Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 5690/5693 van de fabrikant Honeywell
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N56XX Decoded En gine For 5610/561 3, 5680/5 683, 56 90/5693 Eng ines User’s Guide.
Disclaimer Hone ywel l International I nc. (“HII”) res er v es the right to m ake changes in specifi cations and other inf ormation con tained in th is docum ent without prior noti ce, and the reader sho uld in all c ases consul t HII to determine whet her any s uch changes hav e been made .
Pr oduct Agenc y Complia nce Note: It is the OEM man ufacturer’s responsib ility to c omply wi th applicabl e regulati on(s) in regard to standa rds for sp ecific equipm ent comb inatio ns. USA and Canada UL Statem ent (Recogniz ed compone nt) UL li sted: UL609 50-1, 2nd Ed ition.
Require d Safety Labels ESD Precautions The e ngine is sh ipped in ESD saf e pac kaging. Use care w hen handlin g the sca n engine o utside it s pack aging.
i Chapter 1 - Gettin g Started Introduct ion ..... ......... ......... ......... ........... ......... .......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ......... ........ ....... 1- 1 About This Manual .......... ................. .............. ...
ii Scanner to Bioptic Communication . ......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ........... ............. ..... 2-20 Scanner-Bio ptic Packet Mode .......... ............... ............. ............ ............... ............... ...
iii Output Sequence Overvi ew ......... ........... ........... ........... ........... ......... ........... ........... ........... 3-13 Output Sequence Editor ................. ................. ................ .................. ............... .
iv Code 3 9 ..... ...... ..... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ..... .. .... . 6-4 Code 32 Pharmaceutical (PARAF) ..... ......... ........... ........... ........... .
v Chine se Se nsible (Han Xin) Cod e .... ....... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ... 6-43 Post al Code s - 2D ........ ..... ...... ..... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... .... .......
vi Chapter 11 - Ma intenance Repai rs ... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ....... ....... .... ....... ...... ..... ...... ....... .... ...... 1 1-1 Inspecti ng Cords and Connectors ..... ............ .......
1 - 1 1 Getting Star ted Intr oduction The N56 XX engine i s designed f or integ ration i nto a wid e range of OEM de vices. The engin e’ s compac t mechani cal design can drop into many e xisting a.
1 - 2 Connect ing the De velopment Engine to the PC The d evelopment OEM engi ne can connec t to a PC f or evaluation . Connecting with USB Note: If using the N56XXX -XXX-XX5 engine with USB Micro-B, do not supply power throu gh the flex conne ctor. Doing so may da mage the hos t or engine.
1 - 3 3. When connecting the engin e using full-speed or high-spee d USB, all co mmunic ation para meters betw een the engin e and term inal must m atch for correc t data transfe r using USB p rotocol. Scan the appro priate USB int erface bar code belo w.
1 - 4 The e ngine has a vie w finder that projects a bright red ai ming bea m that co rresponds to the eng ine’ s horizontal field of view . The aim ing beam should be c entered o ver the bar code, but i t can be p ositioned i n any direction fo r a good read.
1 - 5 Y ou ma y hav e a series of custom s ettings a nd want to correct a single setting. T o do so , just sca n the ne w settin g to ov erwrit e the old o ne.
1 - 6.
2 - 1 2 Pr ogramming the Interface Intr oduction This ch apter desc ribes ho w to prog ram y our syst em f or the desi red interf ace. Pr ogramming the Interface - Plug a nd Play Plug and Pla y bar cod es pro vide instan t scanner set up f or commonly used inte rfa ces.
2 - 2 USB IBM SureP os Scan on e of the f ollowin g “Plug and Pla y” codes to progra m the sc an engine f or an IBM SureP os (USB handheld scanner) or IBM Sure P os (USB tab letop s canner) interf ace. Note: After s canning one of these codes, y ou must power cycl e the cas h register .
2 - 3 USB Seria l Scan the fo llowin g code to progra m the sc an engine to emulat e a regular RS232-based COM P or t. If y ou are using a M ic- rosoft® Windo ws® PC , you will ne ed to do wnload a driver fr om the H oneyw ell we bsite (www.honeywellaidc.
2 - 4 Gilbar co ® T erminal Defa ult Sett ings Scan the f ollowi ng Plug and Pl ay co de to prog ram the s can engine f or a Gilbarco terminal . This bar co de sets the bau d rate to 2400 bps and t he data f or mat to 7 d ata bits , e v en parity , 2 stop b its.
2 - 5 Wincor Nixdorf T erminal Default Settings Scan the fo llowin g Plug and Pla y code to pro gram the scan engine f or a Wincor Nix dorf terminal. Th is bar code sets the baud r ate to 960 0 bps and the data f or mat to 8 data bits , no parity , 1 stop bit.
2 - 6 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Bel aru s Belgium Bosnia Brazil Braz il (MS) Bulgaria (Cyrillic) Bulgar ia (Lati n) Canada (French legacy) Canada (Frenc h) Canad a (Multiling ual) Croatia.
2 - 7 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Czech Czech (Programmers) Czech (QWERTY) Czech (QWERTZ) Denmark Dutch (Netherlands) Eston ia Faroese Finlan d France Gaelic.
2 - 8 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Germany Gree k Greek (220 Latin) Greek (220) Greek (319 Latin) Greek (319) Greek (Latin) Greek (MS) Greek (Polytonic) Hebrew Hungarian (101 key).
2 - 9 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Hungary Iceland Irish Italian (142) Italy Japan ASCII Kazakh Kyrgyz (Cyrillic) Latin A merica Latvia Latvia (QW ERTY).
2 - 10 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Lithuani a Lithuania (IBM) Macedoni a Malt a Mongoli an (Cyri llic) Norway Pola nd Polish (214) Polish (Programmers) Portug al Romania.
2 - 11 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Russia Russian (MS) Russian (Typewriter) SCS Serbia (Cyrillic) Serbia (Lati n) Slovakia Slovakia (QWERTY) Slovakia (QWERTZ) Slovenia Spain.
2 - 12 K eyboard Countries (Cont inued) Spanish variation Swed en Switzerl and (French) Switzerl and (German) Tata r Turkey F Turkey Q Ukrainian Unite d Kingdom United States (Dvorak) United States (D.
