Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 1824C van de fabrikant Furuno
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Installation Manual MARINE RADAR MODEL1824C/1834C/ 1934C/1944C/1954C/1964C COLOR VIDEO PLOTTER GD-1920C SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS ...................... i EQUIPMENT LISTS .............................. ii SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS .............. iv 1. MOUNTING .
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : FEB 2005 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i WARNING Radio Frequency Radiation Hazard The radar antenna emits electromagnetic radio frequency (RF) energy which can be harmful, particularly to your eyes. Never look directly into the antenna aperture from a close distance while the radar is in operation or expose yourself to the trans- mitting antenna at a close distance.
ii EQUIPMENT LISTS S t andard suppl y Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks Display unit RDP-149 - 1 RSB-0094-075 - MODEL 1824C RSB-0071-057 - MODEL 1834C XN10A-RSB-0070-064 - MODEL1934C, 24 rpm XN10A-RSB-0.
iii (Con’t from next pa ge) Name T ype Code No. Qty Remarks CP03-24500 000-080-191 1 For power supply unit of 1954C cable VL3P-VV -S2X2C-AA050 cable MJ-B24LPF0009-050 Inst. Mat. CP03-24501 Installation materials CP03-30600 000-084-769 1 For power supply unit of 1964C cable VL3P-VV -S2X2C-AA050 cable MJ-B24LPF001 1-050 Inst.
iv SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS All NavNet products incorporate a “network circ uit board” to integrate each NavNet product on board through an optional LAN cable (Ether net 10BASE-T). Each NavNet product is assigned an IP address to enable transfer of images between other NavNet product s.
v Network Sounder ETR-6/10N ETR-30N GPS receiv er GP-320B/330B or W eather station WS-200 12 - 24 VDC Other NavNet Unit (Model 1834C , etc.) Displa y unit RDP-149 100/110/115/220/230 V A C 1 φ , 50/6.
vi Radar , plotter data Radar , plotter data Radar Antenna Unit, GPS Receiv er GP-320B/330B OR W eather Station WS-200 RAD AR or PLO TTER RAD AR or PLO TTER Radar Antenna Unit, GPS Receiv er GP-320B/3.
1-1 1. MOUNTING NOTICE Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment. Those items contain organic solvents that can damage coating and plastic parts, especially plastic connectors.
1-2 1.1.2 Mounting procedure T abletop, ov erhead mount ing Follow the proced ure belo w to mount t he display unit on a tabletop or t he overhead. 1. Fix the hanger by using f our tapping screws (5x20). 2. Screw knob bolts in display unit, set it t o the hanger , and tighten t he knob bolts.
1-3 Flush m ount ing Note: Use s uppl ied p an head screw s w hen the thi ckness of t he bulkhea d i s fr om 1 1 t o 14 mm. For bul khead w hich exc eeds 14 mm i n thi ckness, t he length of the p an head screw s shoul d be bulkhead t hickness (A) pl us 7.
1-4 1.2 Mounting the Antenna Unit of MODEL1824C 1.2.1 Mounting considerations W hen selecting a mounting location f or the ant enna unit, keep in m ind the f ollo wing points. • Install the antenna unit on the hardtop, radar arch or on a m ast on an appropriat e platform .
1-5 1.2.2 Mounting procedure 1. Remove the m ounting hardware f rom the bot tom of the ant enna unit: four each of hex bolts (M10X20), spring washers and f lat washers. Save the m ounting hardware to use it to fix the ant enna unit t o the m ounting platform later on.
1-6 4. The mount ing base is fitted with a snap holder , which m ay be used to hang t he cover after removal. Use the hole next t o a screw hole inside the co ver to hang it. a) Unf asten the snap assy . with the string attached a t the holder in the mounting base.
1-7 5. Unfasten t he rotation detect or cable from the cable clamps, referring to the figure on p age 1-10. 6. Unfasten 16 scre ws ( c 1 , c 2 and c 3 in t he figure below) to dism ount the shield plate, core case and core case cover . GND IF +V OP GND -V OP Vt GND Pan head screws M3x10 2 pcs.
