Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product EZ Remote van de fabrikant Dish Network
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iii C ONTENTS OF THIS G UI DE Ab out t he D ISH Ne two rk E Z Re mo t e Co ntr ol .... ... .. .. ... ..... 1 Bu tto ns and F eat ure s Ov er vi ew ... ... .. .. ... ..... .. ... .. ..... .. ... .. ... 1 Ins tal lin g Bat ter ie s ... ... .. ... .. ...
iv Figure 1. The EZ Remote See How to Use the Remote Con tr ol for mo re det ails on each butt on. SELECT POWER GUIDE SA T T V CHANNEL CONTROL T H E M E B R O W S E C H A N N E L C H A N N E L INFO VO.
1 A BO UT TH E DISH N ETWOR K EZ R EMO TE C ONTROL The DISH Network EZ Remote Control makes ope rati ng your DI S H Network sa telli te receiver e asy and convenie nt. This remote contr ol includes la rge, easy- to- find butto ns whi c h are m ost commonly used to control the basic sa te llit e receiver featur es you need.
2 T o use these added buttons and other featu res to control your TV , follo w the step-by- step inst r uct ions below to se t up your r emote control. Th is set up als o requires y ou to connec t your sa telli te receiver t o your TV’ s tuner us ing coaxia l c able .
3 R ECEIVER U PGRA DE T urn on your TV t he way you normally wou ld to watc h satell ite TV programming. Using your DISH Network EZ Remote Control, pr ess and then tr y using this r emote control to oper a te som e basic sa tell ite receiver features like MENU or GUIDE .
4 C ON NECT ING Y OUR S A TE LLI TE R ECEI VER A ND TV Figure 2. Conne ct th e Satellite Recei ver and TV 1. C o nnect a coax ial cab le bet ween the TV Set Out on the satellite rec e iver and the tuner input on the TV (see F igure 2 ).
5 S ETTIN G U PT H E R EMOT E TO C ON TR OL Y OU R TV 1. Find the br and name of you r TV in the TV code tables sta rting on page 30. Y ou will be refer ring to this l ocation f or c odes in the i nstruction s below . 2. T urn on your T V . 3. Press and hol d until both lights t urn on (it takes about f ive seconds) .
6 S ETTIN G U PO N Y OUR R EMOT E C ON TRO L • Pr es s an d to ch ang e ch ann e ls on your TV . • Pres s to chang e the TV volume. If these buttons wor k, go on to the next section to set up . If not, pi ck another c ode for your TV b r a n d f r o mt h eT VC o d e st a b l ea n dg ob a c kt o step 3.
7 7. Set the switc h on the back of the satellit e recei ver to CH4 . The TV will l ose the picture f rom the satel lite r ec eiver , but this is OK. Note : If your satell ite receiver does not have a switch, s e e your sa tellite r eceiv e r ’ s User’ s Guide for how to s et TV Set Out on the sate llit e rec eiver to cha nne l 4.
8 T able 1: How I Change My TV Channels Column 1 : How do you change your TV t o Channel 3 usi ng the number butto ns? Column 2: Circle the number sequence y ou use t o change your TV to Channel 3 “I j ust press the number butt ons on my remote to ch ange the channel .
9 16. W rite the number(s) you cir c led int o the blank in step 19. 17. Press and hold until both lights tur n on (it takes about f ive seconds) . 18. Release . light will flash. 19. Press (Fil l in this blank with the exact s equence you circ l ed in T abl e 1 ) 20.
10 S ETTING U PT O S WITC H THE TV TO A P REFER RED O FF -A IR C HA NNEL If you watch l ocal pr ogramming f rom an of f-air antenna, foll ow these inst r ucti ons to set up to switch your TV to your prefe rred o ff-a ir chan ne l.
11 S ETTIN G U PO N T H E R EMOTE C ON TRO L 1. In the bla nk below , write d own your pr eferred off- air channe l that you want your TV to tune to when you press . 2. If step 19 on page 9 is bla nk and was not used t o se t u p ,g ot os t e p8 .O t h e r w i s e ,g ot o s t e p3 .
12 S ETTING U PT O P AS S S AT ELLI TE P ROGRAMMI NG T HRO UGH Y OU R VCR TO Y OUR TV If you want to inst a ll a VCR between your satellit e receive r and your TV , fol low the se instr uc tions to set u p your syst e m and your remote contr ol to switch your syste m to watch sa tellite pr ogramming through y our VCR when y ou pr ess .
13 C ON NECT ING Y OUR S A TE LLI TE R ECEI VER , V CR, AND TV 1. C o nnect a coax ial cab le bet ween the TV Set Out on the sa tellite r eceiver a nd the tune r input to t he VCR (see F igure 4 ).
14 Figure 4. Conn ecting a Satellite Receiver , VCR, and TV S ETTIN G U PT H E R EMOT E TO C ON TR OL Y OU R VCR 1. Find the brand name of your VCR in the VC R code tables sta rting on page 37. Y ou will be refer ring to this l ocation f or c odes in the i nstruction s below .
