Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product S466 van de fabrikant Gateway
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ADAC Ultra2 S466 Single Ended and Low - V olt age Differential SCSI PCI RAID Controller Hardw are Guide 8503624 A MA N US ADA C U2 S466 G DE R0 8/14/98.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide ii © Copy right 1998 G atew ay, I nc. All rights reserved. This publ ication contains pro prietary information w hich is prote cted by copyr ight.
Contents iii Table of Contents 1 Overv iew ............................................................... 1 Single En ded and Differen tial SCSI Buses .............................. 2 Maxim um C able Length for SCSI Standards ........................
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide iv Softw are Utilities....................................................................33 Operating Sy stem Softwa re Drivers .......................................33 ADA C Ultra2 S466 Specifi cations ...........
Contents v Step 11 Run A DAC BIOS Setu p ............................................ 70 Step 12 Install Operating System Driver ................................ 70 Sum mary .............................................................................
Pre face vii Preface The A DAC Ultr a2 S466 PCI RAID Controller supports all single ended and low -voltag e diff erential (L VD) SCSI dev ices on an Ultra and W ide SCSI channel with da ta transfer rate s up to 80 MB/s (Meg abyte s per sec ond). This m anual desc ribes AD AC Ultra2 S466.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide viii Preface, Continued Package Contents You should hav e received: • a AD AC Ultra2 S466 PC I RAID Cont roller, • a ADAC Ultr a2 S466 Hardware Guide , • a ADA.
Pre face ix A DA C Ultra2 S466 Problem Report Form Custom er Inform ation ADAC Ultra2 S466 Infor matio n Name Today ’s Date Company Date of Pu rchase Addre ss Invoic e Numbe r City/Sta te Serial Num.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide x Phy sical Device Lay out Channel 1 Target ID Device Type Logical Drive Nu mber/ Dri ve Number Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target ID Device Type Logi.
Pre face xi Channel 1 Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target ID Device Type Logical Drive Nu mber/ Dri ve Number Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target ID Device Type Logical Dri.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide xii Preface, Continued Disclaim er This ma nual descri bes the opera tion of the G ateway ADAC Ultra2 S466 Di sk Arr ay Controlle r.
Pre face xiii FCC Regulatory Statement This device co mplies w ith Part 1 5 of the FCC Rules. Operation is sub j ect to the following tw o cond itio ns: (1) this device may not cause harm ful interferen ce, and (2) this device m ust accept any in terference received, including interference that m ay cause u ndesired operation.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide xiv Disclaimer Gateway only certifies that this product w ill work correctly w hen this product is used with the same jum per settings, the same system configuration, the same m emory m odule parts, and the same peripherals that were tested by Gatew ay w ith this prod uct.
Chapter 1 O verv iew 1 1 Overv iew The ADA C Ultra2 S466 PCI R AID controlle r is a high performance intelligent PCI-to-SCSI host adapter with RAID control capabilities. The ADAC Ultra2 S466 provides reliab ility, high performance, and fault-tolerant disk s ubsys tem m anagem ent.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 2 Single Ended and Differential SCSI Buses The SCSI standard defines tw o electrical buses: • a single en ded bus and • low- voltage d ifferential bus.
Chapter 1 O verv iew 3 Documentation The ADA C Ultra2 S466 docum entation set includes: Using ADAC Ultra2 S466 Manuals T his manual contains the RAID over vie w, RAID pla nning, and RAI D system configuration information y ou will need first. Read the ADAC Ultra2 S466 Hardware Guide firs t.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 4 A DA C Ultra2 S466 Block Diagram.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 5 2 Introduction to RAID RAID (R edundant Array of Indepen dent Disks) is an array of multiple independent hard disk d rives that provid e high perform ance and f ault tolerance. A RAID dis k subsy stem improv es I/O performan ce over a comput er using on ly a single driv e.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 6 In This Chapter The follow ing topics are discussed: Major Topic Subtopic turn to Host-based solut i on page 7 RAID overview page 8 Consiste ncy che ck page 8 Faul.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 7 A DA C Ultra2 S466 – Host-B ased RA ID Solution RAID produ cts are either: • host-based or • SCSI-to-SCSI. The ADA C Ultra2 S466 cont roller is a host -based RAID soluti on. ADA C Ultra2 S466 is a PC I adapter card that is installed in any available PCI expansion slo t in a host system .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 8 RA ID Overv iew RAID (Redu ndant Array of Independent Dis ks) is a collection of specif ications that describe a sy stem for ensuring the reliability and stability of data stored on large disk s ubsys tems. A RAID s ystem can be im plemen ted in a num ber of diff erent versions (or RAID Lev els).