1-8 7. Pass the antenna cabl e with connect or through the cable gla nd, gasket and cabl e entrance of the antenna unit , and then tight en cable gland. Note 1: Be sure the shrink tube on t he antenna cable do es not contact the gasket . Note 2: Pinch the gasket t ightly and insert it into the cable ent rance.
1-9 9. Attach connectors of t he antenna cable to the locat ions shown in the f igure below , and then f asten a pan head screw M4x10 to fix shield cable and cor e case (removed at step 6.) J801 (9 pin) J809 (4 pin) J810 (13 pin) Pan head screws M4x10 9 pcs.
1-10 12. Pass t he cable fr om the rotation detector t hrough two cable clam ps. Rotation detector Cable clamps Cable tie (Another should be inside.) Antenna unit, cla mping t he rotation detect or cable 13. F ollow the instructions on the label inside t he m ounting base to secure the snap assy .
1-1 1 Mounting plate Suppor t plate (1) Suppor t plate (2) Brac ket (1) Brac ket (2) Fixing plate M8 x 20 M8 x 20 M4 x 12 M10 x 25 (supplied with antenna unit) M8 x 20 (A) Assembling the mounting brac.
1-12 1.3 Mounting the Antenna Unit of MODEL1834C 1.3.1 Mounting considerations • See the m ounting considerat ions for t he MODEL1824C on page 1-4. • Observe the com pass s afe distances ment ioned in the SAFET Y I NSTRUCTIO NS to prevent deviati on of t he magnetic compass.
1-13 Flat washer Spring washer Platform Antenna base plate M10 x 25 Hex bolt Radome 5 - 10 mm Apply silicone sealant. Effective thread length 25 mm Gasket How to fasten the radome base to the mounting platform Wiring and final prep arations 4. Drill a hole of approx.
1-1 4 9. At tac h three c onnec tor s of t he signal cabl e to respect ive rec ept acl es as show n bel o w . to one of the screws of the cable clamping plate 9-pin connector : to J801 on MD-9208 4-pi.
1-15 10. Bundle the cab les with the EMI core (suppl ied) as sho wn below . J806 J805 J803 J804 J802 J801 Motor J613 J611 J1 EMI core E04SS251512 (Abov e cable clamping plate) Cable entrance IF9214 IF9214A PTU-9335 MD-9208 Cable clamping plate E M I c o re 1 1.
1-16 Mounting t he optional moun ting bracket A mounting bracket f or fastening the ant enna unit for the MODEL1834 C to a mast on a sailboat is opt ionally availab le. Contents of mountin g bracket 1 (T ype: OP03-92, Code No.: 008-445-0 70) Part Ty pe Code No.
1-1 7 1.4 Mountin g the A ntenna Unit o f MOD EL1934C/ 1944C/19 54C/ 1964C 1.4. 1 M oun ti ng c on si der a tio ns • T he antenna uni t is general ly inst a ll ed either on top of the w heelhouse or o n the rad ar mast on a sui t able pl at form. Locate t he antenna uni t wher e ther e is a good all -round view .
1-1 8 1.4. 2 M oun ti ng pr oce d ure Referr ing t o the outl ine draw ing at the back of t his manual , dri ll fi v e holes i n the mounti ng plat for m: f our holes of 15 mm di ameter f or fix ing t he antenna uni t and one hol e of 25-3 0 mm diam eter f or the si gnal cabl e.
1-19 Mountin g the a ntenna unit The antenna un it can be m ounted using the f ixing holes on the outside (200 x 200 m m) or inside (140 x 150 mm ) the antenn a unit. Using outside fixing holes of the a ntenna hous ing Use the hex head bolts (suppli ed) to m ount the antenna u nit as below .
1-20 3. Insert four hex bolts (M12x60, supplied) an d seal washers ( Ф 30, suppli ed) fr om the top of the antenna housi ng, as shown below . He x bolt Seal washer Flat washer Spring washer Nut Fixing the antenna u nit chassis 4. Pass flat washers (M12, supplied), spring washers (M12, supplied) an d nuts (M12, supplied) onto he x bolts.
