Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Digitial Camera van de fabrikant Epson
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A TM ®.
A B FCC COMPLIANCE STATEMENT FOR AMERICAN USERS This equipment has been t ested and found to compl y with the lim its for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable prote ction against harmf ul inte rf e ren ce in a reside ntia l ins talla tion .
IMPORTANT NOTICE DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTY Epson Am erica makes no re presenta tions o r warr anties, e ither express o r implie d, by or with respe ct to an ythin g in this m anu al, and shall not be li.
iii A B Introd uction PhotoP C Features 2 Option al Acc essori es 2 Minimum System Requir ements 2 Where to G et Help 3 Elect ronic S uppor t Ser vices 3 Where to Get So ftware Hel p 4 Registr ation 5.
PhotoPC Macintosh User’s Guide iv Using Pic tures in Yo ur Documents 3-6 Inserti ng a Pict ure wi th Copy and Pa st e 3-7 Inser t in g a Pi c ture with D r ag and Dr op 3-9 Inser t in g a Pi c ture .
Introduct ion 1 A B Introduction L a g u n a B e a c h C o m m u n i t y N e w sl e t t e r/ V o l 8 L o c a l Sp o t lig ht M a i n S t r e e t F l o w e r S h o p J u s t o p e n e d t h i s m o n t.
2 Introduction PhotoPC Features PhotoPC is a compl ete syst em fo r captur ing digit al imag es, and incl udes the fo llowing feat ures: ❙ Base unit with 1MB internal memory for 16 high-res olution .
Introduct ion 3 A B Where to Get Help If you pur ch ased you r PhotoP C and/ or C onn ectivit y K i t in the Un i te d States or C anada , EPSON pro vides custom er s uppor t and servi ce throug h a ne twor k of A ut horize d EP SON Cu stome r Ca re Cen te rs .
4 Introduction EPSON Download Service You can ca ll the EPSON Downloa d Servic e (BBS) at (800 ) 44 2-20 07. N o m e mbe rs h i p i s re quired . Ma ke sure yo ur communica tio ns softwar e is se t to 8 data bi ts with 1 stop bit, no parit y bit, a nd a mode m spee d up to 2 8.
Introduct ion 5 A B Registration Please take a minute t o fill out the registr ation c ard in cluded with PhotoPC an d mail it back to us. This enable s you t o re ceiv e spec ial inf or mati on on so ftw a re upg rade s, access ories, an d new pro duct s.
6 Introduction.
Gett in g St arte d 1- 1 B 1 222333 1 Getting Started hand strap batteries camera Mac adapter software PhotoPC cable his cha pt er he lps you ge t ready t o us e y our PhotoP C.
1-2 Getting Started The Mac Connectiv ity Kit works wit h the Windows Version of Phot oPC. Ma ke s ure y ou use t he s oft ware and cabl e t hat c ame i n yo ur Mac Con ne ct ivity Kit as shown b el ow, an d n ot the ones t hat ca me in th e PhotoPC box .
1 Gett in g St arte d 1- 3 A Installing Ba tteries Your Ph ot oP C comes with four A A al kaline bat t er i es. Mak e s ur e the camera is turne d off, a nd follo w these steps to inser t the b atter ies: 1 Slide the batte ry cover l oc k to the rig ht to relea se the cover.
1-4 Getting Started Handling B atteries When you r Phot oP C batter i es wea r out, yo u ca n repl ac e them with an y of t he fo llo win g: ❙ Single -u se AA alkali ne batter ie s ❙ Single- use AA lith ium bat teries ( longest battery life ) ❙ Rechar geable AA Ni- Cad batt eries ( shortes t batte ry li fe).
1 Gett in g St arte d 1- 5 A Attaching the Hand Strap To attac h t he hand st ra p, loop the str ap aro und the ho ld er on the sid e of the cam er a as show n belo w . Removing the Plastic Fil m To prot ec t the cam e ra fr om sc rat che s, so m e pa rts h av e been cov ered with plasti c fil m, as s hown in th e gray areas be low.
1-6 Getting Started If y ou ha ve th e Ph otoP C Mac V ers ion, use the s oftw are disk ette s tha t came in t he box wit h the camera . If you h ave the Mac Connec tivity Ki t, make sur e you use t he disk ettes t hat came in the kit. Follow these steps to i nsta ll EasyPho to: 1 Ins ert E asyPh oto dis kett e 1 i n yo ur d isket te d riv e.
