Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 16 van de fabrikant Furuno
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The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : MAY 2003 Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i Ni-Cd Pb IMPORT ANT NOTICES General • Do not copy any part of this manual without w ritt en permission. • If t his m anual is lost or w orn, contact your dealer about replac ement. • The contents of this manual and equipm ent specificat ions can change without notice.
ii SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS Do not disassemble or modify the equipment. Fire, electrical shock or serious injury can result. Turn off the power immediately at the ship's mains switchboard if water leaks into the equipment or the equip- ment is emitting smoke or fire.
iii T A BLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ....................................................................................................... vii SYSTEM CONFIGU RA TION ................................................................................ ix INMARSA T C SYSTEM OVER VIE W .
T ABLE OF CONTENTS iv 2.10 E-mail Service/SMS S tation List................................................................................. 2-34 2.1 1 E-mail Setup.......................................................................................
T ABLE OF CON TENTS v 4.4 EGC M e ssages ........................................................................................................ 4-33 4.4. 1 Di splayi ng a nd re prin tin g EGC mess ages. ..............................................
T ABLE OF CON TENTS vi APPENDIX ...................................................................................................... AP-1 M enu T r ee ..................................................................................................
vii FOREWORD Introduction FURUNO Electric Com pany thanks you f or considering and purchasing the FELCOM 16 Inm arsat Mini-C Mobile Earth S tation. We are conf ident you will discover why the FURUNO nam e has become sy non ym ous w ith qualit y and reliabilit y .
FORE W O RD viii Features • E-mai l faci li t y . ( T o transmi t E-mai l, regis t er with an LES pro v i de r w hich pro vi des e- m ail servic es . E-mai l charges are c al culat ed s ep arately .) • Bui l t-in Enhance d Group Cal l (EG C) recei v er .
ix SYSTEM CONFIGU RA T ION CA TEGOR Y OF UNITS Antenna Unit: Exposed to W eather Communication Unit: Protected from Weather Other Units: Protected from W eather PERSONAL COMPUTER (PC/A T compatible) A.
x INM A RS A T C SYST EM OVER VIEW Introduction T he I nmarsat C sy s tem provi des w orl dwide t elex and dat a transmi ssion an d recept i on of w r i t ten inf or m at ion t o o w ners of an Inm ar s at C trans c eiver or a terr es t ri al te l ex net w ork via s at el l ite.
INMA RS A T C S YST EM xi Inmarsat C Sy stem Configur ation 0.0 m -/+: T o set option 0.0 m -/+: T o set option 0.0 m -/+: T o set option OCC SCC NCS LES LES LES Same as left Same as left Same as left.
INMA RS A T C S YST EM xii T he I nmarsat C sy s tem cons i st s of the Operat i on Control Cent er (OCC) , Sat el lite Control Center s ( S CC) , Netw ork Coordi nation S t at ions (NCS) , Land Eart h S t at ions (LES ) and M obil e Eart h S t ations (M ES).
INMA RS A T C S YST EM xi v Communication s Network T he illustr at ion bel o w sho w s the I nmarsat C c o mmunic at ions net wor k . Network Coordination Station (NCS) NCS/NCS Signaling Link NCS Com.
INMA RS A T C S YST EM x v T y p es o f ME S T here are three t y pes of M ES : cl ass 1, cl ass 2 and clas s 3. T his FELCO M 16 is a cl ass 2 MES. Class 1 : 1) T ransmit s mess ages t o LE S 2) Rece.
INMA RS A T C S YST EM xv i T h is p age is int ent i onal ly lef t blank..
xvii LRIT CO MPLIANC E This equipm ent can function as a marine communications t erm inal for the LRIT (Long-Range Ident if ication and Tracking) s ystem , as prescribed by the I MO regulation MSC.202(81). T he LRIT uses the FELCO M's Da ta Report/Polling f eature for LRIT posit ion reporting.
LRIT COM PLI ANCE xviii Notes on the L RIT system • Power the equipm ent and keep it logged in at all tim es except for special occasions such as when the ship is dry-docked f or repairs. Position inf ormation is automatically sent at fixed inter vals, thus no operation is required.
1-1 1. OPER A TI ON A L OVERVIEW 1.1 C ommunication Unit T he communic at ion uni t is the hear t of t he F ELCO M 16 s y stem, t ransmitt i ng and recei ving me ssages vi a t he I nmarsat sy stem. INMARSAT MINI-C MOBILE EARTH STATION POWER LOGIN TX ERROR POWER POWER Switch Status LEDs POWER: Lights (in green) when power is on.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIEW 1-2 1.2 T erminal Unit (PC) Operation All operations are carr ied out fro m the terminal unit (local supply), through an easy-to-follow menu system. In this man ual the PC is referred to as “T erminal Unit.” Note that it is nece ssary to supply a printer .
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-3 1.2. 2 C ontrol s des crip tion T he FELCOM 16 i s a l m os t 100% key board cont roll ed. Operat i on is car r i ed out wit h the f unc t ion key s, numbere d F1-F10 at t he top of t he termi nal unit’ s key board. Contr ols Esc Canc el s key input and retur ns t o pre vi o us displ ay sc reen.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIEW 1-4 Ctrl Works i n combinat ion w ith al phabet key s as f ollow s: Ctrl + [ M]: Sa me a s Ente r . Ctrl + [H]: Same As Back S pace. Ctrl + [ I]: Same as Inse rt. Ctrl + [V ]: Sa me a s Ov erwrite+ Inser t. Num Lock T ur ns num er i c input on or of f.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-5 1.2. 4 Fu ncti on ke ys T he functi on menus, w hich you ac c ess by pressi ng the f unc t i on k ey s (F1-F 10) at the t op of the key board, cont rol m os t oper ati ons of thi s unit.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVER VI E W 1-6 1.3 S t andb y Displa y Af ter the equi pment i s t urned on an d the di agnos t ic tes t has been c o nducte d, the st andby di spl ay appears, show ing t he s y stem stat us monit or . T he system st atus moni t or provides v ari ous o perati ng infor m at i on.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-7 1.3. 1 Disp lay indi ca tions T he displ ay is di v i ded i n three sect i ons: 1) T he funct i on menu ar ea 2) T he w or king area 3) T he operati ng st at us area 1) F.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIEW 1-8 (2) Comm unicat ion unit status I DLE I d le (aw aiting r ec ei v i ng, aw aiti ng t r ans m i t t i ng) I DLE (PENDI NG) Aw aiting r epl y from LE S SENDI NG Sendi ng REC.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-9 T EST -D I S T RESS ALERT Sending t est di stress alert t o LES WAITI N G FOR AC TIV A TION Waiting st art of PV test WAITI N G FOR T EST RESU L T Waiting fo r res ult s of PV te st CLEARI NG Clear i ng PV test PV T ES T is C om ple ted .
