Gebruiksaanwijzing /service van het product 43361 van de fabrikant HP (Hewlett-Packard)
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s e r vi c e re fe re n c e g u i d e HP C ompaq dx7 3 00 Busine ss P C 1st E diti on This doc ument pro vi des info rmation on the r emo val and r eplacement of all parts as well as inf ormation on t.
Ser v ice Ref erence Guide HP Co mpaq dx7 3 00 Busines s P C 1st E diti on Doc ument P art Number: 4 33 6 1 1- 0 0 1 September 2006.
© Copyright 2006 He wlett-Packard Dev elopment Company , L.P . The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. Microsoft, MS-DOS, W indows, W indows NT , and W indows XP are t rademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the U.S. and othe r countries.
Se rcic e Re fe ren c e G u id e, dx 7 30 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 i ii Cont ent s 1 Installing the Operating System 1.1 Installing or Upgrading Device Drivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1–1 1.2 Transferring Files and Settings .
iv 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Conte nt s 3.4 ROM Flash . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3–9 3.4.1 Remote ROM Flash . .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 v Conte nts 5.5.1 Power Supply Fan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5–7 5.5.2 Tools and Software Requirements . . . . .
vi 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Conte nt s 7.5 Computer Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7–8 7.6 Front Drive Bezels . . .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 1–1 1 Installin g th e O perating S y stem Ä CAUT ION: Do not add optional har dw are or thir d-par ty dev ices to yo ur computer until the oper ating s ystem is successf ully installed. Doing so may caus e err ors and may pre vent the operating sy stem fr om installing pr operly.
1 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Inst alli ng t he Op eratin g S ystem 1 .2 T ransf erring Files and Settin gs Use the Microsoft W indows XP Files and Settings T ransfer W izard to move files and settings from an old computer to a new one.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 2–1 2 Setu p Utiliti es and Dia gnos tic s F ea ture s Setup Utilities (F10) and diagnostic features pr o vide information needed about the computer system when contacting Cust omer Support.
2 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es 2.2 C omp uter Setu p Utiliti es Use Computer Setup Utilities (F10) to: ■ Change factory default settings . ■ Set the system date and time.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 2 – 3 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es 2.2. 1 Using C ompu ter Setup (F1 0) U tilities Computer Setup can be accessed on ly by turning on the computer or restarting the system. T o access the Computer Setup Utilities me nu, complete the following steps: 1.
2 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es 2.2 .2 Computer Set up Menu Heading Option Description Fi l e Sy st e m I n f o rm a .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 2 – 5 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es Sto rage D ev ic e Config uration L ists all installed BIO S -contr olled stor age dev ices . When a de vi ce is select ed, detailed inf ormation and opti ons ar e displa yed .
2 –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es Sto rage (continued) De v ic e Conf igurati on (continued) Multis ector T ransfers (A T A di sk s on ly) Spec ifies ho w many sec tors ar e transf err ed per multi-sector P IO oper ation .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 2 – 7 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es Sto rage (continued) Stor age Op tions (continued) SA TA Em u l at i on Allo ws y ou to choo se how the S A T A controller and de vi ces are accessed b y the operating s ystem .
2 –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es Sto rage (continued) Boot Order Allo ws y ou to: • Spec if y the or der in whi ch a.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 2 – 9 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es Secur i ty (continued) Smart Co ver (some mode ls) Allow s you to: •L o c k / u n l o c k t h e C o v e r L o c k . • Set the Co ver Remo val Sensor to Disable/Notify Use r/Setup Pa s s w o r d .
2 –1 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es Secur i ty (continued) OS S ecu rit y ✎ This selection is in effect only if the pro cessor and operating system being used comprehend and utilize this feature.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 2–1 1 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es Advan ce d* *F or adv anced users on ly P ow er- On Option s Allows y o u to set: • PO ST mode (QuickBoot , FullBoot , or FullBoot e very 1 -30 da ys).
2 –1 2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es Advan ce d* (continued) *F or adv anced users on ly Po w e r - O n O p t i o n s (continued) Allow s you to set: (continued) • I/O APIC Mode (ena ble/disable).
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 2–1 3 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es Advan ce d* (continued) *F or adv anced users on ly Bus Opti ons* On some models , allow s you to enable or dis able: • PCI SERR# Gener ation.
2 –1 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es 2.2.3 Reco v ering t he Confi guration Set tings This method of reco very requires that you f irst perform the Save to Remov able Media command with the Computer Setup (F10) U tility before Restore is needed.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 2–1 5 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es 2.3. 1 Acces sing HP Insigh t Diagnos tic s Y ou must boot to the Documentation and Diagnostics CD, as described in the steps belo w , to access HP Insight Diagnostics.
2 –1 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es Miscellaneous —Shows information obta ined from the co mputer conf iguration memory (CMOS), system management BI OS data, system bo ard data, and diagnostics componen t information.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 2–1 7 Setup Utilities and Diagnosti cs F e atur es 2.3.4 Stat us T ab The Status tab displays the status o f the se lected tests. The type of test executed ( Quick , Complete , or Custom ) is also displayed.
2 –1 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Setup Utilities and Diagno stic s F eatur es 2.3.7 Saving and Prin ting Information in HP Insi ght Dia gnosti cs Y ou can sav e the information disp layed in the HP Insight Diagnos tics Status and Log tabs to a diskette or a USB 2.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 3–1 3 De sk top Manageme nt HP Client Management Solutions provides st andards-based solutions for managing and controlling desktops, w orkstations, and noteb ook PCs in a network ed en vironment.
