Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product EPL-N1200 van de fabrikant Epson
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Laser Pr inter U s e r ’ s G u i d e All rights r eserved. No part of this pub licati on may be r eproduced, s tored in a retri eval syste m, or transm itted in any form or b y any me ans, e lectr onic, m ech anical, p hotocopy ing, recording, or othe rwise, w ithout the prior written permis sion of Seiko E pson Corporation.
FCC COM PLIANCE STATEMENT FOR AM ERICAN USERS This equ i pment has been tested and found to compl y with the li mits for a cl ass B digit al devic e, pu rsuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are desig ned to p rovide reasonable protection against harm ful interfer ence in a reside ntial installation.
Printer Pa rts top cover latch AC inle t parallel C inte rfa ce par allel B interface optional interface card slot cove r optional LocalTalk/ Serial interface access cove r fu ser powe r swi tch cont .
Contents Intro ductio n PostScri pt F onts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 LJ4 Pl us or GL 2 (PC L5e) Mode Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0- 3 How to Us e Your Man uals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-4 War ning s, Ca ution s, and N otes .
Installi ng an d Usin g the Win dows NT 3.51 Driv ers . . . . . . . 2-17 Installi ng t he EPSO NSc ript Dr iver for W indows NT . . . . 2-18 Installi ng t he EPL-N 1200 Drive r for Windows NT . . . . . . 2-20 Chapter 3 Using the Control Panel Readi ng th e In dicat or Ligh ts .
Chapter 5 Maintenance Rep lacing the Imag ing Cart ridge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Adjustin g the RITec h S ett ing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5 Clea ning th e Pr int er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 8 Transp ort ing th e Printe r .
Introduction Your EPSON ® EPL- N1200 is a PostScr ipt ® -compatible, 600-dpi laser printer that uses EPSON’s latest quality-enhancement and energy-efficiency technologies t o print crisp, clean output at u p to 12 page s p er minute.
PostScript Fonts Your printer includes the standard 35 Post Script fonts. W hen you install the EPSONScript software, the screen fonts that match the printer fonts are also installed, ensuring that the screen display matches the final printed output. You select fonts from the Font menu o f your software application.
LJ4 Plu s or G L2 (PCL5 e) Mode F onts The EPL-N1200 includes a number of resident font s that you can use in the LJ4 Plus or GL2 (PCL5e) e mulations, as listed below. Whe n you select these fonts in your applicat ion, choose the font name listed in the “HP eq uivale nt name” colu m n.
For information about t he resident fonts available for other emulation modes, see the Technical Information ma nua l. How to Use Your Manuals For instructions on setting up your printer, connecting it to your computer, a nd installing your printer software, see the Quick Setup card.
Append ix A , “Spe cifications,” provides te chnica l details on the EPL-N120 0 printer. An I ndex is included at the e nd of the book. Warnings, Cautions, and Notes You’ll find this info rmation t hroughout your manual set: w War nings must be followed carefully to avoid b odily injury.
For answers to commonly asked questions about EPSON product s 24 hours a day, 7 day s a week, call EP SON Sound Advi ce at (800) 4 42-211 0. You ca n purc hase ma nuals, acces sories , and p arts for EPSO N product s from EPSON Accessories at (800 ) 873-7766 (U.
EPSON Fax-on- Demand service You can access E P SO N’s technical informati on libra ry by calling (800) 442-2 1 10 or (800) 922-8 9 11 a nd selec ting the appropriate phone opti on.
❑ Turn off your computer, prin te r, and monitor eac h day when you are done using the m. ❑ Use the print prev iew option in your software so you can catch errors before y ou pri nt som ething . ❑ If you have an electronic mail system available to you, send e-mail rather than distributing memos.
❑ Connect all equipment to properly grounded powe r outlets. Avoid using outlets on the same circuit as photocopiers or air cont rol sys tems that regularly switch on and off.
CDRH reg ulation s The Center for Devices and Radiolog ical Health (CDRH) of the U.S. Food and Drug Administrat ion implem ented regulation s for laser products on Au gust 2, 1976.
Internal la ser rad iation This is a Cl ass IIIb Las er Di ode Assem bly tha t has an invis ible laser beam . The printer h ead unit is NOT A FI ELD SERVICE ITEM. Therefore, the printer head unit should not be opened under any circumst ances. Maximum Radia tion Powe r: 5.