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIEW 1-1 0 (7) Other information No dis pl ay No recei ve mess age i n memory , or pri nter is oper ati ng. REC. M ESSAGE E XI STS Displ ayed w hen a rout i ne message has (Re vers e v i d eo) not bee n print ed, or a conf i dential message is recei ved.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-1 1 1. 4 M en u Overvi ew Operat i on of t he FELCOM 16 is car r i ed out through a me nu sys t em w hi ch y ou access w ith t he f unction k ey s at t he top of t he s creen. The ex am pl e below show s ho w to choose me nu opti ons from t he E d itor S et up menu.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVER VI E W 1-1 2 3. Press the [ ↑ ] o r [ ↓ ] key t o choose opt i on desired and press the [ Enter ] key . 4. Press the [Esc] key . Note 1 : On som e men us the upd ate w indow appear s af ter y ou press the [ Esc] key . T hi s i s done t o ask y ou to confi rm set tings .
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIE W 1-1 3 1.6 Choosing a Pr inter Choos e t he printer t o use as f oll o w s: 1. Pres s t he [F 1] key to di s pl a y t he F il e m enu. File ALT-N ALT-O ALT-Q ALT-S ALT-D ALT-P 1. New 2. Open 3. Close 4. Save 5. Delete 6. Rename 7.
1. OPERA TIONAL OVERVIEW 1-1 4 (Thi s page i ntent i onally lef t bl ank . ).
2-1 2. SYSTEM INITI A L IZ A TION T h is c hapt er provides t he inf ormati on nec essary for init i ali z i ng t he F ELCOM 16. Once t he equi pm ent is i n it ializ ed, you need do n o m or e t han pr ess a f ew keys t o trans m i t and recei v e.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-2 3. Pres s t he [ ↓ ] key twi ce to choose M ES Operat i o n M ode. 4. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the M ES operati on mode o pti ons w indow .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-3 2.2 PC Windo w Setup T he T ermi nal Setup menu pro v i des f or set up of the PC wi ndo w . Set up incl udes sel ec t ion of date displ ay format , currency unit and w indow c ol ors. 1. Pres s t he [F8] k ey to c hoos e t he Setup m enu.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-4 10. Y ou ma y change the back ground a nd for e groun d col or s f or the vari ous dis pl ay sc r eens on t he PC wi ndow as foll ow s: a) C hoos e W i ndow Color Se tup.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-5 2.3 Login and Log out Each t i me the ter m i nal uni t is turned on, r egi ster y our vessel wi t h the I nmarsat C sy stem to enabl e communic at ions betw een y our v ess el and an LES. T his is cal l ed logi n. Note t hat you can t r ans m i t or recei v e EG C m es sages ev en i f you are not l ogged in.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-6 Note : T he ter mi nal unit m us t be “i dle” t o logi n. (“Curre nt S t at e: I DLE” appear s at the bot t om of the sc r ee n.) When i t is not i dle, “I gnored: M E S is not idle. ” appears. Pr es s t he [Esc] k ey to return to t he st andby dis pl a y .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-7 2.3. 2 Lo gout 1. Pres s t he [F7] k ey to di splay t he Opti ons m enu. 2. Pres s t he [2] key to d i spl ay the l ogout screen. Note : T he ter mi nal unit m us t be “i dle” t o logout . W h en it is not idl e, “I gnored: M E S is not idle.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-8 2.4 EGC Settings 2.4. 1 W hat is t he E GC (E nha nced Gro up C all) ser vice? T he EGC servic e enabl es EGC i nf ormati on pr o viders t o send Safety NET TM , Fl eetNET TM and Sy stem m es s ages vi a a n LES to a speci fic gr oup s of shi p s, or to al l ship s wit hi n a defined geogr aphical area.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-9 2) Fl eetNET TM T h is s er vi c e al low s aut horized i nform at ion provi ders suc h as c ommerci al subscr i ption ser vices, s hi pping comp anies an d governm ent s, w hich have regi s t ered w i th a LES t hat support s Fl eetNET TM , t o br oadc as t mess ages to sel ec t ed grou p of MESs .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 0 2.4. 2 EG C se t up T he FELCOM 16 r ec ei v es EG C mess ages di rect ed t o it s present pos i tion and Navar ea wit hout f urther pr ogr am ming.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 1 7. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the na var ea entry w indow . Setup EGC Setup Ice reports Meteo. forecasts Pilot service DECCA messages LORAN messages OFF OFF OFF O.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 2 10. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choos e S t ation Cod e. 1 1. Press the [ Ent er ] k ey to open the s t ati on code entr y w i ndo w .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 3 2. 4.3 Ad ding EGC ch anne ls T he EGC Channel Li st st ores E G C channels. There ar e curre ntly f our EG C chann el s, one for eac h sat e llit e. The se fo ur c hannels ar e pre- progr am m ed int o the uni t and marke d in t he EG C Channel List wi th asteri sks.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 4 5. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the EG C c hann el li s t entry s c r een. Setup Configuration EGC Channel List 11080* 10840* 11088* ENTER: Set ESC: Quit 12580* 11080* EGC c hann el list ent ry screen 6. Ent er E G C c han nel fr eque ncy c ode.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 5 2. 4.4 Sav ing , prin ting E GC me ssag es au tomat ical l y Y ou ma y choose the EG C messag es to sa v e a n d print as f oll ow s: Au tomatical ly savi n g E G C messag es 1. Press the [ F8] key to displ a y the Set up menu.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 6 Au tomatical ly p rin t i ng EG C messages 1. Press the [ F8] key to displ a y the Set up menu. 2. Press the [ 5] k ey to displ ay t he Aut o mode set up m enu. 3. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choos e Auto EGC M essage P r i nt and then press t he [Ent er] key .