Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FinePix S5700 van de fabrikant FujiFilm
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OWNER’S MANUAL This manual will show y ou how to use your FUJIFILM DIG ITAL CAMERA FinePix S 5700 / F inePix S700 / F inePix S5800 / FinePix S 800 corr ectly.
2 Warning To preven t fire or sho ck hazard, do not expose th e unit to rain or moi sture . For customers in the U.S.A. Tested T o Comply With FC C Standar ds FOR HOME OR OFFICE USE FCC Stateme nt This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.
4 EC Declar ation of Co nformit y We Name: FUJIFILM Europe Gm bH Address: Heesenstr asse 31 40549 D usseld orf, Germ any declare that the p roduc t Product Name: FUJIF ILM DIG ITAL CA MERA F inePix S5.
5 Disposal o f Electric and Electr onic Equi pment in P rivate Househo lds Dispos al o f used Electr ica l & Elec tron ic Eq uipmen t (Applicab le in th e Europe an Union and other E urop ean coun.
6 Contents Warni ng ........ ..... ...... ........ ...... ...... ........ ...... ..... ....... 2 IMPO RTAN T ........... ...... ..... ......... ..... ...... ........ ...... . 3 EC De clar ation o f Con form ity... ..... ......... ..... ...... .... 4 Disposal of Electric and Electr onic Equipmen t in Privat e Hou sehol ds .
7 Setti ng the SHO OTIN G MEN U ......... ..... ..... 75 p -MODE MENU (Photogr aphy) ........ ...... ....... .... 79 Changing the sensitivity setting ( S ISO) ....... ...... ........ ...... ..... ......... ..... ..... 79 Changing th e quality setting ( QU ALIT Y) .
8 Contents Camera Co nnection Conne cting to a TV . ...... ........ ...... ..... ......... ..... ... 123 Using the AC powe r adapter (sold s eparately ) ....... ...... ...... ..... ...... ....... ..... 124 Connecti ng Camera Directly to P rinter — PictBr idge F unct ion .
9 Prefac e Z Test Shots Pri or to Phot ogra phy For im portant p hotogr aphs (s uch as w eddings and overseas t rips), always ta ke a test sh ot and view t he image to make sur e that the camer a is working normally.
10 Preface Z Notes on Elec trical In terfer ence If the camer a is to be used in hospita ls or aircra fts, please note that this camera ma y cause interferen ce to o ther equipm ent in t he hospital or ai rcraft. Fo r deta ils, please chec k wi th th e app lic able regu lat ion s.
11 About th is Manua l Z Usab le Memo ry Ca rds You can u se the xD-Pictu re Car d , the SD Memory Card and the SDHC Memory Card with the FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 / FinePix S5800 / FineP ix S800. In this Own er’s Ma nual, th ese cards a re expr essed as “M emor y Card”.
12 Acce ssories Incl uded • AA-size Alkalin e Batteries (LR6) (4 ) •S t r a p ( 1 ) • Lens c ap (1 set) • A/V cable (1) •U S B c a b l e ( 1 ) • CD-ROM (1) Software for FinePix CX • Own .
13 Camer a Parts and Fe atu res • Refer to the pa ges in pa renth eses for i nformati on on u sing the camera parts or featur es. A Strap mount (p.17) B Zoom lever (p.
14 Camer a Parts a nd Featu res G AF-assist illuminator (p.36)/Self-timer lamp (p.70) H ; USB socket/A/V OUT (Audio/Visual output) socket (p.123) I DC IN 5V (power input) socket (p.
15 N Viewfinder (EVF) O Indicator lamp (p.33) P LCD monitor Q Tripod mount R DISP (Display)/BACK button (p.37, 39) S D Exposure compensation button (p.64, 91) T Cover lock release button (p.19) U Battery cover (p.19) V EVF/LCD (monitor selector) button (p.
16 Exampl e of screen Te xt Displ ay Z Phot ograph y mode Z Playbac k mode FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 / FinePix S5800 / FinePix S800 has internal memory that can store images without Memory Card. Y appears on the screen when the internal memory is active.
17 Getting Ready Attach ing th e Strap and Lens Cap Attaching the st rap 1 Attach the strap to the strap mounts on the camera. Once you have attached both ends of the strap, check carefully to make sure that the strap is firmly secured. 2 Attach the lens cap cord to the lens cap.
18 Att ach ing t he St rap and L ens Cap Attaching the lens c ap Attach the l ens cap to the lens by p ressing in on both sides of the cap..
19 Getting Ready Load ing th e Batte ries Batterie s are r equired to opera te the digital camera. A t first, loa d the b atteries i n the cam era. Compatible batteries AA-size alkalin e batteries (4 .
20 Loadin g the Ba tteries 2 Load the b atteries correctly as indicated by the polari ty ico ns. CAUTIO N Match the polarity icons ( + and , ) of the batteries to those on the inside of the battery cover. 3 Press on the battery cover to push the batteries down.
21 Getting Ready Checking the batter y charge Turn the camer a on and check the battery ch arge. A There i s ample ba ttery ch arge. (Not disp layed) B There is in sufficient charge left in the batte ries. The batteries will soon run out. Have a new set of batteries ready.
22 Load ing th e Memor y Card Although you can store pictu res i n the came ra’s i nternal memory, you can stor e many more images on the Memory C ard (so ld separ ately). You can u se the xD- Picture Card and the SD Mem ory Card with the F inePix S5700 / F inePix S700 / FinePix S5800 / Fi nePix S800.
23 Getting Ready CAUTIO N Be sure to unlock the protection of the SD Memory Card before inserting it. If it is locked, recording/deleting images, as well as formatting are not available. To unlock the protection, slide the switch back, and the SD Memory Card will work normally.
24 Load ing the Me mory C ard CAUTIO N • When storing Memory Cards, make sure that they are kept out of the reach of children. A Memory Card could be swallowed and ca use suffocation. If a child swallows a Memory Card, seek medical attention or call emergency number right away.
25 Getting Ready Turn ing On and O ff Turning the camera on in Photography mode Slide the Power switch to turn the camera on in Photogr aphy mod e. Slide the Power switch again to tu rn the cam era off.
