Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product FS-5070 van de fabrikant Furuno
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SSB RADIO TELEPHONE FS-1570 FS-2570 FS-5070 OPERA T OR'S MANU AL www .fur uno .co .jp MODEL.
The paper used in this manual is elemental chlorine free. ・FURUNO Authorized Distributor/Dealer 9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662-8580, JAPAN Telephone : +81-(0)798-65-2111 Fax : +81-(0)798-65-4200 A : NOV 2006 . Printed in Japan All rights reserved.
i Ni-Cd Pb IMPORT ANT NOTICE General • The operator of this equipment must read and follow the descriptions in this manual. Wrong operation or maintenance can cancel the warranty or cause injury . • Do not copy any part of this manual without written permission from FURUNO.
ii SAFETY INSTR UCTIONS The user and installer must read the appropriate saf ety instr uctions bef ore attempting to install or operate the equipment. WARNING WARNING DANGER Never touch the SSB antenna, antenna coupler or lead-in insulator when the SSB radiotelephone is transmitting.
iii WARNING To avoid electrical shock, do not remove cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Name: Warning Label (1) Type: 86-003-1011 Code No.: 100-236-231 CAUTION Do not remove any safety label. If a label is missing or damaged, contact a FURUNO agent or dealer about replacement.
iv DISTRESS ALERT MESSAGE PROCEDURE Below is the procedure f or transm itting a dist ress alert via radiot elephone. T ransm it the distress alert when a life-enda ngering situat ion occurs on your vessel.
v CANCELING DI STRESS ALERT Y o u can cancel the distr ess call while it is being sent or while wait ing f or its acknowledgem ent as follo ws. 1. Press the CA NCEL key . W hen the following message app ears, do the f ollowing. TIME TO GO : 0S NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS: 12 34.
CANC ELLING DI STRESS ALER T vi 4. Communicat e, via radiotelepho ne, with t he coa st station. NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS: 12 34.5678N 123 45.6789E Send cancel msg. by voice on 2182.0 kHz. Push any key: Go next step. *2M-2187.5 kHz 8M-8414.5kHz 4M-4207.
vii T ABLE OF CONTENTS FOREWORD ...................................................................................................... xii SYSTEM CONFIGU RA TION S ........................................................................... xiv 1. OPER A T IONAL OVERVIEW .
T ABLE O F CONT ENTS viii 3.4.2 Send calls ....................................................................................................... 3-5 4. DISTRESS OPER A TIONS ...........................................................................
T ABLE O F CONTE NTS ix 6. MENU OPER A TION ...................................................................................... 6-1 6.1 Adju sting Ha ndset V olu me ...................................................................................
T ABLE O F CONT ENTS x 8.3.2 Edi ting/Del eting timer p rograms ...................................................................... 8-6 8.4 User Channel s .............................................................................................
T ABLE O F CONTE NTS xi 11 . M AINTENANCE & TROUBLE SHOOTIN G .......................................... 1 1-1 11 . 1 Radiotelephone T est ................................................................................................ 1 1-1 11 . 2 Maintenanc e .
xii FOREWORD Thank you for purchasi ng the FS-1570/ 2570/ 5 070 SSB Radiotel ephon e. We are confident you will discover why FURUNO has becom e synonym ous with qualit y and relia bility .
FOREW ORD xiii DSC/w atch recei ver • Distress, urgency , safety and routine calling • Scanning of DSC frequencies for distress and general calls on M F/ HF • File editing capability for readine.
xiv SYSTEM CONFIGURA TIONS FS-1570 S tandard configuration i s sho wn with solid line. 100-115/200-230V AC 1 φ , 50/60Hz 24VDC INCOMING INDICA T OR IC-303-DSC EPFS (GNSS) A C/DC POWER SUPPL Y UNIT PR.
SYST EM CO NFI GU RA TIO NS xv FS-2570 S tandard configuration i s sho wn with solid line. CONTROL UNIT FS-2571C DC24V # CONTROLLER 1 CONTROLLER 2 W/R BOARD # 100-115/200-230V AC 1 φ , 50/60Hz 24VDC .
SYST EM CO NFI GU RA TIO NS xvi FS-5070 S tandard configuration i s sho wn with solid line. # CONTROLLER 1 CONTROLLER 2 W/R BOARD # 100-115/200-230V AC 1 φ , 50/60Hz 24VDC INCOMING INDICA T OR IC-303.
1-1 1. OPERA TIONAL OVER VIEW 1.1 Controls Description of controls Control Functi on P WR/VOL knob • Tu rns the power on/off. • Ad ju sts volu m e. DISTRESS button Press and hold down the button m or e than four (4) seconds t o transmit the distress alert.
1. OPER A TIONAL OVER VIEW 1-2 7/ key Tu rns loudspeaker on/off. (Note that this key does not silence the distress or urgency alarm.) 8/PRINT key Prints communications log files, current screen (except DSC standby screen and radiotelephone screen) a nd test results.
1. OPER A TIONAL OVER VIEW 1-3 Indication Meanin g CH Channel Tx TX frequency ( Tx : while transm itting) Rx RX fr equency Blinks when there are m essages not read yet.
1. OPER A TIONAL OVER VIEW 1-4 1.5 Control Unit Dimmer , Contra st Y o u can adjust t he dimmer and contrast of the control unit. 1. Press the 9/ key to show the dim mer/ cont rast adjustm ent window . EXIT:[CANCEL] 6 45 DIMMER (1~8) CONTRAST (40~63) 2.
1. OPER A TIONAL OVER VIEW 1-5 1.8 Setting for A u to A cknow ledgement Individual, posit ion, polli ng and test calls can be acknowledged autom aticall y or manually . Press the 5/ACK/SQ key to s witch the acknowledge m ode bet ween autom at ic and manual alternately .
1. OPER A TIONAL OVER VIEW 1-6 • The other control unit in two controls unit system g oes ON HOOK. • NBDP st ops scanning or communicating. 1.9.4 Automatic setting of w orking frequenc y The radiotele phon e autom atically sets wo rking f requency in the f ollowing conditio ns: • ABLE ACK is sent in r esponse to indiv idual call.
2-1 2. SSB RADIOTELEPHONE Y o u can use the SSB comm unicat ion in the RT (radiotelephone) mode. Press t he RT/CH key to show the R T screen. 2.1 Choosing Class of Emission There are three em ission m odes, SSB, TLX and AM. •SSB: Single Sideband •TLX: T elex (see chapter 7 t o 10.
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-2 2.2 Choosing Channel, Frequency Choose the channel or t ransm itting f r equency to use for t he SSB. This s et t ing can be done both when the ha ndset is on and off hook. Note: T o set the SSB radiotelephon e to 2182 kHz/J3E, press t he RT /CH key more than f ive seconds.
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-3 Choosi ng fr e que ncy 1. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose T x or Rx as appropriat e and then p ush t he ENTER knob. SSB SIMP HIGH FAST NB SQ SE N S IA 10.0A MMSI xxxxxxxxx 35 00.0000N 135 00.0000E UTC 00:00 EPFS 23:59 CH: 200 Tx: 2182.
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-4 completed, TUNE: OK appears. If t uning f ails, TUNE: NG appears. 2. Hold the handset close to your mout h, press the PTT switch and speak clearly . Note: W hen tuning is initiated in t he two control units system , the display of the idle cont rol unit shows “OCCUPIED(ANO T HER CONTROLLER).
