Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product WorkStation 210 van de fabrikant Dell
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_________ ______ _____ Inf or mation in this document is subj ect t o c hange without notice. © 19 98 Dell C omput er Co r por ation. Al l r ights r eserved. Reproduction in any manner wha tsoev er without the writ ten permission of Dell C omputer Corporat ion is strictly forbidden.
v 6DIH W,QVWUXFWLRQV Use the f o llo wing sa f ety guid elines to h elp pro tect y our com puter sy s tem from p oten- tial da mage a nd to ens ure y our own per sonal saf ety . :KHQ8VLQJ< RXU&RPS XWHU6VWHP As y ou use y our com puter sy stem, obser ve the f ollo wing saf et y guide lines.
vi B e sure not hing re sts on y our computer sy stem’ s cable s and tha t the cabl es are not loca ted where the y can b e stepped on or tr ipped ov er . Do not spill fo od or liqu ids on you r comp uter . I f the co mputer gets w et, co nsult you r Diagn ostics a nd T rou bleshooti ng Guid e.
vii :KHQ: RUNLQJ,QVLGH< RXU&RPSXWHU B ef ore y ou remo ve the co mputer co ver , perform the f ollo wing steps in the se quence indica ted.
viii 3. Dis connec t you r computer a nd periph erals from the ir po w er sources. Al so, dis- connec t an y telep hone o r teleco mmuni cation l ines fro m the compute r .
ix The f ollo wing c aution m a y appear through out this do cument to remind y ou of thes e prec autions:.
xi 3U H I D F H $ERXW7KLV*XLGH Thi s gui de is inte nded f o r any one who uses the Dell P recision 21 0 desktop c ompute r sy stems . It can be used b y b oth fi rst-time and e xper ience d com puter users w ho w a nt to learn a bout the f ea ture s and oper ation of the sys tems or who want to u pgrade their compu ters .
xii Appendix A, “T ec hnical Sp ecifi cation s,” and A ppendi x B , “H ardw are Co nfigura - tion F eat ures,” are intend ed primari ly as re f erence material fo r users in terested in lear ni ng m ore a bou t the de tails of the sy s tem .
xiii Docum entation is include d with any optio ns y ou purc hase separa tely from y our sy ste m. Th is do cu mentation i nc lud es in form ation that y ou need to c on fig ure and inst all these option s in your D e ll com puter .
xiv Command s presented in lo wercas e bo ld are f or ref erence pu rpos es onl y and are not in tend ed to be t y ped w hen re f eren ced. Exampl e: “Use the format command t o . . . .” In contra st, co mmands presented in the Co urier Ne w font are p art of an i nstr uc- tion and intend ed to be typed.
xv &RQWHQWV &KDS WHU ,QWUR GXFWLRQ System Features .
xvi Assigni ng an d Deleting a n Asset T ag Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Assigni ng and Del eting an Owner Tag . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5 Dell AutoSh utdown Servi ce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xvii Setup Pa ssword . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Auto Powe r On . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-14 Power Ma nagemen t . .
xviii Saving the System Con figura tion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Exiting the ICU. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14 Lockin g and Unlo cking Cards .
xix &KDS WHU :RUNLQJ ,QVLGH <RXU&R PSXWH U Before You Begin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
xx Serial P ort Connecto rs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-8 Paralle l Port Conne ctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-9 Keyboa rd and Mou se Connec tors .
xxi $S SHQGL[ ( 5HJX ODWR U1RWL FHV ( FCC Notices (U.S. Only ) .
xxii Figure 4 -3. Card Configura tion Dialo g Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7 Figure 4 -4. Configura tion Se ttings Di alog Box for Assign ing an IRQ Line . . . . . . 4-7 Figure 4 -5. Available Setting s List Box . .
xxiii Figure B-5 . Pin Numbers for the Keyb oard Conne ctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-10 Figure B-6 . Pin Numbers for the Mous e Connecto r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-11 Figure B-7 . NIC Connector . . . . . . . . . .
Intr odu ction 1- 1 FILE L OCATION: DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 &+$37(5 ,QWURGXFWLRQ Dell P recisio n ™ 21 0 sys tems ar e high-s peed, u pgradabl e w orkstatio ns desig ned around I ntel ® Pe n t i u m ® II microp rocesso rs.
1-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: A secon dary cac he of 51 2 KB of static random-a ccess memory (SRAM) inte- grated in the s ingle-edg e contact (S EC) cartridg e.
Intr odu ction 1- 3 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: Univ ersal Serial Bus (USB) c apability , whic h simpl ifies conne ction of pe riphera l dev ices s uc h as mice , printers, and comp uter sp eak ers.
1-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: c hec k the doc um entat ion tha t came w ith y our A G P video c ar d f or ins tr uctions on c hanging the reso lution.
Intr odu ction 1- 5 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: conf igu rati on i nf ormation and m anag eme nt in f orma tio n fo rmat (MI F) databas e v a lue s (see Fi gure 1- 1). On sy stems ru nni ng Windo ws 95, WIndow s 98 , and Windo ws NT 4.
1-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc10.
Intr odu ction 1- 7 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: 3;( The prebo ot e x ecuti on en viron ment (P XE) al lo ws a perso nal com puter to.
1-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc10.
Intr odu ction 1- 9 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: Windows 95 or Windo ws 98 v ideo drive r disk ette s Windows 95 or Windo ws .
1-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: B ef ore y ou can p erf orm the u pdate, y ou must make a dis ket te copy o f the upd ate sof t ware fro m the di sk ima ge on t he har d-di sk dri ve.
Intr odu ction 1- 1 1 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: )UR Q W 3D Q H O The comp uter’ s front panel contains the f ollo wing indica tors an d cont rols (see Figur e 1 -2): The pow er but ton pro vides control o f the sy stem’ s A C input po w er .
1-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: %DFN3 DQHO The comp uter’ s bac k panel contains v arious ports and conn ectors f or at t a c hing e xter- nal de vices and include s a s ecurity cable slot.
Intro duction 1- 1 3 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: The padloc k ring a llows y ou to secure the compu ter co v er to the c hassis to pre vent unautho riz ed acces s to the in side of the comp uter .
1-1 4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc10.
Usin g th e Software Suppor t Utili ties 2- 1 FILE L OCATION: DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH6RIWZDUH6XSSRUW 8WLOLWLHV Y our Dell sys tem co mes with sof tware sup port utiliti es on disk et te or on y our c om- pute r’ s ha rd-d isk d rive.
2-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc20.
Usin g th e Software Suppor t Utili ties 2- 3 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: The Au to Power O n utility (whic h runs und er the MS.
2-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: 5. V e rify that th e util itie s and/ or ser vic e(s ) are i nst alle d and running . Doub le-cl ic k the Services icon in the Contr ol P anel .
Usin g th e Software Suppor t Utili ties 2- 5 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: An asset tag num ber can ha ve up to ten c haracters; any combina tion of c haracters ex cluding space s is v a li d.
2-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc20.
