Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FinePix XP10 series van de fabrikant FujiFilm
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Befor e Y ou Begi n Firs t Steps Bas ic Photo gra phy and Pl aybac k More on Photography More on Playback Movies Connections Menus T echnical Note s Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Appendix Owner ’ s Manual Thank you for y our pur chase of thi s product.
ii Memor y Car ds Pictures can be stored in the camera’ s internal memor y or on optional SD and SDHC memor y card s. In this manual, SD memory c ards are r eferred to as “memory c ards. ” For more information, see page 8. About This Manual Before u sing the camera, r ead thi s Owner ’ s Manua l and the other s upplied documents.
iii Camer a Q & A Find it ems b y task. Camera Setup Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How do I set the camera clo ck? Date and time 1 4 Can I set the clock to local ti.
iv Camera Q & A Ta k i n g P i c t u r e s Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How many pictures can I take? Memor y capacit y 1 05 Is there a quick and easy way to take .
v Camera Q & A Viewing P ictures Que st ion Question Key phr ase Key phrase See p age See page How do I view my pic tures ? Single-f rame playback 4 0 Is there a simple way t o delete one image ? .
vi Special Fea tures and Impor tant Informa tion Waterp roof, Du stpr oof, Sho ck Res ist ant Per fo rma nce • The camera’ s wat erpr oof and dustpr oof per formanc e is equ ivalent t o IP68 . • This camera h as passed our i n-house drop test ( 1 m [3 f t.
vii Special Features and I mpor tant Information • Wa sh sun screen or sun tan oil o the camera immedi at ely with warm wat er if you acc idental ly spill or a pply any . The oils ma y disc olor the camera. • Should you s ubject the camera to sub stantia l vibration, s hock or press ure , it may be less res istant t o wat er .
viii Abo ut Th is Man ual .......................................................................... ii Cam era Q & A .................................................................................... iii Cam era Se tup .........................
ix T abl e of Contents Conne ct ion s Con nec t io ns Vie wing Pi ct ures o n T V ............................................................... 49 Printi ng Pic ture s via USB ........................................................... 50 Conn ec ting th e Cam era .
x T abl e of Contents T e chn ical N ote s T e chn ical N ote s Optional Acc essories ................................................................... 91 Acc essories from F uji lm .......................................................... 92 T r oub les hoot ing Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g .
Before Y ou Begin 1 Introduct ion Sy mbols and Conv ent ions The following symbols ar e used in this m anual : Caution : This in forma tion should be re ad before u se to en sur e corr ec t operation. Note : Poi nts to no te when u sing the ca mera. Tip : Addition al inform ation tha t may be helpful when u sing the came ra.
2 Introduction Part s of the Camera For mor e informa tion, r efer t o the page list ed to the righ t of each it em. 19 Lo ck lever ........................................................ 6 20 T ripo d mount 21 Memo r y card slot ....................
3 Introduction Before Y ou Begin The Monitor The following ind icat ors may a ppear in the monit or duri ng shooting and pl ayback: ■ Shooting ■ Play bac k 2 3 - 1 100 12 / 31 / 2050 10 : 00 AM 100-0001 1/250 F 4.0 N YouTube 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 89 13 14 15 11 10 12 9 Red - eye removal indi cator .
Fir st St eps 4 Charging the Battery The bat te r y is not c harged a t shipme nt. Ch arge the ba t te r y before use . Batteries The c amera uses an NP- 4 5A r echargeable bat tery.
5 Charging the Battery Fir st St eps C aut ion s: Car in g for t he Bat te ry • Do not a x s tickers or other objec ts to the bat tery. F ailure to observe this precaution could make it impossible to remove the batter y from the camera . • Do not short the b atter y terminals.
6 Insert ing the Battery Af ter ch arg ing the batter y , insert it in the camera as described below. 1 Open the batter y- chamber co ver . Open the battery- chamber c over as sho wn, slidi ng the lock lever in the dir ec tion of the arrow . Lo ck l e ver Cautions • Do not turn the camera on or o while the bat tery -chamb er cover is open.
7 Inser ting the Bat ter y Fir st St eps Caution Inser t the batter y in the correc t orientation. Do NOT use forc e or at tempt to inser t the bat ter y upside down o r back wards. The b atter y will slide in easily in the c orrec t orientation. 3 Close the bat tery -chamb er cov er .
