Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Stylus van de fabrikant Epson
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COLOR INK JET PRINTER All rights r eserved. No part of this pub licati on may be r eproduced, s tored in a retri eval syste m, or trans mitte d in any form or b y an y me an s, el ectr onic, me chan ical, p hotocopyi ng, recording, or othe rwise, without the prior w ritten p ermission of Seiko E pson Corp oration.
FCC Complia nce Statement For United States Users This equi pment has been test ed and foun d to co mply with the l i mits for a Cla ss B digital devic e, pu rsua nt to Pa rt 15 of the FCC Rules. The se limits are desig ned to provide reasonable protection against h armful in terferenc e in a reside ntial insta llation.
Contents Intro duct ion About this Manual . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-1 Getting th e Most Out of Your Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 Resolut ion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0-2 Pap er . . .
Chapter 2 Controll ing the Printer Ch angin g Printe r S e ttings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Usin g th e Pr inte r D riv er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Cont rollin g t he color an d h alft one se ttin gs . . .
Appendix B Tec hn ic al Spe cific ati ons Prin ting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Pape r . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 Ink C ar tridg es . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printer Pa rts printer cover knob cont rol pan el input tray output tray rear edge guide outp ut tra y l eve r (AC inlet) inte rfa ce card cover parallel inte rfa ce seria l inte rfa ce ink ca rtri dg.
Changing Printer Settings The printer sett ings allow you to control your print jo b. With them you can specify the nu mber of copies, a page range, and the p aper size. You can also specify high-quality by turning on MicroWeave or fast printing by turning on Hig h Speed.
Turn the printe r on and off Turn on economy mode Clean the bl ac k a nd co l o r print hea ds Pause the printer temporarily. For more information about t he control panel, s ee "Using the Con trol Pane l" late r in th is ch apte r.
Introduction The EPSO N ® Styl us ® COLOR is a high -quality, high -resolution ink jet p rin ter that can prin t up t o 1 6 million colo rs at a resolution of 720 dpi to produce full-color, ne ar-photographic images. It also produces realistic gray scale image s and sharp text and li ne art.
Getting the Most Out of Your Printer Color p rinting takes time . How much time depe nds on the type of image and the final output quality y ou require. Simple graphic s suc h as bar graphs pri nt quic kl y. Compl ex gr aphi cs such as gray scale or fu ll-color image s ta ke long er, espe cia lly when you want the highest possibl e quality.
Although you can achieve satisfactory result s with most plain paper, coated papers give you better results because they reduce the amount of ink that is absorbed.
High-Speed Mode When High -Speed Mode is on, the printer prints in bidi recti on al mo de : it p rin ts a li ne from rig ht t o le ft an d the next line from left to right. If High-Speed Mode is not on, all lines are p rinte d in t h e sam e dire ctio n.
Where to Get Help fo r U.S. and Canadian Users Epson America provides local customer support and service thro ugh a nationwide network of authorized EPSON dealers and Service Centers. EPSON also provide s the sup port services listed be low through EPSON Connection.
Chapter 1 Setting Up the Printer 1 Sys te m Re qu ire me nt s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Insta llatio n . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-2 Unpa ckin g th e prin ter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
System Requir ements To use t he Stylu s COLOR with your Macintosh using t he built-in seri al interfa ce, you need the follo wing: ❑ System 6.0.7 or later, or System 7.0 or later. ❑ 4MB RAM if you ar e running Sy stem 6. x or 5MB RAM if you are running System 7.
Avoid places s ubject to rapid changes in temperat ure an d humidity. Also keep the printer away from direct sunlight and heat source s. Unpacking the printer In addition to this guide, your printer b.
Attaching the input tray and output tray supports 1. Place the right side hole of the input tray over t he mounting post as shown below. T hen push t he paper tray’s left side notch onto t he mounting post until it snaps in place . 2. Install the output tray s upports into the notches provide d for them.