Usin g th e Software Suppor t Utili ties 2- 7 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: $XWR3RZHU2Q8WLOLW The A uto P o wer On uti lity (av ailable f or MS-D OS onl y) ena bles y our syst em to auto - matica lly perf orm routine tasks in y our absence .
2-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: S:SYSTEMSAftershockUG9371D9371dc20.
Usin g th e Software Suppor t Utili ties 2- 9 DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: The driv er f or Windo ws NT 4.0 has also bee n copi ed to y our h ard-disk dri v e in disk et te-image form .
2-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide DELL CONFIDENTIAL - P reliminary 8 /17/98 FILE L OCATION: 3. R ename the e xisting atapi .sys file to atapi.b ak . 4. R ename the atapi.000 file to atapi.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH6V WHP6H WXS3 U RJUDP Eac h time y ou t urn on you r comp uter sy stem or press th e rese t but ton, the sys tem compare s.
3-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e (QWHULQJWKH6VWHP 6HWXS3U RJUDP T o enter the S yste m Set up program, pre ss the S ystem Set up k ey combin ation during the syst em’ s power -on se lf test (POST), a s follows: 1 .
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-3 Help The bo x on the upper -right hal f of both sc reens displa ys help inf ormation f or the opti on wit h a cu rr entl y highl igh t ed fi eld. S ys tem da ta The bo x in the low er -right corner of both sc reen s di spl a ys info rma t io n about y our system.
3-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 8VLQJWKH6V WHP6HWX S3URJUDP T a ble 3-1 lists the k ey s you u se to vie w or c hange inf ormation on the S yste m Set up screens and to e xit the program. Mov es to the ne xt field.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-5 Drives: Primary Type Cyls Hds Pre LZ Sec Size Drive 0:Auto 1023 64 -1 1023 63 2111 Drive 1:None Report Not Enabled Unlocked Diskette First Not Enabled Disabled .
3-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 6VWHP6HWX S2SWLRQV The following subs ec tion s explai n in de ta il ea c h o f the optio ns on t he System Setup screens. 7LP H Time r esets the time on the co mputer’ s internal c loc k.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-7 'ULYHV3 ULPDUDQG 6HFRQGDU Pr imary identifi es driv es at t ac hed to the p rimary enhance d inte grated d riv e el ectron- ics (EIDE ) .
3-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e If the sy stem generat es a driv e error mess age th e first time y ou boot y our syste m af t er in s tal ling an EIDE drive, i t may mean th at your par ticu la r dri ve does no t work with the automatic driv e-type dete ct f eatu re.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-9 NO TE: T he Us r1 and Usr2 driv e types c an be used f or both the Pr imary and Se cond- ary Driv e 0 and Dr ive 1 op ti o n s . H owever , i f yo u s el e ct t he Usr1 or Usr2 driv e type, yo u ma y not o btain optimum hard-di sk driv e perform ance.
3-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide T o clear thi s field a nd allo w future intr usions to be dete cted, m ake sure t he c hassis co v er is closed, and the n en ter th e S yste m Se t up program du ring the sy stem’ s POS T , as descri bed earli er in this c h apter .
Using th e S yste m Se t up Prog ra m 3-1 1 Disabl ed By Jumper (appea rs onl y af ter the jum per plug ha s bee n remo v ed from the PS WD jumpe r on the sys tem bo ard) T o assign and en able a passw ord, press the lef t- or right- arro w ke y , type the pass- wo rd, and pre ss <E nter>.
3-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide %RRW6HT XHQFH Boot Seq uence can be se t to Disk ett e Fir s t (the d ef ault), Har d Disk Only , CD-ROM Firs t , or Device List . The term boot ref ers to the sy stem’ s start-up procedur e.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-1 3 Boot Devic e Pr ior ity lis ts al l boot ab le devi ces (har d-di sk dr ives, C D-ROM dri ves, and so on) th at are con trolled b y t he sys tem BIOS and an y Plug and Pla y netw ork adapters inst all ed in t he system .
3-1 4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide NO TE: If yo u e xit the De vice Lis t screen b y pressi ng <Es c> or <Al t><b> w ithout maki n g any c hange s, Boot Sequenc e is set to Devi ce List .
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-1 5 NO TES: Some 3D graph ics ca rds do not suppo rt DPMS . R ef er to the do cumen tation f or yo ur particula r 3D graphic s card f o r informati on. The po wer man agement f ea t u r e m o ni t o r s a c t i v i t y of a mouse conne cted to the P ersonal Sy stem/2 (PS/2 )-compati ble mo use port.
3-1 6 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide When P owe r Manag ement is Disabled (the def ault), the dis ks spin constantl y as long as the sy stem is tu rned on . : DNHXS2Q/$1 W ak eup On LAN determine s whet her the W ake up On LAN f eature i s set.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-1 7 6HULDO 3RUWDQG 6HULDO3RUW Ser ial P ort 1 and Se r ial P ort 2 configure the sy stem ’ s int egrated se rial p orts.
3-1 8 Dell Pre cision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide As pa rt of the boot routin e, the sy stem first c hec ks for a prim ar y hard-dis k driv e con- troller c ard installed in an expa nsion s lot.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-1 9 6VWHP 'DWD The f ollo win g fields, whic h ar e not sele ctable, dis pla y inform ation abo ut the s y stem: The first fiel d displ ay s the t yp e of micr opr oc esso r inst alle d in t he comp uter .
3-20 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s Use r ’ s Guid e If y ou as sign and later for g et a system password , you need your comput er key to get in side the c hassis, w here y ou can c hange a ju mper set ting to disa ble the system pas sword feature (s ee “ Dis abl in g a Forgot ten Password” found l at er in this c hapter).
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-21 NO TE: T o esc ape from the fi eld with out as signing a sy stem passw ord, press the <T ab> ke y or the <Shif t><T ab> ke y combination to mov e the highlight to another field or press the <Esc> ke y at an y time prior to completing step 5.
3-22 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s Use r ’ s Guid e The third a nd su bsequ ent times an inc orrec t or in compl ete sy stem passw ord is entered, t he system displ ay s the fol lowi ng me ssage: ** Incorrect password. ** Number of unsuccessful password attempts: 3 System halted! Must power down.
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-23 8VLQJWKH6H WXS3 D VVZRU G)HDWXU H Y our Dell sy stem is ship ped to y ou w ithout the set up passw ord f eat ure e nabled. I f sy stem s ecurity is a concern, y ou sh ould opera te y our s ys tem wi th set up passw ord protectio n.
3-24 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s Use r ’ s Guid e If y ou do n ot enter the correct pa ssw ord in three tries, the sys tem lets y ou view , but not modi fy , the Sy stem Set up s creens—with the f ollo wing ex cepti ons: Y ou can still mo dify Date , Tim e , CPU Speed , Num Loc k , and Speak er .
Using the Sy stem Se t up P rog ram 3-25 NO TE: B ef ore y ou ass ign a ne w system and/ or set up pa ssw ord, y ou mu st replace the PSWD jumper plug.
