Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product ATBR1650-3PK van de fabrikant Global Machinery Company
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1 MAGNESIUM FINISHING NAIL GUN KIT A TBR1650-3PK INSTRUCTION MANUAL Black Cy an Magenta Y ellow Code: A TBR1650-3PK Date: 070507 Edition: 03 Op: DCR.
2 Contents W a rr ant y Po we r T oo ls Whi lst e very e ffor t is made to ens ure y our c omple te sat isfac tion w ith t his t ool, o ccasi onall y , du e to the m ass man ufact uring techn iques , a to ol ma y not live up to our req uired level of p erfor mance and y ou ma y need the ass istan ce of our s ervic e depa rtmen t.
3 Descr iption of symbols The ra ting pl ate on yo ur tool ma y show sym bols. The se repre sent im portan t infor mation a bout the pro duct or in struc tions on it s use. We ar hear ing prot ectio n. We ar eye pro tecti on. We ar brea thing pr otect ion.
4 Gener al sa fety instructi ons for ai r too ls T o us e t his tool p roperl y , you mu st obser ve the sa fety reg ulati ons, the as sembl y instru ction s and the op eratin g ins truct ions to be fo und in thi s Manual .
5 tha t may aff ect the op erati on of the too l. A p art that is dam aged sho uld be pro perly re paire d or repla ced by an aut horis ed servi ce facil ity , unles s o therw ise indi cated in thi s Instru ction Ma nual. 18. Guar d again st elect ric sho ck.
6 Ris k of eye or he ad inj ury Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Air po wered eq uipme nt are cap able of pr opell ing mat erial s s uch as fas tener s, metal ch ips, sa w d ust, and ot her deb ris at hi gh spee d, which co uld res ult in ser ious eye i nju ry .
7 Ris k of loss o f h eari ng Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Lon g term exp osure to no ise pro duc ed from th e ope ratio n o f a ir tools c an lead to pe rmane nt heari ng loss.
8 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Air too ls can bec ome acti vated by ac ciden t during mai ntena nce or too l c hange s. • Dis conne ct the bra d n ailer fr om air com press or bef ore chan ging to ols, loa ding/ unload ing fas tener s or acc essor ies, cle aring ja ms and dur ing non- opera tion.
9 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Fas tener s c ould ric ochet or be p ropell ed caus ing seri ous inj ury or pro perty da mage. • N ever poi nt disc harge of to ol at self o r o thers . • Do no t p ull trig ger unl ess tool co ntact sa fety de vice is aga inst wor k surfa ce.
1 0 Ris k of enta ngle ment Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • T oo ls which c ontain m oving el ement s, or driv e oth er movin g tools , c an becom e entan gled in ha ir , clo thing , j ewelle ry and ot her loos e object s, resu lting in se vere inj ury .
1 1 Know your product 1. E xhaust d efl ector 2. T rig ger 3. A ir inlet 4. L atch 5. N ail maga zine 6. Safet y strike e lement (No n markin g tip) 7.
1 2 Prepa ring the tool T ool lu brication Thi s finish n ailer re quire s lubric ation BE FORE in itial us e and BEF ORE and AFT ER each ad dition al use th rougho ut its lif e. 1. D isconn ect the ai r hose, tu rn the fin ish nail er so the ai r inl et (3) is fa cing up.
1 3 Opera tion Operat ing the to ol: Firing mech anism: Thi s tool ope rates on a si ngle seq uenti al firin g syste m. Where to use finishi ng na iler .
1 4 Adjust ing the ex haust direction : 1. T he finis h nailer i s e quipp ed wit h an adjus table di recti on exh aust def lecto r (1). Sim ply adj ust the di recti onal exh aust def lecto r s o t hat the ex haust air bl ast wil l be dir ected aw ay fro m the oper ator .
1 5 T roubl esho otin g T rou ble Pos sible ca use Sug geste d r emedy Fir es two nai ls at time . The he ad of the na il is too sm all (He ad size sh ould be 2. 8mm - 3.3m m). Che ck nail si ze. 18 ga uge nail s have bee n fitted . Purch ase cor rect siz e nails fr om your loc al Air T ool su pplier .
1 MAGNESIUM BRAD NAILER/ST APLER GUN A TBS120-3PK INSTRUCTION MANUAL Black Cy an Magenta Y ellow Code: A TBS120-3PK Date: 070420 Edition: 03 Op: DCR.
