Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 3.1.X van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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user guide hp S tor age W or ks w eb tools v er si on 3 .1.x/4.1.x Product V e rsion: 3 .1.x/4.1.x Thir d E dition (J une 2003) P art Number: AA–R S25C–TE Thi s us er g ui de p rovides in fo rm at io n to h el p you i ns ta l l a nd u nd e rst an d W eb T oo l s.
© Cop yr igh t 1999- 200 3 Hewl ett-P ack ard De v elopmen t Compan y , L.P . Hewlett-P ackar d Company mak es no warr anty of any kind with r egard to this mater ial, including , but not lim ited to, the implied w arr anti es of mer chanta bility and fitness fo r a particular pur pose.
3 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide contents Contents About this Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17 Overview. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Web Browser Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Java Plug-in and JRE Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 5 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Accessing the Switch Events Report . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69 About the Admin Button . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Switch Identification . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Network Config Tab Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 7 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Configure (Virtual Channel) Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Configure (Arbitrated Loop) Tab Example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Switch Throughput . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 Basic Monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 9 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Alarm Notification Field Descr iptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175 Using the Alarm Notification Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 10 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide Sample Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 201 Zoning Schemes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 11 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Renaming an Alias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 About the Zone Tab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 12 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide Enabling Trunking on a Port . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251 Configuring Port Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 13 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 10 Example Switch View for a SAN Switch 2/32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 11 Example of the Switch Explore r fo r the Core Switch 2/64 . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 14 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide 48 View drop -down Menu of the Zone Adm inistratio n Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 202 49 Zoning Configuration summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 15 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 24 Configure (Fabric) Field Descriptions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 122 25 VC Parameters Default Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Content s 16 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide 62 Port Information Window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 255 63 Port Information Window PortSt ats Tab Field Descriptions . . . .
17 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide about this guide About this Guide About this Guide This user guide provides information to help you: ■ Understand W eb T ools ■ Conf igure and use .
Abou t t hi s G u ide 18 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide Overvie w This section cov ers the follo wing topics: ■ Intended Audience ■ Related Documentation Intended Audience This book.
Abou t t hi s G u ide W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 19 Conv entions Con ventions consist of the following: ■ Document Con ventions ■ T ext Symb ols Docum ent Conventions The document co n ven tions included in Ta b l e 1 apply in most cases.
Abou t t hi s G u ide 20 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide Note: T e xt set off in this manner pr es ents commentary , sideli ghts, or int er esting poin ts of in format ion.
Abou t t hi s G u ide W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 21 Getti ng Hel p If you still hav e a question after reading th is guide, contact an HP authorized service provider or access our website: ht tp://w w w .
Abou t t hi s G u ide 2 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide.
23 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 1 Intr oducing HP W eb T ools This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ Overview , page 24 ■ W eb T ools Main V i ews , page 2 7 ■ W eb.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 2 4 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Overvie w W eb T ools provides a graphical interface th at enables an administrator to monitor and manage entire fabrics and individual switches and ports from a standard workstation.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 25 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide When monitoring and mana ging indi vidual switches, W eb T ools allo ws you to perform the sho wn in Ta b l e 3 . T able 2: Fabric Management T asks Ta s k P age Number Vie w the stat us of all the switches in the fabr ic.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 2 6 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide When monitoring and mana ging indi vidual ports, W eb T ools allo ws you to perform the sho wn in Ta b l e 4 . Monitor s wit ch and po rt perf or mance . See “ P erfo rma nce Monito r ing ” on page 14 9.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 27 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide W e b T ools M ain Vie ws W eb T ools pro vides access to and information about a fabric thro ugh a number of separate windo ws, called “vie ws, ” making it possible to manage and monito r se veral aspects of a f abric at the same time.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 2 8 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Figur e 1: Web T ools Switch Explorer View f or a Core Switch 2/64 Fa br i c T re e The Fabric T ree is the left window of the Switch Explorer and displays: ■ A list of all the switches in the fabr ic .
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 29 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Note: The S wit ch V iew st atus is updated appr ox imately once every 15 se conds.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 30 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Swi t c h V i ew This vie w displays a graphical represe ntation for the select ed switch, includi ng a real-time vie w of switch status. This vi ew is accessed by selecting a switch icon on Fabric T ree.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 31 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Figur e 4 : Switch Vie w For information about the functions that are accessible through the Switch V ie w , see “ About Switch Management ” on page 62. The Switch Management V iew displays the follo wing options: ■ Status of the switch.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 3 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide ■ Performance Monitoring of the switches. See “ About Performance Monitor ” on page 150. ■ Beaconing switches. See “ About the Beacon Button ” on page 7 6 . ■ Information on the switch.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 33 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Po r t I n f o r m a t i o n V i e w Access information for a port by clicking on an y of the ports in the Switch V iew . This vie w displays statistics and stat us for the selected port, SFP , or loop.
Intr oduc ing HP W eb T ools 34 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide W e b T ools in Sec ure Mode The Security feature may change your ability to access W eb T ools functionality when Secure Mode is enabled. For more information on the Security feature see the HP Stor ag eW orks Secur e F abric OS V ersion 1.
35 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 2 Installation This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ Requirements , page 36 ■ Installing Prerequisite So ftware on a W orkstation , .
Installa tion 36 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Requir ements The workstation and the switch must meet both specific requirements for the correct installation and operation of HP W eb T ools. S witch Requirements HP W eb T ools 3.1 can be used to ma nage Switches that are running V3.
Installa tion 37 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Jav a Plug-in and JRE R equirements The correct v ersion of the Ja va Plug -in for your operating system: ■ For W i ndows XP , NT , or 2000 Jav a Plug-in v ersion v1.3.1_0 4 or later . Ja v a Runtime En vironment v1.
Installa tion 38 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Installing Prer equisite Softwar e on a W or kstation Perform the following steps before you use HP W eb T ools to manage your fabric: ■ Install one of the supported web bro wse rs on a workstation, if not already installed.
Installa tion 39 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 3. On the Cache panel, click Clear Memory Cache . 4. Click OK . 5. Exit and relaunch the browser . Configuring Inter net Explorer Correct operation of HP W eb T ools with Internet Explorer requires sp ecifying the appropriate settings for bro wser refresh frequenc y and proces s model.
Installa tion 40 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide For the Bourne shell, type the follo wing: For the C shell, type the follo wing: Installing a Java P atc h on Solaris T o install the patch on Solaris: 1. Go to the website at http://access1.
Installa tion 41 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Licensing W eb T ools on t he Sw itc h An HP W eb T ools license can be installed either through T elnet or ov er the web . T o determine whether a license is alre ady installed on a switch, follo w the instructions provided under “ Launching HP W eb T ools ” on page 43.
Installa tion 4 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Installing W eb T ools T hrough the W eb Launching HP W eb T ools from any non- licensed switch will automatically display the license dialog box.
Installa tion 43 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Launching HP W eb T ools Y ou can launch HP W eb T ools once the lice nse is installed on the switch and the Jav a Plug-i n and web bro wser are installed and configur ed on the client workstation.
Installa tion 44 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide.