8 Insert ing a Memory Card Although the camera can st ore pictures in i nt ernal me mor y , SD memor y card s (sold sepa rately ) can be used to store add itional pictures. When no memory card is inserted , d appears i n the monitor a nd int ernal me mor y is used for r ecord ing and pla yback.
9 Inser ting a Memor y Card Fir st St eps ■ Inser ti ng a Memor y Card 1 Open the batter y- chamber co ver . Open the battery- chamber c over as sho wn, slidi ng the lock lever in the dir ec tion of the arrow . Lo ck l e ver Note Be sure the camera is o before op ening the battery-chamber co ver .
10 Inser ting a Memor y Card • Be sure card i s at c orrect orientation; do not inser t at an angle or use force . If the memor y card is not inserted cor re c tl y , i mag es will be saved in the internal memor y ( d will be displayed) ins tead of on the memory c ard.
11 Inser ting a Memor y Card Fir st St eps Removing M emory Cards Be su re t he camera is o before op ening the bat ter y- chamber cover . Press the car d in and then release it slowly . The c ard can now be removed by hand. Cautions • The memor y card may spring out if you remove your nger immediately af ter pushing the card in.
12 Inser ting a Memor y Card • The data in internal memory may b e erased or c orrupted when the camera is repaired. Please not e that the repairer will be able to view pict ures in int ernal memor y . • Form atting a memor y card or int ernal me mor y in the camera creates a folder in which pictures are stored.
13 Fir st St eps T urning the Camera on and O Shooting Mode Pres s the n but ton t o turn the camera on. Press n again t o turn the camera o . T ip: Swi tchi ng to Pl ayba ck Mo de Press the D button to star t playb ack. Press the shut ter button half way to r eturn to shooting mode.
14 Basic Setup A langu age -selec tion dial og is dis played the rst time the camera is turned on. Set up the camera as described below (for in format ion on resetting the clock or chang ing langu ages, see page 83 ) . 1 Choose a language. START MENU SET NO 1.
15 Basic Setup Fir st St eps Note Y ou c an change the language or date and time set ting later in the setup menu (pg. 83 ). T ips: T he Ca mer a Clo ck • If the batter y is removed for an ex tende d perio d, the camera clock will b e reset and the language- selec tion dialog will b e displayed when the camera is turned on.
Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 16 T ak ing Pictures in G ( SCENE REC OGNITION) Mode This section describes how to take pictures i n SCENE R EC OGN ITION mode.
17 T ak ing Pictures in G (SCENE RECOGNITI ON) Mo de Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 3 Frame the picture. Pos ition the main s ubjec t in the focus ar ea and use the z oom but tons t o frame the picture in the monit or .
18 T ak ing Pictures in G (SCENE RECOGNITI ON) Mo de Simply b y pointing the camera a t the subject, the camera aut omatica lly analyzes and select s the most appropria te setting us ing scene reco gnit ion . The camera analyzes a subject based on scene recognition, then an ic on appears in the bottom lef t of the monitor .
19 T ak ing Pictures in G (SCENE RECOGNITI ON) Mo de Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k 4 Foc us. Pres s the shutter button halfway to focus on the subject.
20 T ak ing Pictures in G (SCENE RECOGNITI ON) Mo de The I ndi cato r La mp Indicat or lamp The indic ator lamp shows ca mera status as follows: Ind ica tor l amp Indic ator lamp Cam era s ta tus Camera stat us Glows green Focus locked. Blinks green Blur , focus, or exposure warning.
21 Ba sic Ph otog ra phy an d Pla ybac k Viewing P ictures Pictures can be viewed in the mon itor . When taking impor tant pho tograph s, take a t est shot and check the results . 1 Press the D but ton. The most recent picture wi ll be displa yed in the monitor .
More on P hotography 22 A Shooting Mode Choose a shooting mode ac cor ding t o the sce ne or t ype of subjec t. g g Selecti ng a Shooting Mode 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu.
23 More on P hotography A Shooti ng Mod e Shooting Modes G SCEN E RECOGNITI ON Simply b y pointing the camera a t the subject, the camera aut omatica lly analyzes and select s the most appropri ate setting us ing scene reco gni tion . For mor e informa tion, see “ T aking P ic tur es in G (S CENE RE C OGNIT ION) Mode” (pg.
24 A Shooti ng Mod e B NA TUR AL LIG HT Captur e natu ral ligh t indoors, under low l ight, or where the ash can no t be used. T he ash turns o and sens itivit y is rai sed to red uce blu r . C PORTR AIT Choose this mode for soft-t oned por traits with natural s kin tones.
