Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DWL-900AP+ van de fabrikant D-Link
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D-Link Air Plus DWL-900AP+ 2.4 GHz Wirele ss A ccess Point Manual Rev. 101102 Building Netw orks for People.
2 Contents 1. P ackage Contents ...................................... 3 2. Introduc tion .................................................. 4 3. W ire less Basics ........................................... 7 4. Getting Star ted .....................
1. Pac kage Cont ents Contents of Package: D-Link Air Plus D WL-90 0AP+ Enhanced 2.4GHz Wireless Access Point Power Supply – 5V DC, 2.0A Manual on CD Quick Installation Guide Eth.
4 2. Intr oduction The D-Link Air Plus D WL-900AP+ Wireless Acces s Point is an enhanc ed 802.11b high-per formance w ireless access poin t. It is an ideal way to extend the reach and number o f computers c onnected to your w ireless network. Unlike most 802.
Features & Benefits Up to 2X Fas ter with Air Plus Products - hi gh-speed w ireless data transfer rates up to 22Mbp s. With twi ce the data rate and capacity, the DWL-900AP+ delivers media rich conten t such as di gital ima ges, videos, and M P3 files much faster than standa rd 802.
6 LEDS LED stands for L i ght- E mitting D iode. The DWL-900A P+ Wireless A ccess Point has 3 LED s as show n below : Power LAN WLAN Power: sol id green li ght indicates connectio n LAN : blinking gre.
3. W ir eless Ba sics D-Link Air Plus wi reless products are based on industry standards to provide easy- to -use and compatibl e high-speed wi reless connectiv ity withi n your home, business or public access wirel ess networks.
8 Wireless Basics Network Expansion - Wireless technolo gy allow s the networ k to go w here wires cannot go. Reduced Cost- of -Ownership - W h ile the ini tial inv estment required for wireless LAN hardware might be higher than the cost of wired LAN hardware, overall i nstallation expe nses and life-cycle costs w ill be signi ficantly low er.
sense the best pos sible connection speed to ens ure optimal ne twork performance. Installation Consideration s Designed to go up to 1,312 feet (400 mete rs) outdo ors and up to 32 8 feet (100 meters) ind oors, D- Link’s Air Plus D W L-900 AP+ lets you access your network using a w ireless connection f rom vi r tually any where.
10 4. Getting Star ted For the price o f a single IP Address from your Broadband Internet Serv ice provider you can share the I nterne t with all the computers on your local network, without sac rificing speed or securi ty, using D -Lin k Air Pl us networking produc ts.
Getting Started Setting Up an Infrastru cture Network Please remember th at D-Link Air Plus wireless devices are pre- configured to connect together, right out of the box, with the defau lt settings. You wi ll need a broadba nd Internet access (Cable/DSL) subscription.
12 5. Using the Configur ation Men u The Configurat ion Menu for the DWL-900AP+ is web-based. W hen usin g the configura tion program, please conside r the foll o wi ng: Factory Default Settings for the DWL-900A P + SSID default Channel 6 Encry pti on disabled User Name admin Password (no password, leav e field blank) IP Address 192.
Using the Configuration Menu Whenever y ou want to c onfigure your netw ork or the D W L -900A P+, you can access the Con figuration Util ity by opening the web-browser and typing in the IP Address o f the D W L-900AP+. The D W L- 900AP+’s de f ault IP Add ress is shown bel ow: (The IP Address shown in the example above is the default setting.
14 Using the Configuration Menu A P Name: You may cho ose to rename y our Access Point, especi ally if you have more than one Acc ess Point on you r network. SSID: ( Service Se t Ide nti fier ) “defaul t ” is the default setting. The SSID is a unique name t ha t identi fies a network.
Using the Configuration Menu Fig. 5.5 The illustration a t right sho ws the recommended de fault setting ( Disabled ) for the DHCP Serv er function of the D W L-900AP+. If you w is h to use the D W L-900AP+ as a DHCP serv er (not recommended if you already have a DHCP enabl ed router/gateway on your network) then selec t Enabled .
16 Using the Configuration Menu Wireless Client: W ill transform an y IEEE 802.3 Ethernet device into an 802.11b wireless client as long you are connecting to a DWL- 900AP+ acting as an Access Point. The Site Survey function will allow you to scan for available wire less networks.
