Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product Finepix FinePix Z5fd van de fabrikant FujiFilm
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OWNER’S MANUAL This manual will show y ou how to use your FUJIFILM DIG ITAL CAMERA FinePix Z5fd correctly. Please follow the instru ctions carefully.
2 Warning To reduce th e risk of fire o r electric shock, do not expose the AC power ad apter to rain or moistu re. The AC power adapter should not be exposed to dri pping or splashing an d that no ob jects filled with liquids, such as vase s, should be placed on the AC power adapte r.
4 EC Declar ation of Co nformit y We Name: FUJIFILM Europe Gm bH Address: Heesenstr asse 31 40549 D usseld orf, Germ any declare that the p roduc t Product Name: FUJIFILM DIG ITAL CAMERA FinePix Z5fd .
5 Disposal o f Electric and Electr onic Equi pment in P rivate Househo lds Dispos al o f used Electr ica l & Elec tron ic Eq uipmen t (Applicab le in th e Europe an Union and other E urop ean coun.
6 Contents Warni ng ........ ..... ...... ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... ....... 2 IMPO RTAN T ........ ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... .... 3 EC De clarat ion o f Con formi ty...... ........ ...... ..... ....... 4 Disposal of Electric and Electr onic Equipmen t in Privat e Hou sehol ds .
7 Specif ying foc using mode ( H AF MODE ) ... ........ ...... ..... ......... ..... ..... 64 Adva nced Featu res — Playb ack p -MO DE MEN U (Pla yback) .... ..... ......... ..... ...... .. 66 Sending and receiving imag es ( IR COMM UNICA TION) ....
8 Prefac e Z Test Shots Pri or to Phot ogra phy For im portant p hotogr aphs (s uch as w eddings and overseas t rips), always ta ke a test sh ot and view t he image to make sur e that the camer a is working normally.
9 Z Notes on Elec trical In terfer ence If the camer a is to be used in hospita ls or aircra fts, please note that this camera ma y cause interferen ce to o ther equipm ent in t he hospital or ai rcraft. Fo r deta ils, please chec k with th e applic able regu lation s.
10 About th is Manua l Z 4-direct ion ( nopq ) butto n Up, dow n, le ft, and r ight ar e ind icated b y black tria ngles i n the Owne r’s Manu al. Up or down is show n as n or o , and left or right is shown as p or q . e Macro (Close- up) Use this mode to take clo se-up shots.
11 Acce ssories Incl uded • Rechargeable Battery NP-40 (1) Soft case i ncl uded • Strap (1) • AC Power Adapter AC-5VZ (1 se t) • A/V cable (1) •U S B c a b l e ( 1 ) • CD-ROM (1) Software for FinePix CX • Own er’s Manu al (this m anual ) (1) Attachi ng the strap Attach th e strap as sho wn in 1 a nd 2.
12 Camer a Parts and Fe atu res • Refer to the pages in parenthe ses for inform ation on usi ng the c amera parts or feat ures. A B C D J K L M N O P Y Z E F G H I Q R S T U V W X a Mode switch b Shutter button c Intelligent Face Detection button (p.
13 Example of LCD Monito r Text Display Z Phot ograph y mode Z Playbac k mode FinePix Z5fd has internal memory t hat can store images without xD-Pictu re Card . Y appears on th e LCD monitor when the internal memory is active. UP UP 12 12 N N 17 17 UP UP M F4.
14 Load ing the Batte ry Battery is required to ope rate the d igital cam era. At fir st, load the b attery in th e came ra. Z Compatible batter y Rechar geable Batte ry NP-40 (1) CAUTIO N • The battery is not fully charged at shipment and must be fully charged before being used.
15 Getting Ready 2 Load the battery. Make sur e that the indicato rs are aligned. P ush the battery release ca tch down while loading the battery. Check tha t the ba ttery is firm ly held in place. CAUTIO N Load the battery in the correct direction. 3 Close the battery cover.
16 Char ging t he Ba tter y The batte ry is not f ully cha rged at ship ment a nd must be fully charge d before bein g used. Connecting the AC power adap ter to the c amera A Connect the AC po wer ad apter t o the c amera. CHECK Loading the Battery ( ➝ p.
17 Getting Ready Camera operation during char ging When co nnection i s complete d, batte ry chargi ng begin s. Chargin g ends after abo ut 2 ho urs. CHECK Indicator lamp [During charging] Lit red [Charging completed] Off [Charging error] Blinking red ( ➝ p.
18 Load ing the xD-Picture Card Although you can store pictu res i n the came ra’s i nternal memory, you can stor e many more images on the xD- Pictur e Card (so ld separat ely). Ther e is a slot for the xD- Pictur e Car d inside the batter y compartm ent.
19 Getting Ready CAUTIO N • Whe n storing xD-Picture Card s, make sure that they are kept out of the reach of children. An xD-Picture Card could be swallowed and cause suffocation. If a child swallows an xD-Picture Card , seek medical attention or call emergency number right away.
20 Turn ing On and O ff Turning the camera on in Shooting mode Open the lens cove r comp letely to turn th e camera on. Close the len s cover until it stops t o turn the camer a off. MEMO Chan ges bet ween S hooti ng m ode an d Pla yback mode Press w during shooting to change to Playback mode.