Taking Pi ctu re s with Phot oPC 2-1 B 2 sing Ph otoPC to ta ke pic tures i s simil ar to u sing a tradi t io na l “point an d shoot ” came ra . Thi s ch apter s how s yo u everyt h ing yo u ne ed.
2-2 Taki ng Pic tures wi th P hotoP C Turning the Camera On and Off To turn t he c amera o n, si mply slide t he p ower switc h to the ON posit ion. The len s cove r op en s and th e con t r ol pan el on the top of the camera ligh ts up . Th e g reen st an dby lig ht on the b ac k of the c ame ra fla sh es for a few secon ds.
Taking Pi ctu re s with Phot oPC 2-3 A 2 Checking the Battery Icon Before y ou t ak e pictu re s, check th e battery i con on the con trol pa ne l. The icon sh ows ho w much batte ry power you h av e .
2-4 Taki ng Pic tures wi th P hotoP C NOTE Remember that the camera shu t s off automa tically after 60 seconds. To turn the camera back on , slide the power switch OFF, and then ON. Or pre ss the shu tter butto n to t urn on the ca mera. Yo u will h ave to press th e shutt er butto n agai n t o take a pi ctur e.
Taking Pi ctu re s with Phot oPC 2-5 A 2 . Flash PhotoPC ’s buil t-in fla sh has three se tting s as liste d be low, wh ic h a re effectiv e within a rang e of 3 to 10 fe et. Pre ss the flash con trol bu tton to cycle f ro m one set t in g t o an othe r.
2-6 Taki ng Pic tures wi th P hotoP C Reso lut ion PhotoPC has two r esolu tion settings , hig h an d stand ard. P ress the resol ution cont rol butt on to s witch fro m one set ting to the oth er. The setting s appe ar on the c ont r ol pan el as shown.
Taking Pi ctu re s with Phot oPC 2-7 A 2 High resolution image 640 × 480 pixels Standard resolution image 320 × 240 pixels.
2-8 Taki ng Pic tures wi th P hotoP C Timer Setting the time r creat es a 10-s econd delay be tween the time you pres s the shu tter bu tton an d the act ual im age capt ur e. This allows yo u to tak e a pi ctur e of your self. The t imer ic on on th e control panel flashes wh en you u se the timer.
Taking Pi ctu re s with Phot oPC 2-9 A 2 Erasing Pictures If you don ’t wan t to keep the last pictur e you too k, you can erase it from t he camera ’s memory . Using a s mall p ointed object such as a b allpoin t pe n, pre ss th e er ase b utton on t he to p of the c amera .
2-10 Taking P ictures wi th P hot oP C NOTE Depe ndin g on the ty pe of im ages y ou c apt ure , you r ca mera may hold more t ha n 16 pic tu re s at high re solu ti on or 32 at st andar d r esolut ion. When yo u take th e la st pict ur e, the n umber o f pictu re s rema i n ing may show one i ns tead of zer o.
Using Ph otoP C with Your M acintosh 3-1 B 3 hen you’ re fini sh ed tak ing pic tures, yo u can connect the ca mer a to yo ur Mac intosh and t ransf er the image s. Then you can use them in your lett ers, presen tations, o r just about anythi ng you creat e o n your M a cintos h.
3-2 Usi ng Phot oPC with Y our Maci nto sh 2 Locate the port cover on the side of th e camera. Press on the arro ws and sli de the cov er down to o pe n it. 3 If yo u’re usin g the cab le in t he Mac Connectivi ty Kit, line u p the arrow on the wh ite end o f the cable with t he notch on the camera’ s serial po rt.
Using Ph otoP C with Your M acintosh 3-3 A 3 5 Locate th e modem p ort or pr inter p ort on th e back of your Macint osh, mar ke d with thes e ic on s: 6 With th e ar row on the ca ble faci ng up, line up the cable conne ctor wit h the port on your Mac int os h.
3-4 Usi ng Phot oPC with Y our Maci nto sh Transferring Pictures to Your Macintosh Once your cam era a nd Mac int osh are c onnec ted and turne d o n, yo u’re ready to transf er you r pictu res. You can use the Easy Phot o softw are tha t came wi th your Ph otoPC Ma c Versio n or in the M acintos h Conne ctivity Kit.