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 7 2.5 A dding NCS Channels T h is s ec t i on s how s y ou how t o add NCS chan nel s t o the NCS Chan nel Li s t . 19 chann el s can be li sted per each oc ean regi on. Cur re ntly , there are four N CS channel s, and they are marked w ith asterisks i n the li st.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-1 8 13. Y es i s se l ec t ed; press t he [ E nt er] key to regi ster input . Note : If t he ID or f requency entered i s i nv al i d the message " I nput Err or : NCS I D" ( for i nv al i d I D) or " I nput Err or : Chann el No.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-19 2.6 LES List The LES List provides for st orage of 44 LES names per ocean region. By entering appro ximate toll charges in the L ES list , you can see that inf ormation on the T ransm it m essage menu.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-20 3. Press the [2] key to display the LES List. LES List Ctrl+P: Print ENTER: List Entry ESC: Quit AOR (WEST) Name Telenor S.S.Inc Stratos M.N. KDDI Telenor S.S.AS Telecom Italia AOR (EAST) Name Telenor S.S.Inc Stratos M.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-21 2.6.2 Registering LES to LES list Follow the procedure b elow to r egister newly const r uct ed LESs. 1. Press the [F8], [8] and [2] keys to show the LES list. 2. Use the arrow keys to place the cursor where desired. For example, choose 005 in the AOR(W EST) column.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-22 Name : ID : Remarks : Charge (US$/256bit) TELEX *****.** FAX *****.** E-Mail *****.** SMS *****.** PSDN *****.** X400 *****.** DNID *****.** SPEC *****.** Erase the Name to delete this LES. LES list, text ent ry window 5.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-2 3 2.6. 4 P rinti ng t he LES list 1. Pres s [ F8], [ 8] and [2] t o displ ay t he LES li st. 2. T o pri nt the LES l ist, pr es s t he [P] key whil e pressing t he [Ctrl ] key . LES List ( Printed at 02-02-25 02:33 ) +++++ AOR (WEST) ++++ No.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-24 2.7 S t atio n List 2.7.1 A dding st ations to the s t ation list The FELCOM 16 provides an “address book” f or storing 64 station IDs. Enter station IDs as below . 1. Press the [F 8] key to displa y the Setup menu.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-25 TELEX FAX E-Mail SMS PSDN X400 DNID SPEC TELEX (Prefixed) FAX (Prefixed) PSDN (Prefixed) X400 (Prefixed) DNID (Prefixed) SPEC (Prefixed) Destination (com munic ation) t.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-2 6 12. Press the [ Enter] k ey to close t he wi ndow . 13 . P ress the [Es c] key to retu rn to the s t a tion list. 14. T o enter another “ T elex” s t ati on r epeat the proce dur e f rom st ep 4 o n p age 2-24. 15 .
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-27 Procedur e for E-mail 1. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choose Address. 2. Press the [Ent er] key to open t he e-m ail address entry window . 3. Enter recipient’s e-mail address. 4. Press the [Ent er] key to close t he window .
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-2 8 2. 7.2 Ed it ing th e st ati on l ist 1. Pres s [ F8], [ 8] and [1] t o displ ay t he S t ati on List. Setup Configuration Station List Ctrl+P: Print Page Up, Page Dow.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-2 9 2.7. 3 P rinti ng t he station li st 1. Pres s [ F8], [ 8] and [1] t o displ ay t he S t ati on List. 2. press t he [P] key w h il e pressi ng the [Ctr l ] key . No. 01 02 03 Group Name x1 abc x2 xyz x3 Seagull Type E-Mail E-Mail TELEX Dest, ID, Modem / Address abc@ furuno.
2. SYSTEM INITI ALIZA TION 2-3 0 2.8 Entering O wn Ship’ s Positi on W h en t he internal GPS na vigator i s abnormal , manu al ly ent er pos i tion as bel o w . 1. Pres s t he [F9] k ey to di splay t he Posi tion m enu. Ship Position 34:30.00N 135:30.
2. SYSTEM INITIALIZA TION 2-31 2.9 Creating A Directory Incoming and outgo ing messages may be saved to the h ard disk. If no directory is specified, all messa g es are saved to the My Docume nt s folder (in Windows Vist a, messages are s a ved to the Felcom16 folder in Document s).
2. SYSTEM INITIALIZA TION 2-32 5. Enter directory name and pr ess th e [Enter] key . Entere d n ame appears. Message Directory (W indo ws XP) Note 1: T o create a directory within a directory at step 5, rep eat step s 4 and 5. Note 2: T o return to the above stage, plac e the cursor on [ ●● ] and then press the [Enter] key .
2. SYSTEM INITIALIZA TION 2-33 2.9.2 S pecifying directory where to store messages Y ou may specify the directory where to store m essages on the hard disk as follows: 1. Press the [F8] and [7] keys to show the Directories menu. 2. Press the [ ↑ ] key to choose Message Directory and press the [Enter] key .
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-34 2.10 E-mail Ser vice/SMS S t ation L i st E-mail service providers and SMS stati ons are alread y registere d in the FELCOM 16. T o add new e-m ail service providers or SMS stations, follow the procedure below . 1. Press the [F 8] key to displa y the Setup menu.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-35 4. Press the [ ↓ ] t o choose a blank line in t he S tation Nam e colum n and then press the [Enter] key . OFF Service LES Name Service ID (E-Mail) (SMS) LES ID(AORW) (AORE) (POR) (IOR) To: Cc: Subject: Separator: SMS: Attach File(MIME) Enter data for LES which offers e-mail services.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-36 16. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choose LES ID. 17. Press the [ E nt er] key to open the LES ID entry window . 18. Enter ID of AOR- W. 19. Press the [ E nt er] key to close the window . 20. Repeat st eps 17-19 to e nt er AO R-East, POR and IOR.
2. SYSTE M INITIALIZA TION 2-37 2.1 1 E-mail Setup Choose the LES where t o forward e-mail. Also, you m ay need to register with an LES which provides e-mail services. 1. Press the [F 8] key to displa y the Setup menu. 2. Press the [6] key to choose E-m ail Setup.