Using the Configuration Menu Repeater: T his mode will allow you to extend the rang e of y our wireless network . The repeater mode will work wi th another D-Link Air P lus DWL- 900AP+, DI -614+, DI-714 P+, Air Pro DI -764, DI-754 ( with inserted DWL- 650+), or Air Premier DWL- 1000AP+.
18 Using the Configuration Menu The default Perf ormance settings are shown h ere. Beacon Interval: Beacons are packets sent b y an Access Point to synchronize a wireless network. Specif y a Beacon interval value. Default (100) is recommended. RTS Th reshold: This value should rem ain at its default setting of 2,432.
network. All devices on a network mus t use the same SSID to establish communication. Using the Configuration Menu Fig. 5.8 Use MA C Fil ters to allow or deny wireless connection to the DWL- 900AP +. Select Disable MA C Filters ( de fault) to disable t h is feature.
20 Using the Configuration Menu Fig. 5.10 Tools > Sy stem The current system settin gs can be saved as a file onto the loca l hard driv e by clicking Save . The saved file can be loaded back on the D W L-900AP+ by clicking Bro w se. When you hav e selected the settings file, cl ick Load .
Using the Configuration Menu Fig. 5.12 Fig. 5.13 The D W L-900AP+ keeps a runnin g log o f events and activ ities occurring on the Access Point. I f the device is rebooted , the logs are automatically cleared. You may save the log files under Log Settings .
22 Using the Configuration Menu Status > Sta ts Fig. 5.14 Status > Wireless Fig. 5.15 Displays the network tra ffic statistics for both received and transmitted communications through the Ethernet port and wireless connections associated wi th the Access Point .
6. Using th e Air Plus AP Mana ge r The Air Plus Access Point M anger is a Windows based pro gram to help y ou manage multipl e Access P oints in one easy vi e w. Begin the ins tallation by inse rting the DWL-900AP+ CD int o your CD- ROM. The AP M anager is also avail able for download at support.
24 Using the Air Plus AP Manager Link Information The Link Info rmation scr een display s the current setti ngs of the selected Access Poi nt A P Settings The AP Settings sc reen will allow you to change the Access Poi nt settings for the sel ected Access Point.
Using the Air Plus AP Manager IP Settings The IP Settin gs screen w ill all ow you to change the IP Addres s settin g s for the selected Acce ss Poi nt. WEP Settings The W EP Se ttings Screen w ill allow you to apply Wireless Encry ption Protocol to the sel ected Access Point.
26 Using the Air Plus AP Manager Firmware Upgrade The Firmware Up grade screen will allow y ou to apply new version of the firmware to selec ted Access Point.
7. T r ouble shooting This chapter provides solutions to problems that can occur during the installation and operatio n of the DWL-900AP+ W ireless Access Point. W e cover various aspects of the network setup, including the network adapters. Please read the fol low ing if you are havi ng problems.
28 Troubleshooting 2. The wireless c l ient c annot access the Internet in the Infrastructur e mode. Make sure the wireless client is associated and joined with the correct Access Point. To check this connec tion: Right-click on the Local A r ea Connection ico n in the tas k bar> select View Av ail able Wireless Networks .
Troubleshooting 3. Check that the d ri vers fo r the network adapters a re installed properly . You may be using diff erent network adapters tha n those illustrated here, but this procedure will rema in the same, regardless of t he type of network adapt ers you are using.
30 Troubleshooting Double-cli ck on Net w ork A d apters Right- click on D-Link Air Plus DWL-650+ Wireless Cardbu s A d apter Select Proper ties to check that the drivers a r e installed properly Loo k under Device Status to chec k that the device is w ork ing prope rly.
Troubleshooting 4. Resetting the D WL -900A P+ to Factory Default Settings After you hav e tried other methods f o r troubleshoo ting your netw ork, you may choose to Rese t th e D W L-900AP + to the factory defaul t settings. Remember that D-Lin k Ai r Plus products ne twork together , out of the box, at the factory de f ault se t tings.
32 8. Networ king B asics Using the Network Setup Wizard in Windows XP In this section y ou w ill learn how to establish a ne twork at home or work, using Microsoft Windo w s XP . Note: Please refe r to websites such as http://ww w .homene and http://www.