3-26 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s Use r ’ s Guid e.
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH,6$&RQILJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW The ISA Config urat i on Util it y (IC U) is us ed by the s ystem to tr a c k what expa nsion cards a re ins talled and w hat res ources are u sed.
4-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 4XLFN6 WDUW T o quic kly get started usi ng this uti lity , follo w these steps : 1 . Determine wh ether y ou ne ed to r un the ICU . See “When to R un the ICU” f ound la ter in th is c hapter f or detailed instr uctio ns.
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-3 $ERXW WKH,&8 B ef ore y our sy stem was shipped from Del l, a tec hnician used the ICU to ente r the cor rect inf ormation f or the expa nsion cards in itiall y installed in y our com puter .
4-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e Af ter you ha ve r un the I CU f or y our no n-Plug an d Pla y IS A expansion c ards and it ha s configu red all y our Plug and Pl ay a .
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-5 6WDUWL QJWKH,&8 Af ter you ha ve compl eted the pro cedure in “P reparing to Use th e ICU” f ound earlier in this c hapter , insert th e bac k up copy of the I CU disk et te int o driv e A. Th en either t urn on y our c omputer or re boot it b y pressi ng the re set but ton.
4-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e $GGLQJD/LVWHG&DUG NO TE: If y ou w ant to add a configu rati on file tha t yo u receiv e d on disk e t te with a ne w expans ion car d, you mu st copy th e co nf igur atio n file to th e db subdirec tory on the bac k up copy of the ICU disk et te.
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-7 5. If y ou w ant the ICU to select th e resour ces for the card, c lic k OK . O ther wise, skip t o step 6. The ICU uses the d efa ult resou rces set b y the c ard manuf acturer when e ver p os- sible.
4-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 8. T o c hange the res ourc e set ting s, cl ic k the d o wn-arro w next to the Co nfigur ation Choice bo x. Then cli c k the new resource set ting fr om the list of available set tings (see Fi gure 4-5 ).
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-9 NO TE: If y ou c hange one or more resou rce v a lues using th e Options but ton and later c hange the s et ting in the Con figur ation Choice box, the c hanges that y ou made to the resourc e v alues are o v er writ ten b y the def ault valu es f or the new conf igu rati on c hoice.
4-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide If y ou are pro vidi ng a v alu e f or the IRQ or di rect memory access (DM A) resou rce, clic k the down arro w beneath A v ailable Res our ces . A smal ler Specify list box appears (see Figure 4- 8).
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4 -1 1 8. When y o u ha ve finish ed sel ec ting res our ces f o r the unl is ted c ard , cl ic k OK in the Configur e Unliste d Car d d ialog bo x.
4-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide NO TE: When y ou modify an unlis ted card, th e ICU ca nnot s how y ou the v alid resources for the card. There fore, y ou must ha ve documentation from the card manu factur er th at de scri b es t he res ou rces a nd res our c e settings th at th e card can us e.
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-1 3 5 HPRY LQJD&DUG B ef ore y ou remo ve a non -Plug and Play IS A e xpans ion card from y our co mputer , yo u must u se the ICU to remove the card f r om th e system co nfig urat ion.
4-1 4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide T o determine whic h card u ses a p articular resource s how n in the S ystem Res our ce Usage dialog bo x, selec t the re source in qu estion and th en clic k Us ed By Car d . T he Card Re sour ce Usag e dial og bo x appears wi th the in fo rmatio n.
Using the IS A Configuration Utili ty 4-1 5 T o determi ne wh ether y our e xpansion car d has stati c de vice driv ers, c hec k the docu- mentation tha t ca me wi th th e driv ers.
4-1 6 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 4. Select th e Plug and Pla y or PCI exp ansion c ard that y ou want to loc k or unlo c k from the Car ds Configur ed in Sy ste m list. 5. C lic k Modify or select Modify Car d fr om the Configure menu.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH1HWZR UN,QWHUIDFH &RQWUROOHU Thi s c hapt er describes ho w to conn ect your com puter sy stem to an Ethe rnet network using th e integr ated 3Com P eripheral Co mponen t Interconn ect (PCI) 3C905b -TX net- wo rk interf ace contro ller (NIC).
5-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e The NIC con nector on th e com puter’ s bac k panel (see Figure 5-1 ) has the f ollo wing indicators : A yellow activ it y indica tor flas hes whe n th e sy stem is tr ansmi t ting or r eceiving network data.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-3 4. R un the Ne twork Inte rfa ce T est Grou p in the D ell Diagn ostic s to v erify that the NIC is operati ng prop erl y . See the c hapter title d “R unni ng the De ll Diag nosti cs” in y our Diagno stics and T roubles hooting Guide for detaile d instr uctions.
5-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e &RQILJX ULQJWKH 1,& Thi s sec tion p ro vides in str ucti ons f or configuring the compu ter’ s integra ted, 1 0/1 00-megabit s-per -second ( Mbps) 3Com NIC u nder the fo llo wing o peratin g systems: Microso f t W indo ws N T 4.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-5 9. When prom pted, re mov e the NIC driv er disket te 2 from the disk et te driv e and insert the NIC d riv er disk et te 1 . 1 0. Wh en the Set up Message confi rms that the 3Com d RMON SmartA gent PC Sof tware h as be en su ccessfu lly in stalled, clic k OK .
5-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 4. Start the Window s 95 operati ng sy stem. 5. Clic k the Star t but ton, point to Set tings , a nd clic k Control P anel . Th en double - clic k the Sys te m icon . 6. I n the Syst em Proper ties windo w , clic k the Devic e Manag er ta b.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-7 1 8. When y ou are prompted f or the location o f addi tional fil es, sp ecify the c:windo wsoptionsca bs direc tor y on your ha rd-d isk d r ive or th e win95 dir ec- tory on your CD-R OM drive. T hen cl ic k OK to acce ss the Sy st em Proper ties dial og bo x.
5-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 2. Connect t he netw ork cabl e to the bac k of yo ur compute r . See “N etwork Cab le R equireme nts” f ound earlier in this c hapter f or detailed ins tructio ns. 3. V erify that the integra ted NIC i s enabled a nd connecte d to its ne twork.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-9 T o i nst all t he NDI S 2.0 1 N IC driver in systems runni ng De ll-ins t al led W ind ows 95 Ser- vice R ele ase 2.1 ,or a Windo w s 95 opera ting sy stem not installe d b y Dell, p erf orm the f oll o wing steps: 1 .
5-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 2. Connect t he netw ork cabl e to the bac k of yo ur compute r . See “N etwork Cab le R equireme nts” f ound earlier in this c hapter f or detailed ins tructio ns. 3. V erify that the integra ted NIC i s enabled a nd connecte d to its ne twork.
Using t he N e twork Inter face Co nt rol l er 5-1 1 T he sy stem detec ts a P CI Eth ernet co ntro ller . 22. At the Add Ne w Ha rd wa re W iz a rd window , cl ic k Next .
