Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product DXG-502 van de fabrikant DXG Technology
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1 DXG-502 User's Manual.
1 ■ Precautions Safety Preca utions ............................................. .................................................... ............ ............................ 4 Precautions Befo re Us e .............................................
2 LCD Screen ... .............................................................. .................................................... . ........................... 31 Optical Zo om / Digital Zoo m ................................................. .....
3 Description on Menu .................................................................................. ..................... ..... ................ ....... 54 Deletion ...................................... ..........................................
4 Safety Pr ecautions The suppli ed Software CD is desig ned exclus ively fo r a PC. Pla ying the CD o n a stereo o r audio CD player may damag e the playe r . This is a sophis ti cat ed elec t ron ic dev ic e. Do not disas s em b le the un it; the ins ide co nta in high- vo ltag e componen ts can cause an elect rical shock o r fire h azard.
5 Do not op en the bat tery cover when the po wer is on. If water has ent ered the cam era, turn the po wer OFF and remov e th e batter ies im media tely. How t o main tain the cam era: 1. If the lens, L CD monito r, or viewfi nder su rface is d irty, use a lens brush o r sof t cloth to wipe it clean.
6 Please ch eck the package contents. P lease c ontact your dealer right away in ca se of an y item miss ed. 1. Digi tal Cam era 2. User Manual 3. Wrist S trap 4.
7 Prod uct Overview ■ Shutter Press th e shutt er button to take pho tos and sta rt video recording. ■ Lens Cap Remov e the le ns cape befo re tu rning on the ca mera. Re fit th e cape when the ca mer a is power ed off to protect the lens a nd keep d ust out.
8 (1) Vi ewfinde r (2) Ph oto Mode (3) Vi deo Mode (4) Rev ie w Mode (5) Setup Mode (6) Power S wit ch (7) Red uctio n Ke y (8) Magn ifier Key (9) Mode d ial (10) W rist St rap Bu ckle (11) Confir m/F.
9 Button Operation ■ Mode S witch There are four mode s avai lable, in cludin g Photo Mod e , Video Mode , Review Mode and Setup Mo de . The LED i ndicates wh ich mode i s in use. ■ Menu button This disp lays th e select ion menu fo r each of th e mod es.
10 Inserting/Changing Batteries Turn th e digita l cam era off and foll ow th e instruc tions below. Close the battery cover. Slide th e batter y cover i n the di rection of the arrow and li ft it open as shown. Follo w the ins truct ion lab eled on the inside o f the bat tery compa rtment door and ins ert the b atteri es as in dicated.
11 Loading the Memory Car d Turn t he camera off and fol low th e instruc tions b elow. Removing the Memory Card Turn th e digita l cam era off and foll ow th e instruc tions below. Orien t the mem oray card as sho wn, and insert it into the slo t. Press th e mem ory car d in al l the wa y.
12 ! ! This p roduct can use an SD o r MMC memory card, with memory capacity ranging from 16MB to 512 MB. The m emory c ard ca n o nly fit in one di rectio n. Do no t use ex cessi ve f orce when i nst allin g into a memory card s oc ket; too mu ch for ce c ould cau se dam age.
13 Afte r insta lling th e mem ory ca rd, the scree n will d ispla y an icon under normal s tatus. If it displ ays (indic ating that the bu ilt-in memo ry is in us e), pleas e refer to the fo llow ing four p ossible reasons and resolu tions. The me mory card format is unrecogn izable.
14 Follow the illu strat ions bel ow to se cure the camera strap . Put the wrist s trap th rough t he wrist strap post. Pull one e nd of th e strap th rough th e other and tighten it. Put the lens strap thr ough the le ns strap po st. Pull the other end of th e strap th rough the other s ide of the lens strap pos t and tighten it.
15 Power Press th e Power button to turn on the cam era and press it aga in to t urn it of f. Battery Capacity Meter The batter y capaci ty meter on the camera s creen indicates: : Full (T his ic on dissa ppears 5 se conds af ter ente ring th e mode.) : Half (T his ico n dissa ppears 5 se conds after en tering the mo de.
16 ! ! Lights Descriptio ns of th e front Fl ashing Un it and th e back mod e status indicator. Indicato rs Description Mode Status Ind i ca tor Yellow / Red Indica tor Light on This ind ica tes the curren t m ode you are in, for e xample, th e Pho to Mode or Video Mode.
