Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product pro5k u1 van de fabrikant Epson
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Important I nformation for EPSON Stylus ® RIP Users P rinti ng wit h Mac int osh ® For optim al printing perform ance, ch eck these settings before you prin t: ❑ Make sure you set the Backgr ound Printing option to Ba ckg round in th e Adobe ® P os tScr ipt ™ 8.
iii Co nte nts About This Supplement 1 Macintosh Sy stem R equirements 2 Win dows Sys tem Req uiremen ts 3 Year 2000 Ready 4 Where To Get Help 4 Setting U p You r P rinter 6 EPSON USB/Pa rallel Ad apt.
1 About Thi s Suppl ement This Su pp leme nt prov ides inform ation not included in the EPSON Stylus ® Pro 5000 Setu p Gu ide and Reference Guide . It contains: • New system requi rements for your .
2 Macin tosh System Requi rements To u se you r prin ter with a Ma cintosh in eith er a sta ndalone or netw ork environment as a print server, your system should meet the f ollowing minimum requi rements: • Power Macintosh ® G3 seri es (System 8 .5.
3 To set up a Macintosh as a client on a network using the EPS ON Stylus RI P, your system must h ave the fol lowing minimum co nfigurat ion: • Ma cintosh Centris, ® Macin tosh Q uad ra, ® Perform.
4 Year 2000 Ready Y our printer is Year 2000 Rea dy . How ever, be sure the oth er parts of your computer system are also ready for t he year 2000. Where To G et Help EPS ON pr ovid es techni cal su p.
5 EPS ON a lso p rovides c ustom er supp ort through the followin g service s: You can pu rchase ink ca rtridg es, paper , m anuals, an d acce ssor ies from EPSON Ac cessories a t (80 0) 8 73-77 66 (U .S. s ale s only) . In C ana da , p lea se ca ll (800) 873-7 766 for d eale r referra l.
6 Setting U p Your Pri nter To u npack and set up your p rinter, see Ch apter 2, “G etting Sta rt ed, ” in your Set up G uid e . I n ad di tio n, y ou s ho uld al so ha v e the E PSON U SB/Para llel Ada pter and E PSO N Styl us R IP included in the box.
7 Aligning t he Print Head After you have u npacked and set up your printer, you need to run a print check and align the print head. To use the utility from your printe r sof tware , see p ages 8-37 th rough 8- 41 in your Referenc e G uide . To use the contr ol panel, see pages 6-4 throug h 6-7 in your Reference Gui de .
8 Conn ecting Y our Printer with the EPSON USB/Parallel Adapter To connect your printer to your PC with a pa r allel cable, see “C onnecting the Printer to Y our PC” on page 2-9 in you r Setu p Guide for i nstruc tions. T o connect you r com put er and printer with th e EPSON U SB /Parallel A dapter, f ollow th e step s below .
9 Ins talling Your Sof tware To install your non-PostScript pri n ter d riv er in Windows 98, see “Installing th e Printer Softwar e in Yo ur P C” on pag e 2-1 0 in your Se tu p Gu ide for instructio ns. Th e instru ctions apply to both Windows 95 and 98.
10 7. Cl ick Insta ll , then fo llow th e on-scr een instru ctions to instal l t he printer driver and s elect a default paper size. 8. After inst allation is complete, click Rest art to r es tar t you r com puter. 9. Open t he Cho o se r from the Ap ple menu.
11 Uninstal ling Your Software To u ni n stal l you r no n-PostSc ript printer driver in Windows 98, follow the instru ctions in “Uninstalling the Printer So ftware (Windows 95) ” on pa ge 8-42 i n yo ur Reference Gui d e . Th e instru ctions apply to both Windows 95 and 98.
12 Configuri ng for a Network This section contains informatio n not provided in your Set up Guide or Refer ence Gui de . B efore you ca n use yo ur printer on a netw ork, you mu st co nfigur e yo ur com puter as d escribed in this se ction.