21 Getting Ready Setting the language, date, an d time When usin g the camera for the firs t time after pur chasing, the lan guage, da te, and time are cleared . Set the langua ge, date, and tim e. 1 screen app ears when turning the camera on. 2 Set the date and time .
22 Tur ning On an d Off 3 Change the date format. Date format ex. November 24, 2006 YY.MM.DD: 2006.11.24 MM/DD/YY: 11/24/2006 DD.MM.YY: 24.11.2006 MEMO START MENU screen also appears when the battery has been removed and the camera has been left for a long period.
23 Getting Ready Correc ting the Dat e and Time 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Display the D ATE/TIME screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP.
24 Select ing the La ngu age 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Display the screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP. C Press q . SHOOTING MENU SHOOTING MENU HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING SHOOTING MODE SHOOTING MODE OFF OFF AU TO A UTO SET -UP SET -UP OFF OFF CONTINUOUS CONTINUOUS A Press p or q to se lect .
25 Using the Camera Taki ng Pic tures (AU TO Mo de) This section describes th e basic operat ions. 1 Turn the cam era on. A Open the lens cover completely so that it will not move further. B Set the Mod e switch to q . Holdi ng the c amera correc tly CAU TION • M oving the camera while shooting gives a blurred picture (camera shake).
26 Taking Pictures ( AUTO Mo de) 2 Check the composition on the L CD monitor. To adjust zoom scale u sin g the Zoom button: MEMO •S e l e c t e Macro mode to take close-up shots ( ➝ p.48). • Use digital zoom when you want to shoot the subject closer ( ➝ p.
27 Using the Camera 4 Press the shutter button fully. CAUTIO N When taking a picture using the flash, the image may disappear and go dark briefly due to flash charging. The indicator lamp blinks orange during charging. MEMO • Whe n the subject is not in the AF frame, use AF/ AE lock to take the picture ( ➝ p.
28 Taking Pictures ( AUTO Mo de) Z Indicato r lamp display The indicator lamp lights or blinks when pr essing the shu tter button, etc. The i ndicator lamp shows th e camera status. MEMO Only the slip stopper on the left side lights as the indicator lamp.
29 Using the Camera CAUTIO N • If th e camera or subject moves as the picture is taken, the subject’s face may move ou t of the Intelligent Face Detection frame. • Whe n the camera is detecting multiple faces, the green frame is set around the face near the ce nter.
30 Taking Pictures ( AUTO Mo de) Taking pictures with the focus and exposure locked In th e above com posit ion, the s ubje cts (two peop le in this case) are not in th e AF fra me. Press ing the sh utter b utton halfway at this point will result in the subje cts being out of focus.
31 Using the Camera 3 Continue t o hold the shutter button down halfway. Move the camera back to the original image and p ress the shutter b utton full y.
32 Taking Pictures ( AUTO Mo de) Adjusting the shot composition Select the LCD monitor display. Press DISP/BACK to cha nge the LCD monitor display. Position the m ain subject at the interse ction of two lines in this fr ame o r align o ne of the hori zontal lines wit h the horizo n.
33 Using the Camera Viewing the Im ages Play back your image s to check th em. For im portant photogra phs, alw ays take a test sho t and view the im age to mak e sure that the c amera is wor king nor mally . Settin g the camera to Playback mode Press w d uring sh ooting t o change t o Playba ck mo de.
34 Viewing the Imag es Single-f rame play back Intelligent Face D etection When playing back images taken with Intelligent Face Detection ( ➝ p.28) ( appears on the LCD monitor), press (Intelligent Face Detection). A frame appears around the faces that were detected by FinePix Z5fd.
35 Using the Camera Z Zoom s cales MEMO Pressing DISP/BACK cancels playback zoom. Intellig ent Fac e Detecti on For images taken with Intelligent Face Detectio n ( ➝ p.28) ( appears on the LCD monitor ), the di splayed fa ce switches each time you press (Intelligen t Face Detection).
36 Viewing the Imag es Sorting by date In sorti ng by date mode, yo u can view all images take n on the same day. A Press n , o , p , or q to move the cur sor (color ed frame ) to the se lecting fr ame.
37 Using the Camera Erasing the Images/Movies Setting the camer a to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.33) Use this mod e to era se unnecessa ry images or movies to have amp le free space on the xD-Pictu re Card or inter nal memory . Your camera c alls i mages “frames”.
38 Erasi ng the Ima ges/Mo vies MEMO To erase another frame (file), repeat above steps. When erasing frames (files) is completed, press DISP/ BACK. CAU TION Pressing MENU/OK repeatedly erases consecutive frames (files). Take care not to erase a frame (file) by mistake.
39 Using the Camera MEMO MEMO • W hen using an xD-Picture Card , the images in the xD- Picture Card are erased. When not using an xD- Picture Card , the images in the internal memory are erased. • P rotected frames (files) cannot be erased. Unprotect the frames (files) before erasing them ( ➝ p.
