Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product IPMC7616E van de fabrikant Emerson
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i IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installation and Use 6806800A45B September 2008 Edition.
© Copyright 2008 Emerson All rights reser ved. T rademarks Emerson, Business-Critical Continuity , Em erson Network P ower and the Emerson Network P ower logo are trademarks and ser vice mark s of Emerson Electric Co. © 2008 Emerson Electric Co . All other trademarks are the proper ty of their respective owners.
Safety Summary The follo wing general saf ety precautions must be obser ved during all phases of operation, ser vice, and repair of this equipment. F ailure to comply with these precautions or with specific warnings elsewhere in this manual could result in personal injur y or damage to the equipment.
Flammability All Emerson PWBs (printed wir ing boards) are manuf actured with a flamm ability rating of 94V -0 b y UL-recognized manuf acturers. EMI Cau tion ! Caution Caution This equipment generates, use s and can radiate electr omagnet ic energy .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) v About This Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xi Summary of Changes . . . . . . . .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Contents vi 3 Programming . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Programing De tails . . .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) vii Figure 1-1. IPMC761 with Def ault Switch Settin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Figure 1-2. IPMC761 Funct ional Block Diagram . . . .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) List of Fi gures viii.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) ix T able 1-1. IPMC761 Jumpers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 T able 1-2. IPMC712 Jumpers . . . . . . . . .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) List of Table s x.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) xi About This Manual The IPMC7126E/76 16E I/O Module I nstallation and Use manual provides the informat ion you will need to install, use, and program y our IPMC7126E or IPMC7616E module.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) About This Manua l xii Comments and Suggestions W e welcome an d appreciate y our comments on our documenta tion. W e wa nt to know what you think about ou r manuals and ho w we can ma ke th em better .
About This Manual IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) xiii courier is used f or system output (for e xample, scre en displays, repor ts), e xamples, and system prompts . <Enter> , <Return> or <CR> represents the car riage return or Enter ke y .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) About This Manua l xiv.
1 IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 1 1 Product F eatures The IPMC712 and IPMC761 are optional module s that provide bac kwar d compatibility with earlier Emerson products using the MVME761 or MVME712M rear t ransition modules .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 1 Product Features 2 Signals routed to P14 include: narro w SCSI, parallel por t, COM1 and CO M2 synchronous serial por ts, CO M3 and COM4 synchronous se rial por ts, po wer , and P2 mux sign als.
Chapter 1 Product Fe atures IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 3 Note SCSI signals leading to connector P15 go through z ero ohm resistors ( R92-R100) bef ore terminating at P15.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 1 Product Features 4 Figure 1-2. IPMC761 Functional Bloc k Diagram 2863 0101 PIB ISA bus WINBOND W83C554F_(H) SCSI LSILOGIC SYM53.
Chapter 1 Product Fe atures IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 5 Figure 1-3. IPMC712 with Default Switch Settings T able 1-2.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 1 Product Features 6 Figure 1-4. IPMC712 Func tional Block La y out JSA bus PCI bus Rear SCSI COM1 COM2 Parallel COM3 COM4 (sync).
Chapter 1 Product Fe atures IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 7 Figure 1-5. IPMC712 Serial P o rt 4 Clock Configuration Base Board + IPMC712 Z8536 DSR4# DTR4# LLB4# RLB4# .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 1 Product Features 8 ISA Local Resour ce Bus PCI-to-ISA Bridge (PIB) The PIB (W83 C554F) contains t he ISA Bridge I/O Registers necessar y f or various func tions. These registers are also accessib le from t he PCI bus .
Chapter 1 Product Fe atures IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 9 Input/Output Modes Both modules ar e designed to be plugged into PMC slot 1 of the base bo ard. As stated earlier , these SBCs have two P2 I/O modes (IPMC an d PMC) that are user config urab le.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 1 Product Features 10.
2 IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 11 2 Installing the IPMC Module This chapter discusses the configura tion and installation of IPMC mod ules on an MVME6100, MVME5500 , or MVME5100 SBCs.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 2 Installing the IPMC Module 12 3. Remov e the filler plate from the host board’ s front pa nel. P osition the IPMC module ov er the center area of the slot 1 co nnectors as f ollows: 4.
Chapter 2 Installing the IPMC Module IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 13 W atch f or Bent Pins or Other Damage ! Caution Caution Bent pins or loose components ca n cause damage to the boar d, the bac kplane, or other system co mponents.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 2 Installing the IPMC Module 14 Recognize Different Injector/Ejector Le ver T ypes The modules you install may ha ve diff eren t ejector handles and lat ching mechanism s .
3 IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 15 3 Progr amming Pr ograming Details The ov erall design of the IPMC712 an d IPMC761 is based on the P ow erPlus II architecture . The progr amming characte ristics for both modules conf orms to the P o werPlusII Prog rammin g Specification.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 3 P rogramming 16 The Gener al Pur pose I/O (GPIO) pin assign ments f or the SCSI Controller ar e shown in the tab le below . A 1x 4 s witch (S1) is pro vided to configur e GPIO pins 2 and 3.