13 5. If y ou are using Ap pleTa lk zones , selec t the z one you want to us e. A list of all the p rinters connected to the s elected zone a ppears o n th e rig ht. Click the na me as signed to the EPSON Stylus Pr o 5000. 6. Turn on backg round printing if you want, then clo se the Ch ooser.
14 Setting Up the Host Syste m 1. Cl ick Star t , point to Settings , and s elect Co ntro l Pane l. 2. D ou ble- click Netw or k , th en click the File and Print Shari ng button. 3. Click th e I w an t to be ab le t o al lo w ot h er s to p ri nt to my pr in te r( s) che ckb ox a nd cl ic k OK .
15 Setting Up Client Systems 1. Cl ick Star t , point to Settings , a nd se lect Print ers . 2. Rig ht -cl ick th e EP SON Sty lus Pro 5000 icon and choose Prop erties . 3. Click th e Details tab. 4. Click th e Ad d Po rt bu tt on , th en c li ck Br owse to spe cify the network pa th to the pri nter.
16 Optio ns and Consumabl es This section describe s options not list ed in your Se tu p Gui de . EPS ON Type B IEEE-1 394 (FireWire ) Interfa ce Card This interfac e card (C823722 ) pro vides up to a 400 Mbps data transfer rate b etween you r Ma cintosh and h igh-speed dev ices .
17 EPSON P rofessional Qua lity Media EPS ON pa pers are you r best ch oice f or eve ryday pr inting, including pres e nta tions, graphic art s comps and la yo uts, professiona l-level digita l photogra p hy, and fine art printing. Refer to t he Set up Gu ide and Refere nce Guide for a compl ete list.
18 Trademar ks EPSO N a nd EPSON St ylus ar e registered t radem arks of S EIKO EPSON CORPO RATION. EPSO N SoundAdvice is a service mark and DX3, EPSON FaxAdvice, and SelecTy pe are trademarks of Epso n Amer ica, Inc. EFI, the EFI logo , Fiery, and the Fier y logo are U.
Pri nted on re cycled paper with at le ast 10 % pos t-cons umer con tent . EPSON ® Styl us ® Pr o 50 00 Print er Guide.
2 Co pyrigh t © 199 8 by E pson Am erica , I nc. All r ights r eserv ed. No par t of this p ublicat ion may be repr oduced, stored in a re trieva l syst em, or trans mitted i n any for m or b y any m.
3 FC C Compli ance Stat ement For United States Us ers Thi s equi pment has be en tes ted an d f ound to c omply wit h t he l imits for a C lass B d igi tal dev ice, pur sua nt t o Part 1 5 of the FCC R ules. Thes e li mits are design ed t o prov ide reason able prote cti on again st harmf ul inter feren ce in a re siden t ia l i nst all ati on.
Contents I n tr oduction ___ _________________ _____ ___________ ___ How To Us e Yo ur M anu al s 2 Using Th is Printer Guide 3 Warnin gs and Cau tions 3 Where To G et Help 4 EN ERG Y S TA R C om p li.
vi Tab le of Co ntent s Chapt er 3: Monitor ing the P rinte r ___________ ________ Re spo ndin g to t he Co ntrol Pan el L ight s 3- 1 Clearing Paper Jams 3-3 Chapte r 4: M ainta ini ng and Tr an spor.
Introduction The E PS ON ® St yl us ® P ro 5000 color ink je t printer is the key component in a re volutionary new digital co lor proofing syste m. The printer prov ides resolu ti on s up to 1440 × 720 dpi and MicroPiezo DX3 pr int head tech n ology, for unsurpassed image quality with lin e art an d text comparable to images etter output.
2 How To Use Y our Ma nua ls How T o Use Yo ur Man ual s This guide is part of a set, which also includes the follow ing docu mentation for users and syste m administrators: •T h e Read Thi s First r o admap pr ovides easy- to-follow step s for setti n g u p your printer and RIP and connecting them to your n etwork.
3 Warni ngs and Ca uti ons Usin g T his Pr int er Gu ide This G uide conta ins the f ol lowi ng infor ma tion : Chapter 1 explains how to unpack and set up the printer. Chapter 2 gives instructions for pr inting on a variety of substrates through the available pape r paths and for using special EPSO N media.