25 More on P hotography A Shooti ng Mod e F SNOW Choose for cri sp, c lear sho ts that captu re the brightnes s of scenes dom inat ed by shi ning whit e snow. G BEA CH Choose for cri sp, c lear sho ts that captu re the brightnes s of sunl it beaches. X UNDERW A TER Choose when shooti ng under wat er or at a n aquari um.
26 A Shooti ng Mod e N AUCTIO N MOD E Choose this mode t o com bine up t o four con secutive shots in a si ngle image 640 × 48 0 pixel s in siz e ( p ) . T his ca n be used to r ecord an objec t from di erent angles when p osting pictures to a we b auction.
27 More on P hotography B Intelligent F ace Detection and Red- Ey e Remov al Int elligen t F ace Detection allows the camera t o autom atically det ec t hum an faces and set focus a nd exposure f or a face anywhere in the frame for sho ts that emph asiz e por trait subject s.
28 B Intelligent Face Detection an d Red- Eye Removal 2 Frame the picture. If a face is det ected, it will be indicat e d by a green borde r . If there i s more tha n one face in the frame, the ca mera will select the face closest to the c en ter; othe r faces are indica ted by whit e b orders.
29 More on P hotography B Intelligent Face Detection an d Red- Eye Removal Cautions • If no face is det ec ted when the shut ter - release but ton is pr essed half way (p g. 95) , the c amera will focus on the subjec t at the cen ter of the monit or and red- eye will not be removed .
30 Foc u s L o ck T o compose pho tograph s with o - cen ter subjects: 1 Position the subject in the fo cus frame. 2 Foc us. Pr ess the shutter button halfway to set focus and exposure . Focus and exposur e will r emain lock ed while the shutter button is pr essed half way ( AF / AE lock).
31 Focus Lock More on P hotography Autofoc us Although the camera bo asts a high -precision autofocus s ystem, it may be unable to focus on the subjec ts listed below. If the camera is unable to focus using autofocus, use focus lock (p g. 30) t o focus on another subjec t at the same distance and then recompose the photograp h.
32 5 Exp os ure C omp en sat io n Use exposur e com pensation when phot o graphing v er y bright, v er y dark, or high- c ontrast subjects . 1 Press 5 ( exposure compensation) . The exp osu re ind icat or will be di splay ed. 1000 F4.0 SET 2 Choose a value.
33 More on P hotography 5 Exp os ur e C om pen sat io n Choosing an Exposure C ompensation Value • Backlit subjects : choose values f rom + 2 / 3 EV t o + 1 2 / 3 EV (for an explanation of the term “E V ” , see the Gl ossar y on page 1 04) • Highly re ective subjects or very bright scenes (e .
34 L Macro mode ( Close -ups ) T o selec t macro mode, pr ess the selec t or lef t ( L ). 19 N L icon appears in monitor when c amer a is in macr o mode When macro mode is in e ec t, the camera focuses on su bjec ts near the ce nt er of the monit or .
35 More on P hotography K Using the F lash (In telligent F lash ) When the ash i s used, the camera ’s Intelligent F lash system instan tly analyzes the sc ene based on such factors as the brigh tness of the subject, its p osition i n the frame, and its distanc e from the camera.
36 K Using the Flash (Intellig ent Flash) Red- Eye Re moval If intelligen t face detec tion is selec ted in the shooting menu (pg. 27) while a RED EYE REMOV AL is set to ON in the setup menu (pg. 84), red- eye removal is used for pic tures taken when the ash res.
37 More on P hotography J Using the Self- Timer The cam er a o ers four t ypes of self-timer mode , which en able group portrait s, self-por traits and reduction of camera sha ke. Sett ing the Self - Timer T o change the self -timer mode, pr ess J .
38 J Using the Self- Time r GROUP TIM ER The pic ture i s taken a utom atically when a ll members get together . Set the self-time r mode to y GROUP TIM ER . Press E . Eac h time E is pr essed, the set ting for S NUMBERS ch anges. Av ailable setting for Group timer is 1 t o 4 persons.
39 More on P hotography J Using the Self- Time r The self-timer la mp on the front of the camera will bl ink im mediat ely before the picture is tak en. If the t wo-second timer is selected, the self-time r lamp wil l blink as the timer coun ts dow n.