1-21 8. Coat ground term inal and groun d point with sili cone sealant as sho wn below . Ground wire Hex bolt Flat washer Spring washer Flat washer Hex nut Silicone sealant Hex nut Weld here.
1-22 Using i nside fixing hole s of the a ntenna hou sing This method requires re moval of the RF unit in the antenn a unit to access inside f ixing holes. Use hex head bo lts, flat washers, spri ng washers and nuts (local supply) t o mount the antenna un it, conf irming lengt h of bolts.
1-23 Conn ecti ng the sign al cabl e Only the signal cabl e runs from the display un it (power supply unit in case of 1954C) t o the antenna unit . In order to m inimize the chance of picking up elect rical interf erence, avoid where possible routin g the signal cable ne ar other onboard e lectrical eq uipm ent.
1-24 5. Position the signal cabl e so that no more than 4 cm of the sheath is exposed as shown in the f igure below . T ight en fixing bolts. Sheath CABLE GLAND Plate Gasket Flat washer Bolt Within 4 cm T ubing Shield How to fix signal cable in cable gla nd 6.
1-25 8. Connect the signal cabl e to the RTB B oard (03P9249 or 03P9250), referring to the interconnecti on diagram and the f igure below . 9. Attach three EMI cores to the signal cable as sho wn below .
1-2 6 1.5 Mountin g the Po wer Suppl y Unit (MODEL 1954C/1 964C) 1.5. 1 Power su p pl y unit PS U-0 05 (f or MOD E L 1 954 C ) A po w er supply unit i s shipped w ith the M ODEL1954 C, beca use of i ts hi gh po w er consum pti on.
1-2 7 1.5. 2 Power su p pl y unit PS U-0 08 (f or MOD E L 1 964 C ) A po w er supply unit i s shipped w ith the M ODEL1964 C, beca use of i ts hi gh po w er consum pti on.
1-28 This page is intention ally left blank..
2-1 2. WIRING 2.1 S t andard Wiring Al l wi ri ng is ter mi nated at the rear of t he displ ay unit. NavNet equipment, CU-200 (6P) CAUTION The display unit is shipped with 15 A fuse.
2-2 DJ-1 For M ODEL1824C/ 1834 C/19 34C/194 4C/19 54 C/ 1964C, r emo ve the w aterproof ing cap f rom DJ-1 port and di scard i t. M ODE L1824C/ 1834C: Conn ect the M J-B24LPF 0002 cabl e from the an tenna u nit to this port. M ODE L1934C/ 1944C: Conn ect the M J-B24LPF 0005 cabl e from the an tenna u nit to this port.
2-3 Con n ecting G P-310B/320 B to DA T A 2 po rt W he n some equi pment is connect ed to DA T A 1 port, G PS r ecei ver GP-31 0B/320B c an be conne ct ed to DA T A 2 port as show n below . Y ou need a junct ion box and o ptional cable M J- A6SP F000 3-050 or M J-A6SP F0009 -100.
2-4 2.2 Externa l Buzzer (optiona l supply ) The optional e xternal buzzer prov ides a louder alert when the alarm is violated. External buzzer T ype: OP03-136 Code no.: 000-0 86-443 Further , you need the o ptional cable ass y MJ-A7SPF0007-05 0 (w/7P connector , 5 m, code no.
2-5 2.3 How to Conn ect w ith a PC W hen connecting with the personal com puter , prepare the option al cable ass y MJ-A7SPF0007-050 an d D-sub 9 pins plug (loc al supply), and connect them as follo ws.
2-6 2.4 W i ring the Power Supply Unit (MODEL 1954C/1 964C) 2.4. 1 Power su p pl y unit PSU -0 05 (M ODE L 195 4C) 1. Unf asten t hree M 4 screw s to remove the ca ble cl amp.