17 Use th e Mode d ial to ent er the Setup ( ) Mode. Setting Date and Time This camer a can record th e date and time o n pictu res. Be sure to se t the co rrect date and t ime befor e taking pictures. P lease r efer to Setup Mod e on page 21 for m ore deta ils.
18 LCD Monitor The LCD scr een is used to fram e the pic tu re, ad ju st set t ing s, and re view pic tures a nd videos. It is n ormal th at the LC D screen l ooks dark er under d irect sunligh t or bright light. Info/Hint Press th e button to en ter the In fo page.
19 Description of B utton Functions On the bottom of the LCD screen ther e are butt on func tion di rec tions, wh ich desc r ibe wha t the but tons do. Menu In the Pho to/Video /Review Modes, press the button to enter the Mode Menu for rel evant set ting s.
20 Use th e Mode d ial to ent er the Setup ( ) Mode. The fo llowi ng are desc riptio ns of th e settings. ■ Date /Time Se t This al lows the cam era to record the date a nd time on pictures. Correct d ate and time shoul d be set before taking p ictures.
21 Menu Index Setup Mode (Continued).
22 Setup Mode (Continued).
23 Setup Mode (Continued).
24 The selec ted pi ctu re will be saved to beco m e the st ar tu p pictu r e. Setup Mode (Continued).
25 Use th e Mode d ial to switc h to the P hoto ( ) Mode. The Photo Mo de has fol lowing opti ons: Auto, Manual, and Scene Mode. Auto Mode Ico n Descript ion Focus Zone Information on the curr ent set.
26 Photo Mode (Aut o) Status of Memory Card : Memo ry Card empt y : Memo ry Ca rd half full : Memo ry Ca rd is a lmost full : Memo ry Ca rd ful l (red lig ht blin ks) : Memo r y card wri te p rotec t .
27 Manua l Mode Icon D es crip tion Focus Zone Information on the c urrent settings Indication of the curre nt mode Photo Mode (Continued).
28 Photo Mode (Manua l) Status of Memory Card Burst Mode / Number of pictur es Self P ortra it N umbe r of pictu res tak en / Max imum number o f pic tures Flash Mode Portra it Mode Effect Mode Time and date (this i con disappea rs 5 seco nds after en terin g the mo de,.
29 Scene Mode Icon D es crip tion Focus Zone Information on the c urrent settings Indication of the current mode Photo Mode (Scene M ode) Except for “ ” other resttings are the same as in the Auto Mode.
30 Descriptions of the Three Modes Taking Pictures This camer a take s dig it al st il l imag es in JPE G form a t. T he numbe r of pictu r es you can take is subjec t to the storage capacit y of the m emor y (card), Ima ge Re solution , and Pictu re Qu ality.
31 Use the to choose the Bu r st / Self Po rt ra it / Clo se - up Mode. Frame the view on the L CD scre en and press the Shut ter button. Th e Shutte r butto n has two pa rts. Press it ha lfway and hold for focus, with a r ed framing mark. The n press it the re st of the way down to sa ve th e pict ure.
32 Using the Digital Zoom to enla rge image s may ca use slight a liasing. Note: Ful l Digital Z oom is n ot recommen ded fo r taking pictur es tha t require the hig hest cla rity. Flas h Use th e key to switch to Flash mode. Displa y Function Descript ion No Flash Turns off the Fla sh (for br ight places).
33 ! ■ Self-timer Mode The icon appears o n the u pper pa rt of th e scree n after enteri ng the Se lf-timer m ode. Pre ss the Shutter after f raming the vi ew and you will see the co untdo wn (the de fault v alue i s 10 sec onds and can be adjusted on the menu ).
34 ! Focus Selection Press th e butto n in the Manua l and S cene Mod e to e nter th e focus sel ection . Set th e desired foc us zone. The Focu s Zone is divided in to five areas and five framin g marks will be di splayed on the scree n. The green one repres ents th e area in u se.
35 Party: For p artie s indoors. Night Por trait: For takin g pictures o f peopl e at night. A slowe r shutter speed is used. T o avoid b lurred pictures, u se a tripod. Night L andscap e: For takin g picture s of lan dscapes at night. A slower shutt e r speed is used .
36 ! Description on Menu Use Me nu butto n to display/hide the me nu. Here a re the d escripti ons: ■ Image Resolution Four resolut ion optio ns are availab le for ta king stil l images, including VGA, 3MP, 5MP, a nd 8MP. Pictures with h igher reso lution can be printed c learly , but con sume more m emory a nd take l onger to wri te to memor y.
