Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 410 van de fabrikant Dell
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________ ______ ______ Inf or mation in this document is subject t o chang e withou t notic e . © 1998 Dell Comput er Cor po ration. All r ights res erved. Reproduction in any manner w hatsoev er without the w rit ten permission of Dell Computer Corpor ation is strictly forbidden.
v &RQWHQWV &KDSWHU 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Syst em Fe atu res . . . .
vi &KDSWHU %HHS&RGH VDQG(U URU0HVVDJH V POST Beep Codes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
vii Speaker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10 Driv es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1 1 Exte rnall y Acc essib le Dr ive A ssemb lies .
viii Figure 4- 4. 5.25- Inch Front- Panel Inse rt Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6 Figure 4- 5. System Po wer-Supply Removal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Figure 4-6 . Micr oproc essor Fan Rem oval . . . . . . . . . . . .
ix Figure 5-2 2. Term inato r Ca rd Re moval . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 -25 Figure 5-2 3. Syst em B atter y Remo val . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-26 Figure 5-2 4. Syst em B oard Rem oval . . . . . .
x 5 HDG7KLV) LUVW A prerequi site f or usi ng this manual t o ser vice Dell computer sy stems is a basic kno w l edge of IBM ® -compatible PCs and p rior trai ning in IBM-compatible PC troublesh ooting tec hniques.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 &+$37(5 6VWHP2YHUYLHZ Dell P recision ™ 41 0 syst ems are high -speed, upgradabl e wor kstations designed a round Int el ® P entium ® I I microprocess ors with MMX ™ tec hnology .
1-2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual 6VWHP)HDWXUHV T he sy stem incl udes the fo llo wing f eat ur es: Dual-proc essor ca pability A dvanc ed combinati on PCI e xpansion an.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-3 front back top bo tto m Mini T ow er Comp uter rig h t left front back Deskto p Comput er.
1-4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual Figure 1 -2 sho ws the loca tion of some of the ke y fro nt-panel f eat ures on the desktop sy s tems. Figure 1 -3 sho ws the loca tion of some of the ke y fro nt-panel f eat ures on the mini to w er sy stems.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-5 Figure 1 -4 point s out many of the deskt op syst em’ s internal components and bac k-panel f eat ur es. NIC conn ector mouse connec to r keyboard connec tor secur ity ca bl.
1-6 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual Figure 1 -5 point s out many of the mini to w er sy stem’ s interna l component s and bac k-panel f eat ur es.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-7 instr ucti ons on using the Dev ic e Manager to manage resources and resolv e conflic ts. Af ter all legacy cards ha v e been configured b y the operating sy stem or with the .
1-8 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual +DUG'LVN'ULYH2S WLRQV Y ou can install both EIDE and SCSI hard-disk dr ives in Dell Pr ecision 41 0 sy s- tems. Desktop sy ste ms ha v e fiv e driv e bay s. Mini to w er sy stems hav e eight driv e ba y s.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-9 0LQL7 RZHU6VWHPV Dell P recision 41 0 mini tow er sy stems ha v e ei ght driv e bay s f or installing the f ollo wing types of drives (see Figure 1 -9): T he e xtern all y accessi ble dr iv e ba y s at th e front of t he computer consi st of one 3.
1-1 0 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual (QKDQFHG'XDO, QWHUIDFH(,'(6XEVVWHP T he enhanced d ual-inter fa ce EIDE subsy stem sup ports two EI DE interf aces (primary and secondar y), eac h of whic h can sup port up t o two EIDE de vices .
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 1 9LGHR6XEVVWHP T he video s ubsy st em consists of eit her a high- speed, high-r esolut ion A GP or a PCI graphics adap ter card. (F or m ore inf ormatio n, see the documentation that came with the gra phics adapte r car d.