Lase r pre c au tion s This printer uses laser technology. The following list of precautions applies whenever you open the printer cove r. Even if you are familiar with other types of printers, be sure to follow these precautions caref ully to ensure safe, efficient operation.
❑ Protect the light-sensitive drum from exposure to light any longer than necessary. Overexposing the drum may caus e abnormally dark or light areas to appear on the printed page and reduce the service life of the drum. Also, do not open the drum’s protective cover.
Chapter 1 Paper Handling Choosing Paper or Other Media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Loading Pape r in the Built- in Pap er Tray . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-3 Fee ding Env elop es or Pape r by Hand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-4 Printi ng Two-side d Docum ent s .
Choosing Paper or Other Me dia You can print on many differe nt kinds of paper or oth er media with your EPL-N1200: ❑ Plain bond paper (16 to 24 lb wei ght) ❑ Card stock (24 to 42 lb weight) ❑ Envelopes ❑ Labels ❑ Transparenc y film. You can print on many sizes of paper too.
❑ Transpa rencies . Choose transp arencies made just for lase r printers or plain paper copi ers, and l oad them only in the buil t-in paper tray. ❑ Colored paper . Whe n se lectin g c olored pa per , make sure the paper does not have a clear or col ored coating on it.
5. Close the front cover. If you loaded pape r long er th an 1 1 inch es ( 279 mm ), flip up the paper stoppe r and pull it back so the paper will fit in the output tray . Feeding Envelo pes or Paper by Hand If you want to print one e nvelope or a spe cial sheet of paper, you can feed it manually.
6. Insert the first shee t into the paper tray with the printable surface face up (an envelope, in th is example). 7. Adjust the paper guides to fit the paper you loaded, if necessary. 8. Sel ect th e Print c o mma nd in your a ppli ca t ion prog ram to send the print job.
Printing Two- si ded Docume nts You can print two -sided documents to save pape r and make your output look like a professional, bound docu ment. The EPL-N1200 make s it easy by providing a Duplexing op tion in the non-PostScrip t printer driver.
7. Remove the printed pages and place the m back into the paper tray, with t he unprinted side face up and the top of the document leading into the printer. Click OK on the screen message box. Then the printer prints all the even-numbered pages on the back.
7. In t he Width and Height boxes, select the appropriate measurements of your paper. The size can be: Width: Between 3.6 and 8. 5 i nches (92 to 216 mm) Heig ht: Betwe en 5 .8 and 1 4 inch es (148.5 to 356 mm) 8. Clic k OK to save your settings and exit the printer driver.
2. Press down the bottom plate until it lock s in place. 3. Fan a stack of pape r and then t ap the edges to even them up . 4. Holding the stack with th e printable surface face up, insert the p aper into the tray. Press down the edges so they lie beneath all four tabs.
5. Slide the paper tray back into the pape r cassette. 1-10 Paper Ha ndling.
Chapter 2 Printing With the Windows Pr inter Driver s Acces sing the Prin ter Driv er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 From W indows App licati ons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 From W indows 95 Pr int er Pr oper ties . . . . . . . .
For instructions on installing the printer software for Windows 3.1 or Windows 95, s ee the Quick Set up C ard. Fo r ins tructi ons on inst alling the Windows NT driver software, se e page 2-17. Then follow the instructions in this chapte r to access and use the Windows printer drivers.
❑ If you want to change the printer settings for all your documents a nd appli c ati o n prog ra ms, a cc ess the driver directly from Printer Properties (95) or Windows Control Panel (3.
4. Right-click the EPSON EPL-N1200 or EPSON EPL-N12 00 EPSONScript icon. 5. Clic k Properties . 6. Clic k th e Details tab. 7. Clic k th e Setup button. 8. You see the printer driver options. From Windows 3.1 or Windows NT Control Panel 1. Double-c li c k the Control Panel icon in the Main progr am group.
To change Prin ter fe ature s or Installable options , you must first se lect the op tion you want to change. Th en click the down arrow next to Change set ting for to display the list of available se ttings.
The EPSON Script Device Opt ions in Windows 95 are described in the table below. EPSONScr ipt Device Options sett ings Setting Options Descr iption Genera l Ava il abl e pr inte r mem ory varies 1269 def ault Specifi es the amount of me mory in the printer.
Setting Options Description Toner Density Printer’s default LIghtest Light Medium Dark Darkest Sets the print density to make you r prin to ut d a rke r or li gh te r as necessar y. Installable options (li s t depends on which options are installed; see Chapter 5 for more information).