40 Using th e Shooting Fun ctions — Procedu re of Setting Specify the camera set tings for takin g picture s to get the best result . A ge neral gui de is g iven belo w. 1 Selec t the Shoot ing mode. Set th e Shootin g mode fr om the menu. The cam era setting s are t ailored to the scen e being shot.
41 Advanced Features — Photography Z Spec ifying fun ction s usi ng p -M ODE M ENU ( p button ) Z Specifyin g functions using SH OOTING MENU (ME NU/OK bu tton) S ISO Use to specify required sensitivity setting ( ➝ p.57). QUALITY Use to specify required image size ( ➝ p.
42 Setti ng the Shooting Mo de You can select the most s uitable settin g according to th e subject by selectin g one of t he Shoot ing mod es. Setting Picture stabilization (Anti-blur) and Natural & d Press t he “” ( ) button to set Pictur e stabiliz ation (Anti -blur) or Natur al & d .
43 Advanced Features — Photography Setting a Shooting mode suited to the sc ene A Set the Mod e switch to q . MEMO • See p.50 for information on the available flash modes. • Whe n anything other than AUTO, s , , , and in the SHOOTING MODE is selected, p - CHROME ( ➝ p.
44 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode This is th e easie st mode for provi ding cri sp an d clear shots. Use this mode for or dinary p hotogr aphy. Camera specifies all setting other than p -MODE (Qualit y and FineP ix C OLOR) a utomati cally.
45 Advanced Features — Photography Use this mod e to take pictures of a movin g subject . It gives prio rity to fa ster shutter sp eeds. CHECK When setting . Sport mode, the camera sets to High-speed shooting mode ( ➝ p.61) automatically. Use this mod e for s hooting evening an d night scenes.
46 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode Use this mod e to shoot sunset, ma king the colo rs more v ivid. Use this mod e to preve nt darkeni ng images and provide cr isp, clear sho ts, when shoot ing at sn owy scene wh ere the wh ole screen ap pears wh ite.
47 Advanced Features — Photography Use this mod e to take clear close-up sho ts when zooming u p a flow er. It is effective for tak ing more v ivid shots of flower petal. CHECK • Flash cannot be used in the Flower mode. • Foca l range Wide angle: Approx.
48 e Macr o (Close-up) Use this mod e to take clo se-up shots. Avail able Shooti ng modes: s , AUTO , , , , ( ➝ p.44, 46, 47 ) Press e ( p ) to select M acro mode . Press e ( p ) again to cancel Macro mo de. CHECK • F ocal range Wide angle: Approx.
49 Advanced Features — Photography d Sett ing the Fl ash (Intel ligent Flash) Flash ph otograph y is usefu l for taking pic tures at night or indoor da rk locati ons. Choo se from 6 flash modes accordi ng to th e type of sh ot. See p.50 fo r infor mation on the a vailab le Photogr aphy mo des.
50 d Setting the F lash (Intelligent Fla sh) This m ode allo ws you to take pict ures of people at nigh t that clearly show bo th your sub jects and the night t ime backdrop. Always u se a tri pod in t his mode. Using n synch ronizes R ed-eye reducti on mode.
51 Advanced Features — Photography * Self-Ti mer The s elf-timer is used in situati ons wh ere the photogra pher is includ ed in th e shot. Avail able Shooti ng modes: All Setting s elf-timer The self-t i mer se tting changes each t i me you p ress * ( o ).
52 * Self-Timer 2 Take pictures in selected time. Usin g the 2-sec ond self- timer This is useful when you worry about camera shake even if attaching the camera on a tripod. MEMO • T o stop the self-timer, once it has started running, press DISP/BACK.
53 Advanced Features — Photography j Increas ing Monitor Bri ghtness This is u seful w hen checkin g the s hot compos ition for dimly lit scene s, or bright scenes such as outd oor shots. Increasing the LCD monitor brightness Press j ( n ) to display t he LCD m onitor brightly .
54 Using p -MODE MENU (Shooting) /SHOOTING MENU Use the p -MODE MENU/SHOOTING MENU to ad just image qua lity o r focus. You c an take picture s in a wide range of conditi ons. Setting the p -MODE MENU (Shooting) Setting the SHOOTING MENU A Press p to op en the p -M ODE MENU .
55 Advanced Features — Photography Z List o f p -MODE ME NU option s Z List of SHOOTING MENU options Continued Q Menu Functions Settings Factory default S ISO ( ➝ p.57) Specifies required sensitivity setting of the ambient light aro und the subject.
56 Using p -MODE MENU (Shooting)/SHOOTING M ENU MEMO The options available in the SHOOTING MENU vary depending on whether the mode is selected. •A U T O , , H , , , / , , , , , , , , , • • .
57 Advanced Features — Photography p -MODE MENU (Shooti ng) Setting the menu ( ➝ p.54) Changing t he sensit ivity se tting ( S ISO) Use this menu to specify required sen sitivity setting of the ambien t light a round the subject. The larger value of th e sensitivity, the hig her sensitivity is obtained.
58 p -MODE MEN U (Sho oting) Changing t he qualit y setting ( QUALITY) Use this m enu to specify t he image si ze (num ber of recorded pixels ). Sel ect t he qual ity set ting for the scene being sh ot.