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-5 Checking the transmittin g pow er During transm ission, t he IA bar deflects according to the current being f ed to the antenna feeder f rom the antenna coupler . The unit of readout is am peres. The antenna current varies with the effect ive antenna im pedance.
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-6 2.4.3 Receiving A M br oadcasting st ations 1. Press the RT key to sho w the radiotelephon e screen. 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose emission mode and then p ush the EN TER knob. AGC mode SSB SIMP HIGH FAST NB SQ SE N S LA 10.
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-7 2.5 When A u to m atic T u ning Fails The antenna cou pler au tom at ically tunes a wire or whip anten na transceiver . W hen all frequencies cannot be tuned, TUNE: OK will not appear on t he display . I n this case, you can tune 2182 kHz by m anually operati ng t he coupler as shown below .
2. SSB R A DIOTELE P HONE 2-8 2.6 User Ch annels The USER CH menu provides f or registration of user TX and RX channels, where permitt ed by the Aut horities. The user channel in t he Syst em set up m enu m ust be enabl ed in order to register user channels.
3-1 3. DSC OVER VIEW 3.1 What is DSC? DSC is an acronym meaning Digital Select i ve Calling. I t is a digital distress and general calling system in t he MF and HF bands used by ships for tr ansm itt ing distress alerts and general calls and by coast stations for transm itting the associated ack n owledgem ents.
3 . DSC OVERVIEW 3-2 Content s of a DSC ca ll Calling category Call ca tegory Call DISTRESS Dist ress Alerts, Distress relay area, Distress relay coast GENERAL Individual, PSTN message, T est message, Group messa g e, Area message, Position, Medical Transport, Nautical Craft, Polling message S ta tion ID Own ship ID and sendin g stat ion ID.
3. DSC O VERVI EW 3-3 3.3 A udio A larms W hen you receive a distress alert or routine call addressed t o your ship, t he audio and visual alarm s are released. For the distress or urgenc y call, t he audi o alarm sounds until the CANC EL key is pressed, and sounds f or one minut e and then autom atically goes off in case of ot her calls.
3. DSC OVERVIEW 3-4 3.4 Interpreting Ca ll Displays This paragraph provides the inf ormat ion necessary f or interpreting receive and send call displays. 3.4.1 Receiv e calls Below are sam ple dist ress and indi vidual recei ve calls. The content of other t ypes of receive calls is sim ilar to that of t he individ ual c all.
3. DSC O VERVI EW 3-5 Indi vid ual recei ve call * Received message * View message MAR-11-2006-23:59 INDIVIDUAL REQUEST SENDER ID: 123456789 PRIORITY: ROUTINE TX: 2222.2 kHz RX: 2222.2 kHz TELEPHONE 10M10S COMM FREQUENCY TX: 2222.2 kHz RX: 2222.2 kHz ACKNOWLEDGEMENT REQUIRED ERROR-CHECK: OK BACK TO RECEIVED VIEW Date and time of message ID No.
4-1 4. DISTRESS OPERA TIONS Distress operati on o verview 1. Press the DIST RESS button. 2. Wa it f or the distress alert acknowledgem ent. 3. Communicat e with the coast stat ion.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-2 4.1.1 Sending distress alert by DISTRESS bu tton, nature o f distress not specified 1. Open the DIST RESS button cover and press a nd hold down the DI STRESS butt on m ore than f our seconds. The but t on flashes in r ed and t he buzzer sounds ra pidly .
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-3 At this time, t he equipm ent cannot receive any calls e xcept the distress alert acknowledge call. The distress alert you sent i s recorded in t he TX log. Wait for distress acknowledgement. TIME TO GO: 2M10S RESENDING NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS : 12 ° 34.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-4 4.1.2 Sending distress alert by DISTRESS bu tton, nature o f distress spec ified If you have the t im e to designate the nature of distress, send t he distress alert as follo ws: 1. Open the DIST RESS button cover and press t he DI STRESS button mom entarily to show the follo wing display .
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-5 8. Push the ENTER knob to open the longit ude input window . 9. Use the numeric keys to ent er longit ude (in nin e digits). (If necessary , s witch coordinates: 1 key to sw itch to East; 2 key to switch to West.) Push the ENTER knob.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-6 The display changes as below (exam ple). Compose msg. NATURE : FLOODING POS: 35 ° 00 . 0000 N 135 ° 00.0000E AT 12:34 DISTRESS MSG TYPE : COMM MODE : TELEPHONE DSC FREQ : 2187.5 kHz GO TO VIEW 16. Press the DISTRESS button more than f our seconds to send the distress alert .
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-7 4.2 Re cei ving a Distress A l ert W hen you receive a distress alert from a ship in dist ress, the audio alarm sounds and the message “Distress alert m essage received. ” Appears on the displa y . Press t he CANCEL key to silence the audi o alarm .
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-8 A c tion for ship receiving distres s alert on MF band Press CANCEL ke y to silence alar m. DSC Distress aler t received. Listen on 2182 kHz f or 5 minutes.
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-9 Sendi ng the distress a ckn owl edge call to ship in di stress (on MF band ) Note: Y ou cannot send the distress ackno wledge call f or f ive minutes because of receiving the distress acknowledg ement f rom the coast station.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-10 5. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose ACKNOW LEDGE and then push the EN TER knob. The follo wing displ ay ap pears. MSG TYPE : DISTRESS ACK SHIP ID IN DIST : 123456789 DSC FREQ : 2187.5 kHz Compose msg. GO TO VIEW MSG TYPE : DISTRESS ACK SHIP ID IN DIST : 123456789 DSC FREQ : 2187.
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-1 1 W hen receiving a DSC message, the f ollowing message m ay appear . After 10 seconds passed or when "Agree" is chosen, the working frequency is changed with the message shown below. Choose "Pause". Accept New Working Freq CANCEL: CLOSE WINDOW Choose "Agree".
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-12 Sending the distress rel ay to coast st ati on (on HF b and) The audio alarm sounds and the displa y chang es as below when a distress call is received. DISTRESS CALL SHIP ID IN DIST: 123456789 NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS: 12 34.
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-13 6. Push the ENT ER knob t o open t he DSC FREQ. Menu. GO TO EASY VIEW DSC FREQ KHZ GO TO VIEW Compose msg. COAST SHIP COAST ID: SHIP ID IN DIST: MSG TYPE: RELAY ALL 4207.5 6312.0 12577.0 16804.5 2187.5 8414.5 7. Choose appropriat e frequenc y and the n push the EN TER knob.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-14 4.3 Sendi n g Distress R ela y on Behalf o f a Ship in Distress 4.3.1 Sending distress relay to coast st ation Y o u may send the distress relay to a coast station on be half of a ship in distress in the follo wing cases: Y o u are near the ship in distress and the ship in dist ress cannot transm it the distress alert.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-16 12. Enter posit ion of ship in dist ress, f ollowing 1), 2) or 3) belo w . 1) For automatic input, push t he ENTER knob and choose EPFS. Then push ENTER knob and go to step 13. 2) For manual input, pu sh the ENTER knob to open the INPUT T YPE menu, rotate the ENTER knob to choose M ANUAL and then push the ENTER k nob.