Networking Basics Please follow all the instructions in this wi ndow: Click Next In the followi ng wi ndow, select the best de scr iptio n of your computer. I f your computer connect s to the In t ernet through a ga tew ay/router, select the second option as sho wn.
34 Networking Basics Enter a Computer desc ri ption and a Computer name (optional.) Click Next Enter a Workgroup name. All computers on your network should have the same Workgroup na me.
Networking Basic s Please w ait while the Network Setup Wizard ap plies the changes. When the chan ges are compl ete, click Next . Please w ait while the Network Setup Wizard co nfigures the computer.
36 Networking Basics In the window below, select the option that fits your needs . In this example, Create a Net w ork Setu p Disk has been selected. You will run this disk on each of the co mputers o n your network. Click Next . Insert a dis k into the Flo ppy Disk Driv e, in this case driv e A.
Networking Basics Please w ait while the Network Setup Wizard co pies the files. Please read the in formation under Here’s ho w in the screen be low. After you complete the Ne tw ork Setup Wizard you will use th e Network Se tup Disk to run the Net w ork Setup Wizard once on each o f the computers on your network.
38 Networking Basics Please read the in formation on this screen, th en click Finish t o compl ete the Network Setup Wizard . The new settin gs will ta ke effect w hen you restart the compute r. Cli ck Yes to restart the co mput e r. You have completed configuring this compute r.
Networking Basics Naming your Computer To name you r computer, plea se follow t hese dire ct ions: In Windo w s XP : C lick Start (in the lower le ft corner of the screen) Right-click on My Computer Select Properties and click Select the Computer Name T ab in the Sy stem Properties wi ndo w .
40 Networking Basics Naming your Computer Checking the IP Address in Windows XP/2000 Go to Start > A ll Programs > Acces sories > Command P rompt In this wind ow, enter the Computer name . Select Workgroup and enter the na me of the Workgroup .
Networking Basics Checking the IP Address in Windows XP/2000 Type Command Click OK Checking the IP Address in Windows XP/2000 Type ipconfig /a ll at the promp t.
42 Networking Basics Checking the IP Address in Windows XP/2000 Type ipconfig /rene w at the prompt to get a new IP Address. Press Enter . The new IP Addres s is show n below. ( Windo ws 98/ME users : go to Sta rt > Run . Type w inipcfg at the p rompt.
Networking Basics Assigning a Static IP Address Double-click on Network Conne ctions Right-click on Loca l A r ea Connections. Double-click Properties.
44 Networking Basics Assigning a Static IP Address Cli ck OK You have completed th e assignment of a St atic IP Address. (You do not need to assign a Static IP Address if you have a DHCP-c apable Gateway/Router.
Networking Basics Assigning a Static IP Address with Macintosh OS X Go to the A pple Menu and select Sy stem Preferences. Click on Net w ork Select Built-in Etherne t in the Show pull-dow n menu. Select Manually in the Configure pull-dow n menu. Input the Static IP Add ress , the Subnet Mask and the Router IP A d dress in the appropri ate f ields .
46 Networking Basics Selecting a Dynamic IP Address with Macintosh OS X Go to the A pple M enu and sel ect System Prefe rences . Click on Net w ork Select Built-in Ethern et in the Sho w pull-down menu. Select Using DHCP in the Configure pull-dow n menu.
Networking Basics Connecting to a Wireless Network in Windows XP To be able to connect t o a wireless network, make sure the proper networ k settings are con f igu red for D W L-650+.
48 Networking Basics Connecting to a Wireless Network Connecting to a Wireless Network w ith a W ireless Router or an A ccess Point usi ng a static IP address in W indows XP. Select Use the f ollo w ing IP address - if the W ir eless Router or Acc ess Point does not hav e a DHCP server enabl ed.
Networking Basics Connecting to a Wireless Network Connecting to a Wireless Network with a Wireless Router or an A ccess P oint using a DHCP server in Windo w s 2000. Select Obtain an IP address automatica lly. Select Obtain DNS server addres s automatically .
50 Networking Basics Connecting to a Wireless Network Connecting to a Wireless Network in Windows Me and 98 Go to Start > Settings > Control Pane l > Double-click on th e Network associated w.
Networking Basics Connecting to a Wireless Network Connecting to a Wireless Network with a Wireless Router or A ccess P oint using a static IP address in Windo w s Me or Windows 98 . Select Specify an IP address. Input a static IP addres s within the same IP Address r an ge as the wireless router or access point.