1-1 2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual &RPSXW HU6HU YLFH T he f ollo wing subsec tions pro vide ser vice-relat ed inf ormat ion about the computer . 6VW HP 3 R ZHU6 XSS O T he 300-W syst em pow er supply can oper ate from an A C power source of 1 1 5 V A C at 60 Hz or 230 V A C at 50 Hz.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 3 1 Pin 1 3 — PSON# shoul d measure bet ween +4 and +5 VDC except when the pow er but ton on the front pa nel is pr essed, t aki ng PSON# to its acti ve-lo w st ate. 2 Pin 22 — Thermal fan-speed con trol (TFSC) is a power -sup ply inpu t signal used to contr ol power -supp ly fan speed i n specia l appl icati ons.
1-1 4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual '&3 RZHU'LVWULEXWLRQ Figures 1 -1 3 and 1 -1 4 pro vide the f ollo wing inf ormation about DC po wer distribut ion: P ow er.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 5 +5 VFP –1 2 VD C +1 2 V DC –5 V DC +5 VDC PSON# +1 .5 V DC P3 +1 2 VDC +1 2 VDC –1 2 VDC system power supply PWRGO OD PSON # +5 VFP +5 VDC –5 VD C +1 2 VDC –1 2 VDC power management log ic keyb o ar d controller bat ter y +3.
1-1 6 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual 6VW HP%RD UG T he subsecti ons th at f ollo w pro v ide ser vice-related inf ormatio n about the sy s- tem board and its components, whic h are sho wn in Figure 1 -1 5.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 7 See “DIMMs” in Chapter 4 or 5 f or inf ormati on on removing and repl acing DIMMs. 6VWHP%RDUG -XPSHUV Figure 1 -1 6 sho ws the locat ion of t he sy stem board j umpers, and T able 1 -2 sho ws th e sys tem board jumper set tings.
1-18 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 6VWH P%RDUG-XPSHU6HWWLQJV T he f oll owing table sho ws the set tings and descriptions f or the sy stem board jumpers i n Dell P reci sion 41 0 sy stems. R S VD2 R eserved ( do not i nstall jumper pl ug ).
S y stem O v ervie w 1-1 9 ,QWHUUXSW5 HTXHV W$VVLJQPHQWV T he f ollo wing table lis ts the har dw are inter r upt req uest (IRQ ) assignment s f or Dell P recis ion 41 0 systems.
1-20 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 'LUHFW0HPRU$ FFHVV&KDQQHO $VVLJQPHQWV T he f oll owing table lists the direct memor y access (DMA) c ha nnel assign- ments f or Dell P recision 41 0 sy stems.
S y stem O v ervie w 1-21 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV T he f ol l o wing table lis ts the tec hnical specifi cat ions fo r Dell P recisi o n 41 0 sys tems.
1-22 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l Bus types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI , IS A, and A GP Bus speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PCI: 33. 3 MHz IS A: 8.33 MHz A GP: 66.6 MHz (2 X-capable) PCI e xpansion-c ard connecto rs . . . .
S y stem O v ervie w 1-23 Arc hitect ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-bit ECC SDRAM DIMM s oc k e ts . . . . . . . . . . . fo ur D I M M c a p a c i t ie s . . . . . . . . . 3 2 - , 6 4-, and 1 28-MB unbuf f ered, 72- bit SDRAM; 256-MB reg istered, 72-bi t SDRAM Standard RAM .
1-24 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l External ly acc essible: Serial ( DT E) . . . . . . . . . . . t wo 9-pin connectors (1 6550-compat ibl e) P arallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . one 25-pin connector (bidirec tional) SCSI (Secondary c ha nnel) .
S y stem O v ervie w 1-25 V i deo t ype . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A GP or PCI graphics adapter car d (see manu- fa ct urer’ s specifi ca tions) <Ctrl><Alt><Del>. . . . . . . . . . restarts (reboots) the system <F2> or <Ctrl><Alt><Ente r> .
1-26 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l z Desktop computers: H e ig h t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 . 51 cm (6 . 5 i n ch e s ) W i d t h . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 3 . 4 3 c m (17 .1 i n che s ) D e p t h . . . . . . .