2. SYSTEM INITIALIZA TION 2-38 2.12 Saving, Loading System Settings System settings (as well as messag es) may be saved to a selected folder and loaded onto the terminal unit. This is us eful for having back up copies of system settings. 2.12.1 Saving system settings 1.
2. SYSTEM INITIALIZA TION 2-39 2.12.2 Loading system settings to the terminal unit 1. Press the [F8] key to show the Setup me nu, th en press the [8] key to open the Configuration me nu. 3. Press the [6] key to choose Save/Load. 4. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choose Lo ad, and p ress the [Enter] key .
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3-1 3. FILE OPERA TIONS This chapter describes ho w to prepare, edit, sa v e and print files (messages). 3.1 Files and W orking Areas T o create a new message it is necessary to open a new file. After a new file is opened, one of two working are as in the internal memory is secured t o create the message.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-2 3.2 Prep aring Files There are two types of files: routin e and c onfidential. Files can be assigned a file name and saved to the har d disk for later use. A message may co ntain maximum 32 Kbytes of characters. 3.2.1 Prep aring a routine file 1.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-3 3.2.2 Prep aring a confidential file If communicating with anoth er FURUNO FEL COM, you c an prepare a confidential message b y entering “S???-addre ssee code(-p assword):” in the first line of the message tex t. Y ou can also receive confidential messages cont aining this header from a land subscriber or any MES .
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-4 3.2.3 Editor menu setup The Editor menu set s the parameters of the te xt editor . 1. Press the [F8] key to display the Setup m enu. 2. Press the [2] key to display the Editor Setu p menu. Setup 2. System Setup 3. Editor Setup 4.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-5 Cursor can be a square or an underline. <[1] UNTITLED1> 0001| TELEX ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < 1 Char. [ Line 1/ 1 Col. 1 ] [Insert ] Line Number Displayed if Line No.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-6 5. T o move text to a new location after it has be e n cut, place the cursor at the exact spot in the message wh ere the cut text is to st art. When the text cursor is placed correctly , press the [F2] key and then the [3] (Paste) key .
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-7 Insert (with Cit ation) When you reply to a receiv ed m essage, you can insert th e received message. “>” is placed at the head of the received me ss age to distinguish it from your message. Select All Chooses the entire cur rent file for cut and copy .
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-8 8. Y es is selected; press the [Enter] key . When the unit finds the word, the cursor sto p s at the first character of the word. If the string could not be foun d, the mess age “Not Found (T o Quit: ESC)” appears. Press the [Esc] key to quit.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-9 10. Press the [ ↓ ] or [ ↑ ] key to choose Query or All. Query: S top at each occu rrence of word to answer yes or no to replacement. All: Replace every occurr e nce of word without stopping to confirm. 11. Press the [Esc] key .
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-10 3.3 Saving Files After you h av e created a message you may wish to save it to the hard disk, for future use. Y ou can save a message two ways: Save it without losing your p lace on the screen (called “save”), or save it b efore clearing the screen (called “close”).
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-1 1 3.3.2 Save file, clear screen 1. Press the [F1] key to display the F i le menu. 2. Press the [3] key . The message “Sav e this message?” appears on the screen. <[1] C:SEIZOUSE> NT THAT YOU WILL ENJOY MANY YEARS OF OPERATION WITH STANDARD C MOBILE EARTH STATION FELCOM S ON YOUR CHOICE OF FURUNO FELCOM.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-12 3.4 Opening Files 3.4.1 Opening files 1. Press the [F1] key to display the F i le menu. 2. Press the [2] key . The screen shows a list of the files sto re d on the hard disk. 3. Press the [ ↓ ] or [ ↑ ] key to choose a file.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-13 3.4.3 Opening a file when bot h working areas are occupied If both working areas in the mem ory are occupied when yo u attempt to open a file, you are asked if you wa nt to save the file currently chosen before clearing it to open another file.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-14 3.5 Saving a File Under a New Name 1. Open a file referring to p aragraph 3.4.1. 2. Edit the file. 3. Press the [F1] key . 4. Press the [3] (Close) or [4] (Save) key de pe nding on your objective. [3] saves the file and closes the scree n; [4] saves file and keep s position on the screen.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-15 7. Press the [Enter] key . Note: Should you decide to sav e the file under the original name, skip step 6. The screen shown at the top of the nex t page appears. Ov erwrite the file by pressing the [Enter] key , or choose “No” and press the [Enter] key to escape Overwrite confirmation scree n 3.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-16 3.7 Combining Files In the procedure be lo w we’ll combine file A and B. 1. Open file A. 2. Open file B. 3. Place the cursor at the begin ning of file B. While pressing and holding down the [Shift] key , press the [ ↓ ] key to highlight the entire file.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-17 3.8 Deleting Files 1. Press the [F1] key to display the F i le menu. 2. Press the [5] key . A list of files stored on the hard disk appears. Sample dele te screen 3. Press the [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ] key to choose the file you want to delete.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-18 3.9 Renaming Files Do the following to rename a file. 1. Press the [F1] key . 2. Press the [6] key . File, rename 3. Press the [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ] key to choose the file you want to rename. 4. Press the [Enter] key . Enter new filename Rename Test Rename window 5.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-19 3.10 Decoding E-mail Att achment When you can't read a n e-mail atta chment because it has been co ded by MIME (Multipurpose Intern et Mail Ex tensions), you may decod e it as be lo w . 1. Save the MIME-coded file to the hard disk.
3. FILE OPERA TIONS 3-20 7. T o change file name, press the [Ba ckspace] key to erase the file name, new file name and then press the [Ente r] key . After decoding the file th e screen looks something like the one sh own below . MIME Decode Checking 'E0970715.
4-1 4. INM A RS A T C COM M UNICA TI ONS T h is c hapt er explai ns how to transmi t and recei ve. B ef or e cond uc t i ng any communi cati ons, be sure t o l ogin wi t h the NCS in y our area, f oll o w i ng the ins t ruct i ons in p aragraph 2. 3. 1.