To check or chang e individual settings, click the tab at the top of the screen. Click the buttons on the bottom of the scre en to do the following: OK After you’re finished, click OK to save your sett ings and exit t he driver. (You can also save a group of settings for late r use; se e page 2-16.
The next se ction describes the basic printe r driver setting s you should check or cha nge each ti me you pri nt. The ta bl e beginning on page 2-10 lists all t he settings and their de faults. Checking the Basic Settings The printer driver’s default settings are suitable for most types of document s.
Printer Driver Settings Table Use the table on the following page when y ou want a quick description of the available print er driver settings. Th e default sett i ng s a re in bold type.
Setting Options Description Pa p er For m at A4 210 × 29 7 mm A5 148 × 21 0 mm C5 6.36 " × 9.02 " Commercial-10 Enve lop e C 6 11 4 × 162 mm Envelope DL Exe cut ive 7.25 " × 10 .5" F4 Governme nt Legal Governme nt Letter International B5 17 6 × 25 0 mm JIS B5 paper Legal 8.
Setting Options Description Copies 1 to 9 99 Set to the number of document copies you want to print. It is bes t to specif y copies usi ng your application’s Print dialog bo x.
Setting Options Description Printer Sel ecType tab * Graphics Mode Raster -interna l fonts EPSON GL/2 Pure R aster Sets the graphics printing mode used by t he printer. (This sett ing a ffe cts the available Halftone opti ons on th e Pr int Se ttin gs ta b ; see page 2-10 for detai ls.
Setting Options Description Time-out Various se ttings from 5 to 300 seconds (60 sec. defaul t) Sets the amount of time the pr in ter wa its to r eceiv e data b efore terminati ng an incomplete print job; after the time-out period, an oth er p rin t job ca n pr in t.
Setting Options Description Printer Op tions tab Memory 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 18, 19 , 20, 22, 26, 34, 35, 36 , 38, 42, 50, 64 MB Spe cifie s the a m o un t o f memory instal led in the pr inte r. In cre ase the numb er if you add memo ry to your printer.
Setting Options Description Advanced Status Sheet FontSam ple Click this bu tton and select a submenu option to print a status sheet or a lis t of font sample s for the current printer operating mode .
4. Clic k OK to save your settings under t hat name and exit the driver. 5. Print you r document. Whene ver you want t o print a document with a particular group of settings, select the group name in the Defaul t box; th en c lick OK and print.
❑ Overlays ❑ Sequencing ❑ Fonts ❑ Pri nter Fea t ur es For more information about your EPSONScript N T feature s, click the Help button at the bottom of the screen.
4. Select yo ur operating system and click OK . You see a message about renaming the WIN.INI file to WIN.BAK. 5. Clic k OK to rename the file WIN.BAK or type a new name and cli c k OK . 6. Follow the instructions on the screen to insert disk 2. The program ins talls your driver and tells you to restart Windows.
9. Clic k Exit to close the u tility. You’re now ready to “create” the driver. Creating the EPSO NScript driver in th e C ontrol Pane l Follow t hese ste ps: 1. Double-c lick Control Panel in Progr am M anager. 2. Double-c li c k the Printer s icon .
Before you begin, turn on your printer and then your computer. Make sure Windows NT has loaded. Then follo w these s t eps to i nsta ll the d r i ver: 1. Insert the Windows NT EPL-N1200 driver diskette. 2. In the P rogram Manager, choose Run from the File menu.
2-22 Printi ng Wi th the Windo ws Printer Driv ers.
Chapter 3 Using the Contr ol Panel Read ing th e In dica tor Ligh ts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Using the Control Panel Buttons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Usin g On eTou ch M odes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
The EPL-N1200 control panel consists of a liquid crystal display, indicator lights, and buttons. Th e display and lights kee p you informed about the print er’s curren t status. You can use th e buttons to se lect settings and function s. Most of the time y ou control your printer’s funct ions using software.
The three indicator lights in the center of the control panel give you the fol lowing infor matio n: Con tin ue Flashes when the printer detects an error or ne eds maintenance. A message appears on the display to indicate the pro blem. See Chapt er 6 for information about the messages.
Con tin ue Reset Press this button to switch the printer back on line after you have cleared a problem. You can also use the but ton to reset the printer back to the default sett ings . Press t he ALT and Reset b uttons until Reset appears on the control panel display.