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-17 17. Press the CA LL key f or three seconds, and t he message “Priority distress t r ansm it sure?” appears. Contin ue pressing the key unti l the displa y sho ws “Dist ress relay coast message in progress! ” to send the distress relay call.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-18 4.3.2 Sending distress relay t o area ship s Use this procedure to send the distress rela y to area ships. 1. Press the DSC key . Select Message PSTN MESSAGE TEST MESSAGE GROUP MESSAGE AREA MESSAGE POSITION RELAY AREA RELAY COAST DISTRESS SPECIAL INDIVIDUAL GENERAL DISTRESS MMSI 123456789 POS 12 34.
4. DIS TRESS OPER A TION S 4-20 13. Push the ENTER knob to open the DSC FREQ m enu. GO TO EASY VIEW DSC FREQ KHZ GO TO VIEW Compose msg SHIP ID IN DIST: 123456789 POS: 34 ° 45N COMM MODE: MSG TYPE: RELAY ALL 4207.5 6312.0 12577.0 16804.5 2187.5 8414.
4. DIS TRESS OP ERA T IONS 4-21 4.4 Re cei ving D istress Re lay from C oast S t ation Y o ur ship receives the dist ress relay when: • the coast station sends the distr ess relay to your ship. (DISTRESS RELA Y COAST) • the coast station sends the distr ess relay to the area where y ou ar e navigating.
4. DISTRESS OPERATIONS 4-22 2. Choose CANCEL an d p ush the ENTER knob to cancel t he dist ress call. TIME TO GO : 0S NATURE: UNDESIGNATED POS: 12 34.5678N 123 45.6789E DSC FREQ : 2187.5 kHz Warning: Distress Cancel Step YES NO 3. Rotate the ENTE R knob to choose YES, and then push the EN TER knob to show the follo wing screen.
5-1 5. ROUTINE MESSAGE CALLING , RECEIVIN G Operati o n overview The follo wing sho ws about the indi vidual m essage as exam ple of the rout ine m essage. The individual ca ll is f or sending a call to a specific stat ion. 1. Send the individua l message.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-2 3. Push the ENT ER knob t o open t he ST A TI ON ID menu, and t hen rotat e the ENTER knob to choose MANUAL or SELECT .
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-3 1 1. Rota te the ENTER knob to choose comm unication f requency setting method desire d and then push the ENTER knob. F or FREQUENCY and CHANNEL, see “How to Set Working Frequency , Channel” o n the next page.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-4 How to Set DSC Frequen cy 1. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose DSC FREQ and then push the EN TER knob. GO TO VIEW MSG TYPE: INDIV STATION ID: 123456 PRIORITY: RO COMM MODE: TELEP COMM FREQ: NO I DSC FREQ : 2M-INTL 16 MHZ 18 MHZ 22 MHZ 25 MHZ 6 MHZ 8 MHZ 12 MHZ 4 MHZ 2 MHZ Compose msg.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-5 13.Press the CALL key to send t he individual call ( transm ission tim e: about seven seconds). The display shows the m essage “Individual rou t ine m essage in progress! ” while the call is being sent.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-6 Able ackno w ledg e call recei ved Communicat ing b y radioteleph one 1. Press t he CANCEL key to silence t he audio a larm, and t he display changes as below . MAR-23-2006-23:59 ABLE ACKNOWLEDGE SENDER ID: 123456789 PRIORITY : ROUTINE TX:2138.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-7 No re sponse! T ry c alling again? Re-send call : Push th e ENTER knob f ollowed by pressing the CALL ke y . Cancel cal l : Press the CANCEL key to go to DSC screen. 5.1.2 Receiving an indiv i dual call Acknowledgem ent is able or unable dep endi ng on the com ply-type sett ing (see sect ion 6.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-9 * Xmitted message * JUL-23-2006-23:01 UNABLE ACKNOWLEDGE RESEND BUSY DESTINATION ID : 121234567 PRIORITY : ROUTINE 10M10S GO TO VIEW 2. Push the ENT ER knob t o conf irm the m essage. 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to scroll the message.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-10 DSC FREQ: 4 M-INTL STATION ID: 121234567 COMM FREQ: CH401 MSG TYPE: ABLE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Compose msg. GO TO VIEW COMM MODE: TELEPHONE 5. Press the CALL key t o send t he acknowledge call. The display chang es as below .
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-1 1 INDIVIDUAL REQUEST SENDER ID: 121234567 PRIORITY: ROUTINE TELEPHONE CH 401 * Received message * ANSWER MAR-23-2006-23:00:00 To view contents, rotate ENTER knob to choose GO TO VIEW and then push the ENTER knob.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-12 The timer counts dow n the tim e remaining until the call is completed (transmission time: about seven seconds) . 8. Press the CA NCEL ke y twice to show the radiot elepho ne screen. 5.2 Group Call A group call is for calling a specif ic group by specifying its group ID.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-13 MSG TYPE : GROUP MESSAGE COMM FREQ COMM MODE : TELEPHONE PRIORITY : ROUTINE GROUP ID : 012345678 DSC FREQ : 2M-INTL GO TO ALL VIEW CHANNEL FREQUENCY GO TO VIEW Compose msg. 8. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose communication f requency desir ed a nd then push the ENTER knob.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-14 Sendi ng message by NBDP T er mi nal Un i t The message “ST A T ION ENT RY COMPLET ED FROM DSC. Press any key to escape.” Appears on the NBDP’s display . 1. Press any key on the NBDP T erminal Unit to erase the m essage.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-15 After 10 seconds passed or when "Agree" is chosen, the working frequency is changed with the message shown below. Choose "Pause". Accept New Working Freq CANCEL: CLOSE WINDOW Choose "Agree".
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-17 11. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose DSC fr equency des ired and then pu sh the ENTER knob. (See “How to Set DSC Frequenc y” on page 5-4 for details.) Y our displa y should now look som et hing like one below .
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-18 1. Press the CANCEL key to silence the alarm . “Change CO M Frequenc y” display appears, and the displa y changes as belo w . * Received message * MAR-23-2006-23:59 GEOGRAPHICAL AREA SENDER ID : 123456789 PRIORITY : SAFETY TELEPHONE: 2182.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-19 5.4 Neutral Craf t Call The neutral craft call, which contains own ship position and ID, inform s all ships that your ship is not a participant in armed conf lict. The neutral craft call is necessary the setting on the Setup m enu.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-20 8. Press the CA LL key to send the neutral craft call (transm ission time: approx. 7 sec.). Neutral craft message in progress! PRIORITY: URGENCY TIME TO GO: 7S DSC FREQ : 2187.5 kHz AREA : 34 N 140 W 10 5 9.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-21 2. Press the CA NCEL ke y to go to t he radiot elephone screen. Watch on the working frequency specif ied by radiotel ephone or NBDP . If there is t he diff erence bet ween the registered f r equenc y and used f requency to receive, t he follo wing screens appear .
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-22 3. Push the ENT ER knob t o open t he AREA m enu and then enter the area range as sho wn on page 5-17. 4. Push the ENT ER knob t o open t he COMM MODE m enu. 5. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose communication type des ired (T ELEPHO NE or NBDP-FEC) and then push the EN TER knob.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-23 6. W hen you have finished sending your m e ssage, press t he F10 key to disconnect the line. 5.5.2 Receiving a med ical transport call W hen a medical transport call is received, t he alarm sounds and t he display changes as below .