3 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 3. 1 . 1 HP O pen Vi e w A ge n t The Radia Managemen t Agent (RMA) used by both HP OpenV ie w Client Configuratio n Manager and HP OpenV iew PC Conf iguration Mana gement Solutions (Radia) is pre-loaded on the computer .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 3 – 3 Desktop Manage ment Y ou can order a Recov ery Disc Set from HP by calling the HP suport center .
3 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment When HP Client Management Interface is us ed in conjunction with system management software, it can: ■ Reque.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 3 – 5 Desktop Manage ment ■ HP Kno wledgebase—link to expert information ■ Automated SoftPa q collection and deli very proc ess for fast res.
3 –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment ■ Altiris Migration Suite ■ Altiris Local Recove ry Pro For more information about the HP Client Foundation Suite, visit http://www .hp .com/go/eas ydeplo y .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 3 – 7 Desktop Manage ment 3. 3.9 Intel vPro -branded PCs with Ac tiv e Man agem ent Te c h n o l o g y Intel Acti ve Management T echnology (AMT) allo ws better disco very , healing, and protection of networked computing assets.
3 –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment This hot-ke y enters the Intel Management Engine BIOS Ex ecu tion (ME Bx) setup utility . This utility allo ws the user to conf igure v arious aspe cts of the management technology .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 3 – 9 Desktop Manage ment 3.3. 1 1 Su bs c r ib er ’ s C ho i ce Subscriber’ s Choice is a c lient-based service from HP . Based on your prof ile, HP will supp ly you with pe rsonal ized product tips, feature articles, and/or driv er and support alerts/notifications.
3 –1 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 3.4.2 HPQFlash The HPQFlash utility is used to locally update or restore the system BIOS on indi vidual PCs through a W indo ws operating sy stem. For more informati on on HPQFlash, visit http://ww w .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–1 1 Desktop Manage ment 3.4.4 Replicatin g the S etup The follo wing procedures giv e an administrator the ability to easily copy one setup conf iguration to other computers of the same model. This allo ws for faster , more consistent configuration of multiple computers.
3 –1 2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment Copy ing to M ultiple C ompu ters Ä CAUT ION: A setup con figuratio n is m ode l-sp ecific. File system co rruption may resul t if source a nd ta rget computers ar e not the same model .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–1 3 Desktop Manage ment Creating a Bootabl e De vice Suppor ted USB Flash Media D e vice Supported de vices hav e a preinstalled image to simplify the process of making them bootable. All HP or Compaq and most other USB flash me dia de vices have this preinstalled image.
3 –1 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 10. At the A: prompt, enter FORMA T /S X: where X represents the dri ve letter noted before. Ä CAUT ION: Be sure that y ou have en ter ed the corr ect dri ve letter fo r the USB flash medi a dev ice .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–1 5 Desktop Manage ment 6. Go to Advanced > PCI Devices to disable both the P A T A and SA T A controllers. When disabling the SA T A controller , note the IRQ to which the controller is assigned.
3 –1 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment After configuring the po wer button to function as a standb y button, press the po wer button to pu t the system in a very low po wer s tate (standby). Press the b utton again to quickly bring th e system out of standby to full po wer status.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–1 7 Desktop Manage ment remov able media boot capability , you can protect v a luable data assets.
3 –1 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment Dev ice Sec urity Enables/disa bles ser ial ports, par allel port, f r ont USB ports, s ys tem audio , network co ntroll ers (some models) , and S CSI contr ollers (s ome models) .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–1 9 Desktop Manage ment 3.5 . 1 P a ssw ord Sec urity The po wer-on password prev ents unauthorized use of the computer by requiring entry of a password to access applications or data each time the computer is turned on or restarted.
3 –2 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 3. 5 .3 E stablish ing a P o w er- O n P a ss w ord Using Co mputer Setup Establishing a po wer-on password throug h Computer Setup pre vents access to the computer when po wer is turned on, unless the password is entered.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–2 1 Desktop Manage ment Chan ging a P o w er- On or Setup P assw ord If the system is equipped with an em bedded security de vice, refer to the HP Pr otec tT ools Security Manager Guide at www .hp .
3 –22 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment Na tional K e yboard Delimiter C harac ters Each ke yboard is designed to meet country-spec ific requirements. The syntax and keys that you use for changing or deleting yo ur password depend on th e keybo ard that came with your computer .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–2 3 Desktop Manage ment Using DriveLock When one or more hard dri ves that suppor t the A T A Security command set are detected, the Dri veLock option appears under the Security menu in Computer Setup.
3 –24 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 3.5.5 Sm a r t C ov e r S e nso r Cov er Remov al Sensor , av ailable on some models , is a combination of hardware and softw are technology that can alert you when the computer cov er or side panel ha s been remov e d.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 3–2 5 Desktop Manage ment Lock ing th e Smar t Cov er Loc k T o activ ate and lock the Smart Cov e r Lock, complete the follo wing steps: 1. T urn on or restart the comp uter . If you are in W indows, click Start > Shut Do wn > Restart .
3 –26 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Desktop Manage ment 3.5 .7 Fingerprin t Id entification T ec hnology Eliminating the need to enter us er passw ords, HP Fingerpri.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 4–1 4 Seri al and P arallel A T A Driv e Gui delin es and Fe a t u re s ✎ Serial A T A = SA T A Parallel A T A = P A T A HP only supports the use of SA T A hard dri ves on these models of computer .