59 Advanced Features — Photography Changing the FinePix COLOR setting ( FinePix COLOR) Use this menu to specify required co lor tone. It is effe ctive for taking v ivid shots or black and whit e shots.
60 SHOOTING MENU Setting the menu ( ➝ p.54) Adjusting exposure com pens ati on ( S EXP. COMPE NSATION) Available Shooting mo de: s ( ➝ p.47) Use this m enu fo r shots to get the corre ct bright ness (exposure ), such as shot s with extr emely hig h contrast betwee n the subj ect and t he back ground .
61 Advanced Features — Photography Adjusting color balance ( T WHITE BALANCE) Available Shooting mo de: s ( ➝ p.47) Adjust the color bala nce based on white to su it the color of the am bient l ight arou nd the subject.
62 SHOOTING MENU Taking pictures continuously ( CONTINUOUS) Use this mod e to take p ictures o f a moving subject. h : LONG PERIOD c ontinuo us shooti ng k : FIN AL 3 c onti nuous sh ooti ng f : TOP 3 continuou s shooting CAUTIO N • As long as the shutter button is held down, the camera will continue to take pictures.
63 Advanced Features — Photography Avail able Shooti ng modes : All (exc ept for ) ( ➝ p.44 – 47) Shooting continue s as long a s holding the shut ter button down. This mode shoots up to 40 t imes (max. 2 .2 fra mes/sec.). The camera r ecords t he final 3 frames shot when yo u release the shutte r butt on.
64 SHOOTING MENU Specifying focusing mode ( H AF MODE) Available Shooting mo de: s ( ➝ p.47) (Whe n Intel ligent Fa ce Detec tion is turned OFF) Use this mode to spec ify focusing mod e that best suits the subject. The c amera focu ses on the center of the LCD mon itor.
65 Memo.
66 p -MODE MENU (Playb ack) Sending and receiving images ( IR COMM UNICATION) You can sen d photogra phed ima ges to a FUJIFILM digital camera, o ther devi ces with high-sp eed infrar ed transmissi on capab ility, or any other mobile device w ith the IrS imple fu nction.
67 Advanced Features — Playback CAUTION • Make sure the receiving camera is turned on when transmitting image data. • Movie images cannot be transmitted. CHECK You can send the image data by simply pressing p three times. Receiving the image data from a F UJIFILM digi tal camera is shown as an exam ple here.
68 p -MODE MEN U (Pl ayback) CHECK You can receive image data by simply pressing buttons as the order below. p ➝ p ➝ MENU/OK CAUTION • M ovie images cannot be transmitted.
69 Advanced Features — Playback Transmitting and saving blog images ( TRIMMIN G FOR BLOG) You can change th e picture s you take to a smaller size and then transmit or save th em. This fu nction is per fect when you w ant to p ost your picture s on a bl og or oth er online foru m.
70 p -MODE MEN U (Pl ayback) CHECK • Sav ed blog images have filenames that start with “BLOG” when they are imported to a PC or similar device. • Whe n saved blog images are played back, appears on the screen and the images are surrounded by a black frame.
71 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO • To in terrupt SLIDE SHOW, press MENU/OK. •P r e s s p or q to advance or go back through the images when selecting NORMAL or FADE-IN. • The Auto power off function ( ➝ p.102) does not operate during a slide show.
72 p -MODE MEN U (Pl ayback) Selecting WITH DA T E E , E appears o n the LCD monitor and the date will be imprinted on your prints. MEMO Canceling DP OF sett ing A Press p to open the p -MODE MENU and press n or o to select PRINT ORDER (DPOF). B Press q .
73 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO • Whe n DPOF settings were specified on another camera. When the data includes a frame (file) with DPOF settings that were specified on another camera, “ RESET DPOF OK?” appears. Pressing MENU/OK erases all of the DPOF settings already specified for each frame (file).
74 p -MODE MEN U (Pl ayback) To cancel all DP OF setti ngs: Select RESET AL L in the p -MODE MENU ( ➝ p.71). MEMO u appears on the LCD mo nitor du ring play back when the image has specified DPOF settings. RESET ALL Press ME NU/OK. RESET DPOF OK? RESET DPOF OK? YES YES CANCEL CANCEL F4.
75 Advanced Features — Playback Z u PRINT ORDER (DPOF) DPOF sta nds for Digital Print Or der For mat and r efers to a form at that is used for re cording printin g specifica tions for i mages sh ot using a digital camera on media suc h as an xD -Picture C ard .
76 Memo.
77 Advanced Features — Playback Using PLAYBACK MENU Use this m enu to play ba ck photogr aphed images . Setting the PLAYBACK MENU A Press w to set the camer a to Playb ack mode ( ➝ p.33). B Press MENU/OK to open the PLAYBA C K MENU. C Press n or o to select th e menu.
78 Using PLAYBACK MENU Rotating the images ( IMAGE ROTATE) When sho oting in the vertical posi tion, th e image appe ars horizon tal on the LCD mon itor. Use this mod e to rotat e an image and to display corr ect directio n. CAUTIO N Protected frames (files) cannot be rotated.
79 Advanced Features — Playback Protectin g the im ages ( P R O T E C T ) Use this m ode to prevent f rames (files) fr om bei ng accidental ly eras ed.