5-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 7 . In the Ins tall Fr om Disk windo w , enter a: under Cop y Manuf act ur er ’ s Files From , and th en clic k OK . 8. I n the Select Networ k Ad apte r window , cl i c k 3Com F ast Ether link XL 1 0/ 1 00Mb TX Ether net NIC (3C905B-TX) , and then clic k OK .
Usin g th e Int egrated A udio Con tro lle r 6 -1 &+$37(5 8VLQJWKH,QWHJUDWHG$ XGLR &RQWUROOHU Thi s c hapter des cribes h o w to conn ect y our compu ter sy stem to e xternal audio devices t hat us e the 16-bit int egra ted aud io cont roll e r on your co mput er ’ s system boa rd.
6-2 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e 6SHDNHUV Y our comput e r system supp o rts mo st st and ard sp eakers that have integr ated amplif i- ers. Y ou can purchase sp ea kers se parat ely f rom Del l. Connect t he aud io cable from the speak ers to the lin e-out jac k (see Figure 6-1 ).
Usin g th e Int egrated A udio Con tro lle r 6 -3 synthes iz er or other musi cal ins tr ument, y ou must i nstall a M IDI-comp atible e xpan- sion c ard. (F or instr ucti ons, see “Installing a n Expans ion Card” in Cha pter 8.) If y ou use a MI DI car d, set Sound in the S ystem Set up program to Of f .
6-4 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e $GMXVWLQJ9 ROXPHLQ:L QGRZV1 7 Use the f ollowi ng proced ure to a djust the speak er or headphon e v olume i n the Win- dows NT 4. 0 oper ating sys tem: 1 . St art the A udio Mix er u tility loca ted in the A udio Contr ol progra m f older .
Usin g th e Int egrated A udio Con tro lle r 6 -5 8VLQ J$ XGLR 8WLOL WLHV The oper at ing s ystem ins ta lled o n your Dell system ha s its own uti liti es for pl ayi n g audio CD s and manip ulating .wa v files: F or W i ndows 95 , use Med ia Pla y er under Multim edia in the Ac cessor ies pro- gram fol der .
6-6 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e $XGLR'ULYHUV IRU:LQG RZV T o reinstall the a udio driv ers for Window s 98, y ou must first remo ve the old driv ers and then install th e ne w dr ivers . F ollo w these s teps: 1 .
Usin g th e Int egrated A udio Con tro lle r 6 -7 $XGLR'ULYHUVIRU:LQGRZV1 7 T o reinstall th e audio driv ers for Window s NT 4.
6-8 Dell Precision 21 0 De sk to p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e.
Working Inside Y our Comput er 7-1 &+$37(5 : RUNLQJ,QVLGH< RXU&RPSXWHU Y our Dell Pre cision 21 0 system suppo rts a v ariety of inte rnal optio ns that e xpand sy s- tem cap abilities . Th is c hapter pre pares y ou to install options inside the co mputer .
7-2 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e T o veri fy that all po wer has bee n remo v ed from the sys tem, mak e sure th at the st andby lig ht-emi t t ing d iode ( LE D) on t he system boar d has go ne out. F or the loc a t ion of this LED , see Figur e 9-1 .
Working Inside Y our Comput er 7-3 3. Remove th e cover . F rom the front of the computer , press in the two se curing but tons (loc ated on the sides of the co ver tow a rd the bac k). W ith the but tons depres s ed, li f t the co v er at the b ac k, allowi ng it to pivot up t oward you (see Figu re 7-2).
7-4 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e 5 HSODFLQJWKH &RPSXWHU&RYHU Use the f ollowi ng proced ure to re place the computer co ver: 1 . Chec k all cable connec tion s, espec ia ll y t hos e that mi ght ha ve come loo se during yo ur w ork.
Working Inside Y our Comput er 7-5 5. Rese t the chassis intrusio n det ector by enteri ng th e System Setup p rogram and set ting Chassis Intr usion to Not Detected .
7-6 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e Figure 7 -5 sho ws yo ur compute r with its cov er remov ed. Ref er to this illustra tion to locate inte rio r f eatures and co mpo nents dis cu ss ed in this guid e.
Working Inside Y our Comput er 7-7 5 RWDWLQJWKH 3 RZHU6XSSO $ ZD) URPWKH 6VWHP%RDU G T o access some compone nts on the sy stem board, y ou ma y ha v e to r otate the sy s- tem po w er supp ly out of th e w ay . Use the f ollo wing p rocedu re to rotate the po wer supply : 1 .
7-8 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOOLQJ6VWHP%RDUG2SWLRQV This c hapt e r de scr ibes how to i ns t a ll t he followin g optio ns: P eripheral Comp onent I nt.
8-2 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e Use Figu re 8-1 to locate th e sy stem b oard f eat ures. ([SDQVLRQ&DUGV The sy stem accom modates up to six expa nsion cards , includ ing 32-b it PCI e xpansi on cards, an 8- or 1 6-bit IS A e xpansi on card, a nd a 32- bit A GP card.
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 3 ([SDQVLRQ6ORWV The re are fiv e expa nsion-c ard conne ctors o n the sy stem board. E xpansion-c ard con- nectors PCI1 throu gh PCI3 su pport 32 -bit PCI e .
8-4 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e ,QVWDOO LQJDQ([SD QVLRQ&DUG F ollow th is genera l proc edure to install a n ex pans ion card: 1 .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 5 4. Insert the e xpansion c ard into th e e xpans ion-card connector . If the e xpans ion card is full-l ength, insert th e front e nd of the c ard into th e corre- spondi ng ca rd guid e on the in side f ront of th e c hassis as y ou insert the ca rd into its co nnect or .
8-6 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e 5 HPRYLQJ DQ([SDQ VLRQ&DUG F ollow this genera l procedu re to rem ov e an expa nsion ca rd: 1 . If you are remo vin g a non-Pl ug and Pl a y IS A e xpansi on card, e nter the ICU and remo v e the e xpa ns ion card from y our configuration .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 7 $GGLQJ0H PRU Dell P recision 21 0 sys tem s c an use unbu f f ered s yn c hronous dynami c ra ndo m-acc es s memory (SDRAM) module s that prov ide er ror c hec king and c orrec tion (ECC) capa biliti es.
8-8 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e F ollow this procedure to perf orm a memory upgrade: 1 . Remo v e the computer co v er acco rding to the in str uctions in “R emovin g the Computer Co ver” in Chapter 7 .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 9 7 . P r e s s < F2> to enter the Sy stem Setup program, and c hec k the va lue for Sys tem Memory in the lower -right corn er of P age 1 . The sy stem shou ld ha ve already c hang ed the v alue of Sy ste m M em o ry to reflect the ne wly installe d memory .
8-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide T o r emove a DIMM, pr ess t he secu r ing cli ps out ward s imult an eo usly un til t he DIM M diseng ages from the soc ket ( see Figur e 8-7).