4 Wher e To Get Help Wher e To Get He lp EPSON prov ides te chnic al su pport a nd i nfor mat ion on t he instal lat ion, confi gura tio n, and ope ratio n of prof ess ional graphic s art s produc ts thro ugh the EPSO N Pre ferre d Protection Plan. Dial (8 88) 37 7-661 1 , 6 A.
5 ENE RGY STA R Comp liance You can purchas e ink cartridg es, paper and other substr ates, manuals, acces sories, and par ts from EPS ON Access ories at (800 ) 87 3-7 76 6 (U.S. sales only). In Canada, please ca ll (8 00) 87 3-776 6 fo r dealer refer ral.
6 Imp or tant Safe ty Ins tructio ns Impo rta nt Safe ty In stru cti on s Before using your pr inter and RIP, re ad the fo llowing safety instructions to make sure yo u us e t he eq uip m en t sa fel y a nd eff ec t ive ly . • Turn off and unplug the printer and RIP be fore cleaning.
7 Imp or tant Safe ty Ins tructio ns Even if you are familiar with other types of printers, be sure to re ad through the following list of precau tions before o perating your ink je t printer: • Do not put you r hand inside th e printer or tou ch the pr int head du ring printing .
1 1-1 Unpa ck ing the Pri nte r To set up your EPSON Stylus Pro 5000, you nee d to unpack it and install the paper tray(s) and in k cartri dges. Then you need to load paper, run a p r inter ch ec k, and alig n the print head .
1 1 -2 Sett ing Up the Pr inter C AUTI ON : The printer weighs approx imately 50 lb. Do not try to lift or carr y the printe r alone . N OTE : The RS 5000 is packed in a separate box. See the RIP Statio n 5000 Setup Gu ide for unpacking an d se tup instructi ons.
1 1 -3 Installin g the O ption al L ower P ap er Cas sette Insta llin g the O p tio nal L ow er P ap er Cas se tte The lowe r paper cassette pro vides an additional paper so ur ce, so you can hav e two differen t substrate s available for printing at all times .
1 1 -4 Sett ing Up the Pr inter 4. At tach the pri nter and cas sett e us ing th e two scre ws th at c ome with the cass ette. Use the hexagonal wrench that comes wi th the cassette to t ighte n the screws.
1 1-5 Ins ta lli ng th e Paper Tray Insta llin g the P ap e r Tra y Insert the pap er tray into the slots at the front of the printer as sho wn below: C AUTI ON : Be careful not to touch the black p ad at the right end of the paper tray. Smudge s and di rt on th e pad may ca use a pape r fee ding p roblem .
1 1 -6 Sett ing Up the Pr inter 2. Open the left an d ri gh t ink cartridge comp artment doors. N OTE : You can in stall the ink cartridges in any order; ho wever, each slot can only ho ld the s pecifie d ink co lor: 3. Op en o ne of the ink c artridge pa cka ges .
1 1 -7 In stallin g the In k Cart ridges 5. Ho ld th e ink c artrid ge with t he ar row ma rk face-u p a nd p ointin g to th e rea r of the p rinter, an d fully ins ert t he ca rtridge i nto th e slo t. 6. Close the clamp u ntil it clicks in to place.
1 1 -8 Sett ing Up the Pr inter Load ing P aper Your EPSON Stylus Pro 5000 printer has four paper p aths: two for the manual feed s lots , on e fo r th e st an dar d p ape r tr ay, an d on e fo r the opt ion al lo wer p ap er cas sett e . Se e Chapter 2 for instructions on using the man ual feed slots.
1 1-9 Load ing Pa per 3. Raise the p aper guide r oller if available. N OTE : No t all printe r s co me w ith a paper guide rolle r . If yours doesn’t have one, skip to step 5. 4. Slide the swit ch to the roller po sition that ma tches the paper size you are loading.