40 More on P layback Single - F rame Pla yback T o view the most recen t pic ture i n the monitor , press the D button. 12 / 31 / 2050 12 / 31 / 2050 1/250 1/250 F4.
41 Single-Frame Playback More on P layback Press T to zoom in on i mages displayed in single -f rame playba ck ; press W t o zoom out. Press W to zo o m ou t Press T to z oom in Zo o m i n d ic at o r When the pic tur e is zoomed in, the selec tor ca n be used to view ar eas of the image not cu rren tly visi ble in the display .
42 Multi- F rame P la y back T o change the nu mber of images displayed, press W when a picture is shown full-frame in the monitor . Pr ess the W button to i ncre ase the number of pictures dis played to two, nine, or a hundred. Press T to reduc e the number of images dis played.
43 More on P layback M Deleting Pictures The ERASE option in the pl ayback menu ca n be used to delete stil l pic tur es and movies, incr easi ng the amoun t of space a vailable on the me mor y card or in i nt ernal memory (for in forma tion on deleting pictures in sing le- frame playback, see page 2 1 ) .
44 M Delet in g P ict ure s ■ FR AM E : Dele ting Sele cted Im ages Selecting FR AM E displa ys the dialog shown at r ight. ERASE OK? SET CANCEL Pr ess the selec tor left or right to scr oll through pictures and press MENU /OK to delet e the curren t picture (the picture is delet ed immediat ely; be careful no t delete the wr ong picture) .
Movies 45 A Recording Movies The A button can be used to shoot s hor t movies in al l shooting modes exc ept N . Sound i s recor ded via the built - in micr ophone; do not c ov er the microphone d uring rec ordi ng. 1 F rame the scene u sing the z oom but t ons.
46 A Recording Movies Notes • See below for infor mation on rec ording movies in R mode. • Focus is set when rec ording be gins; exposure and white balance are adjusted automatically throughout recor ding. The color and brightness of the image may var y from that displayed b efore recording be gins.
47 Movies A Recording Movies T ip: Prev iewi ng the M ost Rec ent Cl ip When a clip is completed, the rst fr ame appears in the monitor . T o preview the clip, press the selec tor up.
48 D Viewing Mo vies During pla yback (pg. 40), movies ar e displa yed in the monit or as shown a t right. Th e followin g op erations can be per formed while a movie is d ispla yed: PLAY PLAY PLAY 10.
Con nec t io ns 49 Viewing P ictures on T V Connect the camera to a T V and tune the t elevision t o the vide o chan nel to sho w pic tur es and slide shows (pg. 7 4 ) t o a group . 1 Press th e D f or about a second to tu rn the camera on. 2 Open the bat ter y- chamb er cover .
50 Prin ting Pictures via USB If the print er su ppor ts Pic tBridge , the camera can be con nec ted dir ec tly to a pri nt er and pictures can be print ed without rst being copied to a c omput er . Note tha t depending on the print er , not all the functions described below may be supported.
51 Printing Pictures via USB Con nec t io ns T ip: Pri nti ng the D ate of Rec ord ing T o print the date of recor ding on pic tures, press DISP /BACK in steps 1 – 2 to display the PictBridge menu (see “Printing the DPOF Print Order ,” below) .
52 Printing Pictures via USB During Printing The mess age shown at right is displa yed during printing. P ress DISP /BACK to cancel before all pic tures are print ed (depending on the printer , printing may end before the current picture has printed).
53 Printing Pictures via USB Con nec t io ns The r PRINT OR DER (DPOF) option in the playback me nu can be used t o crea te a d igital “pri nt orde r” for PictBridge -compati ble print ers (pg.
54 Printing Pictures via USB 3 Repea t steps 1 – 2 t o complet e the print or der . Press MENU /OK to sav e the print or der when settings are c omplete , or DISP / BACK t o exit without chang ing the print or der . 4 The tota l number of pri nts is dis played in the monit or.
55 Con nec t io ns Viewing P ictures on a Computer The supplied sof tware can be used to c opy pictures t o a comput er , where they can be stor ed, viewed, orga nized, and pri nt ed. Before proc eeding, install the sof tware as described below. Do NO T connect the camer a to t he computer un til inst allation is c omplete .
56 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 2 S tar t the comput er . Log in to a n acc ount with ad mini strator privileges before pr oceeding. 3 Exit any applica tions tha t may be run ning and in ser t the instal ler CD in a CD- ROM drive . Win dows 7 / Wind ows Vi sta If an AutoPlay dialog is displayed, click SETUP .
