Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DES-1228 van de fabrikant D-Link
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DES-1228 24-Port 10 /100Mbps Web-Sma rt Switch with 4-Port 10/100/1000Base-T and 2-Port Combo SFP User Manual V1.00.
i i TABLE OF CO NT E NTS About This Guide. ...... ........................ .................................. ................ 1 Purpose ...................................... ...................................................... 1 Terms/Usage ......
i i i i SmartConsole Utility Features ............................ ............... ............ 20 Menu Toolbar........... ...................... ................................ ............ 20 Discovery List ................................ ........
i i i i i i Monitoring > Statisti cs ....... ............................................ ............ 54.
1 1 ABOUT THIS GUIDE Thank you and congratulati ons on your purchase of the DE S-1228 24 - Port 10/100Mbps Fast Ethernet with 4-P ort 10/ 100/1000 Base-T and 2- Port Combo SFP Web- Smart Sw itch. This dev ice integrates 1000Mb ps Gigabi t Ethernet , 100Mbps Fast Ethernet and 10Mb ps Ethern et network capabilities in a high ly flexible pack age.
2 2 INTRODUCTION This chapt er will descri be the feat ur es of the DES-122 8 and provide some background i nformati on about Et hernet/Fast Ethernet/Gi gabit Ethernet s witching technol ogy. Gigabit Ethernet Technology Gigabit Ethe rnet is an ext ension o f IEEE 802.
3 3 In additio n, the phe nomenal ban dwidth delivere d by Giga bit Ether net is the most cost-effective method to take advantag e of today and tomorrow’s rapidly i mprovi ng swi tching a nd routing i nternetworkin g technologies.
4 4 packets at the MAC address level of the Ethernet prot ocol trans mitting among connected Ethe rnet or Fast Ethe rnet LAN segm e nt s . Switching is a cost-effective way of increasing t he total network capacity available to user s on a local area networ k.
5 5 ♦ Supports St atic MAC sett ing ♦ D-Lin k Safeguard Engine suppor t ♦ Supports Simpl e Networ k Manage ment Pr otocol (SNM P) ♦ MIB suppo rt for: RFC121 3 MI B II, Privat e MIB ♦ Support.
6 6 SDRAM for CPU 8M Bytes Flash Memory Prom 2M Bytes Port Functions LAN - 24 x 10/100BaseT ports - Comp liant with th e following standar ds: 1. IEEE 802.
7 7 6. DEM-211 (100BASE-F X), up to 2km, Multi- Mod e 7. DEM-210 (100BASE-F X), up to 15km , Single-Mode -WDM Transceivers Supported: 1. DEM-330T (TX-1550 /RX-1310nm), up to 10km, Single-Mode 2. DEM-330R (TX-1310/RX-1550n m), up to 10km, Single-Mode 3.
8 8 AC input 100~240 VAC, 50/ 60Hz Internal univer sal power su ppl y Operation Temperature 0~40°C Storage Temperature -10~70°C Humidit y Operation: 10%~90% RH Storag e: 5%~90% RH Power consumption 18.
9 9 UNPACKING AND INSTALLATION This chapter provides unpacking an d installa tion informat ion for the Web-Sma rt Switch. Unpacking Carefully unpack the contents of t he Web-Smart Switch from the box .
1 1 0 0 Install th e Switch in a site free from str ong electroma gnetic field generat ors (such as motors), vib r ation, d ust, and di rect expos ure to sunlight .
1 1 1 1 Figure 2 – Attach the mount ing brackets to the Switch Use the scre ws provide d with the eq uipment rack or chassi s to mount the Switch in the rack.
1 1 2 2 AC Power The DES-12 28 can be used with AC power supp ly 100~240V A C, 50~60Hz. The power switc h is located at the rear of the unit ad jacent to the AC power conn ector and th e system fan.