2-7 2.4. 2 Power su p pl y unit PSU -0 08 (M ODE L 196 4C) Ca bling 1. Unf asten f our scr ews to remove t he cabl e cl amp. 2. Unf asten f our scr ews to remove t he co v er . 3. At tac h the VL connector of the pow er suppl y cable V L3P-VV -S 2X 2C-AA 050 ( sup plied as ins t allati on materi als) to J1 on t he PO W E R Board.
2-8 Jump er b lock, sl ide swit ch set t i ng T he jumper bl ock JP1 and sl ide swi tch S1 12 on t he P W R b oard (03P9 419) m ust be s et accordi ng to ra dar model .
2-9 2.4. 3 Power r e q uireme nt , r epla cem e nt o f f uses Po w er requ irement T he po w er f or the pow er supply unit and di splay uni t must be dr aw n from t he same pow er sw i tch on t he po w er ter mi nal board. Other Equipment (ex. GPS, E/S etc.
2-1 0 T h is p age is intent ionally lef t blank..
3-1 3. SETTING UP T HE E QUIPM ENT 3.1 Setting up w ith the Inst allati on Wizard Af ter you hav e ins t all ed the equi pment, s et up t he equipm ent w ith t he inst allat ion wi zard. T he wi zard al lows you t o easily set up the NavNet netw ork (choose s ource of rad ar , sound er an d aux ilia r y) , G PS , p o rts, et c.
3-2 CAUT ION: Ensure that the set tings to be loade d are compatible with th is NavNet unit. Im proper setting will dam age the equipm ent. 7. The screen f or set up of units of measurem ent appears.
3-3 11. Choose ap propr iat e item and t hen press the E DI T s oft key . One of the f ollowi ng displ ays appear s de pending on y our sel ection. DEVICE NUMBER { 1 (IP: ~ 2 (IP: { 3 (IP: { 4 (IP:172.031.
3-4 13. Af ter choosi ng ALL sources , pr ess t h e NEXT soft key , and the RADA R SET UP menu appear s. I f you d o not have a rad ar i nstal led, g o to step 33. ANTENNA TYPE A HEADING DATA MAGNETIC ANTENNA ROTATION ROTATE RADAR OPTIMIZATION OFF TIMING ADJUST OFF M.
3-5 T uning P ower Supply Unit f or MODEL 1954C R36 POWER Board 19P1006 CR13 SW1 TP5 Upward Downward TP2 1. Choose TIMING ADJUST and then press the EDIT soft key . 2. Choose ON and then press the ENTER soft ke y . 3. Y ou are asked if you w ant to transmit; push the ENTER knob .
3-6 T h is adj ustment ens ures pr oper ra dar p erf orma nce, especi all y on short ranges. T he radar me asur es the t ime requi red for a tr ansmi tted ech o to travel to t he target and retur n to t he source. T he received ec ho appe ars on t h e dis pl ay based on thi s time.
3-7 26. Choo se the hei ght of t he antenn a above t he w ater surfac e and t hen press t he ENT ER sof t ke y . 27. Choo se ST C CURV E and t hen pr ess t he EDI T sof t k e y . STC CURVE ▲ { NARROW ~ NORMAL { WIDE ▼ 28. Choo se ap prop riate S T C curve setti ng and then pr ess t he RETURN s of t key .
3-8 a) Set ship’ s heading toward a suit able target ( for example, ship or buoy) at a range between 0.125 and 0.25 nautical mile. b) R ota te the ENTER knob to bisect the target with the EBL and press the SET soft key c) Press the RETURN soft key .
3-9 NA V SETUP menu description Item Description Settings (Default in bold) Position Source Chooses source of position data. FURUNO BB GPS: GPS Receiver GP-320B/330B or Weather sensor WS-200 GP: GPS n.
3-10 37. Choose an item and press the EDIT soft key to show corresponding window . 38. Choose set ting and the n press the ENTE R soft key . Refer t o the table which follows f or description.