45 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 3 S w itc h Explorer V ie w This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About the Switch Explorer V ie w , page 46 ■ Fab r ic Tree , page .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 46 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e S witch Explorer Vie w The Switch Explorer V iew is the first web page that displays when you connect to a switch. The Switch Explorer includes: ■ Fa b r i c T re e , displaying a navig ation menu of icons for all the switches in the fabr ic .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 47 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Figur e 6 : Switch Explorer for a Core S witch 2/64.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 48 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Fab ric Tree The Fabric T ree displays a list of all the switches in the fabric. When you select a switch from this vie w it is displayed in the Switch V ie w . Y o u can display switches in the Fabric T ree list by Name, IP addr ess, or WWN.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 49 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Fabr ic T oolbar The Fa bric T oolbar is located at the botto m left corner of the Switch Explorer .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 50 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide The F abric T oolbar b uttons are described in Ta b l e 6 . For more information, see “ Fabric Management ” on page 187.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 51 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide S wit ch Graphic The Switch V iew graphic is an interacti v e display of the particular switch you hav e selected from the Fabric T ree. The W eb T ools interface replicates in real-time the switch you ha ve selected.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 5 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Figur e 9: Example Sw itch View for a Core S witch 2/64.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 53 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide An ex ample of the Switch Graph ic repres entation for a SAN Switch 2/32 is shown in Figure 10 .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 54 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide S wit c h Graph ic Buttons There are a number of buttons beneath the Switch Graphic which enable you to access v arious conf iguration and monitoring functions for the switch.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 55 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Pe r f o r m a n c e Moni to r Optional Sof t war e. Select to launch the P erfor manc e Mon itor . Fo r m or e i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e “ About P erf ormance Monitor ” on page 15 0.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 56 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide T em per ature Select to dis play th e temper atur e statu s of the chose n sw itch . Fo r m or e i n f o r m a t i o n , s e e “ About the Temp Button ” on page 82.The back ground color indicates the temperatur e status .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 57 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide S witch Infor mation Windo w Ta b l e 8 describes the f ields displayed in the Switch Information windo w , which is located beside or beneath th e switch icon (depending o n switch type).
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 58 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Statu s Leg en d The Status Le gend defi nes the meaning of colors visible in the background of the v arious icons in the Switch Explorer .
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 59 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Refr esh Ra tes in W eb T ools Dif ferent areas of W eb T ools refresh at different rates.
Swi t c h E xp l o r er Vi ew 60 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Accessing the S wit c h Explorer T o access the Switch Explorer , perform the follo wing steps: 1. Launch W eb T ools. The Switch Explorer appe ars. 2. Click the “+” sign in the Na vigatio n tree to vie w nested switches.
61 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 4 S w it ch Ma n a ge m e n t This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Switch Manage ment , page 62 ■ About the Switch Status Butt.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 6 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About S witch M anag ement Switch Management is made up of th e Switch Graphic area and the Switch Information area; it is referred t o as the Switch V iew .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 63 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Note: The Ac tiv e CP in the Cor e S w itch 2/64 is la beled wit h a small arr o w at the bottom of the CP d isplay . Swi t c h E x p l o rer f o r SA N Sw i t c h 2 / 32 An example of the Switch Explorer fo r the SAN Switch 2/32 is displayed in Figure 12 .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 64 W eb T ools V ersio n 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Guide S witch Information F ield Desc riptions The Switch Information windo w is located beneath or beside the graphic representation of the switch depending on the switch type (see Figure 11 or Figure 12 ).
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 65 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e Switch Status But ton V iew or click the status b utton (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) to display the switch’ s operational state. The background color of the b utton display s the real-time status of the switch.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 66 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Using th e S witch Status But ton T o check the physical health of a switch, perform the following procedure. 1. Launch W eb T ools. 2. V iew the backg round color (which sho ws the st atus) of the desired switch in the Fabric T ree.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 67 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e S witch Events Button The Switch Events b utton (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 5 4) in the Switch V iew disp lays a running log of e v ents for the selected switch.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 68 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Coun t Display s the n umber of bac k -t o- back occ urr ence s of the same even t.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 69 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Accessing the S wit c h Ev ents Report Perform the follo wing steps to access the switch e vents report. 1. Launch W eb T ools. 2. Select the desired switch from the Fabric T ree.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 7 0 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e Admin Button Use the Admin button (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) of the Switch V iew to access the switch admini stration functionality .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 71 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About the T elnet But ton Use the Te l n e t b utton (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) from the Switch V iew to access the switch using telnet. Y ou must ha ve administrati v e privile ges to access the telnet option.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 7 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Figur e 16: Telnet Sample Windo w Te l n e t D e s c r i p t i o n s The sample T elnet fields are described in Ta b l e 1 2 .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 73 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de P asswo rd: Display s pr ompt . Enter Admin lev el pass wor d . sw itch:admi n > D isplay s the switc h nam e and lo gin level pr ompt after a successf ul login . Enter de sired F abri c OS command .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 7 4 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Accessing T eln et Thr ough W eb T ools T o access telnet through W eb T o ols, perform the follo wing steps. 1. Launch W eb T ools. 2. Select the desired switch from the Fabric T ree.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 75 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e P erformance Monitor But ton Use the Perf ormance Monitor button (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) to graphically displ ay throughput (me gabyt es per second) for ea ch port and for the entire switch.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 7 6 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e Beacon But ton Use the Beacon button (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) of the Switch V iew to physically locate a switch in a f abric.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 77 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Beacon But ton—Ph y sically L ocating a Sw itch in a Fabric T o physically locate a switch in a fabric, use the Beac on button as described in the follo wing steps. 1. Launch W eb T ools by entering the IP ad dress of the switch you wish to locate.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 7 8 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e S witch Info Button Use the Switch Inf o button (see “ Switch Gra phic Buttons ” on page 54) of the Switch V iew to display fundamental switc h information such as the WWN, State, and Ethernet IP address.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 79 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Accessing S w itch Information Access switch information b y pe rforming the follo wing steps. 1. Launch W eb T ools by entering the IP ad dress of the switch you wish to locate.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 80 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e F abric W a tch But ton The Fab r i c W at c h button only appears when the opt ional license is installed on the switch. For more information, see “ Fabric W atch ” on page 171 .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 81 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Abo ut the F an B utt on The background color of the Fan b utton indicates the ov erall status of the f ans (see “ Switch.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 8 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Abo ut the T emp Butt on The background color of the Te m p button (see “ Switch Graphic Buttons ” on page 54) indicate.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 83 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e P o wer Button The background color of the Power b utton i ndicates the ov erall status of the power (see “ Swi.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 84 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About HA Admin The HA Admin windo w displays information about the status of high a vailability (HA) on the Core Switch 2/64 and each CP . It also enables yo u to perform tasks such as HA Failov er or Synchronize Services on the CPs.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 85 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Figur e 17 : HA Admin Windo w HA Admin F ield Descriptions The common fiel ds av ailabl e in the HA Admin windo w are described in Ta b l e 1 4 .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 86 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Service T ab F ield Desc riptions The fields a v ailable in the Service T ab view are described in Ta b l e 1 5 . T able 14: HA Admin Common Field and Button Desc riptions Fie ld Desc ription Chas sis Displa ys t he sw itc h type .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 87 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de CP T ab F ield Descriptions The field s av ailable in the CP T ab view are described in Ta b l e 1 6 .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 88 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide T able 16: HA Admin CP T ab Field Descriptions Fie l d Description Active CP ( CP0 or CP1 ) Display s informatio n for the Activ e CP . The top CP in this vie w is alw ay s the Ac tiv e CP .
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 89 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using HA Admin The follo wing sections sho w ho w to acces s the HA Admin interface, how to use it to synchronize services on the CP , and how t o initiate a CP failo ver . Accessing th e HA Admin Inter face Perform the follo wing steps to access the HA Admin interface.