Using One Touch Mo des The OneTouch modes give you a quick and e asy way to change the most common s ettings. There are two OneTouch modes, each with four sett ings shown on the t op two lines of the control panel. The settings are described in the table on pag e 3-6.
OneTouch Mode Setting s The table below lists the options available for each OneTouch mode setting . Default settings are shown in bold type. OneTouch mode setting op tions Setting Options Description.
Usin g SelecT ype The Sele cTy pe button accesses a series of menus and options that are shown on the contro l panel display. Although y ou can set some of the Sele cType optio ns through your driver .
If you need to change SelecType settings, follow these steps: 1. Make su re the printer is turned on and t he On Li ne light is on. 2. Press the Men u button on the control panel. You have now entered SelecTy pe mode, which changes the function s of the control panel butt ons as described in the table below.
3. Press the Men u button to se lect the SelecTyp e menu that includes t he setting you want to change. Then pres s the Item and Valu e buttons as ne cessary to chang e the setting. 4. Press Enter to save the new se tting. 5. Press On Line or SelecType to exit Se lecType mode .
Test menu items Menu ite m Descrip tion Status Shee t Prints your cu rrent Sel ecT ype set tings , hardware configuration, error logging information, and a RITech sample LJ4 Font Samp le Print sa mp l.
Printing Menu All of the SelecType Print ing menu s ettings can be s et using your printer driver soft ware and are ove rwritten by the software settings.
Tray Size menu items Menu item Description MP Tray Size Sel ects the s iz e of paper l oaded in the buil t-i n paper tray: A4, A5 , B5, LT , HLT , L GL , GL T , GLG, E XE, F4 , MON , C10, DL, C5, C6, .
Menu item Desc ription Auto Cont Sets the printer to use Auto Continue mode to continue printing 5 seconds after recovering from a prin t ov e rru n or insuffic ient memo ry er ror . It is be s t t o leave Au to Continue Off so you are a lerted to errors; then you m ust pre ss the C ont in ue bu tto n on th e control panel to resume.
Setup Menu The Setup menu items allow you t o customize various printer modes, select a control panel l ang uag e, chec k the total pages printed to dat e, and check or res et th e toner counter.
Parallel B and Pa rallel C Menus These menus control in terface options when you use the Parallel B and/or Parallel C interfaces. Parallel B and Parallel C menu items Menu item Descr iption Speed Sele.
Serial menu items Menu ite m Desc riptio n Word Length Selects a 7- or 8- bit word length Baud R ate Sets the baud rate (commu nication speed); 9600 is th e defa ult Parity E nables or disables parity.
LJ4 Menu The LJ4 menu settings control the avai lable fonts and symbol sets when yo u use the LJ4 (PCL5e) emulation mode. You should chang e the font and symbol sets using your software , not using SelecTy pe, because your software settings override Se lecTy pe settin gs.
PS Menu The PS menu controls two features available in the default PostScrip t emulation mode. You can also set these fe ature s using the Windows 95 printe r drive r software; see C hapter 2 for details. Menu ite m Desc riptio n Err Sheet Indicates whether the printer pri nts an EPSONScript error message.
Menu item Description CG Table Selects the graphics or italics character table you w ant to use; PcUSA is the defaul t (see the Technical Information manua l for d etai ls on th e av aila ble characte.
1239X Menu Use the 1239X menu only if you have se lected 1239X as your Emulation mode in SelecType or the Remote Control Panel utili ty. 1239X menu i tems Menu item Description Font Selects a font by .
Chapter 4 Installing O ptions Ava ilable Op tion s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4- 2 Insta lling Option al Inte rfa ces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Installing a LocalTalk/Serial M odule . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4 Insta lling an Int er face Car d .
Available Options You can add the following optional equipment t o your printe r: ❑ Optional interface cards and modules to connect your printer to a Macint osh, ® LocalTalk net work, IBM ® mainfr.
Optional EPSON inter faces Interface name EPSON part number Uses LocalTalk/Seri al module C 8233 4* S er ial p or t : for co nn e ctio n to com put ers with RS-2 32C o r c urre nt loop serial connecti.
To install any of the ot her interface cards listed in the table, see page 4-8 for instructions. If you will connect y our printer to any type of serial interface, you need t o obtain the rig ht kind of serial cable. Th e table be low lists the prin ter ’s spe cification s fo r seri al cable s.