4. INMAR SA T C COMMUNICA TIONS 4-2 Message, subscriber , dest inat ion type and code Message Subscriber Destination T ype Code Remark s Inma rsat C M ES T elex IA5 Te l e x Te l e x I T A 2 Fax PSTN .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 3. Pres s t he [1] key to d i spl ay the T ransmi t Mes s age men u. 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] <[1] UNTITLED1> ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < [Insert ] Transmit 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A T IONS 4-4 6. Press the [ ↑ ] or [ ↓ ] key to choose station and then press the [E nt er] key . T o choose multiple stat ions* (simult aneous transm ission), choose a station and then press the S pace bar . Select ed stations are marked with an asterisk (in case of T elex or F AX).
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-5 (6) Press t he [E nter ] key t o open the a ttac h file wi ndo w . 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] <[1] UNTITLED1> ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < [Insert ] Transmit 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A T IONS 4-6 13. Press the [Ent er] key to open t he confirm at ion window . 14. T o request not ification of delivery f rom the LES, choose ON. If not necessary choose OFF . 15. Press the [Enter] key to close t he window . 16. Press the [ ↓ ] key to choose Send Delay .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-7 Note 3 : Mes s ages s ent t o the messa ge qu eue m ay cont ain up to 32 KB of dat a. I f dat a is larger t han 32 KB, the mes s age “Cann ot enter t hi s messag e to sendi ng Q ueue. Press any key .” appears. 30. Press the [ Esc] key twi ce to retur n t o the st andby displ ay .
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A T IONS 4-8 TRANSMIT MESSAGE STATUS T he terminal unit displays transmit message status as follows: Message Send failed. This appears if the message could not be transmitted because of technical reasons such as satellite malfunction, signal degradation, or no reply from LES.
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A T IONS 4-9 4. Press the [ ↓ ] key t w ice to choose the Dest ination T ype. 5. Press the [E nt er] key to open the destination t ype options windo w . 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] <[1] UNTITLED1> ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < [Insert ] Transmit 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 0 Commu nicati on ty pe: T ELEX 1. Pres s t he [ ↓ ] key to choos e Co untry /O c ean Cod e. 2. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the count r y /ocean code entr y w i ndow .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 1 7. T ype eit her r ec i pient’ s telex s ubs c r i ber number ( s hi p-to-shore ) or IM N (shi p-to- shi p). 8. Pres s t he [Enter] key to close the wi ndow . 9. Pres s t he [ ↓ ] key to choos e LE S I D. 10. Press the [ Enter] k ey to open the LE S I D entry wi ndo w .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 2 Commu nicati on ty pe: F A X 1. Pres s t he [ ↓ ] key to choos e Co untry /O c ean Cod e. 2. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the count r y /ocean code entr y w i ndow . 3. Ent er t el ephone cou ntry c ode of reci pient, r ef erring t o t he lis t in the Appendix.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 3 Commu nicati on ty pe: E-m ail 1. Pres s t he [ ↓ ] key to choos e Address. 2. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the addre ss entry wi ndo w . 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] <[1] UNTITLED1> ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- Transmit 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A T IONS 4-14 10. Press the [ E nt er] key to open the select file w indo w . 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] <[1] UNTITLED1> ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < [Insert ] Transmit 1.
4. INMARSA T C OPERA TIONS 4-15 4.1.3 T ransmitting a file stored on the hard disk 1. Close any open files. 2. Press the [F3] key to display the T rans mit menu. Transmit File Edit Transmit EGC Reports Logs Options Setup Position StopAlarm 1. Transmit Message 2.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 6 Note : W h en an e- m ai l wi t h att ac hm ent i s t ransmit ted, t he file volum e inc r eas es by 1.5 ti mes because of M I M E codi ng. In t his case, you can do the f ol lowi ng t o low er tol l charges: a) Sel ect fil e to att ach from M essage Fil e.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 7 4. Pres s t he [Enter] key to open the cancel wi ndow . <[1] UNTITLED1> ASCII ---- * --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- + --------- < 25 Char. [ Line 2/ 2 Col. 1 ] [Insert ] Transmit Cancel No.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 8 M es s age s t atus l ist descri ption No. : M essage num ber Mess ag e File: F ile nam e. For no f ile nam e, “edi t msg. 00X” appear s ( X = numb er f rom 001- 999). St ation: Name of remote p art y (re ci pi ent) LES: T he LES w hich recei v ed th e messa ge.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-1 9 M anually reques ting delive ry status Y ou can manuall y request an LE S f or del ivery s t atus of a m es s ag e you have trans m i tted w it hin the p ast 24 hours . 1. Pres s t he [F3] k ey to di splay t he T ransmi t menu.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 0 4.1. 6 Acce ssi ng t he c ode num ber ser vice s A range of special safet y and general mari time s er vi ces , know n as t he code numb er s er v i ces, may be transmi tt ed. T he l i s t on the next p age show s the c ode numb er s er v i ces avail able.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 1 M ar i t im e safety s erv i ce code num ber s er vi ces Code Conte nt Remarks 31 Mar iti me enq uir ies Desir able for r eques tin g in form ati on includ i ng service offerin gs. 32 Medi cal ad vice Used for re questi ng m edic al advi ce .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 2 4.1. 7 Disp layi ng th e s end me ssag e lo g 1. Pres s t he [F6] k ey to di splay t he Logs menu. Logs 1. Send Message Log 2. Receive Message Log 3. EGC Log 4. Log Logs m enu 2. Pres s t he [1] key to show the Send M essage Lo g.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 3 4.2 R eceiving 4.2. 1 Whe n a m essa ge is r ecei ved Each t i me the FE LCO M 16 r ec ei v es a t el ex or e- mai l it dis pl ays the mess age “Successful Receiving message.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 4 4.2. 2 S ettin g the recei ve al arm An audi o al arm may be set t o sound w hen a rou t ine or c onf ident ial m es s age i s recei ved. T he f ac t ory set t i ng is OF F . Set alar m vol um e at the P C. 1. Pres s t he [F8] k ey to di splay t he Setup m enu.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 5 2. Press the [2] key to d i spl ay the list o f received messages. Received Message Log Message No. R0971106.001 R0971105.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 6 For m es s age s wi t h both addressee c ode and p a ssw ord, the pass w ord ent r y wi ndo w appears. Ent er t he p assw ord and then pr es s t he [Ent er] key . If the pas s w ord i s entered i nc or r ec t ly , the buzzer sou nds.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 7 About a ttachm ent s T he FELCOM 16 r ec ei v es a f i le wit h an att ac hm ent over a l andl i ne t w o w ays. (T he method dep ends o n the LES. ) • M ail mai n text and text mail w hic h i ncludes i nformati on about the at t achme nt.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-2 8 4. 2.4 Au tomat ical ly p r in t ing re ceiv ed messa ges Y ou ma y automati cally pri nt recei ved mess a ges (ex cept confide ntial or passw ord af fixed) as f ollo w s: 1. Press the [ F8] key to displ a y the Set up menu.