1 1-10 Sett ing Up th e Printer 5. If you’re us ing legal-size o r larger p aper, release th e extensio n loc k and pull out the paper tray extension com pletely. 6. Slide bo th edge gu ides out as far as th ey will go. 7. Fan a stack of paper and t hen even the edges.
1 1-11 Loading Pap er 8. Load the s tack of paper wit h the printable s urface dow n and the righ t edge of the p ap er res ting aga ins t the rig ht s ide o f the pa per tra y. Make sure the stack lies flat on the bottom of the tray. N OTE : Don ’t load p aper above the arrow mark i nside the left edge guide.
1 1-12 Sett ing Up th e Printer 10. Close the pape r guide roller if nec essary. If your print er doesn’t have one, g o to step 11. 11. Close the paper tray co ver. (If yo u pulled ou t the paper tray extension, slide out the cover extension befor e you close the cover.
1 1-13 Loading Pap er 13. Set the paper size and m edia type levers for the pape r you’re using. For letter-size coated paper, set the levers as follows: • Paper size: LTR • Me dia type: Photo Q.
1 1-14 Sett ing Up th e Printer Runn in g a Prin te r C heck You can use the pri n ter check to make sure that your printer is operating correctly. Running the ch eck before you connect the printer to the RIP verifies that th e printer it se lf is fu nc tio nin g.
1 1-15 Alignin g the Prin t Head • If the pattern has brok en lines or missing segments, as in the following example, your printer may have a clogged ink nozzle. Run a cleaning cycle befo re you align the pr int he ad. S ee pag e 4- 1 for inst ruct ions .
1 1-16 Sett ing Up th e Printer 3. Press the Reset button rep eatedly until the approp riate H ink ou t li ght com es o n. The following list sho ws the ink out lights corresponding to each numbe r ed.
1 1-17 Alignin g the Prin t Head 6. Press the Cleanin g button to en ter your selection . The pri nter returns to the pri n t head alig nment mode. 7. If other numbered pat terns in step 1 are misaligned , repeat steps 2 through 6.
2 2 -1 Selectin g a Paper Path Your EPSON Stylus Pro 5000 prints on a variet y of substrates, from plain paper to high- quality co ated and glossy me dia. With f our paths to choo se from (if yo u have the optional lower cassette), you can use paper from 4 × 6 inches to 13 × 19 inches.
2 2 -2 Print ing on V arious Su bstra tes The following table indicates the substrate sizes you can pri n t from the four paper paths: Using t he Stan d ard and O pt ional Pa p er Tr ay s You can use these trays for most sizes of pap er up to 13 × 19 inches.
2 2-3 Usi ng the S ta ndar d a nd Opt ion al Pa pe r Tr ays This allow s your software to verify that the print option settings for a project are correct for the substrate you’re using. If the print option settings for a job don’t match the lever setting s, yo u’ ll g et an error message, and your job will not print.
2 2 -4 Print ing on V arious Su bstra tes The foll owing table i den tifi es the pa per si ze set tin gs: T O SET THE LEVERS AND US E THE CARDS : 1. Lo ad p ape r or other s ubst ra te, f ollo wing the ins tru ctio ns th at be gin on page 1-8. The trays can hol d 250 sheets of p lain paper (24 lb bond , for example).
2 2-5 Usin g the St andar d and Opt ion al Pap er T rays 3. Find the paper size and media type cards that match the sub strate you loaded, open t he clear pl a stic covers above the leve rs, and insert the cards. If yo u change su bstrates in one o f the trays, be sure you chan ge the lever s ettings and ca rds.
2 2 -6 Print ing on V arious Su bstra tes Loadi ng P aper in the Opti onal Lo wer T ray Always p ull the paper tray co mpletely out of the lower p aper c assette before y ou insert paper.
2 2 -7 Using th e Front Manual Feed Slo t Using t he Fron t Ma nual Fe ed Slo t Yo u c an lo a d one sheet at a ti me, wi th the p r intable sid e face-down.