2. Remove the four screws securing the controller board bracket on the printer’s back pane l. 3. Pull on the plastic tabs to remove the controlle r board and place it on a clean surface. w War ning : Do not touch the electrical components on the controller board; they m ay be hot from recent use.
5. Now s et the jump er and slide switch setting s on the LocalTalk/Serial module for th e type of interface you’ll be using : RS-232C serial, curre nt loop se rial, or LocalTalk (default). c Caution: Make sure both slide switches are set to the same position or the printer will not operate correctly.
7. Position the controller board so its components face th e side panel of the printer and align it with the top and bottom guide rails i n the pr inte r. Th en slide in t he b oard. 8. Secure the controll er board brac ket wi th the four screws you removed earlier.
10. Plug the power cord into an electrical outlet; then turn on the printer. To verify that the inte rface is working properly, print a status sheet and make sure your interface is listed under “Hardware Configurations.
3. Position the optional inte rface card so it s components face the cente r of the back p anel. Then align its top and bottom grooves with the guide rails inside the printer and slide in th e card , push ing it firm ly to lock it in place . 4. Secure the card w ith the two screws you removed earl i er.
Using a Serial Interface Before you print wit h a serial interface, you must match the serial se ttings used by the printe r and your comp uter. You can change the default settings (liste d in the tab.
Wind ows 95 instructio ns 1. Clic k Start . 2. Point t o Settings . 3. Clic k Printers . 4. Right-click the Epson EPL-N120 0 EPSONScript (or EPL-N1200 ) icon. 5. Se lect Properties . 6. Clic k the Details tab. 7. Click the arrow in the Printer Port drop-down list and select a COM (s eria l) port to use .
Installing Lower Paper Cassettes By installing optional 500-sheet lower paper casse ttes yo u can increase your print capacity from 250 sheets (in the built-in paper tray) to 750 she ets (wit h one lower pap er cassette) or 1,250 shee ts (with two lower paper cassettes ).
5. Connect the interface cable(s). 6. Make sure the printer’s power switch is in the off position; then plug the power cable into an electrical outlet. 7. Turn on the pri nter. 8. Now run the W indows printer driver to add th e optional paper cassette(s) to your available paper source list.
Foll ow the se ste ps t o ins tall S IMMs: 1. Turn off the print er and unplug the power cable from th e electrical outlet . w War ning : To avoi d electrical shoc k, do not access the printer’s controller bo ard unless the printer i s turned off and unplugged from the electrical outlet.
Then insert the SIMM at an angle and rotate the top until it is vert ical and clicks into place. (Do not push too hard.) 6. Follow the steps on pages 4-7 to 4-8 to re install the controller boa rd in t he prin ter . If you ever ne ed to rem ove a SIMM, pull b ack t he m etal clips on each side of the slot; then grasp the SIMM and p ull it out.
Chapter 5 Maintenance Repl acing the Imagin g C artr idge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Adjustin g the RIT ech Setti ng . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 5 Clea nin g the Prin ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5- 8 Tra nspor ting t he Print er .
Replaci ng the I maging Cartridge Your printer’s imaging cartridge can print up to 6,000 pages, depending on h ow comp lex your print jobs are. There are several ways to tell when you need to replac.
c Caution: Do not turn the imaging cartridge upside down. D o not expose the imaging cartridge to light any longer than necessary. 5. Unp ack t he ima ging c artr idge an d hold i t lev el wit h th e ov al handle face up. Then shake the cartri dge as shown to distribute the toner.
7. Now s hake the cartridge again as shown to distribute the toner. 8. Line up the cartridge pins with the green guides inside the printer; then slide in the cartridge until it stops. 9. Close the top cover. 10. Sel ect Toner Coun t Clear on the SelecType Setup menu to reset the toner counter.
Adjusting the RITech Setting EPSON’s new Resolution Improvement Technol o gy (RI Tech) automatically improves the print quality of your lines , text, and graphics .
2. Press the Enter button twice to print the s tatus sheet. At the bottom of th e sheet you see the RITech t est pat tern: 3. If the t est pat tern looks correct, do n ot change the RITech setti ng. If it lo oks incor rect , go t o step 4. 4. Open an application program and access the printer driver (see Chapter 2 for instructions).
10. Now print a page from your application to c heck the print quality . If the quality is good, you’re finished. If the quality needs further improvement, go to ste p 11. 11. Acce ss th e prin te r driv er a gain a nd click Device Opti ons or Printer Sele cTy pe.