4. INMAR SA T C OPER A TIONS 4-29 4.2.6 A utomaticall y saving received messages to the hard disk Y o u may automat ically save received messages ot her than confidential or p a s s w o rd - a f f i x ed m e ssages t o t h e hard disk a s f o ll o w s : 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 0 4.2. 7 Dele ting r ecei ved m ess ages 1. Pres s t he [F6] k ey to di splay t he Logs menu. 2. Pres s t he [2] key to choose Recei ve Mess age L og. Message No. R0971106.001 R0971105.002 R0971105.001 R0971101.001 R0971024.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 1 4.3 Display Log T he Displ ay Log s t ores t he p arti c ul ars of the latest 50 recei ved a nd trans m i tted messag es. When t he l og becomes f ul l , the ol dest m es s age i s automati cally delet ed. 4.3. 1 Disp la yin g an d pr in ti ng th e di s pl a y log 1.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 2 4.3. 2 Aut om a tic pr i nti ng of dis pla y lo g T he Displ ay Log c an be aut om at i c al ly print ed ev er y 24 hours as fol low s : 1. Pr es s t he [F 8] key t o di splay the Set up menu. 2. Pr es s t he [5] k ey to di splay t he Aut o Mode Set up m enu.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 3 4.4 EG C Messa ges W h e n an EG C mess age is recei ved, RECEI VING EGC MESSAG E appears at the bot t om l ef t cor ner of the di splay . I f Auto Mess age S a ve in t he Auto M ode Setup i s ON, E G C messages ar e a utomati cally saved.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 4 4.4. 2 Disp layin g EG C cl ose d netw ork ID ( ENID) T o j oin a Fl eetNE T TM service, an M ES must be regi stered w i th an inf ormat i on pro vi der .
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 5 4.4. 3 Disp layin g th e EGC m es sa ge log 1. Press the [ F6] key to show t he Logs menu. 2. Press the [ 3] k ey to displ ay t he EGC m es s age l og. EGC Message Log Message No. LES Priority Size Seq. No. Rec date&Time Type E0021118.
4. INMAR SA T C OPERA TIONS 4-3 6 (Thi s page i ntent i onally lef t bl ank . ).
5-1 5. D A T A RE PO RTING AND PO LLI NG T h is c hapt er provides t he inf ormati on nec essary for dat a report i ng and po lling recept i on. Dat a rep or t i ng pr o v i des aut omati c data t ransmis s i on at regular int er v als f ro m you r s hip to you r h om e o ffice.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-2 5.1. 1 S ettin g a d at a re por t 1. Pres s t he [F5] k ey to di splay t he Report s menu. Reports 1. Data Report 2. Message Report 3. Data Network ID Repor t s m enu 2. Press the [ 1] k ey to choose Dat a Report .
5. DA T A REP OR TI NG AND P OL LING 5-3 13. Choose DNI D (Dat a Net wor k I D) desi red and pr ess the [E nt er] key . (LES I D and M em ber N o. are autom atic al ly selec t ed accordi ng to DNI D.)14. Pres s the [ ↓ ] key to choose Acti vati on. 14.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-4 5. 1.2 Set ting a mess age repo rt 1. Pres s t he [F5] k ey to di splay t he Report s menu. Reports 1. Data Report 2. Message Report 3. Data Network ID Repor t s m enu 2. Pres s t he [2] key to d i spl ay the M es s age Re port menu.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-5 10. Press the [ ↓ ] o r [ ↑ ] key to choos e a s t ati on. Note : Y ou may sort t he lis t by gr oup nam e, st ation nam e or c om m u nicat i on ty pe as foll ow s: Group na me: Each pr ess of [Ct r l ] + [G] sort s the li st by group nam e, ascen ding or desc ending o r der .
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-6 “D ail y” i s sel ect ed at step 19 (1) P ress the [ ↓] to ch oo se S tar t T i me 1 . (2) Press th e [Ent er] k ey to open the st art ti me ent ry wi ndow . (3) K ey in the start time . (4) Press th e [Ent er] k ey to cl ose th e win dow .
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-7 5.1. 3 Automa tic pri nti ng of da t a r epor t, po llin g comm a n d Dat a report s and pol li ng com m ands ar e aut oma t ically pri nted, in the def ault s t ate. If y ou do not requi r e aut om ati c print i ng of dat a report s or pol li ng c om m ands d o the f ol lowi ng: 1.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND POL LI NG 5-8 5.2 Polling W h en t he FELCOM 16 receiv es a pol ling c om m and f rom y our home of fice i t automat ical ly transm it s dat a to y our home of fi ce. T he dat a are posit ion, speed, beari ng a nd other dat a sent f rom a navigat or or an interf ace unit.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-9 ♦ PI N Co de T he P I N (Personal I D Number) c o de is an ei ght-di git c ode num ber a greed upon by c om m u nicat i ng parti es, and ther e i s no rule f or det ermi ning PI N code. I t is a p ass w ord used i n message r ep orti ng.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-1 0 5.2. 2 Oth er poll ing comm an ds Te l e x P???/P I N Code/T ELEX /LES number/ Count ry number/S u bscriber’s numb er/F i l e name: E-mail P???/P I N Code/E.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-1 1 5.2. 3 P olli ng re cep tion No oper at or inter v ent i on is requi red duri ng po l l i ng recepti on. T he printer pr i nts the st atus of polli ng rec ept ion and trans m i ts dat a in r es pons e to pol ling r eques t as show n below .
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-1 2 5.3 DNID (Dat a Net work Identific ation) Group dat a exch an ge ( pol ling, dat a reporti ng) i s av ai lable by regis t eri ng wi th an LES w hich provides s uc h servi c es .