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 9 Disk Striping Disk striping writes data across multiple disk drives instead of just one disk d rive. Disk striping involves p artitioning each drive storage space in to stripes that can vary in size from 2 KB to 128 KB.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 10 Disk Spanning Disk spanning allows mu ltiple d isk drives to functio n like one big drive. Span ning overcom es lack of disk space and simplifies storage managem ent by combining existing resources or adding relativ ely inexpen sive resources.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 11 Disk Mirroring With mirroring (used in RAID 1), data written to one disk drive is simultaneously written to another disk d rive. If one disk drive f ails, the contents of th e other disk drive can be used to run the system and reconstruct the failed drive.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 12 Parity Parity generates a set of redundancy data from tw o or more parent data sets. The redundancy data can be used to reconstruct one of the parent data sets. P arity data does not fully duplicate the pa rent d ata sets.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 13 Hot Spares A hot spa r e is an extra , unused d i sk d rive that is p art o f the disk s ubsys tem. It i s usual ly in s tandby m ode, ready for service if a drive fails. Hot spares permit you to replace failed drives without system shutdo wn or user intervention.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 14 Disk Rebuild You rebuild a disk dr ive b y recreating the data that had been stored on the driv e before the drive failed. Rebuilding can be do ne only in arrays w ith d ata redundan cy such as RAID le vel 1, 3, 5, 10, 30, and 50.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 15 Logical Drive A logical drive is a partition in a physical array of disks that is made up of contiguous da ta segments on the phy sical disks.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 16 SCSI Drive St ates A SCSI disk driv e can be in one of these states: State Description Online (ONLIN) The drive is f unctioning norm ally a nd is a part of a config ured logical drive.
Chapter 2 I ntroduction to RA ID 17 Disk A rray Types The RAID disk array types are: Type De scription Softwa re- Based The a rray is manag ed by s oftwa re running in a hos t computer us ing the host CPU bandwidth.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 18.
Chapter 3 RA I D Le vel s 19 3 RAID Lev els The r e are six officia l RAID leve ls (RAID 0 through RAI D 5). ADA C Ultra2 S466 su pports RAID l evels 0, 1, 3, and 5. Gateway has designed three additional RAID levels (10, 30, and 5 0) that pro vide additional b enefits.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 20 Selecting a RA ID Level Level Description and Use Pros Cons Max. Drives Fault Tolerant 0 Data divided in blocks and distributed sequentia lly (pure striping). Use for non-critica l data that requir es high perf orma nce.
Chapter 3 RA I D Le vel s 21 RA ID 0 RAID 0 prov ides disk s triping acros s all drives i n the RAID s ubsy stem. R AID 0 does not prov ide any dat a redundan cy, but does offer th e best perform ance of any RAID level. RAID 0 breaks up data into smaller blocks and then w rites a block to each drive in the array .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 22 RA ID 1 In RA ID 1, ADAC Ultra2 S466 duplicat es all data from one drive to a secon d drive. RAID 1 provides com plete data redundancy , but at the cost of dou bling the required data storage capacity .
Chapter 3 RA I D Le vel s 23 RA ID 3 RAID 3 prov ides disk s triping an d complete dat a redund ancy though a de dicat e d par ity drive. T he strip e size mu st be 64 KB if R AID 3 is us ed. RAID 3 han dles data at the block level, not the b yte level, so it is ideal for networks that ofte n ha ndle ver y large files, such as gr aphic images.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 24 RA ID 3, Continued RAID 5 vs RAID 3 You m ay fin d that RAID 5 is pref erable to RAID 3 even for applications ch aracterized by sequential reads an d w rites, because ADA C Ultra2 S466 has v ery robust caching alg orithms.
Chapter 3 RA I D Le vel s 25 RA ID 5 RAID 5 includes disk striping at the byte level and parity. In RAID 5, the parity inform ation is written to several drives. R AID 5 is best suited for n etwork s that perf orm a lot of small I/O transactions simu ltaneously.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 26 RA ID 10 RAID 10 i s a combin ation of RA ID 0 and RA ID 1. RAID 10 has m irrored drives . RAID 10 breaks u p data into smaller block s, and then stripes the block s of data to each RAID 1 raid set. Each RAID 1 raid set then duplicates its data to its other drive.
