Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GXP-1105 van de fabrikant Grandstream Networks
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GXP1 1 00/GXP1 105 USE R MAN UA L Grandstream Networks, Inc. GX P 11 00/GXP1 105 Small Business IP Phone.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 2 of 47 GXP1 1 00 /GXP1 105 Use r M anu a l Index G UI INTERF A CE EXA MPLES .................. ................................ .................... 5 GNU GPL IN FOR M A T ION .... .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 3 of 47 CALL FEA TUR ES .............................................................................................................................. 21 CON FIGU R A T ION GUID E ..
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 4 of 47 T able of T abl es GXP1 1 00 /GXP1 105 User M anu al T able 1: GXP 1 100/GXP 1 105 T ECHNICAL SPECIFICA TI ONS ...............................................................
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 5 of 47 G UI INTERF A CE EXAMPL ES http://w ww .grandstream .co m /product s/gx p_seri es/gene ral/docum ents /gx p21xx _gui .zip 1. Screenshot of Configurat i on Log i n Page 2. Screenshot of S tatus Pag e 3.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 6 of 47 GNU GPL INF ORMA TION GXP 1 100/GXP1 1 0 5 firmw are conta i n s thi r d - party s oft w are licensed under the G NU General P ubli c License (GPL). Gran dstream uses sof tware under the spec i fic term s of the GPL.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 7 of 47 C H A N G E L OG Thi s section docum ents significant ch anges fr om previ ous vers ions of GX P1 1 00 /GXP1 105 user m anual s. Only m ajor new features or m ajor document updates are l isted here.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 8 of 47 WE LCO M E Thank you f or purch asing G randstream GX P11 00/GXP 1105 Sm all Business IP Phone .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 9 of 47 PR O DU C T OVER VIEW F EA TURE HIGHTL IGHTS • Single SIP Account, u p to 2 calls, 4 programm able key s • HD handset w.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 10 of 47 Sim plif ied Chines e, t r a di ti o nal Chinese, Kore an, Jap anese , and etc support ed in w eb confi gurat i on interfa.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 11 of 47 INST ALLA TI ON EQU I PM EN T P ACK AG I N G T abl e 2: GXP1 1 00 /GXP1105 EQUIPMENT P A CK AGING Main Case Ye s 1 Handset.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 12 of 47 T o set up the G XP 11 00 /GXP1 105, fol low the s teps be l ow: 1. Att ach the phone st and to the b ack of th e phone where there i s a s l ot for the phone st and ; 2. Connect the handset and m ain phone cas e w ith the phone co rd; 3.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 13 of 47 W ARRANTY If the G XP11 00 /GXP1105 phone was purcha sed from a reseller, p lease contact t he com p any where the phone w as purc hased f or rep lacem ent, repair or ref und.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 14 of 47 USI N G T H E GXP 11 00 /GXP1105 GE TTING F AMILA R W ITH THE KEY P A D T he f oll o wing t able descr ibes the butto ns used on th e GX P1 100/GXP 1 105 keypad . T abl e 4 : GXP 1 100/GX P1105 KEYP AD D E F IN IT I O N S Hold .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 15 of 47 MAKING PH ONE C ALLS 2 CA LL S WI TH 1 S IP ACCOU NT GXP1 100/ GXP 1 105 can support up to tw o line s “ virtua lly” m apped to one SIP accoun t. By picking u p the handset, t he GXP 1 100/ GXP 1 105 w ill be i n off hook state a nd the dia l tone wil l b e heard.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 16 of 47 Note : • Af ter entering the n umber , the phone w aits f or the N o Key E nt ry T i meout (Defau lt tim eout is 4 seconds, configura ble via W eb GUI) bef ore dial i ng ou t.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 17 of 47 server . Contro lled stat i c IP usage is r ecomm e nded. T o enable Qu i ck IP Call Mode, go to GX P 1 100/G XP1 105 W eb GUI -> Setting s- >Ca ll Featu r es , set "Use Quick IP Cal l Mode" t o "Y es".