57 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Con nec t io ns Macintosh: Installing FinePixViewer 1 Con r m that the computer me ets the followin g sy stem requirements: CPU CPU PowerPC or Intel OS OS Pre- inst alled versi ons of Mac OS X ver sion 10.3.9–1 0.
58 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer 4 Remov e the installer C D from the CD- ROM drive. No te tha t you ma y be unable t o remov e the CD if Safari is runn ing; if nec essar y , quit Safari before re moving the CD . Stor e the installer C D in a dry location out of dir ec t sun ligh t in case you need to r e-install the sof t ware .
59 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Con nec t io ns 1 If the pictures you wis h to c opy ar e stored on a memor y card , insert the card in to the camera (pg. 9) . If no card is i nserted, pic tur es will be copied from i nt ernal me mor y . Note Windows user s may require the Windows CD when star ting the sof t ware for the rst time.
60 Viewing Pic tures on a Computer Cautions • If a memor y card con taining a large number o f images is inser ted, there may be a delay before the sof t ware st ar ts and you may be unab le to impor t or sav e im age s. Use a memor y card reader to transfer pictures.
Menus 61 The Shooting Menu The shooting menu i s used to adj ust set ting s for a wide range of shooting c onditions. Using the Shooti ng Menu 1 Press MENU/OK to d ispla y the shooting menu.
62 The Shoot ing Menu Shooting Menu O ptions Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip tio n Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default A SHOOTING MODE Choos e a shootin g mod e according to the t ype o f subjec t (p g. 22) . G / k / P / A / B / C / V / K / L / D / U / E / F / G / X / I / O / P / N / R G n ISO Adjust ISO s ensitiv it y (pg.
63 The Shoot ing Menu Menus n ISO Con trol the came ra’ s sens itivit y to l ight with P . Higher val ues can be used to r educe bl ur when ligh ting is poor; note , howeve r , that mottling may a ppear in pictures take n at high se nsitivities.
64 The Shoot ing Menu Aspect Rat io Pictures taken at an image size set ting of r 3 : 2 have an aspec t ratio of 3 : 2, the s ame as a frame of 35-mm lm . Pictures taken at an image size set ting of g 16: 9 or m 16: 9 have an aspec t ratio of 16:9 .
65 The Shoot ing Menu Menus C WHITE BALANCE For na tural colors, c hoose a set ting tha t mat ches the ligh t sourc e ( for an explana tion of “whit e balanc e, ” se e the Glossary on page 1 04) . Opt ion Option Di spl ayed in Displaye d in AUT O White balance adjusted automatically .
66 The Shoot ing Menu F AF MOD E In shooting mode P or A , this option c o ntr ols how the camera focuses when Int elligen t F ace Detec tion is o (pg. 27) . Regardless of the option selec t ed, the camera will focus on the subject in the cen ter of the mon itor when m acro mode is on (pg.
67 Menus The Pla yback Menu The playback menu i s used t o manage the pictures in i nt ernal memory or on the memor y card. g Using the Playback Menu 1 Press D to en ter pl ayback mode (pg.
68 The Playbac k Menu Op tio n Option Des cr ip tio n Description j RESIZE Redu ce the size of imag es (pg . 77). N IMAGE ROT ATE Rotate pic ture s (pg. 78). P COPY Copy pi ct ures bet ween internal memory and a memory card (pg. 7 9) . Q VOICE ME MO Add vo ice memos to pic tures ( pg.
69 The Playbac k Menu Menus Se arc hi ng fo r imag es Images found when using the image search featur e can be deleted (pg. 43 ), prot ec ted (pg. 7 5) , or viewe d in a slide show (pg. 7 4) by pressing MENU /OK . ERASE EXIT PROTECT SLIDE SHOW EXIT SEARCH COUPLE v ED IT FOR BLOG Y ou can process stil l images for posting t o a blog.
70 The Playbac k Menu 5 Press MENU/OK to open the setting screen. The screen ty pe varies, depending on the selected menu. 6 Cha nge the set ting. This step i s unnec essar y in some menus. 7 Press MENU/OK to pr ocess the image. Th e original ima ge remains unaltered.