Chapter 3 RA I D Le vel s 27 RA ID 30 RAID 30 i s a combin ation of RA ID 0 and RA ID 3. RAID 30 provides h igh data tran sfer speeds an d high dat a reliability. RAID 30 is best implem ented on two RAID 3 disk array s w ith data st riped across both di sk arrays .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 28 RA ID 50 RAID 50 prov ides the f eatures of both RAID 0 and R AID 5. RAID 50 i ncludes both parity an d disk stripi ng across multiple drives. RAID 50 is best implem ented on two RAID 5 di sk arrays with data striped across both disk arrays .
Chapter 4 F eature s 29 4 ADAC Ultra2 S466 Features ADA C Ultra2 S466 is a famil y of h igh perform ance intelligent PCI-to-SCSI host adapters with RAID control capabilities. ADA C Ultra2 S466 has a SCSI chan nel that supports Ultra and Wide SCS I at data transf er rates up to 80 MB/s.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 30 Hardw a re Requirements ADA C Ultra2 S466 can be i nstalled in an IBM AT®- compatible or EISA computer w ith a moth erboard that has 5 volt PC I expansion slots. The com puter m ust s upport PCI ver sion 2.0 or late r .
Chapter 4 F eature s 31 Hardware Architect ure Features The ADA C Ultra2 S466 hardw are architectu re features include: Specification Feature Proces sor Intel i960R P3V 33 SCSI Controller Sym bios Log.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 32 RA ID Management Features The ADA C Ultra2 S466 RAID m anagemen t features include: Specification Feature Support for SN MP Yes Perfor mance Monitor provided Yes .
Chapter 4 F eature s 33 Softw are Utilities The ADAC Ultra2 S466 software u tility featu res include: Specification Feature Graphical u ser interface Yes Manage ment utility Yes Bootup conf iguration .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 34 A DA C Ultra2 S466 Specifications Parameter Specification Card Size 7.375" x 4.2" (half le ngth PCI) Pro cessor Intel i960RP™ 32-bit RISC proc essor @ 33 MHz Bus Type PCI 2.
Chapter 4 F eature s 35 PCI Bridge/CPU ADA C Ultra2 S466 u ses the In tel i960RP PC I bridge w ith an em bedded 80960JF RISC process or r unning at 33 MHz. The RP b ridge handles da ta transfers be tween the primary (host) PCI bus, th e secondary PCI bus, cach e mem ory, and the SCS I bus.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 36 Onboard Speaker The ADA C Ultra2 S466 cont roller has an on board tone generator f or audible warn ings w hen sy stem errors occur. Audibl e warnings can be gene rated thr ough this spe a ker. The audible w arnings are l isted on page 93.
Chapter 4 F eature s 37 SCSI Connectors ADA C Ultra2 S466 ha s two t ypes of S CSI connectors : • a 68-pi n high d ensity internal co nnector and • a 68-pin ex ternal ultra-hig h-density connector. Both connector types can be u sed for the SCSI chann el.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 38 RA ID Management RAID m anagement is provided by softw are utilities that man age and config ure the RAID sy stem and A DAC Ultra2 S466, create and m anage m ultiple disk array s, control and monitor m ultiple RAID servers, provide erro r statistics loggin g, and provide online m aintenance.
Chapter 4 F eature s 39 Fault-Tolerance Features The ADA C Ultra2 S466 faul t-tolerance feat ures are: • automatic failed drive detection, • automatic failed drive rebuild with no user intervention required, • hot sw ap manual replacem ent w ithout bringing the system do wn, and • SAF-TE c ompliant enclo sure management.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 40 Compatibility ADA C Ultra2 S466 compatibility issues include: • server manage ment, • SCSI device compatibility, and • softw are compatibility Server Management As an SNMP agent , ADAC Ul tra2 S466 supports all SNMP m anagers an d RedAlert f rom St orage Dimen sions.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 41 5 Configuring ADAC Ultra2 S466 Configuring SCSI Phy sical Drives SCSI Channel Physical SC SI drives must be org anized into logical driv es. The arrays an d logical drives that y ou construct m ust be able to support t he RAID lev el that y ou select.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 42 Current Configuration SCSI ID Device Descrip tion Termin ation? SCSI Channel 1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Logical Drive Configuration Logical Drive RAID .