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-1 3 5.3.2 Enabli ng/Dis abling DN ID DNI D can be enabl ed or di sabled as f ol low s: 1. Press the [ F5] key follow ed by the [3] k ey t o show t he Dat a Net w ork I D li st. 2. Press the [ ↓ ] o r [ ↑ ] key t o c hoos e des i red DNI D f rom t he dat a netw ork ID li s t.
5. DA T A REPOR TING AND P OL L ING 5-1 4 (Thi s page i ntent i onally lef t bl ank . ).
6-1 6. OTHER FUNCTI ON S T h is c hapt er descri bes h ow to abort operat ion, scan NCS, cho ose EG C a nd NCS cha nnels an d di splay LES i nfor mat ion. 6.1 A borting an Operation Y ou can abort t r ans m i ssion, r ec ei v i ng or s c an ning (on the N CS commo n chann el ) as fol low s : 1.
6. O T HE R FUNCT I ONS 6-2 6.2 Scanning NCS Commo n Channel W h en “ uns y nc” con dit ion (UNSY NC displ ay ed at bottom cent er of t he screen) conti nues for si x minut es and er r or r at e in recei ved messa ge is great er t ha n 80% (BBER indi cation reads more t ha n 80), cho ose suit able ocean regi on.
6. O T HE R FUNCT I ONS 6-3 6.3 Choosing EGC Re ceiving C hannel EGC c hann el can be sel ected w hen the term i nal uni t is set to oper at e as an EGC- onl y rec ei v er . How ev er , thi s procedur e i s show n for refer enc e onl y; current ly there i s only one E G C c han nel per NC S.
6. O T HE R FUNCT I ONS 6-4 6.4 Choosing NCS Channel Y ou ma y select NCS c om m on c han nel as show n below . Current ly , each satel lite trans m i ts one gl obal beam. I n the f ut ure, t he sat el lites wil l transmi t mult iple spot beams, nam ely , the NCS w ill have mul t iple c han nels.
6. O T HE R FUNCT I ONS 6-5 6.5 LES Informat ion Each t i me you l og in LE S dat a is aut omati cally dow nloaded thr oug h the NCS common c h annel t o the F E LCO M 16, and save d t o the LES I nformat i on displ ay . Y o u m a y vie w th is dis pla y a s f ollo ws : 1.
6. O T HE R FUNCT I ONS 6-6 Services: Al phabet show n onl y when F l ag is “1” for a bi t . Bi t No. Fl ag M eani ng Dis pl ay 1 Mar i t i me dist r ess aler t i ng A 1B8 0 No M ari time di s t r.
7-1 7. MAINTENANCE, TROUBLESHOOTING This chapter provides th e informat ion necessary f or the maintenance and checking of t he F ELCOM 16. Please read the saf ety informat ion at the beginnin g of this manual bef ore attem pting any maintenance procedure.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESHOO TING 7-2 7.2 Diagnosti cs T he s y stem is equi pped w it h a di agnosti c t est whic h c hec k i t for pr oper oper ati on. 7.2. 1 Self tes t at po wer on T he termi nal uni t perform s t he ROM sum check and RAM read a nd w rit e t est w hen turned on.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESH OOTING 7-3 1. Login 2. Logout 3. Abort 4. Select NCS 5. Ocean Region 6. Test Options 1. PV Test 2. PV Test Result 3. Self Test 4. Distress Alarm Button Test Test TERMINAL 1650166-** RFCON CPU ROM RAM EEPROM GPS 1650160-** OK OK OK OK Diagnostic Test Program No.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESHOO TING 7-4 7.3 Performanc e V erifi cation (P V) T est Af ter the F ELCO M 16 i s i ns t alled, the i ns t aller usual ly conf i rms that it i s funct i oni ng properl y , by loggi ng in and con ducti ng the PV t es t .
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESH OOTING 7-5 7.3. 2 P V test pr oced ure 1. Confi rm that t he communi cati on uni t is in i d le c ondi tion and l ogged in. 2. Pres s t he [F7] k ey to di splay t he Opti ons m enu. 3. Pres s t he [7] key to choose T est. 4.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESHOO TING 7-6 7.3. 3 Res ul t s of PV test 1. At t he st andby di spl ay , press t he [F 7] key to di spl ay the Opti ons menu. 2. Pres s t he [7] key to d i spl ay the T est menu. 3. Press the [2 ] key to d ispla y the resu lt s of th e PV tes t.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESH OOT ING 7-7 7.4 S y stem St atus Monitor T he s y stem st atus moni tor , whic h is alw ays displ ayed, pr ovi des dat e, t i me, equipm e nt st atus and na vi gat i on dat a. ## = Version no. of RF CON Board File Edit Transmit EGC Reports Logs Options Setup Position StopAlarm Date Time Position Waypoint Course 345.
7. MAIN TENANCE, TROUBLESH OOTING 7-8 DCE Memory: Memory remaining in comm unication unit BBER: Bulletin Board Error Rate (%) C/N: Check of circuit status with LES, receiving circ uit in antenna unit and RF CON/CPU Board in communication unit . OK appears for figure greater than 31.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESH OOTING 7-9 7.6 Er ror Messages T h is s ec t i on des cr i bes the more c omm o nly seen error mess ages and t he m e ans to res t ore norm al operat i on. I f normal oper at ion cannot b e r es t ore d, cont act y our dealer f or ad vice.
7. MAINTENANC E, TROUBLESHOO TING 7-1 0 7.6. 2 W arnin g m essa ges M es s ages i n this c at egory are pr ef ix ed wi th “ WA RNING :” Warni ng m essages Error Mess age M ea ning Action BBER ov er 8 0%. Sca nnin g NC S s tar t manu ally . BBER ( Bull e ti n Bo ar d Er r or Ra te ) ex cee ded 80% .
A P-1 A PPE ND IX Menu T ree F1: File 1. New 2. Open 3. Close 4. Save 5. Delete 6. Rename 7. Print 8. Print Setting F2: Edit 1. Cut 2. Copy 3. Paste 4. Insert (With Citation) 5. Select All 6. Search or Replace 7. Goto Line 8. Time or Pos. Ins 9. Change Window 1.