Using Ph otoP C with Your M acintosh 3-5 A 3 2 Click the PhotoPC button an d click OK. Your p ictures appear one- by-one i n t he Photo PC wind ow. If yo u see a n er ror mess age, make su re Ap pleTal k is inac tive, and your po rt setti ng s ar e corre ct.
3-6 Usi ng Phot oPC with Y our Maci nto sh Adobe P ho to Deluxe ) to tra ns fe r y our pictur es . Selec t Ph ot oP C as the source when you acquire an imag e. You will se e th e Ph otoP C w in do w. You m ay need t o t rans fer you r pi ctur es i ndi vidu al ly or in s mall gr oups , rather th an all at onc e.
Using Ph otoP C with Your M acintosh 3-7 A 3 You c an u se th ree meth ods to add pict ures t o y our do cum ents: ❙ Copy and pa ste ❙ Drag and dr op ❙ Imp ortin g. Insert ing a Picture wit h Co py and Pas te You can us e this meth od to inse rt a pictu re in any Ma cintos h applic ation.
3-8 Usi ng Phot oPC with Y our Maci nto sh 5 Positio n the ins ertion poin t whe re you w an t to ad d t he pi c ture . 6 Choose Pas te (or Past e Sp ecial) from t he Edit me nu: A copy of the pic t u.
Using Ph otoP C with Your M acintosh 3-9 A 3 Insert ing a Picture wit h Drag a nd Drop You ca n us e thi s meth od wit h any ap pli ca ti on tha t sup po rt s i t —f or examp le, Micr osof t ® Word 6 .0 or Pag eMa ker ® 6. 0 . If yo u’ re not su re, give it a tr y.
3-10 Using Phot oP C wi th Your Macinto sh Insert ing a Picture by Import ing If yo ur applic ation c an’t imp ort a JPEG f ile, yo u need to change the picture’ s file type t o PI CT.
Using Pho toP C with Your Maci nt osh 3-11 A 3 After you choo se the com mand , yo u see a docume nt selecti on dialog box like t he follo wing: 5 Locate a nd s el ec t your pi ct ur e. 6 Click the Ins er t button. The pictur e ap pear s i n yo ur doc um e nt.
3-12 Using Phot oP C wi th Your Macinto sh.
Working wi th Your Picture s 4-1 B 4 4 Working with Your Pictures sing you r Easy Ph oto so ft ware , you c an o rganiz e your pict ures in ga lleries , enhance the imag es with th e Work shop, and add vi sual im pact to alm ost any kind of doc ument with your photos.
4-2 Working with Your Picture s Using Galleries When you transf er your p icture s f ro m the Ph otoPC came ra to you r Maci ntos h, t hey a re st or ed in a gal ler y, sh own o n th e rig ht. Usin g the slide sh ow fea t u re , you can tur n a galle ry into a slic k pres enta tio n on your s creen.
Working wi th Your Picture s 4-3 A 4 Follow t he se step s to ad d a captio n or ch ang e a pictu re’s tit le: 1 Click th e photo to sele ct it . 2 Click the E di t Ph ot o I nform at i on bu tton on the toolba r. The Pho to Inf o wi ndow ap pear s, as sho wn: 3 Type the text you want for the pict ure’ s t itl e or ca pt ion.
4-4 Working with Your Picture s Follow these st ep s to se ar ch for pi ct ur es by example: 1 Open the galler y that has the pi cture y ou want to use as an exa mple. 2 Choose Find Ph otos b y Example from the Ga llery menu. A d ialog box lik e th e f ollow i ng a ppear s: 3 Use the sc rol l ba rs to disp lay the e xamp l e ph oto.
Working wi th Your Picture s 4-5 A 4 Making Changes with the Workshop Easy Phot o’s Wo rksh op let s yo u make the fo llo w i n g ki nd s o f ch ang es to your p ictures : ❙ Cropping ❙ Resizing .
4-6 Working with Your Picture s Croppi ng You can crop yo ur pictur es by selec ting ei ther a re ctan gu lar area or a freeha nd ar ea to ke ep; ever yth ing out side of the are a is cut away . Foll ow these s te ps : 1 Click eit he r the Sel ec t Rectan gl e bu tton or th e Se lect Fre eh and button.
