Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product EPL-N2550D van de fabrikant Epson
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User's Guide ® NPD1962-00.
2 Copyright an d Trademarks Copyr ight and Trad emark s No part of this publ icati on may be repr oduced, s tored i n a retri eval system, or transmit ted in any form or by any mea ns, mech anical, photocopying, recording, or otherw ise, with out the p rior w ritten permis sion of Seik o Epso n Cor porat ion.
Copyright and Trademarks 3 ITC Avan t Garde Go thic, ITC Bo okman, ITC Z apf Chanc ery and ITC Zapf Dingbats are tradem arks of Inte rnatio nal Type face Corpo ration and may be regi stered in so me jurisd ictions. Ant ique O live is a trad emark of Fond eri e Olive .
4 Copyright and Tr ademarks Safe ty Instr ucti ons Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Warnings, Cautions, and Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Safety precauti ons .
5 Various Printin g Options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Double-sided printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 Fit to page pri nting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6 Modifying the print la yout . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 71 Using a water mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 Using an overlay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7 Install ing the Pos tScri pt print er dri ver for the netwo rk interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133 Accessing the PostS cript print er driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134 Making changes to PostScrip t printe r settings .
8 FX Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 I239X Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 178 Status and Error Messages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
9 Chapter 10 Cleaning and Transporting th e Printer Cleaning the P rinter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Cleaning the p ickup roll er. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223 Transporting t he Printer .
10 Toner smudges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Areas are missing in the printed i mage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 Completely blank pages are output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 The printed image i s light or faint .
11 An undefined error occu rs (Macintosh only) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 Insufficient memory to print data (Macintosh o nly) . . . . . . . 271 Printing in t he PCL6 Mode Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 The printer does not print .
12 Appendix C Inform ation about Fo nts Working wit h Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 EPSON BarCode Fonts (Windows Only). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 Available fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Safety In structions 13 Safety Instruct ions Safety Warnings, Caution s, and Notes w Warni ngs must be foll owed carefu lly to a void bodi ly in jury. c Cautions must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment. Notes contain important information and useful tips on the operation of your printer.
14 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Because th e printer weighs appro ximately 19.5 kg (43 lb) with out the i magi ng c artri dge and opti onal pro ducts installed , one per son should not li ft or carry it. Two people should carr y the p rinter , lifti ng it by the corr ect posi tions as shown below.
Safety In structions 15 ❏ Be c arefu l not to tou ch the fuse r, w hich is m ark ed CAUTION HOT SURFACE and CAUTION HIGH TEMPERATU RE , or the surrounding areas.
16 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Do not touch t he toner. K eep the toner awa y from your eyes. ❏ Do not di spose o f used i maging c art ridges or fu ser u nits in fire, as they can explode and ca use injur y. Dispose of them according to loc al regu latio ns.
Safety In structions 17 ❏ To prevent damage fro m condensation, do no t place the printer i n a loca tion subjec t to extr eme or rap id changes i n temperature o r humidi ty, and do not mov e it fro m a cool to a warm environment . ❏ Be sure to ke ep consumabl e components out of the rea ch of children.
18 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Con nect you r pr inte r to an el ec trica l ou tlet tha t me ets t he powe r req uir emen ts of t his p rin ter . Your print er’s pow er requirem ents are indi cated on a lab el attache d to the printe r.
Safety In structions 19 When usin g the printer ❏ The printe r weighs abo ut 19.5 kg (43 l b). One p erson should not attem pt t o lif t or ca rry the pr inte r. Two pe ople s hou ld carry it. ❏ Foll ow a ll wa rning s an d instr uctio ns m arke d on th e pri nter.
20 Safety Instruc tions ❏ Do not us e print er in a damp envi ronment. ❏ Do no t leave jamm ed paper inside the pr inte r. Thi s can caus e the print er to ov erheat.
Safety In structions 21 Safety Information Power cord c Caution: Be sure the AC power cord meets the relevant local safety standards. Use only the power cord that com es w ith this product. Use of the another cord may result in fire or electric shock.
22 Safety Instruc tions This is a Class III b Laser Diode Assemb ly that has an invisible laser beam. The print er head unit i s NOT A SERVICE ITEM, therefore, t he printer head u nit should not be o pened under any circu mstanc es. An a dditi onal la ser w arning label is affixed t o the insi de of th e print er.
Safety In structions 23 ❏ Not b low n dire ctly i nto the u ser’ s face ❏ Vented dire ctly out of t he building whenev er possible Power On/Of f Cautions Do not turn off the p rinte r: ❏ After turni ng on the print er, wait until R eady appea rs on t he LCD panel .
24 Getting to Know Your Printer Chapter 1 Gett in g to Kno w You r Prin te r Where to Find Information Setup Guid e Prov ides you with infor ma tion on asse mb ling the p rinte r an d inst alling t he pri nter sof tware.
Getting to Know You r Printer 25 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Printer Parts Front view a. paper suppor t b. contr ol pan el c. MP tray ( Mult i-Purpo se tray) d.
26 Getting to Know Your Printer Rear view a. cove r B b. opti on cove rs c. duplex connecto r d. AC inlet e. USB interfa ce connector f. par allel inte rface conne ctor g.
Getting to Know You r Printer 27 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Inside the printer a. im agin g car tri dge b. fus er unit c. cover A b a c.
28 Getting to Know Your Printer Control panel a. LCD panel Displays pr inter st atus messa ges and control panel menu set tings. b. c. d. e. Back bu tton Up button Enter butt on Down butt on Use these buttons to ac cess the cont rol panel menus, wher e you can make pri nter setti ngs and c heck th e status of consumable p roducts.
Getting to Know You r Printer 29 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Options and Consumable Products Options You can add t o your print er’s capa bili ties by inst alli ng any of th e followi ng options. ❏ 550-Sheet Uni versal Pap er Cassette Unit (C12C80 2002) This unit h olds o ne pa per c assette.
30 Getting to Know Your Printer ❏ Duplex Unit (C12C813982) This u nit p rovide s for a utom atic print ing on both si des of the paper . ❏ Memory Mo dule This opt ion expands the prin ter’s mem ory by all owing you to print comp lex and graphics-i ntensive do cuments.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Opti ons 31 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Chapter 2 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Printer Features The printer comes with a full set of feat ures that contrib utes to ease of use and consistent , high-qual ity outp ut.
32 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Wide var iety of font s The pr inter come s with a select ion of 9 5 Laser- Jet-c ompat ible scalable fo nts, and 5 bitmap f onts in LJ 4 emulation mod e to provid e you with t he fonts you need to c reate professio nal-look ing documents.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Opti ons 33 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Double-sided printing "Duple x Unit" o n page 19 8 "Duple x print ing" o n page 65 Lets you p rin t on bo th si des o f the p aper.
34 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Fit to page printing "Resi zing pr intout s" on pa ge 68 Lets you auto ma tical ly e nlarg e or red uce t he size of yo ur document to fit the paper s ize yo u selected .
Printer Features and Various P rinting Opti ons 35 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Watermark printing "Using a water mark" o n page 73 Lets y ou print text or an image as a wa termark on yo ur pr intout . For example, yo u can put “Con fi denti al” on an import ant docume nt.
36 Printer Features and Various Printing Options Overlay printing "Using a n overlay" on pag e 76 Lets yo u prepa re stand ard for ms or templa te on your pri ntout that you ca n use as ove rlays when printing other document s. Note: The Ove rlay prin ting func tion is not available in the PostScript 3 mode.
Printer Features and Various P rinting Opti ons 37 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Accessing EPSON Web-To-Pag e Afte r you in stall EP SON We b-To -Pag e, the m enu bar is displa yed on the Mic rosoft Int ernet Ex plorer Too lbar. If it does not appear , select Toolba rs from the View menu of Int ernet Explorer, and then select EPSON Web-To-Page .
38 Paper Handling Chapter 3 Paper Handling Paper Sources This section describes the combinations of paper sources and paper ty pes th at you c an use. MP tray Paper Type Paper Size Capacity Pl ain pa .
Paper Handli ng 39 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Standard lower paper cassette 550-Sh eet Un iversa l Paper Cass ette Un it Selecting a paper source You c an specif y a pa per sour ce m anua lly , or se t the p rin ter to sel ect th e pa per sour ce au toma tic ally .
40 Paper Handling Manual se lection You c an use the p rin ter dri ver or th e pri nter ’s con trol pan el to select a paper source manually. To access the pr inter dri ver, see "Accessi ng the print er driv er" on page 58 . And to use the print er’s cont rol panel , see "Usi ng the Con trol Panel Me nus" on pa ge 149.
Paper Handli ng 41 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 The print er wi ll se arch for a pa per s ourc e co ntaini ng t he spe cifie d pape r size in the fo llo wing order .
42 Paper Handling For MP tray Note: When loading 432 mm or longer size paper into the MP tray, remove the MP tray cover and let the bottom ed ge of the paper stick out.
Paper Handli ng 43 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 MP tray and standard lower paper cassette The MP tray is the most fl exible paper source, accommodat ing various paper sizes and paper types.
44 Paper Handling 2. Remove t he MP tr ay cover . 3. A dju st the pa per ca ssett e siz e to acc ommo dat e the pa per yo u are loadi ng. When loadi ng A4 , Letter (LT), B5, or A 5 size p aper Slide t he side pap er gui de outwar d while p inching t he knob.
Paper Handli ng 45 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Unlock th e lock leve rs. Expand t he paper cass ette to accommodate the paper you ar e load ing , an d lo ck th e lo ck lev ers. Note: When loading A3 size paper, expand the paper cassette all the way out until the A3 arrow mark is alig ned opposite with the arrow mark below the lo ck leve r.
46 Paper Handling Slide t he side pap er gui de outwar d while p inching t he knob. Then, slide the end paper guide whi le pinching the knob, t o accommodat e the pap er you a re loadi ng. 4. Load a sta ck of the d esired paper o n the cente r of the p aper cassette with the printa ble surface faci ng up.
Paper Handli ng 47 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 5. S et th e pap er c asse tte la bel into th e lab el h older on the fro nt of the pap er cas sette..
48 Paper Handling 6. Replace the MP tray cove r, making sure the f ront edge is f lush and as far forwar d as possib le. And reinsert the paper casset te in the pri nter. Note: ❏ When loadi ng paper that is 432 mm or longer, you do not h ave to reattach the MP tray cover.