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8-1 1 2. Rot at e the power su pply as des cribe d in “Rotat ing t he P o w er Suppl y A wa y F rom the S y stem B oard” i n Chapter 7 .
8-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 5. Insert the ne w SEC cartrid ge/hea t sink a ssembly into the s yste m boar d connec tor . Pr ess the SEC cartridg e firmly i nto its connecto r until it is fully seated and the latches sna p into place .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 13 1 2. R un the De ll Diagno stics to v erify that th e ne w microprocessor i s operati ng correct ly . See y our Diag nostics a nd T rouble shooti ng Guid e fo r inf ormat ion on r unning the diagno stics and troubl eshoo ting an y problems th at ma y occur .
8-1 4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide correc t set tings. See Chapter 3, “Using the Sy stem Setup P rogram,” f or ins tructio ns. 2. R emo ve the co mputer cov er accordin g to the in str uctio ns in “R emo ving th e Computer Co ver” in Chapter 7 .
Instal l i ng System Board Opti ons 8- 15 6. R otate the po wer suppl y bac k into position, maki ng sure tha t the s ecuring tab snaps i nto pla ce. 7 . R eplac e the com puter c ov er , and re connect y our com puter and periph erals to their po wer sources a nd t urn them on .
8-1 6 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide.
Installing Driv es 9-1 &+$37(5 ,QVWDOOLQJ'U LYHV Y our Dell computer has fiv e driv e bay s f or ins talling the f ollo wing types of driv es ( see Figur e 9-1 ): The e xternally accessi ble driv e bay s at th e front of the comp uter consi st of one 3.
9-2 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e 5 HPRY LQJDQG5 HSODFL QJ) URQW 3DQHO ,QVHUWV Empty driv e ba ys contain a front-pane l insert to protect the insid e of the co mputer from dus t p arti cles and a ls o to e ns ure pro per airflo w withi n the computer .
Installing Driv es 9-3 T o replace a front-p anel ins ert f or a 5. 25-inc h bay , wor k from inside the cov er . Insert the two ri ng-tabs (on e on eac h end o f the insert) o v er the pos ts on th e inside of the ba y open ing, and fi rmly pr ess both ends o f the in sert in to plac e (see Fi gure 9- 2).
9-4 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e When at t ac hing the in terf ace cab le to a dri ve, be sure to matc h the colored st rip on the cab le to pin 1 of the d rive ’ s interf ace co nnector . Fo r the loca tion of pin 1 on th e driv e ’ s interf ace co nnecto r , see th e docu mentation th at came w ith the driv e.
Installing Driv es 9-5 I QVWDOOLQJD' ULYHL QD,QFK'ULYH%D The upper 5.25-in c h drive can ac commo date an y of the f ollo win g types of hal f-heigh t drives: A CD-R OM dr ive that us es the se condary EIDE interf ace on the sy stem board Any 5.
9-6 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e If a dr ive is al ready in stalled in the ba y and yo u are re placing it, be sure to dis - connec t the DC po wer c able and int erf ace cable fro m the bac k of the dri ve bef ore slidin g the brac ket out of the ba y .
Installing Driv es 9-7 T o further ensu re proper positi oning of the driv e in the c hassis, ins ert and tigh ten all f our s crew s in the or der in wh ic h the hol es ar e numb ered (the hole s are marked “1 ” thr ough “4”). 5. Slide the ne w driv e into the driv e ba y u ntil it sna ps secu rely into place (s ee Figure 9-7 ).
9-8 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e 8. Conne ct the appropri ate interf ace cable to the in terf ace co nnecto r on the ba c k of the driv e (se e Figure 9 -8). If y our sy stem came with an E IDE CD-R OM drive, use th e spare c onnector o n the e xist ing interf ace cable.
Installing Driv es 9-9 1 1 . Replace t he computer co v er , and reco nnect y our computer a nd peri pherals to their po wer sources a nd t urn them on .
9-1 0 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide ,QVWDOOLQJ DQ(,'(+D UG'LVN'ULYH Thi s sect ion inc ludes inf ormation on installing, partitioni ng, and f ormat ting EIDE h ard- disk d riv es. Up to two 1 -inc h hard-disk driv es or one 1 -inc h and one 1 .
Installing Driv es 9-1 1 . 4. S lide t he dr ive into th e c hosen bay of th e brack et, o rien ting i t so t ha t the conn ec - tors on th e bac k of the driv e f ace the i nside of th e c hassis wh en the brac ket is reinstalled an d s o th at t he driv e is in the le f t-most pos itio n i n th e b rac ket (see Fi g- ure 9- 1 0).
9-1 2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 5. Align the f our screw ho les of th e driv e a nd brac ke t. Insert a nd tigh ten the scre w s that cam e with y our up grade kit. Use the f our scre w ho les in the top and bot tom of the b rac k et (see Figure 9-1 0) to secure the ins talled har d-disk dr iv e(s).
Installing Driv es 9-1 3 8. Connect o ne of th e dev ice con nectors o n the EIDE cabl e to the 40- pin in terf ace conne ctor on the back of the har d-di sk dri ve (see Fi gure 9-12). 9. I f the o ther en d of th e EIDE cable is not alrea dy con nect ed, co nnect it to th e IDE1 connec tor on the s y stem boa rd.
9-1 4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide 1 3. Whil e in th e Sy stem Setup pr og ram, reset the chassis intrusi on dete ctor by ch a n g i n g Chassis Intr usion to Not Det ected . See Chap ter 3, “Us ing the S ystem Set up P rogram ,” f or inst r uctions.
T e c hni ca l Specificat i ons A-1 $33(1',;$ 7 HFKQLFDO6SHFLILFDWLRQV Micropro cessor type . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Intel P entium II micr oprocess or that r uns at 350 , 400, or 450 MH z intern ally/ 1 00 MHz extern ally . A slower compat ibilit y speed c an be se t through the S y stem Set up pr ogram .
A-2 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide NIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3Com 3C905 b-TX W akeup On LAN- capabl e I/O control ler . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . National PC 87 309 Bus types .
T e c hni ca l Specificat i ons A-3 Arc hitect ure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72-bit ECC SDRAM DIMM soc ke ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . four D I MM c a p a c i t i e s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 2 - , 64-, and 1 28-MB unbuff ered, 72-bit SDRAM Standard RAM .
A-4 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide Inter n all y ac ce ssibl e: E I D E d r i ve. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t w o 4 0 - p i n c o n n e c t o r s o n P C I l o c a l b u s Disk et te driv e . . . . . . . .
T e c hni ca l Specificat i ons A-5 Link in tegrity indica tor (on NIC con nector). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . green LED Net work activit y i nd icator (on NIC con nector). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . yello w LED P ow er indicator (on s ys tem boa rd) .
A-6 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide Maxim um shock: Op er a t in g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ha lf - si ne wave for m : 5 0 G fo r 2 m s St o ra ge .