2 - 13 K ey board Style This pro gram s ke yboard style s, such as Caps Lock and Shift Lo ck. If y ou ha ve use d Keybo ard C onv ersi on settings , the y will ov erride any o f the f ollowing K ey board Style s ettings . Def ault = R egular . Regular is us ed when you norma lly hav e the Caps Lock ke y off .
2 - 14 Emu late External Ke yboard should b e scanne d if you do not ha ve an e xternal ke yboard (IBM A T or equi va lent). Note: After sca nning the Emulate Extern al Keyboar d bar code , you must power cy cle your co mputer. K ey board Con ver sion Alphabe tic k eyboard char acters can be f orced to be all upper c ase or al l low ercase.
2 - 15 K ey boar d Modif ier s This m odifies spe cial k eybo ard f eatures , such as CTRL+ ASC II codes and T urbo Mode. Control + X (Contro l + ASCII) Mode On: The scan engine sen ds k ey comb inations for ASCII control ch aracters for v alues 00- 1F .
2 - 16 A utomatic Direct Connect M ode: This selec tion can be u sed if y ou ha ve an IBM A T style terminal and th e system i s dropping charac ters. Default = Off . RS232 Mod ifiers RS232 Ba ud Rate Baud Rate sends the data from the scan engi ne to the terminal at the speci fied rate .
2 - 17 RS232 W or d Length: D ata Bits, Stop Bits, and P arity Data Bits se ts the wo rd length at 7 or 8 bits of data per charac ter . If an applica tion requi res only ASC II He x chara cters 0 through 7F decimal (te xt, digits, an d punctuati on), select 7 data bits.
2 - 18 RS232 Re ceiver Time-Out The un it st ays aw ake t o rece ive data unti l the RS23 2 Recei ver Ti me-Ou t expires. A manual or s eri al tr ig ger re sets the t ime- out. When an R S232 receiv er is sleeping, a char acter may be se nt to wak e up the rece ive r and reset the time-o ut.
2 - 19 RS232 Timeout When us ing Flo w Control with Time out, you must p rogram the length o f the dela y y ou want to wait for CTS from t he host. Set the len gth (in mil liseconds) f or a timeou t b.
2 - 20 RS232 Stop Mode Scan th e f ollowi ng bar co de to f orce the e ngine in to a stop m ode. Restart the engine by u sing a trigger pull, nW ake , or R xD togg le. Scanner t o Biop tic Communicatio n The f ollowing settings are used t o set up c ommunic ation bet ween Ho neyw ell scann ers and bi optic sc anners.
2 - 21 Scanner-Bioptic A CK/NAK Timeout This al lows y ou to set the l ength (in m illisecon ds) fo r a timeou t fo r a bioptic s canner’ s A CK/NAK resp onse. Scan the b ar code b elow , the n set the timeout (f rom 1-30,00 0 millisecon ds) b y scann ing digits from the i nside bac k cov er , then sc anning Save .
2 - 22.
3 - 1 3 Input/Output Settings P o wer Up Beeper The sca n engine can be prog rammed to beep wh en it’ s powe red up . Scan the Off bar c ode(s) if y ou don’ t want a pow er up beep . Default = P ower Up Be eper On - Scan ner . Beep on BEL Charac ter Y ou ma y wish to f orce the sc an engine to beep u pon a co mmand sent from the h ost.
3 - 2 Good R ead and E rror Indica tors Beep er – G ood Re ad The b eeper ma y be progr ammed On or Off in respons e to a goo d read. T urning this op tion off on ly turns off the b eeper respons e to a goo d read ind ication. All error and m enu beeps are still audible .
3 - 3 Beeper Pitch – Err or The beepe r pitch codes modify the pitch (fre quency) of the soun d the scan engine emits when there is a bad read or error . Def ault = Razz. Beeper Duration – Good Read The b eeper dur ation codes modify the length of the beep t he scan e ngine emits on a goo d read.
3 - 4 Number of Beeps – Good Read The n umber of b eeps of a good read can be pro grammed from 1 - 9 . The same n umber o f beeps wil l be applied to the beeper a nd LED in response to a good read. For ex ample , if yo u progr am this option to ha ve fiv e beeps, there will be fi ve beeps a nd fiv e LED flashes in respon se to a go od read.
3 - 5 Manual T rigg er Mo des When in manua l trigger mode , the scan engi ne scans un til a bar cod e is read, or until th e trigger is relea sed. T wo modes are avai la bl e, Normal and Enhanced . No rm al mod e off ers good scan sp eed and th e longest w orking r anges (depth of field).
3 - 6 LED Illumi nation - Presen tation Mode If y ou wish to set the i lluminat ion LED b rightness , scan one o f the bar c odes bel ow . This se ts the LED illumi nation f or the scan e ngine when it is in Presentatio n Mode .
3 - 7 Streami ng Pres entation ™ Mo de When in Streaming Presentatio n mode , the sc an engine ’ s aimer goes out a fter a short time , but t he scan illumina tion rema ins on all the time to contin uously se arch f or bar c odes. T wo mod es are a v ailab le, Normal and Enhanced .
3 - 8 Hands Fre e Time-Out The Scan Sta nd and Presen tation Modes a re ref erred to as “han ds free” mode s. If the scan ner’ s trigger is pulled when using a hands free mode , the scanner c hanges to manua l trigger mode . Y ou can set the ti me the s canner shou ld remain in man ual trig- ger mode b y setting the Hands F ree Time-Out.
3 - 9 2D Reread De lay Sometim es 2D bar cod es can tak e longer to read th an other b ar codes. If you wi sh to set a separ ate Reread Dela y f or 2D bar co des, s can one of th e progra mming code s that f ol lows. 2D Rer ead De lay Off indicate s that the time set fo r Reread Delay is used fo r both 1D an d 2D bar cod es.
3 - 10 Aimer Delay The aime r dela y allo ws a dela y tim e fo r the operato r to aim the sc an engine b efo re the picture is ta ken. Use these cod es to se t the t ime betw een when th e trigger is pu lled and w hen the pi cture is tak en.
3 - 11 In the e xample belo w , the white bo x is the centering windo w . The centering windo w has been set to 20% l eft, 30% right, 8% top , and 25% bottom. S ince Bar Cod e 1 passe s through the cente ring window , it will be rea d. Bar Co de 2 does not pass thro ugh the cen tering windo w , so it wi ll not be read.
3 - 12 Prefe rred S ymbol ogy The sc an engine can be pr ogram med to s pecify one s ymbology as a high er priority ov er other sy mbologies i n situations where both bar code symbolo gies app ear on the s ame label, b ut the lo wer priority symbology cannot b e disab led.