Paper Handli ng 49 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 7. E xte nd th e pa per s up port to ac com mod ate the s ize o f t he paper load ed in the l ower paper cassette to prevent i t from slipping off the p rinte r.
50 Paper Handling Output tray The face- down tr ay is l ocated on the top of the pr inter . Your print outs will be st acke d fa cing do wn. You can use the face- down tray with the followi ng types of paper. When printing on B4 o r larger si ze paper, p ull out t he paper support t o prev ent your print outs from slip ping off the pr inter.
Paper Handli ng 51 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note: Since the qu ality of any particul ar brand or type o f media may b e changed by the manufacturer at any time, Epson cannot guarantee the quality of any type of medi a. Always test samp les of media stock before purchasing large quantities or printing large jobs.
52 Paper Handling ❏ When printed envelopes are wrinkled, open Cover B and push up the form feed pressure change lev ers at both sides of the fuser unit until they are in the vertical posi ti on. It may reduce the wri nkles in the envelopes. When using paper ot her than envelopes, be sure to push the levers back down.
Paper Handli ng 53 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note: When printin g on envelopes, set the envelope size on the MP Tray Size setting in the Tray Menu on the control panel. Please note the followi ng tips for ha ndling thi s media. ❏ Load envelopes wit h the flap closed and facing forward as shown below.
54 Paper Handling c Caution: Make sure t hat the min imum size of en velopes meets the following size requirements: 1. Min. 76.20 mm 2. Min. 98.40 mm Labels Y o u c a n l o a d u p t o 1 7 . 5 m m t h i c k s t a c k o f l a b e l s i n t o t h e M P t r a y at a time.
Paper Handli ng 55 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Note: ❏ You should only use labels designed for laser printers or plain-paper copiers. ❏ To prevent the label adhesive from coming into contact with printer parts, always use labels that comp letely cover the backing sheet, with no gaps between the individua l labels.
56 Paper Handling Transpare ncies When loading t ransparencies, y ou should make pap er settings as shown below: Loading a custom paper size You ca n load non -sta nda rd si ze pap er int o the MP tra y as lo ng as it meets the fol lowing siz e requir ements: 76.
Paper Handli ng 57 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 When loading 43 2 mm or long er size p aper into the MP tr ay, remove th e MP tray cov er and let the bottom e dge of th e paper stick out a s shown b elow. Note: ❏ Access the printer driver, then select User-Defined Size from t he Paper Size lis t on the Basic Settings tab.
58 Using the Printer Software with W indows Chapter 4 Using the Printer So ftware with Windows About the Printer Software The prin ter dr iver let s you cho ose from a wi de va riety of settin gs to get the best result s from yo ur pri nter. E PSON Stat us Monit or lets yo u check the stat us of your print er.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 59 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Windows XP or Server 2003 users To access the prin ter driver , click Start , cli ck Prin ters and F axes , then click Printe rs . Right-click your prin ter’s icon, then c lick Printing Pr eferenc es .
60 Using the Printer Software with W indows Whe n Automatic is s elected on the Ba si c S ett in gs tab, the print er driver takes car e of all detai led sett ings acco rding to the set ting you se lect . Prin t qual ity i s the on ly sett ing yo u have to mak e.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 61 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Draft, Text&Imag e, Photo Note: If printing is u nsuccessful or a memory-related error message appears, selecting a different print quality may allow printing to proceed.
62 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: This screen may vary depending on your operating system versi on. 3. Select the most appropri ate setting from the li st accor ding to the type of documen t or image yo u want to print. When you choo se a predefined setting, other se ttings such as Resoluti on and Graphi cs are set aut omatically .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 63 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 3. Choose the des ired pri nting re solution wi th the Resolution slider bar, t hen select the G raphics sett ings. Note: ❏ This screen may vary depending on your operating system version.
64 Using the Printer Software with W indows Saving your settings To save your custom settings , click Advanced , then click Save Setti ngs on t he Basic Setti ngs tab. T he Cus tom Sett ings dialog box appears. T y p e a n a m e f o r y o u r c u s t o m s e t t i n g s i n t h e N a m e b o x , t h e n c l i c k Save .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 65 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Duplex printing Duplex prin ting print s on both sides of the paper. When pri nting for binding, t he bindin g edge can be specified as r equired to produc e the desi red pa ge orde r.
66 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. Specify t he Bindi ng Margi n for th e front a nd back side s of the paper, then select whether t he front or back si de of the pape r is to be p rinted as the Start Page. 5. When print ing for binding a s a book let, sel ect the Binding Method check box and m ake a ppro pri ate sett ings .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 67 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Displaying information about consumables with the printer driver The amount o f toner remai ning is displa yed on th e Basic S ettings tab when EP SON Stat us Mo nitor is insta lled. The Order Online button is also availab le.
68 Using the Printer Software with W indows Ordering Consumables To order consumables on line, cli ck the Order On line button on the Basic Settings tab. See "Order Online" on page 100 for detail s. Resizing printouts You can have yo ur document enl arged or r educed durin g printin g.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 69 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Select the Zoom Options check box, then select th e desired paper size f rom the Output Pap er drop -down lis t. The page will be prin ted t o fit on the p aper y ou ha ve sel ecte d.
70 Using the Printer Software with W indows 3. Select the Zoom To check box, then specif y the magnificat ion perc enta ge in the bo x. Note: The percentage can be set between 50% and 200% in 1% increments. 4. Click OK t o appl y the sett ings . If neces sary, sel ect the p aper siz e to be print ed from the O utput Pape r dr op-d own li st .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 71 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Modifying the print layout Your prin ter c an p rin t eith er two o r fou r pag es o nto a sing le p age and spec ifies the pri ntin g or der, auto mati cally re sizin g ea ch p age to fit t he specifi ed pap er size.
72 Using the Printer Software with W indows 3. Select the Page Ord er in which the pag es are pr inted on ea ch sheet. 4. Select the Print t he F ram e check box when you want to print the pages surr ounded by a frame.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 73 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Using a watermark Follow the steps belo w to use a watermark on your document. On the Advance d L ayou t ta b or W aterm ark dial og box , you can select from a li st of pr edefined watermark s, or you can make an original watermark wi th text or a b itmap.
74 Using the Printer Software with W indows 3. Adjust the i mage int ensity o f the wa termark with the Intensity slider bar. 4. Select Front (to print the water mark in the f oregro und of the docum ent ) or Back (to print the watermark in the backgrou nd of the d ocument) for the Pos ition se tting.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 75 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Click New/Delete . The User Define d Watermarks dial og box appears. Note: The User Defined Watermarks dialog box also appears by clicking New/Delete i n the Watermark dialog box . 3.
76 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: You can register up to 10 watermarks. Using an overl ay The Overla y Settin gs dialog b ox allows you to prepar e standard forms, or templates, t hat you can use as overlay s when prin ting other doc uments.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 77 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Select the Form Ove rlay check box, then click Overlay Settings . T he Overl ay Setting s dial og box appe ars.
78 Using the Printer Software with W indows 5. Select Cr eate Overla y Data , then click Settin gs . The Form Settings d ialog bo x appears..
Using the Printer Software with Windows 79 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 6. Select the Use Form Name check box, then click Add Fo rm Name . The Add F orm dialog bo x appear s. Note: If the Assign to Paper Source check box is selected, the form name is displa yed in t he Pap er Sourc e drop-down list on the Bas ic Settings tab.
80 Using the Printer Software with W indows 7. Type th e form name in the F orm Name b ox and its des crip tion in the D escript ion bo x. 8. Select To Front or To Back to specif y whether th e overl ay will be print ed as ba ckgroun d or fore ground of the doc ument.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 81 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. From the ap plicat ion, access t he printer driver. O pen the File men u, cho os e Pr int or Print S etup , then click Prin ter , Setup , Options , Properti es , or a combin ation of these bu ttons, depe nd ing on your app licat ion .
82 Using the Printer Software with W indows Different printer settings overlay data The ove rlay dat a is made wi th the cu rrent pri nter se ttings (such as Orientat ion: Por trait). I f you want to make th e same overlay with diffe rent pri nter sett ings ( such as Lan dscape), f ollow the inst ructi ons belo w.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 83 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Prin ting mode : High Qua lity (PC): Select th is mode if you use a comput er with h igher spec s to reduce th e printe r load. In this m ode , func tion s such as “Form Over lay, ” and “P rint tr ue ty pe w ith fonts with subs titu tion ” can not be used.
84 Using the Printer Software with W indows *1 When E xtended P rintabl e Area check box is selecte d, there is 4-mm minimu m margin on all sides . *2 Extend P rintabl e Area cannot be sel ected if you pr int on Wide A4 size paper.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 85 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Making Optional Settings You can update the inst alled opt ion informat ion manually i f you have instal led opti ons to your p rinter. For Windo ws XP/200 0: 1. Open the printer’s Propert ies dialog box.
86 Using the Printer Software with W indows Monitoring Your Printer Using EPSON Status Monitor Installing EPSON Status Monitor Follow the ste ps belo w to inst all E PSON S tatus M onito r. 1. Make sure that the printer is off and tha t Windows is r unning on your compu ter.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 87 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4. Click Custom Install . Note: See the Network Guide f or information on ins talling EPSON St atus Moni tor on a ne tw ork.
88 Using the Printer Software with W indows 6. In the dialog box that a ppears, make sure t hat yo ur pri nter’ s icon is select ed, and click OK . 7.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 89 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 8. In the dia log box tha t appears, select yo ur count ry or reg ion, and the URL for EPSO N’s Web site i n that country or region appears. Then click OK . Note: ❏ In the dialog box, you can set the URL for the site where you can order consumables online.
90 Using the Printer Software with W indows 1. Right-cl ick the t ray icon o n the tas kbar. 2. Select your pr inter name and then Simpl e Status . The Simple Status window appears. Note: You can also access EPSON Stat us Monitor by clicking the Simpl e Status button on the Optional Sett ings tab.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 91 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ For Windows XP or 200 0: Novell Client 4.91 SP1 f or Windows 200 0/XP ❏ To monitor a NetWare pr inter, connect only one print server to each queue. For directions, see the Network Guide for the printer.