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 43 Phy sical Device Lay out Channel 1 Target ID Device Type Logical Drive Nu mber/ Dri ve Number Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target ID Device T.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 44 Channel 1 Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target ID Device Type Logical Drive Nu mber/ Dri ve Number Manufa cturer/Model N umber Firmware level Target .
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 45 Configuring A rray s Organize th e physical disk driv es in arrays af ter the drives are connected t o ADAC Ultra2 S 466, formatted, an d initialized. Each array can consist of one to eight physical disk dri ves.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 46 Configuration Strategies The most important factors in RAID array configuration are: drive capacity, drive availability (fault tolerance), and drive perform ance.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 47 Configuration Strategies, Continue d Ma ximizing Drive Availa bility You can maxim ize the availability of data on the phy sical disk drive in the logical array by maxim izing the level of fault tolerance.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 48 A ssigning RA ID Levels Only one RAID level can be assigned to each logical driv e. The drives required p er RAID level is: RAID Level M i n i mum N u mb er o f P.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 49 Optimizing Data Storage Data Access Requirem ents Each type of data stored in t he disk su bsys tem has a diff erent frequency of read and w rite activity.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 50 Planning the A rray Configuration Answ er the following questions about this array: Question Answ er Number of physical d i sk d rives in th e array Purpose of this array.
Chapter 5 Co nfiguring ADA C Ultr a2 S466 51 A rray Configuration Planner Num ber of Drives Possible RAID Levels Relative Performance Fa ult Tolerance Effective Capacity 1 None Excellent No 100% 1 RAI.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 52.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 53 6 Hardw are Inst allation Requirem ents Yo u must have the follo wing: • a AD AC Ultra2 S466 Contr oller, • a host c omputer w ith an ava ilable PCI expa nsion.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 54 Installation Steps ADA C Ultra2 S466 provi des extensi ve custom ization options. If you n eed only basic ADA C Ultra2 S466 features and y our compu ter does not use other adapter cards with resource settings that m ay conflict with A DAC Ultra2 S466 settings , even custom installation can be qu ick and easy .
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 55 Step 1 Unpack Unpack and in stall the hardware in a static-free environ ment . T he ADAC Ultra2 S466 controll er card is packed inside an an ti-static bag betw een two spon ge sheets. Rem ove the controller card and in spect it for damag e.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 56 Step 4 Install Cache Memory Important A minimum of 4 MB of cache memory is requir ed. The cache memory must be i nstalled before ADAC Ul tra2 S466 is operational . Bank0 must be populat ed by a SIMM. Fast Page Mode SIM M FP M SIMMs are specified below .
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 57 Step 4 Install Cache Memory , Co ntinued Supported Cache M emory Configurations Cache Bank0 (Even ) 4 MB Sing le-sided 1 MB x 36 Fast Pag e Mode 8 MB Dou ble-sided.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 58 Step 5 Set Jumpers Make sure the jumper settings on the ADA C Ultra2 S46 6 card are correct. The jumpers and con nectors are: Connector Description Type J2 Intern.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 59 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J1 Term ination E nable J1 is a three-pin header that specifies hardw are or softw are co ntro l of SCSI termination. Type o f SCSI Term inatio n J1 Se tting Softw are control of SCSI term ination via drive detection.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 60 Step 5 Set Jumpers, Continued J8, J9 J8 and J9 are 3-pin jumpers. The factory setting is Pins 1- 2 shorte d. Pins 1-2 s hould alw ays be sh orted for J8 and J9. J10 J10 is a 3- pin jum per. Make sure Pi ns 1-2 of J10 are alway s shorted.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 61 Step 6 Set Termination You must term inate the SCSI bus prop e rly. Set termination at both ends of the SCSI cable. The SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission line and mu st be terminated properly to minim ize reflections and losses.