71 The Playbac k Menu Menus ■ List of Processing menu options men u menu Func t ion s Fun c ti on s Se tt ing s Settings Fac tor y de fa ult Fac tor y de fa ult CROP The ima ge is trimm ed so that o nly the d esired area of th e image is view able. —— Q ASPE CT RA TIO* Crops an ima ge to change the asp ec t ratio.
72 The Playbac k Menu e MOVIE EDIT Y ou can proces s movies for posting t o a blog, usi ng the same procedur e used for proc essing still images (pg. 6 9) . ■ List of Processing menu options Men u Menu Func t ion s Fun c ti on s SEPIA C onver ts th e movie to sepia .
73 The Playbac k Menu Menus ■ Canceling Upload Selections Y ou can cancel stil l images and movies th at wer e selec ted t o be uploaded. Begin by selec ting b MARK FOR U PL OAD T O . 1 Press MENU/OK . 2 Dis play a still i mage or movie tha t was selected to be uploaded.
74 The Playbac k Menu q SLIDE SHO W View pic tures in an a utoma ted slide s how . Af ter choosin g the b ackground music, ch oose the t ype of show and press MENU /OK to start.
75 The Playbac k Menu Menus 2 Press MENU/OK . T he message shown below at lef t will be di splay ed while the camera ana lyses the image; if r ed- eye is det ec ted, the message sho wn below at right wi ll be displ ayed while the ca mera proces ses the image t o crea te a c opy with redu ced red - eye.
76 The Playbac k Menu ■ SET ALL Press MENU/OK to pr ot ec t all pic tur es, or press DISP / BACK to exit without cha nging picture status. YES CANCEL SET ALL OK? IT MA Y T AKE A WHILE ■ RESE T ALL Press MENU/OK to r emov e prot ection f rom al l pic tures, or press DISP /BACK to exit without chang ing picture sta tu s.
77 The Playbac k Menu Menus 2 Press MENU/OK . A con rmation dialog will b e displayed. Copy s ize is s hown at the top ; if the size i s p , OK is di spla yed in yello w . Larger crops pr oduce lar ger copies ; all c opies hav e an aspec t ratio of 4 : 3.
78 The Playbac k Menu N IMA GE ROT A T E By default, pictures taken i n tall orien tation ar e dis played in wide orien tation. Use th is option t o displa y pictures in the corr ec t orienta tion in the monit or . It has no e ec t on pic tures d ispla yed on a com puter or ot her device .
79 The Playbac k Menu Menus P CO PY Copy pictures between int ernal me mor y and a memor y car d. 1 Pr ess the selec tor u p or down to highlight d INTERNA L MEMORY g x CARD ( copy pictures from in tern al memor y to the me mor y card) or x CA RD g d INTERNAL MEMORY ( copy pictures from a memor y card to in te rnal memory) .
80 The Playbac k Menu Q VO IC E M EM O T o add a voice me mo to a still picture, select Q VO I CE MEMO af ter d ispla ying the picture in pla yback mode. Note Voic e memos can not be added to movies or prot ec ted pic tures. Remove prot ec tion from pic tures before recording voice memos (pg.
81 The Playbac k Menu Menus Play ing Voic e Memo s When a pic ture that has a voice memo r ecorded for it (as indicated by the h icon displayed during playback) is sele cted, you c an play the voice memo by selec ting PLAY , then pr essing MENU /OK . 15s STOP PAUSE Prog ress b ar Progr ess is s hown in the monitor .
82 The Playbac k Menu P TRAN SITIO N Choose the transition bet ween images d uring playbac k. 3 /3 PLA YBACK MENU TRAN PRIN MOVI SET OFF W PE SLIDE IN FADE IN c MOVIE TRIMMING T o crea te a shorter c opy of the movie curr ently di spla yed in pla yback mode, select c MOVIE TRIMMING fro m the playback me nu.
83 Menus The Setup Menu Using the Setup Menu 1 Display the setup menu. 1.1 Pres s MENU/OK t o dis play the menu for the cu rren t mode. 1. 2 Highl ight the left tab. 1. 3 Selec t 4 . CONT. 2 /4 SET UP IMAGE DISP. SHUTTER VOLUME ILLUM NATION OPERATION VOL.
84 The Setup Menu Setup Menu O ptions Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip tio n Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default P P 1 e DATE/ T IME Set th e camer a clock (p g. 1 4) . — — p TIME DIFF ERENCE Set the cl ock to loc al time (p g. 86). k / j k n Choos e a language (p g.