Plugging in and turning on the printer 1. Make sur e you have removed all protective packing materials from inside the printer. 2. Plug the power cord i nto a properly grounded electri cal outl et. 3. Turn on the printer by pressing the Operate button.
1. Make sure the printe r is turned on, and then open the printer cover. 2. Press the Pause button. 3. Hold down the Alt button for about five seconds until the print head moves slightly to the le ft, which is the ink cartridge install p osition.
4. Pull each of the ink cartridge clamps toward you to o pen them. 5. Open the foil i nk cartridge packages and remove the cartridges from thei r protect ive ca rdb oard. Remove the tape seal from each ink cartridge. c Caution: You must remove the tape seal from the cartridges.
6. Lower the cartridges into their holders with the labels face up and the arrow on the top of the cartridge pointing toward the rear of the pri nter. The colo r ca rtri dge, whi ch i s larger, goes on the left, the blac k i nk ca rtri dge on the right.
8. Press the Alt button ag ain to return the print head to its home position. (Even if y ou do not press Alt , the printer moves the print head back to its home position about 60 seconds after you close the clamps.) 9. Close the printer cover. After you ins tall th e ink cartridges, the printer charges th e ink delivery syste m.
4. Press the Alt button. Then pres s Pause . 5. Close the printer cover. Loading plain pape r The following procedure describes how to load plain bond paper. You can load up to 100 sheet s of plain paper. For information on loadi ng c oated paper, envelopes, or transparenc ies, see Chapter 3.
3. While aligning the paper’s edge with the right edge guide, insert it with the printable surface face down into the input tray until it meets resistance. (The print able surface is marked with an arrow on most plain paper packaging. The n adjus t the le ft e dge guide as shown .
Testing the printer Use paper that is at least 8.25 inches (21 0 mm) wid e. Otherwise ink is sp rayed directly on t he plate n and can smear subseq uent pag es. 1. Turn off the printer. 2. Wh ile holdin g down the Load/Eject button, press the Operate ( ) button.
If you inst alled the opt ional LocalTalk int erface board, you need t o obtain two LocalTalk Locking Connector K its (DIN-8 vers ion). Attach a connector box both to the LocalTalk int erface on the printer and to the printer port on the Macintosh. Then attach the LocalTalk cable between the two connector boxes.
c Caution: Turn off any virus protection programs before you install printer software. You do thi s by holding down the Shift key while you restart your Macintosh. After installation, yo u can use the protection programs agai n. Before you begin installation, make a backup of the EPSON Macintosh printe r disk .
If you are low on disk space and wish to specify what components to inst all, choose one o r more of the following: AT-Stylus COLOR This driver allows you to use the opt ional LocalTalk interface to conn ect the printer to an AppleTalk network.
Choosing the Stylus COLOR printe r After you install the printer driver, open the Chooser to select it before you begin printing. You need t o choose the printer only the firs t time y ou use it or wheneve r you want to use another printer. Your Macintosh will alway s print us ing the last p rinter sel ect ed.
If you se lect the AT-Stylus COLOR icon , a list of pr inte rs appears at the right of the dialog box. Clic k the name of the printer you want to use. 4. If you wish, turn on background printing . Whe n background printing is on, you can print in the background while using your Macintosh for othe r tasks.
3. Choose the Test 1 button to alig n the print heads. The printer prints a page that displays 16 alignment patte rns of v ert ical l ines . Each patte rn is ass ocia ted with an offset value . Look for t he alignme nt patte rn that is most closely aligne d.
Chapter 2 Controlling the Printer Ch ang ing Prin ter S e tting s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Usin g th e Pr inte r D riv er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Cont rollin g t h e co lor a nd h alft on e s ett ings . . .
Changing Printer Settings The printer settings allow you to control your p rint job. With them you can specify the nu mber of copies, a page range, and the paper size. You can also change t he resolution and specify high-quality by t urning on MicroW eave or turning off High Speed.
Some printe r sett ings are available thro ugh the p rinter’s control panel. You use the control panel to do the following : ❑ Turn the printe r on and off ❑ Turn on economy mode ❑ Clean the black and color print he ads ❑ Pause the printer temporarily.