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 62 SCSI Termination The SCSI bus is an electrical transm ission line and it m ust be termin ated properly to m inimize ref lections and losses. You complete the SCSI bus by setting termination at both ends. You can le t ADAC Ultra2 S466 autom atically provide SCSI term ination at one end of the SCSI bus.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 63 SCSI Termination, Continued Term inating Ex ternal Disk Arrays In m ost array enclosures, th e end of the SCSI cable has an indepe nd ent SCSI terminator module that is not part of any SCSI drive.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 64 SCSI Termination, Continued Connecting Non- Disk SCSI Devices SCSI Tape drives, scanners, C D- ROM drives, and oth er non-disk driv e devices must each have a uniq ue SCSI ID r e gardle ss of the SCSI cha nne l they are attached to.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 65 Step 7 Install A DA C Ultra2 S466 Choose a 5 V PC I slot and ali gn the A DAC Ult ra2 S466 controller card bus con nector to the slot. Press down g ently but firm ly to make sure that the card is properly seated in the slot.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 66 Step 8 Connect SCSI C ables Connect SCSI cables to SC SI devices. ADAC Ultra2 S466 provides tw o SCSI connectors: J2, the SCSI chan nel intern al high -density 68-pin connect or for Wide (16-bit) SCSI and J6, the SCSI chann el external ultra high -density 68-pin connector f or Wide (16-bit) SC SI.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 67 Step 8 Connect SCSI C ables , Co ntinued Cable Suggest ions System throughput pro b lems can occur if SCSI cable use is not maximized.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 68 Device Ident ification on A DA C Ultra2 S466 All logical driv es on each SCSI bus are iden tified to the host as ID 0. Differentiate the drives with Logical Unit Identifiers (LUNs). ID 0 cannot be us ed for non-dis k devices because they are limited to IDs 1 thro ugh 6 .
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 69 Step 10 Power Up Replace the com puter cover and recon nect the AC power cords. Turn pow er on to the host compu ter. Set up the power su pplies so that the SCSI devices are pow ered up at the sam e time as or before the h ost computer.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 70 Step 11 Run A DA C BIOS Setup Press <Ctrl> <M> to run the ADAC BIOS Setup utility. See the ADAC Ult ra2 S466 Configurat ion Software Gui de for info r mation abo ut running BIO S Setup.
Chapter 6 H ardware Instal lation 71 Step 12 Install Operating Sy stem Driver, Continued CD-ROM Driver A device driv er is provided w ith A DAC Ultra2 S466 f or CD-R OM drives operatin g under DOS, Win dows 3. x , and Window s 95. The driver f ilenam e is ADA CDROM.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 72 Summary This chapter discussed hardware installation. Configure the RAID sy stem via software configuration utilities. See the ADAC Ultr a2 S466 Configurati on Software Guide for all inform ation about ADA C Ultra2 S466 softw are utilities.
Chapter 7 T roubl eshooting 73 7 T roubleshooting Prob lem Sugge sted Solutio n The s yste m hang s during the boot process af ter installation. Make s ure the SCSI BIOS on the mother board has bee n disabled. The s yste m hang s during the boot process af ter installation.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 74 Prob lem Sugge sted Solutio n Firmware Initializing... appears an d remains on th e screen. Make sure that TERMPWR is being properly provi d ed to each perip heral devi ce populated chann el.
Chapter 7 T roubl eshooting 75 BIOS Boot Error Messages Message Problem Suggested Solution Adapter BIOS Disabled. No Logical Dri ves Handled by BIOS The ADAC U lt ra2 S4 6 6 BIOS is disa bled. Some times the BIOS is disabled to pr event booting f rom the BI OS.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 76 Message Problem Suggested Solution X Logical Drives Degraded x numbe r of logic al drives signed o n in a d egraded state. Make sure all physical drive s are prope rly conn ect ed and are p owered on. Run AD AC Conf iguration Manag er to find if any physical dri ves are not responding .
Chapter 7 T roubl eshooting 77 Other BIOS Error Messages Message Proble m Suggested So lution Following SCSI disk not f ound and no em pty slot avai l able for ma pping it The physical di sk ro aming fe ature did not f ind the phys ical disk w ith the displayed SCSI ID.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 78 DOS A SPI Driver Error Messages Messag e Corrective Action Gat e way I nc . AS P I M an age r has NOT been lo aded. The ASPI manager is no t load ed. One o f the failure codes lis ted below is displaye d next. Controller setu p FAILED error code=[ 0xab] Correct th e co ndit ion th at caused t h e failure.