26 Tur ning On an d Of f Setting the language, date, an d time When usin g the camera for the firs t time after pur chasing, the lan guage, da te, and time are cleared . Set the langua ge, date, and tim e. 1 screen app ears when turning the camera on.
27 Getting Ready 3 Change the date format. Date format ex. March 31, 2007 YY.MM.DD: 2007.3.31 MM/DD/YY: 3/31/2007 DD.MM.YY: 31.3.2007 MEMO START MENU screen also appears when the batteries have been removed and the camera has been left for a long period.
28 Correc tin g the Dat e and Ti me 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Display the D ATE/TIME screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP. C Press q . SHOOTING MENU SHOOTING MENU HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING OFF OFF SET -UP SET -UP A Press p or q to select .
29 Getting Ready Select ing the La ngu age 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Display the screen. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP. C Press q . SHOOTING MENU SHOOTING MENU HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING HIGH-SPEED SHOOTING OFF OFF SET -UP SET -UP A Press p or q to select .
30 Taki ng Pic tures ( B AU TO Mode) This section describes th e basic operat ions. 1 Turn the cam era on. A Slide the Power switch. CHECK • Focal range Wide-angle: approx. 30 cm (1.0 ft.) to infinity Telephoto: approx. 1 m (3.3 ft.) to infinity •S e l e c t e Macro mode to take close-up shots ( ➝ p.
31 Using the Camera Holdi ng the came ra corre ctly Brace yo ur elbo ws again st your s ides and hold th e came ra wi th b oth ha nds . Using the viewfi nder (E VF) allow s for a st eady ar m position , preventi ng picture blur. CAUTIO N • Moving the camera while shooting gives a blurred picture (camera shake).
32 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) Flash Change the flash mode when you wan t to take pictures without flash. See p.67 for information on flash. 4 Press the shutter button fully. CAU TION When taking a picture using the flash, the image may disappear and go dark briefly due to flash charging.
33 Using the Camera Compatibl e filters 46 mm-diameter commercial available filters can be attached. CAUTIO N • Do not use more than one filter at a time. • The lens cap (included) may not be used when attaching the filter. CAUTIO N • The image shown on the screen before the picture is taken may differ in brightness, color, etc.
34 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) Taking pictures with the focus and exposure locked In the above composit ion, the subj ects are not in the AF frame. Pre ssing the shu tter b utton halfwa y at this poin t will result in the su bjects being out of f ocus.
35 Using the Camera 3 Continue t o ho ld the shutter butt on down halfway. Move the camera back to the original image and p ress the shutter b utton full y.
36 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) AF-assist illuminat or Use this illuminator to focus on th e subject in dimly lit conditions. When p ressing t he shutter button down hal fway, th e camera fires the AF-assist illuminator (ora nge) while focusing on your subje ct.
37 Using the Camera MEMO •S e l e c t e Macro mode to take close-up shots ( ➝ p.66). • Use digital zoom when you want to shoot the subject closer ( ➝ p.118). Adjusting the shot composition Select the screen display. Press DISP/B ACK to cha nge the screen disp lay.
38 Taking Pictures ( B AUTO Mode) Position the m ain subject a t the interse ction of two lines in th is f rame or al ign one of the horizo ntal lines with the hori zo n. Us e thi s fr ame as a guide t o the subje ct’s size and the b alance o f the s hot while com posing a shot.
39 Using the Camera Viewing the Im ages Playback yo ur ima ges to check them. For im portant photogra phs, alw ays take a test sho t and view the im age to mak e sure that the c amera is wor king nor mally . Settin g the camera to Playback mode Press w d urin g sh ooti ng t o chan ge t o Pla ybac k mode .
40 Viewing the Imag es Single-f rame play back 1 Zoom in / Zoom out. To zoom in an image d uring s ingle-fr ame pla yback: MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel playback zoom.
41 Using the Camera 2 Display another part of the image. MEMO Press DISP/BACK to return to the zoom setting. Z Zoom s cales (FineP ix S5700 / FineP ix S700 ) Z Zoom s cales (FineP ix S5800 / FineP ix S800 ) * Zoom can not be pe rformed w hen the imag es recor ded by ` are played back.
42 Viewing the Imag es Multi-fra me pla yback Use this functio n to display a sin gle f ram e, 2 fra mes or 9 frames. Y ou can co mpare and sel ect images u sing the Multi-fr ame di splay. Use the zoo m dial to change th e display. Selecting the date A Press n , o , p , or q to move th e cursor (color ed frame ) to on the upper left frame.
43 Using the Camera 2 fram es playbac k A Press n , o , p or q t o select the images you want to compar e (such as t he images taken in NATURAL & d mode). B Press M ENU/OK to enlarg e the i mage. 9 fram es playbac k A Press n , o , p or q t o change t he colore d frame a nd sele ct an image .
44 Erasin g the I mages /Mov ies Setting the camera to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.39) Use this mod e to era se unnecessa ry images or movies to have amp le free space o n the Mem ory Car d or int ernal memory . Your camera c alls i mages “frames”. Using the erase b utton ( / n ) Pressing ( n ) erase s image s easily.
45 Using the Camera MEMO To erase another frame (file), repeat above steps. When erasing frames (files) is completed, press DISP/ BACK. CAUTIO N Pressing MENU/OK repeatedly erases consecutive frames (files). Take care not to erase a frame (file) by mistake.
46 Erasi ng the Ima ges/Mo vies MEMO • When using a Memory Card, the images in the Memory Card are erased. When not using a Memory Card, the images in the internal memory are erased. • Protected frames (files) cannot be erased. Unprotect the frames (files) before erasing them ( ➝ p.
47 Advanced Features — Photography Using th e Photog raphy Function s — Procedu re of Set ting Specify the camera set tings for takin g picture s to get the best result . A ge neral gui de is g iven belo w. 1 Selec t the Photo graphy mode . Turn th e Mode d ial to sel ect the P hotogra phy mo de.