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B- 1 $33(1',;% +DUGZDUH&RQILJXUDWLRQ)HDWXUHV This ap pendi x provid es sp ecifi c inform atio n about the j umper s on your system bo ard and the in put/out put (I/O ) ports an d conn ectors on th e bac k panel of y our co mputer .
B-2 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide A jumper is ref erred to as open or unjum pere d when the plug i s pushed do wn o ver only o ne pin o r if the re i s no pl ug at al l. When th e p lug is p us hed d o wn o ver two pi ns , the jump er is ref erred to as jumpered .
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B- 3 jumpered unjumpered.
B-4 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide R SVD 2 R eserved ( do not in stall jump er plu g ). R SVD 1 R eserved ( do not in stall jump er plu g ). 450M HZ * J u mpe red when the mic rop rocess or’ s interna l speed is 450 M Hz. 40 0MHZ * Ju mpered when the mic r op roc ess or’ s interna l speed i s 400 MHz.
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B- 5 6VWH P% RDUG/ DEHO V T able B-2 lists the la bels f or conn ectors and s oc k ets on your sy stem board an d give s a brief descripti on of their f unctio ns.
B-6 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide ,23 RUWVDQG&RQQH FWRUV The I/ O p or t s a nd co nn ec to r s o n th e b ack p an el of you r co mp ut er ar e t he ga t eways through wh ic h your compute r sy st em com munic ates with e xt ernal de v ices , suc h as a ke yboard, mouse , printe r , and m onitor .
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B- 7 Most s of tware uses th e term COM (fo r COMmunic ations) p lus a num ber to d esignate a seria l port (f or e xample, COM 1 or COM2). T he def a ult designati ons of y our com- puter’ s built-in s erial ports a re COM1 and COM2 .
B-8 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide T o avoid au toco nf igur atio n, you may be abl e to res et th e expansi on car d’ s j um pers or switches s o th at its port d esignati on c hanges to the ne xt a vailabl e COM num ber , leav - ing t he design ation f or the built-i n port as is.
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B- 9 If yo u reconf igure y our hardw are, y ou ma y need pin numbe r and signa l inf ormatio n for the para llel port c onnector .
B-1 0 Dell Preci sion 21 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide . HERDUGDQG0RXVH &RQQHFWRU V Y our sy stem uses a P ersonal S ystem/2 (PS/2)-style k eyboard a nd suppo rts a PS /2- compati ble mous e.
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B-1 1 If yo u reconf igure y our hardw are, y ou ma y need pin numbe r and signa l inf ormatio n for the mous e conne ctor . Figure B-6 il lustrates the pin num bers f or the mouse conn ector , and T able B-6 lis ts an d defines the pin assign ments and interf ace signa ls f or the mouse c onnec tor .
B-1 2 Dell Preci sion 21 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide 9LGHR&R QQHFWRU F or informa tion on y our video conn ector , see the manuf acturer’ s specific ation s that accomp anied your video ca rd.
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B-1 3 0LFURSKRQ H-DFN The micro phone ja c k (see Figu re B-9) can be used to at tac h a standard personal com- puter mic rophon e. Connect the au dio ca ble from th e microph one to the microp hone jac k.
B-1 4 Dell Preci sion 21 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide /LQH 2XW-DFN The line- out jac k (see Figure B-1 0) can be used to at ta c h most computer speak ers. The line- out ja c k is ampl ified, so speak ers with integ rat ed ampli fiers a re not re quired .
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B-1 5 IRQ0 S ystem tim er IRQ1 K eyboard c ontroll er IRQ2 Inter rup t controlle r (enables IRQ8 through IRQ1 5) IRQ3 and IRQ4 Serial p orts (if ena bled in S y stem.
B-1 6 Dell Preci sion 21 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide 0HPRU $OORF DWLRQV A microp rocessor and pro grams op erating under MS-D OS (real-mod e opera tion) can address only 1 megaby te (MB) (1 024 kilob ytes [KB]) of sy stem memory .
Hardware Co nfigurat i on Features B-1 7 00 09FC0 0–0009FFFF PS/2-mouse data are a 000A 0000 – 000BFF FF V id eo RA M 000C 0000 – 000C7F FF V id eo BI O S 000C 8000 –000 E FFF F A va ilab le 0.
B-1 8 Dell P recision 21 0 Desktop S ystems User’ s Guide.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages C-1 $33(1',;& ,6$&RQILJXUDWLRQ8WLOLW 0HVVDJH V The IS A Confi guration U tility (ICU) a nd its Con figurat ion Mana ger are capable of ide n- tifying p roblems an d alerting you to them .
C-2 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide Out of memory Memory allocation failed Either of th ese me ssages can appea r if the sy s tem runs out of mem or y du ring you r opera tion. Disa ble an y terminate- and-stay- residen t (TSR) prog rams o r any unneede d de vice drive r s.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages C-3 At least one Plug and Play card in your system is not configured due to conflicts. These are marked “config err” in the list of configured cards. Due to conflicts, the ICU could only c onfigure some Plug and Play cards in your system.
C-4 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide The loaded card is not a category card. Press OK to proceed. The cate gor y yo u h ave c hosen is not t he cor rect category under wh ic h to add this card. Sel ect OK . T he ICU autom a tica lly opens the cor rect c ategory’ s dial og bo x.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages C-5 The ICU detects a resource conflict between this card and conflicting_card.The con- flicting resource was: resource. Y ou adde d or modif ied a card that no w requires a resource value already in use by conflict ing_car d .
C-6 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide The configuration (.cfg) file used by the ICU for this card is now invalid or does not exist.
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages C-7 &RQILJX UDWLRQ0DQD JHU0HVVD JHV The Conf igurati on Mana ger f or the I CU iden tifies prob lems f ollowing th e sy ste m boot routine a nd gen erates messag es if n ecessa r y .
C-8 Dell P recision 21 0 Deskto p Systems Use r’ s Guide ERROR: Could not read NVS, Error=Internal Error Code. An at tempt to read the NVRAM f ailed. See th e c hapter titled “Get ting Help ” in y our Diag nost ics and T rou blesh ooti ng Guid e for instr uctions on obtai ni ng t ec hnical as si stan ce .
IS A Configuration Util ity Messages C-9 WARNING: Could not configure Plug and Play Card Name. WARNING: Could not configure PCI device, ID=DeviceID. Failed to configure Number of Total Count Plug and Play ISA devices. Use your system’s configura- tion utility to resolve conflicts.
C-1 0 Dell Preci sion 21 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide WARNING: Could not configure Plug and Play Card Name. WARNING: Could not configure PCI device, ID=DeviceID. Failed to configure Number of Total Count Plug and Play ISA devices. Use your system’s configura- tion utility to resolve conflicts.
Maint aining t he System D-1 $33(1',;' 0DLQWDLQLQJWKH6VW HP Proper us e of pr eventive main tena nce p roced ures can keep t he system in top oper at- ing con dition and m inimi ze th e need fo r costly , time-consumi ng se r vice proc edures.
