Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 315 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
Ga naar pagina of 112 tosmart 1 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’s guide English.
2 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user’s guide Contents Chapter 1: Getting Started ............................................................................. 7 Introduction ...................... ............................. ................... tosmart 3 Chapter 3: Reviewing Your Photos ............................................................... 25 Viewing your photos ........................... ............................. .............................. ......... 26 Viewing small versions (thumbnails) of your photos .
4 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Chapter 5: Sharing and Printing Photos ....................................................... 55 Connecting the camera to your Windows PC ................ .............................. ............ tosmart 5 Chapter 7: Powering Your Camera .............................................................. 73 Determining if the batteries need to be changed ...................................................... ... 73 Replacing batteries .
6 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Appendix A: Reference ................................................................................ 97 Icons ................... .............................. ............................. ...... tosmart 7 Chapter 1: G etting Star ted Intr oduction Y our simple -to -use HP PhotoSmart 315 digital came r a tak es high-quality phot os y ou can share w ith famil y and fri ends on the Int ernet or v ia email . It comes with HP s oftwar e for manipulating , stor ing, and pri nting y our photos .
8 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Camera parts The f ollow ing illustr ations sho w the fron t, back , and sides of the HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camera . 9 Quick Setup Quick setu p Settin g up the HP PhotoSmart 315 di gital came ra is qu ic k and eas y — follow the se steps and you ’ ll be read y to take photos. Step 1: Attach the wr ist strap 1. Open the memory card door . 2 .
10 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Quick Setup Step 2: Install th e batteries Insert fo ur AA batter ies (su pplied), making sure that the +/ – electrodes are f acing the pr oper directi on (see the diagr am on the inside of the camer a ’ s battery compartment). 11 Quick Setup 1. Slide the lens co ver open to tur n the ca mer a on. The image L CD turns on and display s your language cho ices . Note : The camera onl y turns the image L CD on automaticall y the first time y ou turn on the camer a.
12 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Quick Setup Step 4: Se t the camera date and time After y ou select the camer a language, the camer a immediately pr ompts you to e nter the cur rent dat e and time. Once y ou hav e set the camer a ’ s real-time clock , it can r ecor d the date and time at w hich yo u take eac h photo . tosmart 13 T urning th e camera on and off • T o turn the camer a on, slide the lens co ver open . The statu s L CD turns on and dis play s the camera status . • T o turn the camer a off , slide the lens co ver clo sed. T he status L CD goes blank.
14 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using the 5-wa y controller Us e the 5-w ay con trolle r to: • Mak e selec tions f rom the camer a menus, whi ch allo w you to adju st the camera ’ s setti ngs. • Sc ro ll t h ro u g h p h o to s yo u h ave t a ke n. tosmart 15 3 . Pr ess the right or le ft s ide of the 5-w ay contr oller until the desired men u is selected on the image L CD. Ea ch menu is r epre sented b y an icon. A s elected ic on is enlarged and animat ed. 4. Press OK to open the menu .
16 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide. tosmart 17 Cha pter 2: T ak ing P hot os This c hapter descr ibes the basic pr oc ess of taking photos w ith your HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camera and gi ves y ou tips for taking the bes t photos . Once you ar e familiar w i th this process, see Chapter 4 for instructions on adjusting t he came ra settings to fit y our ne eds.
18 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 3 . Pr ess and ho ld the shu tter b u t to n 1 / 2 way d own to al l ow t h e c a m era t o a d jus t t h e fo cus and e xposur e. 4. When you see the s teady gr een light to the r ight of the v ie w fi nder , pres s the sh utter button all the wa y down t o tak e the photo . tosmart 19 Auto F oc us and Auto Exposure The camer a automaticall y focu ses and adjusts the e xposure for the c urre nt lighting conditions when yo u pre ss the shut ter button. Pr epare earl y by fr aming your photo and pr essing the shut ter button 1/2 wa y dow n, e spec ially when yo u are phot ographing an acti ve sub jec t.