48 Usin g th e Phot ogr aph y Func tio ns — Proc edur e of S etti ng 2 Specify the p hotography sett ings. Pressing bu ttons or se lecting men u allows you to specify photogra phy fun ctions.
49 Advanced Features — Photography Z Spec ifying fun ction s usi ng p -MODE MENU ( p butt on) Press p button for a bout 0. 5 seconds to open the p - MODE MENU. Z Specifyin g functions using SH OOTING MENU (ME NU/OK bu tton ) Continued Q S ISO Use to specify required sensitivity setting ( ➝ p.
50 Usin g th e Phot ogr aph y Func tio ns — Proc edur e of S etti ng SCENE POSITION Use to select the best setting for the scene being shot. Choose from 12 types of scene (set the Mode dial to or )( ➝ p.53). PHOTOMETRY Use to select light metering method (set the Mode dial to N , < , M or > ) ( ➝ p.
51 Advanced Features — Photography Setti ng the Sh ooting Mo de You can select the most s uitable settin g according to th e subject by selectin g one of t he Shoot ing mod es. B Auto This is th e easie st mode for provi ding cri sp an d clear shots.
52 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode Natural Light This m ode produ ces bea utiful ima ges tha t retain the natural am bience when sh ots are tak en in l ow-light conditions. This m ode is a lso ideal for s hooting i ndoor or situati ons wher e th e fla sh ca nnot be u sed.
53 Advanced Features — Photography , SCENE PO SITION This m ode provi des the b est Sce ne pos ition settin g for t he scene being shot. Choo se from 12 types o f scene. Select the Scene p osition setting in the SC ENE POSITION menu. About and of th e Mode Dial The camera enables to set the scene position for and separately.
54 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode Use this mod e for photogra phy to get beautifu l skin tones and soft overall tone. Use this mod e for s hooting scenery in daylight and provides crisp, cl ear sh ots of scenery suc h as build ings and moun tains. CHECK Flash cannot be used in the Landscape mode.
55 Advanced Features — Photography Use this mod e to shoot fireworks. It is effective for tak ing more vi vid shots of fireworks with a slo w shutter. CHECK • Flash cannot be used in the Fireworks mode. • Shutter speed setting: 1/2 sec. to 4 sec.
56 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode Use this mod e for taking pic tur es in pla ces s uch as museum w here th e use o f flash and m aking a n operati on sound and a shutter so und ar e restric ted. Flash mode is forcibly set to Suppress ed flash, and operati on sound, shutte r sound, a nd the AF-assist illuminator/self-timer lamp a re off.
57 Advanced Features — Photography N Program AE This is a n auto matic mode to spec ify the se ttings exc ept for the sh utter s peed a nd apertu re sett ing. This is a simp le way to tak e picture s the same as the < Apertur e-priori ty Auto an d M Shutte r-prior ity Auto modes (Progr am shift ).
58 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode < Apert ure Pr iority A E This is an a utomati c mode to set the aperture. Use this mode to have the ar ea in front of an d behind the subject out of focu s (large apert ure) or h ave both n ear and far su bjects i n focus (s mall aperture) .
59 Advanced Features — Photography CAUTIO N Aperture By adjusting the aperture, you can change the depth of focus (depth of field). Selecting a larger number o f aperture (closed) obtains a larger depth of focus. Selecting a smaller number of aperture (open) has the area in front of and behind the subject out of focus.
60 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode M Shutter Priori ty AE This is an a utomati c mode to set the shutter spe ed. Use this mod e to freeze a mo ving subject (fast shu tter speed) or convey the impres sion of m oveme nt (slow shutter sp eed). Photogr aphy funct ions: • PHOT OMETRY ( ➝ p.
61 Advanced Features — Photography CAUTIO N Shutter spee d When shooting a moving subject, you can either “freeze the motion” or “capture the sense of movement” by adjusting the shutter speed. SET SET SET SET N 16 1 6 ISO 100 ISO 100 200 200 F3 F 3 .
62 Setting t he Shoot ing Mode > Manual This is a sh oot ing mode th at al low s fo r se tti ngs inc ludi ng the shutte r speed and ape rture. Set the Photog raphy functi ons to manual to ea sily control yourself. Photogr aphy funct ions: • PHOT OMETRY ( ➝ p.
63 Advanced Features — Photography Z Setting the ap erture CHECK Aperture settings F3.5 to F6.8 in 1/3 EV increments F6.8/F13.6 in 2 EV increments MEMO Explanation of Terms “EV” ( ➝ p.167). The e xpos ure ind icato r A Press D to open th e setting screen.
64 Adjusting the Image Brightne ss ( D Exposur e Compen sation) Use this m enu fo r shots to get the corre ct bright ness (exposure ), such as shot s with extr emely hig h contrast betwee n the subj ect and t he back ground . Avail able Ph otog raphy mo des: N , < , M ( ➝ p .
65 Advanced Features — Photography CHECK • Compensation range: –2 EV to +2 EV (13 steps in 1/3 EV increments) • Explanation of Terms “EV” ( ➝ p.167) MEMO • This setting is retained when the mode is changed or the camera is turned off ( S icon appears).
66 e Macro (Cl ose- up) Use this mod e to take clo se-up shots. Avail able Ph otog raphy mo des: B , , , , , , N , < , M , > Press e ( p ) to sele ct Macro mode . The Macro m ode setting chang es each time you press t he e ( p ). CAUTIO N Super macro cannot be used when NATURAL & d is set.
67 Advanced Features — Photography d Setti ng the Fla sh (I ntelli gent Flash) Flash ph otograph y is usefu l for taking pic tures at night or indoor da rk locati ons. Choo se from 6 flash modes accordi ng to th e type of sh ot. See p.68 fo r infor mation on the a vail ab le Ph otogr aph y mo des.
68 d Setting th e Flash (Intelligent Fla sh) CHECK List of available flash modes in each Photography mode CHECK Effective flash range ( S : 800) Approx. 50 cm to 6.2 m (1.6 ft. to 20 ft.) If you take pictures outside of the effective flash range, the image may appear dark even if the flash is used.