1 1 3 3 IDENTIFYING EXTER NAL COMPONENTS This cha pter describes the front panel, rear pa nel, and LED indicat ors of the Switch. Front Panel The figure below sh ows the front panel of t he Switch.
1 1 4 4 MDI/MD IX cr ossover detection. A ll these 24 ports ca n operate in half- and f ull - duplex mode s. 10/100/1 000 B ASE-T / Mini GBI C Combo Ports (Option Port 25~2 6) The Switch is also equippe d with two combo 10/100/ 1000 Base-T / Mini GBIC ports, which support s 1000BASE-SX/LX and 100Base- FX Mini GBIC module f or fiber uplinks.
1 1 5 5 connector, and the male into a power outlet. Suppor ted input voltages range from 100- 240V AC, and 50-60Hz. Understandin g LE D Indicators The front pane l LEDs provi des instant stat us feedback and simpli fies monitoring and troubleshooting tas ks.
1 1 6 6 Ports 1 ~ 24 Status LEDs Link/Act On When the Link/Act LED light is on , the resp ective port is successfully connect ed to an Ethernet network. Blinking When the Li nk/Act LE D is blinki ng, the port is transmitting or receiving data on the Ethernet network.
1 1 7 7 Link/Act On When the respective comb o port is connected to a network, the Li nk/Act LED light is on. Blinking When the LED is blinki ng, the respective combo port is transmitting or receiving data on a network.
1 1 8 8 Blinking When the Li nk/Act LED is bli nking, the port is transmitting or receiving data on the Ethernet network. Off No link. 100 0Mb ps On When t he 1000Mbps LE D ligh t is on, the respectiv e port is connected to a 1000Mbps Giga bit Ethernet ne twork.
1 1 9 9 CONFIGURATION Through a web browser, the feat ures and functions of the D ES-1228 Switch can be configure d f or opt im um use. Supported web browsers The embed ded Web- based Utility cur r entl y supports t he following web browsers: • Microsoft Inte rnet E xpl ore r v er.
2 2 0 0 SmartConsole Uti lity Features The Sma rtConsol e Utility is divide d into four parts, a Menu Toolbar of fu nctions at t he top, Discovery Li st , Monito r List , and Device Setting . Figure 7 – SmartConsole Utility Menu Toolb ar The Men u Toolbar i n the SmartCo nso le Utility has f our main tabs, File, View, Op tion, and Hel p .
2 2 1 1 • Monitor Load : To manually load a M o nitor List setting file. • Exit: To exit the Smart Console U tility. View includes: View log and Clear Log functions, which provide trap setti ng list ope rations. • View Lo g: To show the event of the SmartConsole Utility and the device.
2 2 2 2 Help includes: in formation Ab out th e SmartConso le Utility, such as the softwa re versio n. Discovery List This is the list where all Web-Sma rt de vices on t he networ k are discovered. By pressing the Discovery button, all the We b-Smart devices are listed in the di scover y list.
2 2 3 3 DHCP: uses a client/server model to obtain lease of an IP address from a DH CP server as pa rt of the net work boot process. Locati on: Shows the a ppointed descript ion for the device l ocation. Trap IP: Shows the IP where the Trap i n formation will be se nt.
2 2 4 4 Group Interval : Shows the Group Inte rval of the device. View Trap: The view trap function receiv es trap events from the Web-Sma rt Switch. There is a light indicator to the left of the “View Trap” button.
2 2 5 5 Delete Item: Deletes the device from the Monitor List. Device Setting Function b uttons of the Device Setting secti on provi de several o p tions.
2 2 6 6 Firmware Up grade: To update the device firmware, enter the firmware path and password (if n ecessary), and cl ick “Start”.). Figure 12 – Firmware Upgrade Web Access: Double click the device in th e Monitor List or select a device in the Monitor List and press the “Web Access” button to open the Web-base d Utility.