4 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Ser ial and P aralle l A T A Driv e Guidelines an d F eatur es 4.2 SA T A H ard Dri v e C abl es 4.2. 1 SA T A D ata C ab le Always use an HP approv ed SA T A 3.0 Gb/s cable as it is fully backwa rd s compatible with the SA T A 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 4 – 3 Seri al and P arallel A T A Dr iv e Guidelines and F eature s 4.3 P A T A D e vice Information The USDT mo del is the only product that suppor ts a P A T A optical drive. No P A T A dri ves are supported on any other model.
4 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Ser ial and P aralle l A T A Driv e Guidelines an d F eatur es.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 5–1 5 Id entifying t he C has sis , R outine Care, and Di sassembl y P re pa r ati on This chapter prov ides general service informatio n for the compute r . Adherence to th e procedures and precautions described in this chap ter is essential for proper service.
5 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Identif y ing the Chass is, R outine Care , a nd Disassembly Pr eparation 5. 1 . 2 Sl i m Tower ( ST ).
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 5 – 3 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C are , an d Disass embly Pr eparation 5 .2 El ectrosta tic Discharg e Inf orma tion A sudden discharg e of static electricity from your fin ger or other conductor can destroy static-sensiti ve de vices or microcircuitry .
5 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Identif y ing the Chass is, R outine Care , a nd Disassembly Pr eparation 5 .2.3 P e r son al Grounding Met hods and E quipm ent U.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 5 – 5 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C are , an d Disass embly Pr eparation ■ Static aw areness labels ■ Wrist straps and footwear strap s .
5 –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Identif y ing the Chass is, R outine Care , a nd Disassembly Pr eparation 4. Alw ays unplug the co mputer before cleaning the keyb oard, mouse, or air v ents. 5. Disconnect the k eyboard before clean ing it.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 5 – 7 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C are , an d Disass embly Pr eparation 5 .4.4 C leaning the Monitor ■ W ipe the monitor screen with a clean cloth moistened with water or with a to welette designed for cleaning monitors.
5 –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Identif y ing the Chass is, R outine Care , a nd Disassembly Pr eparation 5. 5.3 S c r ews The screws used in the computer are not interchangeable. They may hav e standard or metric threads and may be of dif ferent lengths.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 5 – 9 Identifying the Chassis , Routine C are , an d Disass embly Pr eparation 5. 5.6 L i t h i u m C o i n C e l l B a t t e r y The battery that comes with th e computer pro vides power to the real-time clock and has a minimum lifetime of about three years.
5 –1 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Identif y ing the Chass is, R outine Care , a nd Disassembly Pr eparation.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 6–1 6 Remo v al an d Repl acemen t Procedur es— Micro to w er ( MT) C hass is Adherence to the procedures and precautions desc ribed in this chapter is essential for proper service.
6 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.2 Exte rn al S ec u rit y De vi ces 6.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 6 – 3 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.2.2 Installing a P adloc k A padlock may be used b y itself to secure the access panel to the co mputer chassis. A padlock may also be used with a security cable to secure the compute r to a f ixed object.
6 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.3 A cces s P a ne l 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 6 – 5 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.4 Fron t B e ze l 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.
6 –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis T o reinstall the front bezel: 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 6 – 7 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.5 Fron t D rive B e ze ls Follo w these steps before removing or installing a front dri ve bezel. 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.
6 –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.5 .2 Disk et te Driv e B ezel Press the two upper 1 or the two lo wer 2 tabs for the diskette dri ve bezel to wards the center of the dri ve bezel and push the bezel out to remo ve it from the front bezel.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 6 – 9 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6 .6 Cable Manage ment Always follo w go od cable management prac tices when working in side the comp uter . ■ K eep cables a way from major h eat sources like the heatsink.
6 –1 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.6. 1 C ab l e Co nn ec ti ons System board connectors are color-coded to ma k e it easier to find the proper connection.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–1 1 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.7 Me m or y Ä CAUT ION: The memory module sock ets hav e gold metal con tacts .
6 –1 2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis ✎ The computer automatically recogn izes the additional memory when the computer is turned on. T o reassemble the computer , rev erse the remov al procedure.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–1 3 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.8 Expansion C ards 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6 –1 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 4. Before installing an expansion card, remov e the ex pansion slot cover or the existing expan sion card.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–1 5 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis c. If removing a PCI Express x 16 card, pull the retention arm on the back of the e xpansion socket a way from the card and carefully rock the card back and forth until the connectors pull free from the socket.
6 –1 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. If replacing or adding a new expansion card, hold the card .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–1 7 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.9 Drives The computer suppo rts up to six dri ves th at may be installed in v a rious conf igurations. This Section describes the procedure for replacing or upgrad ing the storage dri ves.
6 –1 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e Gu i d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.9 .2 Remo ving a Driv e 1. Remov e any remo v able media, such as a compact disc or diskette, from the dri ve. 2.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–1 9 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis Disconnec ting Disk et te Driv e C ables Rel ea sin g t h e Dr iv es 6. A latch driv e bracket with release tabs secures th e driv es in the driv e bay .
6 –2 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6.9 .3 Installin g a Driv e Ä CAUT ION: T o pr ev ent loss of.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–2 1 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 3. Reconnect the power and data cables to the dri ve as shown in the following i llustrations.
6 –22 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 4. Install the front bezel ( Section 6.4 ). 5. Install the access panel ( Section 6.3 ). 6. T urn on the computer .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–2 3 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 0 Ch assis F an 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6 –24 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 1 Front I/O P an el H ous in g A s s emb ly 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–2 5 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 2 Fron t I /O D e vi ces 1.