69 Advanced Features — Photography * Self-Ti mer The s elf-timer is used in situati ons wh ere the photogra pher is includ ed in th e shot. Avail able Ph otog raphy mo des: All Setting s elf-time r The s elf-timer setting cha nges ea ch time you press * ( o ).
70 * Self-Timer 2 Take pictures in selected time. Usin g the 2-sec ond se lf-t imer This is useful when you worry about camera shake even if attaching the camera on a tripod. MEMO • T o stop the self-timer, once it has started running, press DISP/BACK.
71 Advanced Features — Photography f Takin g picture s cont inuousl y Use this mod e to take p ictures o f a moving subject. Hold down f . Press n or o to select the Con tinuous shooting mode.
72 f Taking p ictures continuo usly Avail able Ph otog raphy mo des: All (except for ) Avail able Ph otog raphy mod es: N , < , M , > CHECK Auto bracketing settings (3) ±1/3 EV, ±2/3 EV, ±1 E.
73 Advanced Features — Photography Avail able Ph otog raphy mo des: All (except for ) Shooting continues a s long as th e shutte r button is held down (ma x. 0.6 fr ames/sec.) . This mode shoots up to Memory Card or inte rnal me mory e nd. MEMO Continuous shooting mode and assist window ( ➝ p.
74 j Increas ing LCD Moni tor Brig htness This is u seful w hen checkin g the s hot compos ition for outdoor scen es. Increasing the LCD monitor brightness Press j ( n ) to increase th e LCD m onitor b rightne ss. Press j ( n ) again to ret urn to norma l LCD mon itor bright ness.
75 Advanced Features — Photography Using p -MODE MENU (Pho togra phy)/SHOO TING MENU Use the se menus to adjust image q uality or focus. Yo u can tak e pictures i n a wid e range o f condit ions. Setting the p -MODE MENU (Photograp hy) Setting the SHOOTING MENU A Press p fo r about 0.
76 Using p -MODE M ENU (Photog raphy)/SH OOTING ME NU Z List o f p -MODE ME NU option s Z List of SHOOTI NG MENU optio ns Menu Functions Settings Factory default S ISO ( ➝ p.79) Specifies required sensitivity setting of the ambient light around the subject.
77 Advanced Features — Photography Continued Q H FOCUSING ( ➝ p.85) This setting can be used when the Mode dial is set to N , < , M , or > . Use this setting to specify the focusing mode. // AF MODE ( ➝ p.87) This setting can be used when the Mode dial is set to N , < , M , or > .
78 Using p -MODE M ENU (Photog raphy)/SH OOTING ME NU MEMO Note that the shooting menu will vary depending on the selected shooting mode. • B , , , • , (The shooting menu options will vary depending on the mode selected.
79 Advanced Features — Photography p -MODE MENU (Ph otogr aphy) Setting the menu ( ➝ p.75) Changing t he sensit ivity se tting ( S ISO) Use this menu to specify required sen sitivity setting of the ambien t light a round the subject. The larger value of th e sensitivity, the hig her sensitivity is obtained.
80 p -MODE ME NU (P hotograp hy) Changing t he qualit y setting ( QUALITY) Use this m enu to specify t he image si ze (num ber of recorded pixels ). Sel ect t he q ual ity sett ing for the scene bei ng sh ot.
81 Advanced Features — Photography Changing the FinePix COLOR setting ( FinePix COLOR) Use this menu to specify required co lor tone. It is effe ctive for taking v ivid shots or black and whit e shots. CHECK FinePix COLOR settings CAUTIO N When the Mode dial is set to or , does not appear on the screen.
82 SHOOTING MENU Selecting light metering method ( P H O T O M E T R Y ) Available Photography modes: N , < , M , > Use this s etting w hen the correct exposure cannot be obtained b y the sh ooting condition s. ) MUL TI (Patt ern): Light met ering w here th e came ra assesses the scene and selects the corr ect expo sur e.
83 Advanced Features — Photography Adjusting color balance ( T WHITE BALANCE) Available Photography modes: N , < , M , > Adjust the color bala nce based on white to su it the color of the am bient l ight arou nd the subject.
84 SHOOTING MENU Exampl e You can change the white balance for a photographed image by using colored paper instead of white paper. MEMO • In AUTO mode, the correct white balance may not be achieved for subjects such as close-ups of people’s faces and pictures taken under a special light source.
85 Advanced Features — Photography Spec ify ing the f ocu sing mode ( H FOCUSING) Available Photography modes: N , < , M , > Use this mode to spec ify focusing mod e that best suits the subject. Use this s etting to take pic tures o f a movin g subjec t.
86 SHOOTING MENU Use this set ting to ta ke picture of a static subject su ch as a lands cape. This mode is used in situatio ns wher e you focus manual ly. Use th is setti ng for al ternati ve focusi ng or for intentio nally out-of -focus shots . SINGLE AF N N 16 1 6 N 16 1 6 60 6 0 F3 F 3 .
87 Advanced Features — Photography Specifyi ng the focusing area ( A F M O D E ) Available Photography m ode: N , < , M , > Use this mo de to sp ecify the fo cusing area that bes t suits the s ubje ct . The c amera focu ses on the center of the screen.
88 SHOOTING MENU The camera cha nges the focu sing position on the screen . Use this s ettin g when com posing t he shot using a tripod and chang ing the focusing position . MEMO • T o reposition the AF frame, repeat step A . • R egardless of the AF frame location, the exposure is always set using the area in the center of the screen.
89 Advanced Features — Photography Adjust the image outline (hard/ soft) ( G SH ARPNES S) Available Photography modes: N , < , M , > Use this s etting to soften or empha size the outlin e and quality o f an im age.
90 SHOOTING MENU Photograph the same image with different ex posure ( BRACKETING) Available Photography modes: N , < , M , > Use this s etting to ph otograph the same im age with differe nt exposur e setting s.
91 Advanced Features — Playback Playback I nform atio n Use this f unction to check the ph otography inform ation. Press D to check the information .