Basic T r oublesho otin g 2-1 &+$37(5 %DVLF 7 URXEOHVKRRWLQJ T hi s c hapter describe s basic troubleshooti ng procedure s that ca n help you diagnose a computer sy stem pr oblem. T hese procedu res can of ten rev eal the source of a problem or in dicate th e correct starti ng po int for tr oubleshooti ng the sy stem.
2-2 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual ([WHUQDO9 LVXDO,QVSHFWL RQ T he e xt ernal visual inspec tion consist s of a quic k inspection of the e xterio r of the compu ter , the monitor , the k e yboard, any periphe rals, a nd cable s. While perf orming the visual inspection , mak e an y nece ssar y correcti ons.
B a sic T rou bles h ooti ng 2-3 Does the inspection re v eal an y problems? Ye s . P roceed to t he appropriat e procedure in Chapter 4, “R emo ving and R eplacing P a rts on t he Desktop Chas sis.” No . Proceed t o the next sect ion, “ O bserving the Bo o t Rou tine.
2-4 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual Disk et te-driv e and hard- disk dri ve access indi cators T hes e indicators ligh t up in response to data being transf erred to or from the driv es.
B a sic T rou bles h ooti ng 2-5 T o perfo rm the int ernal vi sual ins pection, pe rf orm the f ollo wing s teps in the sequence in dic ated. While y ou wor k, per iodicall y touc h an unpainted metal surfa ce on the computer c hassis to dissi pate an y s tatic electr icity that might harm i nter- nal components.
2-6 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual If y ou need to reseat an e xpansion card, use a 1/4 -inc h nut dri ver to remo ve the scre w that secures the card- mounting brac k et. Grasp the ca rd b y i ts top corners, and car efully pul l it out of its connec tor .
B a sic T rou bles h ooti ng 2-7 5 XQQLQJWKH'HOO'LDJQRVWLFV T he Del l Diagnostics (in clu ded with the sys tem) contains tests that aid in troublesh ooting all major c omponents of t he computer sy stem.
2-8 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-1 &+$37(5 %HHS&RGHVDQG(UURU0HVVDJHV T hi s c hapter describes be ep codes an d sy stem er ror messages that can occ ur during sy stem start-up or , in the case of some fa ilures, during normal sy stem operation .
3-2 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 1 -1 -3 NVRAM write/read f ailure Def ec ti v e sy stem board 1 -1 -4 BIOS c hec ksum failure F aulty BIOS or def ective sys - tem b oard 1- 2 - 1 1- .
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-3 3-3-4 3-4-1 3-4-2 Screen init ializa tion f ailure Screen-ret ra ce test f ailure Searc h for video R OM f ailure F aulty video subsy stem (def ective video e xpans.
3-4 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 6VWHP(UURU0HVVDJHV T able 3-2 li sts (in alphabet ical order) sy stem er ror messages that can appear on the monitor scr een. T hese messages can help you fi nd the source of a problem. )DWDO6 VWHP(UURU0HVVD JHV Some error messages indicate f atal errors.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-5 Address mark not found Attachment failed to respond BIOS f ound f aul t y disk sector or could not f ind particul ar disk sector . Disk et te driv e or hard- disk driv e control ler cannot send data to associat ed driv e.
3-6 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual Alert! Proces- sor thermal probe failure detected. P r ocessor or sys tem board has fa iled. F aulty processor or def e ctiv e sy stem board . Alert! Second- ary processor is out of rev. S y stem detected that the secondary proces- sor i s no t the correc t re vision .
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-7 Bad error- correction code (ECC) on disk read Disk et te driv e or hard- disk driv e control ler detected a n uncorr ect- able rea d er ror . F aul ty disket te/tape driv e subs ystem o r ha rd- disk driv e subs yste m (def ec- tiv e syst em board).
3-8 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual Gate A20 failure Gate A20 of the ke ybo ard controll er malfunctioned. F aulty ke yboard con troller (def ective sy stem b oard). General failure Operating sy stem can- not e xec ute command. Cor rup ted or improperly installed operat ing sys tem.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-9 Memory address line failure at address , read value expecting value Memory data line failure at address , read value expecting value Memory double word logic fa il-.