To access the printer driver sett ings for the Stylus COLOR, choose the Options button of the Print dialog box. Th is brings up the following dialog box: Controlling the c olor and halfto ne settings The followi ng setti ngs control colo r qual ity and the halftone patte rn .
The Diffused se tting is bes t for photograp hic imag es. This setting is the default and should be used for most color images. Pattern 1 Dither is a fine dither pattern that can be used for pri nting imag es with si gni fican t det ail but limite d sha ding.
When speed is more important than qu ality and when a draft is good en ough, use 180-dpi resolution. Note: Printing at lower resolutio ns conserves ink.
Note: If the vertical lines in printing appear misaligned when you print with High-Speed Mode on, you might need to calibrate the printer as described in Chapter 1. Controlling visual effe cts The fo llowing set ting s allow you t o ch ange th e p rinte d imag e.
You can se lect from the following prede fined sizes: Letter (8.5 × 11 inches) Executi ve (10 × 7.5 inc hes) A4 (21 0 × 297 mm) #10 envel o pe (9 .5 × 4 1/8 inches) Legal (8.5 × 14 inches) DL envelope (220 × 110 mm) A5 (14 8 × 210 mm) C5 envelope (229 × 162 mm ) B5 (182 × 257 mm ) 6 3/4 e nv elope (6.
You ca n def ine up to e ight p ape r size s. All pap er siz es you define are listed i n the left column and appear in the list of paper sizes in the Page Setup dialog box. Using the Control Panel The printer’s front control panel contains lights for display ing the p rinter status and buttons for controlling certain set tings.
Lights Operate On when the printer is on. Flas hes when the printer is turning on or off. Data On when data is being rec eived by the printer or when data remains in printer memory. Paper Out On when the printer runs out of paper. Rapid flashing indicates a paper jam.
Butto ns Operate Turns the printer on and off. c Caution: Always turn off the printer by pressing the Operate button. Then wait until the Operate light stops flashi ng before unplugging the printer. Never turn off the printer whi le the Pause light is fla sh in g.
Using the EPSON Monitor Utility to Manage Print Jobs After you send a print job to the printer, you can use the EPSON Monitor Utility to see what print jobs are queued for printing and cancel a print job. You can also use the progre ss of the job currently being printed.
Chapter 3 Paper Handling Choosing Paper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2 Loading S pe cial Coate d Pape r a nd T ransp are ncie s .
Choosing Paper You can use most plain paper with the Stylus COLOR and achieve good results. H owever, for bett er quality p rinting, use EPSON coated paper or pape r especially designed for ink jet printers. Coated paper reduces the amount of ink th at is absorbed by the paper to produce sharper, clearer printing.
Loading Special Coate d Paper and Transparencie s Note: Loading pla in paper is described in Cha pter 1. 1. Make sure the printable surface is face down. For coated papers, the printable side is whiter than the other side. For transp arencies, the printable side is face down when the cut corner is as shown below.
4. Chang e the M edia Type setting and check other se ttings to be sure they are appropriate for t he paper you loaded. You must change the Media Type set ting in the printer driver to e nsure it matches the pap er you jus t loaded. To change the M edia Type set ting, choose Print in the Fil e menu, th en choose the Options button.
When printing on envelopes and heavy paper, you need to adjust the paper thickne ss lever t o compe nsate for the e xtra paper weight. 1. Make su re the printer is turned on. T hen press t he Pause button and open the cover. 2. Wh ile holdi ng down the Alt button, press the Font button.
6. Insert the pap er or envelopes into the printe r. If you’re loading en velope s, insert them as shown. You can insert up to 10 envelopes . The number of sheets of heavy pape r depends on the thickne ss of the pape r. Adjust the rear and left edge guides so the paper o r envelopes fe ed straight into the paper path.