92 Using p -MODE MENU (Playback)/PLAYBACK MENU Use the se menus to playba ck photo graphed images. Setting the p -MODE MENU (Playbac k) A Set the c amera to Playba ck mode ( ➝ p.39). Setting the PLAYBACK ME NU A Set the camera to Playba ck mode ( ➝ p.
93 Advanced Features — Playback p -MODE MENU (Playb ack) Setting the menu ( ➝ p.92) Settin g automatic pla yback ( SLIDE SHOW) Use this m ode to playba ck photogr aphed images cont inuo us ly. Y ou ca n se lect type of ima ge t ran siti on . MEMO • To interrupt automatic playback, press MENU/OK.
94 p -MODE ME NU (P layback ) Selecting WITH DATE E , E appears on t he sc ree n an d the date will be impr inted on your prin ts. MEMO Canceling DP OF sett ing A Press p to open the p -MODE MENU and press n or o to select PRINT ORDER (DPOF). B Press q .
95 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO • When DPOF settings were specified on another camera. When the data includes a frame (file) with DPOF settings that were specified on another camera, “RESET DPOF OK?” appears. Pressing MENU/OK erases all of the DPOF settings already specified for each frame (file).
96 p -MODE ME NU (P layback ) Z u PRINT ORDER (DPOF) DPOF sta nds for Digital Print Or der For mat and r efers to a form at that is used for re cording printin g specifica tions for image s shot u sing a d igital c amera on medi a such as a Memo ry Card .
97 Advanced Features — Playback PLAYBACK MENU Rotating the images ( IMAGE R OTATE) When sho oting in the vertical posi tion, th e image appe ars horizon tal on the screen. Use this mod e to rotat e an image and to display corr ect directio n. Your camera cal ls imag es “fra mes”.
98 PLAYBACK M ENU Protectin g the im ages ( P R O T E C T ) Use this m ode to prevent f rames (files) fr om bei ng accidental ly eras ed. Your camera ca lls image s “frames” . To prote ct or u nprotect o nly the se lected f rame (f ile): FRAME SET / RESET A Press p or q to select th e protectin g/ unpro tec tin g fr ame ( fil e).
99 Advanced Features — Playback MEMO To stop the pr ocedur e midwa y If the images are very large, protecting or unprotecting all the frames (files) may take some time. If you want to take a picture or record a movie during the procedure, press DISP/BACK.
100 PLAYBACK M ENU MEMO To copy another frame (file), repeat steps C and D . When copying frames (files) is completed, press DISP/ BACK. Copyin g one fram e at a ti me (FRAME) A Press n or o to select F RAME.
101 Advanced Features — Playback CAU TION • W hen [ MEMORY FULL] or [ Y MEMORY FULL] appears on the screen, copying the data stops on the way. • W hen copying the image that has specified DPOF setting, the DPOF setting is not copied. Copying al l frames (ALL FRAMES) A Press n or o to select ALL FRAMES.
102 PLAYBACK M ENU Adding voi ce memos to t he images ( VOICE ME MO) Voice me mos of up to 30 se conds ca n be adde d to st ill images . The rem aining r ecordin g time app ears du ring r ecording. MEMO Face the microphone to record your comment. Hold the camera about 20 cm (7.
103 Advanced Features — Playback To record yo ur comme nt: press M ENU/OK. To rere cord th e comm ent: pr ess D ISP/BACK . MEMO • When the image already has a voice memo • When “PROTECTED FRAME” appears, unprotect the frame ( ➝ p.98). • Voice memos cannot be added to movies.
104 PLAYBACK M ENU Z Playing back voice m emos CHECK • Audio recording format: WAVE ( ➝ p.167), PCM recording format • Audio file size: Approx. 480 KB (for a 30-second voice memo) MEMO Playing voice m emo file s You may not be able to play back some voice memo files recorded on other cameras.
105 Advanced Features — Playback Trimming the images ( T R I M M I N G ) Use this mod e to trim th e req uired part of the photogra phed im age. CHECK Before selecting TRIMMING, select th e trimming frame (file). MEMO Press DISP/BACK to return to single-frame playback.
106 PLAYBACK M ENU MEMO • A saved image size varies depending on the zoom scale of step A . For 0.3 M, k YES option appears in yellow. • Image sizes • When % quality setting is selected, the image is trimmed to normal size (4:3 aspect ratio).
107 Advanced Features — Movie r Recor ding Mo vies Use this mod e to recor d movies with sound. 1 Set the camera to r Movie mode. Set the Mode di al to r . 2 Record movies. Press the sh utter b utton down fully to st art recor ding. During rec ordi ng, l REC and a counter that sh ows the remai ning time appe ar on t he screen.
108 r Record ing Mov ies Z Zoomin g the ima ge Tur n th e zoom dia l to z oom in or out du ri ng sho oti ng . CHECK • Optical zoom focal length* With IMAGE STABILIZATION set to OFF: approx. 38 mm to 380 mm Max. zoom scale: 10x With IMAGE STABILIZATION set to ON: approx.
109 Advanced Features — Movie Using the Image St abilization Function IMAGE S TABILIZAT ION enables you to t ake stable a nd blur-f ree images e ven und er difficu lt shootin g conditio ns, such as telephoto shooting . Press MEN U/OK to open the shooting me nu.
110 r Record ing Mov ies MEMO • The quality setting is retained even when the camera is turned off or the mode setting is changed. •I n r Movie mode, you cannot set the S (sensitivity) setting and FinePix COLOR setting. • See p.164, 165 for information on recording times per Memory Card or internal memory.
111 Advanced Features — Movie w Playing Ba ck Mo vies Setting the camera to w Playback mode ( ➝ p.39) Z Playing back movies Continued Q A Press p or q to se lect the m ovie file.
112 w Playi ng Ba ck Movi es MEMO If the subject of the shot is very bright, white vertical streaks or black horizontal streaks may appear in the image during playback. This is normal. CAUTIO N • You may not be able to playback some movie files recorded on other cameras.
113 Settings U SET-UP Using the SET-UP menu 1 Open the SET-U P menu. 2 Change the page . 3 Change th e setting. A Press ME NU/OK to op en the me nu. B Press n or o to select U SET-UP. C Press q . A Press p or q to select th e page. B Press o to move to m enu item.