3-1 0 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual No boot sector on hard-disk drive Incor rect configur ation set tings in Sy stem Set up pro gram, or corr upted operating sys tem. Incorr ect confi guration set tings in Sy stem Set up program, or no ope rating sys tem on har d-disk driv e.
Beep Cod es and Error Messa ges 3-1 1 S y stem halted S y stem loc k ed up because the processo r is not the cor rect revisio n. S y stem processor is not a type supported by Dell and more than 51 2 MB of RAM is inst alle d . Terminator/ processor card not installed! System halted! S y stem does not have terminator card or secondar y processor .
3-1 2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4- 1 &+$37(5 5 HPRYLQJDQG5HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH'HVNWRS&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides pro cedur es for re movi ng the components, assemblies, and sub assemblies on th e Dell P recis ion 41 0 desktop sy stems.
4-2 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 3 UHFDXWLRQDU0H DVXUHV B efor e y ou perf orm an y of the procedu res in this c hapter , take a f ew moments to read the f oll owing wa rning f or y our personal sa f ety and to pr e vent damage to the sy stem from ESD .
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4 -3 &RPSXWHU&RYHU T o remov e t he computer c ov er , fo llo w these step s: B ef or e y o u reinstall th e co v er , fo ld al l cables out o f t he w a y s o t hat the y do not interf ere with t he cov er or with the proper airflo w inside the computer .
4-4 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual set ting to Not Detected . See Appendix A for i nf ormation on the S y stem Set up program. If y ou need further inf ormation, see Chapter 3, “Using the S y stem Set up P rogr am,” i n the Dell P r ecision W orkSt ation 41 0 Deskt op S y stems User’ s Guid e.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4 -5 3 RZHUDQG5 HVHW%XWW RQV T o remov e t he po wer but ton, f ollo w these steps: Y ou will need to ha v e access to the inside and outsi de of the computer co v er at the same time.
4-6 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual T o insert a new reset but ton, ali gn the three clips with the correspondi ng holes in the comput er co v e r . T hen press f irm ly on th e but ton from the outside o f t he computer co v er to latc h the but ton place.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4 -7 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO T o remov e the syst em pow er supply , follo w these steps : brac ke t secu ring t ab screw power supply AC p o w.
4-8 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 0LFURSURFHVVRU)DQ T o remov e the microprocessor fan, f oll o w these step s: latc hing ta bs (4) fan loc k fan p owe r cable micr oproces sor f.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4 -9 'ULYHV Figure 4-7 sho ws an exa mple of driv e hardw ar e that can be installed in the Dell P recis ion 41 0 desktop sy stems. R ef er to t his figure when y ou perf or m an y of the procedures i n the f oll owing subsections.
4-1 0 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual ([WHUQDOO$ FFHVVLEOH'ULYH$VVHPEOLHV T he Del l Precision 41 0 deskt op sy stems can accommodat e up to thre e exter- nally accessible driv e assembli es: the 3. 5-inc h disk et te driv e and up to two 5.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-1 1 When you repl ace the 3. 5-inc h disket te driv e on the brac ket, be sure that the two retaining t abs on the right si de of the brac ket engage the mounting holes in the side of the 3.5- inc h disk et te dri v e.
4-1 2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual , QFK'ULYHV T o remov e the 5.25-inc h drive assembly, f ollo w these steps: Note the rout ing of the DC po w er an d interf ace cables through the c hassis as y ou di sconnect them f rom the sy stem board.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-1 3 T o replace the 5.25-inc h driv e on the bra c k et, locat e the four scre w holes around the driv e ’ s perimeter . Fit the brac ket o v er the driv e, and then tilt the front of the driv e up so that the brac ket drops down int o plac e.
4-1 4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual ,QWHUQDO'ULYH$VVHPEOLHVLQWK H +DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDF NHW T o remo ve t he hard- disk dri ve brac ket, fo llo w t .