6 –26 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 3 P o w er S wit c h Assembl y 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–2 7 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 4 H ea ts in k 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6 –28 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis When reinstalling the heatsink, ma k e sure that its bottom has been cleaned with an alcohol wipe and fresh thermal grease has been ap plied to the top of the processor .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–2 9 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 5 Pro ce ss or 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 6.3 ). 3.
6 –3 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 4. Apply the thermal grease provided in the spares kit to the top of the processor and install the heatsink atop the processor .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–3 1 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 6 Sp ea k e r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 6.1 ). 2. Remov e the access panel and rotate the computer so the system board is parallel to the table to make it easier to wo rk on ( Section 6.
6 –32 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6 . 1 7 P o w er Suppl y Å WA R N I N G : V oltage is a l wa ys pr esent on the sy stem bo ard when the computer is plugged into an acti ve A C outlet.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 6 – 3 3 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 5. Pull the po wer supply to wards the front of th e chassis while depressing the two sets of retaining clips 1 to allo w the power supply to mov e far enough to lift it from the chassis 2 .
6 –3 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 8 S y stem B oard 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–3 5 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 9 B a t te r y The battery that comes with yo ur co mputer provid es power to the real-time clock and ha s a lifetime of about three years.
6 –36 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 Se r v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 9 . 1 T ype 1 Bat ter y Hold er 1. Lift the battery out of its holder . 2. Slide the replacement battery in to position, positi ve side up.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 6–3 7 Remo val a nd Replacement Procedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 9 . 2 T ype 2 B a t te ry Ho ld er 1. T o release the battery from its holder , squeeze the metal clamp that extends abo ve one edge of the battery .
6 –3 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 730 0 Remo val and Replacement Pr ocedures— Mic roto wer (MT) Chassis 6. 1 9 .3 T ype 3 B a t ter y Ho ld er 1. Pull back on the clip 1 that holds the battery in pl ace, then remov e the battery 2 .
Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G u id e, dx 730 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 7 –1 7 Remo v al an d Repl acemen t Procedur es— Slim T o w er (S T ) C ha ssis Adherence to the procedures and precautions desc ribed in this chapter is essential for proper service.
7 –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 8. Lift the computer of the stand.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–3 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .2 U nlo cki ng the S ma rt Co v e r Lo ck If you ha ve locked the Smart Co ver Lock use Comp uter Setup to unlock the lock.
7 –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis T o reattach the Smart Cov er Lock: 1. Install the Smart Co ver Lock assembly on the insi de of the rear pa nel with the metal arm 1 wrapped around the air v ent grid on the back of the chassis.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–5 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .3 Hood Sensor 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly . 2. Remov e the computer cover . 3. Remov e the special security clip ( Section 7.
7 –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7. 4 E x t e r n a l S e c u r i t y D e v i c e s 7 .4. 1 Sec urity C lip A special clip is required to s ecure the computer from intrusion.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–7 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .4.3 P a dloc k A padlock may be used b y itself to secure the co mputer cov er to the computer chassis. A padlock may also be used with a security cable to secure the compute r to a f ixed object.
7 –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7 .5 Compute r Co v er 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–9 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7. 6 F r o n t D r i v e B e z e l s 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
7 –1 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis There are three driv e bezel inserts that are av ailable. Item Description 1 Disk ette dr iv e bez el 2 Hard dr iv e beze l 3 3 .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–1 1 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .7 Cable Managemen t The Small Form Factor chassis is a very compac t computer and p roper ro uting of the internal cables is critical to the operation of the comput er .
7 –1 2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7 .7 . 1 Cab le Conn ections System board connectors are color-coded to ma k e it easier to find the proper connection.
Servi ce Refe rence Gui de , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–1 3 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7. 8 M e m o r y Ä CAUT ION: The memory module sock ets hav e gold metal con tacts .
7 –1 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis ✎ The computer automatically recogn izes the additional memory when the computer is turned on. T o reassemble the computer , rev erse the remov al procedure.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–1 5 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .9 .2 PCI Expansion C ard 1. If you ha ve locked the Smart Co ver Lock, restart the computer and en ter Computer Setup to unlock the lock.
7 –1 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 8. Install the expansion card b y sliding the ca rd under the slot cover retention latch t hen pressing the card down into the slot on th e system board.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–1 7 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .9 .3 PCI Expr ess Expansion C ard T o remov e a PCI Express expansion card: 1. If you ha ve locked the Smart Co ver Lock, restart the computer and en ter Computer Setup to unlock the lock.
7 –1 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7 . 1 0 P CI Riser Card Assembl y and B ac kw all 1. If you ha ve locked the Smart Co ver Lock, use Co mputer Setup to unlock the lock ( Section 7.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–1 9 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7. Remov e the SmartCover lock from the backwa ll of the chassis using the special security wrench and disconnect its cable from the system board.
7 –2 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 12. Remov e the long mounting scre w that secure s the system board tray to the chassis.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–2 1 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 14. Remov e the three scre ws that secure the backwall assembly to the chassis 1 , then slide the backwall assembly a fe w millimeters/inches towa rd the space v acated by the po wer supply and lift out (2 .
7 –22 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 16. Install the serial connector into the new backwall using the tw o screws that were remo ved from the serial connector in a pre vious step.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–2 3 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 23. Rotate the dri ve cage back do wn to its normal position. Be sure to use proper cable handling and placement precautions.