Chapter 7 T roubl eshooting 79 Other Potential Problems Topic Inf ormation DO S AS P I ADACAS P I. SY S, th e D OS ASP I man age r, us es 6 K B o f system m emory once it is lo aded. CD-ROM drives under DO S At th is time, copi ed CDs are not accessible from DOS even aft e r l oa di ng ADACAS P I.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 80 Topic Inf ormation SCSI Bus Require ments The ANSI specificatio n dict ates the fol l owing: The m axim um signal path leng th between te rminators is 3 me ters whe n using up to 4 ma ximum capac itance (25 pF) devic es and 1.
Chapter 7 T roubl eshooting 81 Topic Inf ormation Window s NT Installation Whe n Windows N T is installed v ia a bootable CD , the devic es on the ADA C Ultra2 S466 w ill not be recognize d until afte r the initial reboot. The Microsoft docum ented work around is in SETU P .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 82.
Appe ndix A S CSI Cables and Co nnectors 83 A SCSI Cables and Connectors SCSI Connectors ADA C Ultra2 S466 provi des several dif ferent ty pes of SCSI connectors. The conn ectors are: • one 68 -p in high density internal c onnecto r, and • one 68-pin ultra high density ex ternal connector.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 84 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Cable Assem bly for Internal Wide SCSI Devices The cable assembly f or connecting internal wide SCSI devices is shown below: pin 1 pin 1 pin 1 Connectors: 68 position plug (male) AMP - 786090-7 Cable: Flat Ribbon or Twisted-Pair Flat Cable 68 Conductor 0.
Appe ndix A S CSI Cables and Co nnectors 85 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Connecting Internal and External Wide Devices The cable assembly for connecting internal w ide and external w ide .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 86 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (Type 2) The cable assembly for converting in ternal wide SCSI con nectors.
Appe ndix A S CSI Cables and Co nnectors 87 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting Internal Wide to Internal Non-Wide (Type 30) The cable assembly for connecting in ternal wide SCSI dev .
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 88 68-Pin High Density Connectors, Continued Converting from Internal Wide to In ternal Non-Wide (T ype 3) The cable assembly for connecting in ternal wide SCSI dev .
Appe ndix A S CSI Cables and Co nnectors 89 High-Density 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal Gr ound 1 1 2 35 - DB(12) Gr ound 2 3 4 36 - DB(13).
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 90 68-Pin SCSI Connector Pinout, Continued High-Density Sing le Ended Connector The follo wing applies to the high- densit y SCS I connector table on the previous page: • A h yphen bef ore a signal name indicates th at signal is active low.
Appe ndix A S CSI Cables and Co nnectors 91 68-Pin Connector Pinout for LVD SCSI Sig nal Connector Pin Cable Pin Cable Pin Connector Pin Signal +DB( 12) 1 1 2 35 -DB( 12) +DB( 13) 2 3 4 36 -DB( 13) +D.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 92.
Appe ndix B Audibl e W arnings 93 B Audible W arnings The ADA C Ultra2 S466 RA ID controller h as an onboard tone generator th at indicates events and errors. Tone Pa ttern Meaning Ex am ples Thre e seconds on and one s econd off A log ical drive is off line.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 94.
I ndex 95 Index 6 68-Pin H igh Dens ity Conn ector s , 85 A ADAC BIOS , 35 ADAC AS P I. SY S, 70 ADA CDROM.SYS , 7 1 AMPLI MITE .050 Serie s connectors , 92 ASPI Driver Error M essages , 78 ASPI Drive.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 96 G GWC, 9 0 H Hardw are Instal l ation , 53 Hardw are Requi rem ents , 30 High- Densit y 68-Pin SCSI Connector and P- C abl e Sing le-E nded Cable Pinou ts , 91, 9.
I ndex 97 Config uring, 10 RAID L evels, 19 RAI D Leve ls Supported, 34 RAID Managemen t , 38 Ready, 16 Rebuild, 16, 37 Rebuild Rate, 14 Rebuilding a disk, 14 Reconn ect , 37 RedAlert, 40 S Scatter/G ather, 37 SCO Open Server R5.0x, 33 SCO Unix, 38 SCO Unix Ware 2.
AD AC Ul tra2 S466 Har dware Guide 98.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Gateway S466 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Gateway S466 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Gateway S466 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Gateway S466 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Gateway S466 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Gateway S466 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Gateway S466 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Gateway S466 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.