114 U SET-UP SET-UP menu option Setting Display Factory default Explanation Page q IMAGE DISP. CONTINUOUS/3 SEC/ 1.5 SEC/ZOOM (CONTINUOUS)/OFF 1.5 SEC Sets th e way fo r disp laying th e chec k imag e screen (photo grap h resu lt) af ter taking a pi ctur e.
115 Settings ENGLISH Specifies the language used for screen display. 29 AUTO POWER OFF 5 MIN/2 MIN/OFF 2 MIN Sets the time of turn ing camera off when camera is not used. 120 TIME DIFFERENCE N / IN Specifies the time difference settings. 121 BACKGROUND COLOR – – Specifies the colors of menu and background.
116 U SET-UP Use this sett ing to s pecify th e way for d isplaying the check image scre en (photogra ph result) after taking a picture. CAUTIO N • The color tones in images displayed when 3 SEC or 1.5 SEC is selected may differ slightly from those in the images actually recorded.
117 Settings Use this f uncti on to speci fy whe ther fram e numb ers are ass igned con secu ti vely from prev io us num ber s or begin again. CHECK MEMO • S etting this function to CONTINUOUS makes file management easier as it makes sure that file names are not duplicated when images are downloaded to a PC.
118 U SET-UP Use this f uncti on to shoo t enlarg ed ima ges than maximu m optica l zoo m scale. Z Zoom ba r displ ay CHECK • O ptical zoom focal length* Approx. 38 mm to 380 mm • D igital zoom focal length* - FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 Approx. 380 mm to 1824 mm Max.
119 Settings Use this function to adjust volume while playin g back movi e an d voi ce mem o. Use this function to adjus t the scr een bri ghtness. PLAYBACK VOLUME A Press n or o to adju st the volum e. The l arger the numb er, the l arger th e volume i s emitt ed.
120 U SET-UP Ini tiali ze ( for mat ) th e Me mory Ca rd or in terna l memory for use with the camer a. CAUTIO N • The Format function erases all the frames (files), including protected frames (files). Back up important frames (files) onto your PC or another media.
121 Settings Use this f unction when tr aveling to destina tions i n different t ime zon es. This fun ction sets a time difference relative to the dat e and time cur rently se t. When this setting is enabled, the specified time difference is applied when pi ctures are taken.
122 U SET-UP CHECK Available time setting –23:45 to +23:45 (in 15-minute increments) MEMO CHECK Upon returning from a trip, always change the time difference setting back to N HOME and then check the date and time again. 3 / 31 3 1 / 2007 2007 11 1 1 : 00 0 0 AM AM 60 6 0 F3 F 3 .
123 Camera Connection Conn ecti ng to a TV When c onnectin g to a T V, imag es can be di splayed on wide r scree n. Using slide s how fun ction ( ➝ p.93) tog ether, you can ha ve fun w ith f ol ks. Plug the A /V cable (i ncluded) i nto the A/V OUT (Audio/Vis ual output) s ocket of the camer a.
124 Using the AC po wer adapter ( sold separa tely) Always use a FUJIFILM A C Power Adap ter AC-5 VX (sold separately ) ( ➝ p.141) . Use the AC pow er adapte r to pr event losi ng pow er at inconvenient times, such as when downloading photogra phed im ages t o your PC.
125 Camera Connection Connecting Camera Dire ctly to Printer — Pic tBridge Function When a printer t hat sup ports Pi ctBridge is availab le, imag es can b e prin ted by connecti ng the ca mera di rectly t o the PictBr idge-co mpatible printer w ithout a PC.
126 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n Specifyi ng images for printing (PRINT WITH DATE / PRINT WITHOUT DATE) MEMO Even if M ENU/OK is p ressed with total num ber of im ages set at 0 (ze ro), the sc reen print ing once app ears on the screen.
127 Camera Connection Printing with DP OF setting ( u PRINT DPOF) CHECK To select u PRINT DPOF, the DPOF settings must be specified on FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 / FinePix S5800 / FinePix S800 beforehand ( ➝ p.93). CAU TION Even when WITH DATE E is specified in the DPOF settings ( ➝ p.
128 Connecting Camera Directly to Prin ter — PictB ridge Functio n MEMO Press DISP/BACK to cancel the printing. Depending on the printer, the printing may not be canceled immediately or printing may stop midway through. When printing stops midway, briefly turn the camera off and then on again.
129 Software Installation Insta llati on on a Wind ows PC Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below. Ch eck your syst em befor e you begin the installation.
130 Inst al la tion on a W indo ws PC Z Recomme nded s ystem CAUTIO N • Connect the camera directly to the PC using the USB cable. The software may not operate correctly when you use an extension cable or connect the camera via a USB hub. • When your PC has more than one USB port, the camera can be connected to either port.
131 Software Installation Do not conne ct the ca mera to your PC until the so ftware in stallatio n is comp let ed. 1 Install FinePixViewer as instructed in the Quick start guide. Laun ching the inst aller ma nuall y A Double-click the “My Computer” icon.
132 Install ation on a Mac OS X Pre-installation che cklist Z Hardwa re and s oftware require ments To run t his software, you must ha ve the hardware and softwa re described below.
133 Software Installation 1 Turn your Macintosh on and start up Mac OS X. Do not la unch any othe r applic ati ons. 2 When the bundle d CD-ROM i s loade d into the CD-ROM drive, the “Fi nePix” icon appears. Doub le-click the “FinePix” i con to open the “FineP ix” vo lume wind ow.
134 Inst al la tion on a M ac O S X 9 The ImageMi xer VCD2 LE f or FinePix installer automatically starts up and a window sh owing the in stallation progr ess appears (Installation may take several minutes) . 10 The “FinePixV iewer installation completed” message dialog appears.
135 Software Installation Conn ecti ng to a PC By conne cting the cam era to a PC, your s ystem ca n be expanded to fill a wid e range of uses. Using “Fin ePi xVi ewer ” per for ms im ages s av ing, brows ing a nd fil e mana gem ent etc. MEMO If the power cuts out during data transmission, the data will not be transmitted correctly.