7 –24 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7.1 1 D r i v e s A T orx T -15 screwdri ver is needed to rem o ve and install the guide scre ws on a drive.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–2 5 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 . 1 1 .2 Optical Driv e Ä CAUT ION: All remo vable media should be ta ken out of the dri ve s befor e remo v ing the driv e from the computer .
7 –26 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 6. Rotate the dri ve cage do wn to its normal position before trying to remo ve the dri ve. 7. Press the green dri ve retainer latch and slide the dri ve forward and lift it from the driv e cage.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–2 7 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 . 1 1 .3 External 3.5-inc h Driv e 1. If you ha ve locked the Smart Co ver Lock, use Co mputer Setup to unlock the lock ( Section 7.
7 –28 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 8. Press the green dri ve retention latch 1 located on the side of the diskette dri ve to disengage the dri ve from the dri ve cage and slide the diskette dri ve forward approximately 6mm (1/4 inch) 2 .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–2 9 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7.1 1 . 4 P r i m a r y H a r d D r i v e A T orx T -15 screwdri ver is needed to remo ve and install the guide scre ws on a hard driv e.
7 –3 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 5. Remov e the security clip that secu res the backwall to the po wer supply . 6. Rotate the po wer supply to its full upright position.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–3 1 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7. Disconnect the po wer and data cables from the back of the hard dri ve.
7 –32 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis ✎ When replacing the hard dri ve, transfer the four scre ws from the old dri ve to the ne w one. The scre ws take the place of dri ve rails.
Serv ice R efer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 36 1 1 -00 1 7–3 3 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7.12 F a n S h r o u d 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
7 –3 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7.13 F r o n t I / O D e v i c e s 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–3 5 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7.14 H e a t s i n k 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.5 ).
7 –36 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 S e r vic e Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7.15 P r o c e s s o r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–3 7 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 3. If reusing the existing heatsink, clean the bot tom of the heatsink with the alcohol pad provided in the spares kit.
7 –3 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7.16 S p e a k e r 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–3 9 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 . 1 7 P o w er Sup ply Å WA R N I N G : V oltage is a l wa ys pr esent on the sy stem bo ard when the computer is plugged into an acti ve A C outlet.
7 –4 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 8. Rotate the po wer supply to its full upright position 1 , then lift the power supply straight up and out of the chassis 2 .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–4 1 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7.18 C h a s s i s F a n 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
7 –42 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7 . 1 9 S y s tem Board 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–4 3 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 9. Disconnect the serial port from the system board. 10. Disconnect the balance of the cables from the system board. 11. Remov e the long mounting scre w that secure s the system board tray to the chassis.
7 –4 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 12. Slide the system board tray as sembly to wards the front of the chassis, about 6 mm (1/4 inch) and lift the system board up and out of the chassis.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–4 5 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .20 Driv e C lutc h Co mponen ts 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
7 –4 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 8. Hold the dri ve cage in the upright position wh ile remo ving the two scre ws that secure the clutch finger assembly to the dri ve cage.
Servi ce Refe rence Gui de , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–4 7 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .2 1 P o w er S wi tch Assembly 1. Prepare the computer for disassembly ( Section 7.1 ). 2. Remov e the computer cover ( Section 7.
7 –4 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7. 2 2 B a t t e r y The battery that comes with this computer pr o vides power to the real-time clock and has a lifetime of about three years.
Servi ce Refe rence Gui de , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–4 9 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7. 2 2 .1 T y p e 1 B a t t e r y H o l d e r 1. Lift the battery out of its holder . 2. Slide the replacement battery in to position, positi ve side up.
7 –5 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis 7. 2 2 . 2 T y p e 2 B a t t e r y H o l d e r 1. T o release the battery from its holder , squeeze the metal clamp that extends abo ve one edge of the battery .
Servi ce Refe rence Gui de , dx7 300 4 33 6 1 1 -00 1 7–5 1 Remo val an d R eplacement Pr ocedures— Slim T ow er (ST) Chassis 7 .2 2.3 T ype 3 Ba tter y Ho lder 1. Pull back on the clip 1 that holds the bat tery in place, then remove the battery 2 .
7 –52 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 Remo val and Replacement P r ocedures— Slim T ower (S T) Chassis.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 A – 1 A Connec tor P in As signments This appendix contains the pin assign ments fo r many computer and workstation connectors. Some of these connectors may not be used on the pr oduct being serviced.
A –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Connec tor P in Assignments Ethernet RJ- 45 Connector and Icon P in Signal 1 2 3 4 (+) T r ansmit Data (-) T r ansmit Data (+) R e.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 A – 3 Connec tor P in Assignments Serial Inter face, P o w ered and Non -P o wer ed Connector and Icon P in Signal 1 2 3 Carrie r D etect ( 1 2 V .
A –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Connec tor P in Assignments Line - Ou t Audio Connector and I con ( 1/8” miniphone) P in Signal 1 (T ip) Audi o_Out_Le ft 2 (R i.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 A – 5 Connec tor P in Assignments ATA / ATA P I ( I D E ) S t a n d a r d D r i v e C a b l e Con necto r Pi n Si g n al Pin S i gn a l Pi n Si g .
A –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Connec tor P in Assignments 2 4 -Pin P o wer (CMT and MT models) Connector P in Signal Pin Signal P in Signal Pin Signal 1 2 3 4 5 6 +3 .3 V +3 .3 V GND +5 V GND +5 V 7 8 9 10 11 12 GND POK +5 V au x +1 2 V +1 2 V +3 .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 A – 7 Connec tor P in Assignments 6 -P in P ow er (for CPU) (USD T , SFF , and ST models) Connector and Icon P in Signal 1G N D 2G N D 3G N D 41 2.