3 - 13 Preferred Symbology Time-out Once y ou ha ve enabl ed Pref erred Symbo logy and entered the high and lo w priority symbologie s, yo u must se t the time-out period. Thi s is the p eriod of time the scan en gine will sea rch f or a high priority bar code after a lo w priority bar c ode has been en counter ed.
3 - 14 Output Sequence Exa mple In this e xample, y ou are scanning Code 93, Cod e 128, and Cod e 39 bar code s, b ut you w ant the scanner to output Code 39 1st, C ode 128 2 nd, and Cod e 93 3rd, as s hown below . Note: Code 9 3 must b e enabled to use this example .
3 - 15 FF termination string f or second cod e 69 code identi fier f or Code 93 0012 C - Code 9 3 sample le ngth (11) pl us CR suffi x (1) = 12 43 star t chara cter match f or Code 93, 43h = “C” F.
3 - 16 Multip le Symbols When this pr ogram ming sele ction is turned On , it allo ws y ou to read multip le symbol s with a single pul l of the scanne r’ s trigger . If yo u press and hol d the trigger , aiming the sc anner at a series of sy mbols, it rea ds unique s ymbols once , beep ing (if turned on) f or each read.
3 - 17 W o rking Orientat ion Some ba r codes a re directio n-sensitiv e. F or exam ple, KIX codes an d OCR can m isread whe n scann ed side wa ys or up side dow n. Use th e working orientation setti ngs if y our directio n-sensitiv e codes will n ot usuall y be pres ented upright to the scan engine .
3 - 18.
4 - 1 4 Data Editin g Prefix /Suffix Ov ervie w When a bar code is sca nned, add itional inf or mati on is sent to the ho st com puter alon g with the bar code data. T his gro up of ba r code d ata an d ad diti onal, user- defi ned data is call ed a “ messa ge str ing .
4 - 2 Step 1. Scan Add Suffix . Step 2. Determine th e 2 digit h ex valu e from the Sym bology C hart (includ ed in the Sym bology Ch arts, be ginning on page A-1) for U.P.C.. Step 3. Scan 6 , 3 from t he Pro gram ming Chart inside the back co ver of thi s manual .
4 - 3 Suffix Selec tions Functi on Code T ransmit When this selec tion is e nabl ed and functi on codes are conta ined within the sca nned data, the scan en gine tr ansmit s the func- tion c ode to t he terminal. Charts of these functio n codes are pro v ided in Supp orted Inter face Keys s tar t ing o n page 8-3 .
4 - 4 T o remov e this de la y , scan the Interc haracter Dela y bar code , then set the n umber of dela ys to 0. Scan the Save bar cod e using t he Programming Ch art ins ide the bac k co ver o f this ma nual. Note: Intercha racter del ays are not s upported i n USB serial emulation.
4 - 5 Inte rmessage D ela y An intermessa ge dela y of up to 5 000 millis econds (i n 5ms incre ments) m ay be placed b etwee n each scan transm ission. Scan the Intermessa ge Dela y bar code be low , th en scan the number of 5ms dela ys, a nd the Save bar code using the Prog rammi ng Ch art inside the bac k cov er of this ma nual.
4 - 6.
5 - 1 5 Data Formatting Data Forma t Editor Intr oduction Y ou may u se the Data Fo r mat Edito r to change the scan en gine’ s output. F or e xample , yo u can use th e Data F or mat Edito r to insert chara cters at ce r tain points in bar co de data as it is sc anned.
5 - 2 Step 5. Le ngt h Specify what leng th (up to 9999 ch aracters) of data wil l be acce ptable for this sy mbology . Scan the four digi t data le ngth from the Programming C hart inside the ba ck co ver of this manu al. Fo r exam ple , 50 ch aract ers i s ent ered as 0050 .
5 - 3 Data Forma t Edit or Com mands When working with t he Data F or mat Edito r , a vir tual cursor is mo ved along y our inp ut data string. The f ollow ing comman ds are used to both mo ve th is curso r to diff erent positions , and to s elect, repla ce, an d inser t data into the f inal output.
5 - 4 0D is t he h e x valu e for a CR The data is outpu t as: 1234567 890 ABCDEFGHIJ <CR > Send all character s up to a particular c haracter F3 Include in the ou tput messag e all cha racters .
5 - 5 E9 and F4 Example: Sen d all b ut the last c haracter s, fol lowed by 2 tabs Send all charac ters e x cep t fo r the last 8 from the bar code abo ve, f ollow ed by 2 tabs .
5 - 6 B3 and B4 Ex ample: Inse r t the s ymbology name and length Send the symbolo gy name and lengt h befo re the bar c ode data from the ba r code abo ve .
5 - 7 F5 Examp le: Mo ve the cur sor fo rwar d and send the d ata Mov e the cursor forw ard 3 ch aracters , then send the rest of the bar code data from the bar code a bov e.
5 - 8 F8 Examp le: Send bar co de data that starts after a particular c haracter Search f or the letter “D ” in bar code s and se nd all the da ta that f ollows, i ncluding th e “D .
5 - 9 Sear ch f orward f or a non-matching c haracter E6 Search th e input mes sage forward for the first n on-“xx” charac ter from th e current cursor p osition, lea ving the cursor pointin g to the no n-“xx” char acter. Syntax = E6xx where xx stand s for the s earch ch aracter’s hex value fo r its ASCII code.
5 - 10 Stop suppressi ng character s FC Di sables sup press fil ter and cl ear all suppre ssed ch aracters. Syntax = F C. Replace charact ers E4 Repla ces up to 15 characte rs in the o utput messa ge, without moving t he cursor. Replacem ent continu es until t he E5 comman d is en count ered.
5 - 11 If this bar cod e is read, the n ex t data f or mat, if there is one, wi ll be u sed on the data. If there is no o ther f ormat, the f ormat fai ls and the r aw data is outp ut as AB1234 .
5 - 12 Data Format ter When Data F ormatter is turned Off , the bar co de data is output to the host as re ad, incl uding prefi xes and suffi xe s. Y ou may w ish to require the data to conf or m to a da ta fo r mat y ou ha ve c reated and s av ed.
