Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ET1525C van de fabrikant Elo TouchSystems
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Elo Entuitive T ouchmonitor User Guide For 15” and 17” CRT Deskto p T ouchmonito rs V ersion 1 .0 DOC# SW500125 P/N 008526 ET1525C Series Models ET1725C Series Models Elo T ouchSystems, Inc.
El o E n t ui ti v e T o uc h mo n i to r CR T D es k t op Us er G ui d e - i i i Copyright © 2000 Elo T ouchSystems Inc. All Rights Res erved. No part of this p ublication may be reproduce d, transm.
iv - El o En tu i ti v e T ou c hm on i t or CR T De sk t op Us e r Gu id e.
Con ten t s Elo E ntui tiv e T o uchm oni tor CRT Des kt op Us er Gui de - v Chapter 1. Introduction ........................................................................ 1 Precautions ...............................................................
Content s vi - E lo En tui tive T ou chm oni tor CRT De skto p Use r Gu ide Signal PINOUT for 15” and 17” Monitors .......................................... 36 Power Consumption ....................................................................
Precautions El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op U se r G u id e - 1 Chapter 1 Introduction Congratu lations on your purc hase of an Elo T ouchSy stems Entuitive touc hmonit or .
Chapter 1 : I ntroduction 2 - El o E nt ui t iv e T o u ch m on i to r CR T D e sk to p Us e r G ui d e.
Unp acking Y our T ouchmonitor Elo E ntui ti ve T ou ch moni tor CRT Desk top U ser Gu ide - 3 Chapter 2 Inst allation and Setup This chap ter discu sses ho w to install your CR T touchmon itor and how to install Elo T ouchSyst ems dri v er softw are.
Chapte r 2 : Inst allat ion and Se tup 4 - E l o E nt u it i ve T ou c hm on it o r C R T D e sk t op U se r G u id e Gettin g St arte d Inst alling the Base Carefull y turn the touchmonitor upside-do wn. Place the base against the bottom of the monitor so that the base fasteners are aligned with appr opriate slots.
Getting S t arted Elo E ntui ti ve T ou ch moni tor CRT Desk top U ser Gu ide - 5 Selecting a Sui t able Location Place the monitor at least 12 inches from other electrical or heat-emittin g equipment and allow at least 4 inches on each side f or ventil ation.
Chapte r 2 : Inst allat ion and Se tup 6 - E l o E nt u it i ve T ou c hm on it o r C R T D e sk t op U se r G u id e Connecting Y our T ouchmonitor Y our touchm onitor comes with o ne of the fol lo wing touch screen con- nector cables: Serial (RS-232) or USB cable (for W indows 98 and W i n- dows 20 00 sy stems onl y).
Connecting Y our T ouchmonitor Elo E ntui ti ve T ou ch moni tor CRT Desk top U ser Gu ide - 7 2. Connect the po wer cable to the A C connector on your touch - monitor .
Chapte r 2 : Inst allat ion and Se tup 8 - E l o E nt u it i ve T ou c hm on it o r C R T D e sk t op U se r G u id e 3. Connect the touch screen cable. Determ ine if you h a ve RS-23 2 or USB. Conn ect one end to the app ropriate port on the back of your PC.
Connecting Y our T ouchmonitor Elo E ntui ti ve T ou ch moni tor CRT Desk top U ser Gu ide - 9 4. Power on your monitor using the Soft po wer switch and check that the po wer LED is on, then po wer on yo ur PC. If not, repeat steps 2, 3 , and 4, or refer to Chapter 4 , T ro ubleshoot ing.
Chapte r 2 : Inst allat ion and Se tup 10 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Inst alling the Driver Soft ware Elo T ouchSystems provides driv er software that allows your touchmoni- tor to work with your computer .
Inst alling the Driver So ftware El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CR T De sk t op U se r G u id e - 11 2. Click the Browse button to locate the EloCd.e xe pro gram on the CD-ROM. 3. Clic k Open , th en OK to run EloCd.e x e. 4. Follo w the directions on the screen to co mplete the dri v er setup for yo ur vers ion o f W indows.
Chapte r 2 : Inst allat ion and Se tup 12 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e 2. Click the Bro wse b utton to locate the EloCd.ex e program o n the CD-ROM. 3. Clic k Open , th en OK to run EloCd.e x e. 4. Follo w the directions on the screen to co mplete the dri v er setup for yo ur vers ion o f W indows.
About T ouchmonito r Adjustmen t s El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 1 3 Chapter 3 Operation About T ouchmo nitor Adjustment s By design, your El o Entuitiv e touchmonitor should not require any adjustments.
Chapte r 3 : Operation 14 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e T ouchmonito r Controls Y ou can adjust the screen display b y using the b uttons located belo w the screen. Using the On Scree n Display (OSD) 1. Push the MENU button to access the OSD.
T ouchmonitor Controls El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 1 5 6. The displa y unit automatically sa ves the new settings in 3 to 4 seconds after yo ur last adjustments and the menu di sappears. Y ou can also push the MENU button to make the men u disap- pear .
Chapte r 3 : Operation 16 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e OSD Ad justm ent s H. Size Adjust s the horiz ontal siz e of the ent ire screen imag e. H. P osi tion Adjust s the horiz ontal posit ion of the ent ire screen imag e.
T ouchmonitor Controls El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 1 7 H. Moire Clears h orizontal moire if a series o f concen tric circl es or arcs appe ar on y our scre en. Langua ge Y ou can select the la nguage in which adj ustment m enus are displa y e d.
Chapte r 3 : Operation 18 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Degauss External magneti c fiel ds ma y ca use d istortion or discol ora- tion in th e pict ure.