Cleaning the Printer If the printer case gets dirty, turn off the printe r and clean it with a soft cloth slightly dampened with mild soap. c Caution: Never use alcohol or thinner to clean the printer; they may damage the printer. D o not get water on the printer mechanisms or electrical com p onents.
If th ere is a lot of s pilled to ne r, rem ove it wit h a sm all vacuum cleaner (available at compute r supply stores ). Make sure the vacuum can safely remove toner or other fine powders be fore you use it . c Caution: If you get toner on your clothing, remove it with cold water.
Transporting the Pr inter If you need to transport or ship the printer, first remove the imaging cartri dge and place it in a seal able plasti c ba g. If you inst alled any lower pape r cassett es, lift the printe r off the cassette s.
Chapter 6 Troubleshooting Diag nosing Proble ms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Readin g Cont rol Pan el D isplay Messa ges . . . . . . . . . . 6-2 Using Hex Du mp Mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6-7 Pape r F eedin g Pr oblems .
Diagnosing Problems The printer’s control pane l display indicates the status of the printer as well as provi di ng w arni ng and error messa ges if a problem occurs . The next section lists the possible control panel display me ssages in alphabetical order.
Form Feed The pr inter is off line and data rem ains in th e pr inter ’s memory. Press For m Feed to print out t he data and clear the buff er. Afte r pr intin g, Ready appears on the display. Hex Dump Hex dump mode is o n; see page 6-7 for de tails.
If you do not want to print in manual feed mode, pres s Con tin ue . The printer loads the paper as instructed by the Paper Sour ce setting. (For details o n using manual feed mode, see Chapter 1. ) Mem Overfl ow The printer has insufficient memory ava i la b l e for the current print job.
Paper Set source size The paper load ed i n the indicated paper sourc e does not match the required paper size . Replace the paper with the correct size paper and press Continue . Print Ove rrun The time required to process data exceeds the print speed due to an excess of received dat a.
Rese t All All printer sett ings for all interfaces have been reset to the default configuration. Reset t o Save You have changed a Se lecType setting but t he new value is not activated ye t.
Toner Out You must re place the imaging cartridge as described in Chap ter 5. You can press Continue to print one more page . Warm ing Up The printer is warming up; wai t a few moments for i t to fini sh.
Paper Feeding Problems If you have frequent paper feed or paper jam problems, try the following to prevent them: ❑ Use a higher-quality p aper, one that is not too thin or rough. ❑ Fan the stack of paper and then tap the edge s to align them before y ou load the st ack.
Fixing Pap er Jams in the Built-in P aper Tray If the printer stops and the Feed Jam or Paper Jam message appears, follow these steps: 1. Open the printer’s front cover. 2. Car eful ly remo ve all th e p aper i n the buil t-in p aper tray and any sheets fed partially into the printer.
4. Tap the edges of your st ack of pape r and carefully reload it into the built-in paper tray. 5. Close the printer covers and press t he Cont inue button.
The display panel stays blank a fter you turn on the printer. Turn off the printer and check the power cable connectio ns betwee n the printer and the electrical outle t; then turn the printer back on. If the ele ctrical outle t is controlled by an outside source such as a wall switch, plug the printer into a diffe rent out let.
The fon t selecte d in your so ftware won’t prin t c orrectly. The selected font is n ot supported by your printe r; see the Introduction or the Technical Information manual for more informatio n. If Image Optimum is set to Auto or On , fonts m ay be ch anged to incre ase print spe ed.
Grap hics don ’t print corre ctly. Make sure that your software program is set for the printer emulation you are using. For example, if you are using the PS emulat ion, be sure that your graphics software is set for a PS pri nte r.
The Re mote C ontrol Pa nel ut ility d oes no t functi on as expected. Software programs override Remote Control Panel settings, so use your so ftware se ttings instead of the utility whenever possible. If your settings have been changed by your software, reset your printer; see Chapter 3 for details.
The prin tout con tains ve rtica l black o r white lines. Clean the printer lens as described und er “Cleaning the Printer” in Ch apter 5. If the p roblem persists, install a new imaging cartridge and print several page s to check the print qua lit y.
The prin tout is m issing po rtion s of the im age. Your pape r may be moist or damp; replace the stack of p aper and try printing ag ai n. (Printi ng is sensitive to moisture absorbed by the paper, so avoid storing your paper in a humid or damp environment.