5 - 13 Data Format Non-Match Error T one When a b ar code i s encountere d that doesn’ t match y our requi red data f or mat, the scan en gine normally gen erates a n error tone . Ho we v er , you ma y want to contin ue sc anning ba r codes without hea ring the error tone.
5 - 14 F or e xample , y ou may hav e se t your de vice to the data f or mat y ou sa v ed as Data F or mat 3. Y ou can s witch to D ata F or mat 1 f or a sin gle trigger pul l by scanning t he Sin gle S can- Dat a For mat 1 bar co de below . Th e ne xt bar co de that is scanned uses Data F or mat 1, t hen re v er ts back to Data F ormat 3.
6 - 1 6 Symbologies This prog ramming sec tion cont ains the f ollowi ng men u selection s. R ef er to Chapter 10 f or settings and def aults. All Symbolog ies If yo u wan t to decode all the symbolo gies allo wable for y our scanner , scan the All Symbologies On co de.
6 - 2 EXAMPLE: Deco de only th ose bar code s with a count of 15 characters . Min. le ngth = 15M ax. length = 15 F or a v alue ot her than the minim um and max imum me ssage l ength def aults, sc an t.
6 - 3 Codabar Concat enation Codab ar supports symbol co ncatenati on. When y ou enab le concaten ation, the scanner l ooks f or a Coda bar symb ol ha ving a “D” s tar t char acter , adjace nt to a symb ol ha ving a “D ” stop char acter . In this case th e two me ssages a re conca tenated into one with the “D” cha racters omitted.
6 - 4 Code 39 < Default All Code 39 Settin gs > Code 39 On/Off Code 39 Star t / Stop Characte r s Start/Stop char acters identi fy the lea ding and trailing en ds of the bar code . Y ou ma y eithe r transm it, or not tr ansmit Start/ Stop cha racters .
6 - 5 Code 39 Messag e Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 0-80. Min imum D efa ult = 0, M aximu m Def ault = 48 .
6 - 6 Full ASCII If Ful l ASCII Code 39 decoding is enab led, cer tain ch aracter p airs wit hin the ba r code sy mbol will be interpreted as a single chara cter . For e xample: $V w ill be decode d as the ASCII c haracter SYN, a nd /C will be decoded as the ASCII char acter #.
6 - 7 Interl eaved 2 of 5 < Default Al l Interleaved 2 of 5 Settings > Interl eaved 2 of 5 On/O ff Check Digit No Check Digit i ndicates tha t the sca nner reads an d tran smits bar c ode data wi th or wit hout a che ck dig it.
6 - 8 NEC 2 of 5 < Default All NEC 2 of 5 Settings > NEC 2 of 5 On/Off Check Digit No Check Digit i ndicates tha t the sca nner reads an d tran smits bar c ode data wi th or wit hout a che ck dig it.
6 - 9 NEC 2 of 5 Message Le ngth Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 2-80. Min imum D efa ult = 4, M aximu m Def ault = 80 .
6 - 10 Code 93 App end This fu nction al lows th e scanner to append th e data from se ver al Code 93 bar cod es together b efo re trans mitting them to the hos t compute r .
6 - 11 Straigh t 2 of 5 Indust rial (thr ee-ba r star t/st op) <Default All Straight 2 of 5 Indust rial Settings> Straight 2 of 5 Industrial On/Off Straight 2 of 5 Industrial Mes sage Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth.
6 - 12 Stra ight 2 of 5 IA T A (tw o-bar start/stop ) <Default All Str aight 2 of 5 IATA Settings> Straight 2 of 5 IA T A On/Off Straight 2 of 5 IA T A Message Le ngth Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation.
6 - 13 Matrix 2 of 5 <Default All Matrix 2 of 5 Setti ngs> Matrix 2 of 5 On/Off Matrix 2 of 5 Mess age Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation.
6 - 14 Code 11 <Default All Code 11 Settings> Code 11 On/Off Check Digits Required This opti on set s whet her 1 or 2 ch eck digi ts ar e requ ired with Code 11 bar co des. Defau lt = T wo Chec k Digits . Code 11 Messag e Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth.
6 - 15 Code 128 <Default All Code 128 Settings> Code 12 8 On/Off ISBT 128 Conca tenation In 1994 the Internatio nal Society o f Blood T ransfu sion (ISBT) r atified a standard for communi cating c ritical b lood inf or ma- tion in a unif or m manner .
6 - 16 Code 128 Append This func tion allo ws the scanne r to append the data from se v eral Code 12 8 bar codes to gether bef ore transmi tting them to the hos t compute r .
6 - 17 GS1- 128 <Default All GS1-128 Settings > GS1-12 8 On/Off GS1- 128 Mess age Lengt h Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-80.
6 - 18 Te l e p e n <Default All Telepen Settings> T elepen On/Off T elepen Output Usin g AIM T elepen Outpu t, the sca nner reads sy mbols wi th start/stop patt er n 1 and d ecodes t hem as st andard full A SC II (start/stop patt er n 1).
6 - 19 UPC-A <Default All UPC-A Settings> UPC-A On/Off Note: To conv ert UPC-A ba r codes to EAN -13, see Convert UPC-A to EAN-13 on page 6-24. UPC-A Check Digit This s election allows you to specify whether t he chec k digit s hould be transmitte d at the en d of the s canned da ta or not.
6 - 20 UPC-A Addenda This s election adds 2 or 5 digits t o the end of all scann ed UPC- A data. Def ault = Off f or both 2 Digit and 5 Digit Addenda. UPC-A Addenda Required When Required is sc anned, the scanner wi ll only re ad UPC-A ba r codes th at hav e addenda.
6 - 21 UPC-A/EAN-13 with Extended Coupon Cod e Use th e fo llowin g codes to enabl e or disab le UPC-A and EAN-13 with Extended Cou pon Code . When left on the def ault setting ( Off ), the scan ner treat s Coupon C odes and Ex tended Cou pon Code s as si ngle bar code s.
6 - 22 UPC-E0 <Default All UPC-E Settings> UPC-E0 On/Off Most U.P .C. bar c ode s lead wit h the 0 numbe r syst em. T o rea d th ese co des, us e th e UPC-E0 On selection. If y ou need to read co des that l ead with the 1 num ber system, use UPC-E1 (page 6 -24).
6 - 23 UPC-E0 Addenda Separator When this fe ature is On , the re is a space b etwee n the data from the bar code an d the data fro m the adden da. When turned Off , there is no sp ace. Defau lt = On. UPC-E0 Check Digit Chec k Digi t specifies whether the chec k digit should be tr ansmitt ed at the e nd of the s canned d ata or not.