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-24 Receiving message by NBDP T er minal Unit After receiving a medical transport area call, conf irm the follo wing. The control unit’s display shows “OCCUPIED” and t he Tx and Rx frequencies. The m essage f r om the sending station appears on your NBDP T erm inal Unit.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-25 5.6.3 Manual rep l y The display changes as shown in the illustrat ion belo w . The audio alarm sounds when a polling request message is received and the status of t he 5/ ACK/SQ key is MANUAL ACK (or AUTO ACK and POLLING MESSAGE in AUTO ACK m enu is OFF).
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-26 5.7 Position Call There are t wo types of position calls: other stat ion requires your ship’s position and your ship requests position of anot her ship.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-27 3. Push the ENTER knob to open the ST A T ION ID menu, and then rotate the ENTER knob to choose MANUAL or SELECT .
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-28 One of the following messages appears. “No response! Try calling again?” appears after the time has counted down to z ero, meaning there w as no response from the p art y called. No response! Try calling again? DSC FREQ : 2187.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-29 After the call is sent the audio alarm sounds and the display belo w appears. DESTINATION ID: 123456789 PRIORITY: SAFETY POS: 35 ° 30N 135 ° 30E AT 23:54 Position acknowledge message transmitted. CANCEL: STOP ALARM 1.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-30 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose ANSW ER and then push the ENTER knob. Y our display should no w look som et hing like the one below . MSG TYPE: POSITION ACKNOWLEDGEMENT POS: 35 00 N 135 00 E AT 23:01 DSC FREQ : 2187.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-31 3. Push the ENTER knob to open the COAST ID menu, and t hen rotate the ENTER knob to choose MANUAL or SELECT . For SELECT , you ca n choose an I D from the m essage file list stored. For MANUA L, key in ID of coast station (seven digits) with the num eric keys and then push the ENTER knob.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-32 1 1. Press the CALL key to send t he PSTN call (transm ission time: about seven seconds). The display shows the follo wing m essage. PSTN request message in progress! TIME TO GO: 7S DESTINATION ID : 001234567 TEL NO.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-33 Then, one of the following displ ays appears. PSTN connected. DSC FREQ : 12577.5 KHZ DESTINATION : 001234567 TEL NO. TELEPHONE: 2222.2kHz : 1234567890123456 PSTN end of message in progress! TIME TO GO: 8S DESTINATION : 001234567 TEL NO.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-34 The tim er counts down to zero and then the follo wing display appears. Pick up the handset or press CALL key. TIME TO GO: 60S RESENDING DESTINATION ID : 001234567 TEL NO. TELEPHONE: 2222.2kHz : 1234567890123456 DSC FREQ : 4208.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-35 5.8.3 PSTN call d i sconnection, re ceiving charge informati on (ship disconnects li ne) 1. After hanging up the ha ndset or pressing the CANCEL ke y to co m plete y our call, th e display sho ws the f ollowing m essage.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-36 5.8.4 PSTN call d i sconnection, re ceiving charge informati on (coast st ation disconnect s line) The PSTN line is discon nect ed by the coast station when it finds no evid ence of communications or t he land subscrib er hangs u p.
5. ROUTI NE MESSAG E CALLI NG , RECE VING 5-37 2. Rotate t he ENTER knob to choose desired log and pus h the EN TER knob. For exam ple, choose the RECEIVED DIST RESS log and t hen push the ENTER knob. 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to scroll the log. Asterisk indicates unread m essage.
5. ROU T I N E MESSAG E CALLI NG , RE CEVING 5-38 This page is intentionall y left blank..
6-1 6. MENU OPERA TION The m enu, consisting of main m enus, provides access to less-often used f unction. It can be accessed from bot h t he R T and DSC screens. 1. Press the #/SET UP key to show the main m enu. MENU DATE/TIME MEM CLR USR SETUP SYS SETUP HS.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-2 6.2 Noise Blan ker The noise blanker f unctions to remove pulse noise. Y ou m ay turn it on or off as follo ws. Nor m ally , use i t w ith OFF (defau lt setting). 1. Press t he SETUP key . 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose NB.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-3 3. Push t he ENTER knob to open the user channe l options windo w . *** User ch entry ** MODE: SSB CH: 2-01 00201. TX: 2111.5 RX: 2111.5 00202. TX: 2222.0 RX: 2222.0 00203. TX: 2333.5 RX: 2333.5 00204. TX: 2444.0 RX: 2444.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-4 6.4.2 Deleting user channel s Dele ting in div idual user cha nne ls 1. Press the #/SET UP key . 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose USER CH and then push the ENTER knob t wice. 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose CH and t hen push the EN TER kn ob.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-5 6. Push the ENT ER knob t o open t he ST A TION ID entry window . * Message file entry MSG TYPE STATION ID COMM MODE COMM FREQ DSC FREQ : INDIVIDUAL : --------- : TELEPHONE : NO INFO : 2M-INTL 000000000 7. Key in ID of coast station or ship station with the num eric keys and then push t he ENTER knob.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-6 13. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose appropr iate DSC band and t hen pus h t he ENTER knob. 14. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose appropr iate DSC f requency and the n push t he ENTER knob. 15. Ent er f ile nam e and number as shown belo w .
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-7 4. Push t he ENTER knob. The display shows the nam e and file num ber entered. FILE ENTRY * Message file entry If the file name or number exists the message "Duplicate name (number) ! Overwrite OK?" appears. Push the ENTER knob to write over the name, or press the CANCEL key to escape.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-8 8. Push the ENTER knob to open the COMM MODE m enu. * Message file entry MSG TYPE: GROUP ID COMM MODE COMM FREQ DSC FREQ GROUP MESSAGE : 012345678 : TELEPHONE : NO INFO : 2M-INTL NBDP-FEC TELEPHONE 9. Rot ate the ENT ER kno b t o choose appropriate communicat ions type and then push t he ENTER knob.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-9 6.5.3 Prep aring PSTN c alls 1. Press the #/SETUP key . 2. Rot ate the ENT ER kno b t o choose MESSAGE. 3. Push the ENTER knob. 4.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-10 11. Rotate t he ENTER knob to choose appropriate DSC band and then pu sh the ENTER knob. 12. Choose appropriat e DSC frequenc y and then p ush the EN TER knob. 13. F ollo w “How to Enter File Name and Num ber” on page 6-6 to enter file name and number .
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-1 1 6.5.5 Sending prep ared messages Sending wit hou t modification 1. Press t he FILE /CURSOR key at the DSC standby screen to sho w the s end message f ile list.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-12 Deleting all messages 1. Press t he #/SETUP key . 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose t he MEM CLR. 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose t he MESSA G E FILES. 4. Push t he ENTER knob. 5. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose YES. 6. Push t he ENTER knob.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-13 Note: If, when “Last updated” is EPFS, input fro m the navigator is interrupted, the m essage “EPFS error” appears. If t his occurs, check t he navigator . 4. Push t he ENTER knob to show the position m ethod window , a nd then r otate the ENTER knob to choose the EPFS, MANUAL or NO I NFO.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-14 6.7 Date a nd Time Setting Set the date and t im e for the system. 1. Press t he #/SETUP key . 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose DA T E / TI ME. 3. Push t he ENTER knob. ** Date/Time setup SOURCE: INTERNAL DATE: 2008/02/29 TIME: 11:45 UTC SOURCE: Choose INTERNAL or EPFS (using ZDA).