80 Using PLAYBACK MENU MEMO To stop the pr ocedur e midwa y If the images are very large, protecting or unprotecting all the frames (files) may take some time. If you want to take a picture or record a movie during the procedure, press DISP/BACK. CAUTIO N The Format function erases all the frames (files), including protected frames (files) ( ➝ p.
81 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO To copy another frame (file), repeat steps C and D . When copying frames (files) is completed, press DISP/ BACK. Continued Q Copyin g one frame at a ti me (FRAME) A Press n or o to select FRA ME. B Press MENU/OK .
82 Using PLAYBACK MENU CAU TION • W hen “ MEMORY FULL” or “ Y MEMORY FULL” appears on the LCD monitor, copying the data stops on the w ay. • W hen copying the image that has specified DPOF setting, the DPOF setting is not copied. Copying al l frames (ALL FRAMES) A Press n or o to select ALL F RAMES.
83 Advanced Features — Playback Adding voi ce memos to t he images ( VO ICE MEMO) Voice me mos of up to 30 se conds ca n be adde d to st ill images . Face the microphon e to re cord your comment. Hold the ca mera abo ut 20 cm (7 .9 in.) awa y for th e best results.
84 Using PLAYBACK MENU To record yo ur comme nt: press M ENU/OK. To rere cord th e comm ent: pr ess D ISP/BACK . MEMO • Whe n the image already has a voice memo • Whe n “PROTECTED FRAME” appears, unprotect the frame ( ➝ p.79). • Voic e memos cannot be added to movies.
85 Advanced Features — Playback Z Playing back voice m emos CHECK • Aud io recording format: WAVE ( ➝ p.149), PCM recording format • Aud io file size: Approx. 480 KB (for a 30-second voice memo) MEMO Playing back voice m emo file s You may not be able to play back some voice memo files recorded on other cameras.
86 Using PLAYBACK MENU Trimming the images ( T R I M M I N G ) Use this mod e to trim th e req uired part of the photogra phed im age. CHECK Before selecting the “ ” TRIMM ING menu, se lect the frame (file ) to trim.
87 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO • Pres sing DISP/BACK in step A or B retu rns to single- frame playback. • A sa ved image size varies depending on the zoom scale of step A . For 0.3 M, k YES option appears in yellow. • Imag e sizes • Whe n % quality setting is selected, the image is trimmed to normal size (4:3 aspect ratio).
88 r Recor ding Movies Use this mod e to recor d movies with sound. 1 Set the camera to r Movie mode. Set th e Mode switch to r . Z Zoo ming the image You mu st zoom bef oreha nd as you ca nnot zo om duri ng recor ding. CHECK • O ptical zoom focal length Approx.
89 Advanced Features — Movie 2 Record movies. Press the shutter b utton down fully to st art record ing. During reco rding, l REC a nd a count er tha t shows th e remain ing time appea r on t he LCD m onitor. MEMO There is no need to hold down the shutter button during recording.
90 r Record ing Mov ies Chan ging mo vie siz e Press p to open the p -MODE MENU. Z Quality sett ings in Movie mode % (640 × 480 pi xels): Fo r bett er qua lity $ (320 × 240 pi xels): To recor d longe r movies MEMO • T he quality setting is retained even when the camera is turned off or the mode setting is changed.
91 Advanced Features — Movie w Playing Ba ck Mo vies Setting the camera to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.33) Z Playing back movies Continued Q A Press p or q to se lect the m ovie file. r appears on the LCD monitor . B Press o to be gin playin g back m ovie.
92 w Play ing B ack Movies MEMO If the subject of the shot is very bright, white vertical streaks or black horizontal streaks may appear in the image during playback. This is normal. CAUTIO N • You may not be able to play back some movie files recorded on other cameras.
93 Memo.
94 U SET-UP Using the SET-UP menu 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Change the page . 3 Change th e setting. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP. C Press q . A Press p or q to select the p age. B Press o to mo ve to men u item.
95 Settings SET-UP menu option Setting Display Factory default Explanation Page q IMAGE DISP. 3 SEC/1.5 SEC/ZOOM (CONTINUOUS) 1.5 SEC Sets the way for displaying the check image screen (photograph result) after taking a picture. The colo r tones in images recorded may differ from actual color.
96 U SET-UP ENGLISH Specifies the language used for LCD monitor display. 24 AUTO POWER OFF 5 MIN/2 MIN/OFF 2 MIN Sets the time of turning camera off when camera is not used. 102 TIME DIFFERENCE N / IN Specifies the time difference settings. 102 BACKGROUND COLOR – – Specifies the colors of menu and background.
97 Settings Use this sett ing to s pecify th e way for d isplaying the check image scre en (photogra ph result) after taking a picture. CAUTIO N • The color tones in images displayed when 3 SEC or 1.5 SEC is selected may differ slightly from those in the images actually recorded.
98 U SET-UP Use this f uncti on to speci fy whe ther fram e numb ers are ass igned con secuti vely from pr evio us number s or begi n again. CHECK MEMO • S etting this function to CONT. makes file management easier as it makes sure that file names are not duplicated when images are downloaded to a PC.