2 2 -8 Print ing on V arious Su bstra tes The printer automatically feeds the paper, and it starts printing when it receives a print job. 4. If the sheet doesn’t eject co mpletely, press the Eject button. Using t he Rea r M a nual Fe ed S lot Use this slot when you need a straight-through paper path.
2 2 -9 Us ing the Rear M anual Feed Slot 3. Open the rear manual slo t cover. 4. Slide the edg e guide to match the icon for your p aper size. 5. Align the right ed ge of the pap er with the edge guide and insert the paper in the slot, pri ntable sid e up, u ntil it meets resistan ce.
2 2-1 0 Print ing on V ario us Su bs trates The printer automatically feeds the paper, and it starts printing when it receives a print job. 6. If the sheet doesn’t eject co mpletely, press the Eject button.
2 2-1 1 Prin tin g o n EPSO N Pape r a nd F ilm N OTE : EP SO N also prov ides s pecial ty me dia f or ink je t print ers, in cludi ng card stock, adhesive sheets, tran sp arencies, and photo paper. For more inf ormation about ordering and using this me dia, call EPSON Accessories at (800) 873-7766 (U.
2 2-1 2 Print ing on V ario us Su bs trates • Keep unused media in its orig inal p ackagi ng and s to re it i n a cool, dry place to av o id a decline in quality. Avoi d storing media or printou ts where they will be expo sed to high temperature, humi dity, or direct su nlight.
3 3 -1 Res po nd in g to th e C ont rol Pa ne l Ligh ts The EPSON Stylus Pro 5000 includes a number of utilities for mon itoring the printer’s status. In addition to softwar e utilities, the printer’s control panel li ghts alert you wh en a prob lem occ urs or y our con sumabl es ru n out.
3 3-2 Mon ito ri ng th e Pri nte r When the lights on the control panel come on or flash, you need to replace consumables or solve a problem. The follo wing table identifies the situations in dicated and the approp riate res pons es: Cont rol pa nel l igh ts Pr oble m Re spons e Standar d or op tion al pape r tr ay li ght on.
3 3 -3 Clearing Paper Jams Clear in g P ape r J am s If the three paper lights on the printer’s control p ane l ar e flashing, you have a paper jam. Follow as many of the steps below as necessary to clear the paper path. After you have removed the jammed paper, go to step 9.
3 3-4 Mon ito ri ng th e Pri nte r 4. If your printer has th e lower paper cassette inst alled, remove the lower p aper tray and check the inside of the paper cassette. 5. Open the rear manual f eed cover. 6. Open the p aper path cover, an d if necessary, op en the paper guide inside.
3 3 -5 Clearing Paper Jams 8. Open th e prin ter cover. G ently pu ll out the jam m ed paper . W ARNI NG : Neve r re ach in to th e print er whe n it is turne d on .
4 4-1 Run ning a Cle an ing Cycl e Your EPSON Stylus Pro 5000 requires very little maintenance to ke ep working at its best. This chapter describes the following routine procedures: • R unni ng a cl.
4 4 -2 Main taining and T ransporting th e Printer If your print qualit y has not improved, repeat the steps above. If you don’t notice any imp r ov ement after r unning four o r five cycles, ch eck the pri nt quality soluti ons in Chapter 5.
4 4 -3 Replacing an Ink Cartridge • If the pattern has brok en lines or missing segments, as in the following example, your pri n t er may have a clogged ink nozz le or misali gned pri nt head. Ru n a cle aning cycle (se e page 4-1) and/or pri n t h ead align ment (see page 1-15).
4 4 -4 Main taining and T ransporting th e Printer T O REPL ACE AN INK CART RID GE : 1. Make su re the p rinter is turned o n, and determ ine wh ich c artridge needs t o be replaced by chec king the cont rol panel lights . 2. Open the appropriate ink cartridge compartm ent door.
4 4 -5 Replacing an Ink Cartridge 5. Insert the ink cartridge w ith the arrow mark face-up and t he arrow pointing tow ard th e pr inter . W ARNI NG : To avoid injury, do not reach into the ink cartridg e compartments. 6. Lower the clam p until it clicks in to place.