2 Contents W a rr ant y Po we r T oo ls Whi lst e very e ffor t is made to ens ure y our c omple te sat isfac tion w ith t his t ool, o ccasi onall y , du e to the m ass man ufact uring techn iques , a to ol ma y not live up to our req uired level of p erfor mance and y ou ma y need the ass istan ce of our s ervic e depa rtmen t.
3 Descr iption of symbols The ra ting pl ate on yo ur tool ma y show sym bols. The se repre sent im portan t infor mation a bout the pro duct or in struc tions on it s use. We ar hear ing prot ectio n. We ar eye pro tecti on. We ar brea thing pr otect ion.
4 Gener al sa fety instructi ons for ai r too ls T o use thi s t ool prop erly , you mus t obser ve the saf ety reg ulati ons, the as sembl y instru ction s and the op eratin g ins truct ions to be fo und in thi s Manual .
5 tha t may aff ect the op erati on of the too l. A p art that is dam aged sho uld be pro perly re paire d or repla ced by an aut horis ed servi ce facil ity , unles s o therw ise indi cated in thi s Instru ction Ma nual. 18. Guar d again st elect ric sho ck.
6 Ris k of eye or he ad inj ury Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Air po wered eq uipme nt are cap able of pr opell ing mat erial s s uch as fas tener s, metal ch ips, sa w d ust, and ot her deb ris at hi gh spee d, which co uld res ult in ser ious eye i nju ry .
7 Ris k of loss o f h eari ng Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Lon g term exp osure to no ise pro duc ed from th e ope ratio n o f a ir tools c an lead to pe rmane nt heari ng loss.
8 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Air too ls can bec ome acti vated by ac ciden t during mai ntena nce or too l c hange s. • Dis conne ct the bra d n ailer /stapl er from ai r compre ssor bef ore chan ging to ols, loa ding/ unload ing fas tener s or acc essor ies, cle aring ja ms and dur ing non- opera tion.
9 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Fas tener s c ould ric ochet or be p ropell ed caus ing seri ous inj ury or pro perty da mage. • N ever poi nt disc harge of to ol at self o r o thers . • Do no t p ull trig ger unl ess tool co ntact sa fety de vice is aga inst wor k surfa ce.
1 0 Ris k of enta ngle ment Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • T ools wh ich cont ain mov ing elem ents, or dr ive oth er movin g tools , c an becom e entan gled in ha ir , clo thing , j ewelle ry and ot her loos e object s, resu lting in se vere inj ury .
1 1 Know your product 1. E xhaust d efl ector 2. T rig ger 3. A ir inlet 4. L atch 5. N ail maga zine 6. H and grip 7. Fa stener d isc harge area 8. Dr ive safe ty cover 9.
1 2 Prepa ring the tool T ool lu brication Thi s brad nai ler/s tapler r equire s lubri cation B EFORE ini tial use a nd BE FOR E and AFTER ea ch addi tional u se thr ougho ut its lif e. 1. D isconn ect the ai r hose, tu rn the bra d nailer /stap ler so th e a ir inlet (3 ) is faci ng up .
1 3 Opera tion Operat ing the to ol: Firing mech anism: Thi s tool ope rates on a si ngle seq uenti al firin g syste m. Where to use brad nailer /stapler Bra d nailer /stap lers are u sed main ly in medi um to ligh t duty app licat ions.
1 4 Adjust ing the ex haust direction : 1. T he brad na iler/s taple r is equ ipped wi th an adju stabl e dir ectio n e xhaust d eflect or (1). Sim ply adju st the dir ectio nal exh aust def lecto r so that the ex haust ai r blast wi ll be di rected a way fr om the ope rator .
1 5 T roubl esho otin g T rou ble Pos sible ca use Sug geste d r emedy Fir es two nai ls at time . The he ad of the na il is too sm all (Na il head si ze shoul d be 1.9mm - 2. 2mm and st aple cr own sh ould be 5. 7mm). Che ck nail/ stapl e size. 16 ga uge nail s have bee n fitted .
1 MAGNESIUM FRAMING GUN KIT A TFRG-3PK INSTRUCTION MANUAL Black Cy an Magenta Y ellow Code: A TFRGK-3PK Date: 070420 Edition: 03 Op: DCR.
2 Contents W a rr ant y Po we r T oo ls Whi lst e very e ffor t is made to ens ure y our c omple te sat isfac tion w ith t his t ool, o ccasi onall y , du e to the m ass man ufact uring techn iques , a to ol ma y not live up to our req uired level of p erfor mance and y ou ma y need the ass istan ce of our s ervic e depa rtmen t.