15 S ETTIN G U P O N Y OU R R EM OT E C ON TROL 8. If light flashe s three time s, the code is valid and you can go to step 9. If light does not flash at all , the code may not ha ve been ent ered correc tly . So, st a rt over fr om ste p 3 and t r y the code aga in.
16 6. W rite the number in step 2 from page 13 into the b l a n ki ns t e p 1 0 b e l o w . 7. Press and hold the until both lights turn on (it takes ab out f ive sec onds). 8. Release a nd li ght will flash. 9. Press the RECALL bu tton. 10. Enter 0- .
17 T able 2: How I Change My VCR Cha nnels Column 1 : How d o you chang e your VCR to Channel 3 usi ng t he number butto ns? Column 2: Circle the number sequence y ou use t o change your VCR to Channel 3 “I j ust press the number butt ons on my remote to ch ange the channel .
18 U SING W HE N A VCR IS I NST ALL ED If you install e d a V CR using the instr uctions in Setti ng Up to Pass Satelli te Pr ogramming Thr ough Y our VC R to Y our T V on page 12, but you would like to use to switch your TV to the pre ferr ed off-air chan ne l, mak e sure your VCR i s turn ed of f before pressi ng .
19 O THE R R EMOT E C ON TROL I NSTR UC TIO NS H OW T O S CAN F O R TV C OD ES If t he code for you r TV is not i n the TV Codes tables starti ng on page 30, complete the fol lowing instru c tions to scan for your TV’ s code. 1. Make sure y our TV is on.
20 H OW T O S CAN F O R VCR C ODES If t he code for you r VCR is not i n the VCR C odes table s starti ng on page 37, complete the fol lowing instru c tions to scan for your VCR’ s code. 1. Make sure y our VCR is on. 2. Hold until lights tur n on ( it tak es about five sec onds).
21 H OW T O C HE CK T HE TV C ODES Y ou can find ou t what TV code is set up in your r emote control when y ou complete the followin g instr uctions . H OW T O C HE CK T HE VCR C OD ES Y ou can find out what VCR code is set up in your remote control when y ou complete the followin g instr uctions .
22 H OW T O R EM OV E TV C ODES If you decide to cha nge the TV you are using with the remote contr ol, it is a g ood idea to r emove the TV code from th e rem ote. H OW T O R EM OV E VCR C OD ES If you decide to cha nge the VCR you are using wit h the remote contr ol, it is a g ood idea to r emove the V CR code from th e rem ote.
23 H OW T O U SE THE R EM OTE C ON TROL This s ection de scribe s how to use your DI SH Network Remote Contr ol. Figure 1 on page iv shows the r emote control wit h a brief descript ion of the buttons. P OINT ING T HE R EM OTE C ON TROL The remote contr ol uses infrared (IR) light si gna l s to control the satellite rece iver and TV .
24 TV PO WER B UTTO N Pres s th e TV POWER b u t t o nt ot u r nt h e T VO N o rO F F . This bu tton wor ks only if yo u have comple ted the instr uctions in Setti ng Up the Remote to Contr ol Y our TV on page 5. MENU B UTTON Pres s th e MENU button to open the Ma in Menu .
25 UP/DO WN/LEFT/RIGHT B UTTONS • Change channels - Press the UP or DOWN bu tton. • Op en th e B rowse Banner -P r e s st h e RIGHT button. • Show Themes -P r e s st h e LEFT button. • Move around within the Prog ram Guide , the menus, and Brows e Banner -P r e s st h e UP , DOW N , LE FT ,a n d RI GH T button s.
26 CANCEL B UTTON • Can cel - Pr ess th e CANCEL b u t t o nt oc a n c e la procedure and go ba ck to t he previous menu or to w a t ch i ng a pr o gr a m . • V i ew - Pr ess an d hold th e CANCEL button until both lights turn on. Whe n you release t he butto n, you will return to watch ing TV .
27 DISH B UTTON Pres s th e DISH b u t t o nt og ot o Dish Home for rec ei vers that supp or t Dish Home . RECALL B U TTO N • Reca ll - Pr ess t he RECALL butt on to r eturn to t he last satellite rec e iver channel you watched. Press it again to switch between the last two sa tellite re ceiver channels you watched.
28 U SING TH E R EM OT E C ON TR OL FOR O FF -A IR TV P ROGR AM MI NG O FF -A IR C HANNEL C ONT R O L B UTTON T o use th e rem ot e co ntrol to ge t prog ram s fro m an o ff-air antenna and ope r ate .
29 CHANNEL UP/DOWN B UTTONS Use the CHANNEL UP/ DOWN buttons to cha nge channel s on the TV . SELECT B UTTON The SELECT button wor ks a s the ENTER bu tton for a TV . N UMBER B UTTON S Use these buttons to enter numbers in a TV menu or direct ly enter a ch ann el num ber .
30 TV AND VCR C OD ES These tabl e s contain the manufactur er codes for progra m ming the remote cont rol to control you r TV or VCR. Every att empt has been made to include all code s. If your TV or VCR is not listed or the code s do not work, the remote may not contr ol your devi ce.
