Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product GXP1100 van de fabrikant Grandstream Networks
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G X P 11 00/GXP1 105 USER MANUAL Grands tream Netw orks, Inc. GX P 11 00 / G X P 11 0 5 Small Bus iness I P Phone.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 2 of 46 GXP1 1 00 / GXP1 105 User Man ual Index GNU GP L INFORMA TION .......................................................................... 5 CHANGE LOG ..........................
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 3 of 46 CONFIGURA T ION VIA I VR MENU ...................................................................................................... 22 CONFIGURA T ION VIA W EB BROW SER ......
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 4 of 46 GUI Interf ace Exampl es GXP1 100/GXP 1 10 5 User M anual http://www .gran dstream .com /products/gxp_ser ies/general/doc uments/gxp1 1. Screenshot of Conf igura t ion Log in Pa ge 2.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 5 of 46 GNU GPL INFO RM A TION GXP 1 100/GXP 1 1 05 firm ware contain s third - party software l icensed und er the GNU Gener al Pu bl ic License (G PL). Gran dstream uses s oftware under the s pecific term s of the G PL.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 6 of 46 CHANGE LO G This s ection docum ents signif icant chan ges fr om previ ous versio ns of G XP1 1 00 /GX P1 105 user m anua ls. Only maj or new f eatures o r maj or document u pdates are listed her e.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 7 of 46 WEL COME Thank you for purcha sing Grandstre am G XP11 00/GXP11 05 Small Bus iness IP Phon e .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 8 of 46 P RO D UCT OV E RVI E W F EA TU RE HIGHTLIGHTS • Single SIP Account, up to 2 c alls, 4 progr amm able key s • HD handset .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 9 of 46 Sim plified Chinese, traditio nal Chinese, Korean, J apanese , and etc s upported in web config uration int erface Upgrade a .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 10 of 46 INST A LLA TI ON EQUIPMENT P ACK AG IN G T abl e 2: G X P 11 00 /GXP1 105 EQUIPME NT PA CKAGING Main Case Ye s (1) Handset Y.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 11 of 46 T o set up the GXP 11 00 /GXP1 10 5, follow t he steps bel ow: 1. Attach the pho ne stand to t he back of the phone where there is a slot f or the pho ne stand ; 2. Connect t he handset and m ain phone cas e with the phone cor d; 3.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 12 of 46 USING THE GXP 11 00/GX P1105 GETTIN G F AMILAR WIT H THE KEYP AD T he follo wing table des cribes the buttons us ed on the GXP1 100/GX P1 10 5 ke y pad . T abl e 4 : GXP1 100/GXP1 105 KE YP A D DEFINI TIONS Hold .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 13 of 46 MAKING PHO NE CALL S 2 CALLS WIT H 1 S IP ACCOUNT GXP1 100/ GXP 1 105 can su pport up to two l ines “virtu ally” mappe d to one SIP accoun t. B y pick ing up the handset, th e GXP1 100/ GXP 1 105 will be in off hook state and the dial t one will b e heard.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 14 of 46 Note : • After entering the num ber , the phone waits for the No Key Entr y T imeout (D efault tim eout is 4 sec onds, configurab le via W eb GUI) bef ore dialing out.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 15 of 46 T o enable Quic k IP Call Mode, go to GXP 1 100/G XP1 105 W eb GUI - >Advanc ed Sett ing page, set "Use Quick IP Call Mode " to "Y es". T hen take the hands et off hook and d ial #xxx w here x is 0 - 9 and xxx<25 5.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 16 of 46 Note: If user s hang up the cur rent call while there is a ca ll on h old in the other line, the re will b e an audible ri ng tone indic ating a call is on hold while your ha ndset is put on hook.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 17 of 46 Note: • T o transfer calls across SIP domains , SIP service providers must s upport trans fer acros s SIP domains.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 18 of 46 will be pu t on hold se parately; Press HO LD ke y again a nd it will resum e the 2 - way conv ersa tion w ith the line .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 19 of 46 feature "Transfer on Confer ence H angu p" is turned on. • The option "Disable C onferenc e" has to be s et to "N o" to establish c onference o n GXP1 10x.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 20 of 46 • Off hook the phone; • Dial *70 a nd then ent er the num ber to di al out. *71 Enable Call Waiting (per Cal l) • Off hook the phone; • Dial *71 a nd then ent er the num ber to di al out.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 21 of 46 • Dial * 93 . A s hort tone will be he ard ; • Wait for the call to h ang up.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 22 of 46 CONFIGU RA TIO N GU IDE The GXP 1 100/GX P1105 c an be configur ed via two way s: • IVR Menu us ing the p hone's keypad; • W eb GUI embedded o n the pho ne using PC's web bro wser.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 23 of 46 • G- 723 • G- 729 10 " MAC Ad dress " Announces the MAC addres s of the unit. 13 " Firmware Server IP A ddress " Announces current F irmwar e Server IP address .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 24 of 46 4. Open a W eb browser on your com puter; 5. Enter the phone ’s IP address in the ad dress bar of the bro wser; 6. E nter the adm inistrator ’s login and password to ac cess the Web Configurat ion Menu.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 25 of 46 IPv4 Addres s The IPv4 ad dress obtain ed on the p hone. IPv6 Addres s The IPv 6 address obtain ed on the p hone. Product Model Pr oduct model of the pho ne. Part Num ber Product part number .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 26 of 46 ITSP (SIP) s erver bef ore the account can b e registered . After it is s aved, this wil l appear as hi dden for security purp ose. Nam e The SIP server subsc riber's nam e (optio nal) that will be us ed for Caller ID disp la y.