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-1 5 +DUG'LVN'ULYH T o remov e a hard-disk dri v e, f ollo w these steps : When y ou replace the hard-d isk dr iv e brac ket, insert t he hooks in the s lots on the front of the c hassis and slide the brac ket to the right .
4-1 6 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual &DUG*XLGH T o remov e t he card gui de, f ollo w these steps: NO TE: Some older PCI and other types of card s may be so long that y ou can- not remo v e the card guide until yo u first remo ve th e cards.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-1 7 6SHDNH U T o remov e the speake r , foll o w these steps: speaker.
4-18 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l &RQWURO3 DQHO T o remov e the control panel, f ollo w these steps: scre w speaker ca ble conn ector contro l panel ca b le c hassis intr usio.
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-1 9 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he subse ctions that f oll ow contain procedures f or remo ving sy stem board components, whic h are sho wn in Fig ure 4-1 7.
4-20 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l ([SDQVLRQ&DUGV T her e are sev en e xpansion- car d connectors on the sy stem board (see Figure 4- 1 8).
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-21 ',00V T o remov e a DIMM, f ollo w thes e steps: T o replace a DIMM, press t he DIMM fully into t he soc ket (se e step 1 of Figure 4- 20) while cl osing the securing c lips to loc k the DIMM into the soc ket (see step 2 of Figure 4-20).
4-22 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 0LFURSURFHVVRU6(&&DUWULG JH+HDW6LQN$VVHPEO T o remov e a microprocesso r SEC cartridge/ heat sink assembly , fol low t hese steps: Y ou must use up to 1 5 pounds of f orce to disengage t he microproces sor SEC cartrid ge from its connector .
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-23 7 HUPLQD WRU&D UG If y ou are installing a secondar y microprocesso r SEC cart ridge/heat sink assembly , you need to remo ve the ter minat or card from the SLO T1_SEC con- nector on the sy stem board.
4-24 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 6VWHP%DWWHU T o remov e the syst em bat t er y , foll ow the se steps: Carefull y pr y the system bat ter y out of its soc ket with y our fingers or with a blunt, nonconduc ting object, suc h as a plastic scre w driv er .
Remo ving a nd Replacin g Pa rts on t he Deskto p Chassis 4-25 6VWHP%RDUG T o remov e the syst em board, f ol lo w these steps: screw slots (7) tab s ( 7) system boa rd.
4-26 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l If y ou are replacin g a system board, remov e the DIMMs, the primary micro- processor SEC cartri dge/heat s ink assembly , and the ter minator car d or secondar y microprocesso r assembly , and inst all them on the replacement board.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-1 &+$37(5 5 HPRYLQJDQG5HSODFLQJ3 D UWVRQ WKH0LQL7 RZHU&KDVVLV T hi s c hapter pro vides pro cedur es for re movi ng the components, assemblies, and subassemblies in the Dell P reci sion 41 0 mini to w er systems.
5-2 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 3 UHFDXWLRQDU0H DVXUHV B efor e y ou perf orm an y of the procedu res in this c hapter , take a f ew moments to read the f oll owing wa rning f or y our personal sa f ety and to pr e vent damage to the sy stem from ESD .
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-3 &RPSXWHU&RYHU T o remov e t he computer c ov er , fo llo w these step s: releas e button.
5-4 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual B ef or e y o u reinstall th e co v er , fo ld al l cables out of t he w a y s o t hat the y do not inte rf ere with t he cov er or with t he proper airflo w i nside the computer .
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-5 )U R Q W %H ]H O T o remov e the front bez el, f ollo w these steps: ta b rele as e reta ining h ook s (2) padl oc k ri ng.
5-6 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual 3 RZHUDQG5 HVHW%XWW RQV T o remov e the po w er and reset but tons, f ollo w these steps: When these clips are releas ed, the but ton comes free from the bezel.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-7 ) URQW 3 DQHO,QVHUWV T o remov e a 5.25-inc h front- panel ins ert, f oll ow the se steps: T o replace a 5.25-inc h front-panel insert, posi tion the two ring-tabs ov er the posts on the in side of the bay opening, and then pr ess the r ing tabs ov er the posts.