20 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Pre vie wing y our photos Instead of looking thr ough the vie wfinder to pr ev iew a photo , you can use the image L CD to pr e vi ew a phot o . tosmart 21 4. Pr ess an d hold the shut ter b ut t on 1 /2 way d own t o a l low t he c am e ra to ad ju st t he fo cus and e xposur e. Note: If y ou move the came ra and f rame a diff erent sub ject while k eeping the shutter button pr essed 1/2 w ay do wn , the camer a does no t r e -adju st the foc us and e xposur e.
22 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using Instant Re vie w Y ou can r evi ew each photo on the image L CD immediately after t aking it. W h ile r ev ie wing a photo , you can ch oose to s av e or delete it. T o immediately r ev iew y our photos, y ou must tur n Instan t Re vie w on using the Instant Re view menu . tosmart 23 Ti ps for taking the be st photo s • T ry to fill the entir e fr ame wi th y our subj ect and e x clude un wanted detail . • K eep the sun behind you or at y our side , not dir e ctl y ov erhead or in f ront o f y ou.
24 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide • The camer a tak es abo ut a second t o foc us and adju st the e xposur e whe n you pr ess th e shut ter button 1/2 wa y down . W ait until you see the st e ady gr een light to the r ight o f the vi ewfinder , then pr ess the shutter button all the w ay do wn to tak e the photo . tosmart 25 Chapt er 3: R ev ie w ing Y our Phot os After y ou have t ak en some photo s and they are s tor ed on the CompactF lash memory card , y ou can v iew them u sing the image L CD. While v ie wing y our photos , y ou can magnify , er ase, loc k, and r otate photos , or c reat e a DPOF f ile to print a set of photos .
26 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Vie wing y our photos 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came ra is off). 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on. The last phot o you t ook appears on the image L CD . tosmart 27 The s tatus ov erlay bar gi ves y ou the follo wing infor mation about the c urre nt photo: • date/time photo w as tak en • photo q uality setting used t o tak e the phot.
28 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Vie wing small versions (thumbnails) of y our photos Y ou can v iew up t o nine of y our photos at the same time on the image L CD. T o look at t humbnails of your photos: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came ra is off). tosmart 29 5 . T o advance to the ne xt set of thumbnails , use the 5-wa y controller t o move the y ellow bor der to the last photo in the set , and then pr ess the dow n side of the 5-w ay contr oller .
30 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Mag ni fy in g y ou r p hot o s While r ev iew ing a photo, y ou can m agnify an area of the photo . T o m agnify a p hoto: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came ra is off). 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on. tosmart 31 Er asing y our photos Y ou can er ase a single photo or all photos fr om the memor y card . On ce a photo has been er ased, it cannot be r ecove r ed. Note: L ock ed photos mus t be unlock ed befor e they can be e ras ed. See “ Lock i ng you r photos ” on page 3 3 for details .
32 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 7 . If yo u chos e to er ase all photos, y ou are ask ed to confirm . T o confirm , use the r ight or left side o f the 5-wa y controlle r to select Ye s , then pre ss OK . tosmart 33 Loc ki ng your pho tos Loc king photo s pr eve nts them f rom be ing acci dentally e r ased fr om t he memor y card . Y ou can lo ck all photos on the me mory card at the same time or y ou can choose indi vidual photos to lock .
34 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 3 . If you ar e locking or unlocking a single photo , use the r ight or left side o f the 5-wa y contr oller to scr oll to the photo y ou want to loc k or unlock. tosmart 35 Rotating y our photos Y ou can r otate a ph oto dis p lay ed on the image L CD in 90 ° inc rements . T o rotate a p hoto: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came ra is off). 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on.
36 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 8. If you w ant to rotat e another photo , use the r ight or left side of the 5-w ay contr oller to scr ol l to the photo , select th e direction you want to r otate in, and t hen press OK repeatedl y until yo u are ha ppy w ith the photo ’ s p osition . tosmart 37 Y ou can selec t the photos y ou want to inc lude in a DPOF f ile one at a time, or y ou can choose to add all of the photos on the memor y card at the same t ime. Selecting a photo to add to a DPOF file is called “ marking ” the photo.
