 of the “Removing and Replacing a DC PDU” procedure on page 5-27 .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-28 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 • DCOK (green)—Indicates that the po wer supply is operating normally , and is within the n ominal opera ting range .
5-29 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Step 3 Eject the PEM from the chassis ( Figu re 5-17 ): a. Loosen the captiv e screw on the ejector lev er and piv ot the lev e r do wn to eject the PEM from its bay .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-30 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 5 Disconnect the DC po wer cables from their terminals in the follo wing order and note the color of each cabl e ( Figure 5-18 ): a.
5-31 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Figur e 5-18 Disconnecting the DC P ow e r Cables—2800 W DC PDU Step 6 Remov e the rear chassis components ( Figure 5-19 ): a.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-32 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 5-19 Rear DC Chassis Components 53365 R.
5-33 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Step 7 Install t he rear chassi s components ( Fi gure 5-19 ): a. Install the ne w DC PDU and tighten the (4 ) scre ws to secure it to the chassis.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-34 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 8 Reconnect the W DC power cables in the follo wing order ( Figure 5-20 ): a. Ground cables f irst.
5-35 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing AC and DC Power Subsystem Components Figur e 5-20 Connecting the DC P ow er Cables—280 0 W PDU Step 9 Replace the clear plastic safety cov ers over the PDUs and tighten t he screws (see Figure 5-19 ).
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing AC and DC Power Sub system Components 5-36 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 10 Reinstall the DC PEM into the c hassis ( Figure 5-21 ): a. Slo wly push the po wer supply into the chassis unt il it mates with the backplane connector at the back of the bay .
5-37 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing Cards from the Chassis Removing and Replacing Cards from the Chassis This section contains the pr ocedures to remov e cards from the chassis.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing Cards from the Chassis 5-38 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 5-22 Rout er Components and Slot-Number i ng L I N E C.
5-39 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing Cards from the Chassis Removing and Replacing Cards from the Line Card and RP Card Cage This section descri bes the procedures for removin g and installing a router processor (RP) card or a line card.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replac ing Cards from the Chassis 5-40 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Figur e 5-23 Removing a Line Car d from th e Line Car d and RP.
5-41 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Replacing Cards from the Chassis Removing and Replacing Cards from the Switch Fabric and Alarm Card Cage The switch fabric and alarm card cage is located behind th e air f ilter door on the front of the chassis.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Installing a Chassis 5-42 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 2 Remov e the card (a CSC in this example): a. Pi vot the ej ector lev ers to unseat th e card from the backplane connector .
5-43 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Installing a Chassis Removing a Chassis from the Equipment Rack Use the follo wing procedure to remo ve the chassis and its compon ents from the equipment rack.
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Installing a Chassis 5-44 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 8 Disconnect any cables connec ted to the external alarm port on the alarm display . Label each of the alarm display cables before you disconnect the cables.
5-45 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Installing a Chassis Step 13 Remove the chassis from the rack. War ni ng An empty chassis weighs approximately 125 pounds (56.7 kg). Y ou need two people to remove the chassis from the equipment rack safely .
Chapter 5 Maintaining the Router Removing and Installing a Chassis 5-46 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Step 8 Connect the supplemental bonding and grounding con nection (if there is one) to the chassis (s ee Supplemental Bonding and Grounding Connect ions, page 3-26 ).
A-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 APPENDIX A Technical Specifications This appendix lists t he Cisco XR 12410 router specifi cations.
Appendix A Technical Sp ecifications Router Specifications A-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Ta b l e A -1 Ph ysical Specifications Description Va l u e Chassis hei ght 37.5 in. (95.2 cm) Chassis width 17.25 in. (43.8 cm) 19.0 in.
A-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Appendix A Technical Sp ecifications Router Specifications Caution T o ensure that the chassis con figuration complies with the requir ed po wer budgets, use the on-line po wer calculator .
Appendix A Technical Sp ecifications Router Specifications A-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Caution T o ensure that the chassis con figuration complies with the requir ed po wer budgets, use the on-line po wer calculator .
A-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Appendix A Technical Sp ecifications Router Specifications Ta b l e A -4 En vironmental Specifications Description Va l u e Te m p e r a t u r .
Appendix A Technical Sp ecifications Router Specifications A-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01.
B-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 APPENDIX B Site Log The site log pro vides a historical record of al l actions rele va nt to the operation an d maintenance of the router . Keep you r site log in a con venient place near the router where anyone wh o performs the maintena nce has access to it.
Appendix B Site Log B-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Date Description of Action Performed or Symptoms Observed Initials.
B-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Appendix B Site Log.
Appendix B Site Log B-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01.
IN-1 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 INDEX Numerics 100BASE-T maximum cable lengths 2-30 specifications 2-30 transmission specifications 2-30 100BASE-TX 2-30 10BASE-T 2-26 1FE cab.
Index IN-2 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 auxiliary port connecting devices to 2-24, 3-41 connector pi nout 2-24 description 1-18 B bandwid th 4-17 blank card filler panel (caut .
IN-3 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Index GRP soft reset (NMI) switch 1-18, 4-18 handling ca rds 3-11, 5-38 lifting c hassis 3-24 RP soft reset (NMI) switch 4-25 valid li fting g.
Index IN-4 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 DC-input power entry mo dule A-3 D DC-input power power entry module input current rati ng A-3 input power rating A-3 input volt ages 1-.
IN-5 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Index G GRP alphanumeric LED disp lays 4-24, 4-25, 4-28 asynchronous serial ports auxiliary port 1-18 Cisco IOS software images 1-22, 4-22 con.
Index IN-6 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 line card alphanumeric LED disp lays 4-27 attaching i nte rface ca bles 3-35 reinstalling 3-33 slot width 1-13, 1-24 line card and RP ca.
IN-7 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Index power distributio n units also see PDUs power module AC-input input power rating A-3 rated input voltage A-3 DC-input input current rati.
Index IN-8 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 S safety lifting 2-5 SELV circuit connections 2-22, 3-39 scheduler 1-10 security 2-26 SELV circuit connections 3-39 warning 2-22 SELV ci.
IN-9 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01 Index description 3-26 T tables GRP DRAM configurations 4-22 PRP memory components 4-20 telco-style rack requirements 2-10 Telnet port 2-26 te.
Index IN-10 Cisco XR 12410 Router Installation Guide OL-13832-01.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Cisco Systems XR 12410 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Cisco Systems XR 12410 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Cisco Systems XR 12410 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Cisco Systems XR 12410 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Cisco Systems XR 12410 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Cisco Systems XR 12410 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Cisco Systems XR 12410 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Cisco Systems XR 12410 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.