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-15 Clearin g received ordi nary log 1. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose RCVD O RDI NARY LOG . 2. Push t he ENTER knob. YES CLEAR RCVD ORDINARY LOG. ARE YOU SURE ? NO 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose YES, and push the ENTER knob. Clearing received distress l og 1.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-16 Clearing mess age files 1. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose MESSAGE FILES. 2. Push t he ENTER knob. YES CLEAR MESSAGE FILES. ARE YOU SURE ? NO 3. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose YES, and push the ENTER knob. Clearin g user chann els 1.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-17 **** Alarm setup *** INTERNAL ALARM : OFF POSITION OLDER :4.0 H EXT ALARM : DSTRS/URG OFF 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.5 4.0 ROUTINE ALL OFF DSTRS/URG Default: ON Default: 4.0 hours Default: DSTRS/URG Disables/enables alarm for received Safety and Routine calls.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-18 6.1 1 Setting the AUT O A CK Det ails The acknowledgem ent m essage m ay be sent automatically when you recei ve a message which requires acknowl edgem ent . Y ou can also enable or dis able it f or position, pollin g and test messages.
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-19 6.12 Printing Messages The Print Out menu enables/disables aut om at ic pr inting of all transm itted and receive d calls and the results of the dail y test. 1. Press the SET UP key . 2. Choose USR SETUP and PRINT OUT in order , and push the EN TER knob to display the Print out set up menu.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-20 6.13 Setting Scan F requencies The Scan freq m enu determ ines which DSC routine and distress f requencies to scan. Follow the instructions below to select/dese lect DSC routine and distre ss frequencies to scan. 1. Press the #/SETUP key .
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-21 Routine frequencies 1. Rotate the ENTER knob clockw ise to shift the cursor to the ROUTINE column. DISTRESS 2M : FIXED 4M : ON 6M : ON 8M : FIXED 12M : ON 16M : OFF ** Scan freq setup * ROUTINE F1 : 2M-INTL F2 : 4M-INTL F3 : 6M-INTL F4 : 8M-INTL F5 : 12M-INTL F6 : 16M-INTL 2.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-22 6.14 Key A ssignm ent The 8/PRI NT key can function as a short-key , pr oviding quick access t o a f unction without opening the m enu. Y ou can program one of t he f unct ions listed below , a nd the def ault setting is NONE (short cut f unct ion is disabled).
6. MENU OPERA TION 6-23 6.16 F A X En able/Disable Y o u may enable or disa ble F AX use as follows. This setting is necessary when the f acsimile is connected and used to recei ve. 1. Press t he #/SETUP key . 2. Rotate the ENTER knob to choose USR SET UP , and then push the EN TER knob.
6. MENU OPERA T ION 6-24 This page is intentionall y left blank..
7-1 7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIEW 7.1 T urning on the NBDP System T urn on the terminal unit and the printer with their respective power switches. PRINTER PP-510 POWER TERMINAL UNIT IB-583 Floppy Disk Driv.
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-2 7.2 Description of Equipment 7.2.1 T erminal unit The term inal unit is a visual display incorp or ating a f loppy disk drive, which pro vides for storage of f iles on floppy disks. T wo m odels ar e avai lab le, IB -581 (m onochrom e) and IB -583 (color).
7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIEW 7-3 7.2.2 Keyboard The terminal unit is operated from the key board, and is almost 100% keyboard controlled. Operation is simplified by the use of menus wh ich you access by pressing a function key , labeled F1-F10 at the top of the keyboard.
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-4 7.3 Function Keys, Menu Operation The function keys at t he top of t he keyboard control m ost operations of this unit through a menu system.
7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIE W 7-5 7.3.2 Menu overview Selecting menus Press appropriate f unct ion key to open a m enu. T o display the File m enu, for example, press the function key F1 .
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-6 7.3.3 Function ke y desc r i ption Function key [F1 ]: File menu The File m enu is where you will create, ope n, save and print t ele x messages.
7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIE W 7-7 Function key [F2 ]: Edit menu The Edit m enu provides a full line of editing f eatures. 1: Undo 2: Cut 3: Copy 4: Paste 5: Select All 6: Search 7: Replace 8: Goto Top 9: Goto Bottom 0: Goto Line A: Change Text Edit Edit menu 1: Undo Cancels the last change (cut, copy or paste).
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-8 Function key [F3 ]: Operat e menu The Operate m enu mainly controls transm itt ing and receiving. 1: Call Station 3: File to Send 4: Cancel Sending 5: Scan (Start/Stop) .
7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIE W 7-9 Function key [F4 ]: Window m enu The W indo w m enu lets you display the corresp onding data of the wi ndow below . 1: Calendar 2: Distress Frequency Table Window Window menu 1: Calendar Displays desired calend ar mont h and year .
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-10 Function key [F5 ]: St ation m enu The S tation menu provides f or storage of stat io ns, t imer program setup, user channel setup, and entry of various ID codes.
7. NBDP SYSTEM OVER VIE W 7-1 1 Function key [F6 ]: System menu The System menu is mainly f or use by techni cians and contains di agnostic tests. T o change settings, choose “Chan ge” from the item “Set up” and operate arro w keys to choose item and option.
7. NBDP SYST EM OVER VIE W 7-12 Window Co lor (IB-583) Chooses dis play colors. T o change dis pla y colors: 1. Choose the opti on Change f rom Setup. 2. Press t he ↓ key to choose W indo w Color and press the Enter key . Window Color Change Window Color Setup Default Color To Change: ENTER To quit: ESC 3.
8-1 8. NBDP PREP ARA TIONS This chapter provides th e procedures necessar y f or prepar ing t he NBDP T erm inal Unit for transm itting and receivi ng. For autom atic telex, you will need t o register the follo wing: • Y our ship’s ID and answerback codes • S tations • T imer program s • Scan channel groups • User channels 8.
8. NBDP PREP ARA TION S 8-2 For final verif icat ion of the data, t he Caution sho wn in the illustrat ion below appears. Answerback Code 123456789 FURU X Answerback Code Entry O K Cancel Caution Confirm the 'CODE' before pressing ENTER key.
8. NBDP PREP ARA TIONS 8-3 8.2 S t atio n List The station list provides for storage of up t o 50 stations, one frequenc y pair (RX and TX) per station. For stations which have m ore than one f requency pair , you m ight add a suffix to the station name t o denote multiple f requency pairs.
8. NBDP PREP ARA TION S 8-4 8. If you selected “Cha nnel” at st ep 6, ent er ITU channel num ber (see Appendix) or User channel num ber . 9. If you selected “ScanT able” at st ep 6, press the → key to show scan group list registered. For scan group, ref er to paragraph 8.
8. NBDP PREP ARA TIONS 8-5 8.3 Timer Progra mming A built-in timer allo ws you to aut om atically receive and tr ansm it files. 10 tim er programs can be registered. T o enabl e t imer operation, see section 10-6. 8.3.1 Registeri ng timer pr ograms 1.
8. NBDP PREP ARA TION S 8-6 8.3.2 Editing/ Deleting timer pr ograms 1. Press the function key F5 and the 2 key . 2. Choose a tim er program name from t he T im er Operation List .