99 Settings Use this function to specify whether the illumination lamp lights at startup and after shootin g is com plete. Wh en turned ON , it indicat es to the su bjects of the picture tha t shooting is c omplete. Use this f uncti on to shoo t enlarg ed ima ges than maximu m optica l zoo m scale.
100 U SET-UP Use this functio n to set the L CD monitor display to the fine mode or power s ave mo de. Z 30fps/60 fps Use this funct ion to change the numbe r of images (frames) pe r second on the LCD mo nitor display. 60 fps is th e finer setting. Z POW ER S AVE The LC D monitor darken s when cam era is no t used for 10 seconds.
101 Settings Use this f uncti on to adjus t the LC D mo nitor bri ghtness. Initiali ze (form at) the xD-Pict ure Card or internal memory for us e with the camera. CAU TION • T he Format function erases all the frames (files), including protected frames (files).
102 U SET-UP When this fu nction is active and th e camera remains unused fo r 2 or 5 minutes, it turns camera off. Use this f unction when you want to get th e maximum possible runnin g time from your batt ery. CAUTIO N The Auto power off function is disabled during slide shows ( ➝ p.
103 Settings 2 Move to TIME DIFFE RENCE screen. 3 Set time difference. CHECK Available time setting –23:45 to +23:45 (in 15-minute increments) MEMO CHECK Upon returning from a trip, always change the time difference setting back to N HOME and then check the date and time again.
104 Conn ecti ng to a TV When con necting t o a TV, imag es can be displ ayed on wi der screen . You can en joy using th e slide show fu nction ( ➝ p.70 ) at partie s and other gathe rings. CAUTION Plug the A/V cable (included) correctly and push it in the terminal.
105 Camera Connection Connecting Camera Dire ctly to Printer — Pic tBridge Function When a printer th at supp orts PictB ridge is available , image s can be printed by con necting the camer a direc tly to the P ictBridge- compatible printer without a PC.
106 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n Specifyi ng images for printing (PRINT WITH DATE / PRINT WITHOUT DATE) MEMO Even if M ENU/OK is p ressed with total num ber of im ages set at 0 (ze ro), the sc reen print ing once app ears on the LCD monitor .
107 Camera Connection Printing with DPOF settin g ( u PRINT DPOF) CHECK To select u PRINT DPOF, the DPOF settings must be specified on FinePix Z5fd beforehand ( ➝ p.71). CAU TION Even when WITH DATE E is specified in the DPOF settings ( ➝ p.71), the date is not inserted on printers that do not support date printing.
108 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel the printing. Depending on the printer, the printing may not be canceled immediately or printing may stop midway through. When printing stops midway, press w to turn the camera off and then on again.
109 Memo.
110 Insta llation on a Wind ows PC Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below. Ch eck your syst em befor e you begin the installation. * 1 Models with one of the above ope rating s ystems pre- install ed.
111 Software Installation Z Recomme nded s ystem MEMO • Con nect the camera directly to the PC using the USB cable. The software may not operate correctly when you us e an extension cable or connect the camera via a USB hub. • Whe n your PC has more than one USB port, the camera can be conn ected to either port.
112 Inst alla tion on a Windo ws PC Do not conne ct the camera to your PC until the so ftware installatio n is comp let ed. 1 Install FinePixViewer as instructed in the Quick start guide. Laun ching the inst aller ma nuall y A Double-click the “My Computer” icon.
113 Software Installation Install ation on a Mac OS X Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below. Ch eck your syst em befor e you begin the installation.
114 Inst alla tion on a Mac O S X 1 Turn your Macintosh on and start up Mac OS X. Do not la unch any othe r applicati ons. 2 When the bundle d CD-ROM i s loaded into the CD-ROM drive, the “Fi nePix” icon appears. Doub le-click the “FinePix” i con to open the “FineP ix” volume wind ow.
115 Software Installation 9 The ImageMi xer VCD2 LE f or FinePix installer automatically starts up and a window sh owing the in stallation progr ess appears (Installation may take several minutes) . 10 The “FinePixV iewer installation completed” message dialog appears.
116 Conn ecti ng to a PC By conne cting the cam era to a PC, your s ystem ca n be expanded to fill a wid e range of uses. Using “Fin ePixVi ewer ” perfor ms im ages sav ing, brows ing and fil e mana gement etc . MEMO We recommend connecting the camera when it has sufficient battery charge remaining.
117 Software Installation CAUTIO N • The FinePix Z5fd is a PTP-compatible camera. PTP-compatible cameras automatically recognize PC or printer connections for easy connectability. • We re commend connecting the camera when it has sufficient battery charge remaining.
118 Connec ting to a PC MEMO • Only images saved with FinePix Viewer can be viewed. We recommend always saving your images on a PC. • If yo u cancel saving by clicking the [Cancel] button, make sure to press w to turn off the camera before disconnecting it from the PC.
119 Software Installation Using FinePixViewer For al l inform ation on FinePi xViewe r funct ions, re fer to “How to Use FinePixViewer” in the Help menu for details. • What is expl ained in “How to Use FinePi xViewer”... “How to Use Fine PixView er” cover s a range of topics, inc luding b atch proc essing and or dering print s.