A –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Connec tor P in Assignments PCI Ex p res s x1 , x4 , x8, and x1 6 PCI Express Connector Pi n A P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Sign al P in Signal 1 2 3 4 5 PRSNT 1 # +1 2V +1 2V GND JT A G2 6 7 8 9 10 JT A G3 JT A G4 JT A G5 +3 .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 A – 9 Connec tor P in Assignments Pi n B P in Signal P in Signal P in Signal P in Sign al P in Signal 1 2 3 4 5 +1 2V +1 2V RSVD GND SMCLK 6 7 8 9 10 SMD A T GND +3 .
A –1 0 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G ui d e, dx 730 0 Connec tor P in Assignments DV I C o n n e c t o r Connector and I con Pi n S i gn a l Pin S i g n al 1 2 3 4 T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 - T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 + T. M . D. S . D a t a 2 / 4 S h i e l d T.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 B–1 B P o w er C ord Set Requirements The po wer supplies on some computers ha ve ex te rnal power switches. The vo ltage select switch feature on the comp uter permits it to operate from any line voltage between 100-120 or 220-240 volts A C.
B –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 P ow er Cord Set Requir ements Countr y-S pecif ic Requirements Additional requirements specific to a country ar e shown i n parentheses and explained belo w .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 C–1 C P OS T Er ro r Me ssages P OS T Er ror Me ssages An error message results if the Po wer -O n Self-T est (POST) encounte rs a problem. This test runs when the system is turned on, checking assemblies within the co mputer and reporting any errors found.
C –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G ui d e, dx 7 7 3 0 POST Er ror M es sag es 1 6 2 -S y stem Opti ons Not Set Config urat ion i nc orrect. RT C (re a l- t i me cl o ck ) battery may need to be r eplaced. Ru n Comput er Setup and c heck confi gur ation in Advanc ed > Onbo ard De vices .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 C – 3 POST Erro r M essa g es 219 - E C C M e m o r y Module Detected . EC C Modules not supported on this platfor m Recentl y added memor y module(s) support EC C memory err or corr ection . 1 . If additional memory was r ecently added, re mov e it to see if the pr oblem r emains .
C –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G ui d e, dx 7 7 3 0 POST Er ror M es sag es 5 1 1 - C PU, C PUA , o r CPUB F an not detected CPU f an is not connec ted or may ha ve malfunc tioned . 1. R e s e a t t h e C P U f a n . 2 . Re seat fan cable .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 C – 5 POST Erro r M essa g es 9 1 8-Fr ont USB Not Co nnected F r ont USB harness has been detached or unse ated from s ystem boar d. Reconnec t or r eplace fr ont USB har ness . 92 1 - D e vi c e in P C I Expr ess slot f ailed to initializ e.
C –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G ui d e, dx 7 7 3 0 POST Er ror M es sag es 17 2 0 - S M A R T H a r d Dri ve Det ects Imminent Fa i l u re Har d dri ve is a bout to fai l. (So me ha rd drives hav e a firm war e patc h that w ill fi x an err oneous err or message .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 C – 7 POST Erro r M essa g es 2 20 1 -MEBx Module did not c heck sum corr ectl y Memory err or during PO S T ex ecuti on of the Management Engine (ME) BIO S Extension s option R OM 1. R e b o o t t h e c o m p u t e r .
C –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G ui d e, dx 7 7 3 0 POST Er ror M es sag es 2 2 05-Interfa ce err or during MEBx e xec utio n MEBx oper ation e xperi enced a hard war e err or during co mmu nic atio n wi th M E . 1. R e b o o t t h e c o m p u t e r .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 C – 9 POST Erro r M essa g es P OS T Diag nostic Fr ont P anel LEDs and Audib le Cod es This section co vers the front p anel LED codes as well as the audible codes that may occur before or during POST that do not necessarily ha ve an error code or text message associated with them.
C –1 0 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S e r vi ce Re f ere n c e G u i de, d x 7730 POST Er ror M es sag es Red P ower LE D flashe s thr ee times, once ev er y seco nd, f oll o wed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ation but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 C–1 1 POST Erro r M essa g es Red P ower LE D flashe s si x times , once ev er y seco nd, f oll o wed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ation but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
C –1 2 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 S e r vic e Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7730 POST Er ror M es sag es Red P ower LE D flashe s nine times, once ev er y seco nd, f oll o wed by a t wo se c on d pause . Beeps stop after fifth iter ation but LEDs continue until pr oblem is solved.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 C–1 3 POST Erro r M essa g es S ystem does not po wer on and LEDs ar e not flashing . None S ys tem unable to po wer on . Pr ess and hold the pow er button for le ss than 4 seconds. If the har d dri ve LED turns gr een, the po wer button is w orking corr ectly .
C –1 4 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 S e r vic e Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7730 POST Er ror M es sag es.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 D–1 D T roub leshootin g With out Di agnos tic s Preliminar y C hec klis t This section describes some simple, preliminary tests and guidelines for troubleshooting the computer without using the diagnostics.
D –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi ce R ef ere n c e Gu i de, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Solv ing Minor Problems Solving Minor Pr oblems Problem Caus e P ossib le Solution Comput er appears lock ed up and will not turn off when the po wer button is pr essed .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 D – 3 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Can not remove computer co ver or access panel . Smart Co ver L ock , fea tu red o n so me compu ter s, is lock ed. 1 . Unlock the Smart Cov er Lock using Computer Se tup .