8. NBDP PREP ARA TIONS 8-7 8.4.2 Ed iting/Deleti ng user channels 1. Press f unction key F5 and then t he 4 key . 2. Press t he ↑ or ↓ key to choose channel f r om t he Channel List. 3. Press ↓ and → keys to choose Change and press the Enter key .
8. NBDP PREP ARA TION S 8-8 new ones. If t he group name alread y exists , the message “Scan group by that nam e already exists. Press any key to escape. ” Appears. Press any key and change the scan group nam e. ) 4. Press t he ↓ key to choose Ch Dwell Time.
9-1 9. NBDP FI LE OPERA TIONS This chapter m ainly describes how to create, save, open, edit and print f iles. The Edit menu provides a full lineu p of editing f acilit ies, including search and rep lace. 9.1 Opening and Closing File s T o create a t elex message you will need t o make a new file, which you do with the F ile Open comm and.
9. NBD P FILE OPERA T IONS 9-2 Note: Do not use lower case lett ers, or the symbols #, &, *, $ and % in tele x messages. Also, do not put “$$$” in the m iddle of a TX m essage, but at t he end. The communication line is a utomat ically disconnect ed when this string is d etected.
9. NBDP FILE OP ERA TIONS 9-3 9.3.2 Saving a file 1. Press the function key F1 to display the File m enu. 2. Press t he 3 key . The screen should look som ething lik e the illust rat ion at right . Save file ? ( UNTITLED1 ) Close Text Yes No Close text screen 3.
9. NBD P FILE OPERA T IONS 9-4 Cutting text 1. Place the cursor on the f irst character of the text to be cut. 2. Highlight t he t ext to be cut by pressing and ho lding the Shif t key while pressing the → . If you highlight t ext which you do not want to cut, press the ← t o adj ust the highlight.
9. NBDP FILE OP ERA TIONS 9-5 9.4.3 Select all The Select All feature lets you select all of the file currently displa yed. This feature can be useful when you want to co m bine files. The pr ocedure belo w explains ho w t o place the f ile loaded in working area 1 onto the end of the f ile loaded in working area 2.
9. NBD P FILE OPERA T IONS 9-6 9.4.5 Replacing text The Replace f eat ure helps you replace ever y occurrence of a word or phase with another word or phase in a file.
9. NBDP FILE OP ERA TIONS 9-7 9.5 Opening Files T wo working areas (called working area 1 and wo rk ing area 2) are pro vid ed t o which you can load a file, and one file m ay be displayed on the LCD. 9.5.1 Opening a file 1. Insert the f loppy disk which contains the f ile you want to open.
9. NBD P FILE OPERA T IONS 9-8 4. Enter a new name. 5. Press t he Enter key . 9.7 Saving a File Under a New Name Y o u may save a f ile und er a new nam e as follows: 1. Open a f ile. 2. Edit the file as necessary . 3. Press the function key F1 . 4. Press t he 3 key to sa ve the file.
10-1 10. NBDP TRANSMITTI NG , RECEIVIN G This chapter m ainly shows you how to transm it and receive telex m essages. 10.1 Manual Calling NO TICE Before calling, watch the intended TX frequency carefully to confirm that is unoccupied. The simplest way to comm unicat e with a telex subscriber is Manual Callin g.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-2 5. Press the function key F3 again and then t he 8 key to choose Manual Calli ng. The follo wing screen appear s. Mode : ARQ FEC ID : Manual Calling Manual calling screen 6. Use t he ← or → key to choose appropriate co mmunicat ion m ode.
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-3 10.2 A RQ Mode Operation In ARQ operation, one stat ion (inf ormat ion sendi ng station) sends data to anot her block by block, then listens f or the acknowled.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-4 Note: If signal condit ions are poor , connection m a y take a w h ile. If t he line could not be connected in one m inute, calling stops and “Calling f ailed” appears. T ry step 3 again, one m inute later .
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-5 inform ation receiving station. 3. Receive a m essage from the sending station. 4. After completion of communication, press t he function key F7 ( W RU) ke y to receiv e the answerback code of the other station and then press the f unct ion key F8 (HR) to transm it your own answerback code.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-6 10.5 Commu nication Example Call the coast station f ollowing the procedur e in paragraph 10.2. Then, comm unicate with the coast station.
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-7 T able of abbreviations n o i t a i v e r b b An o i t s e u Qe c i v d A r o r e w s n A A R Q? n o i t a t s r u o y e m a n e h t s i t a h W.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-8 Comma nd and abbre viation d n a m m o Cn o i t c n u F + M G T. m a r g e l e t o i d a r a s i e g a s s e m g n i w o l l o f e h t t a h t e t a c i d n i o T + G S M .
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-9 W hen the predeterm ined tim e comes, the NBDP T erm inal Unit aut om atically sends or receives the m essage. The results of timer operat ion are disp layed as either O K or NG (No Good) on the T imer Operation List.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-10 10.8 Commun ication Buffer The communicat ion buffer is a temporary me mory which stores transm it and receive messages. T o display the cont ents of the communication buffer , do the following: 1. Escape from the m essage creation screen.
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-1 1 10.9.2 Prep arations T o use autom atic telex, you will ne ed to register three item s: • Answerback code • Scan groups • S tation names Registerin g answ erb ack code The coast station assigns a T ele x num ber .
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-12 10. 9.3 Co mma nds The tables which f ollo ws describe the commands for m acro operat ion Command (Prefix ed with @) Parameter C ontent CALL S: S tation Name Calling station name and ID on assi g ned par ame ter T wo digits, 0-99 min.
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-13 10.9.4 S t ore-and-forward method The follo wing is t he sequence of events in tr ansm ission of a file by the st ore-and-f or ward met hod. 1. Shipboard station send s message to coast station. 2. Coast station stores message in m em ory buffer .
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-14 Procedure fo r preparing a macrofile for sto re-and-forward metho d Y o u will need a m acrofile to enable aut om at ic message transm ission by store-and-forward method. After preparing it , save it to a floppy disk f or future use.
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-15 6. Press t he Enter key and enter a f ile nam e as follows: OOOOOO OO.MCR ↑ ↑ F i l e N a m e E x t e n s i o n N a m e (max.
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-16 Procedur e for DIRT LX . o N e r u d e c o r P y a l p s i D s k r a m e R 1. a coast station. l l a Cs r a e p p a T C E N N O C o e d i v e s r e v e r n i . ) s d n u o s l l e b d n a ( ; d n u o f l a n g i s - e e r F .
10. NBDP TRAN SMITTING , RE CEIVING 10-17 10.10 A u tomatic T elex using Macro file This section describes ho w to trans m it a telex message using a m acrofile. Basic pro ced ure 1. Register answerback co de (T ele x num ber assigned by coast stat ion).
10. N BDP TRAN SMITTING , R ECE IVING 10-18 Call Macro [A:TEST1. ] File name Size Date & Time LYNGBY1.MCR 169 02-10-13 06:23 [ End of Directory ] 1 Files exist 1454000 bytes free To select : ENTER To view : SPACE To quit : ESC Call macro screen 3.
1 1-1 11. MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING WARNING ELECTRICAL SHOCK HAZARD Do not open the equipment. Only qualified personnel should work inside the equipment. NO TICE Do not apply paint, anti-corrosive sealant or contact spray to coating or plastic parts of the equipment.