37 Tungsten : For tak ing pictu res indoo rs unde r incandesc ent lig hting. Fluoresc ent: F or taki ng pictur es indoo rs unde r fluore scent lig hting. Cloudy Day: For taking p ictures o utdoors on a cloud y day. ● EV Compensa tion The Ex posure V alue (E V) c ompensa tion can be a djuste d automat icall y , or manu ally in 20 level s from -2 .
38 ■ Off Choose “ OFF” to close al l eff ect funct ions. ■ Black and White This op tion is for b lack-and -white pictures. ■ Vivid Choose this to st ress the c ontra st betw een colo rs and satur ation, ma king pictu res look m ore colofu l.
39 Menu Index Record Mod e Photo Mode (Continued).
40 Adv anced Setti ngs Photo Mode (Continued).
41 Phot o Mode Photo Mode (Continued).
42 Photo Mo de Twelve bui lt -in sce nes are provid ed Photo Mode (Continued).
43 Advanced Settin gs Photo Mode (Continued).
44 Use th e Mode d ial to switc h to the Video ( ) Mode. Recording Videos You can use the D XG-5 02 to r eco rd a vide o with MPE G-4 form at, and use the upper mi crop hon e to reco rd the audio . (The aud io recor ding func tion ca n be tur ned off.
45 Follow th ese steps to reco rd a video. Turn on the cam era and set up the da te and tim e (Ple ase refer to Da te and T ime Se t). Use th e Mode d ial to switc h to Vi deo ( ) Mode, the ic on is shown on the screen . Set t he im age res olution and pi cture quality accordi ng to your nee ds.
46 Menu Index Video Mode (Continued).
47 Use th e Mode d ial to switc h to Rev iew Mode . View pictu res and v ideos in the Revie w Mode. Ic ons on the screen and func tions v ary dependin g on the f ile forma t.
48 ! Review Mode Picture with aud io reco rd (refe r to the audio reco rding). Protect Mo d e Curren t file f orma t (Pic ture ) Curren t fi l e index /Total file numb er Date a nd Time (i n five seco.
49 Video Thumbnail Display Use th e button to displa y thumbna ils. Selec t a thumb nail pi cture (vid eo) and pre ss the button to displa y that p icture (video ) in fu ll size.
50 Playing Video Select the vide o and pre ss th e button to pla y the v ideo. To pau se, pres s the button again . Pre ss the butto n to st op during playbac k. Picture Magnification Mode When sel ecting a picture file, press the button to enter the Pictu re Magn if ica tion Mode.
51 Audio Record When sel ecting a picture file, press the button to record th e audio record o f the pictur e. Press th e button to st op recording. The red fram ing mark becomes sm al le r when increasing the magnif ac tio n valu e. When the m emor y is full , the text blinks an d the camer a stops recordi ng.
52 Playing/D eleting the Audio Record If the se lected p icture has an audi o record, th e icon will be s hown above the pi cture. Pr ess the button to en ter th e mode of p laying /delet ing the audio record and fol low th e direc tions be low.
53 Adjusting Volume When sel ecting video c lips or pictu re with an aud io rec ord, pres s the button t o adjust the vo lume, either before or d uring p layback.
54 Description on Menu Use the Me nu butto n to display /hide th e menu. T he follo wing a re descri ptions : ■ Deletion ■ Delete One This d eletes th e unwan ted f iles f rom the m emory card. N OTE: The f ile can no t be res tored on ce deleted.
55 Starting t he Slid e Show. To cancel th e Slid e Show, pre ss the button. ■ Display Interval Select the sl id e sho w displ a y interv al fro m 1 to 10 seco nds. ■ Repeating the Slide Show Choose to repeat the Slid e Show, with t wo options : (Repeat) and (No Repeat ).
56 Menu Index Deletion If the s elected file h as been set for p rote ction , it s hows … Single Protection (Single P rotec tion Remove ) All Pro tect ion/ Remove Protection Slide Show Dire ct Pr in.
57 Deletion The file is p rotected a nd cannot be deleted (T he icon bl inks) Selec t Previou s/Next Come back after 0.5 se conds Afte r the se cond pic ture is deleted, th e ori ginal thir d pictu re becomes t he second an d the to tal file num ber decreases by one.