31 Circu it City 695 Citizen 506, 516, 522 , 523, 524, 52 5, 526, 691, 712 Colort yme 573, 69 5 Concert o 523 Contec 527, 528, 541 , 591, 691 Craig 536, 541, 691 , 694 Crown 526, 536 Curti s Mathe s 5.
32 Fuji tsu 534, 69 4 Funai 534, 541, 691 , 694 Future t ech 541, 69 1, 694 General Elect ric (GE) 503, 508, 509, 515, 5 40, 543, 544, 630, 695, 698, 701 ,714, 715, 716 Genex xa 613 Goldst ar 505, 523.
33 Kloss 522, 56 1, 610, 698 KTV 526, 539, 540 , 541, 691, 69 6, 712 Lloyds 695 Lloyt r on 526 Loewe 588 Logik 518 Luxman 523 LXI 503, 563, 566 , 590, 595, 61 7, 625, 701 Magnav ox 506, 520, 525 , 536.
34 Nordmende 551 Normandi c 717 Novabeam 561, 698 Nyon 701 Onwa 541, 691 Optoni ca 605, 607 Orion 694 Osaki 612 Panasoni c 508, 509, 510 , 51 1, 512, 566, 574, 685, 687, 689, 697 , 698, 700, 70 6, 714.
35 Sampo 506, 519, 698 Samwon 620 Samsun g 505, 506, 516 , 523, 526, 53 2, 588, 612, 695, 704, 712 , 721 Sanyo 542, 589, 590 , 591, 592, 60 9 SBR 588 Schneid er 588 Scott 526, 534, 53 7, 541 , 593, 60.
36 Sylvani a 506, 525, 536 , 564, 565, 56 6, 568, 573, 575, 600, 610 , 61 1, 712 Sympho nic 632, 69 2, 694 T an dy 605, 61 3 T at ung 509, 698 T ec hnics 508 T ec hwood 523, 573 T ek ni ka 504, 505, 5.
37 VCR C OD ES Vi d eo Concept s 570, 691 V idt ech 505, 69 5, 712 V iking 522 W ards 505, 506, 515 , 518, 534, 53 6, 543, 564, 565, 567, 568 , 607, 619, 71 2, 714, 715 Y amaha 505, 50 6, 712 Y ork 69.
38 Carver 664 CCE 677 Citizen 591, 592 Colt 677 Craig 591, 608, 677 Crosl ex 553 Curti s Mathe s 554, 592, 653 , 669 Daewoo 534, 545, 546 , 547, 665, 66 6 Daytro n 546 DBX 594, 600, 668 Dimensi a 653 .
39 Gradien t e 666 Granada 549, 581 Grundig 565 Harley Davidso n 666 Harmon Kardon 530 Harwood 677 Hinari 589 Hit achi 553, 588, 595 , 596, 681, 68 8 Inst ant Replay 553 ITT 518 JC Penney 530, 554, 59.
40 Memore x 549, 554, 581 , 588, 608, 66 3, 666 Minolt a 681 Mits ubishi 659, 66 2, 671, 687 MTC 544, 588 Multi tech 588, 589, 591 , 666, 677 NAD 573 NEC 530, 531, 532 , 562, 592, 59 4, 599, 600, 602,.
41 Reali stic 549, 55 4, 581 , 584, 588, 66 6, 669, 676 Ricoh 502, 68 6 Runco 663 Saisho 506 Salora 581 Samsun g 534, 591, 661 Sanky 663 Sansui 532, 544, 600 , 621, 662, 66 8 Sanyo 549, 581, 582 , 608.
42 T ec hnics 553, 554 T ek ni ka 554, 588, 666 TMK 506, 66 0 T os hi ba 534, 590, 673 , 683 T ot evisi on 591 Ve c t o r Resea rch 530, 600, 668 V ictor 600, 668 Vi d eo Concept s 600, 668 V ideosoni.
43 L IMITED W ARRANT Y Th is wa rrant y exten ds only to th e original user of the D ISH N e two rk rem ote con trol (“y ou,” “yo ur”) and is limite d t ot h ep u r c h a s ep r i c eo f the r emote con t rol .
45 P OST R ECEIPT E XCHA NGE P ROGR AM Y ou may choos e to shi p t he equi pment t o us at your c ost. T o provide fas ter servi ce, upo n recei pt of your equ ipment y ou will be shi pped a repl acemen t. Y ou r orig inal equipm ent will not be av aila ble for ret urn.
46 6. Wri te the RA number i n large, clearl y visib le charact ers on t he outsi de of the shi pping box u sed to re turn the eq uipment . T o avoi d confus ion and misund erst anding s, we will r eturn shipmen ts wit hout an RA number cl early vi sible on the o utside of the box t o yo u at your ex pense.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Dish Network EZ Remote (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Dish Network EZ Remote heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Dish Network EZ Remote vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Dish Network EZ Remote leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Dish Network EZ Remote krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Dish Network EZ Remote bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Dish Network EZ Remote kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Dish Network EZ Remote . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.