Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 920-087-04 (3-05) van de fabrikant Friedrich
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920-087-04 (3-05) PT A C P A CKAGED TERMINAL AIR CON DI TION ERS & HEA T PUMPS Standard Contr ol Remo te Thermostat Seacoast Pr ot ected INS T ALL A TION & OPER A TION GUIDE.
2 920-087-04 (3-05) Unit C ompo nents ............................................................................................................... ................................................................................ 2 Mode l Number C ode .
3 920-087-04 (3-05) Thank y ou for your decision to pu rchase the newly designed F r iedrich Packaged T erminal A ir Conditioner (P T AC ). We are con fi den t that you will fi nd this unit a q uiet and e f fi cien t example o f F riedr ich reliability .
4 920-087-04 (3-05) P TAC Installat ion Recommendations For proper P TAC unit perf ormance and ma x imum operat ing life please refer to the minimum installation clearances below: The abov e suggestions are for ref erence only and do not represent all poss ible installations.
5 920-087-04 (3-05) Fried rich Digital Control Features The new F rie dric h digital PT A C has state of the ar t features to improv e guest co mfor t, indoor air qualit y and c onser ve energy .
6 920-087-04 (3-05) Fried rich Digital Contr ol Features Continued Instant Heat Heat Pump Mode Heat pump models w ill automatic ally run t he electr ic heater to quic kly bring t he room up to temper ature when initially ener gize d, t he n r et ur n t o h e at p um p m o de .
7 920-087-04 (3-05) Inst allat ion Ins t ruc t ions PX DR 10 Dr ain K it Internal Drain ( optiona l f or new construct ion ) NOTE: If installing an inter nal drain, you MUST install a drain kit on the wall sleeve be fore the wall sleeve is installed. 1 .
8 920-087-04 (3-05) External Drain (f o r n e w c o n s t r u c t i o n o r u n i t r e p l a c e m e n t ) When using an exter nal drain system, the condensate is removed th rough either of t wo drain holes on the back of t he wall sleev e . Select the drain hole whic h best meets your drainage situation and install the drain kit .
9 920-087-04 (3-05) W a ll Slee ve In stal la tion I nstructio ns ( PDX WS ) NOTE: Insure that the unit is only installe d in a wall str uct urally adequate to suppor t t he unit including the sleeve, chassis and acces sorie s. If the slee ve p rojects more than 8 " int o the room, a sub base or other means of suppor t MUST be used.
10 920-087-04 (3-05) 3 . Drill t wo 3 / 16" holes through each side of the sleeve approximat ely 4" from top and 4" from bottom of sleeve . Screw four #10 x 1 " screws (included) or appropriate fasteners for your installation, through the holes i n the sides of the wall sle ev e.
11 920-087-04 (3-05) If the wall is thicker than allowed in the notes in Figure 6, a sheet met al wall sleeve e x ten sion and fl ashing M UST be used.
12 920-087-04 (3-05) Plastic handles Plastic grommets 1 . Remov e the c enter suppor t and weatherb oard if still in stalled in the sleeve . 2. Inser t si x plastic grommets into the grille openings f rom the outside of the gr ille as shown in Figure 9.
13 920-087-04 (3-05) A . Ele ctric al Ra ti ng T a bl es All 230 / 208 volt units are equipped with power cords. Se e Appendi x B on pag e 19 for wir ing in struc tions on 265V unit s. NOTE: Use Copper C onductor s ONL Y . Wire sizes are per NEC, check local c odes for over seas ap pli ca tions.
14 920-087-04 (3-05) Sec tion III – Chas sis Inst allat ion 1 . Remov e the weatherboard and c enter suppor t from the sleeve (if still in plac e). Be sure an outdoor gr ille is at tache d. Check to be sure the wall sleeve, ex tension ( if used), grille, and d rain kit are inst alled properl y before chassis inst allation .
15 920-087-04 (3-05) 4. Ce nter the cha ssis in the pre-instal led slee ve and care ful ly push the chassis unt il the chas sis fl ange and gas ke t c o nt a c t the slee ve fl ange. If a remote t hermost at is to be inst alled, proc eed to page 18, Step 1 .