52 Networking Basics Checking the Wireless Connection by Pinging For Windows Me and 98: Go to Start > Run > ty pe command . A w indow similar to Fig. 9.26 w ill appear. Type ping , w here xxx is the IP address o f the Wireless Router or Acce ss Point.
Networking Basics Adding a local printer (A printer connected directly to a computer) A printer that is no t sha red on the ne t work and is conne cted directl y to one computer is call ed a local pr i nter . If you do not need to share y our p rinter on a network, fol low these directions t o add the pr inter to one co m puter.
54 Networking Basics Adding a local printer Click Next Select Local printer attached to th i s compu ter (Deselect Automati cally detect and install my Plug and Play printer if it has bee n selected.
Networking Basics Adding a local printer Select and highlight the correct driv er for your printer. Click Next (If the correct driver is n ot displayed, insert the C D or floppy disk that came w ith your printer and click Ha ve Disk .) At this screen, you can change the na me of the printer (optional .
56 Networking Basics Adding a local printer Click Finish Click OK This screen gives you information abou t your p rinter. (the printer w ill begin to print a test pa g e) When the test pa g e has prin.
Networking Basics Adding a local printer Sharing a network printer After you hav e run the Network Setup Wizard on all the compu ters on your network, you can run the Add Printer Wizard on all the compute r s on y our network.
58 Networking Basics Sharing a network printer Click on A d d a Printer Click Next Select Net w ork Printer Click Next.
Networking Basics Sharing a network printer Select Bro wse for a printer Cli ck Next Select the printer you woul d like to share. Cli ck Ne xt Click Finish.
60 Networking Basics Sharing a network printer To check for p r oper i nstallatio n: G o to S tart > Printers and Faxe s The printer icon will a ppear at right, indicating proper installation.
Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer To share an LPR p rinter (using a print s erver,) you will need a Print Server such a s the DP -101P+ . Please m ake sure that you have run t he Network Setu p Wizard on all the com puters on your network.
62 Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer Select Create a new port From t he pull-dow n menu, select Standard T CP/IP Port , as show n. Click Next Please read the instructions on this screen. Click Next Enter the Printer IP A d dress and the Port Name , as show n.
Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer In this screen, select Custom. Click Settings Enter the Port Name and the Printer Name or IP A ddress . Select LPR Enter a Queue Name (if your Print-Server/ Gateway has more than one port, you w ill need a Queue name .
64 Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer T his screen will show you information about your printe r. Click Finish Select t he pr i nte r you are adding from the list of Printers . I nsert the p rinter driver disk that came with your printe r.
Networking Basics Sharing an LPR printer You can rename your printer if you choo se. It is optional. Please remember th e name of your printer. You wi ll need this information when you use the Add Printer Wizard on the other computers on your network.
66 Networking Basics Other Tasks For help wi th other tasks in home or small o f fice n etworking, see Using the Shared Documen ts folder and Sharing files an d folders in the Help and Support Cente r in Mi crosoft Windows XP. 9. T ec hnica l Specifications Standards IEEE 802.
A n tenna Type Detachable Reverse SM A Range Indoors – up to 328 f ee t (100 meters) Outdoors – up to 1,312 feet (400 m eters) Temperature Operating: - 10 ºC to 55 º C (14ºF to .
68 10. Contactin g T echnical Supp or t You can find the mos t re cent softw are and use r documenta tion on the D- L ink websi te. D-Link provides free technical support for customers within the United States for the duration of the warran ty period on this product.
11. War ran ty and Regi stration D- Link Systems, Inc. (“D - Link”) provides this 3 -Year warr anty for its product only to the person or entity who or iginally purchased the prod uct from: D-Link or its authorized reseller or dis tribu t or.
70 that is not packaged and shipped in accordance with the foregoing requirements, or that is deter m ined by D-Link not to be defective or non-confor m ing.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat D-Link DWL-900AP+ (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen D-Link DWL-900AP+ heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens D-Link DWL-900AP+ vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding D-Link DWL-900AP+ leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over D-Link DWL-900AP+ krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van D-Link DWL-900AP+ bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de D-Link DWL-900AP+ kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met D-Link DWL-900AP+ . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.