Swi t c h M an ag e m en t 90 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide If the HA Summary field displays Disruptive F ailov er Ready , click the Synchronize Services Button and wait for the CPs to complete a synchronization of services, so that a Non-Disrupti ve Failo ver is ready .
91 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 5 S w itc h Admin W indo w This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About the Switch Admin W indo w , page 92 ■ Accessing the Switch Adm.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 92 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e S witch Admin Windo w The Switch Admin W indow can be entered with User le vel access, b ut certain areas require Admin lev el access.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 93 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Close Click this button to ex it the Adm in Interface. If changes h av e been made an d not committed b y c lic king the App ly bu tton , a dialog box is pr esented . It allo ws the c hanges t o be committe d or deleted.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 9 4 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Accessing the S wit c h Admin W indo w Use the follo wing steps to a ccess the Switch Admin windo w . 1. Launch W eb T ools by entering the desi red IP address in a bro wser windo w .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 95 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e S witch Information T ab Use the Switch Information tab to manage basic switch setup for items such as switch name, switch domain ID and en abling and disablin g the switch.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 9 6 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide S witch Information F ield Desc riptions The Switch Information fields are described in Ta b l e 1 8 . T able 18: Switch Information F ield Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription Name and ID Name Displ ay or modify the cur r ent s w itch na me.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 97 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e S witch Information T ab The follo wing sections sho w ho w to use the Switch Information tab to enable/disable a switch, and to vie w/print a switch report. Enabling/Disabling a S witch Use the follo wing procedure to enable/disable a switch.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 9 8 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e Net work Config T ab Use the Network Conf ig tab of the Admini strati ve interf ace to manage the IP networking functionality of the switch.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 99 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 19: Network Configuration T ab of the S witch Admin Window An exampl e of the Adva nced IP Configurati on windo w (Core Switch 2/64 only) is sho wn in Figure 20 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 100 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 20: Advanced IP Configuration Windo w (Core Sw itc h 2/64 only) Net work Conf ig Field Descriptions The Network Config f ields are described in Ta b l e 1 9 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 101 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Add B utto n Click t he Add button to add the IP spec ifi ed in the Sy slog IP fi eld to the S yslog IP windo w . Y ou must click the Apply button to mak e your c hanges per sistent o ve r a sw itch r eboot .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 102 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Network Config T ab Use the Network Conf ig tab to conf igure Ether Configurin g an Ethernet IP or FC I P Addr ess 1. Access the Switch Admin W indo w (see “ About the Switch Admin W indo w ” on page 92).
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 103 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Gui de About th e Upload/Dow nload T a b Use the Upload/Do wnload tab of the Sw itch Admin windo w to complete tasks such as: .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 104 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 21: Upload/Do wnload T ab of the S witch Admin W indow Upload/Do wnload F ield Descriptions The Upload/Download fields are described in Ta b l e 2 0 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 105 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide T able 20: Upload/Dow nload Field Descriptions Fi el d Descriptions Fu n c t io n F irm war e Do wnload Select the r adio button to do wnload f irm war e . The F astboot After Download option becomes enable d.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 106 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Upload/Do wnload T ab The follo wing sections sho w using th e Upload/Do wnload tab to download firmw are, backup a firmw are config f ile , and perform a conf ig download to a switch.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 10 7 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/4.1.x U ser Gui de 2. Enter the admin user name and passw ord. 3. Select the Upload/Do wnload tab . 4. Click the Confi g Download to Switch radio b utton. 5. Select the FTP transfer protocol from the drop-down menu.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 108 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About the SNMP T ab Use the SNMP tab of the Administrati v e Interface to perform administration of the SNMP Subsystem. Use the SNMP tab to specify the switch community string, location, trap lev el and trap recip ients.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 109 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Figur e 22: SNMP T ab of the Switch Admin Window SNMP Field Descriptions The SNMP f ields are described in Ta b l e 2 1 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 110 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de T able 21: SNMP Field Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription SNM P In forma tion Contac t Name Use to display or confi gure cont act infor mation fo r swit ch . Def ault is F iel d Support .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 111 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using the SNMP T ab to Set T rap Le vels Perform the follo wing procedure to set trap le vels. 1. Access the Switch Admin W indo w (see “ About the Switch Admin W indo w ” on page 92).
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 112 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About the License Admin T ab Use the License Administration tab to inst all and remo ve license k eys that are provided to you. License Admin T ab Ex ample An example o f the License Admin T ab is sho wn in Figure 23 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 113 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide T able 2 2: License Admin F ield Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription L icenseK e y column Displa ys a list of lice nse ke y s cur r entl y installed on the s wit ch.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 114 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e License Admin T ab The License Admin tab is use d to add licenses to and remov e licenses from a switch. Add a L icense to a S witch Perform the follo wing steps to add a license to a switch.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 115 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Abo ut the P ort S etti ng T ab Use the Port Setting tab of the Administra tiv e interface to perform functions such as: disable/enable ports on the switch, set port speed to 1GB/2GB/Negotiate, enable/disable Trunking, or name a port.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 116 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 24: P ort Settings T ab of th e Sw itch Admin Window.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 117 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide P ort Set tings Field Descriptions The Port Setting fields are described in Ta b l e 2 3 . T able 23: P or t Setting Field Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription P ort Number Displa ys th e P o rt Number .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 118 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e P ort Set ting T ab The Port Setting tab is used to perform the follo wing operations on ports. Enabling or Disabling a P ort T o enable or disable a port, perform the follo wing steps.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 119 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 4. Select the desired speed for the corresponding port (see “ About the Port Setting T ab ” on page 11 5). 5. Click the Ap p l y button. Assigning a Name to a P or t Y ou can optionally name a port by performing the follo wing steps.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 120 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About th e Configure T ab Use the Configure tab of the Administra tive Interface to configure F abric Parameters, V irtual Channel parameters, Ar bitrated Loop parameters, and System Services parameters.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 121 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Figur e 25: Configure (Fabr ic) T ab of the Switch Admin Window.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 12 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (Fabric) F ield Descriptions The fields av ailable in the Conf igure Fabric T ab are described in Ta b l e 2.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 12 3 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Virtual Channels The switch allo ws f ine tuning for a sp ecific appli cation by conf iguring the parameters for eight virtual channels. The default v alues are set for optimal pe rformance.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 12 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (Virtual Channel) T ab Ex ample An example of the Conf igure (V irtual Channel) T ab is sho wn in Figure 26 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 125 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (Virtual Channel) Field Descriptions The f ields av ailable on the Conf igure V irtual Channel T ab are descri.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 12 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (Arbitra ted Loop) T ab Example An example of the Conf igure (Arbitrated Loop) T ab is shown in Figure 27 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 12 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (Arbitrated Loop) F ield Descriptions The fields a v ailable on the Configure (Arbitrated Loop) T ab are described in Ta b l e 2 7 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 12 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Configur e (S ystem) T ab Example An example of the Conf igure (System) T ab is shown in Figure 28 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 129 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Configur e (S ystem) F ield Descriptions The fields a vailable in the Conf igure System T ab are describe d in Ta b l e 2 8 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 130 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using the Configure T ab to Configure F AN Fr ame Notification Pa r a m e t e r s T o conf igure F AN frame notification parameters: 1. Access the Switch Admin W indo w (see “ About the Switch Admin W indo w ” on page 92).