D –4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi ce R ef ere n c e Gu i de, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Comput er po wer ed off auto maticall y and the P ow er LED flashe s R ed two times , once e ve ry second , follo we d by a two second pau se , and the computer beeps two times.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 D – 5 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing P ow er Sup ply Pr oblems Solvi ng Po wer Su pply Probl ems Problem Cau se Solution P ow er suppl y shuts dow n intermittently .
D –6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi ce R ef ere n c e Gu i de, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Po w e r L E D f l a s h e s R e d , f o u r times, once e very second, follo wed b y a tw o second paus e , and the computer beeps four times .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 D – 7 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Disk ette Probl ems Solving Disk ette Problems Problem Caus e Solution Disk ette dri ve light s ta ys on . Disk ette is damaged. In M ic ro soft W indo ws XP , right-cli ck Start , c lick Explo re , and select a dri ve .
D –8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi ce R ef ere n c e Gu i de, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Cannot f ormat diske tte . (continued) Legacy d iskette writes are dis abled in Comp uter Setup. Enter Co mputer Setup and ena ble Legacy Disk et te W rite in Storage > Storage Options .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 D – 9 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics So lvin g H a rd Dr iv e Prob l ems Solving Hard Dri ve Pro blems Problem Caus e Solution Hard dr iv e err or occur s. H ar d disk has bad sectors or has failed.
D –1 0 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 Se r v ic e Ref e re nc e G ui d e, dx 730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Nons yste m disk/NTLDR missin g messag e (continued) S ystem is tr y ing to sta rt fr om the hard dr i ve , but the har d dri ve ma y hav e been damaged.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–1 1 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Sol vi ng Me dia Ca rd R eader Pr oblem s Compute r will not boot from h ard d riv e. (continued) The de vice is attac hed to a S A T A por t that has been disabled in Comp uter Setup.
D –1 2 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Unable to access data on the media car d after insertin g it into a slot. The medi a card is not inserted pr operl y , is inserted in the w rong slot, or is n ot suppor ted.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–1 3 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Disp la y Problems Solving Di sp lay Pr oblems Problem Caus e Solution Blank scr een (no vi deo) . Monitor is not turned on and monitor light is not on.
D –1 4 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Blank sc reen (n o v ideo). (continued) Monit or s ettings in the comp ute r ar e not compatible w ith the monitor .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–1 5 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Blank scr een and the po we r LED flashe s Red sev en tim es, once every second , follo w ed by a tw o second pa use , and the compu ter beeps se v en times.
D –1 6 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Image is no t cente red . P osit ion ma y need adj ustme nt.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–1 7 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Audio Probl ems Certain typed s ymbols do not appear corr ect . The f ont y ou ar e using does not support that partic ular s ym bol . Use the Char acter Ma p to locate the and selec t the appr opri ate s y mbol .
D –1 8 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Sound does not come out of the s peaker or headphones. (continued) External speak ers plugged in to the w rong audio jack . See the so und car d doc umentati on for pr oper speaker connecti on.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–1 9 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Printer Problems Comput er appears t o be l oc ked u p wh il e re co rd i ng audio . The har d disk may be ful l. B efo re re co rd i ng , m a ke su re t he re i s enough fr ee space on the hard disk .
D –2 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Solv ing K e yboard and Mouse Pr obl ems Solving K e yboard and Mouse Problems Problem Caus e Solution K ey boa r d commands and ty pi ng a r e not r eco gni z ed by t h e co mp ut er .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–2 1 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Mouse doe s not re spond to mo vemen t or is too slo w . Mouse connec tor is not pr operly plugged into the bac k of the comp uter . 1. P r e s s Ctrl and E sc at the same time (or pre ss the Window s logo ke y) to displa y the Start menu .
D –22 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S e r vi ce Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics So lvin g H ardware In st all a tion Prob le ms Y ou may need to reconfigure the computer when you add or remov e hardware, such as an additional diskette dri ve.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–2 3 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Com puter w ill not start . W ro ng memory modules w ere u sed in the upgr ade or memor y modules w er e installed in the wr ong location .
D –24 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S e r vi ce Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Solving Net w ork Probl ems These guidelines do not discuss the process of deb ugging the network cabli ng. Solving Netw ork Problems Problem Ca use Solution W ake-on -L AN featur e is not functi oning.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–2 5 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Diagnosti cs r eports a fai lu re . The cable is not s ecur ely connected . Ensure that the cable is secur ely attached t o the netwo rk co nnector and that the other end of the cable is securel y attached to the corr ect dev ice .
D –26 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S e r vi ce Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Network contr oller stops w orking w ithout apparent cause . (continued) The ne twork con tr oller is defe cti ve . Replace the s ys tem boar d.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–2 7 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solving Memor y Problems Ä CAUT ION: P ow er may still be supplied to the D IMMs when the computer is turned off (de pending on the Management Engine (ME) settings).
D –28 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S e r vi ce Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Solving Pr ocessor Problems . P ow er LED flashe s R ed fi v e times, once e very second, follo wed b y a tw o second paus e , and the computer beeps f iv e times .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–2 9 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing CD-ROM a nd D VD Problems Solving CD-R OM and D VD Problems Problem Caus e Solution S ystem w ill not boot from CD-RO M or DVD dr iv e . The de vice is attac hed to a S A T A por t that has been disabled in the Computer Setup utilit y .