38 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 7. P r e s s OK . 8. If you c hose to mark or unmark all photo s, you ar e asked t o confirm . T o confirm , use the ri ght or left side of the 5-w ay contr oller to select Ye s , then pr ess OK . Note: A DPOF f ile can contain up to 100 pho tos . tosmart 39 Chapter 4 : Adjusting the Cam er a Settings Y ou can modify the HP Ph otoSmart 315 di gital camer a ’ s s ettings to fit the c urre nt photo - taking conditions and y our pre fer ences.
40 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o chan ge the fla sh se tting : 1. Slide the lens co ver open to turn the camer a on. 2. P re s s t h e flash but ton r epeatedly until the flash se tting you w a nt display s on the statu s L CD . tosmart 41 Note: T he flash r echarges betw een photos. T his is indicated b y a r ed light ne xt to the v ie wfinder and a bli n king fl ash i con on the s tatus L CD . When the r ed light tur ns off and the flash i con stops blinking , y ou can take another fla s h photo.
42 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Photo quality Description Resolution Basic The most memory-efficient photo quality setting. Use this setting for taking photos that you plan to send via e-mail or place on the Internet. 640x480 Fine Pr oduces high-quality photos and requires less memory than Super-fine mode. tosmart 43 Here are s ome importan t notes abou t the photo quality setting: • Y ou can use differ ent photo quality settings for diff erent photos on the same memory car d. • The camer a retains the c urren t photo quality setting until you c hange it, ev en if you tur n the camera off .
44 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Using the digital zoom Y ou can us e the camer a ’ s digita l z oom to mak e a subje ct appear t o be clos er . Y ou mu st use the image L CD to pr ev ie w your p hot o to s ee the e ffect o f the z oom. tosmart 45 T o use Qu ick Zoom: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to turn the camer a on. 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on. 3 . Use the dow n side o f the 5-way con t r oller to z oom in on your sub ject .
46 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o use t he Digital Zoom menu: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to turn the camer a on. 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on. 6 . If y ou wa nt to z oom in close r , use the do wn side of the 5-w ay contr oller . tosmart 47 Using the self-timer Use th e self-timer to t ake a pho to of y ourself or a po sed gr oup phot o . After y ou turn the self- timer on and pr ess the shut ter button, the camera w a its 10 seconds befor e taking the photo. T o use th e self-timer: 1.
48 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 4. Press the shutter button all the wa y dow n, then re lease it . The r ed self-timer indicator light on the f r ont of the camera blinks f or 10 seconds wi th an incr easing fr equency . After 10 s econds, the camer a takes the pho to and the self-timer turns off automati cally . tosmart 49 T o turn Instant Re view on or off: 1. Slide the lens co ver open to turn the camer a on. 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/o ff button to tur n the image L CD on.
50 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Setting the imag e L CD brightness Y ou can adjus t the b ri ghtness of the image L CD for differ ent lighting conditions . For e xample , if y ou ar e using the camer a in bright sunlight , you ma y want to inc rea se the image L C D bri g htness to impr ov e the v isibility of the display . tosmart 51 Setting the date and tim e The camer a has a real-time clock that can r ecord the dat e and time at whic h you tak e each photo. The camer a p r ompts y ou to enter the date and time under the follow ing cir cumstances: • When yo u turn on the camer a for the f irst time .
52 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o c hang e th e da te and time: 1. Press the image LCD on/off button to turn the image L C D on . 4. Use the u p or do wn side o f the 5-way contr oller to se lect the dat e and time for mat you want t o use , then pre ss OK . tosmart 53 Changing the camer a languag e Y ou can c hange the language used f or the camera men us. To c h a n g e t h e c a m e r a l a n g u a g e : 1. Press the image LCD on/off but ton to turn the image L CD on. 2. P re s s t h e menu butt on .
54 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Setting the beep The camer a beeps to let y ou know that it is has f inished capturing an image , or to war n y ou that the batteries ar e empty or the memory card is full or inoper able. tosmart 55 Chapter 5: Sharing and Pr inting Photos Once y ou hav e take n some photo s with y our HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camer a, y ou can use the m in many f un and cr e ati ve wa ys.
56 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide S ystem r equirements f or a Windo ws P C T o wo rk with y our camera , your compu ter mus t meet or ex ceed the follo wing r equir ements: * If you ar e using Window s NT 4. tosmart 57 Installing th e software on a Windo ws PC 1. Insert the HP PhotoSmart 315 CD into y our computer ’ s CD-ROM dr iv e. The ins tallatio n windo w automatically appears .