6 - 24 UPC-E1 Most U .P .C. bar c odes le ad with the 0 number s ystem. F or these cod es, use UP C-E0 (page 6-22). I f you need to re ad codes that lead with th e 1 num ber syst em, use t he UPC-E 1 O n sele ction.
6 - 25 EAN/JAN-13 Check Digit This s election allows you to specify whether t he chec k digit s hould be transmitte d at the en d of the s canned da ta or not. Def ault = On. EAN/JAN-13 Adden da This s election adds 2 or 5 digits to th e end of a ll scann ed EAN/J AN-13 dat a.
6 - 26 EAN/JAN-13 Adden da Separato r When this fe ature is On , the re is a space b etwee n the data from the bar code an d the data fro m the adden da. When turned Off , there is no sp ace. Defau lt = On. Note: If you want to en able or disa ble EAN13 with Exten ded Coupon Cod e, refer to UPC-A/EAN-13 wi th Extended Cou pon Code (page 6 -21).
6 - 27 EAN/J AN-8 <Default All EAN/JAN-8 Settings> EAN/JAN-8 On/Off EAN/JAN-8 Check Digit This s election allows you to specify whether t he chec k digit s hould be transmitte d at the en d of the s canned da ta or not. Def ault = On. EAN/JAN-8 Addenda This s election adds 2 or 5 digits to th e end of a ll scann ed EAN/J AN-8 data.
6 - 28 EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Required When Required is scann ed, the sc anner will only read EAN/JAN-8 bar codes that ha ve addend a. Defa ult = Not Required. EAN/JAN-8 Addenda Separa tor When this fe ature is On , the re is a space b etwee n the data from the bar code an d the data fro m the adden da.
6 - 29 MSI <Default All MSI Settings > MSI On/ Off MSI Check Charac ter Diff erent types o f check charact ers are used wi th MSI bar co des. Y ou can progr am the sc anner to read MS I bar codes w ith T ype 10 chec k charac ters. Def ault = V alidat e T ype 10, b ut Don’t T ransm it.
6 - 30 MSI Mes sage Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 4-48. Mi nimum D ef ault = 4, M aximum Def ault = 48 .
6 - 31 GS1 Dat aBar Om nidirecti onal < Default All GS1 DataBar Omnid irectional Sett ings > GS1 DataBar Omnidirectional On/Off GS1 DataB ar Limited < Default All GS1 DataBar Limite d Setting.
6 - 32 GS1 Da taBar E xpand ed < Default All GS1 DataBar Expanded Sett ings > GS1 DataBar Expanded On/Off GS1 DataBa r Expanded Me ssage Le ngth Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation.
6 - 33 Codablock A <Default All Codablock A Settings> Codabloc k A On/Off Codabloc k A Messag e Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-6 00.
6 - 34 Codablock F <Default Al l Codablock F Settings> Codabloc k F On/Off Codablock F Messag e Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-2048.
6 - 35 PDF417 < Default All PDF417 Settings > PDF417 On/Off PDF417 Mess age Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-2750.
6 - 36 MicroPDF4 17 < Default All MicroPDF417 Settings > Micr oPDF417 O n/Off Micr oPDF417 M essa ge Leng th Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation.
6 - 37 UPC/EAN V ersion Scan the UPC/EAN V e rsion On b ar code to decode GS1 Composite symbols that ha ve a U .P .C. or a n EAN linear compo- nent . (This does not aff ect GS1 Comp osite sy mbols wit h a GS1-128 or GS1 li near comp onent.) Def ault = UPC/EAN V er- sion Of f.
6 - 38 TCIF Li nked Cod e 39 (TLC39 ) This c ode is a c omposite c ode since i t has a Cod e 39 line ar componen t and a Mi croPDF41 7 stac ked c ode com ponent. All ba r code re aders are c apab le of read ing the Cod e 39 linea r component . The Micr oPDF417 com ponent can only be d ecoded i f TLC 39 On is sele cted.
6 - 39 QR Code Mess age Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-7089. M inimum Def ault = 1 , Maxim um Def ault = 7089.
6 - 40 Data Matrix < Def ault All D ata Matr ix Setti ngs > Data M atrix On/Off Data Matr ix Messag e Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation.
6 - 41 codes were cre ated ( see ISO 2022/ISO 64 6 Character Replacem ents on pa ge A-8), and sc an the v alue and the Sa ve bar code f rom th e Programming Chart on the i nside the ba ck co v er of this manua l. The dat a characte rs should then appear prope rly .
6 - 42 Aztec Code < Default All Aztec Code Settings > Aztec Code On/Off Aztec Code Mess age Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength Desc ription (pa ge 6-1) f or additi onal inf ormation. Mi nimum and Maxim um lengths = 1-3832.
6 - 43 codes were cre ated ( see ISO 2022/ISO 64 6 Character Replacem ents on pa ge A-8), and sc an the v alue and the Sa ve bar code f rom th e Programming Chart on the i nside the ba ck co v er of this manua l. The dat a characte rs should then appear prope rly .
6 - 44 P ost al Code s - 2 D The f ollowing lists the possib le 2D p ostal co des, a nd 2D posta l code com binations that are a llow ed. Only one 2D pos tal code selec tion can be ac tive at a tim e. If y ou scan a seco nd 2D post al code sele ction, the fi rst selecti on is ov erwritten.
6 - 45 Combination 2D P o stal Codes: Postn et On Also see Po stnet Chec k Digit , page 6-47. Pos tnet with B a nd B’ Fi elds On InfoMa il On Info Mail a nd B ritish Post On Intel lig ent M ail B ar.
6 - 46 Planet Code and Postnet with B and B’ Fields On Planet Code and Postal-4i On Planet Code and Int ellig ent M ail B ar C ode On Planet Code, Postnet, and Posta l-4i On Planet Code, Postnet, an.
6 - 47 Plane t Code Chec k Digit This s election allows you to specify whether t he chec k digit s hould be transmitte d at the en d of Planet Code da ta. Defaul t = Don’ t T ra nsmit. P ostnet Chec k Digit This s election allows you to specify whether t he chec k digit s hould be transm itted at the en d of P ostnet da ta.