D-2 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide As a last resort, y ou can bac k up a hard -disk dri ve ’ s contents on disk et tes, a meth od that is both time-c onsum ing and p rone to human er ror . Also, bac king u p a full 4 -GB hard-dis k driv e requires appro ximately 277 disk et tes (when u sing 1 .
Maint aining t he System D- 3 5 HFRPPHQGHG 7 RROVDQG$FFHVVRULHV Dell re commend s that y ou use the fo llo wing to ols a nd acce ssorie s wh en yo u cle an the sy stem: A wrist-gro unding.
D-4 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide &OHDQL QJ 'ULY HV Y ou can clean t he heads of y our dis k et te driv es b y us ing a co mmerc ially a vailabl e disk et te-driv e head-clean ing kit.
Maint aining t he System D- 5 If the sy stem has b een e xpos ed to abno rmall y cold tem perat ures, al low a two - hour w arm-up period to b ring it up to norma l oper ating temp erat ure b ef ore t ur nin g it on . F a il ure to do so ma y cause damage to int erna l comp onents , pa rtic u- larly the h ard-disk driv e.
D-6 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide &RUURVLRQ The oil from a perso n ’ s fingers or prolonged e xpos ure to high tempera ture or hu midity can c orrode t he go ld-p lated edge c onn ector s and p in con nec tors on variou s devices in the sy stem.
Maint aining t he System D- 7 T o r educ e the p ossi bilit y o f EMI an d RFI , follow th ese gui del i nes: Opera te the s ystem onl y with the system cover inst alle d .
D-8 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide Eac h Dell s ystem, w hen oper ating, is d esigned to withstand 0 .25 G (half-s ine w av e) at a sw eep of 3 to 200 hertz (Hz ) f or 30 minu tes. In sto rage, t he sy stem can with stand 0.5 G a t 3 to 200 Hz f or 30 minutes.
Maint aining t he System D- 9 6XUJH 3 URW HFWRUV Surg e prote cto rs ar e av ail able i n a variet y of ty pes and usu ally pr ovide a l evel of pro- tect ion co mmens ura te with the co st of t h e device .
D-1 0 Dell Precision 2 1 0 Desktop Sy stems User’ s Guide.
Regula tor y Notices E-1 $33(1',;( 5 H JXODWRU1RWLFHV Electrom agnetic I nterf erence (EMI ) is an y sign al or emi ssion, ra diated in free sp ace or conducted a long po wer or si gnal lea.
E-2 Dell Precision 21 0 D esk top Systems Use r ’ s Guide Inf ormation T ec hnolog y Equipm ent (I TE), including periph erals, e xpansion c ards, prin t- ers, input/outpu t (I/O) de vices, mon itor.
Regula tor y Notices E-3 &ODVV $ Thi s equ ipm ent ha s b een tes ted and f ound to comp ly wi th th e l imits f or a Class A di g- ital de vice purs uant to P art 1 5 of the FC C Ru les.
E-4 Dell Precision 21 0 D esk top Systems Use r ’ s Guide Compan y name: Dell Com puter Corp oration R egulatory Department One Del l Wa y R ound R oc k , T ex as 7868 2 US A 51 2-338-4400 ,&.
Regula tor y Notices E-5 (1 &RPSOLDQFH&]HFK5HSXEOLF 2QO 9&&,1RWLFH-DSDQ2QO Most D ell comp uter sy stem s are c lassified b y the V oluntar y Control Co uncil for Int e r- f erenc e (V CCI) as Cla ss B inf ormatio n tec hnolog y equipment (IT E).
E-6 Dell Precision 21 0 D esk top Systems Use r ’ s Guide &ODVV %,7 ( Thi s is a Class B product ba sed o n the standard of th e V oluntar y Control Co uncil f or Interf erence (V CCI) for in format ion tec hno logy equip ment.
E-8 Dell Precision 21 0 D esk top Systems Use r ’ s Guide 12 0,QIRUPDW LRQ0 H [LFR2 QO The f ollo win g inf ormation is pro vided on the de vice(s) desc ribed i n this doc umen t in c.
Regula tor y Notices E-9 ,QIRUPDFL yQSD UD12 0 ~QLFDPHQWHSDUD0p[LFR La inf ormación si guient e se pr oporciona en el disposi tiv o o e n los disposi tiv os desc ri- tos en e ste.
E-1 0 Dell Pre cision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide.
Warranty , Return P o licy , and Y e ar 20 0 0 St ateme nt of Compl ia nc e F -1 $33(1',;) : DUUDQW 5 HWXUQ3 ROLF DQG< HDU 6WDWHPHQWRI&RPSOLDQF.
F-2 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e A uthoriza tion Nu mber . Y ou must ship th e products bac k to Dell in the ir origina l or equiv alent pa c kag ing, prepay shipping c harges, an d insure the shi pment or acc ept the risk of loss or da mage du ring sh ipment.
F-4 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e damage during s hipment. Y ou ma y ret urn so f t wa re f or refund o r credi t only if th e sealed pac kage containi ng the d isk et te(s) or CD(s ) is unop ened.
Warranty , Return P o licy , and Y e ar 20 0 0 St ateme nt of Compl ia nc e F -5 6RIWZDUH Dell s pecific ally ex clu des all non-Del l-de ve loped sof tware fro m this co mplia nce state- ment. All sof tware r un on Dell-brand ed ha rdwa re produ cts shou ld be ind epende ntly ve rified b y cu stomer s to be y ear 200 0-compl iant.
F-6 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stems U se r’ s Gu id e.
Glossary 1 *ORVVDU The following li st def i nes or iden tifies tec hnical terms, a bbre viations, a nd acronyms use d in D ell ® user do cumen ts. NO T E: Unle ss oth er wise specif ied, these de finitions ma y not apply to operatin g sy stems other than Mic rosof t ® W indo ws ® 95 and Win do ws NT ® .
2 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e read- write , it may be define d by a man- agemen t appli catio n. The autoex ec.b at file (Windo ws 95 and MS-DO S only) is execu ted wh en you boot your co mputer ( after exec uting any comma nds in t he config.
Glossary 3 Abbrevia tion for bi ts per inch. Abbrevia tion for bi ts per second . Abbrevia tion for Briti sh therma l unit. An informa tion path way betwee n the compon ents of a com puter.
4 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e The first 640 KB of RAM. Conventio nal memory is foun d in a ll comp uters. U nless they are spec ially de signe d, MS-DO S ® progra ms are limite d to ru nning in conv en- tional m emory. A chip t hat rel ieves th e comp uter’s mi cro- process or of specific processing tasks.
Glossary 5 hardware. DM I collec ts informat ion about the s ystem ’s comp onent s, such as the operatin g system , memo ry, periphe rals, expans ion card s, and a sset tag. Informa- tion abo ut the s ystem’s componen ts is displa yed as a MIF file or throug h the Dell Inspec tor progra m.