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 18 of 47 FLASH k ey . Call w ai ting tone (stutter ton e) w ill be aud i ble w hen the l ine is in use.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 19 of 47 Press T RAN k ey aga in. The cal l wil l be transf er red. Note : • T o transfer ca lls across SIP dom ai ns, SIP service prov iders m ust support transfer across SI P dom ai ns.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 20 of 47 e stabl ishing the c onference ca ll ; Pre ss F LASH key to togg le between the 2 lines; Users could re - estab lish confe rence call by pressing the M ult i Purpose K ey again.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 21 of 47 VOICE ME S SAGES (MES SAGE W AITIN G IND IC A TOR) A bli nking red M W I (Message Waiting Ind i cator) ind i cates a m essage is waiting.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 22 of 47 • Dial *71 an d then enter the n umber to dia l out. *72 Unconditional Call Forward . T o set up u nconditiona l call fo rw ard: • Pick up th e hands et ; • Dia l * 72 .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 23 of 47 CONFIGURA TION GUIDE The GXP 1 100/GXP1105 can be c onf igured v ia two wa y s : • IVR M enu usi ng the ph one's keypad; • W eb GUI embedded on t he phone using PC's web brow ser.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 24 of 47 • G- 723 • G- 729 10 " M AC Address " Announces the MAC address of the un i t. 13 " F i rmw are Server IP Address " Announces cur rent Firmw are Server IP address .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 25 of 47 4. Open a Web brows er on your com puter; 5. Enter the p hone’s IP address in the add ress bar of th e br ows er; 6. Enter the a dministrator ’s lo gin and p assw ord to access the W eb Conf i gurat i on Menu.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 26 of 47 ST A TUS P AG E DEFI NITIONS S tatus - > Acc o unt Status SIP User ID Displays the co nfigured SIP User ID. SIP Serve r Displays th e configured SIP Serve r address. SIP Registration Displays SIP regist ration st atus Y ES/NO.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 27 of 47 ACCOU NT P AGE D EFIN ITIO NS Acco unt x - > Gener al Settings Account Active Activates/d eactivates account. T he defaul t s etting is "Y es" . Account N am e The name ass ociated w i th the S IP account .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 28 of 47 VPN . If set to "S TUN" and S T UN serve r is configure d, the phone w ill route according to th e STUN server.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 29 of 47 Port in Cont act with TCP /TLS used or not . This i s used w hen TLS/TCP is selected for SIP Transfer. The default sett i ng i s "No". R e mo v e O B P f r o m r oute Configures to rem ove outbound prox y from route.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 30 of 47 need select special featur es to m eet these requirem ents. Users can c hoose from S tandard, Norte l MCS, Broadsof t, CBCOM , RNK, S ylantro or Huaw ei IMS depending on th e serve r type.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 31 of 47 Authent i cate Incom i ng INVITE If set to "Y es", t he phone w ill cha ll enge the i ncom i ng INVITE for authent i cati on w ith SIP 401 Unauthorized r esponse. The default sett ing is "No".
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 32 of 47 A ccoun t x - > Call Settings Ea rly D ia l Selects w hether or n ot to e nable early dia l . If it's set t o "Yes ", the SIP proxy m ust support 484 response.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 33 of 47 • 1[2 - 9 ] xx[ 2 - 9]xxxxxx | - allows dia ling to any US/Canada Num ber with 1 1 dig it s l ength ; • 01 1[2 -9 ]x -.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 34 of 47 call er ID or A lert I nfo m atches the rule, the phone w ill r ing with the s electe d ri ng . Ring T imeout Defines the tim eout (in seco nds) for the rings on no answ er .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 35 of 47 Use NAT IP The NAT IP add ress used i n SIP/S DP m ess ages. This f ield i s blank at the default settings. It shou ld ONLY be use d if it's r eq uired by your ITSP. STUN Ser ver The IP address or Dom ain name of the STUN s erver.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 36 of 47 Max Unsaved Log defau lt value is 200 ent ries. Enable FLAS H Key as CONF If set to "Yes ", the FLASH key can be used to establish 3 - wa y conferenc e. The defa ult setting is "No".
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 37 of 47 • 3- way C onference To establ ish 3 - w ay conference. NETWORK PA G E DEF IN ITIO NS Network - > Basi c Settings Internet P rotocol Sel ects Pref er IPv4 or Prefe r IPv6.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 38 of 47 Network - > A dvanced Settin gs 802.1X m ode A llows the user to enab l e /di sabl e 802.1X mode on the pho ne. The defaul t value is disa bled. To e nable 80 2.1X m od e, this field shou l d be set to EAP - MD5 .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 39 of 47 Firmw are Upgrade and Pr ovis ion ing Specifies h ow firmw ar e upgrading and provisionin g reques t to be s ent: Alway s Check for New Fi rm w ar e, Check New Fi rmw are only when F/ W pre/suff i x changes , A l ways S kip the F i rmw ar e Check .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 40 of 47 Main tenance - > S ys lo g Syslog Server T he URL or IP address of the sys log server fo r the phone to send sys l og to . Syslog Lev el Selects the level of l ogging fo r syslog.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 41 of 47 CPE SSL Priva te Key The Cert K ey for the phone to c onnect to the ACS via SS L. Main tenance - > Secur it y SSL TLS Certi ficate S SL Certif icate used f or SIP Transpo rt in TLS/TCP .
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 42 of 47 on "D ial", the phon e will go off hook a nd dia l out the num ber from account 1.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 43 of 47 UPG R A D ING AND PR O VISI ONING The GX P 11 00 /G XP1 1 05 can be upgra ded via T FTP/HTTP /HTTP S by c onfiguring th e URL/IP Address fo r the TFTP/H TTP/HTTP S server and se l ecting a dow nload method.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 44 of 47 The indicato r on the top righ t corner w ill turn orange an d r ed and then turn of f which ind i cates the phone has rest arted. A fter a w hile the i ndicator w ill blink in red m eani ng the dow nload is in process.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 45 of 47 C ONFIGURA TION F ILE DO WNLO AD Grandstream SIP Devices ca n be c onf igured via the W eb Inte rface as w ell as via a Configu ration File (binary or XML) thr ough TF T P o r HTTP/ HTTP S.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 46 of 47 REST ORE F AC TO R Y DEF A UL T SETTINGS W a rni ng : Restor ing the F actory D efault S ettings w ill dele te all config uratio n inform ation on the phone. Please backup or print a ll the sett ings befor e you restor e to the fact ory default sett ings.
FIRMWA RE VE RSIO N 1. 0 . 5.15 GXP1 100/GXP1 105 USER MAN UA L Page 47 of 47 EXPERIENCI NG TH E GX P 1100/G XP11 05 Please v isit our website: http://w ww .grandstream .com to receive th e m ost up - to - date updat es on firm w are releases, a dditional featur es, F AQs, doc umentation and n ews on new products.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Grandstream Networks GXP-1105 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.