6 - 48 Combination C and N T ables ca uses the fie ld to be in terpreted using ei ther th e C or N T abl es. P ost al Code s - Li near The f ollowing lists li near posta l codes . Any c ombination of linear postal co de selectio ns can b e activ e at a tim e.
6 - 49 Ko r e a Po s t <Default All Korea Post Settings> K orea P ost K orea P ost Message Length Scan the bar codes b elow to change th e message len gth. Ref er to Message L ength De scriptio n (page 6-1) f or addi- tional i nf or mati on. Minim um and Max imum le ngths = 2-8 0.
6 - 50.
7 - 1 7 Ima ging Commands The sc an e ngine is like a digit al came ra in t he way it capt ures, manipu late s, and tr ansfers im age s. The followin g com mands allo w you to alter the wa y the scan engi ne perf or ms these functions .
7 - 2 1B Sound s a beep when the im age is capt ured. T - W ait for T rigger W aits f or a hardw are b utton pus h bef ore taki ng the image . This is o nly av ailab le when using Photo St yle (1P).
7 - 3 W - T arget White V alue Sets the target f or the median g ra yscale v alue in t he captured i mage. Fo r capturing clos e-up images of high con trast doc- uments , a low er setting , such as 75, is recom mended.
7 - 4 Enhance s picture s taken from v ery long distanc es (gre ater than 10 feet or 3m). The Infinity Filter should not be us ed with IMGSH P Modifie rs (page 7- 3). 0A Infin ity filter off (def ault) 1A Infin ity filter on C - Compensation Flatt ens the ima ge to accoun t fo r va riations in i llumina tion across the image .
7 - 5 E - Edge Sharpen An edge sharpen filter cleans up the ed ges of an imag e, m aking it look cle aner and sharper . Wh ile edge s harpening does mak e the im age look c leaner , it also rem ov es som e fine detail from the o r iginal image . The stre ngth of the edge sh ar pen filter can be ente red from 1 t o 24.
7 - 6 I - In ver t Ima ge Inv er t image is used to ro tate the imag e around t he X or Y a xis. 1ix Inve rt around th e X axis ( flips picture upside d own) 1iy Invert ar ound the Y axis (fli ps pi ctur e left to ri ght ) IF- Noise Reduction Used to reduce the salt a nd pepper noi se in an image .
7 - 7 IR - Image Rotate 0ir I mage as s napped (righ tside up) ( default) 1ir R otate im age 90 de grees to the ri ght 2ir Rotate image 18 0 degrees (up side down) 3ir Rotate image 90 degrees to the left J - JPE G Image Quality Sets the de sired quali ty when the JPEG image f or mat is sele cted.
7 - 8 n L The left ed ge of the ship ped image correspond s to column n of the image in m emory. Ran ge: 000 - 843. (Defa ult = 0) n R The r ight edge of th e shippe d image corre sponds to column n - 1 of th e image in m emory.
7 - 9 3S ship ev ery 3rd pi xel, both horizont ally and vertically U - Document Image Filter Allo ws yo u to input parame ters to sha r pen the edges and s mooth the area betw een the e dges of te xt in an image .
7 - 10 1W Ship histog ram Image Size Compatibility If y ou ha ve applica tions that e xpect an image sh ip to return e x actl y 640x480 p ix els, scan the F orce V GA Resolution bar code.
7 - 11 The f ollowi ng IMGBO X e xample w as e xecuted and vie wed using Quic kVie w softw are. This sof tware is av ailable a t www.honeywellaid . Click on S oftware Do wnloads . Select 4600r fro m the Produ cts list, th en selec t QuickView Soft- ware Utility .
7 - 12 This op tion is u sed to siz e the imag e v er tically . If usi ng this o ption, set the resolutio n (R) to zero . D - Pixel Depth This i ndicates the nu mber of b its per pix el in the tr ansmitt ed image , which defin es whet her it will be gr a yscale or b lack an d white.
7 - 13 n K App ly gam ma cor rect ion f actor n ( n = 1 -255) R - Resolution of Signature Cap ture Area The r esolution is the nu mber of pi xe ls that the s can engi ne outputs pe r each mi nimum ba r width. The highe r the va lue f or R, the hig her the quali ty of the imag e, b ut also the larger the file s ize.
7 - 14 The ho rizontal bar cod e offset allo ws y ou to offset the horiz ontal cent er of the signature capture area. P ositiv e value s mov e the horiz ontal cen ter to the right an d negativ e value s to the le ft. Measureme nts are in m ultiples of the minim um bar wid th.
8 - 1 8 Interface K eys K eyb oar d Function Rel ation ships The f ollowing K ey board Func tion Code , He x/ASCII V alue, an d Full ASCII “CTR L ”+ relations hips app ly to all terminal s that can be used with the sc an engin e. Ref er to page 2-15 enab le Contro l + X (Control + ASCII) Mode .
8 - 2 Denm ark 8 9 6 - N o r w a y 8 96- Spain [ ] 6 - Country Codes.
8 - 3 Suppo r ted Inte rface K eys ASCII HEX IBM PC/A T and Compati bles, USB PC Keyboa rd App le Mac /iM ac Supported Ke ys NUL 00 Reser ved Reser ved SOH 01 Enter (KP) Enter/Numpad Enter STX 02 Cap .
8 - 4.
9 - 1 9 Util ities T o Add a T est Code I.D . Prefi x to All Symbologie s This se lection a llows you to turn on trans mission of a Code I.D . befo re the dec oded symbo logy . (See the Sy mbology C harts, beginni ng on page A-1) f or the si ngle cha racter c ode that iden tifies ea ch symbol ogy .
9 - 2 Te s t M e n u When yo u scan t he T es t Me nu On code , then sc an a prog ramm ing code in this m anual, the scan engine d ispla ys the c ontent of a prog rammi ng code . The pro gramm ing functio n will sti ll occur , b ut in ad dition, the c ontent of th at progr ammin g code is ou tput to the te r minal.
9 - 3 EZConfig -Scanning I ntr oduction EZConfi g-Scanning p rovide s a wide r ange of PC -based pr ogram ming funct ions that can be pe rfo r med on a scan eng ine con- nected to yo ur PC's COM p or t.
9 - 4 Rese tting th e F actory Defau lts If y ou aren’t sure what p rogr amming opt ions are i n your s can engine , or you’ ve cha nged som e options a nd want to restore t he scan e ngine to f actor y def ault setting s, first s can the Remo v e Custom Defaults bar code , then s can Ac tivate Defaults .