85 The Setup Menu Menus Men u ite m Menu item Des cr ip tio n Description Op tio ns Options De fau lt Default P P 4 c DIGIT AL ZOOM Enable or disab le digital zo om (p g. 90). ON / OFF OF F R SAVE ORG I MAGE Choos e whether to s ave unprocessed cop ies of pic tures t aken using red - eye removal.
86 The Setup Menu p TIME D IFFE RE NCE When travel ling, use thi s option t o switch the ca mera clock instantly fr om your home time z one to the local time at you r destination. 1 Specif y the di erence bet ween local time and your home time zone.
87 The Setup Menu Menus m FOR MA T Forma t in tern al memory or a memor y card. If a me mor y card i s inse r ted in the ca mera, x will be dis played in the dialog sho wn at righ t and this op tion will form at the memory card. If no memor y car d is in ser ted, d wi ll be displ ayed and thi s option will f ormat in te rnal memory.
88 The Setup Menu b FRA ME NO. New pictures are stor ed in image les named usi ng a four -digit le number as signed by adding one t o the last le number used. The le number i s dis play ed during pla yback as s hown at righ t. FRAME NO.
89 The Setup Menu Menus j SOUN D Choose the sounds u sed for the shutter , at star t up, a nd for camera c ontr ols. Pres s the selec tor up or down t o highl ight an op tion and press lef t or right t o selec t a sound. Pr ess MENU/ OK to select. f PL A YBACK VOLUME Adju st the volume for mo vie and voic e memo pla yback and slide s how mus ic.
90 The Setup Menu c DIG IT AL ZOOM If ON is selected, press ing T at the m aximum optical zoom position wi ll trigger dig ital zoom, fur ther mag nif ying the image . T o cancel di gital zoom, z oom out to the min imum dig ital zoom position and pres s W .
Te c h n i c a l N o t e s 91 Option al A ccess ori es The camera support s a wide range of acc essories from F U JIFI LM and other ma nufac ture rs. DIGIT AL CAMERA FINEPIX XP10 series ■ Prin ti ng.
92 Optional Acc ess ories j Accessories from F uji lm The following option al acc essories wer e avai lable from F U JIFILM. Check with your local F uji lm repr esenta tive for in format ion on the acc essories ava ilable in y our region. • A V-C1 A / V c ab le : Connec ts the camer a and a T V .
T roubles hooting 93 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Power an d Bat ter y Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c aus e Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Water immersion The b atter y- chamb er cover has been accide ntally opened unde r wat er . Do not t urn on the c amera .
94 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib e c au se Poss ib le c aus e So ut io n Solution Pag e Page Battery charger Charging does not start. The b atter y is n ot correc tly inser te d. Re -inser t th e bat ter y in the charger. 4 The b at tery is n ot in the corre ct o rientatio n.
95 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubles hooting Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Close -ups Macro mode is not available. The c amera is in a sh ootin g mode w hich makes macro (close -up) mod e unavailable.
96 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page N mode Ca n not take pictures. T he bat ter y is low. Charge the b atter y or ins er t a fully -charg ed spare bat ter y . 4, 6 Movies Can not record movies.
97 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g T roubles hooting Playbac k Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Pic tu res Pic tures are grainy . The p ic tures were taken wi th a di erent make or model of came ra.
98 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Connections Pro bl em Problem Poss ib le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page TV Noth ing displayed on camera monitor . Camera is connec ted to T V . Nothing is displayed on the camera monitor while the camera is c onnec ted to a T V .
99 Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Tr o u b l e s h o o t i n g Miscellaneous Pro bl em Problem Poss b le c au se Poss ib le c aus e So lut ion Solution Pag e Page Nothing happ ens when the shut ter bu tton is pressed. T emporar y c amera malf unc tion. Remove and reins er t the bat ter y .
10 0 W arning Messages and Displa ys The following warn ings a re di splay ed in the monit or: Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution O (re d ) Lo w b a t te r y. Charge the bat ter y or inser t a full y- charged sp are battery .
101 Warning Messages and D isplays T roubles hooting Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution CAR D E RR OR Th e memor y c ard is not for matte d for use in the cam era. Format t he memo r y card (p g. 87). The m emor y card contac t s require cleaning or the memory card i s damaged.
102 Warning Messages and D isplays Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution READ ERROR The le is corr upt or was not create d with the cam era. The le can not b e playe d back . The m emor y card contac t s require cleaning.