El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 1 9 Chapter 4 T roubleshooting Prob lem Sugge stion (s) No pict ure. Y our touchmon itor may not be g etting po wer . Make cert ain that yo ur power strip is pl ugged in to the wall socket and that the PC and t ouchmoni tor are plug ged in and powered on .
Chapter 4 : T roublesh ooting 20 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Dupli cated image s A prob lem wi th yo ur gr aphic s ada pter o r touc hmonit or . Contac t your service represen tati ve. T ouch do esn’t work.
El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 2 1 Monito r W arning Mes sages Messag e Sugge stion Error message: OUT OF RANGE The graphics adapter is s et for a refresh rate or a line frequ ency that is to o high. Se lect another di splay mo de with lower frequencies as direct ed by your video card ve ndor .
Chapter 4 : T roublesh ooting 22 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e.
T ou chsc reen s: An Ov ervie w El o E n t ui ti v e Touc h mo n it or CR T D e sk to p Us e r G ui d e - 23 Appendix A T ouch T echnology T ouchsc reens: An Overv iew T ypically , users communicate with computers by using a mouse, a ke y- board, or a combinatio n of the two.
Appendix A : T ouch T echnology 24 - El o E n tu it i v e T ou c hm on i to r CR T De sk t op U se r G u id e For e xample, a customer in a departmen t store could scroll thro ugh a product catalog by increasing or decreasing pressure on an icon.
El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 2 5 Appendix B T ouchmonitor Safety This manual contains information t hat is impor tant for the pr oper setup and m aint enanc e of y our to uchm onit or .
Appendix B : T ouchmonitor Safe ty 26 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Care and Handling of Y our T ouchmonito r The following tips will help keep your Elo Entu iti ve touchmonitor func- tioning at the optimal level.
El o E n t ui ti v e Touc h mo n it or CR T D e sk to p Us e r G ui d e - 27 Regulatory Inf ormation Electric al Safet y Informatio n A) Compl iance is re quired wit h respect to t he voltage, frequency , and c urrent requi rements indi - cate d on t he ma nufac tur er ’ s label .
28 - El o E n tu it i v e T ou c hm on i to r CR T De sk t op U se r G u id e b) T o ensure complian ce, use only the provided manufactu rer-approved li ne cord.
El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 2 9 Appendix C T echnical Specifications Note: All specifications are subject to c hange.
Appendix C : T echnical Spe cificatio ns 30 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e T ouchmonit or Specif icatio ns Picture T ube 17” (15 .7” diagon al viewable image), 0.27 -mm do t pitch, anti-static, an ti-glare, and TCO treatment coated.
T ouchmonitor Specific ations El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 3 1 On-Screen Adjustments H/V POSITION, H/V SIZE, PINCUSHION, TRAPEZIOD, P ARALLEL, PIN B ALANCE.
Appendix C : T echnical Spe cificatio ns 32 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e IntelliT ouch T ouchmonitor Specifications Mechan ical Positiona l Accurac y Standard de viation of error is less than 0 .080 in. (2 .
T ouchmonitor Specific ations El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 3 3 En vironmental Chemical Resist ance The active area of the touchscreen is resistant to all c.
Appendix C : T echnical Spe cificatio ns 34 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e AccuT ouch T ouchmonitor Specification s Mechan ical Constructi on T op: Polyes ter with outsid e hard-surf ace coa ting with clear or antiglare f inish.
T ouchmonitor Specific ations El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 3 5 En vironmental Chemical Resist ance The active area of the touchscreen is resistant to the f.
Appendix C : T echnical Spe cificatio ns 36 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Signal PINOUT for 15” and 17” Monito rs *Pin 5, sel f-test pin sh all be gro unded when signal conn ector is plug ged in.
Power Consumpti on El o E n t ui ti v e T ou c hm o ni to r CRT D es k to p U s er G ui de - 3 7 Power Consumption The touchmonitor co mes with a po wer- sa ving feature that con trols its pow er consumption. Thi s feature complie s with both the EP A ’ s Ener gy Star requir emen ts and Europ ean NU TEK/TC O ’ s power managemen t guidelines.
Appendix C : T echnical Spe cificatio ns 38 - El o E nt u it iv e T o u c hm o ni to r CR T D e sk t op Us er Gu i d e Preset T iming T able Y our Elo Ent uiti v e touchmon itor has 8 pr eset timi ng modes. The fo llo w- ing are modes pr eset as factory d efaults: *Recomm ended p rimar y mode No.
El o E n t ui ti v e Touc h mo n it or CR T D e sk to p Us e r G ui d e - 39 W arranty Except as othe rwise stated h erein or in an order ack nowl edgmen t deliv ered to Buyer , Seller warrants to Buyer that the Produc t shall be fre e of defec ts in mate- rials and workmansh ip.
Index El o E n t ui ti v e Touc h mo n it or CR T D e s kt op U se r G u id e - 41 I NDE X A About the Product 1 About T ouchm onitor A djustm ents 13 Accu Touc h Touc hmon itor Specif icati ons 34 Ac.
Index 42 - E lo E nt u it i ve T ou ch mo n i to r CR T De s kt o p U s er G ui de Rotation 17 S Safety Regulations 31 Sealing 32 Sele cting a S uitabl e L ocation 5 Signal PINOUT fo r 15” an d 17.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Elo TouchSystems ET1525C (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Elo TouchSystems ET1525C heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Elo TouchSystems ET1525C vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Elo TouchSystems ET1525C leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Elo TouchSystems ET1525C krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Elo TouchSystems ET1525C bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Elo TouchSystems ET1525C kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Elo TouchSystems ET1525C . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.