2 2 7 7 Web-based Management The DES-1228 Web-Sma r t Switch has a w eb browser G UI interface for config uring the Switc h through a we b browser. To see t he list of web browsers the Web-based Uti lity su pports, see Su pported web brows ers on page 19.
2 2 8 8 Figure 15 – Log in screen Once you have successfully logged in, the device status page will appear. In th e top rig ht co rner the user nam e (default ‘adm in’) is displayed with the IP address of the Switch. Below this is a Logout option for use when the session is complete.
2 2 9 9 Tool Menu The Tool Me nu offers global func tion cont rols such as Reset, Configuring Backup & Restoration, Firmw are Back up and Upload, and System Reboot. Figure 17 – Tool Menu Reset: Provi des a safe reset option fo r the S witch. All confi gurations will be reset to default.
3 3 0 0 Firmware Backup and Upload: Allows for the firmware to be saved , or for an existing firmware file to be uploaded to the Swit ch. Figure 20 – Tool Menu > Firmwar e Backup and Upload System R eboot: Provides a safe way to reboot t he system.
3 3 1 1 Figure 22 –Setup Menu System > S ystem Settin g The System Se tting includ es IP Info rmation and System information. There are two ways for the switch to attain IP: Static and DHCP DH C P When usi ng static mode, the IP Addre ss , Subnet Ma sk a nd Gateway can be manual ly configure d .
3 3 2 2 protocol , zero mea ns disabl e Group Interval , and 120~122 5 means send IGMP v1 rep ort accordi n g the value whi ch unit is seconds. Figure 23 – System > System Setting System > Tr ap Setting By configuri ng the Tra p Setting, it allows SmartCons ole Utility to monitor spec ified eve nts on this We b-Smart Switch.
3 3 3 3 Figure 24 – System > Trap Setting System Even t: M onitors the system’s trappi ng information. Device Bootup: Tra ps system b oot-up information. Illegal Login: Traps events of inco rrect pass word logins, recording the IP of t h e originating PC.
3 3 4 4 (“ From Port” and “ To Por t ” ), t h e Speed ca n be set for all such ports, by clicki ng Apply . To refresh the in formation table to view the latest Link Status a nd Priority, pres s the Refre sh button.
3 3 5 5 Priority: Disp lays each port ’s 802.1p QoS priority level for recei ved data packe t handling. Def aul t setting for all ports is Middl e . You can change the pri ority setti ngs in Qos > 802.
3 3 6 6 Figure 26 – System > SNMP Setting Enab led / Disabled: Default setting is Dis abled . Click En able , th en Apply, to set Community Settin g s.
3 3 7 7 reboot (someone acci dent ally turned the Switch OFF), or less serious events such as a port status cha nge . The Switch can generate traps and send them to the trap recipien t (i . e. ne tw ork ad min i s tra to r). Setting up a Trap : Select Enable , enter a Trap Name (i.
3 3 8 8 (multimedi a applicati ons such as video c onferenci ng), and t herefore help t o simplify netw ork manageme nt by allowing users to move devices to a new VLAN without ha ving to change any physical connections. The IEEE 80 2.1Q VLAN Confi gurati on page provide s powerful VID manage ment f unctions.
3 3 9 9 Figure 29 – Configuration > 80 2.1Q VLAN > Add VID Figure 280 – Configuration > 80 2.1Q VLAN > Exa mple VIDs Figure 291 – Configuration > 802 .
4 4 0 0 Configuratio n > Trun king The Tru nking function e n abl es the cas cading of tw o or more ports fo r a combined l arger band width. Up to si x Trunk grou ps may be c reated, each supporting up to 8 ports. Add a Trunking Name and select the ports t o be trunked to gether, an d click Ap ply to activate the selected Trunking gr oups.
4 4 1 1 decisions by examining t he conten ts of each frame’s La yer 2 MAC hea der. IGMP snoopi ng can hel p reduce cluttered traffi c on the LAN . With IGMP snoop ing enabled globally , th e We b-Smart Switch will forward multicast traffic only to connect ions that have group members attached.