5-8 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manual &DUG*XLGH T o remov e t he card gui de, f ollo w these steps: NO TE: Some older PCI and other types of card s may be so long that y ou can- not remo v e the card guide until yo u first remo ve th e cards.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-9 &RQWURO3 DQHO T o remov e the control panel, f ollo w these steps: Note the routin g of the control panel cable as y ou remo ve it from the c has- sis. It is important to route the cable proper ly when you replac e it to pre v ent i t from being pinc hed or crimped.
5-1 0 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual 6SHDNH U T o remov e the speake r , foll o w these steps: speaker connec tor speaker.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-1 1 'ULYHV Figure 5-8 s hows an e xample of driv e hardw are that can be i nst alle d in the Dell P reci sion 41 0 mini to w er sy stem. R ef er to thi s fi gure when y ou perf orm a n y of the procedures i n the f ollo wing subsect i ons.
5-1 2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual ([WHUQDOO$ FFHVVLEOH'ULYH$VVHPEOLHV T he Del l Precisi on 41 0 mini to wer sy stem can accommodate up to f our exter - nally accessible driv e assembli es: the 3.5- inc h disket te dri ve an d up to three 5.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-13 When you repl ace the 3. 5-inc h disket te driv e on the brac ket, be sure that the two retaining tabs on the lef t side of the brac ket engage t he mounting holes in the side of the 3 .
5-1 4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual ,QFK'ULYH$VVHPEO T o remov e a 5 .25-inc h driv e assembly f rom one of the driv e ba y s, f o l lo w these steps: brac k.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-15 When you replac e the 5.2 5-inc h drive , align the f ront of the driv e fl ush with t he brac ket tabs at the front of the br ac ket. Inser t th e fo ur scre ws, and tight en them in the order stamped on the bot t om of the 5.
5-1 6 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vic e Ma nual ,QWHUQDO'ULYH$VVHPEOLHVLQWK H +DUG'LVN'ULYH%UDF NHW T o remo ve t he hard- disk dri ve brac ket, fo llo w t hese steps: If an y hard-disk dr iv es are already installed in the brac ket, disconn ect the DC pow er cable and interf ace cable from eac h drive.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-1 7 +DUG'LVN'ULYH T o remov e a hard-disk dri v e, f ollo w these steps : When y ou replace the hard-d isk dr iv e brac ket, be sure that it is pushed fully into th e sys tem and snapped int o position bef ore y ou close the driv e cage door (See Figure 5-1 3).
5-18 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 6VWHP3 RZHU6XSSO T o remov e the syst em pow er supply , follo w these steps : P r ess the securing tab to release the po we r supply . Note the routin g of the DC pow er cables underneat h the t abs in the c has- sis as y ou remo v e them from the sy stem board and driv es.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-19 0LFURSURFHVVRU)DQ T o remov e the microproce ssor fan, f oll o w these steps : fan power cable micropr oc es sor f an co nnecto r.
5-20 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 6VWHP%RDUG&RPSRQHQWV T he subse ctions that f oll ow contain procedures f or remo ving sy stem board components, whic h are sho wn in Fig ure 5-1 7.
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-21 ([SDQVLRQ&DUGV T her e are sev en e xpansion- car d connectors on the sy stem board (see Figure 5- 1 8).
5-22 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l NO TE: Installing fi ller brac ket s o ver empty card-slot o penings i s necessary to maintain F ederal Communi cations Commissi on (FCC) certificati on of the sys tem. T he brac k ets also k eep dust and dirt out of y our computer .
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-23 ',00V T o remov e a DIMM, f ollo w thes e steps: T o replace a DIMM, press t he DIMM fully into t he soc ket (se e step 1 of Figure 5- 20) while cl osing the securing c lips to loc k the DIMM into the soc ket (see step 2 of Figure 5-20).