58 Single Protection (Single Pr ote ction Re mov e ) Displa ys this messag e if th e protec tion of a sing le file is removed . All Protection/ Remove Protection Review Mode (Continued).
59 Slide Show This messag e appe ars when entering t he Slid e Show, DPOF, Direc t Printing Mode wit h only videos but no p ictur es on the mem ory c ard.
60 Skip over it if the second file is a video. Direct Printing Before c onnec tion Connec t th e came ra w ith a p rint er t hat su pports Direct Printin g.
61 The follo wing op tions show up o nly wh en the prin ter suppor ts these fu nction s. Current P ictur e/T ota l File Numb er Skip o ver a pict ure fil e.
62 ■ Printing Notices ! If you plug the USB cable into other device instead of a printer in the Direct Printin g Mode, disconnect the USB cable and restart the camera. If the screen displays one of the following messages, there might be a problem with the printe r.
63 Switch fr om any mode to PC M ode by plug ging the USB cable in to the USB po rt on th e camera. ■ Removable HDD ( Hard Drive) The came ra memor y card c an be used as a rem ovable HDD. Aft er making a conn ection, transfer the dat a from the m emory ca rd to your PC o r from the PC to th e memory card.
64 ■ Data Find th e DCIM fo lder in the m emory ca rd of th e came ra from a P C. The da ta stru cture i s as follo ws: When files in the 100 DGCAM fo lde r re ach DAT A9999, the came ra wi ll autom at ica ll y make a new fold er named 101 DGCAM, where new pictures, videos, and audio files w ill be saved.
65 Use th e TV- Out funct ion prov ided b y the cam era to tr ansfe r the ima ges to a telev ision. Please fo llow the se step s: B e fore gett ing sta rted, set the Video Out setting t o either NTSC or P AL, accord ing to your reg ional setting (Th e Uni t ed Sta tes u se s NTS C).
66 ■ Installing the Software on a P C You can use an d opera te th e “storage d evice” and “ video device ” provided b y the camera th rough a PC. Before operatio n, foll ow th e instru ctions be low to install the so ftware d river s. 1. Insert the Sof tw ar e CD sup pli ed b y the pack age int o th e CD-R O M drive .
67 6. Click "Next" to con tinue t he se tup program . 7. Afte r the in stalla tion is comp leted, th e follo wing s creen will app ear. C lick "F inish" to comp lete the applica tion inst alla tion.
68 ■ Installing the Appli cation Programs on a PC Installi ng the NewS oft ap plication prog rams (Tak e MP38 for exam ple) 1. Insert the Sof tw ar e CD sup pli ed by the pack age in to the CD-R O M drive .
69 6. Click "Yes" to accep t the c ondition s of the Legal Disclai mer and c ontinu e the in stallat ion. 7. After en tering the appli cation setup scre en, click "Next" to continue. 8. Press "Yes" to accep t the c ondition s of Sof twar e License Agree ment and contin ue the insta llation.
70 9. Follow the ins ta ll at ion wiza rd to selec t the fold er locat i o n. 10. Select the program fold er nam e and click " Nex t" to conti nue. 11. Click "Ye s" to acce pt the con ditions o f the Soft ware Licen se Ag reement an d contin ue the instal latio n.
71 12. The follo win g scr ee n w il l appear . Cli ck "Fin ish" to comp le te the app licat ion in stall at ion. 13. The Windows Med ia appl ica tion has been insta l led succes sfu ll y.
72 ■ Product Specificati ons Image sen sor 1/2. 5” CCD Pixel 5.0 Meg apixels Lens W : F2.8 f=5.8mm T : F4.8 f=17.4mm Focus Distan ce 4 to 20 inches (m acro) 20 in. to infinity (people /l a ndscap e) Shutter Speed Mechani cal shu tter & E lect rical shut ter (3 sec~1 /2000 se c) Display Screen 1.
73 Pict u re Resoluti on Picture : VGA, 3MP, 5MP, 8MP Video: VGA (640 x 480) (10fps ) QVGA (320 x 240) (20fps) Picture Quali ty Picture: Best/Sta ndard/ Ba si c Video : Bes t/Stand ard/ Basic Interfaces US B 2.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat DXG Technology DXG-502 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen DXG Technology DXG-502 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens DXG Technology DXG-502 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding DXG Technology DXG-502 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over DXG Technology DXG-502 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van DXG Technology DXG-502 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de DXG Technology DXG-502 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met DXG Technology DXG-502 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.