92 Using the Printer Software with W indows Simple Status The Simple St atus window indicat es printer status, er rors, and warnings . This window appears b y right -clicki ng the tr ay icon on t he taskbar, then select ing your p rinter name , then click ing Simpl e Status .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 93 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Detailed Status You can moni tor de tailed p rinter status by right -clicki ng the t ray icon on the ta skbar, then selecting your p rinter name, t hen clicking De ta il ed St atu s . Note: You can see information about jobs or consumables by clicking on the respective tab.
94 Using the Printer Software with W indows Consumables Information You can obtai n informat ion on paper sources and co nsumable products b y right -clicki ng the tr ay icon on the tas kbar, then selecti ng your printe r name, then clicki ng Co ns um abl e s Information .
Using the Printer Software with Windows 95 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 * T he icon flashes only for th e optional 550-Sheet Universal Paper Cassette Unit. Note: You can see the status of the printer or information about jobs by clicking on the respective tab.
96 Using the Printer Software with W indows Job Information You can check jo b informatio n by right -click ing the tra y icon on the task bar, t hen selecti ng your printer name, th en click ing Job Information . a. Job Name: Displ ays th e user’s print j ob na mes.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 97 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: You can see the status of the printer or information abou t consumables by clicking on the respective tab.
98 Using the Printer Software with W indows Client on ly Environme nts: ❏ When using the LP R connection (in Windows XP, 2000, o r Server 2003) . ❏ When using the Sta ndard TCP/I P connection (i n Windows XP, 2000, o r Server 2003). ❏ When using the EpsonNet Print TCP/IP connecti on (in Windows XP, Me, 98, 2 000, or Se rver 2 003).
Using the Printer Software with Windows 99 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Notice Settings You can make spe cific moni toring sett ings by ri ght-cli cking the tray icon o n the tas kba r, then sel ecting y our print er nam e, then clicking Notice Sett ings .
100 Using the Printer Software with W indows Order Online You can orde r consumables o nline b y clicki ng the Order Onli ne button on the EPSON Sta tus Monitor dialog b ox.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 101 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note The Order Online dial og box al so a ppears by clicking the Order On line button on the Basi c Settings tab in the printer driver. a. Text b ox: D isplay s th e con sumab les and c ode s.
102 Using the Printer Software with W indows Tray Icon Settings You can access EPSON Status Monitor b y double-clicki ng the tray icon on the taskbar . The menu t hat ap pears by d ouble-cl icking t he tray icon when no pr intin g job is be ing pr oces sed d epends on t he settings you select.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 103 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Note: You can also access EPSON Statu s Monitor by ri ght-clicking the tray icon and selecting your printer’s name. Setting Up the USB Connection The USB in terfa ce th at co mes w ith y our print er com plie s wi th Microsoft Plug and Pl ay (PnP) USB specifica tions.
104 Using the Printer Software with W indows 3. For Windows Me or 98, sel ect the EPUSB X:(your pri nter name) USB por t from the Print to the fol lowing port drop-down l ist. For Windows XP, 20 00, or Ser ver 2003, sele ct the USBX XX USB port in th e lis t on the Ports tab.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 105 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Dou ble-cl ick your p rin ter’s icon on th e task bar. S elec t the job in the list, then clic k Cancel from the Document menu. After the l ast page is output, the Ready (green) l ight on the pri nter turns on.
106 Using the Printer Software with W indows 2. Click Sta rt , po int to Settings , t hen click C ont rol P anel . For Windows X P or Server 2003, click Start , cl ick Control Panel , the n click Add or Remove P rograms . 3. D oub le-cli ck th e Add/Remove Programs icon.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 107 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5. Click the Pr inte r Model tab, sel ect your prin ter ’s ic on. 6. Click the Utility tab, and c onfir m that the c heck bo x for t he printer s oftware you want to uninst all i s sele cted.
108 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: You can uninstall only the Mon itored Printers utility of EPSON Status Moni tor. W hen the utility is uninst alled , you c annot change the settings of Monitored Prin ters from EPSON Status Monitor of other printers.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 109 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 2. Select EPSON USB Printer Devices , then click Add/Remove . Note: ❏ EPSON USB Pri nter Devices appears only when the printer is connected to Windows Me or 98 with a USB interface cable.
110 Using the Printer Software with W indows Sharing the Printer on a Network Sharing the printer This section describes how to share the prin ter on a standard Windows network. The computers o n a networ k can share a prin ter that i s direct ly connected to on e of them.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 111 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ When you are using shared printer in a Wind ows Me or 98 environment, on the server, double-click the Network ico n in Control p.
112 Using the Printer Software with W indows 7. R igh t-clic k yo ur prin ter’ s ico n, th en cl ick Sharing in the m enu that a ppears. 8. Select Shared As , t ype the name i n the Shar e Name bo x, then click OK . T ype a Comment and Password i f needed.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 113 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Follow the steps below to set a Windows XP, 2000, or Server 2003 as a print serve r, then instal l the a dditional d rivers. Note: You must access Windows XP, 2000 , or Server 2003 as the Administrators of the local machine.
114 Using the Printer Software with W indows 3. For a Wi ndows 2000 print server, sele ct Shar ed as , then type the name i n the Share Name box. For a Windows X P or Server 2003 pri nt server, select Share this print er , then typ e the name in th e Share name box.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 115 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Click A dditional Driv ers . Select Windows being us ed for clients, then cli ck OK .
116 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: ❏ You do not have to install the additional drivers noted below, because these drivers are preinstalled.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 117 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ Do not select additional drivers o t her than the driv ers listed in the above table.
118 Using the Printer Software with W indows ❏ Be sure to set EPSON Statu s Monitor so that the shared printer can be monitored on the print server. See " Notice Settings" on page 99. ❏ Set the security for the shared pr inter (access right f or clients).
Using the Printer Software with Windows 119 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ❏ When you wan t to us e EPSON Status Monit or at clie nts, you have to install both of the printer driver and E PSON Status Monitor in each client from the CD-ROM. Wit h Wi nd ows Me or 98 Follow the steps below to set Windows Me or 98 clients.
120 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: The name of the shared printer ma y be changed by the computer or server that is connected to the sha red printer. To make sure of the name of the shared printer, ask the ad ministrator of the network.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 121 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 1. For Windows 200 0 clients, cl ick St art , poin t to Settings , and click Printer s . For Windows XP clie nts, click Start , po int to Pr inters an d Faxes . 2. For Window 200 0, doub le-cli ck the Add Pri nter icon , th en click Next .
122 Using the Printer Software with W indows 4. For Windows 2 000, ty pe the name of the sha red prin ter, th en click Next . Note: ❏ You can al so type “ (the name of the computer that is lo call y co nne cted to t he sha red pr inter) (th e shared printer’s name) ” in network path or queu e name.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 123 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 For Windows XP, select Browse for a prin ter . 5. Click the i con of the comput er or server that is connect ed to the shared pr inter, and the n ame of the s hared pri nter, th en click Next .
124 Using the Printer Software with W indows Note: ❏ The name of the shared printer may be changed by the computer or server that is co nnected to the sh ared printer. To ma ke sure of the name of the shared printer, ask the a dministrator of the network.
Using the Printer Software with Windows 125 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 Installing the printer driver from the CD-ROM This section describes how to install the print er driver in the clients when setting the network system as follows: ❏ The addition al driv ers are not i nstalled i n the Windo ws XP, 2000, or Serv er 2003 print serv er.
126 Using the Printer Software with W indows When installi ng drivers in W indows XP, 2000, o r Server 2003, “Dig ital Sig nat ure is no t fou nd .” ma y ap pear . Cl ick Yes (fo r Windows 2000) or Continue Anyway (for Window s XP or Server 200 3) and continu e instal ling.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 127 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Chapter 5 Using the PostScript Printer D river About the PostScript 3 Mode System r equirements Your comput er must meet the followi ng system r equirements to be able to us e the Ado be P ost Scr ipt 3 pri nte r dri ver .
128 Using the PostScript Printer Driver For Macintosh Any Macintosh comput er to which the printer is connected must be running Mac OS 9 ver. 9.1 o r later, or Ma c OS X ver. 10.2.x or later. See t he following table for details. Mac OS X There are no restricti ons for this system.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 129 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note: For best results, you should connect the printer directly to the computer’s USB port. If multiple USB hubs must be used, we recommend that you connect th e printer to the first-tier hu b.
130 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 2. For Windows 20 00, Me, or 98, click Start , point to Settings , and click Printers . Then double-click t he Add Printe r icon . For Windows XP, clic k Star t , poi nt to Prin ter a nd Faxes , and click Add a pr inter in the Pri nter Task s men u.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 131 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 9. Follow the on-screen instruct ions for the r est of the installat ion. 10. When installation is done, click Finish . Installing the PostScript printer driver for the USB interface Follow the steps below t o install the PostScript printer driver for the USB interf ace.
132 Using the PostScript Printer Driver For Windows Me, select Aut oma tic s ear ch fo r a b ette r driver ( Recommended) , cl ick Next , the n go to step 6 . For Windows 98 , click Next in the A dd Ne w H ard ware Wiza rd. Sele ct Search f or be st dri ver for yo ur de vice (Recommended) , then clic k Ne xt .
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 133 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Installing the PostScript printer driver for the network interface See the appro priate sect ions below ac cordin g to you r operati ng system, and follow the instructions to install the PostScript printer dri ver for the n etwo rk i nter face .
134 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 8. Click Fi ni sh . 9. Click Hav e Disk in th e Add Pr inter Wiz ard and spec ify the following path for the CD -ROM. If your CD- ROM drive i s D:, the pat h will be D:ADOBEPSENGLISHWIN 2K_XPPS_ SETUP . Then click OK .
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 135 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 The printer settings made from many Wi ndows appli cations overrid e the se tting ma de when the print er driver is access ed from the operating system, so you should access the printer driver from your a pplicat ion to mak e sure tha t you g et the re sult you want.
136 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Using online h elp If you wa nt help on a p articul ar ite m, click t he “?” ic on on the top-ri ght corn er of the dialo g box’s title ba r, then cl ick t he name of the set ting that you wan t more inf ormation on.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 137 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Using the PostScript Printer Driver with Macintosh Installing the PostScript printer driver Foll ow t he ste ps be low to ins tall the P ostSc ript print er d rive r. Note: Make sure that no appli cations are running on your Macint osh before installing the printer driver.