10 - 1 10 Serial Pr ogramming Commands The serial p rogram ming co mmands ca n be used in place of the prog rammin g bar code s. Bot h the serial com mands and the progr amming bar codes will prog ram the scan engin e.
10 - 2 Data Field Usage When a query is used in place of the Data field, the query applies o nly to the specific c ommand id entified b y the T ag and SubT ag fields . Concatenation of Multiple Commands Multip le command s can be issued wi thin one Pr efix/Stor age seque nce.
10 - 3 the Min imum Message Le ngth (MIN ) is set to 2 charac ters; the Max imum Me ssage Le ngth (MAX) is s et to 60 char acters; and the Def ault se tting (DFT) ha s no v alue. T rigger Commands Y ou can activ ate and deacti vat e the scan en gine with s erial trigger com mands.
10 - 4 Men u Commands Selection Setti ng * Indi cates defa ult Serial Co mmand # Ind icates a num eric entry Pa g e Pr oduct Default Settings Setting Custom Defa ults Set Custom Defaults MNUCDP 1-4 Sa.
10 - 5 Bulgaria (Latin) KBDCTY53 2-6 Canada (F rench lega cy) KBDCTY5 4 2-6 Canada (F rench) KBDCTY18 2- 6 Canada (Multilingua l) KBDCTY55 2-6 Croatia KBDCTY32 2-6 Czech KBDCTY15 2-7 Czech ( Pro gramm.
10 - 6 Norwa y KBDCTY9 2-10 P oland KBDCTY20 2-10 P olish (214) KBDCTY57 2-1 0 P olish (Programm ers) KBDCTY58 2-10 P or tugal KBDCTY13 2-10 Romania KBDCTY25 2-10 Russia KBDCTY26 2-1 1 Russian (MS) KB.
10 - 7 Contro l Charact er Output *Control Ch aracter Output Off KBDNPE0 2-14 *Control C haracter Output O n KBDNPE1 2-14 K ey board Modifi ers *Control + X Off KBDCAS0 2-15 DOS Mo de Control + X KBDC.
10 - 8 Scanner-B ioptic P ack et Mode *P acke t Mode Of f 232PKT0 2-20 P ack et Mode On 232PKT2 2-20 Scanner-B ioptic ACK/NAK Mode *Bioptic A CK/NAK Off 232NAK0 2-20 Bioptic A CK/NAK On 232NAK1 2-2 0 .
10 - 9 LED Illum ination - P resentation Mode Off PWRLDC0 3- 6 Low PW RLDC100 3-6 *High P WRLDC150 3-6 Presenta tion LED Behavior After Decode *LEDs On TRGPCK1 3-6 LEDs Off TRGPCK0 3-6 Presenta tion S.
10 - 10 Pref erred Symbolog y On PRFENA1 3-12 *Off PRFENA0 3-12 High Prior ity Symbology PRFCOD## 3-12 Low Priority Symbology PRFBLK## 3-12 Pref erred Symb ology Timeo ut (*500) Ran ge 100-300 0 PRFP .
10 - 1 1 Data Formatter S elections Data F or mat Edit or *Def ault Data Fo r mat (No ne) DFMDF3 5-1 Enter Data F or mat DFMBK3## 5-2 Clear One Data Fo r mat DFMCL3 5-2 Clear All Data F or mats DFMCA3.
10 - 12 Codab ar Message Length Minimum (2 - 60) *4 CBRMIN## 6-3 Maximum (2 - 60) *60 CBRMAX## 6-3 Code 39 Def ault All Code 39 Settings C39DFT 6-4 Off C39ENA0 6-4 *On C39ENA1 6-4 Code 39 Start/Stop Char . * Don’t T ransmit C39SSX0 6-4 T ransmit C39SSX1 6-4 Code 39 Chec k Char .
10 - 1 3 Code 93 Def ault All Code 93 Settings C93DFT 6-9 Off C93ENA0 6-9 *On C93ENA1 6-9 Code 93 Message Length Minimum (0 - 80) *0 C9 3MIN## 6-9 Maximum (0 - 80) *80 C93MA X## 6- 9 Code 93 Append On.
10 - 14 Code 128 Append *On 128APP1 6-16 Off 128APP0 6-1 6 Code 128 Code P age Code 128 Code P age (* 2) 1 28DCP## 6-16 GS1-128 Def ault All GS1-128 Se ttings GS1DF T 6- 17 *On GS1ENA1 6-17 Off GS1ENA.
10 - 1 5 UPC-E0 Addend a Required Require d UPEARQ1 6-2 2 *Not Required UPEARQ0 6-2 2 UPC-E0 Addend a Separator *On UPEADS1 6- 23 Off UPEADS0 6- 23 UPC-E0 Chec k Digit Off UPECKX0 6-23 *On UPECKX1 6-2.
10 - 16 EAN/J AN-8 Addenda R equired *Not Re quired EA8ARQ0 6-28 Required EA8ARQ1 6-2 8 EAN/J AN-8 Addenda Separa tor Off EA8ADS0 6-2 8 *On EA8ADS1 6-28 MSI Default A ll MSI S etti ngs MSIDFT 6-2 9 *O.
10 - 1 7 Codab lock F Defaul t All Codab lock F Setti ngs CBFDFT 6-34 *Off CBFENA0 6-34 On CBFENA1 6- 34 Codab lock F Msg . Length Minim um (1 - 2048) *1 CBFMIN#### 6-34 Maxim um (1 - 2048) *2048 CBFMAX#### 6- 34 PDF417 Def ault All PDF417 Setti ngs PDFDFT 6-3 5 *On PDFENA1 6-35 Off PDFENA0 6- 35 PDF417 Msg.
10 - 18 Data Matrix Append *On IDMAPP1 6-40 Off IDMAPP0 6- 40 Data Matrix Co de P age Data Matrix Cod e P age (*51) IDM DCP## 6-40 MaxiCo de Defaul t All Maxi Code Setting s MAXDFT 6-4 1 On MAXENA1 6- 41 *Off MAXENA0 6-41 MaxiCo de Msg.
10 - 1 9 Comb ination 2D P ostal Co des Inf oMail and British P ost On POST AL8 6- 45 Intellige nt Mail Bar Cod e and P ostnet with B an d B’ Fields On POST AL20 6-45 P ostnet and P ostal-4i On POST.