3-1 1 Item Descrip ti on Sett in gs Def aul t Sett in g Disable Sa te llite Every GPS sa tellite is br oadc ast ing abn or m al sa te llite nu mb er (s ) in it s Alm anac, w hi ch contains g eneral or b ital da ta abo ut all GPS sate llite s, in clu din g those w hich ar e m alfunct ioni ng .
3-12 W AAS setup (requires GPS receiver GP-320B/330B) Press the WAAS SETUP soft key to show the WAAS SETUP display. Contents of W AAS SETUP menu Item Description Settings Default Setting WAAS Mode Select ON to use the WAAS mode. On, Off Off WAAS Search WAAS satellite can be searched automatically or manually.
3-1 3 42. Pres s the NE XT ke y , and the DA T A4 (PC/ N M EA/EX T . BUZZ ) port setup m enu app ears. Set up t his port simil ar to how y ou set up t he DA T A2 port . NMEA O UTPUT FORMAT NMEA VER. 2.0 BAUD RATE 4800 bps BIT LENGTH 8 bits STOP BIT 1 bit (CONTROL: Xon/Xoff) Inst allati on wiz ard, DA T A4 (PC/ N MEA / EXT .
3-1 4 43. Pres s the NE XT soft key , and the NM EA sent enc e sel ect ion w indow ( for netw ork) appear s. AAM APB BOD BWR DPT GGA GLL GTD MTW RMA RMB RMC VHW VTG WPL XTE ZDA HDT HDG MWV ZTG -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Inst allati on wiz ard, NM EA sent ence selec t i on window 44.
3-15 3.2 Checking Magnetron Heater V olt age Magnetron heater v oltage is forme d on the MD (1824C), PTU (1834 C) or RTB (1934C/1944C195 4C/1964C) Boar d of the antenna unit, and pr eadjusted at the factory . Therefore, no adju stment is required. Ho wever , check magnetron heater volt age for confirmation as shown below .
3-16 This page i s intentionally lef t blank..
4-1 4. OPTIONAL EQUIPMENT 4.1 ARP Kit ARP-1 1 Necessary p arts Name: ARP kit T ype: ARP-1 1 Code no.: 008-523-050 Contents of ARP kit Name T ype Code No. Qty ARP Board 18P9014B 001-068-900 1 Pan head screw M3x6 C2700W 000-163-189-10 4 SQ-9 000-159-320-10 1 Sp a c e r * SQ-15 000-159-299-10 3 S pring washer* M3 C5191W 000-168-187-10 3 *Not used 1.
4-2 3. Disconnect the PH5P connector f rom J1357 on the POW ER Board (19P1005). 4. Unfasten seven pan head screws (M3x8) to dis mount t he POWER Board and POW ER shield case from the displa y unit. To J1357 on POWER Board POWER shield case POWER Board 19P1005 Pan head screws (M3x8) 7 pcs.
4-3 9. Fasten screws in order shown belo w to mount the displ ay cover . Around the perimeter: 10 pcs. 1 2 Both sides of drain hole: 2 pcs. 3 Middle 4 right 5 left 3 4 5 screws: The torque should be 0.54 + 0.05 N m. Order of fast ening screws 10. F asten seven connector nuts.
4-4 4.2 Connection of V ideo Equip ment/ External Monitor/Remote Display The above units can be connect ed to the MODE L1824C/ 1834C/1934 C/1944C/ 1954C and GD-1920C by using t he hole at the rear of the display unit. Rem ove the cover to use this hole.
4-5 For connection with the CCD cam era/video reco rder , the f ollowing cable is necessary (local supply). • Connector at both ends: RCA connector (metal) • Cable length: shorter than 10 m • 2.5C2V or 3C2V (Japan Industrial S tandard (JIS), or the equivalent) coaxial cable (Impedance: 75 Ω ) Conductor S = 0.
4-6 4. Set two cable tie “legs” (supplied with option kit) as shown below . Attach two cable ties. Cable ties attachment. 5. T ie the connect or assy with two cable t ies attached at step 4. 6. Remount the POW ER Board and power shield case with p an head screws (M3x8, 5 pcs.