If the pro blem persists, replace the imaging cartridge as described in Chapte r 5. The ba ck side of th e printe d pag e is smud ged. Toner may have spil led in the paper feed path. Remove the imaging cartridge and then clean the paper pat h of the printer using a soft, lint-free cloth as describe d in Chapter 5.
Appendix A Specifications Pap er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2 Prin ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A- 3 Gen er al . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Paper Note: Since the qual i ty of any partic ul ar brand or type of paper may be changed by the manufacturer at a ny time, EPS ON cann ot guarantee the quality of an y type of paper. Always test samples of paper stock before purcha sing large quantities or printin g large jobs .
Printabl e area: 95 dots from paper edg e based on 600 dpi ; varie s depe nding on th e emulati on mo de Printer Gener al Printin g meth od: Laser be am sca nning and dry elec trophotog raphic pr oce .
Environm enta l Temperatur e: Operation: 50 to 95 ° F (10 to 35 ° C) Storage: 32 to 95 ° F (0 to 35 ° C) Humidity: Operation: 15 to 85% RH Storage: 35 to 85% RH Altitud e: 8200 feet (2,5 00 meters) maximum Mechanic al Dime nsions a nd weig ht: Height: 10.
Int erfa ces In th e tables below, the column head ing “ Direction ” refer s to the direc tion of s ignal flow as viewed from the pri nter. Par all el B Inter fac e The paralle l B (IE EE 1284-I compl iant) i nterface con nector pi n assig nments are shown i n the table below.
Parallel C Interface The paralle l C (IEEE 1284-II compliant ) interfac e connector pi n assig nments are shown i n th e table below. Pin Direction Compatibility Nibble ECP 1 OUT Busy PtrBusy PeriphAc.
To us e the EC P mode, foll ow these steps: 1. Make the ECP mod e settings in the BI OS settin g program t hat comes with your comp uter. (For d etails of the sett ings and th e program, s ee your comp uter m anua l.) 2. Clic k the Start butto n, poin t to Settings , and th en clic k Control P anel .
Note: When using the serial interface as RS-232C, the availabili ty of baud rates over 38400 depends on your computer’s hardware relia bility (including the interface cable).
Signal pin RS-232C Cu rrent loop Direction Description 17 — TTY-TXD OUT Transmits data. This pin transmits serial data from the printer to t he comp ute r. 20 DTR — O UT Data terminal ready. This pi n i ndi cate s whet he r or not the p rin ter is r ead y to recei ve data.
500 Sh eet Lower Pa pe r C a ssett e Paper size: Letter (C81263 ✽ ) Paper weight : 16 to 24 lb (60 to 90 g/m 2 ) Paper feed : A utomatic feed del i very sys tem Cass ett e capacity up to 500 sheets .
Index A Acces sories, purchasi ng, Intr o-6 ALT button , 3-4 Asteri s k (serial interface er ror), A-8 Auto Conti nue, 3-1 3 AUX menu, 3-16 B Built-i n pape r tray , see Paper tray Buttons, control pa.
Fonts LJ4 em ulat ion mode , Intro -3 PostScr ipt, In tro-2 problems , 6-12 Form Feed bu tton, 3-4 Form Fee d ligh t, 3-3 Form Feed mess age, 6-3 FTP si te , Intro- 6 FX menu, 3-18 G Graphi cs problem.
N Net w o rk int e rf ace s, inst alling , 4-2 to 4-3 O On Li ne but ton, 3 -4 On Li ne ligh t, 3- 3 One Touc h mode s ettin gs, 3-6 Onli ne support, Intro-6 t o In tro-7 Op tiona l inte rfa ces , ins.
Printe r Open message, 6-5 Printe r Proper ti es, ac ces sing pri nter drive r, 2- 2 to 2-4 Printi ng envelopes , 1-2, 1-4 to 1-5 lab els, 1 -2 manua l feed mo de, 1- 4 to 1 -5 special paper, 1-4 to 1.
To ner O ut mess age, 6-7 Toner Save sett ing control panel, 3-6, 3-12 printe r d river, 2-6, 2-14 Transpare ncies, 1-3 Tray si ze menu , 3-11 to 3-12 Troubl es hooting, 6-2 to 6-17 V Value butt on, 3.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson EPL-N1200 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson EPL-N1200 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson EPL-N1200 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson EPL-N1200 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson EPL-N1200 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson EPL-N1200 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson EPL-N1200 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson EPL-N1200 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.