120 Connec ting to a PC E When th e message appea rs, click the [OK] but ton. Check your s election c arefull y since the proc ess cannot be canceled once y ou clic k the [OK] button . F Automat ic uninsta llation be gins. When un installatio n ends, click the [ OK] butto n.
121 Memo.
122 System Ex pansion Option By using FinePi x Z5fd together wi th other optiona l FUJIFILM produc ts, your system can be expanded to fi ll a wide range of uses. Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm representative to confirm product availabilit y.
123 Appendices Acce ssories Gu ide Visit the F UJIFILM web site for th e latest information on camera accesso ries. http://hom e.fuji /produ cts/digita l/ ml Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm representative to confirm product availabilit y.
124 Accessories Gu ide • Image Memory Card Reader DPC-R1 The DPC-R1 provides a quick and easy way to transfer images back and forth between your PC and an image memory card ( xD-Picture Card and SmartMedia). The DPC-R1 uses the USB interface for high- speed file transfer.
125 Appendices Using Your Camera Correctly Read thi s inform ation a nd the “S afety No tes” ( ➝ p.15 7), to make sure you use yo ur camera correctly.
126 Powe r Supply and Ba ttery Z Batter y Featu res • The N P-40 gr adually lo ses its cha rge e ven when not used. Use a NP -40 that has bee n char ged re cently ( in the last da y or two) to take pictur es. • To maxim ize the l ife of the NP-4 0, turn the came ra off as qu ickly as pos sible w hen it is n ot bein g used.
127 Appendices Z Batter y Life At norm al temp eratures, the NP -40 can b e used at least 300 times. If the ti me for w hich th e NP-40 p rovides power s horten s markedl y, this in dicates th at the NP-40 ha s reached the end of i ts effecti ve life an d shou ld be r eplaced.
128 Power Supply and Battery Z Specifi cations (A C-5VZ) AC Power Adapter Always use the AC Power Adapter AC- 5 VZ with the came ra. The use of an AC power adapter other than A C-5VZ can be damag ed to your dig ital came ra. • Use the AC pow er adapt er for indoor use only .
129 Appendices Notes o n the xD-Picture Card ™ and the In ternal Memory Z Imag e Memory Card • This Image Mem ory Card is a new image recording media ( xD-Pic ture Card ) de veloped for dig ital cameras. The Im age Mem ory Card co nsists of a semico nductor memo ry (NA ND-type flash memory) to record d igital image data .
130 Notes on th e xD-Picture Card ™ and the Internal Memory • The xD -Pictu re Car d may feel warm when it i s removed from the camera a fter taking pictures. Th is is normal. • Do not put labels o n the x D-Pic ture C ard . Peeling labels c an cause the ca mera not to work prope rly.
131 Appendices Warning Dis plays The tabl e bel ow lists the warni ngs that a re displ ayed on the LCD monitor . Warning Displayed Explanation Remedy (Lit red) V (Blinking red) The battery is low or completely out of charge. Charge the battery or load fully charged battery.
132 Warning Displays MEMORY FULL Y MEMORY FULL The internal memory or xD-Picture Card is full. Erase some images in internal memory or xD- Picture Card ( ➝ p.
133 Appendices PROTECTED FRAME • An attemp t was made to erase a protected file. • An attemp t was made to add a voice memo to protected file. • An attemp t was made to rotate a protected file. • Protected files cannot be erased. Remove the protection ( ➝ p.
134 Warning Displays CAN NOT EXECUTE An attempt was made to resave an image that was saved with TRIMMING FOR BLOG. Images saved with TRIMMING FOR BLOG cannot be resaved. COMMUNICATION ERROR The camera is not connected to a PC or printer. • Check that the USB cable is connected correctly.
135 Troubleshooting Trou bleshoo ting Z Getting read y Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Battery and power supply Nothing happens when opening the lens cover completely. The battery has run out. Charge the battery or load fully charged battery.
136 Troubl eshoo ting Z Setti ng menu etc. Charging a battery Charging does not begin. There is no battery in the camera. Load the battery. 15 The battery is loaded backward. Load the battery in the correct direction. 15 The camera, and AC power adapter are not connected correctly.
137 Troubleshooting Z Shoo ting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Basic operations No photograph is taken when pressing the shutter button. The xD-Picture Card or internal memory is full. Insert a new xD-Picture Card or erase some unnecessary frames.
138 Troubl eshoo ting Flash Cannot use the flash. The shutter button was pressed while the flash was charging. Wait until the chargin g is completed before pressing the shutter button. 50 The SHOOTING MODE is set to , , , , , or . Change the Shooting mode.
139 Troubleshooting Z Shoo ting Continued Q Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Recording images Photographed images or movies are not recorded. AC power adapter was connected or disconnected during turning the camera on. Connect or disconnect the AC power adapter only when the camera is off.
140 Troubl eshoo ting Z Playing back Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Playing back movie / voice memo The camera does not emit any sound. The camera volume is set too low. Adjust the volume. 85, 92, 94, 100 The microphone was blocked during shooting/recording.
141 Troubleshooting Z Connecting Continued Q Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Connecting to TV There is no image or sound on the TV. The camera is not connected to the TV correctly. Connect the camera and TV correctly. 104 The included A/V cable was connected during movie playback.