4 4 2 2 Max Response Time (10-25 sec): The Max Resp onse Time specifies the maximum allowed time before sending a responding report. Adjusting this setting ef fects the "leave latency" , or the time betw een the moment the l ast host leaves a group an d when the routing protocol is notified that there are no more me mbers.
4 4 3 3 'RouterPortPurgeInterval' tim e, the learnt rou ter port entry will be purged. Default is 125 seconds. Leave Ti mer (0-25 sec): This is the interval a fter which a Leave message is forwarde d on a port.
4 4 4 4 Figure 324 – Configuration > I GMP Router port Settings To view t he Multi cast Entry Table for a giv en VLAN, press the Vi ew butto n. Figure 335 – Configuration > I GMP Multicast E.
4 4 5 5 Configuration > 802. 1D Spanning T ree 802.1D Spann ing Tree P rotocol (STP) implementation is a backu p link(s) between swit ches, bridges or route rs designed to prevent network loops that could cause a broadca st storm. When phy sical links forming a loop pr ovide redundanc y, only a single path wi ll be forwarding f rames.
4 4 6 6 After Enabling STP, setting the STP Gl obal Se tting includes the following opt i ons: Bridge Priority: This value betwee n 0 and 65535 specifie s the priority for fo rwarding pac kets: th e low er the v alue , the higher the prio rity. The default is 3 2768.
4 4 7 7 greater the probability the port will be chosen to forw ard packets. The defaul t value i s 19. Path Priorit y: Select a value between 0 and 255 to specify the priority for a specified port for forwa rding pac kets: the lower the value, the hi gher the prio ri ty.
4 4 8 8 TX (tran smit) mode : Duplicates the data tran smitted from the s ource por t and forw ard s it to the Target Port. RX (receive) mode: Duplicates the data that gets sent to t he source and forwards it to the Target Port.
4 4 9 9 Security > Safeguard Engine D-Link ’s Safegu ard Engi ne is a ro bust and inno vative technolo gy that automatically throttl es the impact of pack et flooding into the switch's CPU. This funct ion helps protect the Web-Sm art Switch from being interr upted by malicious viruses or worm attacks.
5 5 0 0 configuratio n also allow s u nauthoriz ed person nel to easily int rude an d possibly gain access to sensitive data. IEEE-80 2. 1X provides a security standard for network access control, especially in Wi -Fi wireless netwo r ks. 80 2.1X hol ds a net wo rk po rt disconnected until auth entication is comp lete d.
5 5 1 1 By default, 802.1X is Di sabled . To use EAP for security, select Enable d and set the 80 2.1X Global S ettings fo r the Radi us Server and applicable authentication information. Authentication Port: sets primary port fo r security monitori ng.
5 5 2 2 To establ ish 802.1X port- speci fic assignments, select t he From an d To Ports and select Enable . Security > Mac Ad dress Table > Static Mac This page provides two distinct feat ures. The top tabl e provides the ability to turn off auto learning M ac address if a port isn't connected to an uplink Switch (i.
5 5 3 3 The Static Mac Address Setting table displa ys the static Mac addresses connected, as we ll as the VID. Press Dele te to re move a device. T o add a new Mac address assi gnment, pres s Add Mac , then select the assigned Port number, e nter bot h the Mac Addre ss and VID and press Apply .
5 5 4 4 Monitoring > Statistics The Statistics sc reen dis pl ays the status of ea ch po rt packet count. Figure 414 – Monitoring > Statistics Refresh: To renew t he details collect ed and displayed . Clear Counter: To reset the details displayed.
5 5 5 5 Figure 425 – Monitoring > Port Sta tistics.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DES-1228 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DES-1228 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DES-1228 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DES-1228 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DES-1228 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DES-1228 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DES-1228 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DES-1228 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.