16 920-087-04 (3-05) Digital Control User Inpu t Confi gu ra tio n The adjustable c ontrol dip switches are loc ated at the lower lef t hand po r tion of the digit al Smar t Center . The inputs are onl y visible and acc essible with t he front cover remov ed f rom the PT A C.
17 920-087-04 (3-05) Digital Contr ol Operation Te m p e r a t u r e D i s p l a y The Friedrich digit al PT AC is shipped from t he factor y to display the desired room temperature on the LED readout.
18 920-087-04 (3-05) R Y W B GL GH C D1 D2 F1 F2 JP1 12 34 56 78 ON DIP Re mote T hermostat and Low V oltag e Cont rol C onnections T o c ontro l the uni t with a wa ll mo unte d the rmosta t fol low the steps below : 1 ) W ith the front c over remo ved locate the low volt age terminal strip at the lower po r tion of the Smar t Center .
19 920-087-04 (3-05) The vent control lever is located behind the front c over on the lef t side of the unit. The unit is shipped in t he closed p osition with a lock ing screw in place. The screw must be removed to operate the lev er . When the lev er is back, ( OPEN), out side air is mixed with indoor ai r .
20 920-087-04 (3-05) I. Star t-up Checklist Inspect all components and accessories for damage before and after installation. Check installation for compliance with all national and local codes and ordinances. Read and follow all manufacturer's installation instructions.
21 920-087-04 (3-05) Ap pe n d ix A: El ect ri c a l Wi r in g fo r 2 65 V o l t M o d e ls 1 . R emove the four control box retaining screws (A) and open the control bo x. 2. Pull the chassis p ower lead wires (B) (loc ated on the bot tom - right side of the c ontrol box ) through the plasti c bushing so they are located inside the c ontrol box.
22 920-087-04 (3-05) J. Ro ut ine Main te nanc e 1 . Clean the unit air intake fi lter at least e ver y 3 0 0 to 35 0 hours of operation. Clean the fi lters wit h a mild detergent in warm water and allow to dr y thoroughly before reinstalling.
23 920-087-04 (3-05) K . Basic T r ouble shoot ing T echniques Being familiar with the sequenc e of operation on Standard C ontro lled Operating Unit s or the operation of the Remote Thermostat Controlled Unit s is impor t ant. The following questi ons and answers may help to identif y per for mance problems.
24 920-087-04 (3-05) Dia gnost ics The Friedrich Smar t Center continuously monitors t he PT AC unit operation and will store ser vic e co des if cer tain c onditions are witnesse d. In some cases the unit may take action and shut the unit of f until c onditions are c orrec ted.
25 920-087-04 (3-05) Friedr ich P TAC Ac ce ss or ies NEW CON STRUCTION AC CES SO RIES MODEL NUMBER DESC RIPTI ON PHO TO PDX WS WA LL S L E E V E zinc coate d steel is prepared in an eleven-step process, t hen powder coate d with a po lyester fi nish and cured in an oven for e x c eptional durabilit y .
26 920-087-04 (3-05) ADDITIONAL A CCE SSORIE S MODEL NUMB ER DESC RIPTION PHO TO PXSE SLEEVE EX TENSION RETROFIT KIT G - 9 0 zinc c oated s t e e l , 2 . 4 " s l e e v e e x t e n s i o n a t t a c h e d t o t h e r o o m s i d e o f t h e sleev e to allow for the inst allation of a P- Ser ies F rie drich PT AC in a T -Ser ies sleeve .
27 920-087-04 (3-05) Friedrich Air Conditioning Company P.O. Box 1540 San Antonio, TX 78295 210.357.4400 www.friedr PD-SERIES PACKAGED TERMINAL AIR CONDITIONERS LIMITED WARRANTY SAVE THIS CERTIFICA TE. It gives you specif ic rights, you may also have other rights which may vary from state to sta te and province to province.
F riedrich Ai r Conditi oning Co. Post Of f ice Box 15 4 0 • San A ntonio, T exa s 782 95 - 1 5 4 0 420 0 N. Pan A m Expre s s way • San Ant onio , T exas 7821 8 -521 2 (210 ) 357 - 4 4 0 0 • F A X (210 ) 357 - 4 4 8 0 www . fr i ed r i c h . co m Print e d in t he U.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Friedrich 920-087-04 (3-05) . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.