APPEND IX AP - 2 Confirmation ON , OFF Send Delay 00:00 - 99:59; 00:00 Delivery Delay Immediate , Deferred Code IA5 , ITA2, DATA F3: Transmit 1. Transmit Message 2.
APPEND IX A P-3 F5: Reports 1. Data Report 2. Message Report 1. Data Report 1 2. Data Report 2 3. Data Report 3 4. Data Report 4 1. Message Report 1 Status Report Length Destination Activation Interva.
APPEND IX AP -4 3. Data Network ID 2. Message Report 2 3. Message Report 3 4. Message Report 4 LES ID Activation Interval Time (Regular Interval chosen) Report Times Start Time 1 (Daily chosen) Start .
APPEND IX A P-5 1. System Setup 2. Editor Setup 3. Terminal Setup System Date & Time IMN MES Operation Mode Nav Port* Active Port* Message Output Port* EGC Output Port* Network Setup* Command Window (For service technicians.) Text Mode Edit Mode Word Wrap Line No.
APPEND IX AP -6 4. EGC Setup 5. Auto Mode Setup 6. E-mail Setup 7. Directories Additional Position Navarea Fixed Area Waypoint* Station Code Type of Message Ice reports Meteo.
APPEND IX AP -8 International T elex/T elephon e Country Code List Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Afghanistan Alaska Albania Algeria American Samoa American Virgin Is.
APPENDIX A P-9 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Cambodia Cameroon Canada Canary Is. Cape Verde Cayman Is. Central Africa Rep. Chad Chile China Christmas Is. (Aus) CIS (formerly USSR) Cocos-Keeling Is. Colombia Comoros Congo Cook Is.
APPEND IX AP-10 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Falkland Is. (Malvinas) Faroe Is. Fiji Finland France French Guiana French Polynesia Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany (Fed, Rep.
APPEND IX A P-1 1 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea (Demo, People's Rep.
APPEND IX AP-12 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Montserrat Morocco Mozambique Myanmar (formerly Burma) Namibia Nauru Nepal Netherlands Netherlands Antilles New Caledonia New Zealand Nicaragua Niger Nigeria Niue Is.
APPEND IX A P-13 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Reunion Romania Russian Federation Rwanda Saipan San Marino Sao Tome & Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovak Slovenia Solomon Is.
APPEND IX AP-14 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Turks & Caicos Is. Tuvalu U. A. E. Abu Dhabi Ajman Dubai Fujairah Ras Al Khaimah Sharjah Umm Al Qaiwain Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom United Arab Emirates Upper Volta Uruguay Uzbekistan U.
APPEND IX A P-15 Area and Country Remarks for Telex Code Telephone Country Code Telex Country Code Ocean Area Remarks Telephone Ocean Region Access Code Telex Ocean Region Access Zaire Zambia Zanzibar Zimbabwe Telex calls to places other than Kinshasa Subscriber beginning with 2XXXX can be made as Semi-automatic calls.
APPENDIX AP-16 International T elex Abbreviations n o i t a i v e r b b Ag n i n a e M V D Ae s i v d A K C Ae g d e l w o n k c A N G An i a g A ) S G ( I Be y b d o o G K B. f f o t u c I N F Cm r i f n o C L O Cn o i t a l l o C V R C? e v i e c e r u o y o d w o H R E Dr e d r o f o t u O N W Dn w o D E E Er o r r E M Fm o r F A G.
APPEND IX A P-17 Internatio nal T e legraphy A lphabet No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 FIGURES ? : 3 8 BELL ( ) . , 9 0 LETTERS A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P No.
APPEND IX AP-18 Mess ages Bel ow are the various o perati onal mess ages a nd thei r meanings. Messages ar e ar ranged accordi ng to funct i on key . [ F1] Fi le 1. "Overw rite?" Y ou are asked if y ou are sur e to ov erw rite file name entered.
APPEND IX A P-19 [F3]: T ra nsmi t 1. "Input Erro r : Message F il e." Invalid m essage selected fo r transm i ss ion. 2. "Input Erro r : Count ry/Ocean C ode." Invalid count ry/ocean code entered. 3. "Input Erro r : S tat i on ID .
APPEND IX AP-20 6. "Input Erro r : Modem T ype" Invalid m odem type entered. 7. "Input Erro r : Repo rt Cont ents" Invalid rep ort content s entered . 8. "Input Erro r : Repo rt T im es" Invali d num ber of rep ort tim es entered.
APPEND IX A P-21 Part s L i st This equipm ent contains complex modules in which f ault diagnosis and repair down to component level are not practical (IMO A.
APPEND IX A P-22 Part s L o catio n Communication unit INT GPS Assy . ( GN809 7) RF CON/CPU Board ( 16P0208 B) PWR C Board (16P0227) PWR Board (16P0217) Communication unit , cover opened, INT GPS a ssy .
FURUNO FELCOM 16 SP-1 E5638S01G SPECIFICA TIONS OF INM ARSA T C MES FELCOM 16 1 GENERA L 1.1 Transm itting Frequency 1626.5 to 1646.5 MHz 1.2 Receiving Frequency 1530.0 to 1545.0 MHz 1.3 Channel Interval 5 kHz 1.4 G/T Better than -23 dB/K (elev ation angle 5°) 1.
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IN-1 INDEX A Aborting, 6-1 C Colors background, 2-3 foreground, 2-3 Comm unic ation unit descripti on, 1-1 testing, 7-2 Currency unit , 2-3 D Data re port prepar in g, 5-2 printing, 5-7 Date format, 2.
INDEX IN-2 Message report , 5-4 Messages deletin g rece ived, 4-30 prepar at io n of confident i al , 3-3 prepar at io n of routine, 3-2 printing rec eiv ed automat ically , 4-28 saving receiv ed auto.
INDEX IN-3 T rans mitting canceling, 4-1 6 code number s erv ices, 4-20 delivery status (aut omat ic receipt), 4-18 file stored on har d disk, 4-15 message to st ation not on st ation list, 4-8 messag.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Furuno 16 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Furuno 16 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Furuno 16 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Furuno 16 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Furuno 16 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Furuno 16 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Furuno 16 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Furuno 16 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.