10 - 20 P ostal Code s - Linea r China P ost (Hong K ong 2 of 5) Def ault A ll China P ost (Hong K ong 2 of 5) Setti ngs CPCDFT 6-48 *Off CPCENA0 6-48 On CPCENA1 6- 48 China P ost (Hong K ong 2 o f 5) Ms g.
10 - 2 1 Image Sh ip *Infinit y Filter - O ff IMGINF0 7-3 Infinity Fil ter - On IMGINF1 7-3 *Compen sation O ff IMGC OR0 7- 4 Compensa tion On IMGCOR1 7- 4 *Pix el Depth - 8 bi ts/pix el (grayscale) I.
10 - 22 Image Sh ip (conti nued) Ship Ev er y 2nd Pix el IMGSUB2 7-8 Ship Ev ery 3rd Pix el IMGSUB3 7- 9 *Docume nt Image Filter Off IMGUSH0 7-9 Document Image Fil ter On (0-255) IMGUSH### 7-9 *Don’.
11 - 1 11 Maintenan ce Repairs Repairs and/or up grade s are not t o be perf or med on th is produc t. These ser vices are to be p erf or med onl y by an autho rized ser v ice cen ter ( see C ustom er Su ppor t on page 1 2-1).
11 - 2.
12 - 1 12 Customer Su ppor t T echni cal Assi stance If y ou need as sistance i nstallin g or troub leshooting y our devic e, ple ase con tact us b y using one of the methods be low: Knowle dge Base: www.hsmknowl Our Kno wledge Ba se pro vides tho usands of i mmediate solutions .
A - 1 A Reference Char ts Symbolog y Charts Note: “m” repre sents the AIM m odifier chara cter. Refer to Internation al Technica l Specific ation, Symbolog y Identifie rs, for AIM modifie r characte r details. Prefix / Suffix e ntries for s pecific sy mbologies override t he univer sal (All Symb ologies, 99) entry.
A - 2 UPC-A ]E0 c 63 UPC-A with Add-On ]E3 c 63 UPC-A wi th Extende d Coupon Cod e ]E3 c 63 UPC-E ]E0 E 45 UPC-E with Add-On ]E3 E 45 UPC-E1 ]X0 E 4 5 Add Ho neyw ell Co de ID 5C80 Add AIM Co de ID 5C.
A - 3 2D Symbologies P ostal Sym bologies ASCI I Con ver sio n Chart (Code P age 12 52) In k eyb oard applic ations, ASCII Control Cha racters c an be represent ed in 3 diff erent wa ys, as sho wn belo w . The CTRL+X fun c- tion is O S and applic ation depe ndent.
A - 4 to U .S. s tyle ke yboards . Cer tain c haracte rs ma y diff er depending on your Country Code/PC regional set tings . Lower ASCII Reference T able Note: Window s Code pag e 1252 and lo wer ASCII us e the same c haracters .
A - 5 36 24 $ 68 44 D 100 64 d 37 25 % 69 45 E 101 65 e 38 26 & 70 46 F 102 66 f 39 27 ' 71 47 G 103 67 g 40 28 ( 72 48 H 104 68 h 41 29 ) 73 49 I 105 69 i 42 2A * 74 4A J 106 6A j 43 2B + 75 4B K 107 6B k 44 2C , 76 4C L 108 6C l 45 2D - 77 4D M 109 6D m 46 2E .
A - 6 148 94 ”ö F 5 0x3F 149 95 •ò F 6 0x4 0 150 96 –û F 7 0x4 1 151 97 —ù F 8 0x4 2 152 98 ˜ÿ F 9 0x43 153 99 ™Ö F 1 0 0x4 4 154 9A šÜ F 1 1 0x57 155 9B ›¢ F 1 2 0x58 156 9C œ .
A - 7 200 C8 È ╚ 201 C9 É ╔ 202 CA Ê ╩ 203 CB Ë ╦ 204 CC Ì ╠ 205 CD Í ═ 206 CE Î ╬ 207 CF Ï ╧ 208 D0 Ð ╨ 209 D1 Ñ ╤ 210 D2 Ò ╥ 21 1 D3 Ó ╙ 212 D4 Ô ╘ 213 D5 Õ .
A - 8 ISO 2022/ISO 646 Charac ter Repla cemen ts Code pages def ine the ma pping of charac ter codes to c haract ers. If the data re ceive d does no t displa y with the p roper char ac- ters , it ma y be becaus e the bar code being s canned w as cre ated usin g a code page that is diff erent from the one the h ost pro- gr am is e xpecting.
A - 9 Dec 35 36 64 91 92 93 94 96 123 124 125 126 Hex 23 24 40 5B 5C 5D 5E 60 7B 7C 7D 7E US 0 1 # $ @ [ ] ^ ` { | } ~ CA 54 95 # $ à â ç ê î ô é ù è û CA 18 96 # $ à â ç ê É ô é ù .
A - 10 Unicode Ke y Maps 6E 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 7 A 7B 7C 7D 7E 4B 50 55 4C 51 56 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0A 0B 0C 0D 0F 10 1 1 12 1 3 14 15 16 17 18 19 1A 1B 1C 1D 1E 2C 1F 20 21 22 23 2.
Sample Symbols UPC -A 0 123456 7890 Interlea ved 2 o f 5 Code 128 EAN-1 3 Code 39 Codabar 123456 7890 Code 128 9 780330 2909 51 BC321 A1357 9B Code 93 123456- 9$ Code 2 of 5 123456 6543210 RSS- 14 (01.
Sample Symbols Aztec MaxiCode Micro PDF417 Pac kage La bel Test Message Test Mess age OCR-A with Modulo 10 check c haracter OCR-A with Modulo 36 check c haracter PDF417 Postnet Cod e 49 Car Registrati.
Pr ogramming Char t 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9.
Pr ogramming Char t Note: If you m ake an error while scannin g the let ters or di gits (bef ore scannin g Save), s can Disc ard, scan t he correc t letters o r digits , and Save agai n.
Honeywell Sca nning & Mobility 9680 Old Bailes Roa d Fort Mill, SC 29707 m N56XX-UG Rev C 11/13.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat Honeywell 5690/5693 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen Honeywell 5690/5693 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens Honeywell 5690/5693 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding Honeywell 5690/5693 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over Honeywell 5690/5693 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van Honeywell 5690/5693 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de Honeywell 5690/5693 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met Honeywell 5690/5693 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.