138 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Note: For Mac OS X 10.3, if the Au thenticate window appears, enter the user name and password for an administrator. 7. When installat ion is done, click Cl o se . For M ac OS 9 u ser s 1. Insert the printer softw are CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive .
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 139 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Selecting the prin ter when it is connected v ia a USB connection for Mac OS 9 users If the printer is connecte d to your c omputer via a USB po rt, you will not b e able to select t he print er from the Chooser .
140 Using the PostScript Printer Driver 6. After the USB printer and PPD fil e have been se lected, cl ick Create . A warning message suggesting to save changes to deskto p pri nter app ears. Select Save . 7. Select Sav e to cont inue. The USB printer i con will be displ ay ed on the de skt op.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 141 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 Note for Ap pletalk users: Make sure to select AppleTalk . Do not select EPSON Ap pleTa lk , because it cannot be used with the PostScript 3 printer driver. Note for IP Printing users: ❏ Make sure to select IP Printing .
142 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Rendezvou s Select your print er, the p rinte r name is f ollowed by (PostS crip t) , from the Name List. Your printer model is auto mati cally select ed in the P rint er Mod el List . Note for USB (for Mac OS X 10.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 143 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 4. Click your print er. The Create butt on appears. Note: If your computer is connected to more than one AppleTalk zone, click the AppleTal k zone your pr inter is connected to in the AppleTal k Zones list.
144 Using the PostScript Printer Driver Using Balloon Help Follow th e steps below t o use Balloon Hel p. 1. Click the Help menu, then select Show Balloons . 2. Place your cur sor over the i tem that you need hel p with. Informat ion on th at ite m is display ed insid e a float ing balloon.
Using the PostScript Printer Driver 145 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3. Change the set tings u sing the p op-up menus..
146 Using the PCL6 Printer Dri ver Chapter 6 Using the PCL6 Printer Driver About the PCL6 Mode Hardwar e requireme nts Your pr inter must meet the foll owing ha rdware require ments to be able t o use the P CL6 printe r dri ver. Memory requirements fo r using t he PCL6 printer driver are shown be low.
Using the PCL6 Printer Driver 147 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 For Windows XP or 2000 For Windows Me, 98, or 95 For Windows N T 4.0 Using the PCL6 Printer Driver To pr int in the P CL6 mo de, y ou wi ll have to in stall th e pri nter driver. Consult t he customer s upport in your region regarding how to ge t the p rinte r drive r.
148 Using the PCL6 Printer Dri ver Note: The PCL6 printer driver and EPSON Status Monitor cannot be used at the same time..
Using the Control Panel 149 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Chapter 7 Using the Control Panel Using the Control Panel Menus You can us e the pr inter’ s contro l panel to access a variet y of menus that al low y ou to check the status o f consumabl e pro ducts, print status sheets, and make printer settings.
150 Using the Control Panel 1. When the pri nter’s Rea dy light is o n, press th e En ter button to accesses the control panel menus. 2. Use the u Up and d Down buttons to scroll through the menus. 3. Press the Enter button to vi ew the it ems in a menu.
Using the Control Panel 151 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Control Panel Menus Press the u Up an d d Down bu tto ns to scrol l th rough the men us. The menus and menu items appear in the o rder shown below. Note: Some menus and items appear only when a correspon ding optional device is installed or an appr opria te setting has been done.
152 Using the Control Panel *1 Avail abl e on ly w hen an opti onal int er face car d is inst alle d. *2 Avail abl e onl y wh en a USB e xter nal device wit h D4 s uppor t i s con necte d and the USB I/F is set to On in t he US B menu .
Using the Control Panel 153 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Prin ts a sam ple o f the fo nts av ailabl e for y our se lected prin ter emulation. Toner Displays th e amount of t oner lef t in the i maging ca rtridge s as shown below: Total Page s Dis plays the t otal n umbe r o f pages prin ted by the print er.
154 Using the Control Panel *1 Displa yed o nly when the op tion al 55 0-She et Un iver sal Pap er Ca ssett e Un it is insta lled . *2 These siz es cannot be detecte d automati cally . Set the si ze accor ding to the paper size you want to us e. MP Tray Size Select your paper size from th is menu.
Using the Control Panel 155 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Emulation Menu Use t his me nu to selec t the print er emu lat ion mo de. Yo u can specify di fferent emul ations for e ach int erface; i n other words, for each computer y ou connect the p rinte r to.
156 Using the Control Panel *1 Depen ds on fac tory se tting . *2 Availa ble onl y when option al Dupl ex Unit is in stalle d. Page Si ze Specifi es the paper si ze. Wid e A4 Selec ting On decreases the left and right margins from 4 mm to 3.4 mm. Orientatio n Specifi es wheth er the pa ge is pr inted in port rait or lands cape orientat ion.
Using the Control Panel 157 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Spec ifies th e print ing re solut ion. RIT ec h Turning RITech on pro duces smoot her and crisper li nes, text , and graphics. Toner Sav e When this setting is sele cted, the p rinter saves ton er by substitut ing a gray shade fo r the blac k inside of charac ters.
158 Using the Control Panel c Caution: Make sure that the printed image does not extend beyond the edge of the paper. Otherwise, you may dama ge the printer. T Offset B Adjusts the v ertical print ing positi on on the bac k of the pa per when printing on both si des.
Using the Control Panel 159 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Availa ble o nly whe n op tion al Dup lex Unit i s in stall ed. *2 Available only when in ESCP2 or I239X mode. Lang Spec ifies th e lan guag e displa yed o n the LCD p anel an d tha t printed on the status sheet .
160 Using the Control Panel Specifi es the length of time unti l the pri nter enter s the sleep mo de if there ar e no printi ng or con trol panel operat ions. Time O ut Specifi es the leng th of the time the pri nter wa its when i t is r eady to print and no ne w data is rec eived.
Using the Control Panel 161 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Allows you to select the manua l feed mode for the MP tray. If you selec t Off , the manua l fee d mode is dis able d and th e prin ter starts prin ting immedi ately wh en a job is re ceived.
162 Using the Control Panel Auto Ejec t Pag e Specifies wheth er or not to ejec t paper when t he limit spec ified i n the Tim e Out setting is r eached. T he def ault is Off , whic h me ans paper is not eject ed when the time-ou t limi t is rea ched.
Using the Control Panel 163 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Toner Out If this i tem is se t to Stop , the printer display s an error message, Replace Toner , t o let y ou know whe n the tone r is out . See "St atus and Error Messages" on page 181 . To disabl e this func tion, set this item to C ontinue .
164 Using the Control Panel Reset Stops pri nting and clear s the current job received fr om the active interfa ce. You may want to reset the pr inter whe n there i s a problem wi th the p rint j ob itse lf and t he pri nter canno t print successfully.
Using the Control Panel 165 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 * After this item is c hanged, the sett ing v alue takes effe ct after a warm boot or after t he pow er is turned on a gain. W hile it i s reflected in th e Status Sheet and EJL read-bac k, the ac tual ch ange takes effe ct after a warm boo t or after the power is turned on a gain.
166 Using the Control Panel ❏ Resetting the printer erases all print jobs. Make sure the Ready light is not flashing when you reset the printer. USB Menu These settings control communication between the printer and the computer when using the USB interfac e.
Using the Control Panel 167 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 After t his it em is c hang ed, the se ttin g val ue takes eff ect aft er a wa rm bo ot or afte r the pow er is turne d on aga in. Wh ile it is re flected in the Stat us Sheet and EJL read-bac k, the ac tual ch ange takes effe ct after a warm boo t or after the power is turned on a gain.
168 Using the Control Panel Buffer Size Dete rmin es th e amo unt o f memo ry to be use d for rec eiv ing d ata and pri nting dat a. If Maxim um is selected, more memory is allocate d for rece iving da ta. If set to Mini mum is selecte d, more memory is all ocated for p rinti ng dat a.
Using the Control Panel 169 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Availa ble o nly w hen down load ed fo nts ex ist. *2 Availa ble on ly whe n the op tional font RO M modu le is in stalled . *3 Depending on whether Letter (60) or A4 (64) paper has been selected.
170 Using the Control Panel Sets the def ault fo nt number for the d efault font source. T he availabl e number depend s on the setti ngs you made. Pitch Specifies the default font p itch if the font is scal able and of fixed-pitch. You can sel ect from 0.
Using the Control Panel 171 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Changes the a ssignment f or the pape r source s elect com mand. When 4 is select ed, t he c omma nds ar e set as co mpat ible with the HP LaserJet 4. When 4K is selected, the commands are set as compatibl e with the HP LaserJet 4000 , 5000, and 8000.
172 Using the Control Panel Note: ❏ Binar y can on ly be u sed with networ k connec tion. ❏ You do not have to select On when using AppleTalk. To use the Binar y data, make sure your app licatio n supports Binar y data and tha t SEND C TRL- D Befo re Ea ch Jo b and SEND CTRL-D After Each Job are s et to No .
Using the Control Panel 173 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 * Depen ding on wheth er Letter (62) or A4 (66) paper h as been selected . Font Selects the font. Pitch Item Settings (default in bold) Font Courier , Prestige, Roma n, Sans Serif, Rom an T, Orator S, Sans H, Script , OCR A, OCR B Pitch 10 , 12, 15 cpi, Prop.
174 Using the Control Panel Selects the p itch (the hori zontal spac ing) of the font in fixed p itch, measured in cp i (charac ters per inc h). You can also choose proport ional spaci ng. Condensed Turns condensed printing on or off. T. Margin Sets the di sta nce from t he top of th e p age to the ba sel ine o f the first printa ble line.
Using the Control Panel 175 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Specifies wh ether the print er perfor ms a carriage-re turn/line-feed (CR-LF) operat ion whenever t he pri ntin g po sitio n goe s bey on d the r igh t mar gin.
176 Using the Control Panel * Dependin g on whether L etter (62 ) or A 4 (66) pap er has be en select ed. Font Selects the font. Pitch Selects the p itch (the hori zontal spac ing) of the font in fixed p itch, measured in cp i (charac ters per inc h).
Using the Control Panel 177 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 T. Marg i n Sets the dist ance from the top of th e page to the ba seline of the first print able li ne. The dista nce is measured in inches. The smaller the v alue, the cl oser the pri ntable li ne is to the top.