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 131 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About the Routing T ab Use the Routing T ab of the Administrativ e Interface to perform tasks such as: ■ V iew the F abric Shortest Path First (FSPF) routing information.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 13 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Routing (F SPF Route) T ab Example An example of the Routing (F SPF Route) T ab is sho wn in Figure 29 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 13 3 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Routing F ield Des c riptions Descriptions of the f ields av ailabl e in the Routing T ab are sho wn in Ta b l e 2 9 . These fields are displayed for all the routing tabs.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 134 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide F lags Display s whether the r oute is Stati c (S) or Dynamic (D) . See “ About the Routing T ab ” on page 131. Next Domain Display s the next domain ID in the r outing pat h.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 13 5 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Routing (S tatic Route) T ab Ex ample An ex ample of the Routing (Static Ro ute) T ab is sho wn in Figure 30 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 13 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Routing (S tatic Route) F ield Descriptions Select Static Route from the Routing Na vigation tree to di splay the fields described in Ta b l e 3 1 .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 13 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Routing (L ink Cost) T ab Ex ample An example of the Routing (L ink Cost) T ab is sho wn in Figure 31 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 138 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Routing (L ink Cost) F ield Desc riptions Select Link Cost from the Routing Na viga tion tree to display the fields described in Ta b l e 3 2 . T able 32: R outing (Link Cost) Field Descriptions Fi el d s Descriptions P ort Number Displa ys t he port n umber .
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 139 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using the Routing T ab The Routing tab is used to conf igure and vie w routing as d escribed in the follo wing sections. Vie wing F S PF R outing For information re garding FSPF , see “ About the Routing T ab ” on page 131.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 140 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Enabling/Disabling Dy namic Load Shar ing For information regarding Dynami c Load Sharing (DLS), see “ About the Routing Ta b ” on page 131. 1. Access the Switch Admin W indo w (see “ About the Switch Admin W indo w ” on page 92).
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 141 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 6. Enter the desired link cost. For a 1 Gbit/sec per second ISL, the default cost is 1000. For a 2 Gbit/sec ISL, the default cost is 500. V alid values for link cost are from 1 to 9999.
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 14 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About the Extend ed Fabr ic T ab Use the Extended F abric tab to manage the Extended Fabric feature. From the Extended F abric tab you can specify which ports to be conf igured for distance and at what le vel.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 143 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Extended F abric T ab Ex ample An example of the Extended F abric tab is sho wn in Figure 32 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 144 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de T able 33: Extended Fabric F ield Descriptions Fi el d s Descriptions Extended F abr ic Mode Enable Click the r adio bu tton to enable the Extended Fa br ic mode. The s wit ch must be disa bled to enab le the Extended F a br ic mode.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 145 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Extended Fabric T ab to Configure a P or t For Long-Distance Perform the follo wing steps to co nfigure a port for Long-Distance. 1. Access the Switch Admin W indo w (see “ About the Switch Admin W indo w ” on page 92).
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 146 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About the T runk Inf ormation T ab The T runk Information tab is a read -only tab and has on ly the Close and Refresh button functions. ■ For information re garding enab ling T runking, se e “ Using the Port Setting Ta b ” on page 118.
Swi tc h Ad m i n Wi n d ow 14 7 W eb T o ols V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide T r unk Information F ield Descriptions Descriptions of the f ields av ailable in the T runk Information tab are sho wn in Ta b l e 3 4 .
Swi t c h A d m in Wi n d ow 148 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e T runk Information T ab The T runk tab is a read-only tab . T runking is enabled through the Port Setting tab of the Administrativ e Interface; see “ Using the Port Setting T ab ” on page 118.
14 9 W eb T ools V e rsion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 6 P er for mance Monitoring This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Performance Monitor , page 150 ■ Using the Performance Mon.
P erformance Monitor ing 150 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About P erformance Monitor The Performance Monitor pr o vides SAN performance management through an end-to-end monitoring system that pro vides: ■ Increased end-to-end visi bility into the fabric.
P erformance Monitor ing 151 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de ■ An existing report can be selected from a list of reports that are predefined. In some cases, you can supp ly the object to be monitored and graphed (such as port number , SID/DID pair , AL_P A, or switch domain number).
P erformance Monitor ing 15 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de P er formance Monitor Ex ample An example of the Performance Mo nitor windo w is displayed in Figure 34 .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 3 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using the P erfor mance M onitor Perform the follo wing steps to access the Performance Monitor . 1. Launch W eb T ools, displaying the Switch Explorer . 2. Select the desired switch from the Fabric T ree.
P erformance Monitor ing 154 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About th e Ac tions M enu Use the Actions Menu to access the follo wing options: ■ Sa ve Current Can v as Conf iguration .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 5 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Displa y Canv as Configurat ions Ex ample An example of the Display Can v as Co nfigurations windo w is sho wn in Figure 36 .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 36: Display Can vas Configuration Ex ample Displa y Canv as Configuration Descriptions The Display Can vas Conf igurati on Field Descriptions are listed in Ta b l e 3 6 .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Sav e Canv as Configuration Ex ample An example o f the Sav e Can v as Confi guration option is sho wn in Figure 37 .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Displa y Resour ce Usage Ex ample An example of the Display Reso urce Usage window is sho wn in Figure 36 .
P erformance Monitor ing 15 9 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 38: Displa y Resour ce Usage Example for Core S witch 2/64 Displa y Resour ce Usage Desc riptions The Displa y Resource Usage Fie l d Descriptions are listed in Ta b l e 3 6 .
P erformance Monitor ing 160 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Print All Gr aphs Use the Print All Graphs option in the Actions menu to print all the graphs displayed on the selected c an v as conf igur ation. Only one can v as configuration can be opened at a time.
P erformance Monitor ing 161 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Ac tions M enu The following sections describe the oper ations supported by the Actio ns Menu. Adding a Graph t o a Canv as 1. Access the Performance Mon itor functionality .
P erformance Monitor ing 16 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Printing Gr aphs 1. Access the Performance Monito r functionality . Refer to “ Launch W eb T ools, displaying the Switch Explorer . ” page 153 on for more information 2. Select Actions > Display Can vas Conf igurations .
P erformance Monitor ing 163 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About the P erfor mance Graphs M enu The Performance Graphs drop-do wn menu provides Performanc e Graph operations as describ ed in the following sections.
P erformance Monitor ing 164 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About Basic M onitoring The P erformance Graphs > Basic Monitor ing menu provides the follo wing types of graphs: ■ Por.
P erformance Monitor ing 16 5 W eb T ools V e rsion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Basic Monitoring Descriptions The Basic Monitoring op tions are described in Ta b l e 3 9 .
P erformance Monitor ing 166 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de P ort Err or Gr aph P or t Line Displa ys the CR C err or r ate o ver time for a giv en port . The sna pshot r ate f or this gr ap h is ev ery 15 seconds with a 60 minute l ifespan fo r each snap shot .
P erformance Monitor ing 16 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Guide Using Basic P er for mance Monitoring The Basic Performance Monitoring are described in the following sections. Creating a P ort Thr oughput Graph Perform the follo wing steps to cr eate a Port Throughput graph.
P erformance Monitor ing 168 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About Adv anced Monitoring (Optional) The Adv anced Monito ring menu provides the follo wing graphs: ■ SID/DID Performance Graph ■ SCSI Commands Graph ■ SCSI vs.