103 Warning Messages and D isplays T roubles hooting Warn in g War ni ng Des cr ip tio n Description So lut ion Solution N CA N NOT EX ECUT E T he shut ter but ton w as presse d in N mode when the b atter y wa s low. Charge the b atter y or ins er t a fully -charg ed spare battery .
Appendix 10 4 Glos sary Digital zoom : Unlike optical zoom, digital zoom do es not incre ase the amount of visible detail. Instead, details visible using optical zoom are simply enlarged, producing a slightly “ grainy” image.
105 Appendix Internal Memory /Memory Card Capacity The fo llowing table show s the recording time or number of pic tures available at di erent image qualities. All gures are appro ximate; le size varies with the scene re corded, producing wide variations in the number of les that can be s tor ed.
10 6 Spec i cations Sys te m Model FinePix XP1 0 series di gital cam era E ec tive pix els 12 . 0 m i l l i o n CCD ½ .33 -in., square -p ixel CCD with primar y colo r lter Stor age m edi a • Int ernal memory (a pprox.
107 Appendix Speci cations Sys te m Shu tt er s pee d 4 s– 1 / 2,00 0 s; comb ined me chanical and el ec tronic shut ter Continuo us • TOP 3 : Up to 1 fps; ma x.
10 8 Speci cations Power s upp ly/othe r Power s our ces NP- 45 A rechargeable bat tery Bat te r y li fe (NP- 45A) Approx. 16 5 fram es, bas ed on CIP A st andard.
10 9 Appendix Speci cations Notes o n the B att er y and B at ter y Ch arg er • The bat tery an d charger may become warm to the touch during charging. This is normal and does not indicate a malfunc tion. If possible, charge the batter y in a well- ventila ted location.
11 0 Caring for the Ca mera T o ensu re c ontin ued enjoyment of the pr oduct, obser ve the following pr ecautions. Storage and Use If the camera will no t be used for an ex te nded period, remov e the batter y and memory card.
111 Appendix Notes and Cautions IMPOR T ANT SAFET Y INS TRUC TIONS • Read I ns tr uc ti ons : All th e saf et y and operating instructions should be rea d befo re the ap plian ce is operated. • Reta in I ns tr uc ti on s: Th e safe t y and operating in structions should be retain ed for f uture re ference.
112 Note s and Cauti ons Power Line s: An out sid e antenna sy stem sh oul d not be l oc ated in t he vicinity of ov erhead power lines or othe r ele ct ric l ight or p ower c ircui ts, or wh ere it c an fal l into such p ower lines or circuits.
113 Appendix Note s and Cauti ons Be sur e to read t his no tes bef ore us ing Safet y Not es • Make sure that yo u use yo ur cam era co rre ct ly. Read th ese S afet y Note s and yo ur Ow ner ’s Manual c aref ully b efore us e. • Afte r readin g thes e Saf et y Notes , stor e them in a s afe p lace.
114 Note s and Cauti ons WARNING WAR NI NG Do no t he at, c ha nge o r ta ke ap ar t th e bat te ry. D o not d ro p or s ubj ec t th e bat te ry t o im pac t s. Do n ot st or e the b at ter y w ith m et all ic p ro duc t s. Do n ot us e ch ar ger s ot he r th an th e sp eci f ied m od el to c ha rge t he b at ter y.
115 Appendix Note s and Cauti ons Powe r Su pp ly a nd Ba tt er y * Conf irm you r bat ter y ty pe b efore re ading the fo llow ing de scri ption s. Th e foll owin g exp lains p rop er use of ba tte ries a nd ho w to prol ong the ir life.
11 6 Note s and Cauti ons • Do not us e bat teri es that a re leaking, deform ed, discolored. • Do not s tore bat ter ies i n warm o r humi d place s. • Keep th e bat teri es out o f reach of babies and small children. • Make sure that th e bat ter y p olar it y ( E and F ) is correc t .
117 Appendix Note s and Cauti ons • Do not ta ke apa rt t he AC po wer ada pter. Doin g so cou ld be dangerous. • Do not us e the AC po wer ad apter in a hot a nd humi d place. • Do not sub jec t th e AC power adap ter to st rong sh ock s . • The AC po wer ad apter may e mit a humming.
7-3, AKASAKA 9-CHOME, MINA TO-KU, T OKYO 107-0052, JAP AN http://www
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met FujiFilm FinePix XP10 series . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.