5-24 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 0LFURSURFHVVRU6(&&DUWULG JH+HDW6LQN$VVHPEO T o remov e a microprocesso r SEC cartridge/ heat sink assembly , fol low t hese steps: Y ou must use up to 1 5 pounds of f orce to disengage t he microproces sor SEC cartrid ge from its connector .
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-25 7 HUPLQD WRU&D UG If y ou are installing a secondar y microprocesso r SEC cart ridge/heat sink assembly , you need to remo ve the ter minat or card from the SLO T1_SEC con- nector on the sy stem board.
5-26 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l 6VWHP%DWWHU T o remov e the syst em bat t er y , foll ow the se steps: Carefull y pr y the system bat ter y out of its soc ket with y our fingers or with a blunt, nonconduc ting object, suc h as a plastic scre w driv er .
Removing and Replacin g P arts on t he Mini T ower Chass is 5-27 6VWHP%RDUG T o remov e the syst em board, f ol lo w these steps: If y ou are replacin g a system board, remov e the DIMMs, the prima.
5-28 Dell Precision 41 0 S ystems Ser vic e Manua l.
S ystem Set up Program A-1 $33(1',;$ 6VWHP6HWXS3 URJUDP T hi s appendi x describes the S y stem Set up program, whic h is used to c hange the sy stem configurat ion inf ormation stor ed in NVRAM on the sy stem board.
A-2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual 6VWH P6HWXS6FUHHQV change values Esc exit Tab,Shift-Tab change fields Alt-P next Alt-B reboot Drives: Primary Type Cyls Hds Pre LZ Sec Size Driv.
S ystem Set up Program A-3 Time R esets time on sys tem’ s intern al cloc k. Date Resets date on system’ s int erna l ca lend ar . Disket te Driv e A Disket te Driv e B Ident i fies type of disket te driv es installed. Driv es : Prima r y Secondar y Identi fies driv es at tac hed to the IDE1 and I DE2 connectors on sy stem boa rd.
A-4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual Chassis I ntr usion Chassis Intr usion di spla ys the stat us of t he sy stem’ s c has sis intr usion det ect or .
S ystem Set up Program A-5 P ow er Management With the P ow er Management c a t e g o r y enabled, DPMS monitors an d most EIDE driv es automatically switc h into low -powe r mo de du ri ng pe ri ods of s y st em in act iv ity . NO TE: Not all EIDE hard-disk driv es support this f eat ure .
A-6 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual P arallel Mode Controls whether the sys tem’ s built-in parall el port acts as an A T -compatib le (unidir ectional) or PS/2- compatible (bidirecti onal) port. T he sy stem also supports ECP mode f or Windows 95 .
Index 1 ,QGH [ 1XPEHUV 3.3-V power input con nectors, 1 -16 3.5-inch diskette driv e removal desktop comput er, 4-11 mini tower computer, 5-12 5.25-inc h driv e assembly r emoval desktop comput er, 4-.
2 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual ' DC power cable s, il lustrat ed, 1-14 connectors, 1-12 distribut ion, 1-15 voltage rang es, 1-12 Dell Diagnost ics, 2- 7 DIMMs about, 1- 16 insta.
Index 3 heat si nk removal desktop comput er, 4-22 mini tower computer, 5-24 help, get ting, 2-7 , I/O ports and connectors illus trated desktop comput er, 1-5 mini tower computer, 1-6 locati on on sy.
4 Dell Precision 41 0 Sy stems Ser vice Ma nual power butto n locati on, 1- 4 removal desktop comput er, 4-5 mini tower computer, 5-6 power dist ribution di agram, 1-15 power indicat or, 1-4, 1-5, 1- .
Index 5 system error me ssages, list of, 3-4 system featur es, 1-2 system power supply about, 1- 12 rem oval desktop comput er, 4-7 mini tower computer, 5-18 System Setup categori e s, A- 3 program, A.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Dell 410 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Dell 410 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Dell 410 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Dell 410 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Dell 410 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Dell 410 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Dell 410 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Dell 410 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.