178 Using the Control Panel If you se lect Off , the printer does not send an automatic line-feed (LF) command with ea ch carria ge-return (CR ). If On is s elec ted , a line-feed command is sent wi th each carri age-return. Sel ect On if your text li nes ov erla p.
Using the Control Panel 179 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 *1 Depending on whether Letter (63) or A4 (67) paper has been selected. *2 Dependi ng on whether Le tter (1) or A 4 (2) paper has bee n selected. Font Selects the font. Pitch Selects the pi tch (the ho rizontal spacing) o f the font in fixed pitch, measured in cpi (characters per i nch).
180 Using the Control Panel T. Margin Sets the di sta nce from t he top of th e p age to the ba sel ine o f the first printa ble line. T he distance is measur ed in inches. T he smaller the v alue, the cl oser the prin table line i s to the top. Text Sets the pag e length in lin es.
Using the Control Panel 181 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 If you sele ct BarCo de , the printer converts bit images to b ar codes by automatical ly filling in any vert ical gaps bet ween dots. This produces unb roken vert ical line s that can be read by a bar cod e reader.
182 Using the Control Panel The printe r is c an celin g the cu rren t pri nt job. This mess ag e appears when t he + Cancel Job button has been pressed and released wi thin 2 seco nds. Can’t Prin t The pr int d ata is d eleted bec ause it is inc orrect .
Using the Control Panel 183 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 The paper si ze setti ng is dif ferent from t he size of paper lo aded in the printer. Check to see if the corre ct size of paper is loaded in the specified paper source . To cl ea r thi s err or, s elec t Clear Warning from the c ontro l pa nel’s Reset Menu.
184 Using the Control Panel The Duplex Uni t’s cover is open. Duplex Mem Overflow There is not enough memory for dup lex printing. T he print er prints onl y on the front and ejects the pa per. To clear t his erro r, follo w th e in stru ctio ns b elow.
Using the Control Panel 185 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Turn the Image Optimum settin g off on the cont rol pane l’s Pr intin g Men u if you do n ot wa nt th e prin ter to au toma tical ly lo wer t he prin t qua lity to con tinu e pr intin g.
186 Using the Control Panel If you do no t want to pr int t his job in manual mode, press the + Cancel Job button. Mem Overflow The print er has insuffi cient memory to execute the current task . Press the N Start/Sto p button o n the cont rol pa nel to r esume printin g.
Using the Control Panel 187 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Offline The printer is not r eady to p rint. Pr ess the N Start/S top butto n. Paper Jam XXX The locati on where the pap er jam occ urred is d isplayed at xxx . xxx indicat es th e loc ati on of the e rro r.
188 Using the Control Panel The paper l oaded in the specifie d paper so urce ( XXXXX ) does not match the requir ed paper s ize ( Y YYY ). Replace the loa ded paper with the c orr ect siz e pa per a nd p ress t he N Start/S top button to resume pri nting.
Using the Control Panel 189 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Ins tall a new i ma ging c art ridge . See "Ima gin g Ca rtri dge" on page 213 for instructions. This erro r is n ot d ispla yed whe n the Tone r Ou t set ting is set to Continue in the cont rol pa nel s ettin g.
190 Using the Control Panel A control ler error or a prin t engine er ror ha s been dete cted. Turn off the printe r. Wait at least 5 s econds and then turn it ba ck on .
Using the Control Panel 191 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 The printer is warm ing up . Worn Fu ser This m essag e ind icates t hat the fuse r unit is near t he end of its service lif e. Printin g after thi s message appears is not guara nteed. Turn th e pri nter off, then reins tall the unit a fte r it h as co oled off (40 minutes).
192 Using the Control Panel Printing a Status Sheet To confir m the curr ent statu s of the p rinter, and that t he options are instal led correc tly, pri nt a stat us sheet using t he print er’s control p anel. Follow the steps below to print a status sheet.
Using the Control Panel 193 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 Canceling Printing You can cancel printing from your compute r by u sing the pri nter drive r. To cancel a p rint job before it i s sent from your c omputer, see "Canceling P rinti ng" on page 1 04.
194 Installing Options Chapter 8 Installing Options 550-Sheet Universal Paper Cassette Unit Note: You ca n instal l up to t wo unit s. For detai ls abou t the pap er typ es and sizes that y ou can use wit h the optio nal pape r cassette uni t, see "5 50-Sheet Univer sal Paper Cassette Unit" on p age 39.
Installing Options 195 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 w Warni ng: If you lift the printer incorrectly, you could dr op it and cause inju ry. Installing the 550-Sheet Univ ersal Paper Cassette Unit Follow these steps t o insta ll the opt ional 550-Sheet Universal Paper Cassette Uni t.
196 Installing Options 2. Place the prin ter onto the 55 0-Sheet Universal Paper Cassette Unit. Align each of the pri nter’s corners with thos e of the unit, then lo wer the prin ter unti l it rests se curely on t he unit.
Installing Options 197 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3. Pull out the M P tray and lower pa per cass ette fr om the prin ter, and then pul l ou t the op tiona l lo wer paper ca ssett e fr om th e unit . Th en, s ecu re th e pr inter to t he u nit with the four fitt ings that are pr ovided.
198 Installing Options 5. Reconnect th e interf ace cable and powe r cord, then turn th e printe r on. 6. To confir m that the opt ion is inst alled corr ectly, p rint a Status Sheet.
Installing Options 199 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1. T urn th e pri nter off and unp lug the po we r cord an d inte rfac e cable. c Caution: Make sure to unplug the power cord from the printer to prevent getting an electrical shock. 2. Pinch th e three hooks on th e upper op tion cover to remov e it from Cover B.
200 Installing Options 3. Install t he Dupl ex Unit as shown below. Make sure that the unit hooks o nto the p rinter’s tabs and the dup lex connect or goes into the slot . 4. Secure the uni t with the two scr ews provid ed. 5. Reconnect th e interf ace cable and powe r cord, then turn th e printe r on.
Installing Options 201 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 See "Printi ng with the D uplex Unit" on page 65 for informati on about duplex printi ng. Removing the Duplex Uni t Follow these steps t o remove the o ptional D uplex Unit. 1. T urn th e pri nter off and unp lug the po we r cord an d inte rfac e cable.
202 Installing Options 4. Attach the up per opti on cover and lower op tion co ver. 5. Reconnect th e interf ace cable and powe r cord, then turn th e printe r on. Memory Module By installi ng a Dua l In-line Memor y Module (DIMM ), you can increa se print er memory up to 320 MB ( printer standar d 64 MB plus opti onal 64, 128 , 256 MB ).
Installing Options 203 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 1. T urn th e pri nter off and unp lug the po we r cord an d inte rfac e cable. 2. Remove th e cover o n the pri nter’ s right side by removin g the scr ew on the back of th e prin ter a nd sl idin g th e cov er back war d.
204 Installing Options 3. Loosen t he two screws using a screwdr iver. Then ho ld the tab on the top of the shield cov er and r emo ve the cover . 4. Identify the RAM slot.
Installing Options 205 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 5. I nse rt th e me mor y mo dule int o slo t un til the c lip l ock onto the me mory modu le. M ake su re t hat th e left slot (whi te) ha s a module at al l ti mes. c Caution: ❏ Do not force the memory module into the slot.
206 Installing Options 6. R eat tach the sh iel d cove r with tw o scr ews as sho wn be low. 7. R eat tac h the righ t sid e co ver to t he pri nte r as show n bel ow. Then, tight en the screw on the back o f the printer . w War ning : Tighten the screw firmly to prevent the printer’s right side cover from the falling off when moving the printer.
Installing Options 207 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8. Reconnect the int erface cab le and power cor d and turn the print er on. 9. To confir m that the opti on is insta lled c orrectl y, print a status sheet. See "P rinting a Status Shee t" on page 245.
208 Installing Options Interface Card Your prin ter c ome s wi th a T ype B int erfac e sl ot. V ari ous opti onal inte rfac e ca rds are av aila ble to ex pand you r pri nter ’s int erfa ce options. Installing an interface c ard Follow th ese steps to install an optiona l interf ace card.
Installing Options 209 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 2. Remove th e screws and the Type B inte rface c ard slot co ver as shown below. w Warni ng: Removing screws and covers that are n ot described in the following instructions wi ll expose high voltage areas.
210 Installing Options 3. Slide and pu sh the int erface card into the slot firmly, t hen fasten the screw as shown belo w. 4. Reconnect th e interf ace cab le and powe r cord and turn the printe r on. 5. To confir m that the opt ion is instal led correct ly, pr int a status sheet.
Installing Options 211 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Removing an interface c ard c Caution: Before you remove an interface card, be sure to discharge any static electricity by touching a grounded piece of metal. Otherwise, you may damage static-sensitive components.
212 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts Chapter 9 Replac ing Con sumable Produc ts Replacement Messages When you see th e following messag es on the LCD pa nel or the window of EPSON St atus Moni tor, repl ace the ap propr iate consumabl e produc ts.
Replaci ng Consumab le Produ cts 213 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 Imaging Cartridge Handling precautions Always observ e the followi ng handling precautio ns when replacing imaging cartri dges. ❏ When handling i maging ca rtridges, always p lace them on a clean smooth surf ace.
214 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts w War ning : ❏ Do not touch the toner. K eep the toner away from your eyes. If toner gets on your skin o r clothes, wash it off with soap and water immediately. ❏ Keep the consumable products out of the reach of children.
Replaci ng Consumab le Produ cts 215 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2. Hold the handl e of the imag ing car tridge a nd pull ou t from the printer . 3. Take the new imag ing car tridge o ut of it s package and gently shake the imagi ng cart ridge as shown below.
216 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts 4. P ut the new imag ing cartri dge on th e flat s urfac e and pull out the protec tive c artri dge seal as shown b elow. 5. Insert the new im aging car trid ge all the wa y unti l it st ops. Note: Insert the cartridge with the arrow mark on the top of the imaging cartridge facing toward Co ver A.
Replaci ng Consumab le Produ cts 217 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6. Close Cover A unt il it clic ks shut. Note for windows users: If EPSON Status Mo nitor is install ed, the inform ation abou t the amount of toner remaining on the Basic Setting scr een may not be updated.