136 Connec ting to a PC CAUTIO N • FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 / FinePix S5800 / FinePix S800 is compatible with PTP (Picture Transfer Protocol)/MTP (Media Transfer Protocol). A PTP/MTP- compatible camera is a camera which can recognize the PC and printer automatically when connected.
137 Software Installation Windo ws XP / Vista A The hel p mess age appe ars in th e botto m-righ t corner of your screen. T his message will close whe n the set ting s ar e co mplet ed. No ac tion is re qui red. CAUTIO N This step is not required for subsequent connections.
138 Connec ting to a PC Using FinePixViewer For all inform ation o n FinePix Viewer f uncti ons, re fer to “How to Use FinePixViewer” in the Help menu for details. • What is e xplai ned in “How to Use FinePixV iewer”... “How to Use Fine PixVie wer” cover s a ran ge of t opics, inc ludi ng b atch proc ess ing an d or deri ng pr int s.
139 Software Installation Only pe rform this ope ration wh en you no lon ger requir e the installed softwar e or when the softw are was not installed correct ly. Windows A Check that th e came ra is not co nnected to the PC . B Quit all currently running applica tions.
140 System Ex pansion Option By usi ng FineP ix S570 0 / F inePix S700 / FineP ix S5800 / Fin ePix S8 00 toget her wi th ot her optio nal FU JIFIL M produ cts, you r system can be expanded to fill a wide range of uses. Accessory availability may vary by country.
141 Appendices Acce ssori es Gu ide Visit the F UJIFILM web site for th e latest information on camera accesso ries. http://w ww.fujif ucts/dig ital/ind ex.html Accessory availability may vary by country. Please check with your local Fujifilm representative to confirm product availabilit y.
142 MEMO.
143 Appendices Using Your Camera Correctly Read thi s inform ation a nd the “S afety No tes” ( ➝ p .176), to make sure you use yo ur camera correctly.
144 Powe r Supply and Ba tte ries Applicable Batteries • In the ca mera, use AA-si ze alkalin e or Ni-M H (nicke l- metal hydr ide) recha rge abl e bat ter ies.
145 Appendices Continued Q Using the AA-size Ni-MH batteries correctly • As a power source in digital came ras, AA-size Ni-M H batteries (refer red to he reafte r as Ni-MH ba tteries) are superi or to alkal ine batte ries in se veral ways, su ch as allowi ng more shots to be taken with the camera.
146 Power Supply and Batterie s Dischar ging re chargeab le batteries The Disch arging r echargeab le batter ies function can only be used w ith Ni-M H batte ries. The Dis chargin g recharg eable b atteries function should not be used with alkaline batteries a s it will completely drain the batter y charg e.
147 Appendices To disc harge rechargea ble ba tteries: CAU TION To cancel discharging, press DISP/BACK. A Press w to turn the camera o n. B Press ME NU/OK to display t he men u on the scree n. C Press n or o to select U SET-UP. D Press q to d isplay th e SET-UP menu.
148 Notes on t he xD-Pict ure C ard ™, t he SD Me mory Card and the Int ernal Memo ry Z Handl ing Memo ry Card • When inse rting the Memory Card into th e camera, hol d the Me mor y Card stra igh t as y ou pus h it i n.
149 Appendices Warning Dis plays The tabl e bel ow lists the warning s that a re displa yed on the screen . Warning Displayed Explanation Remedy (Lit red) V (Blinking red) The batteries are low or completely out of charge. Load new or fully charged ba tteries.
150 Warning Displays CARD ERROR • The Memory Card contact area is soiled. • The Memory Card format is incorrect. • Wipe the contact area on the Memory Card with a soft, dry cloth. It may be necessary to format the Memory Card ( ➝ p.120) . If the message still appears, replace the Memory Card.
151 Appendices READ ERROR • The playe d back file was not recorded correctly. • The Memory Card contact area is soiled. • Camera fau lt. • An attempt was made to play back th e image or the movie that was not recorded on this camera. • This file cannot be pla yed back.
152 Warning Displays CAN NOT SET DPOF r CAN NOT SET DPOF An attempt was made to specify DPOF setting s for a movie or an image that is not supported by DPOF.
153 Troubleshooting Trou bleshoo ting Z Getting read y Continued Q Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Batteries and power supply Nothing happens when sliding the Power switch or pressing w . The batteries have run out. Load new or fully charged batteries.
154 Troubl eshoo ting Z Setti ng me nu etc. Z Shoo ting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page LCD monitor display Screens are not displayed in English. A language other than English is selected in the setting in the SET-UP menu. Select ENGLISH.
155 Troubleshooting Macro Cannot set the camera to Macro (close-up) mode. The Shooting mode is set to m , , , . , 8 , , , , , or . Change the Shooting mode. 51 Flash Cannot use the flash. The shutter button was pressed while the flash was charging. Wait until the chargin g is completed before pressing the shutter button.
156 Troubl eshoo ting Photographed images The image is blurred. The lens is dirty. Clean the lens. 143 { appeared when taking pictures. Check the focus on the subject and take pictures. 31, 34, 149 appeared when taking pictures. It may cause camera shake.
157 Troubleshooting Z Playing back Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Playing back movie / voice memo The camera does not emit any sound. The camera volume is set too low. Adjust the volume. 104, 112, 113, 119 The microphone was blocked during shooting/recording.
158 Troubl eshoo ting Z Connecting Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Connecting to TV There is no image or sound on the TV. The camera is not connected to the TV correctly. Connect the camera and TV correctly. 123 The included A/V cable was connected during movie playback.
159 Troubleshooting Z Others Matters Problems Possible causes Solutions Page Camera operation etc. Nothing happens when pressing the buttons on the camera. Camera malfunction may be caused temporarily. Briefly remove the batteries or disconnect the AC power adapter.
160 Speci fications Specific atio ns System Model Digital camera FinePix S5700 / FinePix S700 Digital camera FinePix S5800 / S800 Effective pixels 7.1 million pix els 8.0 million pixels CCD 1/2.5-inch CCD Storage media Internal memory (approx. 27 MB) Internal memory (approx.