4 4 -6 Main taining and T ransporting th e Printer Clean in g the P ap er Path s If a paper tray is not feeding prope rly, you can use a clean i ng sheet to remove paper dus t in th e paper p a ths. C l ean ing sh eet s a re pa cke d with s ome EP SON s pec ial me dia and are also available separately (orde r part number S041150).
4 4 -7 Clean ing the Printe r Clean in g the P rin te r To keep your pri nter oper ating at its best, you sho uld cle an it thoroughly sever al times a year. Observe the followin g precautions when you clean the printer: C AUTI ON : • Don’t touch the gears inside the printer.
4 4 -8 Main taining and T ransporting th e Printer Trans po rt ing t he Pr inter I f you ne ed to s hip you r pr int er, you m us t prep are it f or tr an spor ta tion and re pac k it in the original box. You must also remov e the ink cartridges, to avoid the possibility of ink leakage.
4 4 -9 Tra nspo rtin g th e Prin ter 5. Unplug t he power cor d from the electr ical outlet; then discon nect the RIP interface cable from t he printer. 6. Remove the standard paper tray. If the optional low er paper cass ette is installed, remove the low er tray.
4 4-10 Maintain ing and Tran sporting the Pr inter 9. Re pac k the pr inter , pap er tr ays, p ow er c ord, an d an y ot her part s in the original boxes. Remember to keep the pr i nter le ve l during tran sport. To set up the pri n ter af ter transp o rting it, fol lo w the instr uctions in Chapter 1.
5 5-1 Dia gnos ing Prob le ms As you use your print er, you may oc casional ly e xperi ence a p roblem . The f irst thin g you should do is diagnose the problem following the guidelines in this chapter. Then try th e most likely solution s until the problem is fix ed .
5 5-2 Tr oubl es hoot ing Impr ov ing Prin t Q u ality Y ou c an o fte n i mpr ove pri n t q ua lity by do ing the foll owin g: • Run a cleaning cycle. See page 4-1 for in structions. • When you se nd a print job, match the P rint Mo de settin g in your print options to the type of substrate you’r e using.
5 5 -3 Im pro ving Print Quality Yo ur prin tout is fai nt , blurry, or grai ny, or colors are i ncorr ect or missing . • P rint the Configuration page and make sure the press simul ation is s et cor rectly. • M ake su re t he Pr i n t M o d e setting matche s the substrate y o u’re using and the paper tray levers are set corre ctly.
5 5-4 Tr oubl es hoot ing Solvi ng G ener al Pr intin g P ro blem s If the pr i nter won’t pri n t, first che ck that: • The printer is turned on and the P Operate light is on. • Paper is loaded in the printer. • The printer is plugge d securely into a working electrical outlet that’s not contr olle d by a switch or timer.
5 5-5 Solvi n g Pap er o r Othe r S ubst ra te Prob le m s Solvi ng P aper or O ther Su bs trate P ro blem s You can avoid most paper handling problems by doing the following : • Use smooth, high-quali ty substrates designed for ink jet printe r s, an d make sure the y meet t he sp ecif ica tion s in App endix B.
5 5-6 Tr oubl es hoot ing If you have problems with paper feeding, paper jams, or ejected paper, check here for so l uti o ns . If th is happ ens: Try t his: Pap er does n’t fe ed co rrec tly from o ne of the paper tray s, or m ore tha n on e s he et feeds at a time.
A A- 1 Swi tc hing Paper T rays You can switch the positi ons of the stand ar d paper tray and option al lower tray. You may find t hi s conv enient if you have more than one printer w ith or without the lower pap er cassette.
A A- 2 Swi tc hing Paper T rays 4. Remove the co ver by lifting it up and tow ard you. The cover notches s hould slide e asily off the paper tray post s.
A A- 3 Swi tc hing Paper T rays 6. Raise the cover up and make sure the notche s click into place over the pap er tray posts. 7. Close the paper tray cover.