Chapter 4 Maintenance and Troubleshooting Clea nin g th e Prin t Hea ds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-2 Repl acing an In k C ar tridg e . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-3 Tra nspor ting t he Pr int er . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Cleaning the Print Heads The printer periodically cleans its print heads, so normally yo u should not need to cle an them. H oweve r, if print quality diminishes, use the built-in print head cleaning cyc le to enable the nozzles to deliver ink properly.
Replacing an Ink Cart ridge If print q uality has declined and th ree attempt s to clean the print heads did not improve the quality, re place one or both ink cartridges. You can check print quality by doing a printer self test as described in Chapter 1.
The carria ge returns to the home position a fter 6 0 sec onds if the ink cartridge s are not re moved. 5. Lift the blue cartridge clamp up as far as it will g o. The cartridge rises partly out of the carriage. 6. Lift the cartridge out of the printer and dispose of it properly.
8. Lower the ink cart ridge into the cartridge holder so the label is face up and the arrow on the cartridge point s to the re ar of the printer. The larger (color) cartridge g oes on the left. 9. Push the ink cartridge clamp toward t he back of the printe r un til it lock s in place .
If you replaced the black cartrid ge, hol d do wn the Alt button while you pres s the Load/Eject button. T his cle ans the blac k pri nt head . If you replaced the color cartridge, hold down t he Alt butt on while you pres s the Economy/Condensed button.
4. Attach the prote ctive mate rial to the printer. See the Notice She et that came in th e box. 5. Repa ck th e p rin ter in the o rigin al box . When you first use the printer after transporting it, if the printed image is faint, has gaps, or nothing print s, cle an the print heads as de scribed at the be ginning of this ch apter.
Print quality problems Print qual ity prob lems can often be sol ved by cl eani ng the print heads as describe d earlier in this chapter. Not e that it may take as m an y as thre e clea nin g cy cle s t o solv e a prin t qua lity problem.
Use a higher quality paper. Al s o, chec k that the Media Type setting in t he driver is selected for the typ e of pape r loaded. If you are us ing 720-dp i re solu tion, b e s ure to load spec ial co ated 720-dpi paper. Al ways use this special paper w hen printing at 720 dpi.
Problem s with printing If you cannot g et the printer to print, first che ck that paper is loaded in the printer. Then check t hat the printer is plugged into a working elect rical outlet that is not controlled by a switch or timer. Veri fy that the i nterface cab le is sec urely connected to the printer and computer.
The printer makes a grinding noise and do es not feed paper. Something is pressing against the knob on the printer’s right side. Turn off the pri n ter and move it, l ea ving approxi mately 2 inches of open area ne xt to the knob on th e printe r’s righ t side.
Paper handling prob lems This section describes how to clear paper jams inside your printer and how to ensure th at pape r feeds properly. Cleari ng and prev enting paper j ams If paper has jammed inside the printer, clear the paper as follows: 1. Turn off the printer.
5. If paper is caught in the paper eject area, gently pull it out of the printer. 6. Close the printer cover. 7. Turn on the print er to move the print heads to the correct positions.
If you still have pape r feeding probl ems, see the following: The printer loads more than one sheet at a time. Remove the stack of paper and fan it. T ap it on a flat surface to even t he edges. Then reload the paper. The paper is too thin or thick. See Appendix B for exact sp ecif ication s.
Appendix A Using the L ocalTalk Interface Wh en t o Us e the O ption al LocalTa lk In terf ace . . . . . . . . . A-2 Install ing the Opt ional Loca lTalk Int erf ace Boar d . . . . . . . A-2 Assig nin g a Name to t he P rin ter . . . . . . . . . . . .
When to Use the Optional LocalTalk Interfac e If you want to connect the printer to an AppleTalk network so multiple Macintosh computers can share the printer, y ou need to obtain an EPSON Talk kit for the Stylus COLOR. T o purchase one, contact your dealer or call EPSON Access ories at (800 ) 873-7 766.
4. Use a cros s-head screwdriver to remove the two scre ws securing t he shield plate to the optional int erface slot; then lift out th e plate. 5. Slide the LocalT alk interface board along the slots on both side s of the interface compartment .