D –3 0 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Mo vi e w ill not pla y in the D VD dri ve . Mo v ie ma y be re g ion a l ized fo r a diff er ent count ry . See the doc umentatio n that came w ith the DVD dr iv e.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–3 1 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Driv e K e y Problems Solving Dri ve K e y Problems Problem Caus e Solution Dri ve K e y is not seen as a dri ve letter in W indow s XP . The dr iv e lette r after the last ph ysical dr iv e is not avail able.
D –32 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 S e r vi ce Re fe re n c e G u i de, d x 7 30 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Solving F ront P an el Com ponent Pr obl ems Solving F ront P anel Component Probl ems Problem Caus e Solution A USB de vice , headphone, or mic rophone is not rec o g nized by t he computer .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 D – 3 3 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solv ing Internet Access Problems Solving Internet Access Problems Problem Caus e Solution Unable t o connec t to the Inter net . Internet Servi c e Pr ov ider (ISP) account is not set up properly .
D –3 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics Internet takes too long to do wnload W eb sites. Modem is not set up pr operl y . V eri fy that the c or rec t modem speed and CO M port are s elected .
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1 -00 1 D–3 5 T rou bleshooting Without Diagn ostics Solving Soft w are Pr obl ems Most software problems occur as a result of the follo wing: ■ The application was not installed or conf igured correctly .
D –36 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, dx 730 0 T roubleshooting Without D iagnostics.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 E–1 E S y s tem Board and Ris er Board Ref erence Designator s These reference designators are us ed on most b ut not all HP system and riser boards.
E –2 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 S y stem Boar d and Rise r Board R efer ence Designator s J6 8 J6 9 J7 0 J7 1 J7 2 St ack ed mouse (T op)/ke yboar d (Bottom) connec.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 E – 3 S ys tem Board and R iser Board R efer ence Designators P2 3 P2 4 P2 5 P2 6 P2 7 Header fo r fr ont panel audi o Header for f r ont panel US.
E –4 4336 1 1 - 00 1 S er v ic e Re fe re nc e G u id e, d x730 0 S y stem Boar d and Rise r Board R efer ence Designator s U6 U7 U1 0 U1 1 U1 2 Clock chip 64 bi t Bridge LO M 1 L OM1 EEP ROM LO M 1.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 4 3 3 6 1 1 -00 1 F–1 F Memory The dx7300 and dc7700 series computers with Inte l-based processors come with double data rate 2 synchronous dynamic random access memory (DDR2-SDRAM) dual inline memory modules (DIMMs).
F –2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Memory The system board shown may differ from the one in your product. The system will automatically operate in single channel mode, dual channel mod e, or flex mod e, depending o n ho w the DI MMs are installed.
Se r vi c e Ref e ren c e G u id e, dx 730 0 4336 1 1 -0 0 1 I nd ex – 1 Ind e x 4-pin power pin assignments A–6 24-pin MicroFit power pi n assignments A–6 24-pin power pin ass ignments A–6 6-.
I nd ex – 2 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Index Storage menu 2–5 configuration settings, recovering 2–14 configuring power button 3–15 connections SFF system b.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 I n d e x – 3 Index G general power co rd set requirements B–1 grounding metho ds 5–4 H hard drive capacities 4–3 diagnostic tool 3–26 MT .
I nd ex – 4 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Index power supply removal and replacement 6–32 power switch assembly removal and replacement 6–26 preparatio n for dis.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 I n d e x – 5 Index removal and replacement MT 3.5" drive bezel 6–8 MT 5.25" drive bezel 6–7 MT access panel 6–4 MT battery 6–35.
I nd ex – 6 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Index expansion card retainer removal and replacement 7–14 external 3.5-inch drive removal and replacement 7–27 externa.
Servi ce Refer ence Guide , dx7 300 43 36 1 1- 0 01 I n d e x – 7 Index HP Client Foundation Suite 3–6 HP Client Management Premium Suite 3–5 HP Client Manager 3–5 HP OpenView Client Configura.
I nd ex – 8 4336 1 1 - 0 0 1 Se r vi c e R ef er en c e G ui d e, d x 7300 Index.
Een belangrijk punt na aankoop van elk apparaat HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 (of zelfs voordat je het koopt) is om de handleiding te lezen. Dit moeten wij doen vanwege een paar simpele redenen:
Als u nog geen HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 heb gekocht dan nu is een goed moment om kennis te maken met de basisgegevens van het product. Eerst kijk dan naar de eerste pagina\'s van de handleiding, die je hierboven vindt. Je moet daar de belangrijkste technische gegevens HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 vinden. Op dit manier kan je controleren of het apparaat aan jouw behoeften voldoet. Op de volgende pagina's van de handleiding HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 leer je over alle kenmerken van het product en krijg je informatie over de werking. De informatie die je over HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 krijgt, zal je zeker helpen om een besluit over de aankoop te nemen.
In een situatie waarin je al een beziter van HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 bent, maar toch heb je de instructies niet gelezen, moet je het doen voor de hierboven beschreven redenen. Je zult dan weten of je goed de alle beschikbare functies heb gebruikt, en of je fouten heb gemaakt die het leven van de HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 kunnen verkorten.
Maar de belangrijkste taak van de handleiding is om de gebruiker bij het oplossen van problemen te helpen met HP (Hewlett-Packard) 43361 . Bijna altijd, zal je daar het vinden Troubleshooting met de meest voorkomende storingen en defecten #MANUAl# samen met de instructies over hun opplosinge. Zelfs als je zelf niet kan om het probleem op te lossen, zal de instructie je de weg wijzen naar verdere andere procedure, bijv. door contact met de klantenservice of het dichtstbijzijnde servicecentrum.