Working wi th Your Picture s 4-7 A 4 Adjust ing Br ightnes s and Contrast Chan gi ng th e brig ht ness of a pic tur e le t s yo u make i t l i g hter or darke r; chan ging th e cont rast adju sts the diff erence bet ween t he pic ture’ s light and da rk a reas.
4-8 Working with Your Picture s 2 Drag th e slider s t o ch ange t he red, g re en , and blue colo rs in your picture. The Aft e r sam pl e show s yo u the res ul t s of your c hange s.
Working wi th Your Picture s 4-9 A 4 3 Click the Rem ov e Red- Eye button . Yo u see a w i nd ow like t he o ne below: 4 Drag th e slide r until the ey es loo k normal in the Aft er sampl e.
4-10 Workin g wi th Yo ur Pi ctur es Changing Picture File Information When you work w i th E as yP hoto, yo u don’ t need to kee p trac k of yo ur picture f iles. Eas yPhot o does it fo r you. H oweve r, yo u ca n chan ge a picture’ s fi le name , fi le type, or m ove it to a new fol der i f you want .
Using Ad vanced Features 5-1 B 5 hen Phot oPC is con nec ted to yo ur Macin tosh, yo u can cust omiz e seve ra l of the ca m era’s settin gs . You ca n also tak e pic ture s by cont ro lli n g the came ra dire ct ly from yo ur Maci nt os h.
5-2 Using Advanced F eature s You can sw i t ch b etwee n Se tup and Co ntro ls by c licking on the bu tton s. NOTE You can also acce ss the Camera Cont rols wind ows from the PhotoPC screen.
Using Ad vanced Features 5-3 A 5 Setting Auto Shut-off PhotoPC ’s power -sav ing fe ature autom atica lly s huts off the c amera if you wai t mo re than 60 seco nds be fore ta ki ng a pict ure. You can adjust th is time period by conne cti ng the camera to your Maci ntos h an d us ing P hoto PC Sett ing s.
5-4 Using Advanced F eature s To set t he shutte r spee d, foll ow these steps: 1 Connect th e ca mera t o yo ur Ma ci nt os h as de sc ribed i n Cha pter 3 and o pen the Setu p wind ow as desc ri bed on pag e 5- 1. The Shutt er Speed s lider is set to Aut o.
Using Ad vanced Features 5-5 A 5 Chang e t he Po rt se t tin g only if you wa nt to use a di fferen t por t f or the camer a or you get an err or m essage . When yo u chan ge the Port set t in g, you lo se the co nnect ion b etwee n the cam era a nd y our Maci ntosh.
5-6 Using Advanced F eature s NOTE Taking pic tu re s from yo ur Ma ci nt os h with liv e previe w us es a lot of battery power . If y ou don’ t have the P hotoPC A C ad apter, y ou may want to buy it. S ee A ppend ix A for mo re i nforma tion a bout obtain ing an d using t he AC adapt er.
Using Ad vanced Features 5-7 A 5 You can click t he b uttons on your screen t o se t the re solu tion , flas h, timer, an d eras e fe atures , just as you use the button s on the ca mera. The contr ol pan el on you r scre en disp lays th e same informat ion a s the control panel on the camera.
5-8 Using Advanced F eature s.
Main tenance and Troublesho oting 6-1 B 6 our Phot oP C is easy t o t ake care of, an d any proble m s y ou m a y have a re easy to so lv e. Thi s chapt er covers the fo llowing: ❙ Caring for the camera ❙ Solving c amera proble ms ❙ Sol vi ng pic tur e prob lem s.
6-2 Maintenanc e and Troub leshoo ti ng Don ’t stor e t he cam era in th e foll ow ing lo cati on s: ❙ Where it is exp os ed to dir ect su nl i ght , for ex am p le, on a ca r dash board ❙ Near .
6 Main tenance and Troublesho oting 6-3 A You ge t an e rror mess age wh en yo u try to tra nsfer your pictur es fro m the camer a t o yo ur Maci nt os h. ❙ Make su re th e ca ble is co nnect e d corr ec tly, as des cr ibe d on 1 . ❙ Make sur e the came ra is tu rned on and th e batteri es h ave enough power .