218 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts w War ning : ❏ The fuser unit can be very hot if the printer has been in use. Turn the printer off and wait for 40 minutes until the temperature has subsided before replacing the fu ser unit. ❏ Do not dispose of the used consumable products in fire, as it may explode and c ause injury.
Replaci ng Consumab le Produ cts 219 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 2. O pen c over B. 3. P ull down the tw o l evers a t ei ther sid e of th e fuse r uni t..
220 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts 4. R emov e the fuser u nit s lowly . 5. Slowly inse rt the new fuser u nit..
Replaci ng Consumab le Produ cts 221 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 6. Make sure that th e two levers at eithe r side o f the fuser unit are moved up. 7. Close cover B.
222 Replacing Consumable Prod ucts 9. When the pri nter’s Rea dy light is o n, press th e En ter button to acc ess the contr ol panel menus. 10. Press the u Up or d Down button severa l time s until Reset Menu a ppears on the control panel, a nd then pr ess the Enter butt on.
Cleaning and Transporting the Pr inter 223 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 Chapter 10 Cleaning and Tra nsporting the Printer Cleaning the Printer The print er n eeds o nly m ini mal c lean ing. If th e prin te r’s ou ter case is di rty o r dust y, turn off the print er and clean it with a soft, clean cloth moiste ned with a mild det ergent.
224 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 1. Turn the pr inter off and open Cove r A slowly. 2. H old the hand le o f the im ag ing c art ridg e and pu ll out .
Cleaning and Transporting the Pr inter 225 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 3. Remove the two pick up r oller s by bend ing th eir tabs slight ly outwards whi le sliding them off the spindle s. 4. With a cle an damp cloth, wip e the pi ckup roll er’s rubber parts.
226 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer 5. Reattach th e pickup r ollers as shown below. T hen, fit the hook in the c oncave part of the shaf ts to fi x them. Note: Fit the convex parts of the pickup rollers in the con cave parts of the shaft. 6. Reinstall the imag ing cartr idge.
Cleaning and Transporting the Pr inter 227 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 7. Close Cover A unt il it clic ks shut. Transporting the Printer For long distances If you need to t ransport your printe r for lo ng distan ces, carefu lly repack it using the origi nal bo x and pack ing mate rials.
228 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer ❏ If you are movin g the pri nter o n its own, two peop le shoul d lift a nd carr y the pr inter . Moving th e printer Follow th ese steps to move the printer for a short d istance. 1. Turn off t he prin ter and remove the foll owing items: ❏ Power cord ❏ Inter face cabl e 2.
Cleaning and Transporting the Pr inter 229 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 ❏ Pow er co rd ❏ Interfac e cable 2. Lift the pr inter together with t he optional unit.
230 Cleaning and Transporting the Printer The 550-Sh eet Universal Paper Cassett e Unit a dds 95 mm (3. 7 in.) to the bottom of the pri nter. When two optio nal paper cassette unit s are instal led, the pr inter r equires 190 mm (7.4 in.) more space beneat h the print er.
Troubleshooting 231 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Chapter 11 Troubleshooting Clearing Jammed Paper If p aper b eco mes j amm ed in the p rin ter, t he pr inte r’s LC D pa nel and EPSON St atus Moni tor prov ide alert messages. Precautions for clearing jammed pape r Be sure to observ e the following p oints when you clear j ammed paper.
232 Troubleshooting Jam A (Cover A) When a paper ja m occurs i n the locati on shown in the illustr ation below, th e Jam A message appears on the printer’s LCD panel.
Troubleshooting 233 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 2. H old the h andle of th e im agin g cart ridg e and pul l out . Note: Place the cartridge on a clean, flat surface. 3. Spin th e green part on the picku p rol ler to bring ou t jam med paper. Note: Only touch the green part of the pickup roller.
234 Troubleshooting 4. Gently pu ll out any sheets that have fed part wa y into the printe r. 5. Reinstall the imag ing cartr idge. Note: Insert the cartridge with the arrow mark on the top of the imaging cartridge facing toward Co ver A.
Troubleshooting 235 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 6. Close Cover A unt il it clic ks shut. Jam A B ( Cover A or B) When a paper jam occurs in t he locati on shown in the il lustra tion belo w, t he Ja m A B message appears on th e prin ter’ s LCD panel.
236 Troubleshooting 1. Open Cover A. 2. H old the hand le o f the im ag ing c art ridg e and pu ll out . Note: Place the cartridge on a clean, flat surface. 3. I f th ere i s any jam med pap er, re m ove it gen tly with bot h hands. Be care ful not to t ear the jammed paper.
Troubleshooting 237 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Note: When jammed paper cannot be remov ed easily, turn the roller to take tension off the paper, then pull it straight out. 4. Open Cover B. Note: When the optional Duplex Un it is installed, open the Duplex Unit’s cover before opening Cover B.
238 Troubleshooting 5. O pen t he pa per hold er b y pulli ng down on th e lev er o n wh ich a green lab el is atta ched as shown below. w War ning : Be careful not to touch the ro llers in the fuser unit, they may be very hot. 6. If there i s any ja mmed paper , remove it gent ly.
Troubleshooting 239 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 7. Close the paper holder and close Cover B. Note: If you installe d the Du plex U nit, cl ose the Duplex Unit’s cover after closing Cover B.
240 Troubleshooting Note: Insert the cartridge with the arrow mark on the top of the imaging cartridge facing toward Co ver A. 9. Close Cover A u ntil i t clicks shut . Jam D M ( Cover DM ) When a paper ja m occurs i n the locati on shown in the illustr ation below, th e Jam DM message appears on the pr inter’s LCD panel.
Troubleshooting 241 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1. Press the unlock bu tton to unl ock the hooks. T hen open the cover of the D uplex Unit. 2. G entl y re mov e the jamm ed p ape r ins ide th e co ver. B e car eful not to tear the pap er. Note: ❏ If paper is torn, be sure to remove all torn pieces.
242 Troubleshooting Note: When the error is not cleared after doing the procedure above, remove the Duplex Unit from the printer and chec k if the paper jam occurs at the opening on the lower part of the printer’s rear.
Troubleshooting 243 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1. P ull out th e pap er ca ssett e fro m th e prin ter. 2. Remove the pape r casse tte’ s cover and dis card an y crumpl ed paper. Then, r eattac h the cov er. 3. Gently rem ove the jam med pap er with both han ds.
244 Troubleshooting Note: Confirm that the jammed pap er is no t still deep inside the printer. 4. R ein sert the p aper c ass ette . 5. Open Cover A an d then close Cover A again. Note: After opening and closing Cover A, the error message is cleared.
Troubleshooting 245 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Printing a Status Sheet To c onfi rm the c urr ent stat us of the prin te r, an d th at the op tion s are install ed correct ly, print a statu s sheet using the pri nter’s control pa nel or t he prin ter driv er.
246 Troubleshooting The Ready light is o n but nothing prints The optional produc t is not available Some error may ha ve occurred. Check the LCD pan el to see if an error mes sage ap pear s. Cause What to do You r co mput er ma y no t be pr ope rl y connected to the printer.
Troubleshooting 247 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The Properties dialog box does not appear or it takes too much time to open it (For Windows Only) The amount of a toner remaining is no t updated (For Windows users only) EPSON Stat us Monito r is not insta lled .
248 Troubleshooting Printout Problems The font cannot be printed Printout is garbled Note: If a status sheet does not print correctly, your printer may be damaged . Contact your dealer or a qualified service representative. Cause What to do You ma y use the prin ter f onts substi tuted f or specif ied Tru eType fonts.
Troubleshooting 249 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printout position is not correct Graphics do not print correctly Print Quality Problems The background is dark o r dirt y Cause What to do The pa ge leng th and mar gins m ay be set in correct ly in you r applica tion.
250 Troubleshooting White dots appear in the printout Print quality or tone is uneven You may not be usi ng the correct type of p aper for your pri nter. If the sur face of you r paper is too rough , prin ted char acter s may appear disto rted or broken .
Troubleshooting 251 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Half-tone im ages print unevenly Toner smudges Cause What to do Your pa per may be mo ist or d amp. Do n ot st ore p aper i n a hu mid or d amp environmen t. Be sure to use pap er that is newl y un wra ppe d.
252 Troubleshooting Areas are missing in the printe d image Completely blank page s are o utput Cause What to do Your pap er ma y be moi st or damp . This print er is sens itive to m oistu re absorbed by the pape r. The higher the moisture conte nt in the pa per, th e lighte r the pri ntout .
Troubleshooting 253 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printed image is light or faint MP Tray Size setting may be incorrect. When lo adin g pape r fo r whi ch the siz e i s not specif ied with Auto setti ng, speci fy the correct paper siz e on the M P Tray Si ze setting in the Tra y Menu on the cont rol panel .
254 Troubleshooting The non-printed sid e of the page is dirty Memory Problems Print quality decreased Insufficient me mory fo r curren t task Insufficient memory to print all copies Cause What to do Toner may hav e spille d onto the paper feed pa th.
Troubleshooting 255 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Paper Handling Problems Paper does not feed properly The printer do es not have sufficien t memo ry to co llate prin t jo bs. Only on e set of copies will be printed . Reduc e the cont en ts of pr int j obs, or add more m emory.
256 Troubleshooting Problems Using Options To con firm your opt ions ar e inst alled correc tly , print a stat us sheet. See "Pri nting a St atus Sheet " on pag e 245 for d etail s.
Troubleshooting 257 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 Feed jam when using the optional paper cassette An installed option cannot be used Correcting USB Problems If you are ha ving difficul ty using pr inter with a US B connection, see if your pr oblem is li sted below, and take any recommended actions.
258 Troubleshooting Windows operating syste m Your computer must be a mod el pre- installed with Windows X P, Me, 98, 2000, or Serv er 2003, a model that was pr e-install ed with Windows 98 and upgra ded to Windows Me, or a model that was pre-instal led with W indows Me, 98, 2 000, or Server 2003, and upgraded t o Windows XP.
Troubleshooting 259 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If About i s disp layed i n the shor tcut menu that appears, click it. I f a mes sag e box with the w ord s “Uni drv P rinte r Dr iver” appears, you must reinsta ll the print er soft ware as des cribed in th e Se tup Gu ide .