P erformance Monitor ing 16 9 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de T able 40: Advanced Monitoring Graph Descriptions Name of Advanced Monitoring Graph Scope of Graph Gr aph T ype Graph Description SID /D I D Pe r f o r m a n c e G r a p h Sw itch Line Charts the traff ic between a SID and a DID pair on the s wit ch be ing manage d.
P erformance Monitor ing 17 0 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using Adv anced P er for mance M onitoring The following sections sho w the use of Advanced Performance Monitoring to create SID/DID Performance and SCSI vs. IP Traf f ic graphs.
171 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 7 F abr ic W atc h This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Fabric W atch , page 172 ■ Accessing Fabric W atch , page 173.
F abric W atch 17 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About F abric W at c h The Fabric W atch icon only appears when a Fabric W atch license is installed on the switch.
Fab ri c Wat ch 17 3 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Accessing F abric W atch Access Fabric W atch b y performing the follo wing steps. 1. Launch W eb T ools. 2. Select the Switch icon from which you w ant to vie w or conf igure alarms.
F abric W atch 17 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About the Alarm Notification T ab Use the Alarm Notif ications tab of the Fabric W a tch software to vie w the information for all elements of the F abr ic W atch, F abric, Switch, Ports, or Performance Monitor classes.
Fab ri c Wat ch 17 5 W eb T o ols V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Alarm Notification F ield Descriptions The Alarm Notif ication fields are described in Ta b l e 4 1 . T able 41: Alarm Notification Field Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription Selected Ar ea D isplay s the configurable ar eas in the drop-do wn menu .
F abric W atch 17 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using the Alarm Notification T ab Access the Alarm Notif ication tab and vie w alarms by performing the following steps. 1. Launch Fa bric W atch (see “ Launch W eb T ools. ” on page 173).
Fab ri c Wat ch 177 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About the Threshold Configur ation T ab Use the Threshold Configuration tab to view and conf igure Fabric W atch thresholds for the Fabric W a tch class currently selected in the Navigation tree on the left side of the windo w .
F abric W atch 17 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de T hreshold Notification F ields Desc riptions The Fabric W atch > Threshold Conf iguration > Area Conf iguration fields are des.
Fab ri c Wat ch 17 9 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de The Fa b r i c W a t c h > Threshol d Configuration > Element Conf iguration fie ld s are described in Ta b l e 4 3 . The Fab r i c W at c h > Threshold Conf iguration > Conf iguration Report fie l d s are described in Ta b l e 4 4 .
F abric W atch 180 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Below Displays thr esholds that have fallen below the configured lev el . Abo ve Dis play s thr esholds that ha ve r isen abo v e the conf igur ed lev els . In between Display s thr esholds t hat hav e ar e in within the conf igur ed lev el .
Fab ri c Wat ch 181 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using the Threshold Configur ation T ab Use the Configuration tab to conf igure and vie w alarms as sho wn in the follo wing sections. Configurin g Boundar y and Alarm Settings 1. Launch Fa bric W atch (see “ Launch W eb T ools.
F abric W atch 18 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Setting the B ehavior T ype of an Alarm 1. Launch Fa bric W atch (see “ Launch W eb T ools. ” on page 173). 2. Select the Threshold Conf iguration tab . 3. Select the Element Conf iguration sub-tab .
Fab ri c Wat ch 183 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About the Email Configuration T ab Use the Email Conf iguration tab to enable and co nfigu re Email alarm notificat ions.
F abric W atch 184 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Email Configuration F ield Descriptions The Fabric W atch Email Conf igur ation fields are described in Ta b l e 4 5 , T able 45: Emai.
Fab ri c Wat ch 185 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using the Email Configuration T ab Use the Email Conf iguration tab to set up the Alarm Email Notif ication. 1. Select the Fabric W atch icon (appears only when a Fabric W atch license is installed).
F abric W atch 186 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de.
18 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 8 F abr ic M anag eme nt This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Fabric Management , pa ge 188 ■ Using Fabric Management , pag.
F abric Man agem ent 188 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About F abric Manag ement Fabric Management i s performed usin g the F abric Management toolbar . Fabr ic T oolbar Example An example o f the Fabric Management toolbar is show n in Figure 44 .
F abric Man agement 18 9 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using F abric Manag ement Perform the follo wing steps to access Fabric Management. 1. Launch W eb T ools. The Switch Explorer appe ars. 2. Select an icon from the Fabric T oolba r to access fabric-wid e managem ent (see “ Fabric T oolbar ” on page 4 9).
F abric Man agem ent 190 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Ab o ut Fab ri c Eve n t s The Fa bric Events windo w pro vides a running log of e ven ts for all switches in the fabr ic . Fabr ic Ev ents Ex ample The Fabric Ev ents windo w is shown in Figure 45 .
F abric Man agement 191 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Accessing F abric E vents T o vie w e vents in the f abric, perform the following steps: 1. Access W eb T ools. 2. Find the Fabric toolbar . See “ Perform the follo wing steps to access Fabric Managem ent.
F abric Man agem ent 19 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About th e Fabr ic T opology The Fabric T opology V ie w summarizes th e physical conf iguration of the fabric from the perspe ctiv e of the “local domain ” (the domain of the switch currently being displayed in the Switch V ie w).
F abric Man agement 19 3 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Fabr ic T opology Descriptions The F abric T opology f ields are described in Ta b l e 4 8 . Printing a F abric T opolog y Report T o vie w a list of the fabric to pology , perform the following steps: 1.
F abric Man agem ent 19 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de 2. Select the Fabric Ev ents icon in Fabric T ree. See “ Fabric T oolbar ” on page 49. The Fabric T opology windo w displays. 3. Select the top print b utton to print a topology report of the local domain.
F abric Man agement 19 5 W eb T ools V e rsion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e Nam e Ser ver The Name Serv er T able V ie w provides the name server entries listed in the Simple Name Server database. This includes all name server entries for the fabric, not only those that are local to the local do main.
F abric Man agem ent 19 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Name Server column descriptions are in Ta b l e 5 0 . T able 49 : Name Ser ver Description of Fields and Buttons Fie l d Description Auto Refresh Ch eck to enabl e Auto Refresh or un che ck to di sab le.
F abric Man agement 19 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Vie w ing the Name Ser ver T o vie w a list of the switches in the Name Serv er , perform the follo wing steps: 1. Access the switch explorer V iew . See “ Perform the follo wing steps to access Fabric Managem ent.
F abric Man agem ent 19 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About Zoning An HP Zoning license an d administrati ve priv ileges are required to access the Zone Administration vie w .
199 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 9 Z one Administr ation This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Zone Admi nistration , page 200 ■ About the File Menu , page 20.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 200 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About Zone Administra tion HP Zoning enables you to partition your Storage Area Network (SAN) into logical groupings of de vices that can access each other .
Zone A dministr ation 201 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Sample Configur ation Ta b l e 5 1 shows a samp le zoning conf iguration: Zoning Schemes V arious lev els of zoning (or Zoning sche mes) are created to isolate systems tha t hav e different operating en vironments.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 202 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Zoning Methods There are four methods of def ining members for zonin g: For mo re specif ic information about Zonin g, or for config uring Zoning using Fabric OS command line interf ace, see the HP Stor ag eW orks Zoning V ersion 3.
Zone A dministr ation 203 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Zoning Method and Hard or Soft Zoning Enf orcement Whether you are using soft zon ing or har d zoning is determined by the w ay the zone objects are defined.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 204 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Zone Administr ation Windo w The follo wing sections present the us e of the Zone A dministration window . Acc es sing the Z one A dmi nis tr ati on W in do w The follo wing steps show ho w to ac cess the Zone Administration windo w .