58 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Connec ting the camera to a Windo ws PC Bef or e connecting the camer a to your com p uter , mak e sure y ou have installed the s oft war e. See “ I nstal ling the sof tware on a Windows PC ” abov e for details. tosmart 59 Do wnloading photos to a W indo ws P C Do wnloading is the pr ocess o f transf erring photo s fr om the camer a ’ s memo ry card to y our computer . Tip: T o conserve battery pow er , use an A C adapter (optio nal) when yo u are do wnloading phot os to yo ur computer .
60 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 4. If desired , cli ck the bro wse (...) but ton to se lect the folder w here the photos w i ll be sa ved . If you do no t selec t a folder , the ph otos w i ll be sa ved to the fold er show n in the Sav e my image s to section. tosmart 61 When y ou are f inished do wnlo ading y ou can: • Vie w y our photos • Pr int y our photos • Shar e your photo s with f amily and f r iends o n the Inter net See th e HP P hoto Im aging soft war e ’ s on l in e he l p fo r m o re i n form a ti on.
62 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Connec ting the camera to a Mac intosh Note: T he camera u ses a U SB connection , so yo u do not need to turn the computer o ff when connecting or disconnecting the came ra . T o connec t the cam era to a Mac intosh: 1. tosmart 63 Do wnloading photos to a Macintosh Tip: T o conserve batter y po wer , use an A C pow er adapter (optional) w hen you ar e do wnloading phot os to yo ur computer . F or mor e infor mation , see “ Using an AC po wer adapter ” on page 77.
64 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide When y ou ar e finished dow nloading, y ou can wo rk w ith your photo s using the Ar cSoft PhotoImpr essi on softwar e that came w i th y our camera . See the softwar e ’ s o nline help f or mor e infor mation . tosmart 65 JetSendin g y our pho tos HP Jet Send allo ws for con venient , wir eless tr ansfer . Y ou can transf er photos fr om your camera to an y JetSend-r eceiv ing printer , such as the HP PhotoSmart 1000 and 1200 Series prin ters.
66 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 5 . Place the c amer a and the print er 15 centimet ers (about 6 in che s ) apart and aim the camer a ’ s infr ared sensor at the pr inter ’ s infr ared sens or . 6. P re ss t h e shut ter button all the wa y down to s end the c urr ently displa yed photo . tosmart 67 Chapter 6 : Compac tFlash Memor y The “ fil m ” used in the HP Ph otoSmart 315 digit al camer a is a r eusable Co mpactF lash memory card . The car d is mor e economical than conv entional f i lm becau se you can er ase unw anted photos fr om the card , making space availa b le for ne w photos.
68 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Installing a memor y card 1. If y ou are r eplac ing an e xis ting card wi th a ne w one, mak e sure the memory car d acces s light is off bef ore opening the memo r y car d door . tosmart 69 3 . If you ar e re moving an e xisting car d, r otate the blue card ej ection lev er up , then push the lev er in to eject the card f rom the slot . 4. Insert the new me mory card so that the f ront o f the car d face s the fr ont of the camer a and the edge with p inholes is placed into the camer a fir st .
70 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Che ckin g the m emory ca rd status If the memory card is f ull, damaged , or missing, the n umbers “ 000 ” blink on the s tatus L C D to indicate y ou cannot take any mor e photos. A r ed light appears to the right o f the vi ewfinder if you pr ess the shut ter button . tosmart 71 • If yo u r ecei ve the card er ror indi cations and the card is f ormatted and is not f ull, the c ard m ay be d am a g ed. Try re -fo rm a t t in g th e c ard, or t r y a d i ff ere nt c ard. For i ns tr uc ti on s on f ormattin g a car d, see be lo w .
72 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 1. Insert the memory card int o the camera (s ee “ Insta lling a memory car d ” on pag e 6 8) . 2. P re s s t h e imag e LCD on/off button to turn the image L CD on. 3. P re s s t h e menu button . tosmart 73 Chapt er 7 : P o wer ing Y o ur Camer a The HP P hotoSmart 315 digital camer a can be pow er ed b y batteri es or an HP -appro ved A C po wer ada pter .