B B- 1 Pr i nt in g Print ing Pri nt i ng metho d On- dema nd in k jet Nozzl e conf igu rat ion 64 no zzles × 6 ( black, cyan, magenta, yellow, light cyan, li ght magenta) Resolution Maximum 1440 dpi.
B B -2 Spe cifica t ions Pape r Pap er typ e Si ze Pa pe r ty pe s T hic knes s We ight Si ng le shee ts Le tt er (8 .5 × 11 inch es ) A 4 (210 × 29 7 mm ) A 5 (148 × 21 0 mm ) Legal (8.5 × 14 inc hes ) Half Le tter (5.5 × 8 .5 inche s) E xec ut iv e (7.
B B-3 Paper N OTE : • Since the quality of any partic ular brand or type of pape r may be changed by the manufacturer at any time, EPSON cannot attest to the quality of any n o n-EPSON brand or type of p aper. Always test samples of paper stock befo re purchasing large quantities or printing large jobs.
B B -4 Spe cifica t ions Print abl e ar eas • Single sheet s and ink jet cards N OTE : T he maximum printable width is 12.7 inches (416 mm). •E n v e l o p e s A BL BR C A: The minimum top margin is 0.12 inc h (3.0 mm). B: The mini mum left a nd rig ht marg ins are 0.
B B-5 Ink Ca rt rid ges Ink C ar tri dges * The prin t ca paci ty may va ry, d epend ing on how often you r un cl eani ng cy cle s. ** Ink thaws and is usab le afte r approximate ly 3 hours at 77 °F (2 5 °C). C AUTI ON : • T o ensu re good result s, use genuine EPS ON ink c art ridge s.
B B -6 Spe cifica t ions Mech an ic al Pape r feed metho d Friction Pape r pa th Paper tray, front and rear manual feed slots, o ptional lower paper cassette Pape r tray capacit y 250 sheets of 17 lb (64 g/m 2 ) pa per Di mensions •S t o r a g e Width: 25.
B B -7 Electric al Elect ric al N OTE : Chec k the label on the ba ck of the printer for your printer ’s vo ltag e. Envir on m enta l Temp erat ure Operation: 50 to 95 °F (10 to 35 °C) Stor age: �.
B B -8 Spe cifica t ions Inter fac es Pa rall el in terf ace The bu ilt- in paral lel inte rface sup port s com patibi lit y and ECP m odes . Compatibility mode • Forw ard ch ann el Data format: 8-b.
B B -9 Inte rfa ces Seri al in te rfa ce Standard: Based on RS-423 Synchr onization: S ynchronous Bit rate: Approx imately 1.8 Mbps Handshaking: X-ON/X-OFF, DTR protocol Word form at: Data bit: 8 bits.
Index A Acce ssories, EPSO N , 5 Ad hesive sheets, 2-11, B-2 Aligning the print head, 1-15 to 1-17 B Back light film, 2-10 to 2-12, B- 3 Banding, 5- 2 Blurry printouts , 5-3 C Cards paper size and med.
I- 2 In de x I Ink car t rid ge s empty, 3-2, 5-4 to 5-5 installing, 1-5 to 1-7 ord ering, 4-3 part numbe rs, 4-3 removing for transportation, 4-8 repl acing, 4-3 to 4-5 sp ecif ic at ions , B- 5 Ink .
I- 3 In de x Pap er s i ze cards, 1-13, 2-2 to 2-5 lever, 1-13, 2- 2 to 2-5 Paper trays capacities, 2-11 cleaning, 4-6 clearing paper jams, 3-3 to 3-5 extension, 1-10, 2-7 t o 2-8 installing, 1-5 leve.
I- 4 In de x Substrates EPSON, 2-10 to 2-12 glossy, 2-10 to 2-12 loading in fron t manual slot, 2-7 to 2-8 loading in lower tra y, 2-6 loading in re ar manual slot, 2-8 to 2-10 loading in trays, 1-8 t.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson pro5k u1 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson pro5k u1 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson pro5k u1 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson pro5k u1 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson pro5k u1 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson pro5k u1 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson pro5k u1 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson pro5k u1 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.