Chapter 3 P rogramming IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 17 The settings o f SW2 determine the IDSEL used b y the W83C55 3 PCI/ISA Bridge. It is important that the settings of P1 and P2 are neither both on nor both off , otherwise the device will be enumer ated twice .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 3 P rogramming 18 The IDSEL assignments f or both modules are shown belo w: The f ollo wing tab le shows the V endor ID , th e De.
Chapter 3 P rogramming IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 19 MVME6100 The MVME6100 IPMC mo dule PCI arbitr ation is perf or med b y the MV64360 ASIC . The inte r nal PCI arbiter REQ#/G NT# signals are m ultiple x ed on the MV64360 MPP[31:0] pins .
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 3 P rogramming 20 2. MVME5100 Hawk MPIC IRQ9 interr upt sources ma y be one of the f ollowing: PCI-PMC1 INT A# , PMC2 INTB#, or PCIX INT A#.
Chapter 3 P rogramming IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 21 PCI-to-ISA Bridge (PIB) The PIB contains ISA Bridge I/O Registers for v ariou s functions.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 3 P rogramming 22 2. On the IPMC712, pins P A0 through P A4, P A6, P A 7, PB0 t hrough PB4 a re not used on the Z8536 CIO . ISA DMA Connections/Assignments The f ollo wing tab le shows the DMA co nnections/assignme nts betwee n the PC97307 and the PIB.
Chapter 3 P rogramming IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 23 Interrupt Routing to PIB Module interrupts and MVME5100 Ethernet P or t 2 interrupts go through the 8259 pair and int o the PIB . The ou tput of the PIB then goes to the Ha wk MPIC on t he MVME5100.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 3 P rogramming 24 Vital Pr oduct Data (VPD) T o access VPD inf ormation for ea ch SBC , access the registers thro ugh the I 2 C interf ac e as f ollows: ■ MVME5100 - via the Ha wk ASIC; IPMC761’ s VPD address is $A4.
4 IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 25 4 Connector Pin Assignments This chapter pro vides connector pin assignments f or the IPMC712 and IPMC761 modules . IPMC712 Connector This connector pro vides the on-boa rd interf ace of the IPMC712 I/O signals.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments 26 IPMC761 Connector connector pro vides the on-boar d interf ace of the IPMC761 I/O signals . The pin assignments f or this connector are a s f ollows: T able 4-2.
Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 27 PCI Interface and I/O Connector s There are f our 64-pin connectors on t he IPMC761 (P11, P12 , P13, and P14 ) which provide 32- bit PCI interf ace and P2 Input/Output (I/O) f or the host board.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments 28 57 +5V (Vio) AD03 58 59 AD02 AD01 60 61 AD00 +5V 62 63 GND REQ64# 64 T able 4-4.
Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 29 57 Not Used Not Used 58 59 GND Not Used 60 61 A CK64# +3.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments 30 57 +5V (Vio) Not Used 58 59 Reser ved Reserved 60 61 Reser ved GND 62 63 GND Reser ved 64 T able 4-6.
Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 31 57 RTS2_232 Not Used 5 8 59 CTS2_232 Not Used 60 61 MDO MSYNC# 62 63 MDI MCLK 6 4 T able 4-7.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Chapter 4 Connector Pin Assignments 32.
A IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 33 A Specifications General Specifications The f ollo wing tabl e provides gen eral specification s f or the IPMC712 and IPMC7 61 module.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Appendix A Spec ifications 34 P o wer Requirements The tab le below lists th e typical and maxi m um pow er consumption of the IPMC712 and IPMC761 modules . T able A-2. P ower Consumption Supply V oltage Amps (T ypical) Amps (Maximum) +5V (±5%) 0.
B IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 35 B Related Documentation Emer son Netw ork P o wer - Embedded Computing Documents The Emerson Netw ork P ow er - Embedded Co mputing pub lications listed belo w are ref erenced in this manu al.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Appendix B Re lated Documentatio n 36 Manufacturer s’ Documents F or additional inf or mation, ref er to the f ollowing tab le for man uf acturer s’ data sheets or use r’ s manuals. F or your con v enience, a source for the listed documen t is also provided.
Appendix B Related Documentatio n IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 37 Related Specifications F or additional inf or mation, ref er to the follo wing tab le f or related specificat ions. F or your conv enience, a source f or the listed document is also pro vided.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Installatio n and Use (6806800A45B) 39 A address assignments PCI local bus (IDSEL) 17 arbitration assignments (host boards) 18 arbitration pairs, MVME6100 19 architecture xi.
IPMC7126E/7616E I/O Module Instal lation and Use (6806800A45B) Index 40 ISA local resource bus 9 , 20 J jumpering, clock signals 10 L LEDs 10 local buses 3 local resource bus 9 M manual conventions xi.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Emerson IPMC7616E (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Emerson IPMC7616E heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Emerson IPMC7616E vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Emerson IPMC7616E leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Emerson IPMC7616E krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Emerson IPMC7616E bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Emerson IPMC7616E kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Emerson IPMC7616E . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.