74 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Note: When the Empty battery icon on the statu s L CD begins flashing and the camera beeps repeatedl y , the pow er is about to shut off . Y ou need to replace the batter ies befo re y ou can ta k e another photo. tosmart 75 • Tr y “ ultra- ” or “ premium- ” grade alk aline, lithium , or r e char geable Ni-Cd or Ni-MH bat teries, av a ilable from v arious batt ery manufactu rers .
76 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o insert ne w bat teries: 1. Make sur e the lens cov er is closed (the came ra is off). 2 . T o open the batter y compartment , slide the battery compartment co ver in the directi on of the arr ow , and then lift it. tosmart 77 Using an A C po wer adapter T o extend the life of y our batterie s, us e an A C po we r adapter as yo ur pow er sour ce when connecting y our camera to a comput er or when using the image L CD for an e xtended period .
78 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide T o connec t an AC pow er ad apter: 1. Plug the adapter into a po wer sour ce (such as a wall outlet or po wer str ip) . 2 . Connect the r ound end of the adapter cable to the camer a. Note: If y ou want to u se battery po wer , r emov e the AC adap ter fr om the pow er sour ce and the camera . tosmart 79 Chapter 8: T r oubleshooting Problems and solutions If y ou have a pr oblem using y our HP PhotoSmart 315 di gital camera , re vie w this secti on fir st. If you ca nnot fin d the solut ion to your p roblem h ere , see “ Getting assistan ce ” on page 88 f or infor mation on contacting HP Cu stomer Care .
80 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide The camera does not respond when I press a button. The camera is off. Slide the lens cover open to turn the camera on (if you want to take a ph oto) or turn on the image LCD (if you want to review y our photos). tosmart 81 The camera ne eds to be reset. Turn the camera off and then on again (slide the lens cover closed and then open). Remove the batteries and reinstall them. If you are using an AC power ad apter, unplug the a dapter from th e camera, remove an d reinstall the batteries, and then plug the adapter in.
82 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide I hav e to replace th e camera bat teries frequently . Extended use of the image LCD consumes battery power. tosmart 83 When I press the s hutter button 1/2 way d own, a blinking green light appear s ne xt to the viewfinder . — Continued (next page) — The camera cannot find a focus because you are too close to the subject. The camera ’ s Auto Focus range is 30 cm (11.
84 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide There is not enough light to illuminate your subject. Wait for lighting conditions to improve or turn on the lights in the room. Or, set the camera ’ s Auto Expos ure using a different sub ject that is illuminated more clearly and is the sa me distance away. tosmart 85 The memo ry card is damaged or is not formatted. Format th e memory c ard or replace it w ith a new , formatted card . The flash is recharging. Wait until the flash icon on the status LCD stops blinking before taki ng anothe r flash photo .
86 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide My p ho to is blur ry . Your subjec t was too close to the camera lens. The camera ’ s Auto Focus range is 30cm (11.8 in.) from the front of the lens to infinity. For a clear, sharp image, make sure your subject is within this range. tosmart 87 My p h o to i s too dark. There was not enough light. Wait for natural lighting conditions to improve or use the flash to illuminate your subject (see “ Using the flash ” on page 39). The flash wa s on, but the subject wa s too far aw ay.
88 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Get ting assistance T o help ensu r e trouble -free performance, y our HP PhotoSma rt 315 digital camera comes w ith aw a rd-w inning HP Customer C a r e. Whether you hav e a question or a request for repair , H P Customer Care makes it fas t and eas y to get the assist ance yo u need. tosmart 89 3 . If possible , visit one of our HP C ustomer Car e W eb sites. Mo st of the ans wer s y ou need are as c lose as yo ur computer sc reen! See “ Us i n g H P Cu st o m e r Ca re o nl i n e re s o u rc e s ” below f or specifi c infor mation on ho w to connect.