Zone A dministr ation 205 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About th e F ile M enu The options av ailable in the File Menu of the Zone Administration windo w are described in Ta b l e 5 3 . T able 5 3: File Menu Options Option Description Pr int Summary Select t o prin t a z oning confi gur ation r eport .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 206 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using the File M enu The following steps display the Zoning Configuration summary . 1. Access the Zone Administration windo w . See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information.
Zone A dministr ation 20 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About the Edit M enu The options av ailable in the Edit Menu of the Zone Administration windo w are described in Ta b l e 5 4 . T able 54: Edit Menu O ptions Option Description Add WWN Select to add a WWN acr oss Alia ses, Z ones or F abr ic Assist Zo nes.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 208 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using the Edit M enu The Edit menu is used to perform the function s described in the follo wing sections. Adding a WWN in the Zoning Database T o add a WWN to the Zoning database, perform the follo wing procedur e.
Zone A dministr ation 209 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Replacing a WWN in the Zoning Database This procedure enables you to replace a WWN th roughout the zoning database. This is helpful when exchanging de vices in your f abric, and easily maintaining your current Conf iguration.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 210 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About th e Vie w Me nu The options av ailable in the V iew Me nu of the Zone Administration windo w are described in Ta b l e 5 5 .
Zone A dministr ation 211 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Vie w M enu The V iew menu is used to select the ty pe of zoning and t o refresh the zoning database as sho wn in the follo wing sections.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 212 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Refr esh the Fabr ic T o refresh the f abric, perfo rm the follo wing procedure. 1. Access the Zone Administration windo w . See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information.
Zone A dministr ation 213 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About th e Ac tions M enu The options av ailable in the Action Menu of the Zone Administration window are described in Ta b l e 5 6 .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 214 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Ac tions M enu The Actions menu is used to perform th e functions described in the following sections. Enabling a Configuration T o create a ne w Configuration, see “ Creat ing a Config uration ” on page 243.
Zone A dministr ation 215 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Disabling Zoning When you disable the activ e conf iguration, the Zoning feature is disabled on the fabric and all de vices within the fabric can communicate with all other de vices.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 216 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information. 2. Select the Actions > Clear All option. Caution: This action w ill not onl y disable z oning on the f abr ic , but w ill deleted the entir e Zoning database .
Zone A dministr ation 217 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About th e Alias T ab Use the Alias tab to create, modify , rename, or delete aliases in the zoning database. Alias T ab Example An example of the Alias tab i s sho wn in Figure 51 .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 218 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Alias T ab Desc riptions The fields that appear in the fo llo wing Alias tab are described in Figure 57 .
Zone A dministr ation 219 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Add O th er Button ■ Othe r ■ Other P ort ■ Other WWN ■ Other AL_P A Clic k to add a P ort, WWN or AL_P A that is not cur ren tly part of the f ab ri c. A di alog bo x will dis play f or y ou to ty pe in the host that is no t a member of t he fab ri c.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 20 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Alias T ab The follo wing sections describe the fu nctions and information av ailable on the Alias tab . Creating an Alias T o create an alias, perform the follo wing steps: 1.
Zone A dministr ation 221 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 10. Repeat steps 10 and 11 to add more elements to your Alias. 11. Use the Add Other b utton to include a WWN, po rt, or QuickLoop (AL_P A) that is not currently a part of the f abric (optional).
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 22 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information. 2. Select the Alias tab (selected by default). 3. From the Name drop-do wn menu, select the Alias you w ant to rename.
Zone A dministr ation 223 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About th e Zone T ab Use the Zone tab to create, modify , re name, or delete zones in the zoning database. Zone T ab Ex ample An example o f a Zone tab is displayed in Figure 52 .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 2 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de T able 58: Zone T ab F ield Desc riptions Fie ld Desc riptions Zoning Method This display s the m ethod you hav e sele cted to add members to the Zoning database. Choose the Zoning method in the Vi ew me nu .
Zone A dministr ation 225 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Add O ther ■ Other P ort ■ Other WWN ■ Other AL_P A Clic k to add a P ort , WWN or AL_P A that is not curr entl y part of th e fa br ic. A di alog bo x w ill displa y f or y ou to ty pe in the host that is no t a member of th e fabr i c.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 2 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Zone T ab The use of the Zone tab to create, mod ify , rename, or delete zones in the zoning database is sho wn in the follo wing sections. Creating a Z one T o create a zone, perform the fo llowing s teps: 1.
Zone A dministr ation 227 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 10. Repeat steps 10 and 11 to ad d more elements to your Zone. 11. Use the Add Other butt on to include a WWN, po rt, or QuickLoop (AL_P A) that is not currently a part of the f abric (optional).
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 28 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information. 2. Select the Zone tab . 3. From the Name drop-do wn menu, select the zone you want to rename.
Zone A dministr ation 229 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About the Q uic kLoop T ab Use the QuickLoop tab to manage Qui ckLoo ps in the zoning database. For more information reg arding QuickLoops, see the HP Stor ageW orks Quic kLoop F abric Assist V ersion 3.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 30 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de T able 5 9: QuickLoop Tab F ield Descriptions Fie l d Description Zoning Metho d Thi s displays the method you hav e sele cted to add m embers to the Z oning data base . Choose t he zo ning method in the View menu .
Zone A dministr ation 23 1 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using the Q uic kLoop T ab Use the QuickLoop tab to perform the Qu ick Loop operations described in the follo wing sections. Creating a QuickLoop T o create an alias, perform the follo wing steps: 1.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 3 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Note: The r e is a limit of two member s per Qui ckL oop . 9. Click the Add Member button or use drag and drop to add QuickLoop members. Selected members are mov ed to the QuickLoop Members Win d ow .
Zone A dministr ation 233 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 5. Click the OK button. The selected QuickLoo p is delet ed from the zoning database. Renaming a QuickLoop T o rename a QuickLoop, pe rform the follo wing steps: 1. Access the Zone Administration windo w .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 34 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About th e F abric Assist T ab Use the Fa bric Assist tab to create and ma nage Fabric Assist zones. Fabric Assist is a means of allowing pri v ate hosts to communicate with pub lic targ ets across a switched fabric.
Zone A dministr ation 235 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Fabr ic Assist Descriptions The F abric Assist fields are described in Ta b l e 6 0 . T able 60: Fabr ic Assist Fiel ds Descriptions Fie l d s Descriptions Zoning Method This display s the m ethod you hav e sele cted to add members to the Zoning database.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 3 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Add O th er Button ■ Othe r ■ Other P ort ■ Other WWN ■ Other AL_P A Clic k to add a F ab ri c Assist z one that is no t cur r ently part of the f abr i c. A dialog box w ill displa y f or y ou to type in the host that is no t a member of th e fabr i c.
Zone A dministr ation 237 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Using th e Fabr ic Assist T ab The functions provided on the Fabric Assist tab are sho wn in the follo wing sections. Creating a F abric Assist Zone For this e xample, the Mixe d Zone le vel is used.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 38 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 3. From the Name drop-down menu, select the Fabric Assist zone you want to modify .
Zone A dministr ation 239 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 4. Click the Rename button. The Rename a Fab ric Assist Zone dialog box appears. 5. Enter a ne w Fa bric Assist zone name. 6. Click the OK button. The F abric Assist zone is renamed in the zoning database.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 40 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de About th e Config T ab Use the Conf ig tab to create and manage confi gurations.