161 Sensitivity Auto/Auto (800)/Auto (400)/Equivalent to 64/100/200/400/800/1600 (Standard output sensitivity) Photometry TTL 256-zones metering Multi, Spot, Average Exposure control Program AE (When .
162 Speci fications White balance Automatic scene recognition/Preset (Fine, Sha de, Fluorescent (Daylight), Fluorescent (Warm White), Fluorescent (Cool White), Incandescent) /Custom Self-timer Approx. 2 sec./10 sec. Flash type Popping the flash up automatically Effective range: ( S : 800): approx.
163 Power Supply and Others Power supply Use one of the following: • 4× AA-size alkaline batteries • 4× AA-size Ni-MH (Nickel-Metal Hydride) batteries (sold separately) • AC Power Adapter AC-5.
164 Speci fications Z Standa rd num ber of avail able f rames/r ecord ing t ime per xD-Picture Card , SD Memor y Card and intern al memor y The num ber of availabl e frame s and r ecordin g time is appro ximate. Act ual num ber o f frame s and reco rding t ime vari es dependi ng on the t ypes of Memory Ca rd or sh ooting co ndition.
165 Z Standa rd num ber of avail able f rames/r ecord ing t ime per xD-Picture Card , SD Memor y Card and intern al memor y The num ber of availabl e frame s and r ecordin g time is appro ximate. Act ual num ber o f frame s and reco rding t ime vari es dependi ng on the t ypes of Memory Ca rd or sh ooting co ndition.
166 Speci fications If you shoot using the xD-Picture Card s with model numbers containing “M” such as DPC-M1GB, movie recording time may be reduced if you repeatedly record and erase (frame erase) image files. In such a case, erase all frames or format the xD-Picture Card before use.
167 Explan ation of Terms Deacti vated b atteries Leaving an Ni-MH battery u nused in storag e for a l ong per iod may cau se a rise in the l evel of su bstance s that in hibit cur rent flow inside the batte ry and res ult in a d ormant ba ttery. A battery in this sta te is re ferred to as deac tivated.
168 Expla nation o f Terms White Balance Whateve r the kind o f the li ght, the human eye adapt s to it so that a white ob ject still l ooks white . On th e other ha nd, de vices such as digital ca meras see a whi te subjec t as white by first adjusting the colo r balanc e to suit th e color of the a mbient ligh t around t he subj ect.
169 FUJI FILM Dig ital Camera Worl dwid e N etwor k If you have techn ical questio ns or if you ne ed repair service, ask the following loca l distributor. Please presen t the warra nty card and your purchase r eceipt when you ask for repairs. Refe r to the war ranty card for conditions of the warranty.
170 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Ecuador Imp ortacion es Espacri Cia. Ltda . Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Simón Bolivar 5-69 y Hno. M iguel - Cuenca TEL +593 783 5526 FA X +593 783 3157 portiz@fuj ifilm. Mexico Fujifilm de Mex ico, S.
171 Cyprus Doros N eophy tou CAMERA REPAIRS Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e 28B, Agiou Demetriou, Acropoli, Nicosia TEL 357223 14719 FAX 357225155 62 dorosn@l ogosnet.
172 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Malt a Ciancio ( 1913) Co.L td. Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Fuji Tech Ce ntre, Cianci o House, Canno n Road, Qorm i, QRM05 TEL 0356-2 1-480500 FAX 0356- 21-488328 i nfo@fujifil m.
173 Sweden Fujifilm S verige AB Technical suppo rt Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockhol m TEL 46 8 50 6 141 70 FAX 46 8 506 142 0 9 kamera Repair service Sveavägen 167 104 35 Stockho lm TEL 46 8 50 6 513 54 FAX 46 8 506513 5 4 kamerave rkstaden@fujifil m.
174 FUJIFILM Digital Camera Wo rldwide Network Syria Film Trading Company Technical suppo rt Al-Shahbandar P.O. Box:3118 0 Damascus S YRIA TEL + 963 11 2218049 FAX + 963 11 44673456 f.t.c@Net. SY Repair service Al-cheikh Taha P.O. Box: 6171 Aleppo SYR IA TEL + 963 21 4641903 F AX + 963 21 4641907 fil mtradin@N et.
175 ASIA Hong Kong Fuji Phot o Prod ucts C o., Ltd . Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e 8/F.,TSUEN WAN IND . CENTRE, 220 TEX ACO RD., TSUEN WAN, HON G KONG TEL (852) 2406 3287 FA X (852)240 8 3130 rsd@ chinahkphoto. Indonesia PT Modern P hoto Tbk Technical suppo rt & Repair servic e Jl.
176 Safety Notes • Make sur e that y ou use your FineP ix S5700 / Fine Pix S700 / Fine Pix S5800 / F inePix S800 ca mera correctly. Read t hese Saf ety Notes and yo ur Owne r’s Man ual carefully be fore use. • After r eading the se Safety Notes, sto re them in a safe place.
177 Do not change, heat or unduly twist or pull the connection cord and do not place heavy objects on the connection cord. These actions could damage the cord and cause a fire or electric shock. • If the cord is damaged, contact your FUJIFILM dealer.
178 Safety Notes When discarding or storing batteries, cover the battery terminals with insulation tape. Contact with other metallic objects or batteries could cause the batteries to ignite or burst. Keep Memory Cards out of the reach of small children.
179 When you are cleaning the camera or you do not plan to use the camera for an extended period, remove the batteries and disconnect and unplug the AC power adapter. Failure to do so can cause a fire or electric shock. When charging ends, unplug the charger from the power socket.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINATO-KU, TOKYO 107-0052, JAPAN Printed in Indo nesia Y/Y-7 09107 1AG6P1P3529--.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat FujiFilm FinePix S5700 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen FujiFilm FinePix S5700 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens FujiFilm FinePix S5700 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding FujiFilm FinePix S5700 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over FujiFilm FinePix S5700 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van FujiFilm FinePix S5700 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de FujiFilm FinePix S5700 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met FujiFilm FinePix S5700 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.