1 1. MAIN TENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 11 - 2 1 1.2 Maintenance Regular m aintenance is vital f or maintaini ng per f ormance. Follo wing the procedures belo w will help keep the eq uipm ent in top operating condit ion. Maintenance check poi nts Item Check Point Rem edy/Remarks Antenna Check for physical dam age and corrosion.
1 1. MAINTENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 1 1-3 1 1.3 Simple T roubleshooting The table b elo w provides possible proble ms and the means with which to restore nor mal operation. If normal operation can n ot be restored, do not attempt to check inside the equipment.
1 1. MAIN TENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 11 - 4 1 1.4 Erro r Messages The table below sho ws error messages, their meanings, and remedies. If ot er error occurs, contact your dealer . Error messages Error m essage Meaning Remedy Busy: RT Radioteleph one is in operat ion.
1 1. MAIN TENANC E & TR OUBLESHOOT ING 11 - 5 1 1.5 Replacemen t o f F uses T o protect the equipm ent from overcurrent and equipm ent fault , two fuses are provided in the PR-300 Power Supply Unit. If a f use blow s, find t he cause bef ore replacing it.
1 1. MAIN TENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 11 - 6 1 1.6 T est Call This function sends a t est signal to a coast or ship station, over on e of six distress and safet y frequencies. For that reason, it s hould no t be executed unnecess arily . Y ou can prepare a test call beforehand (see C hapt er 6) or at t he moment you int end t o send a test call.
1 1. MAIN TENANC E & TR OUBLESHOOT ING 11 - 7 MSG TYPE : TEST MESSAGE STATION ID : 001234567 PRIORITY : SAFETY DSC FREQ : 2187.5 kHz GO TO VIEW Compose msg. 9. Press t he CALL key to send the t est call (transm ission t ime: about seven seconds). 10.
1 1. MAIN TENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 11 - 8 TEST ACKNOWLEDGEMENT SENDER ID : 001234567 PRIORITY: SAFETY * Received message * GO TO VIEW MAR-23-2006-23:59 3M10S No re sponse! T ry c alling again? Re-send call : Push th e ENTER knob and the n press t he CALL key .
1 1. MAIN TENANC E & TR OUBLESHOOT ING 11 - 9 Setup Slave Delay TX/RX MSG Save Edit Before sending Time System Time & Date Window Color Self Test Lock Change Default 8 msec (0- 50 msec) OFF O N OFF O N OFF UTC SMT JST 2006/10/16 10:00:00 System System menu (Example: I B-583) 2.
1 1. MAIN TENANCE & TROUBLESHOOTING 1 1-10 conducted conti nuous ly , you m ay press the Esc key twice f ollowed by the F10 key to stop the test and ret urn to the tone test m enu.
A P-1 APPENDIX Menu T ree #/SETUP key HS. VOL (0 to 63, 45 ) NB ( OFF , ON) SQ (500-2000 Hz, 800 Hz ) USER CH (Shows user ch entry screen.) MESSAGE (Shows Message file entry screen) POSITION (Shows Po.
APPEND IX AP - 2 NBDP terminal unit (telex) F1: File F2: Edit 1: Undo 2: Cut 3: Copy 4: Paste 5: Select All 6: Search 7: Replace 8: Goto Top 9: Goto Bottom 0: Goto Line A: Change Text F3: Operate 1: C.
APPEND IX A P-3 Frequency T ables DSC frequency t able TX ( kHz ) RX ( kHz ) Remarks File Na me 2187.5 2187.5 4207.5 4207.5 6312.0 6312.0 8414.5 8414.5 12577.0 12577.0 16804.5 16804.5 Distress and Safety Frequencies 458.5 455.5 INTL-0.4M 2189.5(2177.0*) 2177.
APPEND IX AP - 4 Custom channels (to be programmed by FURUNO dealer s) O N H C) z H k ( e v i e c e R p i h S) z H k ( t i m s n a r T p i h Ss k r a m e R.
APPEND IX A P-5 MF band working carrier frequencies (ref. US CFR 47 Part 80.371) n o i g e R t i m s n a r T p i h S ) z H k ( e v i e c e R p i h S ) z H k ( n o i g e R t i m s n a r T p i h S ) z H k ( e v i e c e R p i h S ) z H k ( t s a o C t s a E5 .
APPEND IX AP - 6 MF band SSB w orki ng carri er fr equencies O N H C e v i e c e R p i h S ) z H k ( t i m s n a r T p i h S ) z H k ( O N H C e v i e c e R p i h S ) z H k ( t i m s n a r T p i h S ).
APPEND IX A P-7 4/6 MHz ITU SSB carrier freque ncies (ITU RR Appendix 16) ) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 4) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 6 O N H C U T IX R p i h SX T p i h SO N H C U T IX R p i h SX T p i h S 1 0 47 5.
APPEND IX AP - 8 8 MHz ITU SSB carrier frequencies (ITU RR A ppendix 16) x e l p u D - ) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 8 x e l p m i S - ) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 8 O N H C U T IX R p i h SX T p i h S) O N H C U T .
APPEND IX A P-9 12/16 ITU SSB carrier frequenci es (ITU RR A ppendi x 16) ) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 2 1) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 6 1) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 6 1 .
APPEND IX A P -10 18/19, 22 , 25/26 ITU SSB carrie r frequencies (ITU RR A ppendix 16) ) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 9 1 / 8 1) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 2 2) E 3 J ( B S S z H M 2 2 .
APPEND IX A P-1 1 MF band telex frequency t able . O N H C t i m s n a r T p i h S ) C S D , P D B N ( e v i e c e R p i h S ) C S D , P D B N ( 2001 0 . 2 4 1 20 . 7 0 6 1 C S D / P D B N 2002 5 . 2 4 1 25 . 7 0 6 1 2003 0 . 3 4 1 20 . 8 0 6 1 2004 5 .
APPEND IX A P -12 ITU T elex frequen c y t able (1/4) 4210.5 4211.0 4211.5 4212.0 4212.5 4213.0 4213.5 4214.0 4214.5 4215.0 4177.5 4215.5 4216.0 4216.5 4217.0 4217.5 4218.0 4218.5 4219.0 4202.5 4203.0 4203.5 4204.0 4204.5 4205.0 4205.5 4206.0 4206.5 4207.
APPEND IX A P-13 ITU T elex frequen c y t able (2/4) 8066 8067 8068 8069 8070 8071 8072 8073 7074 8075 8076 8077 8078 8079 8080 8409.0 8409.5 8410.0 8410.5 8411.0 8411.5 8412.0 8412.5 8413.0 8413.5 8414.0 8414.5 8436.5 8437.0 8437.5 8409.0 8409.5 8410.
APPEND IX A P -14 ITU T elex frequen c y t able (3/4) 12131 12132 12133 12134 12135 12136 12137 12138 12139 12140 12141 12142 12143 12144 12145 12146 12147 12148 12149 12150 12151 12152 12153 12154 12.
APPEND IX A P-15 ITU T elex frequen c y t able (4/4) 16196 16197 16198 16199 16200 16201 16202 16203 16204 16205 16206 16207 16208 16209 16210 16211 16212 16213 16214 16215 16216 16217 16218 16219 19220 16221 16222 16223 16224 16225 16226 16227 16228 16229 16230 16231 16232 16233 16234 16235 16236 16786.