3 Speci fications Operating Pressure: 0.5–0.8Mpa (75–120 PSI) Firing mode: Full sequential Air Consumption: Minimum 6 CFM Magazine Capacity: 90 Nails Nail Size: 8 – 10 Gauge 34° Pa per Col lat ed Cli pped Hea d Frami ng Nail Nail Length: 50mm – 90mm Magazine Angle: 34° Nail Head T ype: Clipped Head T ool Weight: 3.
4 Gener al sa fety instructi ons T o use the se tools pr operl y , you mu st obser ve the saf ety reg ulati ons, the as sembl y instru ction s and the op eratin g ins truct ions to be fo und in thi s Manual .
5 17. Chec k for dam age d p arts. Be fore usi ng a tool , che ck tha t there ar e no damag ed parts . If a part is sl ightl y dam aged, ca refull y deter mine if it wi ll oper ate prop erly and pe rform it s intend ed func tion.
6 8. M ake sure no on e is near by be fore nai ling. Ne ver att empt to na il from bo th the ins ide and ou tside at the sa me time . Nai ls ma y r ip throu gh and/ or fly of f, pre senti ng high ri sk to safe ty . 9. W atc h your foo ting an d m ainta in your ba lance wi th the to ol.
7 Ris k of eye or he ad inj ury Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Air pow ered equ ipmen t a re capab le of prop ellin g mat erial s s uch as fas tener s, metal ch ips, sa w d ust, and ot her deb ris at hi gh spee d, which co uld res ult in ser ious eye i nju ry .
8 Ris k of loss o f h eari ng Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • Lon g term exp osure to no ise pro duc ed from th e ope ratio n o f a ir tools c an lead to pe rmane nt heari ng loss.
9 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Air too ls can bec ome acti vated by ac ciden t during mai ntena nce or too l c hange s. • Disco nnect th e naile r fro m a ir compr essor be fore cha nging to ols, loa ding/ unloa ding fas tener s o r acc essor ies, cle aring ja ms and dur ing non- opera tion.
1 0 Ris k to inju ry (co nt.) • Faste ners co uld rico chet or be pr opell ed causi ng seri ous inj ury or pro perty da mage. • N ever poi nt disc harge of to ol at self o r o thers . • Do not pu ll trigg er unles s tool con tact sa fety dev ice is aga inst wor k surfa ce.
1 1 Ris k of enta ngle ment Wha t could ha ppen How to pr event it • T ools wh ich cont ain mov ing elem ents, or dr ive oth er movin g tools , c an becom e entan gled in ha ir , clo thing , j ewelle ry and ot her lo ose obje cts, re sulti ng in se vere inj ury .
1 2 Know your product 1. C ontact s afe ty nose pi ece 2. D epth adj ustme nt dial 3. 3 60˚ Exha ust port 4. T rig ger 5. H andle 6. N ail top lo ading sl ot 7. N ail maga zine 8. N ail Lock 9. L atch 10. Fast ening di schar ge area 1 1. Non ma rking ti p 12.
1 3 Prepa ring the tool Select ing compressor Sel ect a comp resso r t hat has am ple pres sure an d a ir out put to ass ure cost -eff icien t opera tion. T he grap h s hows the re latio n b etwee n n ailin g f reque ncy , a pplic able pre ssure and co mpres sor air ou tput.
1 4 Opera ting the tool Firing mech anism Thi s tool ope rates on a si ngle (fu ll sequ ential a ctuati on) fir ing syst em. Single (ful l sequ ential actuatio n) fir ing T o fire, gr ip tool firm ly to ma intain c ontrol , posit ion the con tact saf ety nos e ( 1) of tool on to work su rface , a nd squ eeze tri gger (4 ) t o fire a fas tener .
1 5 2. C onnect t he Fr ami ng Gun to an ai r supply a nd fi re a nail int o a s ample piec e of woo d to deter mine th e d rivin g dep th has bee n achiev ed. 3. I f t he nail de pth is not ac cepta ble, dis conne ct the too l fro m the air su pply and re -adju st.
1 6 4. Wh en the too l i s not to be use d for an ext ended pe riod of tim e, lubri cate th e t ool usin g pneum atic too l oil and st ore the to ol in a safe pl ace. 5. Av oid exp osure to di rect su nlight a nd/ or a humid or ho t env ironm ent. Clean ing 1.
1 7 T roubl esho otin g T rou ble Pos sible ca use Sug geste d r emedy Nai ler skip s when dri ving nail s. Dir t in the nos e p iece. Dri ve chann el need s t o be clean ed. Dir t or damag e preven t nails or pu sher fro m moving f ree ly in maga zine.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Global Machinery Company ATBR1650-3PK . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.