Zone A dministr ation 24 1 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de T able 61: Config T ab Field Descriptions Fie ld Desc ription Zoning Method This displays the method you have selected to add m embers to the Zoning database. Choose the zoning method in the View menu .
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 4 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Ana lyze Con fig Button Analyzes the configuration that is sele cted a long with it s member zo nes. A r epo rt is cr eat ed that lis ts: ■ S AN components (P orts, WWNs, and AL_P As) that are not inc luded in the conf igur atio n.
Zone A dministr ation 243 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using th e Config T ab The operations a vailable on the Config tab are sho wn in the follo wing sections. Creating a Conf iguration T o create a Conf iguration, perform the follo wing steps: 1.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 44 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de 11. Select the Actions > Save Conf ig Only option. The new Conf ig appears in the Name drop-do wn list. T o en able the configuration, see “ Enabling a Configuration ” on p age 214.
Zone A dministr ation 245 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Deleting a Config Y ou cannot delete a currently enabled configuration. T o delete a config, perform the follo wing steps: 1. Access the Zone Administration windo w . See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 46 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de T o enable the conf iguration, see “ Enabling a Configuration ” on page 214. Creating a Conf iguration Anal ysis R epor t 1. Access the Zone Administration windo w . See “ Accessing the Zone Administration W indow ” on page 204 for more information.
Zone A dministr ation 247 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide — SAN components (Ports, WWNs, and AL _P As) that are not included in the configuration. — SAN components (Ports, WWNs, and AL _P As) that are contained in the configuration b ut not in the f abric.
Zon e Ad m i n is t rat io n 2 48 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de.
249 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 10 P or t M anagem ent This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ About Port Management , page 250 ■ Using Port Management , page 251.
P ort Managemen t 25 0 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide About P ort M anag ement Port Management is performed through se veral dif ferent areas of W eb T ools: ■ The Port graphic located on the Switch V iew . ■ The Admin tabs. See the indi vidual tabs in “ About the Switch Admin Wi n d o w ” on page 92.
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 251 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Using P ort M anagement The operations a v a ilable on the Port Management tab are described in the follo wing sections. Enabling or Disabling a P ort When you disable a port, i f that port is an ISL, the f abric reconfigures.
P ort Managemen t 25 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Configuring P ort Speed 1. Access the Admin Interface. See “ Accessi ng the Switch Admin W indow ” on page 94 for more information. 2. Select the Admin icon from the switch graphic.
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 253 W eb T ools V e rsion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide About th e P ort G raphic Click on the Port graphic in the Switch vi e w to access the Port Information V iew . For information re garding the Port Information vie w , see “ About the Port Information V iew ” on page 2 55.
P ort Managemen t 25 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Using th e P or t Graphic T o access the Port Information V i ew , perform the follo wing steps: 1. Launch W eb T ools. The Switch Explorer appe ars. 2. Click on the switch grap hic from which yo u want to access port information.
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 255 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de About the P o rt Information V iew The follo wing information appears at th e top of the Port Information window , regardl.
P ort Managemen t 25 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 58: P ortStats tab of the P ort Information w indow P or tStats T ab Desc riptions The fields in the Port Inf ormation view > Por t S t a t s tab are describe d in Ta b l e 6 3 .
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 257 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Li n k C o n t ro l Fram e s Re c eive d Display s the number o f link contro l fr ames r ecei v ed. Mcast F rame s Re c eive d Display s the number o f multicast f r ames r eceiv ed .
P ort Managemen t 25 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de SFP T ab Example An example of the P ort Inf ormation V iew > SFP tab is shown in Figure 59 . Figur e 5 9: SFP T ab of the P ort Information Windo w SFP T ab Desc riptions The fields in the Port Inf ormation view > SFP tab are described in Ta b l e 6 4 .
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 25 9 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Speed Indicate s the speed of th e SFP in 100, 200, or 400 MB/sec. Media Indic ates tr ansmissio n mode , whic h can be one of the fol l owin g : ■ SM - single mode ■ M5 - multi-mode , 50u ■ M6 - multi-mode , 6 2 .
P ort Managemen t 2 60 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Loop T ab Example An example of the P ort Inf ormation V iew > Loop tab is shown in Figu re 60 . Length 6 2 .4u Indicat es the length of link using 6 2 . 5um multi-mode f iber . Length cu Indicates the m ini mum length of link using copper cable.
Po r t M a n a g e m e n t 26 1 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Figur e 60: Loop T ab of the P ort Information Window Loop T ab Descriptions The fields in the Port Inf ormation view > Loop tab are described in Ta b l e 6 5 .
P ort Managemen t 2 6 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Tim es B ein g By passed Displays the number of times lo oplet was not included as part of Q uick Loop. Last T ime bypassed Display s the time that looplet was last b y passed. Local AL_P A L ist Displays the list of AL_P As associated w ith devi ces connected to lo op.
263 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 11 T r oubleshooting W eb T ools This chapter provides the follo wing information: ■ W eb T ools Limitations , page 264 ■ W eb T ools and Firmware.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 2 64 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de W e b T ools Limitations This section provides informa tion on limitations of W eb T ools.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 265 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide ■ While doing an add, delete, or replace WWN from W eb T ools zoning, in confirm windo w , if you select differ ent single entries twice or more, the "select all" button may stop functioning.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 2 66 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de information will not be sho wn. W orkaround: F ollo wing a switch enable or disable, wait at least 25-30 seconds before further action.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 26 7 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide ■ In W eb T ools un der the Admin- Routing page, when vie wing the details of the Routing T able in a p op up windo w , the open windo w locks out all o ther input on other vie ws that are open for any switch.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 2 68 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de W eb T ools and th e JRE Listed belo w are the kno wn limitations in W eb T ools, relating to t he JRE. ■ Under some circumstances, users may see a rectangular black are a corresponding to an appl et ICON graphic.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 269 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide W e b T ools and Firm war e Download There are multiple phases in v olved with f irmware do wnload and activ ation.
T r oubl eshooting W eb T ool s 2 7 0 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de.
27 1 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide glossary Glossary Glossary This glossary def ines terms used in this guide or related to this product and is not a comprehensiv e glossary of computer terms. 16-por t card The Fibre Channel port card provided with th e StorageW orks Core switch.
Glossary 2 7 2 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Alias An alternate n ame for an element or group of el ements in the f abric. Aliases can be used to simplify the entry of port numbers and WWNs when creating zones. Alias Addr ess Identifier An address identif ier recognized by a port in ad dition to its standard iden tif ier .
Gloss ary 273 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de AT M Asynchronous T ransfer Mode. A tran sport used for transmitting data o ver LANs or W ANs that transmit fix ed-length units of data. Pro vides any- to-any connecti vity , and allo ws nodes to transmit simultaneously .
Glossary 2 7 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Beginning Running Disparity The disparity at the transmitter or recei v er when the special character associated with an ordered set is encoded or decode d. See also disparity . BER Bit Error Rate.
Gloss ary 275 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Boot Monitor Code used to initialize the CP (c ontrol processor) en vironment after powering on. Identif ies the amount of memory a vailable and ho w to access it, and retriev es information about system b uses.
Glossary 2 7 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Class F Connectionless service for control traff ic between switches, with notification of deli very or non-deli very of data between the E_Ports. Class of Service A specified set of deliv ery characteris tics and attributes for frame deliv ery .
Gloss ary 277 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Configuration Ho w a system is set up. May refer to hardwa re or software. ■ Hardware: The number , type, and arrangement of components that make up a system or network. ■ Software: The set of parameters that guide switch operation.