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 27 of 46 choose f rom T CP, UDP and T LS. SIP URI Sch eme when using TLS Specif ies if "sip: " or "sips:" will be used when TLS/T CP is selected f or SIP Trans port.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 28 of 46 on the phone . This ID is usuall y the VM porta l acces s number . For exam ple, in Asterisk server, 850 0 could be us ed. Send DT MF Specifies the m echanism to t ransm it DTMF digits .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 29 of 46 Exam ple of a sim ple dial plan use d in a Hom e/Office in the US: { ^1900x . | <=1617 >[ 2- 9]xxxxxx | 1[2 - 9]xx[2 - 9]xxxxxx | 01 1[2 - 9]x. | [3469]1 1 } Explanat ion of exam ple rule (r eading from left to right) : • ^1900x.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 30 of 46 Caller Request Timer If set to " Yes" and the rem ote part y supp orts session timers, the pho ne will use a session tim er wh en it mak es outbound ca lls.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 31 of 46 Distinct ive Rington es Selects the distinct ive rin g tone for the mat ching rule. W hen the incom ing cal ler ID or A lert I nf o matches the rul e, th e p hone will ri ng w ith the selec ted ring.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 32 of 46 For end users , it is rec om mende d to us e th e def ault s e ttin g, as incor rec t settings may influe nce the aud io qualit y. No Key Entry Timeout ( s) Def ines the tim eout (in sec onds) for no key entr y .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 33 of 46 SETTING S /B ASI C SETTI NGS PA G E End User Password Al lows the administrat or to set the pas sword for user - level web GUI access. This fiel d is ca se sensi tive with a maximum length of 30 character s.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 34 of 46 DN S Serv er 2 Enter the DNS Server 2 f or IPv6. Preferr ed DNS server Enter the Preferred DN S Ser ver for IPv6. 802.1x m ode A llows t he user t o enabl e/disable 8 02.1x m ode on the p hone.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 35 of 46 Default is set to: M TZ+6M DT +5,M 4.1 .0,M 11.1.0 MTZ +6M DT+5 This indica tes a tim e zone w ith 6 hours of fset with 1 hour ah ead which is U.S centr al time. If it is pos itive (+) if the local tim e zone is west of the Prime Mer idian ( A.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 36 of 46 default se tting is 20 s econds . Use NAT IP T he NAT IP ad dress used in SI P/SDP m essages. T his field is blank at the defau lt settings. It shou ld ONL Y be used if it's requi red by your IT SP.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 37 of 46 Enable T R - 069 Enabl es TR - 069. The default s etting is "No". ACS URL URL f or TR - 069 Aut o Configurati on Servers (ACS). TR - 069 Username ACS usernam e for TR - 069.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 38 of 46 Allow DHC P Optio n 42 Override N TP S erver Defines whether DH CP Optio n 42 shou ld override NT P server or not . W hen enabled, DHCP O ption 42 will overrid e the NTP s erver if it's set up on the L AN.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 39 of 46 The def ault setting is "No". Disable T ransfer Dis ables the Transfer func tion. The default s etting is "N o" . Auto - Attende d T ransf er If set to " Y es", the p hone will use attended tr ansfer b y def ault.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 40 of 46 CLICK - TO - DIAL From GXP 1100/GXP110 5 W eb GUI, users co ul d dial out with Click - to - Dial feat ure on the top m enu of the W eb GUI when the ac count is reg ister ed . After clicking on the icon , a new dialing wind ow will sh ow as the f igure belo w .
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 41 of 46 • ip_address : Phone's IP Address . • phonenumber= 1234 : The num ber for the phone to dial out • account= 0 : The acc ount index f or the phone to m ak e call. The index is 0 f or account 1, 1 for ac count 2, 2 for account 3 , and etc.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 42 of 46 UPGRAD ING AND PR O VISIONING The GX P 11 00 / G X P 11 0 5 c an be upgrad ed via T FTP/HTT P/HTTPS b y configuring t he URL/I P Addres s for the TFT P/HTTP/HTT PS server and se lecting a do wnload m ethod.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 43 of 46 The indic ator on the top r ight corner wil l turn orange a nd red and then turn off wh ich indicates th e phone has restarted . After a wh ile the ind icator wil l blink in red meanin g the do wnload is in proces s.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 44 of 46 CONFIGURA TION FILE DOWN LOA D Grandstr eam SIP D evices c an be configur ed via the W eb Interface as well as via a C onfigur ation File (binar y or XML) thro ugh TFT P or HTTP/HT TPS.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 45 of 46 REST ORE F A C T O RY DEF A UL T SETTINGS W a rning: Restorin g the Fac tory Default Settings will de lete all conf iguration inform ation on the phone. Please back up or print all the s ettings bef ore you restor e to the factor y default settin gs.
FIRM WARE VERSION 1.0 .4. 23 GX P1 100/GXP1 105 USER M ANUAL P age 46 of 46 EXPERIENCING THE GX P 1100/ GXP1105 Please vis it our websi te: http:// www .grandstream .com to receive the m ost up - to - date updat es on firm ware release s, additional f eature s, F AQs, docum entation and news on new pr oducts.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Grandstream Networks GXP1100 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Grandstream Networks GXP1100 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Grandstream Networks GXP1100 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Grandstream Networks GXP1100 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Grandstream Networks GXP1100 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Grandstream Networks GXP1100 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Grandstream Networks GXP1100 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Grandstream Networks GXP1100 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.