6 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e expans ion slot conta ins the card an d ob- tains inform ation ab out the ca rd’s required system reso urces from a corre- spondi ng EISA c onfigu ration file. Abbrevia tion for Ele ctromagnetic Compatib ility.
Glossary 7 Abbrevia tion for gi gabyte(s). A g igabyte equa l s 1, 02 4 me ga byt es or 1,073,74 1,824 b ytes. See coproces sor . A video mode that c an be defined a s x hori zontal b y y verti c al pixel s by z colors.
8 Dell Precisi on 21 0 Deskto p Sy stem s U se r’ s Guid e Abbrevia tion for in terrupt reque st. A sig- nal that data is ab out to be sent to or receive d by a peripheral d evice travels by an IR Q line to the mic roproc essor. Ea ch periphera l conne ction mus t be as signed an IRQ number.
Glossary 9 Abbrevia tion for me gabyte(s). Th e term megabyte m eans 1,048,5 76 bytes ; how- ever, wh en refe rring to har d-disk drive storage, the term is often round ed to mean 1, 000,00 0 bytes. Abbrevia tion for me gabytes per sec ond. Abbrevia tion for me gabits pe r seco nd.
1 0 Dell Precision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide Abbrevia tion for mi llivolt(s ). Abbreviatio n for Netwo rk Driver Interface Specifi cation. Acronym for n etwork interface control ler. Abbreviatio n for NetWare ® Loadabl e Module. Abbrevia tion for non mask able inter rupt.
Glossary 1 1 Acronym for p ower-on s elf-test. Bef ore the opera ting s ystem loads w hen y ou turn on you r comp uter, the PO ST tes ts var ious system comp onents su ch as RAM, the disk d rives, and th e keyboa rd. Abbrevia tion for pa ges per minu te.
1 2 Dell Precision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide An operat ing mo de support ed by 80286 or high er microproc essors, rea l mode im- itates th e arch itecture of an 80 86 micro proc essor . The rate a t which the monitor redraws the video im age on the monitor scree n.
Glossary 1 3 screen. To take ad vantage of th is techn ol- ogy, you mus t have a SMART -complia nt hard-dis k dri ve an d the p rop er s up port in the system BIOS. Abbrevia tion for Sim ple Network Manage ment Prot ocol. SN MP is an industry-s tandard in terface that a llows a network ma nager to re motely mo nitor and mana ge work s tati ons .
1 4 Dell Precision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide mouse, a nd keyboa rd drive rs are ins talle d for Window s. Running the Contro l Pane l or Window s Setup pro gram may cha nge opti ons in t he syste m.ini file. On other oc casion s, you may nee d to chang e or add opti ons to the syste m.
Glossary 1 5 Abbrevia tion for volt(s ) alterna ting current. Abbrevia tion for Volun tary Control Council for Interfere nce. Abbrevia tion for video cassette re corder. Abbrevia tion for volt(s ) direct c urrent. Acronym for Vi deo Ele ctronics Stan dards Asso ciati on.
1 6 Dell Precision 21 0 Desktop Sy s tems User ’ s Guide A method for incre asing addr essable RAM b y using the har d-di sk driv e. Fo r ex- ample, in a computer wi th 16 MB of RAM and 16 MB of vi rtual memo ry set up on the hard -disk drive, the operating sy stem would m anage the s ystem as thoug h it had 32 MB of physica l RA M.
Glossary 1 7 Abbrevia tion for ex tended memory ma n- ager , a utility that a llows a pplic ation programs and ope rating systems to use exten ded me mory i n accord ance wit h the XMS. Abbrevia tion for eXte nded Mem ory Specifi cation. Acronym for zero i nsertion force.
1 8 Dell P recision 2 1 0 Desktop S y stems User’ s Guide.
Inde x 1 ,QGH [ $ AC, 1 -11, 7-1 adding . See install ing; upgra de option s AGP, 1-3 alternat ing current . See AC asset t ag number assi gn ing, 2-4 viewin g, 3-19 Asset Ta g setting, 3-19 Asset Ta .
2 Dell Precisi on 210 Desktop Systems Use r’ s Gu id e chassi s. See compute r cleani ng access orie s, D-3 driv e s, D - 4 internal comp onents , D-2 soluti ons, D-3 system ex terior, D-3 tools, D-.
Inde x 3 Diskette Drive A and Dis kette Drive B opti ons, 3 -6 dis kette driv es access indi cato r, 1-11 cleani ng, D-4 connec ting, 9-3 head- clean in g kit , D-3 ins ta lli ng, 9-5 interface c onne.
4 Dell Precisi on 210 Desktop Systems Use r’ s Gu id e * gett ing he lp, 1 -13 groundin g proc edure, 7- 1 groundin g stra p, D-3 + Hard Disk Only setting, 3-12 hard-dis k drives access indi cato r,.
Inde x 5 - jack s line-in jack , 6-1, B- 14 line- out j ack, 6-1, B -14 loc a t ion on back panel , B-6 microph one ja ck, 6 -1, B-13 jumpers about, 7 -6, B-1 BIOS jumper, B-4 location, B-3 PSWD jumpe r, 3-24, B-4 settings (ta ble), B-4 speed j umpers, 8 -12, B-4 .
6 Dell Precisi on 210 Desktop Systems Use r’ s Gu id e 1 network dri vers Windows 95, 5 -5 Windows 98, 5 -9 Windows NT 4.0, 5-4 network fram e type, 5- 3 NIC cable requiremen ts, 5-2 conf iguring , .
Inde x 7 power bu tton, 1- 11 power in dicator, 1-11 power LE D, 8-2 Power Ma nagemen t option , 3-14 power source inte rrupt ion s preventi ng, D-8 power s upply input co nnecto rs, 8-2 rotating away.
8 Dell Precisi on 210 Desktop Systems Use r’ s Gu id e Speake r option , 3-18 speake rs connec ting, 6-2 specifi cations , A-1 speed j umpers setting, 8-12, B-4 stan dby LED , 8-2 start-up, 3-12 support, 1-1 3 surge pro tector preve ntin g powe r sour ce in terru ptio ns, D-9 switc hes about, B-2 synchr onous dy namic ra ndom-acc ess memory.
Inde x 9 driv es, 9-1 expans ion card s, 8-4 micropro cessor, 8-10 upper me mory addr ess m ap, B-17 UPS, D-9 USB connectors about, B-1 2 loc a t ion, 8-2 pin as signments , B-13 pin nu mbe r s, B- 13 9 VESA and power m anagement, 3-1 4 VGA DAC Sno op option, 3-10 video c onnector, 7-6, B-1 2 Video El ectronics Sta ndards Asso ciation.
1 0 Dell Precision 21 0 Desktop S ystems Us er’ s Guide.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Dell WorkStation 210 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Dell WorkStation 210 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Dell WorkStation 210 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Dell WorkStation 210 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Dell WorkStation 210 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Dell WorkStation 210 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Dell WorkStation 210 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Dell WorkStation 210 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.