260 Troubleshooting 1. Access the print er driv er, see "Acc essing the p rinter d river" on pa ge 58 , then click the D eta ils ta b..
Troubleshooting 261 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If EPU SBX: (your printe r nam e) is disp layed in the “Pri nt to the foll owing” port drop -down li st, t hen the USB printe r devic e driver an d print er software are inst alled correct ly.
262 Troubleshooting If your driv ers are c orrectl y install ed, EPSON USB Printe r Devices should appear on the Device Manager menu..
Troubleshooting 263 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 If EPSON USB Printer Device s does not appear on the Dev ice Manager menu, click the plus(+) sign beside O ther devices to view th e ins tal led de vic es. If US B Pr inter or you r pr inte r nam e app ear s und er Oth er devices , the printer softwar e is not i nstalle d correc tly.
264 Troubleshooting 4. Unde r Othe r devices, se lect USB P rinter or your printer name , click Remove , then click OK . When the fo llowing d ialog bo x app ears, cli ck OK , then cl ick OK to close the Syst em Properti es dialog box.
Troubleshooting 265 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 5. Uninstall t he printer softwar e as explained in "Uninstal ling the Printer Software " on page 10 5. Turn the printer off, r estart your computer , then re install th e print er software as des cribe d in th e Setu p Gu ide.
266 Troubleshooting The printer do es not pr int correctly in the PostScript mode The printer does not print Cause What to do The printe r’s emulation mode settin g is inco rrect.
Troubleshooting 267 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printer driver or prin ter that you need to use does not appear in the Pr inter Setup Utility (Mac OS 10.
268 Troubleshooting The printer fonts cannot be installed The edges of texts and/or images are not smooth The Po stScript screen fonts are not insta lled.
Troubleshooting 269 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 The printer does not print normally via the parallel interface (Windows 98 o nly) The printer does no t print no rmally via the USB interface Th.
270 Troubleshooting The Dat a Form at sett ing is diffe rent from the data form at setti ng specif ied in the a pplic atio n (e xcept on M ac OS X ) If the file is creat ed in a n applic ation that al.
Troubleshooting 271 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 An undef ined erro r occ urs (Mac intos h only) Insufficient memory to print data (Macintosh only) Cause What to do The versi on of the Mac OS that you a re us ing i s uns uppor ted. This prin ter’s dri ver can o nly be u sed on Macinto sh compu ters runni ng Mac OS 9 version 9.
272 Troubleshooting Printing in the PCL6 Mode Problems The probl ems listed i n this section a re those th at you may encounter when p rinting i n the PCL6 mode .
Where To Get Help 273 A A A A A A A A A A A A Appendix A Where To Get Help Technical Support Web Site Go to http :// and sel ect the Suppo rt section of your local EPSON web si te for the l atest drivers , FAQs, m anuals and other d ownloadabl es.
274 Where To Get Help ❏ Product mod el ❏ Prod uct softw are v ersi on (Click Abou t , Version Info , or similar button in the product software.) ❏ Brand and model of y our compu ter ❏ Your com.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 275 B B B B B B B B B B B B Appendix B Technical Specifications Paper Since th e quality of an y part icula r bran d or ty pe of paper may be changed by the manu facturer at any time, Epso n cannot guar an tee th e qu ality of an y type of pa per.
276 Tech nical Spec ifica tions Available paper types *1 Use recycle d paper o nly un der no rmal tem perature a nd hu midity co nditio ns. Poor q uali ty paper may r educ e pri nt qual ity, or c ause pap er jam s an d othe r pro ble ms. *2 When usi ng ext ra t hick pape r, s et the Pa per T ype s ett ing in the pri nte r driv er to Ex tra T hick.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 277 B B B B B B B B B B B B ❏ Previous ly print ed pap er by a ny color laser p rinter s, black-a nd-white laser pr inter s, color copiers, black -and-whi te cop iers , .
278 Tech nical Spec ifica tions Note: ❏ The printable area varies, depending on the emulation mode in use. ❏ When using ES C/Page language, there is 5-mm minimum margin on all sides.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 279 B B B B B B B B B B B B Printer General Prin ting meth od: Laser beam scanni ng and dr y elec trop hoto gr aph ic pro ces s Print Qu ality: 1200 RI T *1 Resolution: 60.
280 Tech nical Spec ifica tions *1 Resolution Impro vemen t Techn ology *2 Prin ting sp eed varie s by pap er sour ce or other c ondi tions. Environmental Mechanical Temperature: In use: 5 to 35° C (.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 281 B B B B B B B B B B B B Electrical * Complet ely su spended. Compli ant with the Energy Star p rogram. Standard and approvals U.S. model: Europe an mode l: 220 V Mo del Voltage 220 V-240 V ± 10% Rated frequency 50 Hz / 60 Hz ± 3 Hz Rated current Less than 5.
282 Tech nical Spec ifica tions Laser safety This prin ter is cert ifie d as a Cl as s 1 lase r pr oduc t unde r the U.S . Department o f Health and H uman Services (DHHS) Radi ation Perfo rma nce S tand ard acco rding to th e Rad iati on Con tro l for Health and Saf ety Act of 1968.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 283 B B B B B B B B B B B B Options and Consumable Products 550-Sh eet Un iversa l Paper Cass ette Un it Product code: C12C802002 Paper size : A5, A4, A3 , B5, B4, Lette r.
284 Tech nical Spec ifica tions Duplex Unit * This produc t confo rms to CE mar king re quirem ents in accorda nce with EC Directive 89/336/EEC. Memory module Make sure that the DIM M you purc has e is co mp atib le wit h EPSON product s. For d etail s, contact the store wher e you purchase d this p rinter or the EPSON sal es compa ny.
Techn ical Sp ecifi catio ns 285 B B B B B B B B B B B B Imaging cartridges Fuser unit * Thi s pr oduc t c onfo rms t o C E m arkin g r equ irem ents in acc orda nce wi th EC Directive 89/336/EEC.
286 Information about F onts Appendix C Informa tion a bout Font s Working with Fonts EPSON BarCode Fonts (Windows Only) EPSON BarCo de Fonts let you eas ily cre ate and pr int many ty pes of bar cod es.
Information about Fo nts 287 C C C C C C C C C C C C Code39 EPSON Code39 No No Pri nt in g of OCR-B and check digits can be specified with the font na me. EPSON Code39 CD No Yes EPSON Code39 CD Num Yes Y es EPSON Code39 Num Yes No Code128 EPSON Code128 No Yes C rea tes Code128 bar code s.
288 Information about F onts System requ irements To use EPSON BarCode Fonts, your computer system should meet the follo wing requir ements: Note: EPSON BarCode Fonts can only be used with Epson printer drivers. Installing EPSON BarCod e Fonts Follow the steps below to install EPSON Bar Code Fonts.
Information about Fo nts 289 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ If the EPSON Installation Program screen does not appear automatically, doubl e-click the My Compu ter icon, right-clic k the CD-ROM icon, and c lick OPEN in the menu that appears. Then double-click Epsetup.
290 Information about F onts 5. Click EPSON BarCode Font . 6. When the software license ag reement screen appear s, read the statement and t hen cli ck Ac cept . T hen follow t he on-screen inst ructi ons. 7. When installat ion is c omplete, cli ck OK .
Information about Fo nts 291 C C C C C C C C C C C C Printing with EPSON B arCode Fonts Follow the st eps below to c reate and print ba r codes using EPSON BarCode Fonts. T he applicat ion feat ured in these instructio ns is Microsoft WordPad . The actu al pro cedure may differ sl ightl y when printi ng from other appl ications.
292 Information about F onts 3. Select the E PSON BarCod e Font you want to use, set the font size, then cl ick OK . Note: In Windows XP, 2000 , or Server 200 3, you cannot use font si zes larger than 96 points when printing bar codes. 4. The characte rs you sel ected appear as bar cod e characters simil ar to thos e sho wn below .
Information about Fo nts 293 C C C C C C C C C C C C 5. Select Pri nt from the Fi le menu, sel ect your EPS ON printer, then click Proper ties . Make the f ollowing print er driv er setti ngs . Your print er is a Black -and- Whit e prin ter. See th e Black-and-White Pr inter D river section i n the ta ble belo w.
294 Information about F onts * These settings are ava ilable wh en the Automatic che ck box is selected on the Basic S ettings t ab. Whe n the A dvanced check box is selected, cl ick the More Se ttings b utto n and se t th e Resolu tion or P rint Quality to 600dp i.
Information about Fo nts 295 C C C C C C C C C C C C Note: If there is an error in the bar code character string, such as inappropriate data, the bar code will be printed as it appears on the screen, but it cannot be read by a bar code reader.
296 Information about F onts ❏ For best results, use only the font sizes recommended in "Bar Code Font specific ations" on p age 296 f or the EP SON BarCode Fon t you are using. B ar codes i n other sizes may not be readabl e with al l bar cod e reade rs.
Information about Fo nts 297 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print sam ple EPSON EAN-13 ❏ EAN-13 is t he standard 13-digit EAN ba r code.
298 Information about F onts ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print samp le EPSON UPC-A ❏ UPC-A is the stand ard bar code speci fied by the American Universal Pr oduct Code (U PC Symbol Specifi cation Manual). ❏ Only regu lar UPC cod es are sup ported. Su pplementary codes are not supp orted.
Information about Fo nts 299 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ Center bar ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B Print sam ple EPSON UPC-E ❏ UPC-E is the UPC-A zero -suppressio n (deletes extra zeros) bar code specified by the American Univ ersal Product Code (UPC Symbol Specificat ion Manual ).
300 Information about F onts ❏ Check digit ❏ OCR-B ❏ The numeral “0” Print samp le EPSON Code 39 ❏ Four Code39 f onts are avai lable, all owing you to enab le and disable the auto matic ins ertion o f check digits and OCR-B.
Information about Fo nts 301 C C C C C C C C C C C C The following codes are inser ted automat ically a nd need not b e input by hand: ❏ Left/Right quiet z one ❏ Check digit ❏ Start/Stop character Print sam ple Character typ e Alphanumeri c characters (A to Z, 0 to 9) Symbols (- .
302 Information about F onts EPSON Code 128 ❏ Code128 font s suppo rt co de sets A, B, an d C. Whe n the code set of a li ne of characte rs is changed in the middle of the line, a conversio n code is auto matical ly inserted.