4-7 4.2.2 Connecting an external monitor Y o u can display the MO DEL1824C/ 1834C/193 4C/ 1944C/1954C screen on an external monitor which accepts indust rial standard VGA input b y using the optio nal RGB output cable kit OP03-176. Su pply m onitor and interconnect ion cable ( with HD-15P connectors of male, t hree rows of 15 pins) locally .
4-8 4.2.3 Connecting remote displa y The FURUNO Display u nit FMD-81 1, MODEL1 832 or G D-280/380, etc. can be connected to the NavNet displa y as rem ote display . T o interconnect them , use a cable attached with or set as option f or the remote display .
4-9 4.2.4 Att aching more than t w o unit s W hen more than two cables of PIP kit, VGA m onitor cable and remote signal cable, use the cable tie supplied as t he installation m at erials with the display unit to tie optiona l cables. Attach the cable tie t o the hole on the POW ER Board.
0#/' 176.+0' 36; &'5%4+26+10%1&'ͳ 㧼㧭㧯㧷㧵㧺㧳ޓ㧸㧵㧿㨀 #8: 4&2'0%%5㨮0%#42 %5 0#/' 176.+0' 36; &'5%4+26+10%1&'ͳ ࡙࠾࠶࠻ 70 +6 ᜰ␜ㇱ &+52 .
㧼㧭㧯㧷㧵㧺㧳ޓ㧸㧵㧿㨀 #1: 45$ 0#/' 176.+0' &'5%4+26+10%1&'ͳ 3.
%1&'01 6;2' ⇛ޓޓ࿑ 176.+0' ฬޓޓ⒓ 0#/' ᢙ㊂ 36; ↪ㅜ㧛⠨ 4'/#4-5 ⇟ภ 01 ဳฬ㧛ⷙᩰ &'5%4+26+105 +056#..#6+10/#6'4+#.5 Ꮏ᧚ᢱ #.
㧼㧭㧯㧷㧵㧺㧳ޓ㧸㧵㧿㨀 #-: :0#:0#:0#:0#0%-&:0#0%-& 0#/' 176.
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CODE NO. 008-523-660-00 TYPE CP03-22701 略 図 OUTLINE 名 称 NAME 数量 Q'TY 用途/備考 REMARKS 番 号 NO. 型名/規格 DESCRIP TIONS 1/1 -4 INSTALLATION MATERIALS 工事材料表 19AM-X-9402 ヒューズハリ マーク FUSE LA BEL 03-153-1312-0 1 100-292 -140-10 1 CODE NO.
㧼㧭㧯㧷㧵㧺㧳ޓ㧸㧵㧿㨀 #8: 257 0#/' 176.+0' &'5%4+26+10%1&'ͳ 36; ࡙࠾࠶࠻ 70+6 ⓨਛ✢㔚Ḯㇱ 219'45722.
Y. Hatai D-1.
Y. Hatai D-2.
Y. Hatai D-3.
Y. Hatai D-4.
,WN4'UWOK D-5.
FURUNO EL ECTRIC CO., LT D. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 19S1004,0 .5m *2 19S1021, 0.5m *1 VGA MONIT OR CABLE *1 CO-AX CABLE 10m *3 *3 *2 *3 15A:12V 7A:24V GND D-SUB 1 5P RCA JACK 03S929 9,10m *3 *2 MARI NE RADAR NAME TYPE 名称 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG.No. SCALE kg MASS *2 (+)(-) GND *1 GND *4.
FURUNO EL ECTRIC CO., LT D. 12 45 6 3 B A D C 19S1004,0 .5m 19S1021, 0.5m *1 VGA MONIT OR CABLE *1 10m 15A:12V 7A:24V GND D-SUB 1 5P RCA JACK 03S929 9,10m NAME TYPE 名称 DRAWN CHECKED APPROVED DWG.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Furuno 1824C (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Furuno 1824C heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Furuno 1824C vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Furuno 1824C leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Furuno 1824C krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Furuno 1824C bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Furuno 1824C kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Furuno 1824C . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.