APPEND IX A P -16 T elex A bb reviations n o i t a i v e r b b Ag n i n a e M V D A K C A N G A ) S G ( I B K B M F C L O C V R C R E D N W D E E E M F A G S N M M O M I T U M A N C N H C N P N R N C .
APPEND IX A P-17 Digit al Interface (IEC 61 162- 1) I/O Sentences Input sen tences (IEC 61 162-1) GNS, RM C, GLL, GGA, ZD A Input sen tence descrip ti on GG A – Glob al positioni ng system(GPS) fix data $--GGA,,llll.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy,a,x,xx,x.
APPEND IX A P -18 GLL – Geogra phic position – latitude/ longit ude $--GLL,llll.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy,a,,A,a*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +------- 6 | | | | | | +--------- 5 | | | | | +----------- 4 | | | | +---------------- 3 | | +------+----------------------- 2 +---+----------------------------------- 1 1.
APPEND IX A P-19 GNS – GNSS fix dat a $--GNS,,llll.lll,a,yyyyy.yyy,a,c--c,xx,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x,x.x*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +--- 11 | | | | | |.
APPEND IX A P -20 RMC – Recommend ed minimum speci fic GPS/TRANSIT dat a $--RMC,,A,llll.lll,a,yyyyy .yyy ,a,x.x,x.x,xxxxxx,x.x,a,a*hh<CR><LF> | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | |.
APPEND IX A P-21 Schematic diag ram 05P0757 T-IF BOARD RD3_A TB6 R58 R59 10 10 J3 P201 P301 . . . . . . 24 < 41 < > 41 > 25 < 42 < > 42 > R60 330 S2 OPEN: IEC 61162-1 (NMEA 018.
APPEND IX A P -22 Part s List This equipm ent contains complex m odules in which fault diagnosis an d repair down to component level are not practical (IMO A.
APPEND IX A P-23 T ran scei ver un i t FS-2570T F U R U N O Model FS-2570T Unit TRANSCEIVER UNIT ELECTRICAL PARTS LIST Aug-02 Blk.No. SYMBOL TYPE CODE No.
APPEND IX A P -26 Part s Location FS-1570T 05P0732B T -CPU Board 05P0744 RELA Y Board 05P0734A W/R Board 05P0733 TX/RX Board 05P0737A SW-REG Board 05P0746 PRESEL Board 05P0735 P A Board 05P0736 TX FIL.
APPEND IX A P-27 T ransceiver unit FS-2570T 05P0744 RELA Y 05P0747 REF OSC 05P0734A W/R 05P0733 TX/RX 05P0734A W/R (option) 05P0732B T -CPU 05P0731 T -I/F 05P0751B DSP (DSC) 05P0751A DSP (NBDP) 05P074.
APPEND IX A P -28 T ransceiver unit FS-5070T (1 ) 05P0741 TX-FIL Board 05P0744 RELA Y Board (Inside) 05P0737A SW-REG Board.
APPEND IX A P-29 T ransceiver unit FS-5070T (2 ) 05P0740 COMB Board 05P0762 RX-FIL Board 05P0738A DRV Board 05P0734A W/R Board 05P0733 TX-RX Board 05P0760 TX Board 05P0732B T -CPU Board (Upper) 05P075.
APPEND IX A P -30 Control uni t FS-2571C 05P0810 P ANEL Board 05P081 1A C-CPU Board 05P0812A C-IF Board.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 1 E565 6S01A- M 080414 SPECIFICA TIONS OF SSB RA DIOTELEPHONE FS-1570/2570/50 70 1 MF/HF DIGITAL RADIOTELEPHONE 1.1 GENE RAL 1.1.1 Commun ication system Full-duplex* 1 , se mi -duplex or simplex 1.1.2 Class of emiss ion J3E: Te le phone J2B (F1B): DS C and NBDP H3E: recept ion only 1.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 2 E565 6S01A- M 080414 1.3.3 Sensitivit y Input level at 10 o hm+250 pF (bel ow 4 MHz) and 50 ohm (above 4MHz ) t o produc e SINAD 20 dB Frequency Ra nge J3E/H3 E 100 kHz t o 300 kHz 35 dBµV 300 kHz t o 1.6 MHz 25 dBµV 1.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 3 E565 6S01A- M 080414 2.2.7 Selectivit y -6 dB: 270 Hz to 300 Hz, -30 dB: w ithin ± 380 Hz , -60 dB: with in ± 550 Hz 2.2.8 Receiving sy stem Double-co nversion superh eterodyne 2.2.9 Radiation w ith in 4 n W 2.2.10 RX error rate 1 % or less at 1 µV in put voltage 2.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 4 E565 6S01A- M 080414 -60 dB : within ±550 H z 2.4.8 Rec eiv ing System Do uble-conversio n superheterody ne 2.4.9 Ra di ation within 2 n W 2.4.10 RX Error Rate 1 % or less at 1 μ V in put voltag e 2.4.11 Sp uri ous Response 31.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 5 E565 6S01A- M 080414 4 A NTE NN A COUPLER (FS-1570/ 2570) 4.1 Tunin g Sy stem CPU cont rol led fully auto matic tuning sy st em 4.2 Frequency Range 1.6 MHz to 27.5Hz 4.3 Input I mpeda nce 50 ohms 4.4 Antenna 7m to 18 m wire or whip a ntenna 4.
FURUNO FS-1570/25 70/507 0 SP - 6 E565 6S01A- M 080414 8.3 De gree of protection Control un it IPX2 (pane l), I PX 0 (chass is) Transce iv er/terminal unit IPX0 Antenna co up ler IPX5 (FS-1570/2570), I PX 6 (FS-5 070) 8.4 Bear ing vibration 2 Hz-5Hz t o 13.
A P-1 INDEX 1/ RT/2182 ke y ............................................ 1- 2 2/DSC k ey ................................................... 1- 1 4/Intcom key ................................................ 1-6 7/ key ................................
I IN-2 Prin t out menu ........................................... 6-1 9 PSTN cal l charg e inform ation ................................. 5-35 recei ving ................................................ 5-33 sending ..................................
9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662 - 8580, Japan Te l: + 81 (7 98) 6 5 - 2 11 1 Fa x : +8 1 (7 98) 6 5-4 20 0 www.fu r Publication No. DOC-1027 Declaration of Conform ity W e FURUN O ELECTRIC CO.
9-52 Ashihara-cho, Nishinomiya, 662 - 8580, Japan Te l: + 81 (7 98) 6 5 - 2 11 1 Fa x : +8 1 (7 98) 6 5-4 20 0 www.fu r Publication No. DOC-1028 Declaration of Conform ity W e FURUN O ELECTRIC CO.
9-52 Ashih ara-cho, Nis hinomiya, 662- 8580 , Japan Te l: + 81 ( 798 ) 65- 2111 Fax : +81 (798 ) 65- 4200 w ww.f ur uno P ubl i ca t i on No . DO C- 1029 D ecl aration of Confor mity We F U R U N O E L E C T R I C C O .
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Furuno FS-5070 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Furuno FS-5070 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Furuno FS-5070 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Furuno FS-5070 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Furuno FS-5070 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Furuno FS-5070 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Furuno FS-5070 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Furuno FS-5070 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.