142 Troubl eshoo ting Z Others Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Camera operation etc. Nothing happens when pressing the buttons on the camera. Camera malfunction may be caused temporarily. Briefly remove the battery or disconnect the AC power adapter.
143 Specific atio ns System Model Digital camera FinePix Z5fd Effective pixels 6.3 million pixels CCD 1/2.5-inch Super CCD HR Storage media Internal memory (approx. 26 MB)/ xD-Picture Card (16/32/64/128/256/512 MB/1 GB/2 GB) File format Still image: DCF-compliant Compressed: Exif ver.
144 Speci fications Sensitivity AUTO/Equivalent to ISO 100/200/400/800/1600 Photometry TTL 256-zones metering Exposure control Program AE Scene position (NATURAL LIGHT), (NATURAL & d ), H (PORTRAIT), , (LANDSCAPE), .
145 White balance Automatic scene recognition/Preset (Fine, Shade, Fluorescent (Daylight), Fluorescent (Warm White), Fluorescent (Cool White), Incandescent) Self-timer Approx. 2 sec./10 sec. Flash type Auto flash Effective range: ( S : AUTO)Wide -angle: approx.
146 Speci fications Power Supply and Others Power supply Rechargeable Battery NP-40 (included) Guide to the number of available frames for battery operation According to the CIPA (Camera & Imaging.
147 Z Standa rd numb er of av ailab le fra mes/re cording time p er xD-Picture Card a nd inte rnal me mory The num ber o f available fram es, record ing ti me or fil e size va ries sl ightly de pendin g on t he subjec ts photogr aphed .
148 Speci fications If you shoot using the xD-Picture Card s with model numbers co ntaining “M” such as DPC-M2GB, movie recording time may be reduced if you repeatedly record and erase (frame erase) image files. In such a case, erase all frames or format the xD-Picture Card before use.
149 Explan ation of Terms EV A numb er denote s Expo sure Valu e. The E V is deter mined by the bri ghtness o f the su bject an d sensitivit y (speed ) of th e film or CCD.
150 FUJI FILM Dig ital Camera Worldw ide N e two rk If you have techn i cal questio ns or if you need repair service, ask the following loca l distributor. Please presen t the warranty card and your purchase receipt when you ask for repairs. R efer to the war ranty card for conditions o f the warranty.
151 Ecuador Imp ortacion es Espacri Cia. Ltda. Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Simón Bolivar 5-69 y Hno. Miguel - Cuenca TEL +593 783 5526 FAX +593 78 3 3157 portiz@fuj Mexico Fujifilm de Mex ico, S.A. de C.V. Technical suppo rt Av.
152 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo r ldwide Network Cyprus Doros N eophy tou CAMERA REPAIRS Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e 28B, Agiou Demetriou, Acropoli, Nicosia TEL 357223 14719 FAX 357225155 62 dorosn@l Czech Republi c F ujifilm Cz.
153 Malt a Ciancio ( 1913) Co.Ltd. Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Fuji Tech Ce ntre, Ciancio House, Canno n Road, Qormi, QRM05 TEL 0356-2 1-480500 FAX 0356- 21-488328 i nfo@fujifil m.
154 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo r ldwide Network Sweden Fujifilm S verige AB Technical suppo rt Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockholm TEL 46 8 50 6 141 70 FAX 46 8 506 142 0 9 Repair service Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockholm TEL 46 8 50 6 513 54 FAX 46 8 506513 5 4 kameraverkstaden@fu jifilm.
155 Syria Film Trading Company Technical suppo rt Al-Shahbandar P.O. Box:31180 Damascus S Y RIA TEL + 963 11 2218049 FAX + 963 11 44673456 f.t.c@Net. SY Repair service Al-cheikh Taha P .O. Box: 6171 A leppo SY RIA TEL + 963 21 4641903 FAX + 963 21 4641907 filmtradin @Net.
156 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo r ldwide Network ASIA Hong Kong Fuj i Phot o Products C o., Ltd. Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e 8/F.,TSUEN WAN IND . C ENTRE, 220 TEX ACO RD., TSUEN WAN, HO NG KONG TEL (852) 2406 3287 FA X (852 )2408 3130 rsd@ chinahkphoto.
157 Safety Notes • Make sur e that y ou use your FineP ix Z5f d camera correctly. Read the se Safet y Notes and y our Own er’s Manual carefull y before use.
158 Safety Notes Do not change, heat or unduly twist or pull the connection cord and do not place heavy objects on the connection cord. These actions could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock. • If the cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
159 When carrying the NP-40, install it in a digital camera or keep it in the soft case provided. When storing the NP-40, keep it in the soft case provided. When discarding, cover the battery terminals with insulation tape. Contact with other metallic objects or battery could cause the battery to ignite or burst.
160 Safety Notes When you are cleaning the camera or you do not plan to use the camera for an extended period, remove the battery and disconnect and unplug the AC power adapter. Failure to do so can cause a fire or electric shock. When charging ends, unplug the charger from the power socket.
161 Memo.
162 Memo.
163 Memo.
Printed in Japan X-6081 11-PY.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met FujiFilm Finepix FinePix Z5fd . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.