6-4 Maintenanc e and Troub leshoo ti ng See your Macint osh do cum enta tion or o nline he lp fo r m or e inform atio n on cha ngin g mem ory se tting s an d turn ing off extens ions. Solving Picture Problems If you’r e not sat i sfied with th e p icture s yo u get fro m Pho toPC , you ma y need to ad just so me of th e camer a sett in gs.
6 Main tenance and Troublesho oting 6-5 A Your pi c ture is too dar k (un der expo sed) . ❙ You may ne ed to use th e fla sh . Ma k e sure the f lash setti ng is eith er autom at i c or fo rc ed flash , as desc rib ed on page 5. ❙ If yo u’re us ing the f lash, make s ure your s ubje ct is within the range of 3 to 1 0 f eet .
6-6 Maintenanc e and Troub leshoo ti ng Your pic tures do n’ t loo k as goo d as they use d to. ❙ Your ca m era’s lens ma y be di rt y or dusty. Try clea ni ng i t as descri bed on pag e 1.
Using Optional Accessories A-1 A B hotoPC’s flex ibility allows y ou to use it with a var iety of op tions. Y o u can inc r eas e the cam e ra’s storag e ca pacit y by instal lin g a 2MB o r 4M B Photo Spa n ™ memory modul e.
A-2 Usi ng Optional Accessori es : CAUTION Once yo u instal l a Pho toSp an m odule , you ca n’ t remov e it. Mak e sure you th ink ab out your f uture need s be fore you d ecid e whet her to in stall the 2M B m odule or the 4M B mo dule.
Using Optional Accessories A-3 B A 4 Posit ion the mod ule so th at t he notch is alig ned with th e roun ded corne r of the so ck et. 5 Slide the m odu le in to th e sock et a t an angl e as shown , pr essin g along th e edge u ntil it click s into place.
A-4 Usi ng Optional Accessori es Using the Universal AC Adapter The Unive rsal AC ad apter ( A88302 1) allo w s y ou to conn ect yo ur camera t o a stan d ard el ectri cal ou tlet. Th is is e sp ecia ll y us eful when y ou are tra nsferr ing pi ctures and oper ating t he ca mera f rom yo ur Maci ntosh .
Using Optional Accessories A-5 B A 3 Plug th e end of th e po wer ca bl e int o th e ad ap ter. 4 Connect th e ot he r end of th e po wer ca bl e t o an elect r ic al out l et . Using Optional Lenses Althou gh you can use an y sta ndard 37 mm vide o cam corde r lens or fil ter with Pho toPC, lens es manuf acture d by Tiffe n ar e recom m end ed.
B Specifi cati ons B-1 A Physical Dimensions B Specifications Width 6 .5 in. ( 166 mm) Height 3.5 in. (88 mm) Depth 1.9 in. (47 mm) Weigh t (without b atteries) 11 oz.
B-2 Specific at io ns Technical Photographic Product ty pe CCD (cha rge cou pl ed de vi ce) stil l fr ame cam e ra Image siz e 640 × 480 pixels (hig h re solu ti on) 320 × 240 pixels (sta nda rd re .
Index 1 A B A AC A dap ter , u niv ersa l, A-4 Acc essorie s (opt ional), Intro- 2 , A-1 – 5 Adding pict ur e i nf ormat i on, 4-2 Adju sting brightness a nd c ontras t, 4-7 co lors, 4-8 po rt setti.
2 Index Connectin g camer a to computer, 3-1 Contrast, ad ju sting, 4-7 Contro l panel, 2-2 Copying image to clip bo ar d, 4-9 Cropping pi c tures, 4-6 Custome r supp or t s er vi ce s, Intro- 3 Cutti.
Index 3 A B L Lens, usi ng, A-5 Live preview, 5-6 M Maintena nce cleani ng, 6-1 storag e, 6-2 O Online supp o rt, Intro -3 Optional len s es, A-5 Organ izi ng your pi ct ures, 4-2 P Pasti ng i m ag e .
4 Index Printing, 4-9 Problem s, 6- 2 R Recordin g time and date, 5-2 Regist er i ng Ph otoP C, Intro -5 Removi ng red- ey e, 4-8 Removi ng pl astic f ilm, 1-5 Resizing pict ures, 4-6 Resolu tion s et.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson Digitial Camera (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson Digitial Camera heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson Digitial Camera vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson Digitial Camera leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson Digitial Camera krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson Digitial Camera bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson Digitial Camera kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson Digitial Camera . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.