Glossary 2 7 8 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de CT_HDR Common T ransport Header . A heade r that confor ms to the Fibre Channel Common T ransport (FC_CT) protocol. CT_IU Common T ransport Information Unit. An information unit that co nforms to the Fibre Channel Common T ransport (FC_CT) p rotocol.
Gloss ary 279 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Dev ice Connec tion Contro ls Enables or ganizations to bind an in divid ual device port to a set of one or more switch ports. De vice ports are specif ied b y a WWN and typica lly represent HB As (serv ers).
Glossary 2 80 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de E_P or t Expansion Port. A typ e of switch port that can be connected to an E_Port on ano ther switch to create an ISL. See also ISL. EE_Credit End-to-end Credit. The number of receiv e bu ffers allocated b y a recipient port to an originating port.
Gloss ary 281 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Ex c hange The highest le v el Fibre Channel mechanism used for commun ication between N_Ports.
Glossary 2 82 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide Fabric Configur ation Ser ver One or more designated HP switches that stor e and manage the co nfiguration and security parameters for all other switches in the fabric. These switches are designated by WWN, and the list of designated switches is kno wn fabric-wide.
Gloss ary 283 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide FC-FLA The Fibre Channel F abric Loop A ttach stand ard defined b y ANSI. FCIA Fibre Channel Industry Association. An international or ga nization of Fibre Channel industry professionals. Among oth er things, provides ov ersight of ANSI and indu stry de veloped standards.
Glossary 2 84 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Fi rmwa r e D ow nl o a d Loading firmw are do wn from a server into a switch. Fi rmwa r e The basic operating system pro vided with the hardw are. FL_P or t Fabric Loop Port. A port that is able to transmit under fabric protocol and also ha s arbitrated loop capabilities.
Gloss ary 285 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide FS _ R E Q Fibre Channel Services Request. A request for a Fi bre Channel services function, or notification of a fabric condition or e v ent. FS _ R J T Fibre Channel Services Reject. An indication that a request for Fibr e Channel services could not be processed.
Glossary 2 86 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de GBIC Gigabit interface con v erter . A remo vable serial transcei ver module that allows gigabaud physical-le vel transport for Fibre Channel and gi gabit Ethernet. T y pically refers only to the SC-form factor transcei vers.
Gloss ary 28 7 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Host A computer that accesses storage devices o ver th e fa bric. May also be referred to as a server . See also workstation. Hot Pluggable A FR U capability that indicates i t may be extracted or installed while customer data is otherwise flo wing in the chassis.
Glossary 2 88 W eb T ools V ersi on 3. 1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Isolat ed E_P ort An E_Port that is online b ut not operational due to o verl apping Domain IDs or nonidentical parameters (such as E_D_T O Vs). See also E_Port. ISL Interswitch Link. a Fibre Channel link from the E_Port of one switch to the E_Port of another .
Gloss ary 289 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de L_P ort Loop Port. A node port (NL_Port) or fabric port (FL_Port) that has arbitrat ed loop capabilities. An L_Port can be in one of t wo modes: ■ Fabric mode: Connected to a po rt that is not loop capable , and using fabric protocol.
Glossary 29 0 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Loop Failu re Loss of signal within a loop for any period of tim e, or loss of synchroniza tion for longer than the time-out v alue. See also error . Loop In itializ ation The logical procedure used by an L_Port to discov e r its en vironment.
Gloss ary 291 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide Mode m Se ri al P ort The upper serial port on the CP Card of th e StorageW orks Core switch. Can be used to connect the CP Card to a modem with a standard 9-p in modem cab le. Consists of a DB-9 connector wired as a RS-232 device, and can be connected by serial cable to a DCE de vice.
Glossary 29 2 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide NL_P or t Node Loop Port. A node port that has arbitrated loop capabilities. Used to connect an equipment port to the fabric in a loop co nf iguration through an FL_Port. See also N_Port, Nx_Port.
Gloss ary 293 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Order ed Set A transmission w ord that uses 8B/10B mapping an d begins with the K28.5 character . Ordered sets occur outside of frames, and include the follo wing items: ■ Frame delimiters : Mark frame boundaries and describe frame contents.
Glossary 29 4 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Po i n t - t o - p o i n t A Fibre Channel topo logy that employs direct links between eac h pair of communicating en tities. See also topology . Po r t C a g e The metal casing e xtending out of the optical po rt on the switch, and in which the SFP can be inserted.
Gloss ary 295 W eb T ools V er sion 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Pu b l i c D ev i c e A de vice that supports arbitrated loop protocol, ca n interpret 8-bit addresses, and can log into the fabr ic . P ublic Loop An arbitrated loop that includ es a participating FL_Port, and may contain both public and p riv ate NL_Ports.
Glossary 29 6 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de RAID Redundant Array of Inde pendent Disks. A collection of disk driv es that appear as a single volume to the server and are fault tolerant thro ugh mirroring or parity checking. See also JBOD.
Gloss ary 29 7 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide RSCN Registered State Change Notif ication. A switch function that allows notif ication of fabri c changes to be sent from the switch to specif ied nodes. RX_ID Responder Exchange Identifier .
Glossary 29 8 W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Us er Guide SFP Small form factor pluggable. A transceiver used on 2 Gbps switches that replaces the GBIC. Refers to the LC-form factor transcei v er . See also GBIC. SID/DI D Source identifier/Destination identif ie r .
Gloss ary 299 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de Swi t c h Hardware that routes frames acco rding to Fibre Chann el protocol and is controlled by softw are. SW L Short W a velength. A type of f ibe r optic cabling that is based on 850-m m lasers and supports 1.
Glossary 300 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Tr a n s c e i ve r De vice that con verts one form of signaling to an other for transmission and reception; in fiber optics, it refers to optical and electrical.
Gloss ary 301 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de ULP Upper -lev el Protocol. The protocol that runs on top of Fibre Channel. T ypical upper -le vel protocols are SCSI, IP , HIPPI, and IPI. Unicast The transmission of data from a single source to a single destination.
Glossary 302 W eb T ools V ersi on 3.1.x/ 4.1.x User Gui de Zon e A set of de vices and hosts attached to the same fa bric and config ured as being in the same zone. De vices and hosts within the same zone have access permission to others in the zone, bu t are not visible to any outside the zone.
303 W eb T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de index Index Index A Accessing Hi Availability Interface 89 actions menu performance monitor 154 actions menu, performance monitor fields 154 using 161 admin interface about 92 example 92 administrative interface 4.
Inde x 304 W e b T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de document conventions 19 prerequisites 18 related documentation 18 dynamic load sharing 131 enabling/disabling 140 E example 67 extended fabri.
Inde x W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 305 technical support 21 I in-order delivery enabling/disabling 140 routing 131 installing additional Web Tools licenses through web 42 Java Plug-i.
Inde x 306 W e b T ools V ersi on 3 .1.x/4.1.x User Gui de display canvas configuratio ns example 155 display canvas configurations fields 156 example 152 performance graphs menu 163 print all graphs 160 printing graphs 162 save canvas configurat ion, descriptions 157 save canvas configurat ion, example 157 SCSI vs.
Inde x W eb T ools V ersion 3 .1.x/4.1.x Use r Guide 30 7 about 67 fields 67 view 67 switch info button descriptions 78 switch information tab about 95 example 95 fields 96 switch report 97 using 97 s.
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Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 3.1.X . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.