Assigning a Name to the Printer After you install the L ocalTalk interface board and install the driver as de scribed in Ch apter 1, y ou must assig n a name to your printer before y ou can select it in the C hoose r. To assign a name to your printer: 1.
After the printer warms up, it prints a page listing t he avail able lan guage s. 3. Unl ess yo u wa nt t o cha nge the la nguage of t he con trol panel, press the Alt butt on. (Press t he Font button to change the langua ge sel ecti on.) The p rinter prints two instruction sheets that describe how to ch ange default printer sett ings.
Appendix B Technical Specifications Prin tin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2 Pap er . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3 Ink Ca rt ridges . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Printing Print ing me th od : On-de ma nd ink je t Nozzle configur ation: Monochrome (black ) 64 nozzl es (16 × 4 stag gered) Color 48 nozzl es (16 × 3, Cyan, Magenta, Yell ow) Print sp eed (col or)*: Best pri nt q ualit y 5.
Paper Note: Since the qual ity of any parti cular bran d or type of paper may be changed by the manufacturer at any time, EPSON cannot guarantee the use of any particular brand or type of paper. Always test samples of paper stock before purchasing large quantities or printing large jobs.
Note: ❑ Use recycled paper under normal temperature and humidity conditions o nly. Poor qu ality paper ma y reduce print qual ity and cause paper jams and other problems.
Printabl e area: Single s hee ts Envelop es A The minimum top margin i s 3.0 mm (0.12 inches). B The minimum l eft margin is 3.0 mm (0.12 inche s). Th e ri ght m arg in is : 3.8 mm (0.15 inches) for A4, B5 size paper, and No. 6 envel ope. 9.8 mm (0.38 inches) for L etter and Leg al size paper.
Ink C art rid ges Black in k cartr i d ge (S020034): Color Bl ack Print capacity* Approx imately 1.5 million c haracters (840 sheets , letter, 5% duty at 360 dp i) Cart ridg e lif e* 2 yea rs f rom p .
c Cauti on: ❑ The printer will be dama ged if you use ink or cartridges not manufactu red by EPS ON or t o EPSON’s specificatio ns. Do not attempt to refill ink cartridg es manually . If you u se substand ard produc ts with y our EPSON p rinter, you will damage t he p rint heads an d void your warranty.
Environmental Temperatur e: Operation 10 to 35°C (50 to 95°F) Storag e* − 20 to 60°C (14 to 140°F) 1 month at 40°C (104°F) 120 hours at 60°C (140°F ) Humidity: Operation 20 to 80% RH Storage* ** 5 to 85% RH * S to re d in ship ping co nt a in er * * W it h out c on d ensa ti on Safety Approvals Safety stand ard s: UL 1950 with D3, CSA 22.
Index A Acc e ss ori e s, E P S O N , 4 A l ign i ng the p r in te r , 1 -16 Alignmen t problems , 4- 9 A l t button, 2-11 B Backgr oun d print ing, 1- 15 Ba n di n g, 4- 9 Best pri nt quality, 2, 2-4.
H Hal fton e meth ods, 2-6 –7 Heavy pape r s, l oad i n g, 3-5–7 He l p, gett i n g , 3 Ho rizo n t al f li p p ing of ima ge, 2-1 0 I I n k con s erv i ng, 2-12 contro l l i n g the amount app l .
P r int j obs cancel i ng, 2-12 chang i ng the order, 2-12 viewing, 2-12 Print qual ity, 2, 2-4 pro b le ms with, 4 - 8–9 P r int s peed, A-2 Printab le area, A-5 Printe r, 1 cali b ra t i n g, 1-1 .
V Vertical l ines in image, 4-9 W Warranty, 4-3 Wrin kled pa per, 4-14 IN-4.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Epson Stylus (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Epson Stylus heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Epson Stylus vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Epson Stylus leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Epson Stylus krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Epson Stylus bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Epson Stylus kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Epson Stylus . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.