Information about Fo nts 303 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ Change code set c haracter Print sam ple EPSON ITF ❏ The EPSON IT F fonts conf orm to the USS Int erleave d 2-of -5 standard (American). ❏ Fou r EPSO N IT F fon ts ar e av ailabl e, al low ing y ou to ena ble and d isabl e the a utom atic insert ion of chec k di gits a nd OCR-B.
304 Information about F onts The foll owing codes ar e inserted a utomati cally and need not be input by hand: ❏ Left/Right qui et zone ❏ Start/Stop characte r ❏ Check digit ❏ The numeral “0.
Information about Fo nts 305 C C C C C C C C C C C C EPSON Codabar ❏ Four Codaba r fonts are av ailabl e, allowing y ou to en able and disa ble th e auto mati c ins ertio n of c heck di gits a nd OC R-B. ❏ The height o f the bar code is automatic ally adjusted to 1 5% or more of it s total length, in co nformanc e to the Co dabar standard.
306 Information about F onts The foll owing codes are inserted automatical ly and need no t be input by hand: ❏ Left/Right quiet zone ❏ Start/Stop charact er (when not input) ❏ Check digit Print samp le Font size When OCR- B is not used: 26 pt or more (up to 96 pt in Windows XP/2000/Server 2003).
Information about Fo nts 307 C C C C C C C C C C C C EPSON EAN128 ❏ EAN128 fonts support code sets A, B, and C. When the code set of a line of characters is changed in t he middle of the line, a conversion c ode is au tomaticall y insert ed. ❏ The following 4 kinds of the p roperties are supp orted as the Applic ation Ide ntifi er ( AI).
308 Information about F onts The foll owing codes are inserted automatical ly and need no t be input by hand: ❏ Left/Right quiet zone ❏ Start/Stop character ❏ FNC1 charact er It insert s for discernment from Code128 and for a pa use of the vari able l ength appl icati on identi fier.
Information about Fo nts 309 C C C C C C C C C C C C Available fonts The fo llowi ng table lists th e fonts t hat a re insta lled in y our pr inter. The names of al l the font s appear in y our ap plicatio n software’ s font list i f you are u sing the d river p rovided wit h the pr inter.
310 Information about F onts Albertus Mediu m, Extra B old Albertus Ryadh Med ium, Bo ld Ryadh Malka Mediu m, Bo ld, It alic Miryam Dorit Mediu m, Bold Da vid Naam it Me dium, Bold Na rkis Arial M edi.
Information about Fo nts 311 C C C C C C C C C C C C When selecting f onts in your ap plic ation soft ware, choose t he font name list ed in the H P Equ iva lent c olum n. Note: Depending on the print density, or on the qua lity or color of the pa per, OCR A, OCR B, Code39, and EAN/UPC fonts may not be read able.
312 Information about F onts * Ava ilable on ly in ESC /P2 m ode . Note: Depending on the pri nt density, or on the quality or co lor of the paper, OCR A and OCR B fonts may n ot be readable. Print a sample and make sure the fonts can be read before printing large quantities.
Information about Fo nts 313 C C C C C C C C C C C C Note: Depending on the print density, or on the qua lity or color of the pa per, the OCR B font may not be readable. Print a sample and make sure the font can be read before printing large quantities.
314 Information about F onts CG Times Bold *1 CG Times Italic *1 CG T imes B old Italic *1 CG Omega *1 CG Omega Bold *1 CG Omega Italic *1 CG Om ega Bold It alic *1 Coronet *1 Clarendon Con densed *1 .
Information about Fo nts 315 C C C C C C C C C C C C Arial *1 Aria l Bold *1 Aria l Ital ic *1 Aria l Bold I tali c *1 Times New Roman *1 Times New Roman Bol d *1 Time s New Rom an Italic *1 Times Ne .
316 Information about F onts Bitma p Font Printing font samples You can pri nt samples of the f onts avail able in each mode by using the control panel ’s Information Menu. Follow these step s to print font samples. 1. M ake sure that pap er is load ed.
Information about Fo nts 317 C C C C C C C C C C C C 3. Press the d Dow n button t o select the fo nt sample for th e appropri ate mode. 4. Press the Enter but ton to p rin t the sele cte d f ont s amp le sheet. Adding more fo nts You can add a wide variet y of font s to you r c omputer.
318 Information about F onts Most font packages make i t easy to manag e fonts by providing their own i nstall er. The i nstaller gives you the o ption of having the fonts auto matical ly downloa ded whenever you st art y our computer or having fonts downl oaded only when y ou need to prin t a pa rticu lar fo nt.
Information about Fo nts 319 C C C C C C C C C C C C ❏ If the EPSON Installation Program screen does not appear automatically, doubl e-click the My Compu ter icon, right-clic k the CD-ROM icon, click OPEN in the menu that ap pears, then double-cli ck Ep setup.
320 Information about F onts 5. Click EPSON Font Manager . Then fol low the on-screen inst ructi ons. 6. When installat ion is c omplete, cli ck Finish . EPSON Font Manager is now install ed on yo ur comput er. Symbol Sets Introduction to symbol sets Your print er can acce ss a va riety of symbol se ts.
Information about Fo nts 321 C C C C C C C C C C C C Note: Since most software handles fonts and symbols au tomatically, you will probably never need to adjust the pr inter’s set tings.
322 Information about F onts 19 Typeface s Courier CG Times Univ erse Letter Gothic PcBlt775 ( 26U) Pc1004 (9J) WiBALT (19L) DeskTop (7J) PsTex t (10J) Windo ws (9U ) McText (12J) MsPublishi (6J) PiFont (15U) VeMath (6M) VeInternatio nal (13J) VeUS (14J) PcE.
Information about Fo nts 323 C C C C C C C C C C C C The 19 typef aces ref er to those li sted below: Line Printer Roman Exte nsio n (0E) Courier Letter Go thic Dorit Naamit Malka Hebre w7 ( 0H) Hebre.
324 Information about F onts CG Omega Coronet Clarendon Condensed Univers Condensed Antique Olive Garamond Marigol d Albertus Arial Times New Helv etic a Helv etic a N arro wPa lat ino ITC Avant G ard.
Information about Fo nts 325 C C C C C C C C C C C C In the ESC/P 2 or FX Mode s Character Table Available typefaces OCR B Courier EPSON Roma n EPSON Sa ns serif EPSON Pres tig e EPSON Scri pt Le tter.
326 Information about F onts 8859-15ISO not availa ble avail able av aila ble avail able PcSl437* no t availa ble avai labl e not availa ble not avai labl e PcTurk1* not availa ble avai labl e not ava.
Information about Fo nts 327 C C C C C C C C C C C C * Avai lab le o nly in ESC /P2 mode. Tim es New is a typ e face com patib le w ith Ro man T. Letter Gothic is a ty pe face compati ble with Or atorS.
328 Information about F onts Characters available with the ESC (^ command To print the chara cters in the table below, use the ESC (^ command. In the I2 39X Emulation Mode The avail able symbol sets in t he I239X mod e are PcUSA, PcMultil ingual, PcE ur858, PcPortuguese, PcCanFrench, PcNordic.
Information about Fo nts 329 C C C C C C C C C C C C ISO 60: Danish/Norw egian 4 N ---- ISO 15: Italia n 9 N ---- ISO 8859/1 Latin 1 14 N --- N ISO 11: Swedish 19 N ---- ISO 6: ASCII 21 N ---- ISO 4: .
330 Information about F onts Windows 3. 1 Lat in 2 293 N ---- Pc1004 298 N ---- ISO 8859/15 Lat in 9 302 N ---- PC-8 Turkish 308 N ---- Windows 3. 0 Lat in 1 309 N ---- PS Text 330 N ---- PC-8, Co de .
Index 331 Numerics 550-She et Universa l Paper Casse tte Unit about, 1 95 installin g, 195 removi ng, 198 specificatio ns, 283 A AUX m en u, 1 68 Available paper, 276 C Canc eling p rint ing , 193, 26.
332 Index tray, 153 USB, 16 6 Control pan el sett ings when to use, 149 Customer support, 273 D Duplex Unit installi ng, 1 98 rem oving , 201 specifications, 284 E Emulati on menu, 155 Envelopes loadi.
Index 333 F Features Adobe PostScri pt 3 Mode, 32 High-qua lity printin g, 31 PCL6 Em ulation Mode, 32 Resolution Improvement Techn ology (RITech), 31 Toner sav e mode, 31 Wide vari ety of fo nts, 32 .
334 Index H Help Epson, 27 3 I I239X emula tion mode, 328 I239X menu, 178 I239X mode , 312 Imagi ng cartri dges handlin g pr ecauti ons, 21 3 replac ing, 21 4 specifications, 285 Informat ion menu, 1 .
Index 335 M Mainte nance consumabl es, 217 Memory module specificatio ns, 284 Memory modules installin g, 202 removi ng, 207 MP tray available paper, 38 N Netw ork menu, 16 8 O Options 550-Sheet Unive.
336 Index Paper jams All paper cassettes and Cov er A, 24 2 Cover A, 2 32 Cover A or B, 23 5 Cover DM, 24 0 how to clear, 231 Paper sourc es 550-Sheet Univer sal Paper Cassette Unit, 39 MP tray, 38 se.
Index 337 loca ting, 229 mechan ical , 280 optional products, 29 parts (front vi ew), 25 parts (inside), 27 parts (rear view), 26 stand ard an d app roval s, 281 Printer drive r About the Printer S of.
338 Index 550-Sheet Univer sal Paper Cassette Unit, 198 Duplex Unit, 201 interf ace cards, 211 memory modules, 207 Reset menu, 163 Resizing page Resizing pa ges by a spec ified per centage (Win dows),.
Index 339 memory problems, 254 operational pr oblem s, 245 options, 2 56 paper handlin g problems, 2 55 PCL6 m ode, 272 PostScr ipt 3 mod e, 265 print quality problems, 249 Stat us and E rror M essa g.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson EPL-N2550D (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson EPL-N2550D heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson EPL-N2550D vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson EPL-N2550D leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson EPL-N2550D krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson EPL-N2550D bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson EPL-N2550D kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson EPL-N2550D . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.