90 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Contacting HP Customer Care b y phone Like most HP custom ers, you ’ ll proba bly ne ve r need to call us . But if y ou do, y ou ’ ll be connected to a servi ce technic ian who spec iali z es in your pr oduct and can help you f ind the answ ers y ou need. tosmart 91 F o r s u ppo r t n umbe r s in o ther c o u n t r i e s /regions , c o n t a c t y o ur local HP o f f i c e . ArcSo f t support F or help with y our Ar cSoft PhotoImpre ssio n Softwar e, v isit the Ar cSoft W eb site at ww w .
92 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide. tosmart 93 Chapter 9: Car e and Safety Caring f or your camera and acces sories Camera • K eeping the lens clean w ill help you to t ak e sharp , clear photos w ith the best possible foc us. U se a dry , soft , lint -fr ee clot h to gen tly w ipe the lens and s tatus and image L CDs to clea n off an y finge rpr ints and dus t .
94 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide A C pow er adapter • Use onl y an A C pow er adapter that HP has appro ved for u se with the HP PhotoSmart 315 digital camera . Use of any other adapte r will vo id your w arranty and may damage yo ur c a m e ra. tosmart 95 Safety precautions • T o av oid the risk o f electr ic shock , do not open the camera case or attempt t o r epair the camer a yo urself . Contact an author iz ed HP Service C enter f or r e pairs. See “ Getting assistance ” on page 8 8.
96 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide. tosmart 97 Appendi x A: Re ference Icons Icon Meaning Batteries full Batteries partially-charged Batteries empty Automatic flash on Flash off Flash on.
98 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Automatic flash with red-eye reduction on Basic photo quality Fine photo quality Super-fine phot o quality Photo included in DPOF file Photo locked. tosmart 99 Camera indicator lights Indicator light State Meaning Viewfinder Green – stead y The camera has achieved the best focus and exposure and is ready to take a photo. Green – blinking The camera cannot find a focus or there is not enough light to take the photo.
100 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Err or messages If an err or message displa ys on the st atus L CD , consult the list below f or correc ti ve ac tions to take . Memory card access On The camera is accessing the memor y card — do not open the memory card doo r. tosmart 101 Camera specifications Sensor 2.1 megapixels, 1/2.7 ” CCD Color depth 30-bit Resolution 2.1 megapixels (Super-fine and Fine photo quality sett ings: 1200 x 1600 pixels; Bas.
102 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Viewfinder Optical viewfinder Flash Built-in flash with range up to 3 meters (9.8 ft.); modes: au to, auto with red- eye reduction, on, off LCD 1. 103 Appendix B: R egulator y and W arranty Infor mation Regu lator y not ices U.S . A . This de vice compli es w ith P art 15 of the FCC rules .
104 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Japan Ko r e a. 105 Hewlett-P ac k ard limited w arranty statement A. Extent of Limited Warranty 1. Hewlett-Packard (HP) warrants to the end-user customer that the HP products specified above wi.
106 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide 5. If HP is unable to repair or rep lace, as applicable, a defective prod uct which is covered by HP ’ s warranty, HP shall, within a reasonable time after being notified of the d efect, refund the purchase pr ice for the product. 107 D. Local Law 1. This Warranty Statement gives the customer sp ecific legal rights. The customer may a lso have other rights which vary from state to state in the United States, from province to province in Canada, and from country to country elsewhere in the world.
108 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Hewlett-P ackar d year 2000 war ranty for cons umer pr oducts distributed thr ough author i ze d re sel lers Subject to all of the terms and limit. tosmart 109 Index Numerics 5-way controller 14 A AC adapter connecting 78 safety precautions 94 using 77 Assistance 88 Auto Exposure 19 Auto Focus 19 Auto Power Off 13 B Batteries check.
110 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide D Date 12 , 51 Deleting photos 31 Digital Print Order Format. See DPOF file Digital zoom 44 Downloading photos to a Macintosh 61 , 63 to a PC 55 ,. tosmart 111 Magnifying photos 30 Marking photos 37 Memory card capacity 70 checking the status 70 formatting 71 how photo quality affects capacity 70 installing 68 removing 68 replacing.
112 hp photosmart 315 digital camera user ’ s guide Requirements batteries 75 Macintosh 61 memory cards 67 PC 56 Resolution. See Photo quality Reviewing photos usin g Instant Review 22 , 48 Rotating.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 315 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.